Useability Q about a Nook vs HP Touchpad. + Android Wear issues? - Nook HD, HD+ Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

There are refurb Nook HDs for $52 today, and I'm wondering about getting one and loading CM 12.
Have never held one in my hands - I currently have an HP Touchpad on CM 11. I use it almost 100% for Kindle Reader.
1) I'm wondering is the Nook sluggish or does it run fast on CM12?
2) Am thinking about getting a Sony SmartWatch 3 and would use this Nook as my main Android machine to sync with it. So I'm wondering if bluetooth and Android Wear work fine on it?
Thanks so much!!!

I have both.
Touchpad running cm13 while the nook hd running cm12.1.
Nook is faster than the touchpad, even touchpad is running at 1700
I use a pair of bluetooth headphones connected to my nook to listen to music and there are No bluetooth issues on nook that i am aware.
No idea about wear
Might be a better idea on grabbing a nexus 7 2013 instead for a little bit more. You get a lot more out of it, it has more ram, a better screen and better processor.
Just my 2¢


[Q] Should i buy a nook?

I'm thinking of buying a nook but theirs a few things that i would like to know.
1) I really want Bluetooth capabilities any chance of that happening?
2) how well does it run the android emulators???? should i get a regular android tablet instead??? (really like the nook cause its cheaper than almost all other tablets and it has a good processor, atleaste i heard it had the same as the droid and droid 2)

Thinking of buying a Touch Pad; Got a question

The owner already has cornerstone flashed.
Is android pretty reliable operation on a touch pad? Like, would I be able to tell the difference in every day use (games, Facebook, etc.)
Also, what's the resale value of these? I want a Galaxy Tab 10.1 or a Xoom but someone offered me a good deal on it so if I don't like it, I want to sell it for a 10.1 or Xoom.
Wanting some of your personal insight on these concerns. Thanks!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Issues on CM9 so far:
No camera
No mic
Sound is unstable (sometimes it produce noise, restart app usually work)
Overdriven amp when touchpad switched off (cracking sound)
Some say wifi, no problem for me
Most Gameloft games doesn't work
GTA III no sound for me
Other than that its a perfect tablet for its price/spec ratio. And CM9 is pretty stable, no force closes (unless for those app that is really incompatible).
Resale value? You kidding me? it was 149 i think for the 32gb version, its been 5 months and if i say i want to sell it for 200 everyone will just queue. Its really depend on how cheap can you get it.
In fact I'm using it everyday for uni, and never face any problem or unreliability issue, and it is in fact faster than asus transformer (not the prime).
beans_p_ said:
The owner already has cornerstone flashed.
Is android pretty reliable operation on a touch pad? Like, would I be able to tell the difference in every day use (games, Facebook, etc.)
Also, what's the resale value of these? I want a Galaxy Tab 10.1 or a Xoom but someone offered me a good deal on it so if I don't like it, I want to sell it for a 10.1 or Xoom.
Wanting some of your personal insight on these concerns. Thanks!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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I have owned both a TouchPad and a Xoom. As much as I love my TouchPad, at this very moment and both devices being at their current levels of ICS development, I'd have to say the Xoom has a slight edge.
I begrudingly gave my Xoom to my wife when Android 4.0 first appeared for the TouchPad, and she hasn't come back to me once with any significant issues (and she's not a big "techie" sort of person); she absolutely loves it. So to address your reliability question...from my experience, the Xoom is by far more reliable. If you wish to read on....hear are my 2 cents:
Motorola Xoom:
1) Fully developed ICS rom with working camera, mic, and facelock
2) Wifi is rock solid (have not experienced even one lapse in connectivity)
3) Cornerstone rom is available (at least it was at one time)
4) SD memory card expansion capability
HP TouchPad
1) Less expensive (normally)
2) Video playback
3) WebOs option
4) Vastly superior screen quality
5) (I prefer) the 9.7" dimensions of the TP over the 10.1" of the Xoom
Takeaways: I'm not a big gaming person, so I can't speak on gaming performance on either device. My only real issues with the Xoom were the inability to play many of my music videos and its subpar display/video quality when it did play. Some will argue that either the camera/mic functionality are insignificant and/or you could reboot into WebOs to use them, but that doesn't hold water with me. It's something about having total functionality in one place (even if I don't use all of the features regularly) that makes the Xoom more appealing. As far as using the WebOS camera, there's always that issue of having to wrangle with your wifi/router settings to restore connectivity when you have to reboot to Android ICS/CM9 because WebOS is so limited in what you can do on that platform.
Bottomline: Basically if you were only going to buy one device today, I'd have to reluctantly recommend the Xoom over the TouchPad. However if anyone ever solves the wifi, camera, and mic issues with the TouchPad, then game over...the TouchPad would win hands down.
One last note: I really enjoy the Cornerstone functionality on my TP, but I'm currently on the AOKP Milestone 4 rom for more consistent wifi connectivity. However I experienced my one (and to this point) only boot loop action on the milestone rom. So I'm more than likely only another wifi drop/boot loop away from going back to Cornerstone.
I would say android on touchpad is 99% reliable. You may get a hiccup here and there, but IMO, its usually not a big deal.

Nook HD+ HDMI question

I bought a Nexus 7 tablet last night and when I got it home, I played with it a bit and installed apps. I was originally on a nook color for two years and wanted to upgrade. While the Nexus is a terrific tablet, I get to thinking that I'd get a better experience with a Nook HD+ due to the larger screen.. but I need google apps to get all my purchased apps. I looked at the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1" but it only has a 1 Ghz processor. I mostly want to use my tablet for Netflix, videos and light gaming. I should have realized that going from a 7" tablet to another 7" tablet would not suffice.. even one as good as the Nexus 7.
I like the idea of full HD video and a larger screen, I just have reservations about the processor+GPU, Nexus 7 is top notch in that regard.. Does the HD+ need the HDMI dongle or is MicroHDMI included with the HD+?
I hope rooting it is not so problematic as it appears from reading these forums. B&N looks to have done their homework to keep Nook HD/HD+ in the B&N corral.
migrax said:
I bought a Nexus 7 tablet last night and when I got it home, I played with it a bit and installed apps. I was originally on a nook color for two years and wanted to upgrade. While the Nexus is a terrific tablet, I get to thinking that I'd get a better experience with a Nook HD+ due to the larger screen.. but I need google apps to get all my purchased apps. I looked at the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1" but it only has a 1 Ghz processor. I mostly want to use my tablet for Netflix, videos and light gaming. I should have realized that going from a 7" tablet to another 7" tablet would not suffice.. even one as good as the Nexus 7.
I like the idea of full HD video and a larger screen, I just have reservations about the processor+GPU, Nexus 7 is top notch in that regard.. Does the HD+ need the HDMI dongle or is MicroHDMI included with the HD+?
I hope rooting it is not so problematic as it appears from reading these forums. B&N looks to have done their homework to keep Nook HD/HD+ in the B&N corral.
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Rooting is easy, but yes you need the dongle. The processor in teh HD+ is underclocked, so there's hope the performance can be improved with kernel tweaks but we aren't there yet. Rooting and Gapps is straintforward so you can load your google apps, however, some show as unavailable and have to be sideloaded (pushed to the device using ADB on your home computer).
BTW, I've had no trouble watching full HD movies to date. The screen is very sharp. There are other players besides the one in the nook, try BS player for more codecs.
dbh369 said:
Rooting is easy, but yes you need the dongle. The processor in teh HD+ is underclocked, so there's hope the performance can be improved with kernel tweaks but we aren't there yet. Rooting and Gapps is straintforward so you can load your google apps, however, some show as unavailable and have to be sideloaded (pushed to the device using ADB on your home computer).
BTW, I've had no trouble watching full HD movies to date. The screen is very sharp. There are other players besides the one in the nook, try BS player for more codecs.
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Thanks for your reply. After due consideration I believe I'll give the Nook HD+ a trial run. I find that I NEED MicroSD storage, and a larger display and the bonus of HDMI once I buy the dongle. However the one test I need is I have to feel it in my hand, so I hope I can find an open one this evening to try it... then I am sure I'll take the plunge... Sorry ASUS/Google, the lack of MicroSD storage is a deal breaker. I passed on the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1" because it just feels awkward in my hand.

To buy or not to buy?

Hey all, I did not see a topic like this posted so forgive me if there already is one.
I am looking to possibly buy my first tablet, and probably the HD+. I currently own a Samsung Galaxy Note (original, european version) which has a 1280x800 5.3" screen. Thus why I haven't bought a tablet. The nexus 7 was tempting but the low resolution relative to my phone and the lack of SD slot dissuaded me. Plus, while 7" is larger than my 5.3" phone, it wasn't enough.
Now enter the HD+ with its byond HD resolution, 9" of real estate and i'm interested. I played with one at my local B&M store and was impressed. I wanted to check xda first to see what the development community is like before I buy. So far the only negatives are:
* Most of the videos on youtube call it "laggy" or "slow" or "unresponsive" Is this fixed at all?
* Complete lack of USB support. Proprietary charger, etc
* Pretty heavy compared to 7" tablets
I'm posting this essentially to request someone convince me I need this tablet and that the devs are behind it with rooting, etc. How stable is CM10 now on it, for example?
Wow this forum is completely dead. Guess i have my answer.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
nook hd+
I go my hands on a 16gig nook hd+ cheap i love it i chose it because the 7 inch tablets seem fine for reading kind of like a paperback but i also enjoy reading comics and way to small on a 7inch. The 10.1 inch tablets are a joke for reading books and are way to long for reading comics like holding a stone tablet in your hands. The nook hd+ and fire hd 8.9 seemed like that sweet spot i was looking for. I chose the nook hd+ over the fire 8.9 for many reasons first the deal i got on it $220 plus a teal book case, the screen is fantastic, micro sd card slot i dont use any streaming and i dont pay for downloads i have a giant harddrive full of mp4 videos epub books and cbz comic files i load myself, and right out of the box the nook hd+ reads .cbz comic files and pretty good at it so i didnt need to pay for anything, root or sideload any apps.
Now i read all the reviews on the nook hd they all reported lag unfinished operating system and nook store didnt have the same amount of multimedia support as the others. Im running the latest software on my nook hd+ and i have zero issues zero. And i have way to many of my own files to load to care if the nook store dosent have a certain movie ill download the latest torrent it plays my bluray 720p mp4 rips like a champ ill download latest books and use clibre to convert and load my epubs and ill download comic files and use comic rack to convert to .cbz
It comes down to you if you want to pay for downloads go with another tablet if you want to load your own stuff you wont get more bang for your buck then nook hd+
Plus if your gonna root that sd card slot is a must have
Oh ya i dont care about a front or back camera on a 9inch tablet thats why i have a phone and laptop
My advice: buy!
Then put CM10 as to verygreen on it and never look back.
I have the direct comparison to a nexus 7 and it is no contest. The screen of the HD+ is absolutely beautiful, the speed of the OS is absolutely okay - much better that the N7 running 4.2 actually.
With a 32 or 64 GB Sd-card you have tons of space.
I would say, atm the HD+ is the best value tablet available (thanks to the developments going on here).
LxMxFxD said:
Hey all, I did not see a topic like this posted so forgive me if there already is one.
I am looking to possibly buy my first tablet, and probably the HD+. I currently own a Samsung Galaxy Note (original, european version) which has a 1280x800 5.3" screen. Thus why I haven't bought a tablet. The nexus 7 was tempting but the low resolution relative to my phone and the lack of SD slot dissuaded me. Plus, while 7" is larger than my 5.3" phone, it wasn't enough.
Now enter the HD+ with its byond HD resolution, 9" of real estate and i'm interested. I played with one at my local B&M store and was impressed. I wanted to check xda first to see what the development community is like before I buy. So far the only negatives are:
* Most of the videos on youtube call it "laggy" or "slow" or "unresponsive" Is this fixed at all?
* Complete lack of USB support. Proprietary charger, etc
* Pretty heavy compared to 7" tablets
I'm posting this essentially to request someone convince me I need this tablet and that the devs are behind it with rooting, etc. How stable is CM10 now on it, for example?
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Definitely buy.
I too was looking at a new tablet for 2013, similar to you. I have Kindle Fire 1st generation so I know what 7 inch tablet can do for me. Movies and reading books was fine but surfing and comics - not that good. I ordered the 64gb version and looking forward to it
The only downside I was considering is lack of front facing camera for Skype but I solved that problem with a new phone. Another downside is the speakers location on only one side but I can live with that.
tironeol said:
Definitely buy.
I too was looking at a new tablet for 2013, similar to you. I have Kindle Fire 1st generation so I know what 7 inch tablet can do for me. Movies and reading books was fine but surfing and comics - not that good. I ordered the 64gb version and looking forward to it
The only downside I was considering is lack of front facing camera for Skype but I solved that problem with a new phone. Another downside is the speakers location on only one side but I can live with that.
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Best value tablet, and with rooting/cm its all you need. Reason forum is quiet is there isn't much need for anything!
tironeol said:
I ordered the 64gb version and looking forward to it
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64GB version? Did I miss some big announcement?
Sent from my HD+ running CM10 on SD with XDA Premium
I'm about to get one
Went with a nexus 10 for almost twice the price. I just got it yesterday. Screen Res is niiiice but contrast is very lacking.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
OECD tyyFreq
leapinlar said:
64GB version? Did I miss some big announcement?
Sent from my HD+ running CM10 on SD with XDA Premium
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It's 32gb. In my mind I added the 32gb on board with my 32gb mem card.
LxMxFxD said:
Went with a nexus 10 for almost twice the price. I just got it yesterday. Screen Res is niiiice but contrast is very lacking.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
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Nexus 10 is a fine device but for me it doesn't bring anything extra to a tablet that I need. Of course different people will have different needs.
tironeol said:
It's 32gb. In my mind I added the 32gb on board with my 32gb mem card.
Nexus 10 is a fine device but for me it doesn't bring anything extra to a tablet that I need. Of course different people will have different needs.
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I hear ya. The only major problem with the HD+ is the proprietary charger and lack of Bluetooth. If you're cool with that its all good.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
LxMxFxD said:
I hear ya. The only major problem with the HD+ is the proprietary charger and lack of Bluetooth. If you're cool with that its all good.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
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Bluetooth works, no lack at all! I stream music and use MAPS with my phone's GPS using BT.
I've had mine for about a week now. Some very good help on here for installing google play store (without even rooting) and booting cm10 from the sd card. That's why I got it. The main drawbacks in my mind was no access to play store, and proprietary version of android. But those issues have been taken care of by folks on this forum, and the only thing left as negatives were the proprietary charging/usb port and no camera... I think I'll be able to live with those.
I still haven't gotten adb working but adbwireless seems to do the trick so that's not an issue now either. I'm on the Buy It side as well.
Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk HD
Aside from rooted stock being allergic to to any changes to system files I quite like the Nook HD. It is a good size for reading at the table but so was my old Galaxy Tab 7+. I could have gone for the N7 but I have a bitter hatred against Google for deciding on us that we don't need that micro sd port. Sounds abit like a certain other company no?
Buy if you are ok with that limitation (only if you are on stock though)
Frankly I liked the Nook Color the most

KF 8.9 vs Nook HD+

Has anyone here tried the Nook HD+ also?
I'm on the fence between a Kindle Fire HD 8.9 and a Nook HD+. I wasn't sure if I wanted a 7" or 9" at first but I think I need a 9" because I mostly will want to use it to look at PDF tech manuals and CAD schematic drawings when I'm on the go crawling around in areas where it is inconvenient to carry a laptop. Aside from that, its nice to have something to use on the plane or sitting around at the airport.
The main differences I see are:
Kindle: thinner (barely), has mimo wifi (don't know if its a real diff), camera (already have a phone camera), micro usb (don't have to buy proprietary connectors), ambient light sensor (might save some batt)
Nook: lighter (not by much), higher ppi (barely), external storage (although I'm not sure if I really need it)
Price is about the same if I look on ebay. Software is the same if I put on CM10, although I'm not sure if the kindle is as far along.
For me, seems like the biggest diff is the micro usb vs the external storage, and maybe the weight, hard to know how important 2.4oz is. I suspect that the external storage won't really be needed so if the weight isnt a big diff, I think I may lean towards the kindle.
I'd be interested in any other important differences people have noticed.
looked at kindle hd vs nook hd vs nexus 7 inch variants...
They are all so close as far as specs...
I chose the kfhd for the hdmi output, otherwise I woulda gone nexus.. perhaps nexus 10 is a valid option? Gps is a nice feature.
Sent from my KFTT using xda app-developers app
mrkhigh said:
looked at kindle hd vs nook hd vs nexus 7 inch variants...
They are all so close as far as specs...
I chose the kfhd for the hdmi output, otherwise I woulda gone nexus.. perhaps nexus 10 is a valid option? Gps is a nice feature.
Sent from my KFTT using xda app-developers app
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The nexus 10 is $400 where the kindle fire 8.9 and nook hd+ can be got for the $250 range so its no comparison there.
If I was getting a 7", I might get a nexus
I've rooted every device I've ever owned on the Android platform. I chose the Kindle 8.9 because of the huge speaker sound difference, hdmi out, and I have Amazon prime. I fully expected to have to root this to be close to what I consider a working tablet.
But... considering the ability to sideload apps, which nook doesn't do out of the box, I have no need to root. There isn't one app I use that hasn't easily installed. I use Chrome as the browser and it's definitely speedy enough for me. This thing is a pleasant surprise and I love it right out of the box. The ability to sideload apps without rooting is the largest difference between the nook and the Kindle, and that makes the Kindle a no brainer to me.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
To me the only advantage the Nook has is the ability to boot to CM10 from the SD card. Amazon's content and the sound quality on the KFHD won me over.
Well, I don't intend to use any of the amazon content. or at least very rarely.
The speakers are of no value to me as I would use headphones (unless the audio on there is better too).
but yes, it seems the SD card is the only major advantage. and to me, it seems the proprietary connector and the lack of ambient light sensor is the major disadvantage.
I'm not sure if what kind of difference there is between the displays. or just holding the device. the nook is lighter but I don't know if it is noticable. I saw one member mention that he thought it "felt" much lighter" eventhough he knows they are about the same.
I'm also assuming the CM10 will run faster than the standard with sideloaded apps
Yup same here I picked the kindle fire hd for the great sounding speakers and its good for emulators
sent from my kindle fire hd
The fire imho has better build quality but that is always subjective.
gunnyman said:
The fire imho has better build quality but that is always subjective.
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How do you feel that it has better build quality?
I've held both in my hand briefly and couldn't really tell. But maybe I missed something
Like I said it's subjective. The fire just felt more solid in my hands
Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk 2

