Hi guys - Introductions

I'm and will ever be 54V174R on any place, that's why someone would recognize that nickname. But well, i already have been here as a ghost for 9 years, but I just had the amazing idea of creating my own account .
First a of all, I'm Mexican, and i have a pretty fair English, cuz my studies, but mostly I've improved cuz Reddit.
Now about my experience here. As a kiddo, i first had my first smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy Young. It costed damn 2000 mxn by that time man, it's hilarious how now I can buy a 2nd hand moto G4 buy that prize in my country.
But this little phone, introduced me to this whole world, it has a special place in my heart.
It was being the first time I knew about XDA developers, the most complete forum about smartphones I ever saw. And since then, I've been searching here all kind of things. And i've learned a lot of stuff, like what's a recovery, ROM, kernel, stock rom, rooting... By that time I remember that there were init.d scripts, the infamous clockworkmod recovery, superSU, CyanogenMod, Ext4 partitioning, that "freedom" paid emulation app, sdcard as second partition with link2sd, and much more freedom for root things... Hell, i even emulated windows XP on the phone lmao. And of course I bricked it many times but I learned a lot from my mistakes...These were good memories.
After that galaxy, I had the iconic Moto G 1st gen, a whole improvement of the galaxy, and "bigger". That's when I learned about the fastboot, the old Xposed mods, sound mods like viper, gravitybox, MultiROM, and that the rooting monopoly of superSU was ending, and Magizk's starting. That was also the time I got to be audiophile, cuz I tried the sound mods...
Then, my next phone was the Moto E 2nd gen, all cuz I lost my moto G in the fkn park... Dumb af ik. That's when Magizk was taking over the throne of rooting, the Xposed dev said goodbye, and also the rooting just became harder with the bootloader and warranty thing...
But then, my uncle gifted me my first high-end smartphone, the Xperia Z5. It's camera amazed me, and idk but I expected the phone to be smooth enought, but that's when I remembered that the phone had the infamous Snapdragon 810, with temperature and battery issues. So I did a lot of things to this phone as well. And i had to live with it until the past year, when with my own saves of schoolarship, I bought the phone with the features I wanted, finally, which I still currently have, the Xiaomi Redmi 9S. And now here I am, lurking in that phones forum, finally with the idea of creating my own account in my head. Now I plan to be a casual user, able to help others with my knowledge at least. Hopefully it's a good journey.
Thx for reading

54V174R said:
I'm and will ever be 54V174R on any place, that's why someone would recognize that nickname. But well, i already have been here as a ghost for 9 years, but I just had the amazing idea of creating my own account .
First a of all, I'm Mexican, and i have a pretty fair English, cuz my studies, but mostly I've improved cuz Reddit.
Now about my experience here. As a kiddo, i first had my first smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy Young. It costed damn 2000 mxn by that time man, it's hilarious how now I can buy a 2nd hand moto G4 buy that prize in my country.
But this little phone, introduced me to this whole world, it has a special place in my heart.
It was being the first time I knew about XDA developers, the most complete forum about smartphones I ever saw. And since then, I've been searching here all kind of things. And i've learned a lot of stuff, like what's a recovery, ROM, kernel, stock rom, rooting... By that time I remember that there were init.d scripts, the infamous clockworkmod recovery, superSU, CyanogenMod, Ext4 partitioning, that "freedom" paid emulation app, sdcard as second partition with link2sd, and much more freedom for root things... Hell, i even emulated windows XP on the phone lmao. And of course I bricked it many times but I learned a lot from my mistakes...These were good memories.
After that galaxy, I had the iconic Moto G 1st gen, a whole improvement of the galaxy, and "bigger". That's when I learned about the fastboot, the old Xposed mods, sound mods like viper, gravitybox, MultiROM, and that the rooting monopoly of superSU was ending, and Magizk's starting. That was also the time I got to be audiophile, cuz I tried the sound mods...
Then, my next phone was the Moto E 2nd gen, all cuz I lost my moto G in the fkn park... Dumb af ik. That's when Magizk was taking over the throne of rooting, the Xposed dev said goodbye, and also the rooting just became harder with the bootloader and warranty thing...
But then, my uncle gifted me my first high-end smartphone, the Xperia Z5. It's camera amazed me, and idk but I expected the phone to be smooth enought, but that's when I remembered that the phone had the infamous Snapdragon 810, with temperature and battery issues. So I did a lot of things to this phone as well. And i had to live with it until the past year, when with my own saves of schoolarship, I bought the phone with the features I wanted, finally, which I still currently have, the Xiaomi Redmi 9S. And now here I am, lurking in that phones forum, finally with the idea of creating my own account in my head. Now I plan to be a casual user, able to help others with my knowledge at least. Hopefully it's a good journey.
Thx for reading
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Hola y bienvenido a XDA!
Glad to see an old timer around. Nice intro!

Welcome aboard @54V174R !
Nice story

orb_selektor said:
Hola y bienvenido a XDA!
Glad to see an old timer around. Nice intro!
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Gracias amigazo, so hyped to whats coming!



Wassup peeps im Nick 27 and from Germany Since 1 week im the User of the Hafury GT20 hopefully can find some stuff about this phone Here
nick.marvin93 said:
Wassup peeps im Nick 27 and from Germany Since 1 week im the User of the Hafury GT20 hopefully can find some stuff about this phone Here
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Hello Nick and welcome,
What city in Germany are you?
Enjoy the forums!
What's goody? I'm bobbymobetta, you cab find me under that handle most everywhere I go. I was early on an iPhone hater and my first smartphone was a Motorola Droid with slide-out physical keyboard. In those days I used to say I'd never use an iPhone specifically because of the keyboard. But my second (emergency switch) android phone was an original Samsung Galaxy (a 1 I guess) after throwing that phone against a wall I swore I'd never go back to android, and as a mostly mac/apple ecosystem user, that promise seemed like it would be easy to keep. 10 years later, as the backlash began against the big stacks, I returned to Samsung with a Galaxy 9. Why? Because I wanted more freedom to modify and even simply to customize the UI, and occasionally the OS. Now, with a brand new iteration of my trusty Galaxy (S21+) It's clear to me where the lines get drawn; Android users fight for net neutrality and generally speaking have a "Don't Tread on Me" mentality. iPhone users are those who, when their screen cracks, they immediately trash it and buy a new one, secretly happy for an excuse to get the "newest, best" you know, that one with more "security" (surveillance) features and... a newest bestestest camera, but otherwise is essentially the same as the last version.
I play and write music, most recently getting deep into the analog synthesis scene, and I'm cohost of the podcast 'Earth's Mightiest Podcast' which features revues and commentary about the latest Avengers comics...as well as other things
Get at me! I'm here mainly to try rooting my S20, since if it bricks, I won't be up that creek with no paddle... shoot, what's that creel called again...?
city is called Siegen
bobbymobetta said:
What's goody? I'm bobbymobetta, you cab find me under that handle most everywhere I go. I was early on an iPhone hater and my first smartphone was a Motorola Droid with slide-out physical keyboard. In those days I used to say I'd never use an iPhone specifically because of the keyboard. But my second (emergency switch) android phone was an original Samsung Galaxy (a 1 I guess) after throwing that phone against a wall I swore I'd never go back to android, and as a mostly mac/apple ecosystem user, that promise seemed like it would be easy to keep. 10 years later, as the backlash began against the big stacks, I returned to Samsung with a Galaxy 9. Why? Because I wanted more freedom to modify and even simply to customize the UI, and occasionally the OS. Now, with a brand new iteration of my trusty Galaxy (S21+) It's clear to me where the lines get drawn; Android users fight for net neutrality and generally speaking have a "Don't Tread on Me" mentality. iPhone users are those who, when their screen cracks, they immediately trash it and buy a new one, secretly happy for an excuse to get the "newest, best" you know, that one with more "security" (surveillance) features and... a newest bestestest camera, but otherwise is essentially the same as the last version.
I play and write music, most recently getting deep into the analog synthesis scene, and I'm cohost of the podcast 'Earth's Mightiest Podcast' which features revues and commentary about the latest Avengers comics...as well as other things
Get at me! I'm here mainly to try rooting my S20, since if it bricks, I won't be up that creek with no paddle... shoot, what's that creel called again...?
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Well hello and welcome aboard too!
hola como creo una publicacion
marcs519 said:
hola como creo una publicacion
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Hola and welcome to XDA,
You just did!
Please lets keep it in English.
ok no problem
Okay Moderator boss
regilew said:
Okay Moderator boss
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Welcome to you too


I'm 40 year's old and was incarcerated throughout my 20s and 30s I came home to a different world one that I enjoy most at home on my laptop learning. I enjoy learning commands and exploits for any and all systems especially the ones pertaining to my devices. I currently am working on rooting a wingtech revvl+ and a few other devices. Any one who has successfully installed a custom recovery on the tmrvl4g_0.05.27 or any variant of tmrvl4g 5g let me know. Thanks
I need to stock firmware
harveyjesse821 said:
I'm 40 year's old and was incarcerated throughout my 20s and 30s I came home to a different world one that I enjoy most at home on my laptop learning. I enjoy learning commands and exploits for any and all systems especially the ones pertaining to my devices. I currently am working on rooting a wingtech revvl+ and a few other devices. Any one who has successfully installed a custom recovery on the tmrvl4g_0.05.27 or any variant of tmrvl4g 5g let me know. Thanks
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adelk700 said:
I need to stock firmware
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Welcome both to XDA,
Try using our powerful search engine and locate your devices forum for more deep customization.
orb_selektor said:
Welcome both to XDA,
Try using our powerful search engine and locate your devices forum for more deep customization.
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I didn't find anything can you help me find it stock firmware
Welcome, good sir, and glad to have you back in the world... <smile>
I got tired of Boost's nonsense (being forced to upgrade to a 5g phone, allegedly free, but actually about 250 bucks in all), and went to T-Mobile. Since they were cheap and I needed 3 of them, and, with all the upgrades to 5g, likely needed to offload a few traincars of them, we got 3 TMRVL4G devices...
Since it's Wingtech, which really isn't one of the biggies, but, as I've been on this venue all these years, through many devices, I'm always willing to be a guinea pig... My coding chops are decades old, and really revolve around Delphi, CodeTyphon, and old XBase stuff... Never learned C++ nor really much .java, so coding for Android is, while interesting to me, and I can generally read and follow others' work, just the syntax and symbology are difficult for me. (What can I say? Turned 65 this past Valentine's Day, and it shows at the damnedest times... <grin>)
But, should you happen across any recent information regarding any work on rooting this device, or, at the least, enabling the app-to-SD functionality which is available for every other device I've ever owned, I'd be most grateful. Add to that, I've got plenty of legit Play Store-approved apps for which I've paid real money, but can't use as they each require root access... It's not that I disapprove the companies' making admin access difficult (hey, I've boneheaded enough over the years, but give me a way to get back to default and I'm good... I also have a modest collection of paperweights where, "Sorry, dude... you're hosed..." LOL)...
It's that they each try to out-do each other in how impossible they can make it for even experienced users, but without access to their tech-support frame, to actually use these things as they're capable... I mean, ****... a quad-core device, fast as hell, and storage out the wazoo for most users. Not me, mind you, as, were some functionality enabled, this beastie would be a quick laptop replacement, with the Bluetooth keyboard which also seems to not talk to it.
Again, good sir, welcome, and welcome back!
pauljulian said:
Welcome, good sir, and glad to have you back in the world... <smile>
I got tired of Boost's nonsense (being forced to upgrade to a 5g phone, allegedly free, but actually about 250 bucks in all), and went to T-Mobile. Since they were cheap and I needed 3 of them, and, with all the upgrades to 5g, likely needed to offload a few traincars of them, we got 3 TMRVL4G devices...
Since it's Wingtech, which really isn't one of the biggies, but, as I've been on this venue all these years, through many devices, I'm always willing to be a guinea pig... My coding chops are decades old, and really revolve around Delphi, CodeTyphon, and old XBase stuff... Never learned C++ nor really much .java, so coding for Android is, while interesting to me, and I can generally read and follow others' work, just the syntax and symbology are difficult for me. (What can I say? Turned 65 this past Valentine's Day, and it shows at the damnedest times... <grin>)
But, should you happen across any recent information regarding any work on rooting this device, or, at the least, enabling the app-to-SD functionality which is available for every other device I've ever owned, I'd be most grateful. Add to that, I've got plenty of legit Play Store-approved apps for which I've paid real money, but can't use as they each require root access... It's not that I disapprove the companies' making admin access difficult (hey, I've boneheaded enough over the years, but give me a way to get back to default and I'm good... I also have a modest collection of paperweights where, "Sorry, dude... you're hosed..." LOL)...
It's that they each try to out-do each other in how impossible they can make it for even experienced users, but without access to their tech-support frame, to actually use these things as they're capable... I mean, ****... a quad-core device, fast as hell, and storage out the wazoo for most users. Not me, mind you, as, were some functionality enabled, this beastie would be a quick laptop replacement, with the Bluetooth keyboard which also seems to not talk to it.
Again, good sir, welcome, and welcome back!
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... and yes... I worked for a few months for Sprint on their helpdesk in El Paso... there is a way... there is always a way.

Hello everybody! My name is Michael.

Greetings and salutations! I'm a new member but have been reading threads on XDA for about a year now. About 6 months ago I decided I wanted to make the jump into tinkering and really learning about android and what makes it tick. I had purchased a Motorola Moto G Stylus 5g Denver Variant, and decided to try and root it and install a custom ROM . Well that was a very tedious task, as some of you may know and a little above my skill set. But I hunkered down and did research and studied to sharpen my aspiring developers sword. I learned about the kernel and a/b slots and so on. Still haven't figured it all out but it hasn't stopped the train. I learned about dsu loaders and GUI 's and hand have installed a few GUI's and even Android 13. I have recently figured out where to find the factory firmware and patched my first factory boot image for flashing. I got stuck on the TWRP part ,since they don't have a official version yet, but haven't got discouraged. Currently researching a few work arounds and am really interested in this "Super Stack" I've heard about but can't seem to find very easily. I guess having this phone model was a great way to throw me into the fire and get the wheels of knowledge moving. A year ago I wouldn't have thought I would be even trying any of this. I always have read Science and Tech related things but never made the leap. Now it's becoming more than a hobby. I'm learning code ,Linux, python, or testing, and a slew of other things . All self taught and out of a passion for knowledge. Not bad for a 40 year old pool man with one year of college lol. I just want to say thank you to all the Developers and Contributers to the XDA platform. Without you, it wouldn't have been possible for me to even begin to do any of these things. The knowledge and other things I have learned from this sight are priceless. And it has given me the push to learn so many other things and different skill sets . Given me a new outlook on life and a passion to follow my dreams. And for that I'm forever thankful. I hope that wasn't to much lol. Thank you!
Mr.Stronghands said:
Greetings and salutations! I'm a new member but have been reading threads on XDA for about a year now. About 6 months ago I decided I wanted to make the jump into tinkering and really learning about android and what makes it tick. I had purchased a Motorola Moto G Stylus 5g Denver Variant, and decided to try and root it and install a custom ROM . Well that was a very tedious task, as some of you may know and a little above my skill set. But I hunkered down and did research and studied to sharpen my aspiring developers sword. I learned about the kernel and a/b slots and so on. Still haven't figured it all out but it hasn't stopped the train. I learned about dsu loaders and GUI 's and hand have installed a few GUI's and even Android 13. I have recently figured out where to find the factory firmware and patched my first factory boot image for flashing. I got stuck on the TWRP part ,since they don't have a official version yet, but haven't got discouraged. Currently researching a few work arounds and am really interested in this "Super Stack" I've heard about but can't seem to find very easily. I guess having this phone model was a great way to throw me into the fire and get the wheels of knowledge moving. A year ago I wouldn't have thought I would be even trying any of this. I always have read Science and Tech related things but never made the leap. Now it's becoming more than a hobby. I'm learning code ,Linux, python, or testing, and a slew of other things . All self taught and out of a passion for knowledge. Not bad for a 40 year old pool man with one year of college lol. I just want to say thank you to all the Developers and Contributers to the XDA platform. Without you, it wouldn't have been possible for me to even begin to do any of these things. The knowledge and other things I have learned from this sight are priceless. And it has given me the push to learn so many other things and different skill sets . Given me a new outlook on life and a passion to follow my dreams. And for that I'm forever thankful. I hope that wasn't to much lol. Thank you!
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Thats a nice intro!
Welcome aboard Michael

Bewildered beginner here to learn from the winners...

I wish I could list even one awesome coding skill to contribute to XDA, but the truth is the other way around - it's the developers here who've been contributing to me for the past several years as I've struggled to navigate the ever-winding road of Android. I came here completely green, not a single line of code to call mine, and had to look up every other word in the posts, only to have to look up the words in the definitions as well.
I remember that time very well, as I was armed with the new Nexus 5 Hammerhead running KitKat 4.4.4, and all I wanted to do more than anything in the world was this really cool thing I'd heard about called 'rooting.' Didn't even know what I could do with a rooted phone back then, especially since it was my very first smartphone. And somehow, some way, with the help of the posts here on XDA, I managed to gain root privileges on my first try. Bragging rights? Nah. Not until it's revealed that it only took me 3 weeks of delving my phone's deepest corners before finally discovering this amazing secret where anything I deleted instead got doubled, which allowed me to finally achieve the world record of filling up a phone's memory with useless data faster than The Competitor could get hit with planned obsolescence lawsuits. Now that's fast, indeed.
On a more serious note, there has actually been one question I've seen posted recently that I realized I could have easily helped someone with, had I an account here. Thus, what you see before you. Of course it will probably turn out to be the only question I'll come across here that I can answer, but someone needs me the way I've needed you and if I could help even just one person, then here I go...
XDA-Padawan said:
I wish I could list even one awesome coding skill to contribute to XDA, but the truth is the other way around - it's the developers here who've been contributing to me for the past several years as I've struggled to navigate the ever-winding road of Android. I came here completely green, not a single line of code to call mine, and had to look up every other word in the posts, only to have to look up the words in the definitions as well.
I remember that time very well, as I was armed with the new Nexus 5 Hammerhead running KitKat 4.4.4, and all I wanted to do more than anything in the world was this really cool thing I'd heard about called 'rooting.' Didn't even know what I could do with a rooted phone back then, especially since it was my very first smartphone. And somehow, some way, with the help of the posts here on XDA, I managed to gain root privileges on my first try. Bragging rights? Nah. Not until it's revealed that it only took me 3 weeks of delving my phone's deepest corners before finally discovering this amazing secret where anything I deleted instead got doubled, which allowed me to finally achieve the world record of filling up a phone's memory with useless data faster than The Competitor could get hit with planned obsolescence lawsuits. Now that's fast, indeed.
On a more serious note, there has actually been one question I've seen posted recently that I realized I could have easily helped someone with, had I an account here. Thus, what you see before you. Of course it will probably turn out to be the only question I'll come across here that I can answer, but someone needs me the way I've needed you and if I could help even just one person, then here I go...
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Nice intro!
welcome to XDA
Thank you, I mean it. (Bashfully looks down, hands clasped behind back, toeing ground...) This is the first time in my life I've ever signed up to be a part of something bigger than myself, there isn't a lot out there that can really keep drawing me back, time and time again. Now if I can just find that Thanks button I just read about, I won't have to take up so much space on the servers each time I want to show my gratitude.....
XDA-Padawan said:
I wish I could list even one awesome coding skill to contribute to XDA, but the truth is the other way around - it's the developers here who've been contributing to me for the past several years as I've struggled to navigate the ever-winding road of Android. I came here completely green, not a single line of code to call mine, and had to look up every other word in the posts, only to have to look up the words in the definitions as well.
I remember that time very well, as I was armed with the new Nexus 5 Hammerhead running KitKat 4.4.4, and all I wanted to do more than anything in the world was this really cool thing I'd heard about called 'rooting.' Didn't even know what I could do with a rooted phone back then, especially since it was my very first smartphone. And somehow, some way, with the help of the posts here on XDA, I managed to gain root privileges on my first try. Bragging rights? Nah. Not until it's revealed that it only took me 3 weeks of delving my phone's deepest corners before finally discovering this amazing secret where anything I deleted instead got doubled, which allowed me to finally achieve the world record of filling up a phone's memory with useless data faster than The Competitor could get hit with planned obsolescence lawsuits. Now that's fast, indeed.
On a more serious note, there has actually been one question I've seen posted recently that I realized I could have easily helped someone with, had I an account here. Thus, what you see before you. Of course it will probably turn out to be the only question I'll come across here that I can answer, but someone needs me the way I've needed you and if I could help even just one person, then here I go...
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what a great intro, welcome to eh world of "rooting" which in australia, means..... well, il let you look that up lol (i had fun over there when i explained to people i "rooted" my phone,)
we all have to start somewhere, like that advert on tv the woman asks "how do i hdmi a pdf" rofl , youve come to the right place to want to learn, im no expert but if you ever need a hand with anything your more than welcome to hmu
gav83collins said:
what a great intro, welcome to eh world of "rooting" which in australia, means..... well, il let you look that up lol (i had fun over there when i explained to people i "rooted" my phone,)
we all have to start somewhere, like that advert on tv the woman asks "how do i hdmi a pdf" rofl , youve come to the right place to want to learn, im no expert but if you ever need a hand with anything your more than welcome to hmu
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You actually made me laugh out loud with that one. Thanks I needed that! I'll certainly consider hitting you up the next time I need help, which is, on average, every 6.2 seconds. Now if that lady does ever figure out how to hdmi a pdf, she would be a Jedi Master, indeed, and we may both end up learning at her feet. Thanks again and likewise if you want to holler and maybe learn how to brick any device at all, I'm available. Brick master extraordinaire, that's me.
XDA-Padawan said:
You actually made me laugh out loud with that one. Thanks I needed that! I'll certainly consider hitting you up the next time I need help, which is, on average, every 6.2 seconds. Now if that lady does ever figure out how to hdmi a pdf, she would be a Jedi Master, indeed, and we may both end up learning at her feet. Thanks again and likewise if you want to holler and maybe learn how to brick any device at all, I'm available. Brick master extraordinaire, that's me.
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thats an acheibvment you reall do have to french connection uk, up nowadays to brick a device lol, thanks, so what phone ar you running now ? is it rooted ?
gav83collins said:
thats an acheibvment you reall do have to french connection uk, up nowadays to brick a device lol, thanks, so what phone ar you running now ? is it rooted ?
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My apologies for the late reply, and thank you for your offer, I'll probably be messaging you on my next project. The phone I'm using right now is an unrooted Motorola One 5G Ace, and it's lightning fast. But that's about where any good review ends for me. I should root it, but my screen is so cracked I may as well get a new phone.
However! I am the proud owner of a fully rooted Motorola e4 Plus, as well as a fully rooted Samsung Galaxy S5 - the AT&T kind, which is the only version that's untouchable by Developer Geohot's brainchild, Towel Root. (By the way, excellent work on that, Geohot. You are a legend among my circle.)
So, in short, I've got 2 rooted phones, neither with service, but still fun to poke around the older OS versions and see what's under the hood.
I'm tempted to grab a Galaxy S22 Ultra, but only if it's rootable, Samsung being synonymous with bloatware/trashware/dataware.
What kind of phone are you yourself working with?

Introduce Myself

My name is E-Jay and I am a new member here. I've followed XDA for a few years now. I am avid android user and have become the most knowledgeable out of anyone I know. I am 100% self taught over the last 5 years when I first started to learn of all the awesome things you can do with an Android and I laugh when people claim IOS or Microsoft have better OS or devices because I truly find that a laughable statement. Then I will explain APK mods, the abilities of a rooted device and the ease of doing so compared to IOS and usually stop when I see the person stopped listening at APK and has a unshakable opinion fed to them by InTouch magizine but every once in awhile I will see the spark I must have had when I first started to learn about the OS and I know I have a new friend and student. To you guys I am still light years away from knowing anything but that's why I love this site. Thanks for reading and I look forward to speaking on my favorite hobby with everyone here.
e-jay1980 said:
ople claim IOS or Microsoft have better OS or devices because I truly find that a laughable statement
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Yes, some people don't know nothing and think they can resolve their problems with shelling out even more money, instead of reading up
However, at least for apple I have met some very tech savvy people... always makes me wonder why they defend even ****ty apple decisions or ignore them Perhaps some form of Stockholm Syndrome?
What phone(s) do you have then?
Welcome to XDA and enjoy your journey around the forums!
SigmundDroid said:
I have multiple phones. I buy FRP locked phone's for nothing, figure out how to bypass it and add to my collection. I currently have a Samsung Note9, a TCL 30XL a nokiia 100
SigmundDroid said:
Yes, some people don't know nothing and think they can resolve their problems with shelling out even more money, instead of reading up
However, at least for apple I have met some very tech savvy people... always makes me wonder why they defend even ****ty apple decisions or ignore them Perhaps some form of Stockholm Syndrome?
What phone(s) do you have then?
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I collect FRP locked phone's I buy at next to nothing price, figure out how to bypass FRP, and play with it til I find my next project. Currently I have a Samsung Galaxy Note9, a TCL 30XE that I just posted the FRP bypass I figured out on Jan 2023 security patch for Android 12, a Nokia
Yes, some people don't know nothing and think they can resolve their problems with shelling out even more money, instead of reading up
However, at least for apple I have met some very tech savvy people... always makes me wonder why they defend even ****ty apple decisions or ignore them Perhaps some form of Stockholm Syndrome?
What phone(s) do you have then?
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SigmundDroid said:
Yes, some people don't know nothing and think they can resolve their problems with shelling out even more money, instead of reading up
However, at least for apple I have met some very tech savvy people... always makes me wonder why they defend even ****ty apple decisions or ignore them Perhaps some form of Stockholm Syndrome?
What phone(s) do you have then?
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Ok, had to get one of my toys open to my Google account device list to answer that because I collect FRP locked devices I find dirt cheap and bypass the lock, currently signed into my Google is a Samsung Galaxy Note 9, TCL 30XE ,BLU C5L Max, LGE LG K31, Wiko Life 3 Nokia X100 and those are ones I play with. I also have a mess of older ones including Samsung A01, Rooted Galaxy J2 I keep for sentimental reasons along with a Chinese MediaTec Tablet because they were the first device I successfully rooted and first mobile device I successfully rooted and J2 I flashed the original firmware and Android 5 that it still runs because I guess I'm like a car guy who wants his first car all original. My first successful rooted mobile device I wanted all original..lol .I could keep going with at least 7-8 more that have a charge on the battery I could check and tell u but nothing special. I had 2 devices that ran Android 2, the first Android OS to be on a phone but my freaking ex wife decided they were old trash so I threw her out with them...no, I really didn't but was not happy. Have never seen a device lower than android 5 before or since. Got both from my mother who thought I was insane when I got so excited over old phones she was throwing away. I guess everyone has a passion. Somehow mine became android phones. Even I think I'm a little crazy and wish I went to school when I was younger so I'd be more advanced in my knowledge of how the OS actually works and at 42 it is a little late to learn from scratch and start a new career but I enjoy what I do and Android is just a hobby I am passionate about. Thank you for asking, bet you regret it..lol
e-jay1980 said:
Ok, had to get one of my toys open to my Google account device list to answer that because I collect FRP locked devices I find dirt cheap and bypass the lock, currently signed into my Google is a Samsung Galaxy Note 9, TCL 30XE ,BLU C5L Max, LGE LG K31, Wiko Life 3 Nokia X100 and those are ones I play with. I also have a mess of older ones including Samsung A01, Rooted Galaxy J2 I keep for sentimental reasons along with a Chinese MediaTec Tablet because they were the first device I successfully rooted and first mobile device I successfully rooted and J2 I flashed the original firmware and Android 5 that it still runs because I guess I'm like a car guy who wants his first car all original. My first successful rooted mobile device I wanted all original..lol .I could keep going with at least 7-8 more that have a charge on the battery I could check and tell u but nothing special. I had 2 devices that ran Android 2, the first Android OS to be on a phone but my freaking ex wife decided they were old trash so I threw her out with them...no, I really didn't but was not happy. Have never seen a device lower than android 5 before or since. Got both from my mother who thought I was insane when I got so excited over old phones she was throwing away. I guess everyone has a passion. Somehow mine became android phones. Even I think I'm a little crazy and wish I went to school when I was younger so I'd be more advanced in my knowledge of how the OS actually works and at 42 it is a little late to learn from scratch and start a new career but I enjoy what I do and Android is just a hobby I am passionate about. Thank you for asking, bet you regret it..lol
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Apparently I answered multiple times. New to this site and the setup a little different on mobile. More like a blog or a Docs setup. Still don't know how I managed to post the first sentence of my answer 3 times before my entire answer. I apologize if confusing to you, just know it's 10 times more so for me..lol
e-jay1980 said:
bet you regret it
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Not at all, was interesting, especially the FRP part.
e-jay1980 said:
Apparently I answered multiple times
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Yea, sometimes it has it unreproducible quirks. Oh well, we have seen worse, eh

