I heard from the at&t rep that the tilt could possibly be used as a car alarm or car remote. I was wondering if anyone of you guys knnew how to do this.
I was also wondering if you guys knew if it was possible to get the messenger programs on it to work on WiFi. I greatly appreciate all comments and adivce! Thanks a lot!!!!
Hi Guys
I know it's a strange request, but I was wondering if it was possible to have the Kaiser to act as a Bluetooth GPS unit, so I can use it with my MacBook Pro?
GPSGate is exactly what you're looking for.
Or GPS2Blue
Thanks guys...I knew it'd be out there....I just couldn't find it!
I can't get gps2blue to work with my kaiser. I keep getting IO exception. Bluetooth off? / Waiting for bluetooth to be enabled
However bluetooth is on and working just fine.
If you get something working let me know which ROM and how you did it.
I just got a JVC KD-BT1 stereo installed in my car. It has all kinds of bluetooth features to work with cell phones. One of the features I dearly want is the ability to automatically display text messages on the stereo's screen. Supposedly the Kaiser/Tilt supports OPP (Object Push Protocol) which is required for this feature. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get it to work.
Has someone had any luck doing this sort of thing and could they post what settings are needed on the Kaiser side? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?
I wanted to find out if it's possible to use the Tilt as a Bluetooth GPS adapter. I recently got an iPhone from a friend and am just trying it out but no GPS sucks. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I think this might be what you are looking for
That app looks exactly like what I'm looking for. Will try once I'm back at my computer. Thanks
I use my kaiser in conjunction with a voice activated parrot car kit.
Problem is when i attempt to make a call using it, the S2U software blocks the voice dial activator.
Is there a way around this?
alternatively, im running the manilla 2d software, and just need a keylock option on the main screen, and cant seem to find out how to get one!
any help greatly appreciated,
While I don't have a solution, you may be interested to know that I have been using a Kaiser (XDA Stellar from O2) with a Parrot CK3100 car kit and S2U2-1.62-QVGA without any problems. Up until yesterday I had the stock WM6.1 ROM but just changed to the Hyperdragon IV Rhodium ROM, which it works well.
If you think it might help to compare, settings let me know.
Looking to order an Optimus 2x phone tomorrow from GumMobile, their customer service so far has been great and I've not even bought anything off them yet!
Anyhow, I need a holder/charger and was wondering if anyone had found one which will notify the phone it's in the car charger and auto start the sat nav app? I know it can be done but not sure if there's a special charger/mount I need or how it works.
Any help welcome.