Phone registration error - Windows Phone 8 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I keep getting error saying that there was an error while communicating with Windows Dev Center every time I try to register my phone, and my time is correct on both phone and PC.
Can someone help me or tell me what am I doing wrong here
Thanks in advance.
Edit: error code is 0x64 if that helps.


error 328 what can they do that we cant???

i've had troubles for a long time with official roms
my problem is that i have error 328 . i searched all over the internet for a solution but i couldnt find even in the wiki i read this passage
These errors seldom occur. However, if one of these errors occurs, it usually is not recoverable and the device needs to be sent back to the customer service center. In this case, you have to flash a new ROM code. You can retry the RUU to see if it recovers."
so my question is what is that which they can do in the customer service and we cant ???
com'on we have to do something about it
ERROR 320-328 mean "Incorect User. Replace User and try again!"
Sorry, just joking. I can't help You.

Microsoft Voice Command (UN-install and Install error)

Hi all,
First off, you were guys were great help the previous questions I may have asked earlier. Thanks for that
Unfortunately, I came upon another problem. Specifically with Microsoft Voice Command 1.6 on my Xperia X1a.
I was able to install this through Active Sync a few months ago. Haven't used the application in a while, but it was working then.
However, when I try to ask it to play a media file, Voice Command responds with something like... "Error: The file 'Voice Command' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certification or one of its components cannot be found. Please re-install..." etc.
Though, when I try to uninstall and reinstall, Voice Command goes "An unrecoverable error occured in Setup. Reset the device and try again."
I'm assuming I would have to do something with the Registry files to clear this matter up?
Any help would be great! I'm totally stuck, cant unistall, cant reinstall :/
MAJOR UPDATE: The following error now applies to all known applications. ;____; PLEASE HELP
^^EDIT: I ended-up degrading my firmware. All problems thus solved. Sorry about this misfortunate post.
Protip: If all means the world is gonna end when your phone malfunctions, take a shot a firmware degrade / upgrade :]

Problem flashing with NCS

As my previous Q give me the answer that I cannot flash rm914 into a rm915 Nokia Lumia 520 from AT&T I'm trying to flash a rm915 rom, AU Country Versión.
But now I have a problem with NCS, it recognize the phone, I can enter into test mode, so I suppose that the conection is OK. But when I start flashing, NCS says rebooting and after a few seconds I get a error message saying "Invalid response from device, incorrect message id"
If I go to NCS error log I can see the same error "Nokia.Murzim.InvalidResponseException: Invalid response from device, incorrect message id"
I check here in XDA and in other sites but I don't find a solution.
Could anyone give me some help please?
go to device manager, delete or uninstall your Lumia driver, reconnect your Lumia and reinstall new driver

Flashing failed on lumia 920 using Nokia Care

I am currently using the following guide:
However whenever I try to flash it, it keeps giving me the error:
Recovery Failed
invalid response from device incorrect message id
I have so far followed the guide word to word however I don't understand why I keep getting the error.
Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advanced.
You have already posted a message here
Thank you to stay, it will avoid the fragmentation of the problems/answers.
Also, I am a human being, I have a life beside therefore I can not answer all the time.

motorola page error "There has been an error with your request."

whenever i try to unlock my moto g2(titan) i cannot get past step 2. it gives an error saying "There has been an error with your request." after i press request unlock key after accepting agreement. someone plz help me with that or provide alternative way of unlocking.
I have same problem, I guest Lenovo shut down this web..

