I own a G870A and it is on 5.0 OF3 so there is no option of rooting for me atm. As for my question let me try and describe the situation first. I have a tablet mounted in my car and used for a stereo. I want to be able to use my tether whenever I am in the car. My at&t plan allows tethering and i can tether from my settings no problem. My question is why do none of the tether apps i download work when it comes to enabling thethering. Can I use tasker to auto enable it if all else fails? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there, Can anybody help me? I have researched making my G1 a wireless tether for my laptop and d/l from code.google.com/p/android-wifi-tether. However the youtube clip shows a laptop with bluetooth which I don't have! Any suggestions? Many thanks!
PDA-NET app is a great way to do it if your phone is not rooted, look for it in the marketplace its free
Wireless tether doesn't have to use bluetooth, it can send wi-fi. It's in the settings.
Hi, my phone is rooted! Can you suggest any walkthroughs for wifi setup not bluetooth? Many thanks!
Wifi Tether Walkthrough:
1. Download Wifi Tether for Root Users
2. Run it.
I use PdaNet. Its worked with minimal setting. But it's trial version.
You mean tethering apps? If you're rooted either install wireless tethering for root users or flash to 2.2, in which wireless hotspot is built in.
I have wireless tethering and usb tethering app in my rooted 2.1 right now. But for some reason, they are not working.
If you describe how exactly are they "not working" (symptoms etc) - people might be able to help you to get them working. For example, I found out the hard way that Windows XP with my old laptop WiFi drivers wouldn't connect to WEP-protected access point no matter what I did.
i use barnacle, it works for what i use it for
Can anyone help me figure out how to enable internet sharing via bluetooth? I'm running a rooted phone. Wifi tether works fine now after rooting, but I still get the message stating I have to purchase a package if I want to use the bluetooth connection. Any ideas? Is there a rooted app that might bypass this? I'm trying to connect to the Parrot Asteroid car stereo using a bluetooth tether by using a rooted connection. I saw Open Garden, but it looks like both units need to connect to each other in order to work. I'm not sure if the Parrot can get Open Garden installed on it.
I have no bluetooth tether option on my phone and tried using easy tether to try and get a internet connection but it doesn't connect. For the guys who don't have a bluetooth tether option on your phone how are you guys connecting to the internet using the gear?
Have a search. Been answered a heap of times. There is an included xposed module that you can use to achieve internet connection
Hi all,
I know this is not as convenient and straightforward as WiFi Hotspot but apart from convenience, USB tethering has numerous advantages.
Is there a way to provide internet to the head unit, mine's Joying JY-UN138, via reverse tethering like other Android phones? I came across reverse tethering on Google but still struggling to understand.
Thanks in advance!
walkon96 said:
Hi all,
I know this is not as convenient and straightforward as WiFi Hotspot but apart from convenience, USB tethering has numerous advantages.
Is there a way to provide internet to the head unit, mine's Joying JY-UN138, via reverse tethering like other Android phones? I came across reverse tethering on Google but still struggling to understand.
Thanks in advance!
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I have the same goal, but still struggling to make the LTE dongle to work at all.
Anyway, hopefully only until the dongle starts working, the "USB tethering option" in the WiFi setup menu is grayed out and cannot be switched on.