i am a little noob when it comes to rom upgrading. so, i apologise if this is a stupid question. i flashed my wizard with wizard love rom. the ipl and spl both show 1.01 and os, no gsm.also, my phone doesn't catch signals.now, if i need to flash a radio rom, which radio rom should i flash, and is there any risk of bricking my device ??
There's very little risk (I'm definitely not going to say there's none because you always take some risk when flashing) with flashing a radio ROM. I kind of curious though, most people only flash the wizard love ROM so they can CID unlock before going on to flashing other ROM's such as a WM6 version. Are you planning on keeping the wizard love ROM as your OS? Which radio ROM you decide to flash kind of depends on where are and what ROM you're using. 2.19.11 seems to be the most popular one to flash though. Check the wizard wiki if you need to download it.
Basically flasing Radio ROM will not brick the device, and it also does not require CID unlocking.
Beside 2.19.11, 2.47.11 and 2.69.11 Radio ROM are also popular.
If you have unlocked your device after downgrading IPL and SPL, just get a 3.08 IPL/SPL upgrade package and you will get all IPL/SPL/Radio ROM upgraded to the most current version.
p.s. You now have IPL/SPL 1.01 that is too old and should be upgraded (Instead you MUST upgrade to at least 2.xx if you plan to use WM6)
i was earlier having ipl n spl 2.xx..but i wanted to unlock my device.so, i downgraded to button's 1.05 rom..but i couldn't unlock it (See my post in the topic 'The Definitive Guide to Unlocking & Rom Upgrading G3 Wizards'), after which i decided to simply flash the love rom...
What by mean of "couldn't unlock"?
What error is shown from lokiwiz/aWizard?
p.s. Unlocking require ActiveSync connection
edit. sorry
starkwong said:
What by mean of "couldn't unlock"?
What error is shown from lokiwiz/aWizard?
p.s. Unlocking require ActiveSync connection
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when i run 'lokiwiz.bat' as instructed, it says 'your phone is now unlocked', but my device doesn't reboot..u may read my post in ''The Definitive Guide to Unlocking & Rom Upgrading G3 Wizards"..is there any way to check if my phone is unlocked or not ???
Search for and download wizard service tool. It has a button on it that you can press and it will tell you if you're unlocked or not.
I'll save you the searching since about 10 seconds after I wrote that last post I saw the wizard service tool thread. It's here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=295038
ok so i kinda f'ed up my phone..
the specs are
and i decided to flash the radio rom 2.47.11 and now it freezes when i try to enter in my password at start up..i read that what i need to do is get it into bootloader and flash a 2.x rom on it but when i try to pres the reset button and the 2 buttons on the right side it just normally starts up..also how would i upgrade to a 2.x rom..or is there any way to downgrade back to the stock radio rom? also my phone is unlocked
could i downlod the RUU_Wizard_225111_22511102_022511_CWS_WWE_Ship.exe rom and flash that onto my phone and have it work...still cant figure out how to get the bootloader screen to come up
yes after doing some more reading i realized i had to hold down the camera button and the start button until the bootloader came up..then i just pluged it in and ran the radio rom of 1.x and it worked yea!! mbe later i will try to upgrade the rom lol
CID unlock it while it is still working with your current ROM
Then stick Molskis G3 ROM on it and you will be sorted.
for more info.
woudl i be able to go to htc.com and upgrade do the rom upgrade there without havin to cid unlock?
Yes, you can upgrade a Cing 8125 with the officially released Rom (as posted on HTC's Website) without CID unlocking your device.
i do not need to upgrade the IPL/SPL first since i have 1.08?
keith1569 said:
i do not need to upgrade the IPL/SPL first since i have 1.08?
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Official Rom Updates include the IPL/SPL. If you download and flash the Cingular 2.25 Rom you will have IPL/SPL 2.25 after the flash.
is that good or would i want to cid unlock my phone first?
keith1569 said:
is that good or would i want to cid unlock my phone first?
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If you plan to install cooked Roms then you should CID unlock your phone. Technically CID Unlocking voids your warranty (though I had no problems getting warranty exchange on two previous phones that were CID unlocked).
The main reason to CID Unlock is that you can then install most (generally all) Roms that exist for your device. The only exception would be a G4 only Rom (which has the G4 IPL/SPL only) as your phone is a G3.
If you don't CID unlock then you can't install non-cingular Roms that include IPL/SPL so basically you would have to cook your own Rom if T-Mobile released an OS update that you wanted to use.
I would suggest you do some more reading before you CID unlock or flash anything else to your device.
ok bro thanks for the detailed explanation. I will.def do a lot more reading before I flash my phone or cid unlock it..this is a great forum full of useful information
keith1569 said:
yes after doing some more reading i realized i had to hold down the camera button and the start button until the bootloader came up..then i just pluged it in and ran the radio rom of 1.x and it worked yea!! mbe later i will try to upgrade the rom lol
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Where did you get the radio rom from ????? Do you have a link ????
just type in 2.47 radio rom in a search
keith1569 said:
just type in 2.47 radio rom in a search
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Ok i'll search for it thought maybe you had a direct link lready ....
I just upgraded my QTEK 9100 with the latest RIsidoro rom and have now a 2.26 OS but...always an ipl 1.03 and a spl 1.03.0000.
The device hangs and I can't have any activsync runnuing to reflash to an other version. How can I recuperate my PPC?
Thanks in advance
sailors_be said:
I just upgraded my QTEK 9100 with the latest RIsidoro rom and have now a 2.26 OS but...always an ipl 1.03 and a spl 1.03.0000.
The device hangs and I can't have any activsync runnuing to reflash to an other version. How can I recuperate my PPC?
Thanks in advance
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To get you started have a look at these threads:
More info required.
When having problems with Rom Upgrades you really need to provide as much information as possible about your situation.
Please state the following:
What Rom did you have prior to upgrading, include IPL/SPL numbers.
Do you know if your device is G3 or G4 flash chip?
Is your device CID Unlocked?
Have your read (thoroughly) the instructions provided for the Rom you attempted to upgrade?
My initial guess would be that the Rom you flashed doesn't include IPL/SPL (as Risidoro clearly states in the Original Post (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=276700)
In this case, you need to flash one of the Operator provided AKU 2.x Roms to get your IPL/SPL up to 2.x BEFORE you flash Risidoro's Rom to your device.
Thank you for you reaction
Before flashing I had following situation
IPL 1.03
SPL 1.03.0000
GSM 1.410.0
OS 1.37.10
I didn't saw the thread wher it said that the isodoro flash wasn't a complete one. So I upgraded the device with this rom on the above config
After flashing with Isodoro I have same IPL and SPL no GSM anymore and OS 2.26...
I have no USB connection anymore, I supose I can not flash anymore. The device is extremely slow. The only rescue I see is eventualy to flash the device again with the mini SD.
Before I started the first flash I did a CID unlock. Actualy i don't now if it is locked again.
If tou need more info don't hesitate and thanks for helping.
I'm going to give you some general info but you will have to do your own leg work to put this together.
The Wizard Wiki will contain some of the information you need:
Also see the stickied posts at the beginning of the Wizard upgrading forum.
I am assuming that your device is not properly CID Unlocked (although it may be doing it again will not harm your device).
First you will need to download an Operator Rom, I would suggest this one:
ftp://xda:[email protected]_Prodigy_1060701_101_11310_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe
as it is an official Qtek AKU 1.x Rom.
Second place your Device into Bootloader Mode (search on it) and run the update that you downloaded.
At this point you are pretty close to where you were when you started.
Now, CID Unlock your Phone! Use this thread:
If you have followed the instructions and everything went okay then you can now flash any of the Roms you (except one that are marked as G4 only since you appear to have a G3 Device).
sailors_be said:
Thank you for you reaction
Before flashing I had following situation
IPL 1.03
SPL 1.03.0000
GSM 1.410.0
OS 1.37.10
I didn't saw the thread wher it said that the isodoro flash wasn't a complete one. So I upgraded the device with this rom on the above config
After flashing with Isodoro I have same IPL and SPL no GSM anymore and OS 2.26...
I have no USB connection anymore, I supose I can not flash anymore. The device is extremely slow. The only rescue I see is eventualy to flash the device again with the mini SD.
Before I started the first flash I did a CID unlock. Actualy i don't now if it is locked again.
If tou need more info don't hesitate and thanks for helping.
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Looks like you flashed a 2.xx rom with no bootloader into a 1.xx system.
First try a full 2.xx rom from a carrier (cingular 2.25 comes to mind) then reflash the rom you want. Be careful playing with the phone in the current state as the battery will drain and not re-charge. I had to have a friend charge my battery for me when I did this same thing.
many thanks
I followed the procedure you give and recuperated my phone.
Thanks a lot for the assistance.
Merry christmas and happy new year
I have a dutch HTC wizard/qtek 9100, with the AKU 2 NLD ROM.
I tried CID unlocking but noticed that didn't work with AKU 2,
Is it possible my phone isn't cid-locked? Is there a quick way to check?
How can I downgrade to an older rom version and what file should I use,
I tried this one: "RUU_Prodigy_1030710_110_10410_Qtek_NLD_Ship.exe"
but after restarting my wizard and loading the bootloader the update program gave an error claiming that it can only UPgrade to newer versions...
I suppose I cant use the wwe version or can I?
well, thanx in advance,
As written before, u need AKU 1 to CID unlock your phone..the only way to be sure is to unlock again. Use buttons rom.. downgrade to that... unlock the phone.. install the rom again so the IPL and SPL are the same..then you can switch to whatever rom you want. How ever, you havent shown what type of Wizard you have whether its a G3 or a G4..the above method is what i used for my G3 Wizard
I have a g3 wizard,
so I can use that rom, I don't need a dutch version or something else?
Bonusbartus said:
I have a dutch HTC wizard/qtek 9100, with the AKU 2 NLD ROM.
I tried CID unlocking but noticed that didn't work with AKU 2,
Is it possible my phone isn't cid-locked? Is there a quick way to check?
How can I downgrade to an older rom version and what file should I use,
I tried this one: "RUU_Prodigy_1030710_110_10410_Qtek_NLD_Ship.exe"
but after restarting my wizard and loading the bootloader the update program gave an error claiming that it can only UPgrade to newer versions...
I suppose I cant use the wwe version or can I?
well, thanx in advance,
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1. Thank-you for posting in a new thread and not in a ROM release thread.
2. Do you have a G3 or G4 (what is your IPL/SPL?)
2a. If you have a G3 read the Sticky post The Definitive Guide to Unlocking & Rom Upgrading G3 Wizards.
2b. If you have a G4 log onto the IMEI pay site (links all over the place) and pay to get your phone unlocked.
3. IF you have a G3 rom you must downgrade to CID unlock. It isn't possible to CID unlock from AKU2 or higher (read the sticky, it tells you what you need to do)
4. The best thing to do if you are unsure is to just repeat the unlock procedure. It won't hurt a thing if you are already unlocked, but will unlock you if you are locked.
5. Don't do anything flash related until you know for sure, beyond a doubt which version of Wizard you have (G3 or G4) If you have a G4 and use G3 procedures you WILL most likely ruin your device.
6. You won't get this error if you follow the steps in the correct order from the upgrade guide.
7. Good Luck
Bonusbartus said:
I have a g3 wizard,
so I can use that rom, I don't need a dutch version or something else?
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With your G3 just follow the steps, in order, from the sticky and you should be able to end with whatever ROM you choose. Some of the steps may not make sense but, they are necessary and prevent common issues if followed correctly.
Well, I do have a G3 so I can follow the tutorial,
ipl and spl are 2.18,
only question left, CAN I downgrade to the wwe rom in the tutorial? that's what I wanna know, because I now have a nld rom, can I flash to the wwe rom in the tutorial without CID-unlocking?
well I think I just try
oh btw, any recommendations on which rom to flash to after unlocking? and I saw something about radio only roms and page-pools what would u recommend there?
I have
ispl v 2.18
gsm 02.07.10
How can i determine if this rom is cid unloced
there are so many diffrent turitorals but no one of them have refferences to my version of 2.18
i have only been able to determine that it is a g3 hardware
i try flashing it with wizzard love rom but i got an connection error from the flashing software. connection error.
can i use the button rom to cid unlock it. and then flash it with the newest roms avable. will this change the radio rom?
please help a very confused newbee.
It's unlocked if you unlocked it. Read and follow the directions for unlocking a G3.
the problem is that in the turitoral. it tells me to use the love rom not buttons rom. and when i try flashing it with that nothing happens...and i get a connection error in the flashing software. then i think i read in another tuitoral that 2.21 and smaller can not be cid unlocked? I am so confused.
dopus1 said:
the problem is that in the turitoral. it tells me to use the love rom not buttons rom. and when i try flashing it with that nothing happens...and i get a connection error in the flashing software. then i think i read in another tuitoral that 2.21 and smaller can not be cid unlocked? I am so confused.
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Why would you think that 2.21 and higher would affect you since you are at 2.18? Follow this tutorial. This outstanding tutorial written by Dr.P will get you unlocked IFF you follow ALL the steps in order and completely:
Of course you should have already read this entire thread since it is a sticky and is tagged with READ FIRST.
ok guys i f***** up my mda gets stuck at second splash screen the one that tells you ipl/spl and stuff
i was flashing a new rom using a prog called shelltool which i got from here as my device isnt cid unlocked i was using this rom
dunno whats happened but now its stuck and cant seem to get it sorted here are some details
ipl 3.08
spl 3.08
gsm 02.69.11
i have tried using a rom update utility but doesnt work, please help
You can always flash back to your MDA stock ROM.
After flashing back, flash to Button's ROM to downgrade your IPL and SPL and unlock your CID. However due to your IPL and SPL is at 3.08, there is a possibility that you can downgrade IPL to 1.01, however SPL stays at 3.08. In that case, try unlock CID using Wizard Service Tool (Actually you can also use WST if both IPL and SPL version are 1.01).
Note: Never use ShellTool ever. There are methods now that use RUU to flash your favorite ROM, both for G3 and G4. You should use those methods instead.
the same thing happened to me when I was very hesitant on cid unlocking my 838 . I use shelltool in flashing and was successful but when i decided to give another shot on a different cooked rom, it certainly did its job on flashing but never got pass on the IPL SPL screen.
then I follow Dr. P's guide (CID unlocking) then I successfully resurrected my 838 and now I can flash whatever cooked rom I want (given that it is for a G3 device)
btw, after flashing my 838 with the buttons rom, I use WST instead of lokiwiz
thanks for your help guys got it sorted and cid unlocked now
just need a really good rom now
and the hunting begins
good to hear that try to look for a rom that will suit your needs. There is a lot of good roms here, just try to search what best fit you.
like I did, i have flashed at least 5 different roms in just a months time