Hi all, been a reader of the forum for years but now I need a bit of help!
Ok so a background, I've got a Z3C running Android Version 5.0.2 (Lollipop I think?) and it's been running fine for the last 2+ years, still getting almost 2 days from the Battery, I did upgrade to Marshmallow but I reinstalled Lollipop as battery life was crap on Marshmallow. Anyway....
So I rely on Greenify (Version 2.7 now upgraded to Latest version) and Stamina mode for my battery life, and I've Never had any issues with Greenify until now. Last week I went into settings and all of a sudden the settings screen scrolled right down to the bottom and wouldn't let me scroll back up!! I accessed other programs and all was fine but soon as I went back into settings, the same thing!
I restarted my phone and still the same issue, so I booted into safe mode and then booted back into normal mode and the problem disappeared... Until I used greenify. I had to set greenify again in the Accessibility section of settings... And soon as I did, the scrolling down started again.
So I booted back into safe mode, switched off Greenify device administrator and then uninstalled it, and installed the latest version and the same issue is occurring. So for now greenify on uninstalled and the battery life drop is noticeable... So I want to try and solve this problem.
So, any ideas as to why this is happening after 2 years of problem free running?
- Harry
No one...?
this problem is complicated ) make a backup of ur contacts, messages (if are from ur girlfrend) and other stuff and try with another rom. try concept rom or i dont know...see what happen in another roms if u really want greenify. for example XPERIENCE rom of Marilia i saw is very stable and good for battery; is marsmallow but is ok
Hi all!
I tried searching the forum for similar issues. Sorry if exists.
I have a Galaxy S (I9000XXJPP) which i updated to 2.2 Froyo through Kies. Everything went well, Froyo seems to be running ok but i do have a big problem: battery performance. It drains in only a few hours. in standby it goes from 100% to 10-15% over the night. Before the update it took more than 2-3 days.
I looked on other forums and there are others with the same problem.
Some said it was because of the Wifi sleep policy which i changed to "When screen turns off" but in vain.
Of course i don't have any apps that drain the battery.
Anyone got to the problem and solved it?
Its probaby the Gallery sensor problem
Go replace the Gallery app with a fixed/bugfree version. Need root and root explorer to do it. Its all over the forums just look
so this sensor works in the background and drains the battery this much?
sorry but i didn't find any thread similar...
Gallery and email seem be causing the most issues. Its very common and appears to happen on quite a few different ROMS.
SGS tools has a fix for an alternative gallery.apk which you can try (you will need to be rooted though). You can download SGS tools from the market.
_dsk_ said:
Gallery and email seem be causing the most issues. Its very common and appears to happen on quite a few different ROMS.
SGS tools has a fix for an alternative gallery.apk which you can try (you will need to be rooted though). You can download SGS tools from the market.
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i wouldn't root it. might be problems with the warranty after.
anyway not sure what i did but may battery is back to normal. stopped the auto rotation for a while then activated it back and didn't use the gallery.
ikst8 said:
i wouldn't root it. might be problems with the warranty after.
anyway not sure what i did but may battery is back to normal. stopped the auto rotation for a while then activated it back and didn't use the gallery.
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z4root allows you to do a temporary root, but again thats up to you.
Your best solution, if it is the gallery causing the issue is to simply not use the gallery and find an alternative in the market to download.
i did just that. stopped auto rotation, downloaded just pictures from the market but still the other night went again from 70-80% to 0. it's weird sometime the battery is drained like hell but sometimes it's normal. i need to find the cause.
any way to get back to 2.1?
You can download a generic 2.1 ROM from samfirmware.com and flash it with ODIN.
Also, if there isnt an official Froyo for your product code yet, you can use the KIES Reg hack application to restore it back to 2.1.
same problem - battery drains extremly fast (Froyo 2.2).
diasbled push mail - battery still drains..
have no idea what to do.......
I faced the same "over-night" problem...I thought that background apps done that, but it seems that after turning off data network the life-time of my battery almost went from less than a day to about 4 full days. Maybe the signal strength was an important issue (indoor, I have about 2-3 signal lines). Also mail/calendar/weather/etc continuous updates drain the battery...
To summerise, If you have battery draining problem just root your device and install SGS Tools 4.0x and goto Patched Stock Apps in it and install the Gallery3d app which will replace your stock but buggy gallery. Also the Camera update is great imho as it allows you to use power button as camera shutter. Now If you do not want to root or so anythign drastic then just NEVER use Gallery and download JustPicutres! from market (Free) and use that from now on. Easy
I had this same issue. After updating froyo via Kies, battery life dropped from normal 2 days to less than 24 hours. With 3G disabled as well as sync.
But, what's even more strange, is that when I got frustrated enough and flashed back to JM2 with Odin, the same problem still existed! Only 24 hours or less, every time. Same happened with JM9 I tried after that.
Been trying these battery resets and stuff without success. Has anyone come into any sort on conclusion, what could be the reason for these battery-draining issues, especially AFTER updating/flashing?
OK I thought i could start a thread with ways that we can minimize the replay of reboot or freeze problems. Just a solution till LG comes up with a magic patch!
I managed to minimize the reboots by installing Launcher Pro and by not start (after Reset) the Antivirus Crap.
Also I managed to minimize to 1 freezing per 10 charges by charging with different method. (ex. USB , Hub to PC, or other manufacturer) .
Newest CM7 is very stable, not a hiccup all day
I never got the black screen of death early on while owning my phone. It wasn't until a few days in it began happening. It got particularly bad yesterday so I reinstalled CM7 nightly and wiped my battery stats through clockwork recovery. I haven't had a blackscreen for 10 hours now.
Yesterday, did you install #15 by any chance? I found it to be really unstable, #16 is miles better.
Yea, 15 was quite unstable until I reinstalled it a 2nd time. 16 is quite stable so far. I think a general rule to follow would be to reinstall if you find it unstable. If it keeps messing up just hop back to the last stable build.
I haven't has a reboot or lock up since UNINSTALLING juice defender. If that helps
Mine started rebooting after 2 weeks. I had about 10 reboots a day.
But uninstalling juicedefender did the trick for me as well! Finally no reboots anymore!
I havent used Juice Defender, and i dont have any reboots, no lockups or anything..
I just rooted the device + used Root Explorer to remove all the bloatware
Mjuksel said:
I havent used Juice Defender, and i dont have any reboots, no lockups or anything..
I just rooted the device + used Root Explorer to remove all the bloatware
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Did you rooted from day 1?
Why you didn't update to 10d?
i dont even know how to update lol
i just rooted it with 1click (link in signature) and removed all the crap
it was about a week after i got the phone i think..
without the rooting i also didnt have any reboots or whatsoever.. a little lag occasionally but thats all
after I removed all those memory management apps, task killer apps,
I have no problem again. just try it yourself.
I was advised by a friend whos been using android for a long time NOT to use TaskKiller and stuff..
By just letting all the Apps run, the system is more stable..
Just remove the unnecessary ****
I'm using the stock v10b ( v10d not available in belgium... ) and i had several freeze after using some intensive apps like games or navigation ( screen keep working but nothing respond ). The wierdest is that i can play on the app for long time and once i come back to the home, my phone freeze.
I would like to remove all the crap stuff running but i couldn't find how to uninstall permantly some apps ( like the twitter app ... ). Do i need to root it ?
About reboot. I put some video file on SD card and my phone starts rebooting. I deleted that file and everything is ok. The reboot is started by SD Media Scan. Since then(1-2 months), no reboots.
After I rooted the phone and frooze some bloatware. I didn't have any freezes or reboots at all. U use also juice defender and autokiller. So I can do two days without a charge.
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
Hi guys,
I'm pretty new to the forum, but I've been playing with this phone over the last 2 years. I tried everything to fix the sleep of death, but the only solution I found was to use Captivate Keep Alive. That app drained way too much battery in a short period of time so I was close to giving up until all I did was update my phone, problem solved.
I rooted my phone with SuperOneClick, then installed Cyanogenmod 10 (Nightly) with Devil3 Kernel along with the necessary gapps. Then, I downloaded the app SuperSu, installed it. Lastly, I disabled SuperUser and just kept SuperSu working. Interestingly enough, my phone hasn't turned off in three straight days. Not sure how this fixed my almost 2 year problem, but it worked. Hope it helps everyone else!
Just to add: My phone was updated with a new rom everytime a new release came out. Sleep of Death occured about every hour or so, worst SOD case I've ever seen on a captivate. Just sharing how serious my SOD on my phone was. So happy it lasted three days without a shut down!
ryunbaik said:
Hi guys,
I'm pretty new to the forum, but I've been playing with this phone over the last 2 years. I tried everything to fix the sleep of death, but the only solution I found was to use Captivate Keep Alive. That app drained way too much battery in a short period of time so I was close to giving up until all I did was update my phone, problem solved.
I rooted my phone with SuperOneClick, then installed Cyanogenmod 10 (Nightly) with Devil3 Kernel along with the necessary gapps. Then, I downloaded the app SuperSu, installed it. Lastly, I disabled SuperUser and just kept SuperSu working. Interestingly enough, my phone hasn't turned off in three straight days. Not sure how this fixed my almost 2 year problem, but it worked. Hope it helps everyone else!
Just to add: My phone was updated with a new rom everytime a new release came out. Sleep of Death occured about every hour or so, worst SOD case I've ever seen on a captivate. Just sharing how serious my SOD on my phone was. So happy it lasted three days without a shut down!
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So you want to say SuperSu fixed your SOD?
What are the other settings of Devil kernel? Could you please share them
Yes more info would be nice. Right now I am fighting with my phone SOD about 5-8 times per day. Sucks.
as for me I keep "Captivate Keep Alive" till 70% of battery
then it turns off ..
My battery last about a working day - so it is somehow could be called "fine"...however I would prefer to NOT use wakelock progs....
I'm using Devil kernel too and Lanight ROM.
So please tell us more details: ROM version, kernel version, kernel settings ....etc...
Sorry for late response!
Sorry for the late response guys.
I thought it was the rooting to cm10 and SuperSu that did the trick, but apparently after rooting the phone, I started downloading all the Apps that I wanted to make my phone look cool. As silly as it sounds I installed World Weather app for clock and weather... oddly enough this thing keeps my phone from going to sleep. I realized this because after uninstalling it, going for a different look, I downloaded Rings Digital Weather and my phone started to turn off every 30 minutes again. Let me know if it works for you guys... cuz seriously this was the last thing I would've turned to to fix my phone
I've got my Xperia SP for about 6-7 months. Since the release of 4.3 i started to experience massive ammount of problems.
I've rooted my phone, and flashed it with the first possible ver. of offcicial Android 4.3 (Normally i should wait for my Carier to release the 4.3 with branding).
I was quite happy to have a new system etc.etc., but i decided to install Existenz ROM.....
After that, I realised few things:
My rear camera became extremely blurry and "Milky"
My phone started to overheat during simple things
I barely can open a message app, due to 1-2minutes lag in this app
The same thing happend to contacts (Only theese 2 apps)
Many of apps started to crash for no reason
My battery is a one big joke. It can discharge from 40-50% to 0 in less then hour of surfing the web
(The SMS and Contacts lag, doesn't affect only the offcial system apps, but every app, that allows you to reach contacts or SMS)
Also when i turned on my phone for the 1 time, i've got the information to wait for a power off button, then the big power off button appeared, i clicked it and the phone reset.
All theese things werent noticable at first (excluding the camera), but after some time, all of them are getting worst and worst.
I Flashed the original 4.3 system. Nothing.
I Repaired it with PC COMPANION.... Nothing.
Got no else idea... The service&guarantee i think is not possible for me :/
MODEL - C5303
Android Ver. - 4.3
Kernel - 3.4.0-perf-ga1d7493 ([email protected]#1)
Comp. nr. - 12.1.A.1.201
Bootloader Unlocked - No (and cannot be unlocked)
Either repair with Sony Update Service or reflash stock ROM with my tutorial.
Those issues you mention are software issues and I did not encounter any one.
(But this is for Stock ROM)
About issues with ExistenZe... I've read some more issues.. Best is to wait for a fix from the developer...
You could also try a reinstall of that ROM
When the stock 4.3 rom installed, my SP freezd and restarted like an old CGA monitor.
After I installed the eXistenZ Ultra 3.3.0, it stoped restarting, but started overheating.
It overheats only when its in standby mode.
I installed CPU temp monitor from Xposed and it shows, that the "normal" temp is 36-37C, but usually its about 47-51, and some times it heats up to 60-61C while in standby!
If I start charging it cools down to 39-42C.
I checked the memory booster to do not close the overheat system app but I never seen that app running.
Could someone help me?
P.s: sorry for the english
Phone OverHeat with ExistenZ 3.3.0
try another rom
Boot into safemode....
Turn off device normaly but keep the Turn Off option ticked on untill a popup appears and reboot into safemode.
After this check if the heat issue is still present
I've downgraded from 5.1 to 4.4.4 a while back, and I'm quite happy with the phone.
But, sadly, the old bugs from 4.4.4 came back as well.
The one that I'd like to solve, is the battery drain by Android OS.
I've noticed that after updating some apps, it's likely to happen. The only way to solve it, is by clearing the phone's cache (this includes a restart, of course)
It will work ok for some days, and then it would just re appear with no apparent reason.
I don't remember having this issue when I was natively at 4.4.4... That means this was not an issue at the time, or I did something to disarm the issue.
If the second one is the scenario, I don't recall what I did...
Now, I've most of Google Services disabled (no google now, or hello moto)... Only thin I use, is location at battery saving setting.
What else would I need to check?.
Phone does have a good deep sleep time.
Thanks in advance!