I got the updated version of captivate from att center with froyo with gps fixed. Now two new issues: I rooted the older one and used titanium to back my datas.
Now with new one, I tried to restore two roadblock.
- Windows driver no longer works with this new version. I even removed the drivers from registry still no avail. (
Once re-install then I choose USB storage version and driver installs but systems can not recognize the device and appears as unknown device in the device manager.
- One click root application can no longer recognizes this new version. This is the app I used to root and unroot the older captivate. GalaxyS_One-Click_Root_All_Models
However, I believe this might be due to the first problem, the driver is not being recognized.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks,
Try a different USB port
Sent from my unbrickable cappy *bam*
Also. If you ever used heimdall ...zadig driver likes to mess with the drivers...just saying
Sent from my unbrickable cappy *bam*
Thanks ppl, I will try using different port. The port I used is indeed unreliable. Thanks,
guyenxda000 said:
I got the updated version of captivate from att center with froyo with gps fixed. Now two new issues: I rooted the older one and used titanium to back my datas.
Now with new one, I tried to restore two roadblock.
- Windows driver no longer works with this new version. I even removed the drivers from registry still no avail. (
Once re-install then I choose USB storage version and driver installs but systems can not recognize the device and appears as unknown device in the device manager.
- One click root application can no longer recognizes this new version. This is the app I used to root and unroot the older captivate. GalaxyS_One-Click_Root_All_Models
However, I believe this might be due to the first problem, the driver is not being recognized.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks,
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Well well... so I guess I'm not the only one with this "unrecognized USB drive" issue. I too exchanged my old one because of audio jack issue from at&t service center on September 3rd. The GPS is amazing but I cannot mount it as SD card. Tried everything regarding installing drivers. I tried all the USB port available on my system, still no go. Uninstall and removing every single trace of registry. Still no go for mounting as drive. The Max I can do is mount as MTP. But as soon as mount as storage, it pops up saying 'unrecognized USB drive'. I have literally invested more than 24 hrs without any fix. Only good thing about this is that the GPS is a killer. I drove from Indianapolis to Louisville and it didn't deviate even for a second from the route even when I sometime reached a speed of 90mph. If anyone know how to resolve the issue of mounting the phone as storage device without getting the USB error, your work will be highly appreciated.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using xda premium
krips2003 said:
Well well... so I guess I'm not the only one with this "unrecognized USB drive" issue. I too exchanged my old one because of audio jack issue from at&t service center on September 3rd. The GPS is amazing but I cannot mount it as SD card. Tried everything regarding installing drivers. I tried all the USB port available on my system, still no go. Uninstall and removing every single trace of registry. Still no go for mounting as drive. The Max I can do is mount as MTP. But as soon as mount as storage, it pops up saying 'unrecognized USB drive'. I have literally invested more than 24 hrs without any fix. Only good thing about this is that the GPS is a killer. I drove from Indianapolis to Louisville and it didn't deviate even for a second from the route even when I sometime reached a speed of 90mph. If anyone know how to resolve the issue of mounting the phone as storage device without getting the USB error, your work will be highly appreciated.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using xda premium
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Try a different USB cable. The one that comes with the Captivate stinks. I had no problem mounting my Captivate on my old computer (which is a Mac), but when I got a new iMac, my phone refused to mount. After several hours of screwing around, I tried the USB cable that came with my wife's Motorola Bravo. Damn thing mounted right up.
If I use the stock Samsung cable, nothing. If I use the Motorola cable, flawless.
Give it a try.
That will work for your situation
KreepyKen said:
Try a different USB cable. The one that comes with the Captivate stinks. I had no problem mounting my Captivate on my old computer (which is a Mac), but when I got a new iMac, my phone refused to mount. After several hours of screwing around, I tried the USB cable that came with my wife's Motorola Bravo. Damn thing mounted right up.
If I use the stock Samsung cable, nothing. If I use the Motorola cable, flawless.
Give it a try.
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Thanks man, it worked like a charm. I didn't have any spare, bought one from BB.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using xda premium
+1 on trying a new USB cable.
My USB cable just crapped out a couple of days ago and I thought it was a driver issue but decided to give another cable a shot a surprise surprise it worked!
I haven't even been that abusive to the sammy cable.
krips2003 said:
Thanks man, it worked like a charm. I didn't have any spare, bought one from BB.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using xda premium
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Awesome! Glad I could help.
Well my experience is same as krips. Tried different usb port but different usb port not even recognizes the devices. I dont think changing the cable will work i jist used h same cbl that has been working w my previois phone. My..this is the most f-d phone i have ever used in my life.
guyenxda000 said:
Well my experience is same as krips. Tried different usb port but different usb port not even recognizes the devices. I dont think changing the cable will work i jist used h same cbl that has been working w my previois phone. My..this is the most f-d phone i have ever used in my life.
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Well I too faced the same problem with my old usb cable that worked on my returned Captivate. Well didn't work on this one. Changing the cable worked like charm. Still I don't know why it worked with new usb cable and not with old one.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
krips2003 said:
Well I too faced the same problem with my old usb cable that worked on my returned Captivate. Well didn't work on this one. Changing the cable worked like charm. Still I don't know why it worked with new usb cable and not with old one.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
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It has to be something with voltage. My Samsung USB cable (the one that came with the phone) worked just fine with my old computer. When I upgraded my computer, the cable no longer worked.
I did notice that if I plugged it into a USB hub instead of directly into the Mac, then the phone mounted...but the connection was slow and it dropped all the time, so it was basically unusable.
@guyenxda000...try a different cable before you decide it's not going to work. It actually might.
Okay, I had alternative cable in my car and brough home now i can connect. Now, phone is recognized if I choose kite usb mode, and can access sdcard if i choose usb. but still it is not responding to one-root-click application i mentioned earlier. is it not supposed to work with the newer captivates? if not, anyone knows an app to root it? Thanks,
guyenxda000 said:
Okay, I had alternative cable in my car and brough home now i can connect. Now, phone is recognized if I choose kite usb mode, and can access sdcard if i choose usb. but still it is not responding to one-root-click application i mentioned earlier. is it not supposed to work with the newer captivates? if not, anyone knows an app to root it? Thanks,
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First, make sure you're not mounting the phone before trying to root it. Make sure USB debugging is turned on, then plug in the phone and just leave it like that. The root process won't run if you have the SD card mounted. Also, make sure you have the latest drivers. Then run your one-click root.
I used SuperOneClick on mine and it worked the first time. My build is an 1101, so newer phones might not be supported. I have no idea if it makes a difference or not.
Dude thx for ur effort for help. But all ur instructions seem to imply i am doing first time. If u read thru this post i already done successfully with my older version phone which means i must have followed all the steps u described. if u really meant to hlp can u clarify build 1101 u kentioned? If u do that it cn help me someway. Thx
okay lot of progress yesterday, but hit a roadblock.
changed new cable, i had to put the phone into debuggin mode, which I forgot. Now I tried one-click-root app, it does put the phone into recovery mode, but still fails to root saying e-signature verificaiton failed or something.
went through a hard manual way:
copied the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin into sdcard.
supposedly that should open the terminal emulator in super user mode so that i can mount the /dev/block/st19 into /system as a RW mode, which enables me to copy the other files such as superuser.apk into /system/app folder.
Howeer rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin does not seem to do the job. instruction says after 'spawn child' message restart the terminal emulator which should have turned into # command prompt rather than $. I believe # means enabled to do a root privileged stuff like remounting /system folder. Anyone has hit this roadblock? Thanks,
Hey guys, I have a small problem with my new Droid 3. I successfully rooted my phone when the exploit was released with no problem. I'm running Windows 7 and installed the correct motorola drivers. When the OTA leak was released I figured I should be safe and unroot before updating. I also restored the /system/app because I (unwisely) deleted a couple apps like blockbuster. So then I flashed the 890 fastboot using RSDLite, and my phone seemed to work fine but when I went to reroot it my phone does not recognize being plugged in. Windows does not recognize the USB device, and the phone does not even prompt for what type of connection I want. The droid just charges through the USB as if it were plugged into the wall. When I run the one click root script it can not find the connection. I reinstalled the drivers, tried reflashing the fastboot, and even reflashed using the zip with no luck. I double checked and my phone has USB debugging enable, and I'm not sure if this helps but I tried unmounting the SD before connecting. Nothing seems to work. RSDLite has no problem finding the device when it is in the AP Fastboot. I also tried running the linux root script in Ubuntu but that did not recognize the phone connection either, so I am pretty much stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciate because I must have this phone rooted! Thanks
My phone is doing the exact same thing... I was rooted, installed the leaked ota and ran the bloat removal script....
Now my phone doesn't recognize being plugged into usb. I've tried on several different PC's, and even another droid 3 that was never rooted, and got the OTA update from VZW.
I can't seem to figure out a way to enable the storage and charge and pc options anymore.
This happened to me and I was stumped for 2 days. The only cable that works is the one that came with my D3.
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App
This is happening to me as we speak.... I am NOT rooted, but I did install the OTA today.
Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
SOLUTION - Use only the Motorola USB cable that came with the phone. After the 5.6.890 update, my Droid3 also was no longer detected when connecting to a computer (it would charge, however). After using the cable that came with the phone, it works perfectly. It's a known issue, and the Bionic is facing the same issue as well. My super long LG cable won't work on it anymore, unless I just want to charge it =/
Exactly what he said ^ When I downloaded the leaked version, this happened to me too. And I was freaked the eff out. And online I couldn't find any spot on solutions. Then I read somewhere that after a while if you're not using the cord that came with it, it can stop working. So I tried my Droid 3 one, and it worked.
What would be the difference in the cables? I use some blackberry cords and old D1 cord as well as the one that came with my D3. One of my BB cords works, and of course the moto cord.
I'd like to either find out what the phone is checking for, and remove it, or maybe alter my cables if it's not too difficult.
The industry agreed to help eliminate e-waste by using microusb as a standard for charging cell phones. I can't imagine that this cut into Motorola's high profit accessories so much as to now forcing us to use proprietary cords and chargers.
There is an industry standard for charging via usb, Motorola really needs to get on board with this. I refuse to buy a phone that doesn't use standard microusb.
mgerbasio said:
The industry agreed to help eliminate e-waste by using microusb as a standard for charging cell phones. I can't imagine that this cut into Motorola's high profit accessories so much as to now forcing us to use proprietary cords and chargers.
There is an industry standard for charging via usb, Motorola really needs to get on board with this. I refuse to buy a phone that doesn't use standard microusb.
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The thing is, it was working just fine. I've been using my LG EnV Touch charger with my Droid 1, (my brother uses it for his Droid 2), and was using it for my Droid 3. So, it may just be the OTA update..
Yeah, that was it. I was using a replacement cable given to me from Verizon, but once I switched back to the stock cable it worked perfectly fine. Strange, I never knew there could be a compatibility issue with different types of micro USB cables. So much for "universal" serial bus...
I had that problem too but i just had to switch ports
Awesome. So, I'm using the one I got with my D3 and it's all of a sudden not working now either. I had this problem when I downloaded the update cause I was using the wrong cable.. but now it's doing it again.
Edit - Must have been Jewremy's mod.. reflashed the whole ISC theme over it and it's working again. I'll test out Jewremy's and see if that was the problem.
any solutions found?
I'm having the exact same problem on my droid3 running gingerbread, and my phone was rooted. Before yesterday everything works fine I just installed some terminal simulator and some irrelevant apps. Now it's not being recognized by computer so I cannot do anything trhough adb. Has anyone found solution or root caused this? Please post it here ...
This was almost definitely stated earlier, but please make sure you are using a Motorola cable. Regular USB mini cords will NOT work.
Sent from my DROID3 using xda premium
I bought a new N7000 and everything works fine except I can't get it to connect via usb. Kies won't connect to the phone but everything else works fine with it. I can transfer via wifi with Kies.
The charger that came with it also wouldn't work, so I got my G2X usb cord and wall adapter and it charges that way, otherwise, the computer won't recognize it.
After rooting it Windows 7 finally installed the drivers for it, and the computer showed it was charging (still no usb storage though) and once I unplugged it and plugged it back in again no response.
Tried mounting usb storage through CWM and still nothing. I would think if there was something wrong with the charging port that it wouldn't work at all, but I can charge via a/c adapter. Confused.
A good test for this may be to try the Android SDK to try and get an adb connection. The reason I say this is it bypasses the samsung usb drivers and uses a generic set. If you can get an adb connection and pass a few basic commands then you'll know it's not hardware issue.
There are a few possibilities for this error...
1. MTP service is not starting correctly on the device which would suggest needing a rom reflash or factory reset. Using the Android sdk connection will help determine this
2. MTP not starting correctly at pc, suggesting driver installation/corrupt download of samsung drivers, again android sdk will help determine this
3. Usb port of pc issue. On my rig, connection usually fails off front ports, but rear ones work fine.
4. Cabling, does sound like the cable/charger that was supplied may be faulty.
5. And finally, the hardware usb on device is faulty.
How were you able to root.?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Once in download mode Oding would recognize the device. Other than that, the computer never will.
Hi, I am using LG P970 and am on stock V20g firmware.
I do not have root access.
The problem is the micro usb port is facing issues and i can use it only for charging and absolutely nothing else.
I some how wanna root my phone.
The warranty period is complete so i cannot go to the srevice centre for a free replacement.
Is there any way.
There was a way initially with Gingerbreak but that used to work only with Froyo.
Please help me root my phone.
I cannot connect my phone to PC via Data cable
Yes u r right, with stock data cable we should not do root, phone get brick bcoz of loose connection
So u buy a nokia cable, that is very short length
With that I rooted my phone without bricking
Press THANKS button if helped
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda premium
kishore2908 said:
Hi, I am using LG P970 and am on stock V20g firmware.
I do not have root access.
The problem is the micro usb port is facing issues and i can use it only for charging and absolutely nothing else.
I some how wanna root my phone.
The warranty period is complete so i cannot go to the srevice centre for a free replacement.
Is there any way.
There was a way initially with Gingerbreak but that used to work only with Froyo.
Please help me root my phone.
I cannot connect my phone to PC via Data cable
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I just wanted to send my phone to support with same problem - only loading battery, no usb debugging or mass storage connection.
But i found out, that my connector at phone was just dirty (much dust) so i cleaned it with some piece of plastic (carefully).
The dust was at the bottom, not at the pins itself, it prevented the cable from slipping in enough to connect to the shorter data pins. (check with a flashlight).
Maybe thats also your problem...
Had the same problem in mine. Used those air sprays that clean keyboards AND!!! a tooth stick After that - everything was working again.
And from now on, I ALWAYS close the cap of the micro USB port
There is also could be a problem with USB controller. Make sure you connect device to USB2, not to USB3.
I was wondering if there is a possibility to transfer files from computer to phone or the other way around without connecting the usb cable...
I know bluetooth is an option, but I don't have blue on the computer and it's slow...
I tryed airdroid, but the files were to big
So I need another solution...
You can connect with WiFi to your pc.
How big are the files then? I'm using AirDroid to transfer my system images and TB backups which are around 2GB without a problem, actually quicker than via USB, it just requires a fast WLAN. Another option is to switch the SD card between devices.
I'm using MyPhoneExplorer. It can connect to your phone via Bluetooth, USB and WiFi. Best tool ever to me and it's even free.
Sent from my D5803 using XDA Free mobile app
I'm trying wifidroid, it's free and does the trick...
Guys, why you make thing so complicated? PC Companion works just fine and you need it to "pair" your pc with your phone then it works over wifi.
Guys, why you make thing so complicated? Po Companion works just fine and you need it to "pair" your pc with your phone then it works over wifi.
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I'd second this! Was trying many apps from Airdroid to wifidroid, none worked on mine until I stumbled upon this under Xperia connectivity, this worked flawlessly with my laptop
Use this but remember during the pair process that:
It takes a while
Don't let your screen turn off (temp increase it to something high)
Remember the above especially if you're in Stamina mode.
Once it's done though, it works well and the pair is a one time thing.
PC Companion works, I'm not as happy with it as I want to be. If it disconnects for any reason and you didn't tell it to disconnect it seems finicky about connecting back again to any computer, my home and work computers work the same, until you reboot the phone. I miss Samba but haven't rooted yet hoping for a way without unlocking bootloader still.
One work around I've used is to install FTPServer on phone and WinSCP on my computer to connect and transfer files.