[Q] Is Exchange Working? - Nexus 6 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is exchange working or are there issues? This is a biggie for me so any input here would be awesome!
I dont have my 10 posts yet for a link but my info is based on the Android Open Source Project - Issue Tracker issue 79389..


Source Server Manager

Hey all!
I have just recently released an application into the wild. The application is called Source Server Manager, and it allows you to send RCON commands (and receive the response back).
I released it with no localization, so anyone should be able to find it.
Since Cyrket doesn't seem to work for me, and androlib is showing the old info (I updated yesterday), I'll just say to look in the market .
I would appreciate any feedback that you guys may have!

[Q] Are there rendering issues known?

I don't know if these are posted already or a known issue, but i get this kind of behavior on latest (2013-08-21) CM10.2
h t t p : / / w w w . youtube.com/watch?v=F2PrNTXL8_Q
I get these with Email client (not gmail, but built-in mail client) and like the video shows with CWM. It does not seem to appear on CWM if the shown ad is static image, but if it's animated the screen goes black when animation plays.
Behavior with email client is flickering and partially black screen (email control button rows and header row) Mail content is shown ok as is the inbox mail list.
I can take video from the mail client as well, if u need them. If logs are needed i need instructions how to get them.
Tuomio said:
I don't know if these are posted already or a known issue, but i get this kind of behavior on latest (2013-08-21) CM10.2
h t t p : / / w w w . youtube.com/watch?v=F2PrNTXL8_Q
I get these with Email client (not gmail, but built-in mail client) and like the video shows with CWM. It does not seem to appear on CWM if the shown ad is static image, but if it's animated the screen goes black when animation plays.
Behavior with email client is flickering and partially black screen (email control button rows and header row) Mail content is shown ok as is the inbox mail list.
I can take video from the mail client as well, if u need them. If logs are needed i need instructions how to get them.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is my first post, so I hope I don't mislead you.
I am getting the exact same issue when ads are playing. Particularly in 'Reddit news free'... perhaps I will try and pay for the adfree and see if that helps. However, I also get a flickering screen in navigation. I assume it's also due to the animations. This is happening in any rom based on the CM10.2 for me. So latest versions of paranoid android as well as pac man.
From my searching this is a known cyanogen 10.2 bug. Though only ever mentioned as something like "minor graphical issues" in CM documentation, or in the documentation of other CM based mods as "known CM bugs".
It seems to fly under the radar a bit to me as a minor issue... but for me it's pretty frustratingly major. I can only assume that it's because it's based on android 4.3 which is relatively new, and people expect there to be a fix reasonably soon. Can anyone tell me if this is the case? How soon are bugs like this usually ironed out of CM? And when that occurs, how long should I expect this to transfer through to the other ROM's such as PACMAN?
There are millions of posts on the rendering bug. Its in the opening post as a known issue in the cm 10.2 thread in the development thread. Its been known for a long time.....it gets fixed when it gets fixed. Who knows

Custom rom with Android Auto and fingerprint working

Hi all.
Android Auto
Unfortunately I can't find any roms with Android Auto working. The app can't detect the "draw over other apps" permission and can't start. Some people confirmed multiple times this is not an issue of mine. I report the issue to many devs and maintainers but they have never fixed. Since I can't try all XDA roms, do you know any rom with Android Auto working?
Fingerprint working with financial apps
All roms I tried, except for Personal LineageOS 15.1 by @Ham3r, have issues with fingerprint. Financial apps like PayPal (and many others) don't let me use fingerprint because of an issue with SEpolicy, which can be fixed with literally one line of code.
I'm looking for a rom without these 2 annoying issues. I can give up on Android Auto but the fingerprint is really important.
Thank you!
It's seriously tiresome that no focus has been given to Android Auto - it works perfectly on Nougat, if you were wondering.

Integrate multiple unity builds into one android application.

We have a scenario where we need to integrate multiple unity builds into single Android project. Currently we are facing issue while integrating multiple unity projects into native android app. So my first question is like whether is this functionality possible ? If yes, please let us know how to proceed on that, or else please provide documentation for the same.
Looking forward to hear from you.

Question SkyGo Ptoblem with external Display - possibilities to get it work?

i am using a Xiaomi 11 Ultra with a display on the back.
Since MIUI got updated to 12.5 or MIUI ANdroid, i got the error - using a external display -
Are there possibilities to get it working?
New rom ? i heard that Pixel Experience would work - but the display on the back will not work - so that is not a nice possibility.
Can someone make an other Version of the app or can someone change the code - i think that is not easy and will not work - ?
The problem is forced bye the sky go app which i detecting the Subscreen.apk as an external HDMI Display.
The code can be posted by the user GrooveT https://community.sky.de/t5/Sky-Go-...iedergabe-externes-Display/td-p/596139/page/4

