Constant SMS from 9485 - Sprint HTC One (M8)

Hey Guys,
After the 4.4.4 OTA update was installed, my hangouts started going off constantly with SMS from +19485. The text of the message is itson:cAwASAQYzNTk5MDkCCAAAAUmMfayi
The letters will sometimes change but it is always in the form itson:blahblahblah. I was able to block the number in hangouts to stop the constant notifications, but it still forwards it to my email. I didn't seem to find anyone with a similar problem, but I did find several reports of the new ItsOn app from Sprint Draining battery. I can't seem to find the itson service on my phone.
I did a HTC backup and restore, but it started the texts started coming in immediately.
Any ideas?

I received 2 yesterday, same thing. 9485: itson:cAwASAQY2MDg0MDcCCAAAAUmOki5E. Slightly different from yours. I did a little research and it seems Spring "...will use a cloud-based mobile service from ItsOn Inc., which lets carriers manage billing and offer customers flexible plans. The service oversees traffic management and policy controls for operators..." ( Not sure what this means to us though.

It's been happening to me too. Called Sprint twice with no success. This seems awfully similar to when they rolled out sms in hangouts and sprint VM didn't play nice so you got constant texts of gibberish every time you got a VM. I did a factory reset which didn't help. I turned off notifications in hangouts but I can't help but think this constant texting, whether I look at it or not, is hurting battery in some aspect. That being said I've noticed less battery life out of my M8 since this has all started and can't help but think they are related.

Try this:

The texts seemed to have stopped on their own. Thanks for the suggestions.


Text Msg issue

Do you guys have issues with sometimes not receiving a text?
I have an HD7 with Tmobile USA
and I've had ppl saying they text
me yet they never did
At first i thought it was just lies that
guys tell but i've gotten the same
story for certain friends.
Just wanted to know if it is isolated
or if someone else was having the
trouble i am
Check the number in messaging settings and make sure you haven't changed it, otherwise I can't think of any other reason, assuming you have not added message blocking or some other feature that limits usage
maybe a network issue in your area. I would talk to t-mobile about it and they can check it out.
I haven't had any problems with texts.
The odd thing is that I have had a vibrant, g2, and mytouch 4g with Tmobile in th same area and those never had an issue
It seems like it only happens like 20% of the time but i feel bad for fussing at ppl for not texting back when it is my phone
and i've noticed this is on both HD7
But it is not a MAJOR problem...just a minor annoyance
lol and i refuse to call tmobile's customer service until next month. I finally can transfer to postpaid instead of being on flexpay aka hell. Trying to explain a problem to them is murder. The language barrier alone will make this whole situation worse...
Another issue that pops up
I decided to use the feature of sms confirmation to let me know when it is sent to the users i send the text or pic mail to(which is annoying) because if i send my usual 1,000-2000 msg daily i will get the same amount of texts from my phone telling me that it has sent the text to the recipient.
Anyway, a new issue pops up that when i send a text, it will say it can't be sent and it will resend later. Even if i have full service, it sends me the message and i literally can't text anyone
then after about 10-15 minutes, it will send it automatically with no issues then sporadically pop back up.
This is shocking because i really have had no issues with WP7 or my hd7 aside from this and now randomly that pink hue on the camera started appearing
the pink on camera seems to be fixed with the ..10u.. rom for a lot of people
i can't say anything on the sms delivery reports, but i know tmo on the east should have way better reception than west
missing texts
I have T-mobile as well. My HD2 would drop most inbound texts. I had to do a hard reset to get it to start working reliably again.
Haven't had the issue since I switched to the HD7.
It is working great now. Idk what was going on with my phone.

[Q] Droid 4 losing texts?

Since getting my Droid 4, I've had issues with not receiving texts, and sending texts but the recipient telling me they never received it. Upon calling VZW TS, I was told its something on the other person's end as their system isn't registering my texts at all. Given that it is consistently happening with only me and random other people, the problem has to be happening on my end. They've replaced the phone three times at this point, so it isn't a phone issue. I tried using GhostlySMS to make sure it wasn't the old SMS bug, but if the texts aren't even registering in VZW's system, I'm not sure why that would have worked--just shooting in the dark. Any thoughts?
I recommend requesting a replacement SIM card. I had some 4G connection issues and that solved them. The card if free from a VZW coorporate store or customer service, but some retail stores may charge $10.
This may or may not help you but -- something similar happened to my brother, on his old Droid X. The culprit? He had synced with Facebook, which added a '1' before a few phone numbers. The 1 stopped the texts from going through.
That was a REAL PITA to troubleshoot, because one of the people who couldn't get texts was me, and we don't live in the same geographic location

[Q] Duplicate SMS - Sprint Nexus 6

I've been trying to figure this out for days now and I can't seem to find any permanent solution. My Nexus 6 on Sprint (Android L 5.0 / LRX21O / Up to Date PRL) 50%-75% of the time sends duplicate SMS messages to recipients. On my end I see one SMS message outbound and it sends without issue. On the other end, people will get the same message one to six times. I've seen it myself on a separate Sprint phone and a Verizon phone.
From what I can tell, sometimes updating the profile helps for a few minutes and that's it. It doesn't matter if I uninstall/disable the stock Google Messenger or Hangouts. This issue happens in every single 3rd party SMS messenger I've used. The only time I've got the problem to stop is if I force 3G service and not the Global or LTE settings. Strangely enough, If I'm on LTE, and I switch to WiFi, the issue remains. If I force 3G and then go on WiFi, the issue is gone.
I've tried uninstalling certain applications that come stock with the phone.. I've tried not updating any applications. I've done factory resets (and I sent an SMS to test without doing 1 update) and it still duplicated. I returned the phone and got another phone. Same issue. On the Sprint end, they changed some settings on my phone and had me reset the network connection via the phone *#*# etc. menu. That fixed the issue, and it lasted 24 hours. Upon either a reboot, or perhaps just a power cycle, the problem returned.
Any ideas as to why this is happening? I have zero Data issues. Hangouts works fine. Youtube, Gmail, Chrome etc are all super fast without issue.
Thank you in advance.
off1c3r said:
I've been trying to figure this out for days now and I can't seem to find any permanent solution. My Nexus 6 on Sprint (Android L 5.0 / LRX21O / Up to Date PRL) 50%-75% of the time sends duplicate SMS messages to recipients. On my end I see one SMS message outbound and it sends without issue. On the other end, people will get the same message one to six times. I've seen it myself on a separate Sprint phone and a Verizon phone.
From what I can tell, sometimes updating the profile helps for a few minutes and that's it. It doesn't matter if I uninstall/disable the stock Google Messenger or Hangouts. This issue happens in every single 3rd party SMS messenger I've used. The only time I've got the problem to stop is if I force 3G service and not the Global or LTE settings. Strangely enough, If I'm on LTE, and I switch to WiFi, the issue remains. If I force 3G and then go on WiFi, the issue is gone.
I've tried uninstalling certain applications that come stock with the phone.. I've tried not updating any applications. I've done factory resets (and I sent an SMS to test without doing 1 update) and it still duplicated. I returned the phone and got another phone. Same issue. On the Sprint end, they changed some settings on my phone and had me reset the network connection via the phone *#*# etc. menu. That fixed the issue, and it lasted 24 hours. Upon either a reboot, or perhaps just a power cycle, the problem returned.
Any ideas as to why this is happening? I have zero Data issues. Hangouts works fine. Youtube, Gmail, Chrome etc are all super fast without issue.
Thank you in advance.
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I always just thought this was an issue on Sprints side and not the phone itself. I just started with Sprint myself when I picked up the Nexus, prior to this I had Verizon.
My girlfriend however has been with Sprint forever and no matter what ROM or phone she had, this issue would pop up from time to time.
Now that I'm with Sprint she's told me a few times that she's gotten duplicate messages from me. It seems to happen when we are in spotty service areas from what I can tell. I haven't even bothered calling Sprint like you have though... I just chalked it up as Sprint service is sketchy.
Mistertac said:
I always just thought this was an issue on Sprints side and not the phone itself. I just started with Sprint myself when I picked up the Nexus, prior to this I had Verizon.
My girlfriend however has been with Sprint forever and no matter what ROM or phone she had, this issue would pop up from time to time.
Now that I'm with Sprint she's told me a few times that she's gotten duplicate messages from me. It seems to happen when we are in spotty service areas from what I can tell. I haven't even bothered calling Sprint like you have though... I just chalked it up as Sprint service is sketchy.
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The issue here is that it's not popping up from time to's pretty consistent. I've been with Sprint for at least 7 years and have never ran into the issue until this phone. My prior phone was a Nexus 5...and I have a galaxy s3 here which I can't duplicate the issue on.
We all need to complain to Sprint so they either fix it on their side, or put pressure on Google to fix it on their own side.
---------- Post added at 06:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 AM ----------
Let Sprint know you're experiencing the issue here:
Call and complain, perhaps we should also complain to google? Here is their Nexus 6 product forum:!categories/nexus/nexus-6
iil said:
The issue here is that it's not popping up from time to's pretty consistent. I've been with Sprint for at least 7 years and have never ran into the issue until this phone. My prior phone was a Nexus 5...and I have a galaxy s3 here which I can't duplicate the issue on.
We all need to complain to Sprint so they either fix it on their side, or put pressure on Google to fix it on their own side.
---------- Post added at 06:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 AM ----------
Let Sprint know you're experiencing the issue here:
Call and complain, perhaps we should also complain to google? Here is their Nexus 6 product forum:!categories/nexus/nexus-6
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I'll try and contact them today if I have time. Its worth a shot right?!
Let me know how you make out and I'll do the same. Thanks for the links
This phone is really flaky for me with SMS. Doesn't want to send when I am on wifi. My wife did get a duplicate from me one night when I was trying to figure out why it won;t send when wifi is on but she hasn't mentioned it since. ( I am on Sprint)
Evo_Shift said:
This phone is really flaky for me with SMS. Doesn't want to send when I am on wifi. My wife did get a duplicate from me one night when I was trying to figure out why it won;t send when wifi is on but she hasn't mentioned it since. ( I am on Sprint)
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What SMS application are you using? Did you install any 3rd part SMS applications?
off1c3r said:
I've been trying to figure this out for days now and I can't seem to find any permanent solution. My Nexus 6 on Sprint (Android L 5.0 / LRX21O / Up to Date PRL) 50%-75% of the time sends duplicate SMS messages to recipients. On my end I see one SMS message outbound and it sends without issue. On the other end, people will get the same message one to six times. I've seen it myself on a separate Sprint phone and a Verizon phone.
From what I can tell, sometimes updating the profile helps for a few minutes and that's it. It doesn't matter if I uninstall/disable the stock Google Messenger or Hangouts. This issue happens in every single 3rd party SMS messenger I've used. The only time I've got the problem to stop is if I force 3G service and not the Global or LTE settings. Strangely enough, If I'm on LTE, and I switch to WiFi, the issue remains. If I force 3G and then go on WiFi, the issue is gone.
I've tried uninstalling certain applications that come stock with the phone.. I've tried not updating any applications. I've done factory resets (and I sent an SMS to test without doing 1 update) and it still duplicated. I returned the phone and got another phone. Same issue. On the Sprint end, they changed some settings on my phone and had me reset the network connection via the phone *#*# etc. menu. That fixed the issue, and it lasted 24 hours. Upon either a reboot, or perhaps just a power cycle, the problem returned.
Any ideas as to why this is happening? I have zero Data issues. Hangouts works fine. Youtube, Gmail, Chrome etc are all super fast without issue.
Thank you in advance.
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Yep, this has been happening to me. My girlfriend started complaining she was getting my text 2x-3x for each message. She is on T-Mo, I'm on Sprint. Tested with a few coworkers on different providers and only 1 out 4 received it more than once and they are on Verizon. Rebooted, tried updating PRL and data profile. She hasn't complained about it doing it anymore but we will see. Super frustrating
unregistered825 said:
What SMS application are you using? Did you install any 3rd part SMS applications?
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Just google messenger.
Evo_Shift said:
Just google messenger.
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I've tried every combination you can think of:
1. Google Messenger as default with and without Hangouts installed.
2. Hangouts as default with and without Google Messenger installed.
3. SMS Messenger AOSP, ChompSMS, 8sms, Textra, Handcent, all with and without Google Messenger and or Hangouts installed.
I've tried forcing 1x, updating PRL and Profile and then going back to LTE. Same issue. Multiple Hard Resets and Data Network Resets. Only ONCE the Sprint support person did something on their end ("Changed a number") and out of nowhere the duplicates stopped. But it only lasted 1 day while using Google Messenger.
This happened to me with my G3 on Att, it just stopped one day and I still don't know what started it
Mistertac said:
I'll try and contact them today if I have time. Its worth a shot right?!
Let me know how you make out and I'll do the same. Thanks for the links
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I posted on the Sprint Community page. I'm glad others are finding this issue too.
off1c3r said:
I posted on the Sprint Community page. I'm glad others are finding this issue too.
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I just joined you over on the Community Page as well.. Guess we'll see how it plays out, although I must admit I don't have much faith this will get fixed lol
But, I'm willing to take it the distance in an effort to try!!
Evo_Shift said:
This phone is really flaky for me with SMS. Doesn't want to send when I am on wifi. My wife did get a duplicate from me one night when I was trying to figure out why it won;t send when wifi is on but she hasn't mentioned it since. ( I am on Sprint)
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I'm having the same exact issue
Mistertac said:
I just joined you over on the Community Page as well.. Guess we'll see how it plays out, although I must admit I don't have much faith this will get fixed lol
But, I'm willing to take it the distance in an effort to try!!
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Lol. Yeah. Doesn't hurt. I'm on the phone with Sprint again and they said they are making a ticket with their engineers.
Just picked mine up today from sprint. My buddy who is also on sprint made me aware that he was getting repeat sms from me already. It's funny because I would always complain that I was getting them from him before I jumped to sprint. He's on a LG G2 though.
kmmxracer said:
Just picked mine up today from sprint. My buddy who is also on sprint made me aware that he was getting repeat sms from me already. It's funny because I would always complain that I was getting them from him before I jumped to sprint. He's on a LG G2 though.
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Don't get me wrong.. the phone is absolutely amazing. I love it. I can't go back to my Moto X, which to me was one of the best Android phones ever made. Again, what people don't understand is this is a REAL issue. People are very quick to say that "bad service" caused it. We're all smart enough to know that if you have bad service, 1 or 2 duplicates can happen, on occasion. Not repeatedly in a full service area or on WiFi.
As an Update:
Everything Sprint tried has failed. However, my original debug information holds true:
1. If the phone is set to 3G mode only: The problem is SOLVED.
2. If the phone is on WiFi, AFTER being set to 3G mode only: The problem is SOLVED.
3. If the phone is set to LTE mode only: The problem REMAINS, unless you are in a no LTE service area and revert to 3G or less.
4. If the phone is on WiFi, AFTER being set to LTE mode only: The problem REMAINS.
kmmxracer said:
Just picked mine up today from sprint. My buddy who is also on sprint made me aware that he was getting repeat sms from me already. It's funny because I would always complain that I was getting them from him before I jumped to sprint. He's on a LG G2 though.
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Please post to the Sprint forums of your issue here:
Somebody also started a thread in the Nexus forum:!category-topic/nexus/nexus-6/JM44M3bofBc
Well both me and my girlfriend have reset the network settings from the dialer like suggested, so I guess today we'll see if that helps.
She's already complained of getting my messages 4x a piece this morning, so I'm thinking positive!
iil said:
Please post to the Sprint forums of your issue here:
Somebody also started a thread in the Nexus forum:!category-topic/nexus/nexus-6/JM44M3bofBc
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I just posted my issue.

Texts stuck "sending" and other issues

Ok everyone figured I'd come here to where the experts live. Haven't been here in awhile.
Recently my S8, wifes S8, and our sons S8+ all have the same issues.
The first issue is texts get stuck "sending". This happens with WiFi on or off, with wifi calling on or off, and I even tried changing off LTE to just 4G/3G/2G and even 2g in settings to see if that would help. I'm on the latest firmware from TMO ending in QEF, well we all are.
The other one is apps like FB and others aren't alerting but they will show the number of alerts even after they've been checked. I've reinstalled these apps and the problem persists, and then I can reboot my phone or wifes phone and all the alerts start working again for awhile and then die eventually.
The texting issue though persists and is random when it will hang and when it doesn't.
According to TMO rep at the store it's a bug in the firmware with bixpy that was pushed out, but I frankly don't buy it and figured I'd hit the guru's up here and see if you guys have any thoughts.
Thanks in advance guys and gals....
I too have had the random "texts get stuck sending" issue. I haven't had it in a while though (now that I've said that I'm sure I will).
I unfortunately don't have any suggestions.
I ended up using googles version of messages due to this. Only on stock text app do i have any problems anymore. I also noticed on the stock app that my phone would say "sending" when the other side would actually get it, but it was at random.
You don't have a cellspot repeater or router do you? Last time I had it, my device was hung and needed reboots. Just a thought.
Thanks for the feedback, yes I have a cell spot, but I also have the issue other areas of town too with no real specific place thatbit always happens.
I'm going to reverse back from the qef firmware and see if that resolves things. This has been so annoying, and it just started about two weeks ago.
Thanks again everyone.
I have had the same issue with sending texts too. I have been using the stock messenger app. I may just switch to textra.
Same issue here. A temporary fix, try turning on airplane mode and off. Works for me a times
Also happening to me on the XAA firmware (have unlocked NA variant) with the stock messaging and Google messages.
So I'll ask the question begging to be asked (at least by me): How does one disable this messaging app and use "stock messaging" app?
Thanks in advance....
rabilancia said:
So I'll ask the question begging to be asked (at least by me): How does one disable this messaging app and use "stock messaging" app?
Thanks in advance....
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Just get a app disabler for Samsung from play store like BK Disabler.
If I were you, just download Android Messages. It's simple and fast.
However, I do not recommend disabling stock messaging, unless you don't like getting EAS (Amber/Weather/Presidential Alert)
Having the exact same issues and it's driving me crazy because I really like this phone. I don't get notifications for any of my apps but when I open them I can see the new messages. A reset seems to fix the problem but it only lasts about an hour before it starts doing the same thing. I've tried using different messaging apps but the same thing. And the fact that I don't get notifications for other apps it can't just be a text messaging issue right?
Happened to me for almost 2 months but haven't had an issue in about a week. Called t mobile, they created a ticket and said they'll be working on it. Few days after speaking to them, problem went away.
This has been happening intermitantly for me as well. It's been bad the past three days. I'm currently in coversations with T-mo's engineering team and they seem to be coming up with a bunch of dead ends. It's not a location based thing as it's been happening over a 20 mile radius in the past few days for me. Other people on T-mo network that I'm freinds with or I work with aren't having any problems. I'm wondering if just a fresh SIM card could solve it?
I have data connection although it seems a little sluggish compared to when I originally got the phone. Similar to OP I've tried all the "G's" modes, with wifi calling on, with it off, with cellular network preffered with wifi calling on and off. With Textra, with stock messaging app. I've factory reset to no avail. I've pulled and re-inserted the SIM card to no avail. This is incredibly frustrating for a flagship phone on a network where I've had no previous issues.
UPDATE: T-Mobile sent me a new SIM card and that seems to have cleared up the issues. Not sure if it just hapened to coincide with T-Mo tower fixes or anything else like that in my area but I'm back to normal operation. Anybody else experiencing this I recommend you push customer service to send you a new sim.
my husband and i are having a strange issue where we can message pictures and video clips to other people that don't have the s8, or aren't on tmobile and they'll send and receive just fine, but when we try to send to each other, the first attempt to send fails, but the second attempt goes through?
balthuszar said:
my husband and i are having a strange issue where we can message pictures and video clips to other people that don't have the s8, or aren't on tmobile and they'll send and receive just fine, but when we try to send to each other, the first attempt to send fails, but the second attempt goes through?
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i had same problem one of you is not using stock message app, if you check it ull find pictures all there i think its new messages plus thing

Help: Weird SMS Problem

Need help diagnosing and solving a bizarre problem: S10 doesn't receive texts from a specific sender, except after restarting, retroactively receives all texts sent by that sender. Supernatural powers might be involved, given the sender's phone is mine, and the fickle S10 is my wife's.
I'm including a lot of info below, b/c this seems to be a tough problem to diagnose, so I'm erring on the side of completeness.
Specs: My phone is an LG V35, rooted with Magisk, Android 9. Her S10 is not rooted, running Android 9. Her phone is logged in to the same Google account I use on the Play Store, so that she can use any of my paid apps without paying again. (This has never caused any SMS problems in the past, just annoyances like her getting my reminders, which I then turned off on her phone.)
The problem started on 10/26/22 (about three weeks ago). I know this b/c I sent her a long text that day, which her phone received immediately, followed by another text that same day, which she didn't receive until eight days later on 11/3/22. There were several other texts I sent btw 10/26 and 11/2 that she didn't receive until 11/3. However, we did not catch this problem until yesterday (11/17), when she discovered that I had not, in fact, been ghosting her, but that her phone was not getting my texts. We found this out b/c some other app on her phone wasn't behaving normally, so I restarted her phone -- and BAM, all my unreceived texts suddenly arrived on her phone. Since then, I've tried texting her phone, and it receives nothing from me until a restart, and then her phone receives all my texts retroactively.
As far as we can tell, neither of our phones has any problem with SMS communications with anyone else's phone (except some iPhones -- don't get me started). Other people receive my texts normally, and her phone receives other people's texts normally.
I tried texting her from two different Google Voice accounts I have (both different from the Google account our phones share), and her phone received both G-Voice texts immediately.
I tried changing my SMS app (from Pulse to Textra). No effect (her S10 didn't receive texts until restarting). I tried changing her SMS app. No effect. I did a Samsung software update (thru Settings) on her phone. No effect.
I have an old S10e, my last phone before I switched to the LG. As an experiment, I popped her phone's SIM card into my old S10e. I installed an SMS app neither of us has ever used before, Handcent Next, on the S10e. Without doing anything else (i.e. w/o transferring her S10 data or settings to the S10e), I texted her number from my LG. The text arrived immediately in Handcent. I thought, Eureka!
I promptly factory-reset my S10e, and used Samsung's Smart Switch to transfer "Everything" from her S10 to the S10e. After all her data, apps, & settings were transferred to the S10e, I texted her number, and… NOTHING. The S10e did not receive my text, until I restarted it.
So, my question to all Android sleuths out there is: What the hell?
Excellent detail and info.
My initial guess may be because you're sharing the Google account. Yes, I know you said this didn't cause problems before, but now with Google Messages (I know you're not using that, but still) doing lots of RCS and background stuff, I imagine there may be some behind-the-scenes interaction that is causing problems. I'm not saying this is a fault of RCS or anything like that, but I think the sharing may be the issue?
I would suggest trying to create a new Google account, and keeping the phones on separate accounts... it's a free and easy test, I figure... and you seem quite skilled in more difficult things, so this should be easy enough?
Also note, some apps support family sharing, so if you setup a "family" between the two accounts, you may get the purchased apps on both accounts without too much issue. My wife and I do this and it has worked pretty well for our apps. (FWIW, we both have S10+ and use GMessages on separate google accounts, family shared, and don't have any issues with texts, etc.)
schwinn8: I liked your idea & reasoning, and I implemented it -- new personal Gmail account for her, added to my G-family. Restarted her phone, and sent her a text which did not arrive. (I texted her from a Google Voice account, and that SMS arrived instantly.) I then restarted her phone again, and, for the first time, the initial text still did not arrive. That's new, at least.
What setting could possibly delay a text from coming in?
Well, that's not the direction I wanted things to go either!
Not sure what else could delay texts from coming in... not aware of any delay mechanisms in most cases.
Are both on Wifi during this process? Is the LG running a ROM with working VOWIFI? Yes, I am grasping at straws...
Well, recalling my old Windows 3.x experiences, I factory-reset the S10e (my old phone), and installed all of my wife's apps and recreated all her settings on it from scratch -- i.e. no transferring apps or settings from her phone. A labor-intensive solution, to be sure, but it is working so far. The S10e receives my texts normally.

