I use Mail on my Tilt to connect to an IMAP4 account (that isn't Gmail!). It works fine for the most part. There is one quite serious problem that I would like to solve. On my PDA, I can see my main "Inbox" folder and its contents, however, when I switch to one of the child folders on the server (say my "Work" folder), the folder appears empty, even after I try doing another send/receive. This is quite serious, as I have a lot of important mail in my various folders that I would like to be able to access. Any solutions?
My e-mail is currently sync'd to an Exchange 2003 server, which works beautifully apart from one thing. In my exchange rules I have certain rules set so that the e-mail is simply placed into a different folder. On my phone I have selected the subfolders that I want to also sync on the phone, but this is where my problems start.
When an e-mail comes into the subfolder, not only does it not alert me with any sound, it also does not display on the unread e-mails list so I have many a time missed an e-mail that I needed to see. The e-mail is visible as unread when expanding the outlook folder tree or entering the subfolder, but not anywhere useful.
Is there anything I can do to remedy this without having to resort to a massive collect all inbox?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I asked the same thing when i got mine because i have many sub-folders and the outcome is no you cannot, suck i know. I did find though that SPB Diary does and will let you choose your subfolders and displays them on the today screen. My problem was though SPB Diary slowed my phone down but so far that is the only workaround I had found. Here is a link to SPB Diary.
You can look at CheckMail application (http://www.magica.ro/pda_pocket_checkmail.php) which solves the problem of unread mails from subfolders.
This application monitor ActiveSync events and alert the user when there are unread mails in inbox and Subfolders.
You can test the application by downloading the demo version.
I really like watchflag.
Cool I have been looking for a solution for this for a long time! I wish that there were an easy way around this for both my phone and in outlook. I do feel that it is something that I shouldn't have to pay for though :-/ And I don't want to slow down my phone any more than it already is.
Hi guys,
I don't mean to vent frustrations here but I'm becoming increasingly disappointed with my T-Mobile Vario III (WM6).
My main issue lies with the email capabilities and its seeming inability to work consistently and correctly in my hands. Initially, I was not able to see the link for email attachments let alone download them.
I learned that I needed Windows Live to accomplish this. So I downloaded the CAB file, installed it, synced it with my hotmail inbox and everything appeared to be ok. Wrong.
I was able to click the attachment, which happened to be an .xls file, and download it. However, it revealed itself in 'Mail Attachments' on my SD card. Lets say the file was called Book1.xls, when I open Mail Attachments, the file is there but it has been renamed to '340000d2-330000d4' and is unrecognisable to Excel Mobile. The file is ~ 730kb. The phone suggests I go to Excel Mobile and try to open it through the application. This doesn't seem to be achievable.
What's more, when I go back to my inbox and try and re-download the file, it won't let me. It tells me it 'Cannot display the attachment'. Occasionally it will also say it 'Failed to sync folders'.
This whole process seems so much simpler on my friend's N95. Go straight to hotmail, download attachment, open with Spreadsheet and bang, it's there. Why can't the Vario III be like that?
I apologise in advance if I'm being incompetant but surely it shouldn't be this fiddly.
So if I understand you correctly, you can't view/open email attachments in your pocket outlook.
If that's the case, (if you're installed the latest windows cab), do have the latest version of "Windows Live" and/or Pocket MS Office '07?
Perhaps you should use a different email client (Fleximail, Profimail, (not free).
I also suggest you try the link in my signature "General Software Questions". That way, more people will be able to see and answer your question(s)
If I read things right, you are trying to download your email from Hotmail?? If this is right, then to be honest the best solution is to change to a proper pop3 address (Gmail for example).
I use Gmail on my Tytn II and have no problems downloading attachments etc using the built in Outlook client, the only thing I have done is to get another program to build a "check email" schedule.
If you aren't using Hotmail, then ignore this!
Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate the responses.
I was using Hotmail in a vain attempt to retrieve my attachments. After about 4 or 5 hours of research and effort, I decided to give up. I tried using Gmail and it works fine, as long as I don't use the html version of mobile Google. Normal Gmail allows me to save the excel file to my documents and open it with Excel Mobile.
I am satisfied, I suppose.
Thanks again.
I think you would be better of activating pop3 on Gmail and using the built in Outlook and not going through a browser, but its up to you.
If using gmail, I would enable IMAP on your gmail account, then set it up as a regular IMAP email on the Kaiser. Much better then POP on a mobile device.
I think the problem with the poster is he's opening the files directly from the mail attachment folder which is where Pocket Outlook puts the attachments with whatever name it wants to use.
What you have to do is go to your email and you'll see the attachment there with its correct name. Click and hold, choose save as and pick the location. Then you can browse to the location using windows explorer or excel and open it from there. Just like a pc.
Yeah, I worked it out: Don't use Hotmail. I configured it to use Gmail IMAP and it works fine. Now I just have the multitude of other bugs to deal with...
Thanks again.
Hey all. Since i did a restore on my device the other day i cant send or receive or even type sms messages. Ive tried pocket outlook and i can see my hotmail and outlook accounts but the SMS one is gone. When i click a contact and click send MMS it says unable to launch MMS Inbox. Make sure its not in use and try again. Also i tried setting flexmail to default for sms and when i click a contact to send a message flexmail opens but doesnt go to anything that will allow me to type out the message. Ive tried texting my mobile from another number but nothing comes up on the tytn but the screen lights up like its recieve something. Im guessing the pocket outlook mail app is broken or something isnt right. Any ideas?
ok ive found if i clear storage it restores this, when i reapply the backup it does it again. I think the backup must not be restoring something.
ok more info. it appears the pmail folders are not being restored. is there any way to repair them/it?
Ok solution found. It appears that when backups are restored the email and sms database files have some kind of conflict. So by performing a selected file restore using resco backup and not choosing email/sms restore it sorted it. But i lost all my old texts and emails. No biggie though.
"Quote CJBS"
Note: the following commentary relates to PPC 2003 SE. These instructions may work with other devices. Use at your own risk.
I ran into the problem of restoring with ActiveSync, and not being able to restore the databases that store SMS and other mail messages (eg. pMailFolders). Basically, SMS/Email and some MMS programs use a combination of the PPC Databases, and files in the \Windows\Messaging folder to operate. An inconsistency between these files, and records in the database can lead to the problems described in this thread.
There's detailed information about the structure of the Database Files with regard to messaging available here: http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/ind...3&p=231&more=1
Firstly, if the problem that I experienced arises, an option might be to use the SKTools program, or another task manager, to kill any processes that may be holding a lock on the messaging database. Once this is done, the retry option can be chosen (in ActiveSync) to attempt re-copying the database files (eg. pMailFolders).
If this fails, then an option that restores the existing setup ( but unfortunately losing any existing messages) is to do the following:
1) Delete all files in \Windows\Messaging, and the \Windows\Messaging\Attachments folders
2) Copy a Database Explorer program onto the PPC. (eg. eXEden Database Explorer at http://www.sweb.cz/eXEden/CeDbExplorer.htm)
3) Using the database explorer, delete all databases starting with "fldr" (eg. fldr200319e). These are the databases in which each folder's message details are stored (eg. "Text Messages/Deleted Items", or "Pocket Outlook/Inbox")
4) Now delete all databases starting with "pmail" (eg. pmailAttachs, pmailFolders). These are the "header" files, which bind all the folders together.
Once this is done, if you open up Pocket Outlook (poutlook.exe), aka Messaging (the default PPC mail program), you should see just the Outlook E-Mail, and (for phone editions) Text Messages. There'll be no messages in any folder. Perform a test by composing, sending, and deleting a message. Ensure that the message can actually be deleted.
Now, I've got an Xda IIs, which also came with the MMS program Arcsoft MMS. This is now missing. To reinstall it, download the file Default_ArcsoftMMS- from ftp://xda:[email protected]
Once downloaded, just reinstall it (or the appropriate original installation CAB for your MMS program, if applicalble), reconfigure your network settings using the AutoConfig program (start->Programs->AutoConfig-> choose your network, then choose OK), and Bob's your Uncle [you're done].
I provide this information here as I've many a time found the posts of others extremely useful, and I'm grateful to this forum and its contributors. I hope I could help you!
"end Quote"
I bought a Belgian Proximus branded Magic last weekend.
Now at work I got exchange support working, but I cannot view any subfolders on the exchange server.
I can see top level folders like Inbox,Sent, etc. But I have some folders which have their own subfolders and go even multiple levels deep. These last folders I cannot view with the mail app.
Small example:
I have these folders on my exchange account:
- Inbox
- Sent
- Work
|--- To-Do
|--- Done
I can view the "Work" folder (which hasn't got any emails directly in it), but I cannot get the "To-Do" and "Done" folders to show up.
A collegue of mine has a G1 running the Cyanogen ROM and he can view subfolders like in the above example just fine...
Does this mean the Cyanogen Exchange app is different from the regular Magic one? If so, any means of getting the subfolders visible on my Magic??
thanks in advance...
Strange. Exchange works fine on my HTC Magic (HTC-Branded).
I have sub folders and everything else.
i have a rogers branded and locked unit that is not rooted or anything like that. i dont use dfferent folders, but i just set one up to see if it would sync accross to my device. i have my device set to sync every 15 min, so i manually refreshed the list a couple of times and the new folder showed up in the folder list (at the bottom). i looked inside it and the email i had moved there in outlook did not show up until i pressed the refresh button again, then it showed up. i am not sure if it will work better if the settings are changed to as items arrive, but i can confirm that folders do show up
I strongly suggest getting Touchdown.
I updated my original post since I just realized the example was not displayed correctly.
So i can view top-level folders without any problems (like the 'work' folder in the above example).
The problem is that I cannot see and folders that are under one of the top-level folders (the 'done' and 'todo' folders in the above example).
I've been trying touchdown for a while and it sure looks and works great. But it's just that I'd rather get the built in app working rather than installing a 3rd party app which will also consume memory and cpu resources...
I have various problems with e-mail accounts in Windows 8.1:
- Outlook does't properly get imap folders, drafts are not saved in proper folder, just stored on phone
- Yahoo it's a mess, the phone is creating additional folders instead of using default folders for sent e-mails, drafts are not saved
- Yahoo and Gmail stuck in "Syncing...", Gmail for three days now. The only solution for this was to reset the phone, but I don't want to start again from scratch. Long pressing the account doesn't show any option, so I can't delete it.
Any suggestions?
The phone using local drafts instead of the IMAP Drafts folder is known and, apparently, by design (I don't know *why*, but in any case it's documented). That, along with the inability to edit original messages in reply/forward, are the things which annoy me most about WP8 email.
The other problems you're having I don't know so much about. Rebooting the phone or flipping it to airplane mode *should*, in theory, stop the attempted sync.