These roms use DJs N910U kernel and have noise fix implemented already.
Erobot for N910U
Hans Stock for N910U
travis82 said:
These roms use DJs N910U kernel and have noise fix implemented already.
Erobot for N910U
Hans Stock for N910U
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Is there a way to make them work on N910H. I'm asking because both U&H are still on Android 5.1.1
Downloading and flash.......................
Download link is not available . please upload a new link . i am also having the same problem
Hey guys, since there are new AOSP based ROMs around, I decided to help you guys get Boeffla on these AOSP based ROMs.
NOTE: These are builds by @Lord Boeffla, I just extract the zImage and put it in a Anykernel zip
AnyKernel source:
nice.. thanks..
2 questions..
aosp rom is like omnirom, pa rom and nameless rom? and does it support cm12 based rom too?
cangcan said:
nice.. thanks..
2 questions..
aosp rom is like omnirom, pa rom and nameless rom? and does it support cm12 based rom too?
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Yep, it will work with any 5.0+ ROM.
This works with 5.1.1 Nameless?
Sent for the sweetest Lollipop'd SGS3 i9300
TheTurbanater1298 said:
This works with 5.1.1 Nameless?
Sent for the sweetest Lollipop'd SGS3 i9300
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Gokulbalram said:
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Awesome. Finally Bofflea kernel on better more stable ROMs. This includes boffela sound and everything works as it should compared to the real kernel?
Sent for the sweetest Lollipop'd SGS3 i9300
Other than extra comparability are there any other advantages?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
ng1998 said:
Other than extra comparability are there any other advantages?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
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This has the stuff as the normal Boeffla
Gokulbalram said:
This has the stuff as the normal Boeffla
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Just for extra confirmation, does this work on omnirom 5.1.1 also and does it have the sound mod that I can use the boeffla config app to tweak?
Just for extra confirmation, does this work on omnirom 5.1.1 also and does it have the sound mod that I can use the boeffla config app to tweak?
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Should work fine. But don't flash it after a data wipe, the first boot (after a data wipe) should be on the stock kernel.
What about MIUI roms? Boeffla gave bootloops with miui.
Zlatan13 said:
What about MIUI roms? Boeffla gave bootloops with miui.
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MIUI is 4.4 I don't think many kernels work with MIUI
hay which kernel should i use on blisspop 3.2. and how can I flash it
girish5233 said:
hay which kernel should i use on blisspop 3.2. and how can I flash it
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You can flash the official kernel from Boeffla.
Gokulbalram said:
You can flash the official kernel from Boeffla.
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Plz give me direct link
Gokulbalram said:
MIUI is 4.4 I don't think many kernels work with MIUI
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actually it's 4.4.4 based on aosp roms if I'm not wrong.
Great thread thanks. I have a question. I installed nameless today and boeffla from this thread, if i update with tonight nightly will lose the boeffla kernel?
eldoggor said:
Great thread thanks. I have a question. I installed nameless today and boeffla from this thread, if i update with tonight nightly will lose the boeffla kernel?
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Yes, you'll need to reflash the kernel
Thanks, man.
Gokulbalram said:
Yes, you'll need to reflash the kernel
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Hi. I'm triying this kernel on blissPop rom but i have a issue with cifs module. I have enabled it, of course, inside boeffla app but i can't reach my directories. Please can you take a look ?
It's not first time that i have this kind of issues with previous boeffla versions (for ex. with v5.1 (stock rom) cifs module worked, with v.5.2 doesn't ).
Hello friends! It is your asking someone lay there, or give the link! very necessary - 4.4.2_KitKat for CWM
killov1982 said:
Hello friends! It is your asking someone lay there, or give the link! very necessary - 4.4.2_KitKat for CWM
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If you are looking at CWM recovery then you can use Philz Recovery that works on both 4.4.2 and 5.0.1 from the below link
I blame for all my knowledge of English! I asked what is the link to Rom based on the katabatic TW KitKat which can be set via CWM
killov1982 said:
I blame for all my knowledge of English! I asked what is the link to Rom based on the katabatic TW KitKat which can be set via CWM
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Oh! you are looking for a TW kitkat ROM.
If you want you could try out my super wizcyan ROM (4.4.2 link in post #3). You may require the kitkat firmware/modems for working WiFi or you could try the KT kernel for kitkat ported by spegelius.
----Always Do With Your Own Risk---
This is just for GTI-9300 International Model Not for Other
All good in my GTI-9300 but donno in yours
Im not responsibility if this rom make any trouble with your phone, sdcard etc
Backup-Backup and backup for save your phone life
BACK UP your EFS first before try with your recovery!! Or Any Tools that you know!
I dont give that tools in my rom becouse im not touch modem and your efs file
All use your have before
Dear All
This is the first my thread in xda
Im sammy lovers, Although im try to move on when looks news s3 rom progress still i cant...
I miss sammy not more one hour to back after im try other. So mybe this is my desteny in here...
in the crapy side that many people has said it...But i love it
Rom Concept and Goal
No any spesial in here, This is only stock pure port.
Port from last firmware 4.4.4 from i9305.No any theme and costum added.
Not becouse im not want, just becouse i cant
No any new update firmware to s3 i9300 4.4 x pure stock.
And many good dev before not update her work
So i will try give my side to aproch pure stock 4.4.4 to s3.
When im see many xda rom that use deodexed concept, i will try other way.
Im speculation to aproach the way that give by sammy look like usualy
Yes...simple way! Odexed way!
Hope this is no badway for you becouse im verry enjoy with this vission.
Edit : Becouse many user want deodex to finally i give odexed and deodexed versions to this rom.
Rom Discription
1. Port Main Based last i9305 firmware
(See on my cridit to sammy in main based)
2. Odexed & deodexed
3. Deknoxed
4. Zipalignet
5. Uncompresed
6. Debloted
7. rooted
8. Multy Csc Around The world
9. No any modem added (Use your old modem before)
10. Change kernel to galen kernel stock for v.6.0 up and my lord Boefla Kernel for old versian
-What be have in last Stock i9305 have
-Added Fm Hybred Radio from Last n7100 Firmware
-3 G Video Call Solped
Known Issue
---give me know if you can find other that! although not promise i can solve all----
Status : Stabil
.......I will update and rebase if only any new firmware in i9305 family update....
Rom Downlod
Atila V8 444 I9300
A. Odek
Atila V8 Odek Full
B. Deodek
Atila V8 Deodek Full Reborn
Lite Kopet Version
A. Odek
Atila V8 Kopet Odek
B. Deodek
Atila V8 Kopet Deodek
path if need H+ in system ui
Other.xml H+ Available
Changelog :
Last rebase i9305, n7100,shv-e210s, i9300 sammy firmware and source code update
Main firmware France I9305XXSFQD1
Atila V7
Atila Reguler Rom
Atia V.7.0 PF2 i9300 Odex
Atila v.7 odex
Atila v.7.0 PF2 I9300 Deodek
Atila V.7.0 PF2 Deodex
Changelog :
Last of the last rebase i9305, n7100,shv-e210s, i9300 sammy firmware update
Atila V.7 Kopet Version
Atila Kopet Odek
Atila V7 Odex Kopet Version
Atila Kopet Deodek
Atila V7 Kopet Verssion Deodek
solve sbeam kopet versioan all (odex/deodek) need this Solve Sbeam Kopet Version
Update 13/11/2016
Finally i can give steady odex in this lite side...
You can call this one as Atila Lite Version
But i call this Rom Version as Atila Kopet Version like My Other Kopet Rom that I Have do almost in all sammy rom before.
Becouse many user from my country and some user in here that need super debloot sammy rom for gamer (althoug im never like game), ok I will try give what you want..
We try from deodek first! to see exactly user want in this feel coverage area...
Will Easy we get odex version after that! After we can build a solid super debloot rom in this lite version...
So try it! if you are realy want in this rom side looks like that have you writen in here before..
Im still use conservative tools
---Uncompresed like original atila have
---All useless app-priv-lib dependency have be debloot to make system loose to breathe like other non sammy rom principe have!!
---but this will make consecuences will be any sammy service that not exist....
---so you must try and see all fungtion one by one that work or not work, becouse no any time to me to see it again one by one
---give you report in here with mention kopet version to see what exact you want in this version if you see any trouble
---But you must know in here any important principle.
....if you want get more in other side you must lose other.... life is must choose! You will notl get all....
OLD Rom V6.0
Atila V.6.0 PB1 I9300 Odex and Deodex
Atila V.6.0 Odexed
Atila V.6 PB1 Deodexed
If you want comeback to boefla kernel like usualy rather than my stock kernel you can get it in here
Boefla Kernel 7.9
Xda Release : 12 Agustus 2016
Change Log :
--Integrated totally audio voip solved
--Integrated locscren solved and csc
--Integrated and Update hybridradio and all stuff from n7100 from last firmware n7100 Irak
--Update Supersu to 2.76 stabil (odex and deodek be rooted now)
--Added busybox instaler
--change kernel to galen stock kernel
--all odex and deodex be build again from zero integrated with update many tools in the legend kitchen for better result after im try trial and error and feel it more two month to get best conclution rom build for each api version..
OLD Rom V.5.1.1 and V.4.1
Solve Setting lockscreen Shortcut
solve voip
Atila I9300 Xda Release : 28 February 2016
Sammy Release : 26 February 2016
Main Change : Rebase to last I9305 Nordic Country
Atila V.4.1/[Atila V.6] FOL2 Polandia
Solve Lockscreen Setting Shortcut
solve voip
Xda Release : 10 Maret 2016
Old Rom
Rom Atila V4 Odexed
Partially Solve Not All Need It
1. Path for s3 that need path camera/wifi
- Camera fo s3 sony module!2IA3VJrA!yokppaFfPZQGDDScB5ZZ0CbWdziHrFA4_xe-IfY0MBg
- WiFi for some chipset
Try this first!nJJi1LDI!x6n6nWRAnOC-rMYMoWJiI6Q4dcd2autQFb7EPn9kKsM
And see the results if fail try other...
2. Exposed 4.4.4 Use This Version
3. Nfc outomatic on when bluetooth on
Exactly this choice be choose by sammy i9305 to make outomatically pairing but for some user that usually life with shv port said if this bug. So i make this path to solve it. I will not bring this path to rom becouse im foolow i9305 sammy choice! you can flash alone if need it!
nfc solve use shv ol2
Do from Your Recovery
Wipe Cache, Dalvic/Art, Data, System
Factory reset
Instal Atila Rom Zip
Wipe cache dalvic
Change Kernel
Defould Im always give my lord Boefla Kernel 79 in old versioan and Galen Stock Kernel In New Version 6.0 up.
But if user need change to other as they are fans, you can do it alone. No any 4.4.4 kernel sammy s3 that will make this rom instable, random reboot etc. All work good like charm....
Just flash with this path general cleaner kernel first in recovery if you want new kernel instaled. Than flash your new kernel target. Dont forget remove anything aplication that be give by your kernel before if want change to other!!3RAwjQxI!KZMt_wXjAl48-GTn6IqcORHzZUBlPEoCRsmh6gB_3Oc
Stock 4.4.4 Kernel
If you want try my study 4.4.4 stock kernel you can get in here
Galen Kernel
or if you want comeback to boefla kernel like before in old version, you can get from here
Boefla Kernel 7.9
This is my long seach life with sammy kitket rom.
Im not share to xda becouse i dont have good english and good knowlege in dev.
But after many user want it and no any news in sammy pure stock rom in s3 although im try to give help in many thread
So finally im try share what i have in this forum.
Atila V4 DTM Odexed
Date relese : 11 February 2016
Xda Relese : 12 Februari 2016
Solve all bug that be report in my local forum
----Old version not share to xda---
Atila v3 DTM
Date relese : 28 Januari 2016
Odexed Consept
Solve 3g video telephony
Atila v2 DTM
Date Relese : 6 Januari 2016
Rebase to OFl2 DTM
Date relese : 28 Desember 2015
Change name as Atila rom
Main Based fol1
Solve and added
Added Port Hybrid Radio n7100 NK1
Date Release : 17 Nov 2015
Port from I9305 to gti 9300
Cridit To Sammy
All nothing without sammy firmware. Becouse this is my trully dictionary that give my guide to tamed sammy rom in my s3.
First time when im try port rom, I dont have any other device but i have many s3 in my hand.
4.0.4 xse, 4.1.2 xse
4.3 OC1 TRG
4.3 DTM
4.3 PB1 Irak
4.3 AMN Spain
4.4.2 N7100UBUNFNK1
4.4.2 N7100XXUFPC1
4.4.2 N7100 AMN Spain
4.4.4 shve210sksukol2
4.4.4 i9305XXUFOL2 DTM main based
4.4.4 I9305NEEFPB1_NEE main based
4.4.4 i9305tplfol2 main based
4.4.4. i9305 FTM France Main based
Cridit to developer
Of course, I had never been able to create all that by my own from zero. All has know that kitket port is old. And here many rom that give before by many good dev. Im just sammy lovers that study almost in all sammy rom before! And all sammy rom maker as my good teacher from all they are great rom effort.
Exacly im waiting rom like this but until now looks like no any give to me. So im try give it to you from my side.
So I want to give credits to All Sammy Rom Developers s3 before as all they are spririt and great effort, kernel dev and tools development to s3
1. @dsixda for kitchen
2. @Lord BoefflaBoefla as always Mylord as kernel and all motivativation
3. @qwerty123258 Sena Rom
4. @AXUAN Huan Rom
5. @qaraqumus Qs Rom
6. @[email protected] Dr No rom
7. @MaHo_66for many sammy rom efforT and her great motivation
8. @AholicCert for eclipse rom
9. @arter97 Btn Rom
10 @JustArchi n7100 Archi Port
11. @LeoDeos and @nik60 amcha rom
12. @Wood Man for mirror dtm firmware that very deficult i get although im try 7 time to donload
13. @osm0sis for busybox instaler
14 @JesusFreke for smali-backsmali
15. @Chainfire for Supersu
Cridit to Sammy Lopers
Thanks to my rom user that give feedback, complain before so this rom can be make hope better and better
Especialy i give cridit to my rom tester before @hansonchen, @Fixo @ Panji saputra, Jorizz, Riko Andestian, Supri Backbone, awii, Asal Njeplak etc
Cridit to Aosp Lopers
@tokict for my long my sparing pathner that give me to know about sammy and how to tamed although we choose deferend way!
*Please pm me if any other im forget you
End last Cridit to Atila
My biutiful anggel my behind the scene that always say to me
"i want see your face from your screen phone" why i cant get it ?
Sorry almost more one year letter im failed give that becouse i cant solve it,
But now I have all my debt paid off !!With your name in there !
Thanks Atila You Are My Great Simple Motivation
====Hope You Enjoy Atila Rom====
---just foolow unroot from your setting supersu...
2. Remove Busybox
--just flash zip file removal script from this thread that be give by mr phil
remove busybox
cridit to @Phil3759
note : im try use twrp success to
3. Theme support That Compatible with Atila Rom
1 . Pure Darkness Theme by Mr @MaHo_66
2. Note 2 Black keybord
3. Other Radio
4. Slow motion camera note 2
5. Transparan weather note2
6. Note 2 N7100 Stock Original Keybord
Ra ngomong. :3 Nek anu, inggrise madan tek beneri :3
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
thinks dev… .nice work
tokict said:
Ra ngomong. :3 Nek anu, inggrise madan tek beneri :3
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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No problem as we can do it :3
Sent from my GT-I9300
good job, you can upload screenshots
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
I have two request
1. Can you add torch toggle in notification panel.
2. More lockscreen unlock effects
I know it is pure stock but if you can fulfill my request.
Congratulations on your first xda thread and on your new rom
u did an amazing job porting eclipse to our phone from note 2 and now u are giving us pure 4.4.4 touchwiz rom is more then welcome (its been long since we seen new port of 4.4.4 last one was backton00t)
for now will keep my eclipse rom on my s3 cuz it has more features but please make this rom as pure as possible,u can add flashable zips to add some other features for your rom but keep it pure..
will test this rom soon.
lazylord2016 said:
I have two request
1. Can you add torch toggle in notification panel.
2. More lockscreen unlock effects
I know it is pure stock but if you can fulfill my request.
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You know if "ubrut" skill is very complicated for me. Usually my friends tokic and haikal help me in this side
But looks like all has choose another way so im alone in this crapy crap
No problemas
Im not promise anything yes mybe we can added addon for that looks like 2 think that i want in this rom is only 4 way reboot without any brand and recording phone.
Or any volunteers in here to help? Must no any brand looks like what be give by sammy.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
Thanks for this PORT ! :good:
I will, for sure, help as much as I can in this thread if needed.
Thanks for this rom
FLooDW said:
Thanks for this PORT ! :good:
I will, for sure, help as much as I can in this thread if needed.
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Thank you mr floodw looks like this rom based from you becouse you have give for us as mirror before that very deficult i get it from sammobile in that time
Off course all help very welcome in here. Im just sammy lovers that share what i know and can give to share to other and im can't handle many complicated sammy environment rom that not all i know it.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
zuziemanis said:
Thank you mr floodw looks like this rom based from you becouse you have give for us as mirror before that very deficult i get it from sammobile in that time
Off course all help very welcome in here. Im just sammy lovers that share what i know and can give to share to other and im can't handle many complicated sammy environment rom that not all i know it.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
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Download and upload the DTM OL2 Sammy firmware was a really tiny contribution even if I already know you had big troubles trying to d/l it .
I hope to do better in this thread since I know a bit Sammy thanks to AMCHA work.
Can u tell me how is RAM management in this rom?
Kitkat should be better than jelly bean but it is sammy rom, packed with a lot additions...
In kitkat ports from i9305 i experienced bad sound during calls, sometimes very weird noises so my secind question is about sound during calls...
Good luck with your rom zuziemanis
Thank you.
Thank you for this Rom. I will follow it.
vuckovic_stefan said:
Can u tell me how is RAM management in this rom?
Kitkat should be better than jelly bean but it is sammy rom, packed with a lot additions...
In kitkat ports from i9305 i experienced bad sound during calls, sometimes very weird noises so my secind question is about sound during calls...
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Better you try for ram.
And this is odexed to will give you other experiment than before.
Im no have many words to this becouse im not heavy gamer.
But i know ram related with kernel choice to.
Yes I know last kernel dev have good progres in this side looks like zanezam and moro and mybe agni i have try two all good results in that side.
Some user pm me to change my defould kernel . But im not do it sorry.
I think user can change to other very easy as they are preferences.
I know boefla has eol development. I choose mylord to respect for her dedication efforts and just becouse i can't life with any audio mod im just use defould by sammy library give. And only boefla can give in my deep feel.. only that
For sound phone no bad result. And in here any match between ril file from n7100
yes mybe will be good if all looks like 4.3 have (kernel rild secril ril) but you know if 4.3 combinations ril file not work when be use in 4.4 x totally.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
MaHo_66 said:
Good luck with your rom zuziemanis
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....well any good luck in there
Thank you mr maho_66 for all your sammy spirit and effort.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
Nice to see you zuziemanis!
Hey guys i have rooted my phone and want a custom kernel
since skyhigh and arter97 are no longer available
can u guys suggest a good kernel
cant find any
i am using n920g
ViperCDX said:
Hey guys i have rooted my phone and want a custom kernel
since skyhigh and arter97 are no longer available
can u guys suggest a good kernel
cant find any
i am using n920g
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I am using GoogyMax on N920I and its pretty good and it should work on N920G too
ram4ufriends said:
I am using GoogyMax on N920I and its pretty good and it should work on N920G too
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are u sure??
i did not find 920g in the supported device list
With so many kernels around here and based on experience, what is the best kernel for the Note 5 ?
Used to be Arter97 kernel and UpInTheAir's SkyHigh kernel but sadly both of them left the community and discontinued their work.
Lam pham said:
Used to be Arter97 kernel and UpInTheAir's SkyHigh kernel but sadly both of them left the community and discontinued their work.
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So you're saying i shouldn't flash any of them ??
Nikolin Cami said:
So you're saying i shouldn't flash any of them ??
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Depend on you. If you find them good and perform well then use it