Today, I've download a Dopod rom "ba_dopodcht_12406_110_10600_ship.exe"
Afterward, I've unzipped the exe file to several files.
Before ugrading my Eng OS to Traditional chinese, I try to fix the country ID error first.
However, while execute ,
"xda3nbftool -x ms_.nbf 0X2004030522"
The screen prompt out such error,
"Warning: this does not look like a nbf header, possbile you provided the wrong password"
I think it is the 0X2004030522 problem, would there anyone can told me how to solve it or the correct password for those 3 nbf file?
Many thanks.
Old tool wont work on type 2 encription found in that rom.
New tool is not out yet.
MDAIIIUser said:
Old tool wont work on type 2 encription found in that rom.
New tool is not out yet.
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Thanks MDAIIIUser again.
Then, if nothing to do the files, country id error appear.
So, how can XDA 2s user bypass the country ID error ?
MDAIIIUser said:
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oh.... thanks, I will try the CheckCEID_type =1 in this few day.
Hello MDAIIIuser, it is implied that no matter the upgrade.exe (shipped) is originally design for which country, using the special method can bypass the country id error ?
Well if you want to read it that way the answer is yes,
but if it does not work then the answer would be no.
I Never tried it!
The method is working allways when the device is still running.
However when the device is jumping into bootloadermode then it checks again.
With some upgrade files it works when it is in bootloader mode and with some other updates it wont work when your device is in bootloader mode.
It does work with o2 and with latest update from
I am scared to try i with chinese versions since i can't read chinese
I already try few times but not working,evem I try to used others tools in here still get error.
Thanks mwang reply and thanks all of the above.
However, it is quite confuse that someone (like mwang) can't work but someone work fine.
Could any experienced member try to explain it ?
Thanks for your kindly reply.
Dear All and MDAIIIUser,
Chris and me has been test this special method [CheckCEID_type]=1 on the dopod version.
Unfortunately, it fail and the country id error has been appear again.
1) The xda3nbftool can't work and prompt the password is incorrect
2) CheckCEID_type =1 still can't work.
Do any expert can help me , how can we upgrade our device to Dopod version ?
Hi !
I've got an ORANGE SPV M2000 (originaly with a german ROM) - now since a few weeks with an O2 xdaIIs WWE ROM (1.22.00) - works just great.
Now, there is a new ROM-Version available @ - but i'm not able to convert it with xda3nbftool.exe to my needs - theres coming always the same error:
WARNING: this does not look like a nbf header, possible you provided the wrong password
I read a lot in the forum, but found nothing about new passwords - does anybody knows them ??? Or is it another problem ?
Thanx for your support !
don't need any pass...
Edit the RUU.conf file
Add the following line
Save changes
Now run BaUpgradeUt.exe
It will say that it will upgrade to this version.
However when the device enters bootloader mode the upgrade util gives a country error. (Don't panic)
Simply restart BaUpgradeUt.exe while the device is still in it's cradle.
Now it will install without a country error.
tip for getting out of bootloader mode hold power and camera button and press reset.
Protechvn said:
don't need any pass...
Edit the RUU.conf file
Add the following line
Save changes
Now run BaUpgradeUt.exe
It will say that it will upgrade to this version.
However when the device enters bootloader mode the upgrade util gives a country error. (Don't panic)
Simply restart BaUpgradeUt.exe while the device is still in it's cradle.
Now it will install without a country error.
tip for getting out of bootloader mode hold power and camera button and press reset.
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Hello Protechvn
Is it this special method working in all series of XDA upgrading like XDA 2/Mini/2i ?
Only for any rom version xdaiis.
this tip does'nt work for me..
each time i restart BaUpgradeUt.exe (after entered bootloader mode), i still get the country error code... :evil:
and i would like to understand why...seems to "forgot" the [CHECKCEID_TYPE]=1
Worked for me perfectly - it's updated and works !!!
Protechvn said:
Only for any rom version xdaiis.
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Thanks Protechvn.
It is so sad that this special method can't work in other model.
Hope someone can discover it.
Hi guys...
First of all ,,,
Hi to all of you ,,
I am new in this forum ,,
because I have ust bought a XDA IIs....
now i have been going thorugh all those topics about ROM update ,, ,,
is there anyone has got time to explain it a bit in details,,,,would be really helping ,, I would like to upgrade my ROM ,, if its worhty ,,,
THank yo ,,, I have heard about it the latest one ,,
I bought my XDA IIs last week ,, or how can I check that ,, and if I do need to ,, how and where I can upgrade it ..
please,,,do explain,,
Read this first:
Then read:
And finally:
Protechvn said:
don't need any pass...
Edit the RUU.conf file
Add the following line
Save changes
Now run BaUpgradeUt.exe
It will say that it will upgrade to this version.
However when the device enters bootloader mode the upgrade util gives a country error. (Don't panic)
Simply restart BaUpgradeUt.exe while the device is still in it's cradle.
Now it will install without a country error.
tip for getting out of bootloader mode hold power and camera button and press reset.
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Thank you for the tip it worked great. Just one question, when I try to install the additional apps from o2 the active sync part works fine but when they try to install on my PDA2K with the latest o2 rom, I get an error message 'incorrect rom type'.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
I've tried to upgrade my XDA 2s using PDA2k WWE 14000 176 11 CDL. I bought mine in Singapore. And using it in Indonesia.
First I just run the BaUpgradeUt and it says Device ID error. Then edit the RUU.conf. Run it again and still get Device ID error.
Second, I tried Using MaUpgradeUt_noID and it worked fine for the Radio but not for ROM and ExtROM. Then I put Radio.nbf and MS.nbf into different folder leaving only nk.nbf, EnterBL, RUU.conf, RUU.dll, GetDeviceData, MaUpgradeUt_noID in the upgrade folder. I try to run di MaUpgradeUt_noID and it stop when the progress bar reach 41%. It says ERROR 112: CE ROM UPDATE ERROR. Same thing with ExtROM.
Plz guys I need help.....
Also my bootloader is 2.07. Sorry I forgot to write it.
Any help would be appreciated guys......need urgent help here..plz
Read wiki:
Use the first method.
TheLastOne said:
Read wiki:
Use the first method.
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still not working. I cannot use GetDeviceId coz it's only stuck in bootloader 2.07. Could you give me another way to revive this dead xda2s.
thx b4.
Flash it with the First Method (Quick/Easy) as this does not need the info out of devicedata.
Hi adbradwell,
Since you bought your device from Singapore, why don't you use the official Asia Upgrade to 1.40, since it is out. Get the shipped full exe from here. At least you can be certain you would not get any device / country error. Just my two cents worth tho. Cheers ^^
Btw, if you are stuck in bootloader mode, just perform a hard/soft reset to get out of it.
Sorry if this question has been answered, but I couldn't find anything on this...
I'm trying to install WM2k5_v4_R3 of the Ivan type upgrade.
I followed the directions and it gave me an error 100: model id error
I have the HTC Blueangel - PH20B1 B1 WWE
Everything that i have read said this upgrade works for this model. Any help would be appreciated.
did u use the sx66 .bat file or the normal (u need to use the sx 66 one as u have a ph20b1)
Do you know the name of the program? I just used the buu file...
Put your device in bootloader and try again.
Every upgrade works when your phone is in bootloader.
Good time of the day!
I have Orange SPV M2000 France. I received it without radio ROM. OK. I tryed update radio rom to new one from shipped packed (downloaded form this FTP). Device writes Radio ROM Update Error.
OK. I readed all posts about fixing this problem. Now I have not working Bluetooth (License Expired BDA 00:00:00:00:00:00) and no Radio ROM.
Also, sometime, it writes in Model ID filed not PH20B but random chars.
Bootloader version 2.07.
Have any idea how to repair this device?
May be flash it from SD card (but how create it and where I can found images for write to SD card?).
Thank you very mutch.
P.S. All other stuff works fine (I mean that this device works fine as PDA, but no Phone and, now, no Bluetooth).
Help, please.
try to upgrade radio rom using maupgradeut_noid.exe
xplode said:
try to upgrade radio rom using maupgradeut_noid.exe
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Yes. I tryed. As I said I tryed all solutions from forum. No result. It freez on 0% when I use _NoID.
Any idea?
have you tryed this?
one of the commands cleans your storage, so do a backup first
Thank you. But yes. I tryed it too.
No result.
I think I need full flash for this device.
Sorry, guys. But have you any ideas how to repair my device?
May be somebody can dowload full-flesh from devices and upload it on FTP?
Have you gone through this page and if so what errors did you get and when.
Yes. I did.
If I use Type II it reports Radio Update Error at 0%.
If I use Type I it freeze on 0% without reporting error.
If I use original (not NoID) then it reports CountryID error even [CHECKCEID_TYPE]=1 in .ini file.
Well I know for a fact that one user had a real painful radion install.
In the long run ir was a USB issue on his dektop.
I would try a different pc and follow wiki, dont mix your files TYPE I needs the type one update files and the fix.bat.
Type II the no_id
If you mix them it wont work.
Coutnry ID error is solved with Type II and No_id
OK. Thank you. I will try on second PC today.
OK. I tryed last solution. Same result. Radio update error.
I am really sorry. But anybody have solution?
Hi guys,
I tried to upgrade my trinity and it stopped at 80% with error about connection problem. I've entered bootloader manually (I get:
I then run the updater again, and it fails at %1 every time with "error 270"
How can I restore my device ?
Which updater are you using?
Try a ROM that matched your CID (official HTC Rom if you have a non-branded device).
Good luck.
The crash happened when I tried to update to mUn wm6 rom
Now I've got the same issue (error 270) with all the roms (even the one matching my CID)
The problem is that it says that my device sould be synchronized with activesync but I cannot connect to activesync as it only start in bootloader.
tonio94 said:
The crash happened when I tried to update to mUn wm6 rom
Now I've got the same issue (error 270) with all the roms (even the one matching my CID)
The problem is that it says that my device sould be synchronized with activesync but I cannot connect to activesync as it only start in bootloader.
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You definitely should've followed other forum member's suggestion to flash HSPL before trying mUn's WM6 ROM... I might be able to help you, though, contact me in private if you want.
I hope your trin will get alive again!!!
Please post any news after pms...
Good luck bro
Unbricked thanks to stepw. You're a genious stepw thank you so much
OK, can you please write here the procedure that helped you?
So if anyone else will have same problem, it will see the solution...
same Problem here with Herald....How can i flash from Bootloader if i don´t have the original HTC Rom file, that fits my CID ?
Thanks !
stepw sent me a tool he made to flash HSPL from the PC. As he is still working on it, he asked me not to distribute it but I think you can ask him with a private message
A little correction - HSPL was NOT flashed to tonio94's device, unless he flashed it manually.