While attempting to update my (new to me) used, AT&T-branded S10, SM-G973U, to android 10, I ran into an issues. I can still use and boot the phone into android 9, but I cannot enter download mode (at boot, hold all 3 buttons goes to warning. If press up, download mode fails, and message reads: 'An error has occurred while updating the device software. Use the Emergency recovery function in the Smart Switch software.' If press down, phone will boot normally).
I've installed and attempted to use Samsung's Smart Switch, but the 'device initialization' tab is no longer present in the latest versions of the software. Posts related to this issue where present in the S7 forums, where I found a link to the last version of Smart Switch that provides this functionality. On this older version, after I enter the model and serial, smart switch just closes after I click OK. Nothing happens.
Any advice from those that know better?
Am I just completely SOL ?
Thanks in advance, I really appreciate any input.
Current Firmware on device:
Android 9
County/Product code: CHA
I downloaded ODIN and the android 10 firmware from the below links:
- sammobile.com/samsung/galaxy-s10/firmware/SM-G973U/CHA/download/G973USQU2CSKP/306722
- dl2018.sammobile.com/Odin3-v3.14.1.zip
Smart Switch (last version with device init)
- downloadcenter.samsung.com/content/SW/201706/20170601113339558/Smart_Switch_PC_Setup.exe
Below is the log from ODIN, v 3.14
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Odin engine v(ID:3.1401)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> Total Binary size: 7815 M
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> abl.elf
<ID:0/004> xbl.elf
<ID:0/004> xbl_config.elf
<ID:0/004> tz.mbn
<ID:0/004> hyp.mbn
<ID:0/004> devcfg.mbn
<ID:0/004> aop.mbn
<ID:0/004> bksecapp.mbn
<ID:0/004> cmnlib.mbn
<ID:0/004> cmnlib64.mbn
<ID:0/004> km4.mbn
<ID:0/004> qupv3fw.elf
<ID:0/004> sec.elf
<ID:0/004> apdp.mbn
<ID:0/004> msadp.mbn
<ID:0/004> storsec.mbn
<ID:0/004> uefi_sec.mbn
<ID:0/004> NON-HLOS.bin
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Are you using the modified patched version of Odin? It's a must for the S10 line. Also, your country/product code is CHA for Charter. It should be ATT if you're on AT&T. Official AT&T firmware is hard to find as it's not released to Samsung's website.
If you're on ASI6, then boot to recovery and do a data factory reset. Once the phone boots after that and if your AT&T SIM card is in, connect it to wifi and check for software updates in settings. If all goes well it should just OTA update to Android 10.
StoneyJSG said:
Are you using the modified patched version of Odin? It's a must for the S10 line. Also, your country/product code is CHA for Charter. It should be ATT if you're on AT&T. Official AT&T firmware is hard to find as it's not released to Samsung's website.
If you're on ASI6, then boot to recovery and do a data factory reset. Once the phone boots after that and if your AT&T SIM card is in, connect it to wifi and check for software updates in settings. If all goes well it should just OTA update to Android 10.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The factory reset did restore the download mode, thanks so much!
Actually, I stated AT&T since the startup logo, and bloatware all indicated AT&T.
Just to confirm, which is the correct ODIN version for the Galaxy S10? Does the ODIN version depend on the current firmware of the phone, or the firmware version that you want to upload?
Even the website odindownload.com has 4 versions listed, and sammobile.com has 3.14.1 listed.
Other threads mentioned a version called Odin3_v3.13.1_3B . [And I feel like the person who came up with that version numbering scheme should be our next president]
I'm not actually on AT&T or Charter, so I don't think any updates will ever come thru.
I still have more questions before I try again, but I will create a new thread.
No problem! If your boot logo is AT&T then you're on the AT&T firmware only with the charter country code. If you flash the AT&T country code (it's hard to find unless you wanna pay for it at www.gsm2file.com like I did), you should be able to OTA to Android 10 if you have an AT&T SIM card inserted.
The Odin version you need to flash ANY U.S. S10 firmware is 3.13.1_3B_patched and it can be found within the bowels of the forum here. You can only flash firmware that's for the U.S. snapdragon models (Sammy unlocked, Sprint, AT&T, cricket, Verizon, etc.) Do not try to flash other countries firmware.
I found 3.13.1_3B_patched in another forum, and will provide the link here, just in case it might help anyone else.
- forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/patched-odin-3-13-1-t3762572
I was feeling courageous and still wanted to remove the AT&T branding by moving the firmware over to XAA. [ I had hoped a wifi update would update me to the latest 10, and I could feel confident updates would happen further down the road. ]
The update failed (see log below), so now I must confirm:
-- Firmwares for G973U1 and G973U are interchangeable?
-- I should use ODIN version v3.13.1_3B_PatcheD and not v3.13.3_3B_PatcheD ?
A slightly new screen prompt on my phone reboot allowed me to clear user data and perform a user data wipe, and now the phone is back to operational.
I downloaded the last android 9 version of XAA, located here. :
Error log from ODIN is below, from Odin3_v3.13.1_3B_PatcheD:
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin engine v(ID:3.1301)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> Total Binary size: 7725 M
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> abl.elf
<ID:0/004> xbl.elf
<ID:0/004> xbl_config.elf
<ID:0/004> tz.mbn
<ID:0/004> hyp.mbn
<ID:0/004> devcfg.mbn
<ID:0/004> aop.mbn
<ID:0/004> bksecapp.mbn
<ID:0/004> cmnlib.mbn
<ID:0/004> cmnlib64.mbn
<ID:0/004> km4.mbn
<ID:0/004> qupv3fw.elf
<ID:0/004> sec.elf
<ID:0/004> apdp.mbn
<ID:0/004> msadp.mbn
<ID:0/004> storsec.mbn
<ID:0/004> uefi_sec.mbn
<ID:0/004> NON-HLOS.bin
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
CrazyEightOrZero said:
I found 3.13.1_3B_patched in another forum, and will provide the link here, just in case it might help anyone else.
- forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/patched-odin-3-13-1-t3762572
I was feeling courageous and still wanted to remove the AT&T branding by moving the firmware over to XAA. [ I had hoped a wifi update would update me to the latest 10, and I could feel confident updates would happen further down the road. ]
The update failed (see log below), so now I must confirm:
-- Firmwares for G973U1 and G973U are interchangeable?
-- I should use ODIN version v3.13.1_3B_PatcheD and not v3.13.3_3B_PatcheD ?
A slightly new screen prompt on my phone reboot allowed me to clear user data and perform a user data wipe, and now the phone is back to operational.
I downloaded the last android 9 version of XAA, located here. :
Error log from ODIN is below, from Odin3_v3.13.1_3B_PatcheD:
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin engine v(ID:3.1301)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> Total Binary size: 7725 M
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> abl.elf
<ID:0/004> xbl.elf
<ID:0/004> xbl_config.elf
<ID:0/004> tz.mbn
<ID:0/004> hyp.mbn
<ID:0/004> devcfg.mbn
<ID:0/004> aop.mbn
<ID:0/004> bksecapp.mbn
<ID:0/004> cmnlib.mbn
<ID:0/004> cmnlib64.mbn
<ID:0/004> km4.mbn
<ID:0/004> qupv3fw.elf
<ID:0/004> sec.elf
<ID:0/004> apdp.mbn
<ID:0/004> msadp.mbn
<ID:0/004> storsec.mbn
<ID:0/004> uefi_sec.mbn
<ID:0/004> NON-HLOS.bin
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, U firmware and U1 firmware are interchangeable. Just be sure you're on the same bootloader as to what you're going to flash. If you're currently on bootloader 2 you can only flash bootloader 2 firmware. Same goes for bootloader 1. If you don't want AT&T bloatware, then flash the latest U1 build which I think is Android 10 or flash the latest Android 9 U1 firmware and see if it lets you OTA to Android 10. You can use any patched version of Odin, I just recommended 3.13.1 because that's the version I have.
Well, my bootloader is 2, based on what I found. And every firmware I have tried so far has been the same luckily. But still another failure attempt with latest Android 10 (G973U1UES2CSL1_G973U1OYM2CSL1_XAA).
I also tried Odin3 v3.13.3_3B_PatcheD.zip, but had the same failure and recovery process.
I'm completely stuck on any ideas as to how to change this firmware. Is this the new norm for Samsung phones with branding, or is this specific to AT&T?
As always, thanks for your time and patience.
Just to confirm:
- I must load all 4 sections with ODIN: AP, BL, CP, CSC? I have never tried or ever read about partially loading...
- Windows versions don't matter right? Guess I'll try another computer to run ODIN on?
How to determine bootloader:
Look at baseband version in software information under phone info in settings.
Bootloader (BL) version is 5th digit from right:
In my case baseband is G973USQS2ASI6, so my BL version is 2
Ok so i have a samsung galaxy s3 mini the model is sm-g730a it was running 4.2.2 and i was messing with an app called aniMOD and it asked me to reboot i did and it "soft bricked" my phone (i shut it off turn it on and it goes to the AT&T logo then freezes) i have tried multiple ways to fix it but it also has write protection enabled so i cant do anything with it can anyone help me please? if someone could tell me how to turn off write protection on the phone or how to unbrick it it would be greatly appreciated...
Oh And I Do Have Odin Mode And Recovery Mode that works on my phone that is all though
have also tried using odin it says
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> recovery-clockwork-touch- is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> recovery.img
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
i have a odin recovery for recovery and boot just message me on aim: assassinanex or facebook: lane.wiscombe or yahoo: [email protected]] or [email][email protected]
Snowwulfe said:
Ok so i have a samsung galaxy s3 mini the model is sm-g730a it was running 4.2.2 and i was messing with an app called aniMOD and it asked me to reboot i did and it "soft bricked" my phone (i shut it off turn it on and it goes to the AT&T logo then freezes) i have tried multiple ways to fix it but it also has write protection enabled so i cant do anything with it can anyone help me please? if someone could tell me how to turn off write protection on the phone or how to unbrick it it would be greatly appreciated...
Oh And I Do Have Odin Mode And Recovery Mode that works on my phone that is all though
have also tried using odin it says
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> recovery-clockwork-touch- is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> recovery.img
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you are an idiot.. you brivjed your phone flashing a recovery that is not for this phone.. why don't people read before leaping.
Sent from my SGS 4
@Snowwulfe Tried factory reset in recovery?
Sent through time and space from my s3mini/CM10.2
successful unbrick
I just unbricked my sm-g730a. you need a 2nd phone that is working, some downloads, and short 2 pins on motherboard.
Worked if your still interested...
So here is the skinny;
Note 3 + Knoxraid v3.2 for sm-n900a.
I successfully flashed the kitkat version of this rom and decided to flash back to stock so I could re-root but in the process I messed up terribly.
It's been a few hours, and a few pointless hour long downloads and this is the most recent thing that;s come up
I flashed the PIT. BL. PDA. and PHONE files(mj5) and everything went fine.
My phone rebooted with the "Samsung Galaxy Note 3" logo and the little "Custom" unlock pad at the bottom.
*****Phone will not continue any further unless battery pull*****
I'm stuck and it's been about 13 hours since I started this fix.
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> BL_N900AUCUBMJ5.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> AP_N900AUCUBMJ5.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> CP_N900AUCUBMJ5.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 0)
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> aboot.mbn
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> NON-HLOS.bin
<ID:0/004> rpm.mbn
<ID:0/004> sbl1.mbn
<ID:0/004> sdi.mbn
<ID:0/004> tz.mbn
<ID:0/004> boot.img
<ID:0/004> recovery.img
<ID:0/004> persist.img.ext4
<ID:0/004> modem.bin
<ID:0/004> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/004> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/004> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/004> RQT_CLOSE !!
<ID:0/004> RES OK !!
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
<ID:0/004> Remain Port .... 0
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)
How come my phone won't boot and can you walk me through this anyone???
...all of this because I wanted safestrap back, smh....
jordeste said:
So here is the skinny;
Note 3 + Knoxraid v3.2 for sm-n900a.
I successfully flashed the kitkat version of this rom and decided to flash back to stock so I could re-root but in the process I messed up terribly.
It's been a few hours, and a few pointless hour long downloads and this is the most recent thing that;s come up
I flashed the PIT. BL. PDA. and PHONE files(mj5) and everything went fine.
My phone rebooted with the "Samsung Galaxy Note 3" logo and the little "Custom" unlock pad at the bottom.
*****Phone will not continue any further unless battery pull*****
I'm stuck and it's been about 13 hours since I started this fix.
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> BL_N900AUCUBMJ5.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> AP_N900AUCUBMJ5.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> CP_N900AUCUBMJ5.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 0)
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> aboot.mbn
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> NON-HLOS.bin
<ID:0/004> rpm.mbn
<ID:0/004> sbl1.mbn
<ID:0/004> sdi.mbn
<ID:0/004> tz.mbn
<ID:0/004> boot.img
<ID:0/004> recovery.img
<ID:0/004> persist.img.ext4
<ID:0/004> modem.bin
<ID:0/004> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/004> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/004> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/004> RQT_CLOSE !!
<ID:0/004> RES OK !!
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
<ID:0/004> Remain Port .... 0
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)
How come my phone won't boot and can you walk me through this anyone???
...all of this because I wanted safestrap back, smh....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why are you flashing 3.5? You should have flashed 5.1. Did you read the OP for KNOXRAID FULLY?
jordeste said:
So here is the skinny;
Note 3 + Knoxraid v3.2 for sm-n900a.
I successfully flashed the kitkat version of this rom and decided to flash back to stock so I could re-root but in the process I messed up terribly.
It's been a few hours, and a few pointless hour long downloads and this is the most recent thing that;s come up
I flashed the PIT. BL. PDA. and PHONE files(mj5) and everything went fine.
My phone rebooted with the "Samsung Galaxy Note 3" logo and the little "Custom" unlock pad at the bottom.
*****Phone will not continue any further unless battery pull*****
I'm stuck and it's been about 13 hours since I started this fix.
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> BL_N900AUCUBMJ5.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> AP_N900AUCUBMJ5.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> CP_N900AUCUBMJ5.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 0)
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> aboot.mbn
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> NON-HLOS.bin
<ID:0/004> rpm.mbn
<ID:0/004> sbl1.mbn
<ID:0/004> sdi.mbn
<ID:0/004> tz.mbn
<ID:0/004> boot.img
<ID:0/004> recovery.img
<ID:0/004> persist.img.ext4
<ID:0/004> modem.bin
<ID:0/004> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/004> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/004> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/004> RQT_CLOSE !!
<ID:0/004> RES OK !!
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
<ID:0/004> Remain Port .... 0
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)
How come my phone won't boot and can you walk me through this anyone???
...all of this because I wanted safestrap back, smh....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Follow the MJ5 restore method. Make sure you read very carefully.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Good News
Thanks for checking up on me guys and trying to help.
My friend and I managed to flash the 4.3 stock version back on to my note 3 in which a few odd things went down:
1.) My Baseband version is the MJ5, however my Build number is M19 - what's up with that?
2.) The dreaded "Detection information" triangle keeps rearing it's ugly head and there's no remedy in sight to avoid the popup.
Other than that, I'm running just fine but I feel naked without my root privilages. 7z files won't open via 7zip and Kingo Root & Safestrap are what got me into this mess so I'm not really trying to go that route again.
Well at least you're up and running. I'd run the restore method again just to get rid of any issues--the MJ5 restore method. Then root using his method at the end; if literally takes 1 minute.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I'm was trying to Restore Rogers Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920W8 to Stock 5.1.1 Lollipop Firmware
here are my problem details:
Root my Samsung Note 5 - N920W8 which failed and got stuck with logo and in the left corner with a red message: "SW REV. CHECK FAIL DEVICE: 2, BINARY: 1"
- Recovery option which should come when I hold 3 buttons Vol up+power+hold button) NOT WORKING
- Download mode works. and when I trying to reinstall new firmware coming up following message in Odin:
Odin3 Ver. v3.10.7.1
Carrier: Rogers
Model: SM-N920W8
Downloaded Rom: N920W8VLU1AOGD_N920W8UWA1AOH1_PCT.zip
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Binary Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Odin engine v(ID:3.1100)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> sboot.bin
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> cm.bin
<ID:0/004> FAIL!
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Using Odin Ver. 3.09
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> N920W8VLU1AOGD_N920W8UWA1AOH1_N920W8VLU1AOH1_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> sboot.bin
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
Did you try later Rogers firmwares?
Note 5 ?
Idan73 said:
Did you try later Rogers firmwares?
Note 5
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I'm having the same problem as OP, can you please link me to where I might find the latest Rogers firmwares?
My Google-fu isn't working out as well as I had hoped.
I have a note 5 SM-N920C (vietnam model). My phone is stuck at "An error has occured while updating the device software. blla blla blla"). The thing is that i cannot use smart switch or kies because i have an international model and it is not supported. I tried to flash stock firmware (SM-N920C) via odin v10.6 but it was not vietnamese,its from Cambodia. It failed to flash and got me stuck in here for days trying to figure it out.
From Odin:
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> N920CXXU2BPB6_N920COLB2BPB6_N920CXXU2BPB2_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin engine v(ID:3.1005)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> boot.img
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> cache.img
<ID:0/004> FAIL!
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
dori17 said:
I have a note 5 SM-N920C (vietnam model). My phone is stuck at "An error has occured while updating the device software. blla blla blla"). The thing is that i cannot use smart switch or kies because i have an international model and it is not supported. I tried to flash stock firmware (SM-N920C) via odin v10.6 but it was not vietnamese,its from Cambodia. It failed to flash and got me stuck in here for days trying to figure it out.
From Odin:
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> N920CXXU2BPB6_N920COLB2BPB6_N920CXXU2BPB2_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin engine v(ID:3.1005)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> boot.img
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> cache.img
<ID:0/004> FAIL!
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
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Get the needed firmware HERE (Sammobile.com)
The site also provides a newer ODIN version (3.10.6 is out of date)
You will need to register with a valid email to download files from Sammobile.com
And don't be afraid about the download speed as its 300KB/s for free accounts (Not 15KB/s as mentioned)
I think i had the same problem and it was because i was using a lower update and different region rom ! U must flash the exact rom as it's on your phone
Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
Hello, I went into TWRP and accidentally wiped everything. When I rebooted, it claimed that I had no OS installed, and so I am currently attempting to flash back to stock and whenever I attempt to do so, Odin fails. I am using the N910T and I am fairly certain that I am using the correct stock rom. Here is what I get from Odin whenever I try to flash to stock.
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> N910TUVU1ANK4_N910TTMB1ANK4_N910TUVU1ANK4_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> aboot.mbn
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> sbl1.mbn
<ID:0/004> rpm.mbn
<ID:0/004> FAIL! (Auth)
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
This has happened each and every time I have tried to do this, and I'm not understanding why. I've Googled it and none of the solutions I found seemed to work for me. I am pretty much out of options here. I have no idea what to do. Could someone walk me through this, as I am somewhat new to this whole thing. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Found working solution.
wavy_devon12 said:
Hello, I went into TWRP and accidentally wiped everything. When I rebooted, it claimed that I had no OS installed, and so I am currently attempting to flash back to stock and whenever I attempt to do so, Odin fails. I am using the N910T and I am fairly certain that I am using the correct stock rom. Here is what I get from Odin whenever I try to flash to stock.
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> N910TUVU1ANK4_N910TTMB1ANK4_N910TUVU1ANK4_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> aboot.mbn
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> sbl1.mbn
<ID:0/004> rpm.mbn
<ID:0/004> FAIL! (Auth)
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
This has happened each and every time I have tried to do this, and I'm not understanding why. I've Googled it and none of the solutions I found seemed to work for me. I am pretty much out of options here. I have no idea what to do. Could someone walk me through this, as I am somewhat new to this whole thing. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Found working solution.
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You can't flash back to KITKAT, what was your solution?