Strange Texting Issue - Moto G6 Questions & Answers

A couple months ago I got my 12 year old his first phone, the Moto G6. Since day 1, there has been a strange texting issue. He can't receive a text from his mom if he is the only recipient. If it's a group text, like to all 3 of our kids, he can get the text. This issue only happens with texts from his mom. All the rest of us are not impacted. He can send a text to her, and it goes through just fine. The issue is only on inbound text and only from his mom.
I'm hoping someone here in XDA can offer some trouble-shooting ideas. Here are the variables that I know:
He is on the Sprint BYOD plan and his mom has an iPhone on Verizon. His phone is stock, no mods at all.
We have been to Sprint, Verizon, and the Apple store. No one knows how to fix.

Sometimes issues happen like this because of Apple iMessage. Does his mother own any other Apple devices under the same Apple ID? She might try signing out of and back into iMessage and/or going to Settings --> Messages and turning iMessage off and back on. She might also try toggling "Send as SMS" on if it isn't already. Let me know if any of these resolve the issue but the problem is definitely on the Apple side, somewhere in the iMessage settings. This happened to my wife when she switched from an iPhone to an Android phone, and she couldn't get texts from her mom's iPhone at first.


Text's going to wrong person?

i just installed this Rom on my Nexus:
i wiped everything before installing and everything is running smooth.
i love the Rom, but i started noticing that ppl kept texting me back ? marks
or saying what was i talking about. i guess texts are scrambling and sending to diff ppl, and im receiving text's under ppl that didnt originally send the text if that makes any sence.
is any one else experiencing this? i remember reading an article about it i think on engadget or gizmodo. but im wondering if its a ROM or Google thing.
in all fairness i did use the search button, no flaming or being rude or else u get a stick trown at you
this has been reported long time ago on 2.1 when the nexus first came out. then other phones reported it like the droid. google never figured out what exactly caused it, it was baffling. i've always used handcent insstead just because of this "possible" glitch. i could get in a lot of trouble if i sent a text to the wrong person.
Weird this is the 1st time its happend to me or any one telling me about it. i rebooted hopefully it wont happen, cause i can also get in trouble sending wrong texts to the wrong person. The GF was already asking ?'s because the text she got wasnt related to anything we talked where texting about.
Android Phones Play “Chat-Roulette” With Your Text Messages
I have always been a big fan of Google Android phones. Sure the user interface may not be as polished as the iPhone. I admit the Exchange support might not be as tightly integrated as it is on the Blackberry. But, I’m a geek and I’m willing to put up with some annoyances as a trade-off for speed and flexibility and customization. And I’m not alone. Market researchers Canalys and NPD Group both recently published reports stating Android was running on > 40% of all smart phones in the United States. It would seem Android is destined for dominance.
Except somewhere along the way, Google seems to have forgotten first and foremost Android phones need to be phones. And that is why I’m seriously considering making the move to Blackberry or Windows Phone 7. For the last six months now I’ve been dealing with a huge flaw that makes my phone unusable for SMS texting. From what I’ve been able to tell using analytics provided by Google’s developer site, as many as 77% of Android phone users are at risk of having their text messages sent to a random contact.
That sounds unlikely right? I mean you pay upwards of $200 for a smart phone, and next to making phone calls, sending SMS text messages is probably the most used feature of the phone. But it’s true, and if you don’t believe me just type “android SMS wrong contact” into Google’s search engine and see how many hits you get. It’s astounding. It’s happening. And Google seems to be ignoring it altogether.
The first time I responded to a text message from recipient A, and it went to recipient B, I just wrote it off to user error. I was in a hurry. I fat fingered it. Who knows, right? In time though I’ve begun to qualify and quantify this serious bug and disaster waiting to happen. The worst part is you don’t even know your text message went to the wrong person until you get a call or new message from someone in your contact list asking “what was that last message all about?”
On the sender’s phone, the text message actually shows as sent to the correct recipient, yet I’ve been able to get all three parties with their phones to sit down in one room and verify that in fact the intended recipient did not receive my text, and a random contact did. I will put up with a lot of minor issues for a cool phone, but having my privacy threatened is not one of them.
What irks me the most is that owners of these phones, me included, have no recourse. The bug is part of the core operating system, and has been since Android 2.1, (though it seems worse with 2.2). Phone model doesn’t matter. Using a third-party SMS application won’t help. Contact your phone carrier and you will be told to do a factory reset then call the phone manufacturer. Contact the manufacturer and you will be told to do a factory reset then get in touch with your carrier. This is a flaw with Google’s code so how is it they managed to slip out of the support loop altogether?
Ah, I think now we have reached the heart of the problem haven’t we? By making it an open source solution, Google isn’t really accountable. Or are they? I guess that depends on you and me. Google has a vested interest in fixing any flaws that are impacting their continued effort for world smart phone dominance. If those of us who have made this platform so successful for them draw a line in the sand perhaps someone at Google will take notice.
The issue at hand has been logged in the Google forums for some time now. Sadly, it’s rated as only having a priority of “medium” and I’ve yet to see anyone from Google comment on the current state. I would urge any of you who have Android phones to log into the Google forum and star the issue. You can find the link in the code google forums. In the mean time, I’m going to continue evaluating some of the new Windows phone offerings. Just in case Google decides new UI bounce effects on widgets are more important than where my SMS text messages end up.
I've never had a text message go astray, personally.
I just had this about two or three times.
The chosen recipient didn't got my text message. But to be honest, noone contacted me, that he got my message, and the reciplient has a very bad mobile network coverage. So hopefully noone is laughing his ass off about my stupid messages

Text Msg issue

Do you guys have issues with sometimes not receiving a text?
I have an HD7 with Tmobile USA
and I've had ppl saying they text
me yet they never did
At first i thought it was just lies that
guys tell but i've gotten the same
story for certain friends.
Just wanted to know if it is isolated
or if someone else was having the
trouble i am
Check the number in messaging settings and make sure you haven't changed it, otherwise I can't think of any other reason, assuming you have not added message blocking or some other feature that limits usage
maybe a network issue in your area. I would talk to t-mobile about it and they can check it out.
I haven't had any problems with texts.
The odd thing is that I have had a vibrant, g2, and mytouch 4g with Tmobile in th same area and those never had an issue
It seems like it only happens like 20% of the time but i feel bad for fussing at ppl for not texting back when it is my phone
and i've noticed this is on both HD7
But it is not a MAJOR problem...just a minor annoyance
lol and i refuse to call tmobile's customer service until next month. I finally can transfer to postpaid instead of being on flexpay aka hell. Trying to explain a problem to them is murder. The language barrier alone will make this whole situation worse...
Another issue that pops up
I decided to use the feature of sms confirmation to let me know when it is sent to the users i send the text or pic mail to(which is annoying) because if i send my usual 1,000-2000 msg daily i will get the same amount of texts from my phone telling me that it has sent the text to the recipient.
Anyway, a new issue pops up that when i send a text, it will say it can't be sent and it will resend later. Even if i have full service, it sends me the message and i literally can't text anyone
then after about 10-15 minutes, it will send it automatically with no issues then sporadically pop back up.
This is shocking because i really have had no issues with WP7 or my hd7 aside from this and now randomly that pink hue on the camera started appearing
the pink on camera seems to be fixed with the ..10u.. rom for a lot of people
i can't say anything on the sms delivery reports, but i know tmo on the east should have way better reception than west
missing texts
I have T-mobile as well. My HD2 would drop most inbound texts. I had to do a hard reset to get it to start working reliably again.
Haven't had the issue since I switched to the HD7.
It is working great now. Idk what was going on with my phone.

[Q] Droid 4 losing texts?

Since getting my Droid 4, I've had issues with not receiving texts, and sending texts but the recipient telling me they never received it. Upon calling VZW TS, I was told its something on the other person's end as their system isn't registering my texts at all. Given that it is consistently happening with only me and random other people, the problem has to be happening on my end. They've replaced the phone three times at this point, so it isn't a phone issue. I tried using GhostlySMS to make sure it wasn't the old SMS bug, but if the texts aren't even registering in VZW's system, I'm not sure why that would have worked--just shooting in the dark. Any thoughts?
I recommend requesting a replacement SIM card. I had some 4G connection issues and that solved them. The card if free from a VZW coorporate store or customer service, but some retail stores may charge $10.
This may or may not help you but -- something similar happened to my brother, on his old Droid X. The culprit? He had synced with Facebook, which added a '1' before a few phone numbers. The 1 stopped the texts from going through.
That was a REAL PITA to troubleshoot, because one of the people who couldn't get texts was me, and we don't live in the same geographic location

cannot recieve text msgs

sorry if this has been posted already, but i just got my htc one today. i can send text msgs but i cannot receive. i've called sprint, they soft reset my phone, update profile, prl, etc etc and still not working. funny thing is they can text me. they also say everything looks fine. i used to have iphone with imessage and still have ipad and macbook. my gf who has iphone sends txts and i get them on my ipad as imessage obv, but still do not receive txts. thought maybe att specific, but nope, my friend who is also on sprint im not getting his msgs either.
just switched from my perfectly working iphone to this and this is what i get. so annoyed right now.
anyone have any other ideas??
EDIT: Never mind; saw entry in Airave thread.
turns out it was an imessage issue. because i still have a macbook and ipad, anyone with an iphone that was texting me was going as imessage instead of txt. i had to disable imessage service for mac and now it works. thank god i can actually enjoy my phone. loving it.

iPhone to Moto X - iMessage?

My pops got the Moto X, and he's not receiving some texts because of iMessage. I'm sure you've all heard this before.
I'm looking for the best solution if anyone has any information?
By googling, it seems the methods are:
-turn off iMessage on the device
-change password of the apple account
-unregister the apple device
-have the person who is trying to text you delete their text message thread and start a new one
I've done the first 2. The third one I can't seem to do because when I login to the site, the device isn't listed, so I guess it was never registered in the first place?
Besides those first 3, it seems the last one is important. The problem is, how can you know who is having problems and who isn't? So how do you know who to tell to delete the thread?
Does anyone else have any easier methods to quickly resolve this? Any help would really be appreciated.
i would call apple support and see what they say i just did some reading on this issue and there are 100s of different so called fixes but none of them work for everyone. so my best bet for you is to call apple support
but here are some websites that might help you idk apple need to get on there game and get this fixed
The only approved steps so far are to turn off iMessage on your old iPhone, have Apple Support revoke the certificate to disassociate your phone number from iMessage/Facetime, and for anyone using an iPhone to send you messages to update to the newest iOS (7.1 for iPhone 4 and higher, 6.1.6 for 3GS).
Other possible steps:
1. Go to and make sure the device is removed from Find My iPhone.
2. Backup and then restore as new your old iPhone.
3. Go to and change your Apple ID's primary email address to something different than it currently shows.
4. Go to and change your Apple ID password
5. Have the other iPhone users delete the existing message thread, delete your contact from their iPhone, backup and restore from backup, and then re-add your contact using only your phone number. Also, make sure they have 'Send as SMS' turned on.
The core issue is usually the other iPhones not sending the message as SMS when it should.
"If you have access to your iPhone 4 you are going to want to go into the phone and turn your iMessaging off,
If you don’t have access to your iPhone follow the steps below:
Step 1
Go to
Step 2
Log in with your Apple ID and password.
Step 3
Select the product you need to de-register (your iPhone, for example).
Step 4
Click ‘Unregister’.
Step 5
You’ll see the message ‘Are you sure you want to unregister and delete this product?’ – Click ‘Unregister’ again.
other info i read was to put the sim card back in the iPhone. restore the iPhone to stock and then go back threw and make sure imessage and facetime is off. and then to call Apple support and have them revoke your certifications.
the issue is a simple problem the iphones are trying to send you a msg via imessage because there iPhone still thinks you have it. why apple can't find a simple and easy fix is blowing my mind.
how long has this been going on. usually after you process steps 1 and 2.. it clears off after 12-24 hours. if its still not.. then double check your other devices.. is it set up on the ipad? or on an apple computer? those can also interfere... gotta turn off imessage on all devices where the phone/imessage account was set up on.
that happened to me with my when i first picked up my moto x... couldn't figure out what was wrong.. even verizon and apple customer service coudldn't tell.. then i noticed my ipad kept going off with missed notifications.. turned it off there.. and voila! problem solved..
steps 3-5 aren't that important... just 1 and 2 are the key ones...
aldouse said:
how long has this been going on. usually after you process steps 1 and 2.. it clears off after 12-24 hours. if its still not.. then double check your other devices.. is it set up on the ipad? or on an apple computer? those can also interfere... gotta turn off imessage on all devices where the phone/imessage account was set up on.
that happened to me with my when i first picked up my moto x... couldn't figure out what was wrong.. even verizon and apple customer service coudldn't tell.. then i noticed my ipad kept going off with missed notifications.. turned it off there.. and voila! problem solved..
steps 3-5 aren't that important... just 1 and 2 are the key ones...
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Yeah, I figured I would give it time. They also seemed the most important to me. Question: did you turn iMessage off before you switched devices? I didn't think to do that until a day or 2 after the Moto X was up and running. So I turned iMessage off on the iPhone. It was still connected to WiFi so I assume it could still make the connection to apple's servers to remove that account from iMessage.
dray_jr said:
...the issue is a simple problem the iphones are trying to send you a msg via imessage because there iPhone still thinks you have it. why apple can't find a simple and easy fix is blowing my mind.
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They have a simple fix - switch back to (or never switch from) iPhone. Just as their lack of a published solution blows your mind, Apple's mind is blown by the fact that anyone who has EVER used an iPhone would EVER choose to use anything else.
With Apple, your once standard SMS becomes needlessly intertwined with iMessage. Stepping into the Apple ecosystem is like stepping into any of the following:
La Brea Tar Pits
Roach Motel
Hotel California
Escape is rare, and often requires outside assistance.
Apple has an official article on this subject; it took me ten seconds to find it via Google...
somerandomname1 said:
Yeah, I figured I would give it time. They also seemed the most important to me. Question: did you turn iMessage off before you switched devices? I didn't think to do that until a day or 2 after the Moto X was up and running. So I turned iMessage off on the iPhone. It was still connected to WiFi so I assume it could still make the connection to apple's servers to remove that account from iMessage.
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No I didn't... And that's what caused it. Had to move the sim card back yo the iPhone, set up Imessage again... Then turn it off. Then finally switched back to the moto x. And then issue resolved almost immediately.
Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
Solutions Etcetera said:
Apple has an official article on this subject; it took me ten seconds to find it via Google...
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and if you would of read the OP you would know he has already done that and still has the problem
dray_jr said:
and if you would of read the OP you would know he has already done that and still has the problem
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In which case the article suggests contacting Apple support.
I would assume, since it's no secret there can be issues with Apple's cloud services, that there may be times they'd have to give the server a kick from their end.
Also, there is a link at the bottom that accesses another article with more information about unlinking a number from iMessage and FaceTime...
Solutions Etcetera said:
Apple has an official article on this subject; it took me ten seconds to find it via Google...
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You can also take 10 seconds to google and see that those instructions are mostly bull**** for a major proportion of people who make the switch. Especially after ios7 which made the "fall back to SMS if iMessage fails to deliver" off by default. People are trying to send via iMessage and when it fails, it doesn't fall back to SMS like it should. People are even continuing to have problems after their iPhone friends/family turn that setting on anyway. It's a really ****ed up system.
You're not supposed to leave iPhone. Can't you take the hint?
Sent from my N5, N7, Moto X, G Tab 3 or S2.....
---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------
Bet apple goons show up at your door after you've "persuade " you to return to them. I think they just implemented that procedure.
Sent from my N5, N7, Moto X, G Tab 3 or S2.....
somerandomname1 said:
You can also take 10 seconds to google and see that those instructions are mostly bull**** for a major proportion of people who make the switch. Especially after ios7 which made the "fall back to SMS if iMessage fails to deliver" off by default. People are trying to send via iMessage and when it fails, it doesn't fall back to SMS like it should. People are even continuing to have problems after their iPhone friends/family turn that setting on anyway. It's a really ****ed up system.
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Possibly, but I did not have a problem with it. I simply signed out of all iCloud based accounts before moving to android... with the exception of iCal.
My wife stole my Moto x recently, and finally gave up her just brutal iPhone 4s..(iPhone updated the iPhone 4s into uselessness (slow slow slow) sell more 5's I figure)...and yeah, she signed out of imessage first, like I told her..then switched to the Moto x.....and had no issues by the next day.
Sent from my N5, N7, Moto X, G Tab 3 or S2.....
I'm glad you guys are getting this working.
I've done every step in this thread and then some and I can't SEND texts to an iPhone, I can receive them with a delay.
Hopefully time will resolve this.

