Hi guys..
I Really need help...
So, i have lenovo Z5 Pro GT, with stock ROM and ZUI Version is 10.5.304 ST.
Bootloader still locked.
Seems normal, right.
So, here the problem, when i want to check my balance via dial up like *123# then i press yes/call....puuffff, gone, back to input number screen, and yeah, in my device is nothing sim card apps..
I really need help how to fix this, thanks before..
Stay safe , stay at home, and stay healthy everywhere you are.. GBU :angel:
The other day my screen stopped responding to my touch completely (only about 2 months old). The phone would randomly put itself into airplane mode and when I turned that off I was still able to send and receive text messages. I was unable to view my contacts folder or make calls though because android.phone or various other processes would crash when I tried. So I did a hard reset on my phone to see if that would fix my screen problem and now I cannot even send or receive text because I am stuck at the startup for the device and am unable to complete the startup because I cannot touch the screen. The red light of death comes up briefly when the phone is plugged in but goes away very quickly even with the battery in. The phone boots normally although it seems to take a little bit longer than usual. Does anyone have any idea on what is going wrong and how I can fix my screen?
this sounds like a hardware issue. if your phone is covered by the warranty then just call your provider and they should send you a new one.
is your phone rooted?
My G1 is stuck like this too, although mine was waterlogged so it's no longer under warranty @[email protected]
no it's not rooted
You can try to reflash the stock rom to see if that will help or you can root it and load a custom rom and see if that will make any difference. You can always use your trackball to navigate. If all that doesn't work then like david said its a hardware problem and is covered under warranty.
I can't scroll to navigate because the initial setup after a hard reset requires touch. Where do I find the info on re-flashing the stock rom?
Just find the official t mobile rom and flash like you would any rom. Put the update.zip on root of sd card then power on phone with home + power then in your case I would wipe (alt + w) then update (alt + s). I would try to find you a link but I'm bout to be leaving work. A google search will come up with it or someone else might chime in and give you a link.
Try this.
i'm going to need the rogers stock rom ,not the t-mobile one I can't seem to find it anywhere. also will reflashing the stock rom void the warranty in any way. i assume it won't since there would be no way for them to tell but just double checking.
i'm going to need the rogers stock rom ,not the t-mobile one I can't seem to find it anywhere. also will reflashing the stock rom void the warranty in any way. i assume it won't since there would be no way for them to tell but just double checking.
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nope youre basically just re applying the ota update
so, i've been using xda for a while now and i would like to start thanking all the contributors and the nice android community there is.
today i'm posting my 1st post and it's not for good reasons...
i got my sgs [i9000 international] on september and i have to say it has been nothing but problems.
it was working ok but then came along the 1st issue - unable to receive text messages. it would just stop to receive them and i would have to place the sim card on another phone receive the 50 sms or so i was supposed to have been receiving and then place the sim card back on the sgs and it would be fine for 5 days or so and the problem would begin again and i must say walking around with 2 mobile phones is just stupid when i only need 1...
in order to solve this and some other lags the phone had i decided to update to 2.2. in portugal there's no official update in kies (at least for me...) so i decided to go custom rom. i went with doc's rom BUJP8 V9.0.1 non-wipe and then voodoo's lag fix and i finally had the mobile phone i always wanted. then came along another issue - unable to receive phone calls (it doesn't receive sms and phone calls, what kind of a mobile phone is this?!). when someone is calling me, the phone lights up, it says there's no network available, it regains the signal and i don't even know who called!
now, i don't know what to do, i have a sgs that just doesn't work and i don't know what i'm supposed to do. this thing cost me a lot of money and i just don't want to waste it, all i really want is a proper mobile phone, i want the sgs!
i would appreciate any help, tell me if i've done something wrong, what i can do to have this working.
thanks in advance
ps: sorry for the english, as i've said i'm from lisbon, portugal
the attachment shows the sgs info after the custom rom flash
Sounds really weird indeed.
Have you tried hard-reseting your phone?
Does it still do the same after a hard-reset?
Maybe there is something wrong with the phones hardware it you keep loosing signal, where other phones works perfectly.
I would say, try putting in stock ROM (2.1 for Portugal?) and see it the problems still occur. If they do, maybe you should send it in for repair.
so i was kind of avoiding the hard reset but went for it.
now the phone is...well... isn't. it did everything, rebooted and now the two led buttons are lighted up and the phone randomly vibrates. that's it. it's been like this for quite some time now. is this supposed to happen?
Mine started to do that after a reboot also I just reinstalled the rom and its working for now.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
how did you reinstall the rom? i can't even connect it to the computer...
Using download mode, I guess...
yeah well i can't get into download or recovery mode, neither one of them, i've tried all the combos with the keys...
if i'm unable to get into download mode how can i use odin?
my guess is that your problem might be due to your carrier... I don't know over there in portugal, but I've always heard vodafone isn't very good....
I have same phone, international version, bought on sept. mine came from handtec.co.uk...
if your phone is like mine, you should be able to enter download mode, just hold down the volume down key + home key + power key.. in that order, you should see your phone boot to download mode.
Hope it helps
Hey guys could use a hand here. My brother in laws phones keeps asking him for username / password when he starts up his device. He said he entered lock screen whilst drunk too many wrong times . He cant remember his info . And wants it working asap again. I did however root his device for him if that helps matters .. Im unsure if i could do a factory reset for him or even how to do that?
Appreciate if anyone can help .. Thanks !
Hi ****,
If it is SIM locked I would imagine after entering his code wrong a few times it should be asking for his PUK code. If you ring his provider they will be able to issue you with the PUK. This will unlock the phone. When he set up the phone he would have been asked for a security pin which they will have on file this is needed or his phone is locked until that code is entered.
Wiping the phone will not remove the SIM lock if that is what it is you are refering too.
If you can be a bit more specific on the lock. ie: How he set it up in the first place I will see what I can find to help out.
Hit the thanks if this helped
Hey thanks for the quick reply .. i thought about the PUK .. but he says its just asking for his user/pass and he can see how many missed calls and txts he has but cant read them or do anything until he entershis login info .... very confused
Yeah no worries. Get him to give you the details of the phone make model, exact lock he is using and we can go further. Until then there is an endless list and we will no be any closer.
its the Galaxy S i9000 he has .. and he just setup the normal DOT pattern lock code .
Try the link below. Should help him out. Seems that he may have to use lowercase only for his email as it is case sensitive for some reason. If not he needs to put his password as "null". This will ask him to create a new pattern from which he will be back to normal. A hard reset will work as well but if he wants to keep his data then I dont recommend that way.
Be sure to hit the thanks
i think were going to try the hard reset .. lose all data we know but at least he will have his phone back ... just to confirm i follow these instructions right ?
1.Turn the power off. If your Samsung Galaxy S is frozen, pull the battery out and reinsert it
2.Hold the Volume Down button
3.Press and release the Power button
4.You are now presented with a menu that allows for Fastbook, Recovery, Clear Storage, and Simlock
5.Select Clear Storage by pressing the Volume Down button
6.Press and release the Power button
7.Now simply confirm your decision: Volume Up for YES and Volume Down for NO
If you selected YES, all data including third-party applications will be deleted from the Samsung Galaxy S. Once the wipe is complete, the phone will reboot to its factory fresh state.
Why not just follow the link and unlock that way without the hard reset??? Unless of course he has forgotten his email as well?? Which seems a bit weird if that is the case. Who forgets their email right?
Also the above mentioned wipe is not quite correct. Go to this link here
dick8843 said:
i think were going to try the hard reset .. lose all data we know but at least he will have his phone back ...
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So how did you go any luck??? I'm interested to know if the information in that link works!!
If this works for people can someone let me know
Who knows could come in handy
Hi all. I'm using my Z1 withour rooting on .136 version.
While I'm talking on the phone, I noticed that there are some problems annoyed me quite a lot.
1. I couldn't enter the chat page on any messaging apps like whatsapp, line, etc.
but I could only enter the page showing the list of chats instead. (No matter I enter the app by launching them on home screen or by pressing the notifications)
2. the three buttons on the bottom have no response if I'm not on the call in progress page. Nothing happen when I pressed back button....
3. Tried using the Note small app to jot down some info while on the phone, the small app did launched normally but I couldn't input any thing in it since the keyboard is not popping up.
I am not sure whether I'm the only one having these problems or do I have something set wrongly? These problems are so frustrating since I couldn't reply to any message while I'm making calls until I finish my call...
I tried to factory reset my phone but end up these problems are still here.
pakhoosz said:
Hi all. I'm using my Z1 withour rooting on .136 version.
While I'm talking on the phone, I noticed that there are some problems annoyed me quite a lot.
1. I couldn't enter the chat page on any messaging apps like whatsapp, line, etc.
but I could only enter the page showing the list of chats instead. (No matter I enter the app by launching them on home screen or by pressing the notifications)
2. the three buttons on the bottom have no response if I'm not on the call in progress page. Nothing happen when I pressed back button....
3. Tried using the Note small app to jot down some info while on the phone, the small app did launched normally but I couldn't input any thing in it since the keyboard is not popping up.
I am not sure whether I'm the only one having these problems or do I have something set wrongly? These problems are so frustrating since I couldn't reply to any message while I'm making calls until I finish my call...
I tried to factory reset my phone but end up these problems are still here.
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it s software problem
u should use PC companion to repair ur firmware (if u have root access it will void by repairing)
if u have root access and want it u should search for another pre-rooted firmware in dev-section that be more stable.
x102x96x said:
it s software problem
u should use PC companion to repair ur firmware (if u have root access it will void by repairing)
if u have root access and want it u should search for another pre-rooted firmware in dev-section that be more stable.
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I prefer sticking to the original firmware at the moment but it seems I'm the only one having this problem :/
I tried to reset the device and tried to repair it.. the problems are still here unfortunately
HI all,
Hope some xda bros can help me with this annoying issue.
After update to miui 9. I'm having this issue. After make a phone call, the screen will automatically off (as usually). But the strange thing is i cannot turn it back on (press power button, finger scanner, vollume up /down, or anything) it just cannot turn back on. Its only back on if the call is ended.
You know how bad it is when i make a wrong phone call...!!!! or accidentally dial wrong person, or pick up the call i dont want to.
Your help is much appreciated.
Thank you.
i have the same Problem with the Global Rom Miui9.
I install the xiaomi.eu Stable Miui9 Rom with factory reset and no Problems with this issue
i got few issue after upgrading from 6 to 7.... reflash ur rom to be sure to have a correct MIUI 9 and not mixed flash.. or u can flash official via fastboot then reflash Xiaomi,eu via twrp, fastboot method deliver a solid way to have a clean and perfect install.
No one seems to know anything about it. Asked in forums also. What is better in forums nobody seems to help anybody.
I have that same problem.
This happens to my device on any rom. My simple solution: When the screen remains off after a call or listening a sound record on whatsapp; just put your device to your ear again(like in a call) and move it away quickly. It turns the screen on every time i do regarding this situation. Cheers.
Ps: How the hell did you open this thread and it redirects to xda.tv or something on xda app that I've been trying to post this for 2 days.
holy ****ing **** same issue here its annoying pain in the ass. Mines doesn't blackout only on call but also randomly. Guess have to remove this MIUI 9 rom mess.