My sister's boyfriend gave me his Tilt because he bought a Blackberry. Long story, he broke the first Tilt, they replaced it for him and he broke it again and he was told it would cost $500 to repair... so he bought the new phone and gave me the Tilt for free. So here's the deal: it will charge and turn on.. but only stays on for a few seconds. The LCD is cracked... pretty obvious. However, I was wondering if there was another problem since the phone won't stay on or if it's typical for it to turn off with just a broken screen. This is basically the sequence of events:
Hit the power button, a green LED on the left of the ear piece lights up and the phone vibrates for a second.
The screen then lights up but doesn't display anything obviously... other then the black liquid and white back lighting.
The screen stays on for about 15 seconds, shuts off, the keyboard lights up for a VERY quick second and then that's it... nothing else.
I'm wondering if I should try and find a replacement screen or if there is something else wrong with it. I saw the screen on a while back but the site has said it's down for maintenance every other time I checked.
Other Info - I took the back cover off and above and slightly to the right of the camera is a black dot that says "VOID".
Any help is appreciated.
Normally you only get the vibrate if you are turning on from the completely off position.
From the completely off position you have to long press the on/off button - is this what you are doing?
In any case, it's difficult to tell if there are any other problems. You could try tracking down on this site, one of thoses applications that lets you see / control the device from your PC.
That $500 figure is I assume for someone to do the repair for you, 'osc the screen would not cost anything like that.
Also that "void" dot you see I think is just over a screw and if you go inside your tilt you'd have to poke through that and it would void your warranty. So thats not because the screen is broken.
well, i don't have to hold it long before the green LED comes on and the phone vibrates... then the screen shuts off and i have to turn it back on again. it doesn't seem like it's staying on.
the $500 was from AT&T to have them fix it... so yes.
and thanks for the reply on the "VOID" - i thought it maybe had something to do with water damage or the cracked screen.
Have you tried turning it on with the wall charger plugged in? I thought I had seen my sons just shut down like that when his battery was pretty much dead and I was trying to turn it on.
Well, i was bored waiting for work this morning so i decided to put the SIM from my phone into the Tilt... I turned it on with my SIM in and it stayed on for longer... then I heard a little tick and kind of "whooosh" sound which I'm assuming is the start-up sound. Then nothing for a few seconds... then there is this "kerplunk" noise.. then the amber LED on the left of the ear piece starts flashing and then the phone starts vibrating and making a high pitch ring... the vibrating seems to be in a patter. Then I hear what sounds like it may be a shutdown noise and the phone is off again. However, the back light on the screen remained on the entire time. It might that with the SIM in it works, but the battery is dead so it turns right off? I have the wall charger here somewhere so I will have to try that after work. I will let you know the results.
most likely the sounds that your hearing are just an alarm clock going off. my guess is that the screen is the only thing that is really damaged. you can look online at ebay and get replacement screens with the tools necessary to replace the screen for under 100 bucks. i think that would be a good deal for you... keep us updated on the status
if possible if you are going to replace the screen from ebay you should take piectures. it would make a very nice guide for the noobs
yeah... i will definitely take pictures when i do it. i hope it's just the screen. i don't know why it won't stay on tho... i'm still trying to find the charger for it. i don't remember where i put it. i will keep you posted tho.
You can charge it with any USB mini type B lead plugged into a PC. You probably have one somewhere for a camera or other phone.
Don't be fooled by the shape of the socket on the bottom of the phone, it still fits.
mikechannon - do you know the name of any of these apps? i'm not able to find anything..
good news tho.. the phone now stays on and i am able to receive phone calls. i found a screen w/ tools for $70 shipped on e-bay. i want to try what you mentioned mike, hook it up to the pc. i just want to make sure everything seems okay before i buy a screen.
try my mobiler
okay... so i put the new LCD in and it works.. to an extent. it displays the at&t splash screen, then the 3G animation, then gets to the windows mobile 6.0 splash screen and it hangs there for a few seconds then shuts off. i thought maybe it needed a new battery because it wouldn't stay on before so i ran to the store and got one and it's charging now. i'm going to wait a few hours and try again...
when i try and turn the phone on when it's plugged into the charger it seems to hang on the at&t screen... this doesn't seem normal.
also, when it's not plugged in and goes through the screens, on the at&T screen it looks like it's showing RGB values or something in red text in the bottom right corner of the screen. is this normal?
Sorry, did not see your 3/22/08 post.
The RGD values in RED are normal (info about radio version etc) if you are starting from the off position or have just done a soft reset.
I'm not sure why it is hanging at the point it does. I am assuming you have done a hard reset? (you may have said - but I have not read back all the posts)
nope... no hard reset.
when i turn it on while it's plugged in the amber LED on the ear piece goes out for a minute, the AT&T screen comes up then a few seconds later the amber LED comes back on and it just stays there.
i was able to get it to get past the windows mobile 6.0 splash screen but it says 6 new notifications/alarms, then starts buzzing and ringing and turns off. one time it said battery was critically low or something. i want to assume that it is charging because the amber LED comes on.. but who knows. i would hate to have to give up at this point.
jbradt said:
nope... no hard reset.
when i turn it on while it's plugged in the amber LED on the ear piece goes out for a minute, the AT&T screen comes up then a few seconds later the amber LED comes back on and it just stays there.
i was able to get it to get past the windows mobile 6.0 splash screen but it says 6 new notifications/alarms, then starts buzzing and ringing and turns off. one time it said battery was critically low or something. i want to assume that it is charging because the amber LED comes on.. but who knows. i would hate to have to give up at this point.
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Actually that all sounds pretty normal. Yes expect to get a whole bunch of notifications that have accumulated and never been cancelled. When they come up try to cancel them quickly - just choose dismiss. Don't be surprised if there are so many that it crashes the device and you have to re-start possibly several times until eventually you get past all those notifications!! This also happens when you restore a backup - I have seen my device go absolutely bananas with many many notifications and a crash is not unexpected.
If the battery is not charged give it a good hour of charging before trying again. One thing that puzzles me is that if you have the amber light that shows charging (good) then why does it give you a message saying battery low?? Normally you will never get that notification whilst on charge.
thanks for the replies. i was able to dismiss a few of them earlier and then the battery message came up and the phone turned off. it wasn't plugged in at the time. however, i left for the day and left it plugged in for probably 7 hours or more...turned completely off...and i came home and it got past the windows splash screen again and then said the main battery was critically low and turned off. can't get it to stay on now. i'm lost...
it seems like my only other option is to try a new charger.. but if the LED comes on it would seem as though it is working. i checked all of the contacts where the battery goes and like i said earlier, i bought a new battery this morning. i really don't want to take it apart again. while it was apart i did my best to clean the any dust or other build-up. i guess i could try and charge it on the computer.
my phone does the same thing I accidently dunked about an inch of it the top of the phone into a cup, thought it was ok after i let it dry off and it would boot up but I still can't get the phone to really charge, the orange light will go on but the battery never charges and I used to get the red critical battery warning. Ive tried a bunch of different chargers but still nothing just gets to the second splash screen in duttys rom and turns off now. Hopefully you can get your up though, just wish i could get 30 minutes of battery to get it back to stock rom and everything so i could send it back as the bottom never got wet and the water check under the battery is still white.
Mmmm. Well sounds like there is a hardware charging problem. Pity you don't have one of those chargers where you can dock a spare battery to charge it up. It would be a hassle though if that's the only way to charge the battery. There are ways to charge the battery by wiring the battery directly to a set of AA batteries or a charger, but that would not solve the problem in the long run.
There are companies that will replace the USB connection on the M/board but that would be to assume that is where the fault is - and I'm not convinced it is. The fact that the orange charge LED comes on suggests the USB connection may be ok and that it may be the battery connection block that has a broken connection. This is not easy to repair if at all. I have seen one reported case where that block with the gold connectors had broken connections and a repair company could not resolder all the connections.
One thing to try regarding the battery connector block. With the luck of the Gods it might just be that one or more pins is not making a good batter contact. Try cleaning the pins and battery contacts. (A bit of a forlorn hope though)
well, good news!
i left it plugged into the computer all night and turned it on this morning and it went through all of the alarms... i dismissed them all. it then stayed on!!! so i went to the system settings and looked at the battery life and it said it was at 100%. perhaps it was the charger... which would be odd. now when it's plugged into the PC the amber LED comes on for a second then switches to green. i'm going to try and use it for the day and make sure i can turn it on and off without any problems. the AT&T store is closed here today so i'll have to get a charger one day during the week. i will post back at the end of the day.
Last night I noticed that my Menu/Phone/Home/Back/Hangup was lit. It was in the dim mode like right before it goes into the locked mode.
I turned it off and of course they went off. As soon as I plugged it into the charger they came back on again. Really dim so its hard to tell.
This morning I pull it from the charger and again as soon as I turn my phone on the Menu/Phone/Home/Back/Hangup buttons are on, but dim.
I've tried to pull the battery and no change. Am I going nuts? I could of sworn the phone sitting there was in complete dark unless you pushed the Menu button.
Backup all your information and hard reset?
Beats me it magically fixed it self since I posted the "Help' request.
I did make a phone call earlier, but I'm not sure what I did.
The last two nights I've had my phone (the only two nights) whenever I wake up I find my screen repeatedly turning on and off with a black screen color, along with the the notification light flashing at the same time that's white. Interestingly enough, the first morning I woke up to it was a completely stock installation. The second morning it was running Cyanogenmod. Both times, taking the battery out would cause it to restart and boot up normally. The last person that had this phone never had an issue with it, so I really don't know what the problem could be. Other than that, the phone runs perfectly, and I see no other problems. Maybe there is some way to see what is causing it?
I'm running aLogCat tonight to see if I can get lucky and catch what's going on here. I'll keep you updated.
I believe there are apps that allow you to do that... but unless you forgot you installed it...
5:05 A.M. Phone screen appears to be off and fully charged.
5:14 A.M. I look at my phone and it's doing the flashing thing. Alogcat didn't save anywhere near it.
By the way, it seems to be at the same time every day.
There are apps like Alarm Clock Plus, which supports such wake method. Don't you have any app that triggers the flashing? Even on the ext partition?
Maybe im not explaining it right. It is completely locked up when it starts flashing. It is a completely blank screen, it's completely unresponsive to any buttons and the only way to stop the flashing is removing the battery. It flashes on and off every second. I don't know of any apps that would cause it. I'll check though.
Is the phone connected to a charger at night?
If yes - try without or with another powersource.
Eiertschik said:
Is the phone connected to a charger at night?
If yes - try without or with another powersource.
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I'm trying it with another charger tonight. I didn't have the problem last night because I used the phone around 4 and left the screen on. The charger I've been using though is the one that came with the phone.
I got my Nexus 7 at I/O this year and I've been happily using it for nearly a month now. I don't know if my device differs in any way from one you can get form google play other than the white back.
Last night I was plugged into my wall charger at around 14% battery and playing SongPop with my girlfriend when my screen just shut off. It was like when you hold the power button on a laptop and BOOM, everything is black. It wouldn't turn back on so I unplugged it and plugged it back in. Got a charging screen so I let it set for a bit.
I came back maybe 15 minutes later and I was at 9% battery, which was odd given I plugged into the wall at 14%. I played with the phone for maybe 30s after boot and it happened again, I saw some weird artifacts on the black screen as it quickly shut off and the speakers played an awful crackly screeching noise. Plugged it in again, came back a bit later, still at 9% and played with the device again, same issue only after a little more time.
I'm currently at work with my N7 plugged into my Galaxy Tab 10.1 charger and charging it from 0 to 16% currently. The device is on but I haven't been touching it (and I don't plan to until it's at 100%).
Has anyone else had this issue?
I cant tell if it's some way I'm touching the device that's causing it to shut down hard, some issue with the battery or charging that is causing a rapid battery drop or even a short in the way I'm holding it when it's plugged into the charger?
I don't really want to deal with ASUS warranty returns already, though I have been unable to find anyone else with the same issue through google, so I turn to you for advice and similar stories.
Mine did the same thing the second day I had it. Now it won't boot. I'm waiting for Google to send me a new one.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
Mine did something similar last night. It was at about 6% battery charge and all of a sudden the screen just went black. I went and plugged it in, but it wouldn't power on completely (the screen was on but there was nothing there). I started seeing really thin, small green lines running down the screen. I turned it off and on a couple of times, and finally it booted up. I left it plugged in for awhile, and I just took it out at work to use a bit and everything seems perfectly fine. I wonder if there are some firmware issues with the power management or something. I was all set to put in a return with Google, but it appears to be okay. I'll keep a close eye on it for the next couple of days (I've only had it for a week).
TrevSo said:
Mine did something similar last night. It was at about 6% battery charge and all of a sudden the screen just went black. I went and plugged it in, but it wouldn't power on completely (the screen was on but there was nothing there). I started seeing really thin, small green lines running down the screen. I turned it off and on a couple of times, and finally it booted up. I left it plugged in for awhile, and I just took it out at work to use a bit and everything seems perfectly fine. I wonder if there are some firmware issues with the power management or something. I was all set to put in a return with Google, but it appears to be okay. I'll keep a close eye on it for the next couple of days (I've only had it for a week).
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After leaving mine off and charging at work to 100% it seems to be working fine. I used it all last night with no issues. I haven't tried wiggling around the usb cable yet in the port to see if that caused any issues.
Firmware issues sounds about right, some sort of low battery safety feature or something? Who knows. I'll update this thread if I continue to experience problems. I'm already past my ability to return to Google so I'm in no rush to warranty to Asus and lose a development tablet.
i dont ever use a wired charger, i use wireless chargers since its built into a stand on my desk, when i put it on i have to power off my phone evry night since it keeps the lock screen on, resulting in major burn in.. ive gone through 3 note 8s under my warranty due to major burn in, the first one never had this issue, the seccond and 3rd (i actualy just got yesterday) did and does,. i thought it was a glitch with phone number 2 but i just got a 3rd and it has the same issue, its happenign with android 7 and 8 so its not android, how do i fix it? id like to prevent burn in of a large clock on my new phone since i probably cant get it replaced free again
ive heard about it happening at 100% but this is at any %, i turn off lock screen to AOD, put it on the charger,and a minute later it gets stuck on a lock screen!
LamoidZombieDog said:
i dont ever use a wired charger, i use wireless chargers since its built into a stand on my desk, when i put it on i have to power off my phone evry night since it keeps the lock screen on, resulting in major burn in.. ive gone through 3 note 8s under my warranty due to major burn in, the first one never had this issue, the seccond and 3rd (i actualy just got yesterday) did and does,. i thought it was a glitch with phone number 2 but i just got a 3rd and it has the same issue, its happenign with android 7 and 8 so its not android, how do i fix it? id like to prevent burn in of a large clock on my new phone since i probably cant get it replaced free again
ive heard about it happening at 100% but this is at any %, i turn off lock screen to AOD, put it on the charger,and a minute later it gets stuck on a lock screen!
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i just charged the phone from 20% to 100% and the screen stayed only on AOD not on lock screen the entire time, until it got to 100%
its just a problem when wireless charging
LamoidZombieDog said:
i just charged the phone from 20% to 100% and the screen stayed only on AOD not on lock screen the entire time, until it got to 100%
its just a problem when wireless charging
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I wireless charge my phone overnight. I have AOD switched off, and don't have any problems with the screen staying off during charge, and when fully charged. Have you got any 3rd party apps that might be waking the phone?
StevePritchard said:
I wireless charge my phone overnight. I have AOD switched off, and don't have any problems with the screen staying off during charge, and when fully charged. Have you got any 3rd party apps that might be waking the phone?
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no, i know for fact its nto a third party app since i tested it with a new phone with basicly no apps installed, and it still did it
so i dont know why it does it
but it does it
and its annoying af
LamoidZombieDog said:
no, i know for fact its nto a third party app since i tested it with a new phone with basicly no apps installed, and it still did it
so i dont know why it does it
but it does it
and its annoying af
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Have you tried a different wireless charger?
StevePritchard said:
Have you tried a different wireless charger?
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i just tried one of my other wireless chargers (i have 2 others)
i put it on the charger, about a minute later it went to lock screen and turjned on, then it went dim like it was goign to turn off but stayed on dim
which the other charger doesnt do
Keep in mind the phone is at 100% (when charging non wirelessly, the screen doesnt get stuck on, but it does get stuck at 100% only which apparently is common)
LamoidZombieDog said:
i just tried one of my other wireless chargers (i have 2 others)
i put it on the charger, about a minute later it went to lock screen and turjned on, then it went dim like it was goign to turn off but stayed on dim
which the other charger doesnt do
Keep in mind the phone is at 100% (when charging non wirelessly, the screen doesnt get stuck on, but it does get stuck at 100% only which apparently is common)
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Weird. Just checked mine - if the screen is off, then when put on the wireless charger it comes on with the lock screen for less than five seconds before switching off again. If the phone is on, then it stays on for my 1 minute screen timeout, and then goes off (it dims about 10 seconds before going off completely).
Not sure if it's relevant, but my screen brightness slider is set to about 20% (I'm really not keen on the prospect of burn-in).
StevePritchard said:
Weird. Just checked mine - if the screen is off, then when put on the wireless charger it comes on with the lock screen for less than five seconds before switching off again. If the phone is on, then it stays on for my 1 minute screen timeout, and then goes off (it dims about 10 seconds before going off completely).
Not sure if it's relevant, but my screen brightness slider is set to about 20% (I'm really not keen on the prospect of burn-in).
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yeah ive gotten my phone replaced twice because of major burn in (under warranty) i just got my 3rd note 8 2 days ago..
i keep it at 100% because i should be able to use my phone how i like
anyone who says it blinds them to keep their phone at 100% is just an idiot it doesnt BLIND you its not the sun
it pissed me off so much when they came out with the dont put ur brightness at 100% it will strain ur eyes warning
i almost wanna root by phone just to get rid of it
but yeah it just gets stuck on and its gonna burn a clock in again if i leave it
so i have to let it always play a yotuueb video
LamoidZombieDog said:
yeah ive gotten my phone replaced twice because of major burn in (under warranty) i just got my 3rd note 8 2 days ago..
i keep it at 100% because i should be able to use my phone how i like
anyone who says it blinds them to keep their phone at 100% is just an idiot it doesnt BLIND you its not the sun
it pissed me off so much when they came out with the dont put ur brightness at 100% it will strain ur eyes warning
i almost wanna root by phone just to get rid of it
but yeah it just gets stuck on and its gonna burn a clock in again if i leave it
so i have to let it always play a yotuueb video
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3rd phone, dam I'd be pissed as hell. I'd try talking to manager and ask for a brand new phone and not a refurb. I also hate that brightness warning and sound one as well. The super bright screen definitely helps in sunlight. Still on my 1st note and no screen burn ins.
Don't have that issue with wireless charger either.
Nick216ohio said:
3rd phone, dam I'd be pissed as hell. I'd try talking to manager and ask for a brand new phone and not a refurb. I also hate that brightness warning and sound one as well. The super bright screen definitely helps in sunlight. Still on my 1st note and no screen burn ins.
Don't have that issue with wireless charger either.
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yeah.. i have a verizon buisness account with 7 phone numbers linked so if i need it replaced, they overnight one through fedex and i get it the next day no matter what
only time i had to fight with them about getting a replacement was this note 8 they wanted me to go to samsung for some reason instead
i got a little burn in on my first phone i preordered, then on my seccond phone it has insane burn in and the whole screen is yellow, the whole screen has yellow burn in from just being on all the time
if my 3rd phone gets burn in.. im gonna be even more pissed then i am now
my first phone was flawless, so was my seccond one, this 3rd one they sent me was dirty on the back i had to clean it, and it has scratches on the bottom back of the glass (minor microscratches but they are visible) and lots of scratches on the aluminum ring arround the camera
so im pissed at that :I
Nick216ohio said:
3rd phone, dam I'd be pissed as hell. I'd try talking to manager and ask for a brand new phone and not a refurb. I also hate that brightness warning and sound one as well. The super bright screen definitely helps in sunlight. Still on my 1st note and no screen burn ins.
Don't have that issue with wireless charger either.
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ive already replaced it twice.. idk if they would be happy ot send me another one
plus when i get one, it takes hours and hours of transferign everything over because i have to get everything perfect
so its not just an easy quick swap and done