Aloha! I am an Android App developer and I am wondering if there is a Gingerbread ROM for the Nexus 7 I could use to test my app's backwards compatibility. Any ideas?
Boncey said:
Aloha! I am an Android App developer and I am wondering if there is a Gingerbread ROM for the Nexus 7 I could use to test my app's backwards compatibility. Any ideas?
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but as an app developer perhaps you know the original Nexus 7 was released with Jelly Bean. So the short and simple answer is, no because only the source for Jelly Bean and KitKat exist.
Gingerbread is not prevalent like it used to be anymore, so its possible you may be spending effort on a dead OS. A general target to aim for would be ICS and up.
so is there any honeycomb port available for galaxy s by chance?
Nope not yet and i dont think they will be.
honeycomb is for tablets and i dont think it would work well on a phone.
however there are some honeycomb themes and apps for the SGS, so perhaps you could try them out...
Probability is if SGS gets another major update it will be to Ice Cream as the path appears to have forked .
Will SGS get the Ice Cream update is a complete unknown for the present .
yea i know it's for tablets but ive heard there are some ways to get honeycomb on some phones..... i dont know how serious it was though, anyways but i think galaxy s must get the ice cream, or ill never buy a samsung ever again lol
naranova7 said:
yea i know it's for tablets but ive heard there are some ways to get honeycomb on some phones..... i dont know how serious it was though, anyways but i think galaxy s must get the ice cream, or ill never buy a samsung ever again lol
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We could probably port windows ce onto a galaxy...or windows 7...maybe fortran....but why?
Ability is not the issue...sanity is.
And even if Samsung never releases ICS to galaxy s, I can bet that CyanogenMod 8 will be based on it
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Best progres is honey on Dezire,look there.....
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rschenck said:
We could probably port windows ce onto a galaxy...or windows 7...maybe fortran....but why?
Ability is not the issue...sanity is.
And even if Samsung never releases ICS to galaxy s, I can bet that CyanogenMod 8 will be based on it
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cyanogenmod still dont officially support sgs -why is that btw- and still it's themed, id rather see how an unthemed ics will look on the phone......
naranova7 said:
cyanogenmod still dont officially support sgs -why is that btw- and still it's themed, id rather see how an unthemed ics will look on the phone......
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The current cm7 beta for sgs will be a release candidate soon, then sgs will be officially supported by the cyanogen team. The sgsteam has done a fantastic job clearing issues.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Updated Port of the ICS.
Please dont ask for ETA'S.
Working on both i9023 and i9020.
The latest beta 12 is based on SDK 14(!). So you get every damn feature you saw on unpacked(except Face Unlock, & maybe few others).
Panorama Mode
Camera will FC for the 1st time
Can be used as a daily ROM.
Note: This ROM is a build 14 version.
Download link updated on 13/11/11
All the credit goes to- Beezy
Link to his thread- Here
-SDK build 14
-Market Should Not Force Close or Update for Europeans.
-Email has been fixed
-Returned to Previous DeskClock as Requested (if you like the old pull it from beta 11)
-Updated Bluetooth, may work on some devices.
-Launcher2 updated
-Updated PhaseBeam, better tap to beam.
-Updated Superuser, fixed!
-GPS is now more accurate, I never said it’s fixed and I know there is a problem. There is a kernel problem with GPS.
-more bug fixes and stability fixes
Just came to know that Drew Garen didn't build this ROM. He copied the work of Beezy and took all the credit. More info here.
Thats quick, best of luck guys
Looking forward to this. Well done
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
So is this for the Nexus S or Nexus S 4G? Because Beezy only did a S4G port?
XCellPhoneSalesRep said:
So is this for the Nexus S or Nexus S 4G? Because Beezy only did a S4G port?
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this is Nexus S. But the progress will go hand in hand.
HAKA said:
this is Nexus S. But the progress will go hand in hand.
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Thanks bro i will follow this and wait till i see the magic you guys are going to create.
Exciting to see this …
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Caballero777 said:
Thanks bro i will follow this and wait till i see the magic you guys are going to create.
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Probably won't be any magic for some time.
Remember, it's an SDK port.
I have TO work; this weekend..)
Good luck
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Sounds good. If nexus one is getting one, we may as well too
I really dont see the point of this. This is a "port" which will probably not function correctly for quite some time... if ever.
With ICS coming soon natively, I think this is a waste of time. Sure it's fun to play around with, dont get me wrong, but I'm thinking it will turn out like the Honeycomb port...
why so much work when google already announced they will release 4.0 for nexus s soon.
cdanisor said:
why so much work when google already announced they will release 4.0 for nexus s soon.
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i tend to agree with you .. but look at it this way -> so does Prime phone was suppose to be out
This is like a preview of ics for our devices
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It doesn't matter if if the official is coming or not. Ports (even an SDK) are a cool preview of whats to come. With gingerbread I remember using the evervolv alphas on my evo. To me the alphas are fun.
Although Google said it would update, nobody knows when it will update.
cdanisor said:
why so much work when google already announced they will release 4.0 for nexus s soon.
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Yeah, like 1 month or so...very soon.
According to german sources, the Updates are rolling out in December as they want to make the Nexus Prime somewhat special. Nexus S is very likely to be the first device to get the update though.
HAKA said:
Calling all the devs.
First Port of the ICS SDK.
It is booting on Nexus S.
But nothing is working. Not even the touchscreen.
It is NOT for end-users. Only developers needed here.
All the credit goes to- Beezy
Link to his thread- Here
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There is a guy in the incredible2 forums that has touch working somewhat on his nexus s
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I live the Nexus 7! But, as a Galaxy Note owner, it is a waste of money to buy one. How can I make my device look like a Nexus 7?
Sent from my GT-N7000
Brad387 said:
I live the Nexus 7! But, as a Galaxy Note owner, it is a waste of money to buy one. How can I make my device look like a Nexus 7?
Sent from my GT-N7000
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Simple use utacka's nigthlies they use the same density and have the same aosp base.
Also u can change it yourself files are in his nigthly thread.
Is there no way to get the Jelly Bean/Nexus 7 look whilst on the stock ROM? Just I really do enjoy using the S Pen and its bundled software.
Sent from my GT-N7000
Brad387 said:
Is there no way to get the Jelly Bean/Nexus 7 look whilst on the stock ROM? Just I really do enjoy using the S Pen and its bundled software.
Sent from my GT-N7000
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Not 100% same as the Nexus. You can try different launchers and things like that, but S-Pen apps are designed to only work with the TouchWiz framework. So it's either Google stock Android or TouchWiz-modding (But it'll never look 100% like the original JB on the Nexus 7).
Just curious, I ve read in nexus thread they will support some of their device. Even my old nexus 7 will be official supported by Google. I also read Google I/o that with the new feature of chromcast we can do mirroring and one of the supported device is our lg. But to do so we have to received new menu called cast out if I m not mistaken. And that menu will only appear in android L. Doesn t it make sense.
Sorry mod if this thread a little out of the topic.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
deny_kei said:
Just curious, I ve read in nexus thread they will support some of their device. Even my old nexus 7 will be official supported by Google. I also read Google I/o that with the new feature of chromcast we can do mirroring and one of the supported device is our lg. But to do so we have to received new menu called cast out if I m not mistaken. And that menu will only appear in android L. Doesn t it make sense.
Sorry mod if this thread a little out of the topic.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Officially, depends if LG does an update for it.
Unofficially I'd expect some features to be ported over or AOSP roms based on the latest version once the source is out.
Thanks, can't wait to see some great dev ported to some ROM with android L taste ?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Just wondering if there is anyone else interested in seeing this ported to Nexus 6.
Maybe we can catch the attention of the Devs?
Here is what I could dig up from the official MIUI site based on an Android 5.0 image of MIUI 6. Links below could possibly help a dev get started? If someone starts something up let me know, I will donate. Thanks!
Android 5.0 based MIUI 6 for the mi2 above ∆∆∆
There has been a few threads asking about Miui but that's about it
Sent from my Benzo'd Google N6 on VZ
I'd give it a try.
Sent from my Nexus 6
I think it would be great for multirom. Everyone could have it as a second or third system.
AndroiddiordnA said:
I think it would be great for multirom. Everyone could have it as a second or third system.
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I ran a version on my galaxy nexus. I'd run it on this too.
Now, off to get multi rom... Lol:good:
I'm ready for miui
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
Needs to happen asap
This has always been my favorite ROM! I can't wait to see it lol
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
Yes, I'm very interested. Miui is the best custom rom imo.
Just for your info , MIUI has just enabled porting MIUI 6 to legacy devices through PatchROM , it's available on GitHub.
I've been wondering the same thing. Bump.
Keep this thread alive to get some more attention from great devs. :thumbup:
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
Sweet, I ran Miui on the DX and it was awesome
I too am interested in a MIUI port for our N6
Thats good news! Maybe we will see a port in the near future!! I'm excited!
I m more than ready for it....
The problem is i think that the PatchROm that was released for the MIUI 6 was based on Kitkat! Unless lollipop version is released guess we are left waiting!
Can we have miui on lollipop?
I dont know if we can have it on lollipop, i mean its two different systems but if we can miui that would be awesome, miss this rom so much.