battery problems? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 Windows Mobile 6 Upgrading

i have started experiencing problems with my hima in that it shuts down now at around 20% battery automatically. didnt have this problem before. it started happening one day after i flashed a new rom. im using the same programs i used before. the only things that have changed are its gotten really cold now(could that affect the battery performance?) and i flashed the rom from a different pc than i usually use. any1 make anything out of this?

This has been a problem since WM6..its common..try using different Radio roms and search around the forum for more info

i was using wm6 before this started happening... there were no problems then. and i didnt flash the radio rom when i upgraded either. its the same radio. its like one day the phone decided it would stop working at 20% :S

i once saw the battery @ 3% on wm6... and it was still working...

xPreSiDenT said:
i once saw the battery @ 3% on wm6... and it was still working...
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That's the ideal situation and it fortunately still works this way for me.
Which ROM and which radio version are you currently running and which ROM did work till 3%?

i was using c_shekhars 7.0b rom at the time n i flashed 7.0c after that. this problem didnt start immediately after installing 7.0c but after quite a long time(many recharge cycles later). I have never upgraded radio rom ever since i got the device n its 1.10.00. Just flashed one of sonblacks roms from and its going fine till yet. I hope the problems gone although havent had a chance to let the battery drain yet.

Thanks, this is the most detailed report of what actually happened in this subject that I've seen so far. And it looks ike proof of what I already expected: that it's not part of the logic in any given ROM but more likely a symptom of a slowly dying battery. If it would have anything to do with the ROM, it should happen to all with identical devices and all directly after burning the ROM.
It is however true that WM5 and WM6 are more battery hungry than WM2003 and it's likely that these operating systems respond more critical to battery problems. Together that would indeed mean that you'd notice battery problems much earlier. So if battery life is your primary concern it's likely that going back to WM2003 would lengthen both your battery life and the time you can use it per charge.
I can't find exact reports on the production period of the Himalaya, some say the first ones were spotted as early as 1999 (probably mistaken device identity) and I'm sure that I haven't seen them in the shops from late 2004.
This type of LiIon battery probably has an average lifespan of 300 full cycles so indeed the first unlucky ones should drop out by now. If that happens to you right after flashing a ROM it comes natural to blame the ROM.
Beware! I've seen at least one report of someone who bought a "new" battery that performed even worse than the one that came with his Hima. LiIon batteries have a long, but still limited shelf life when not charged regularly. And I personally noticed when buying camera batteries that quality does have a price tag, buy from reliable sources, read return policy.
I'm currently studying if there is a way to bring down WM6 battery drain but can't make any promises if I'll ever succeed.
One last point: I once thought that the sudden burst of energy consumption that flashing a ROM is could be the culprit, but abandoned that thought. So far none of the developers and ROM cooks in these forums, who all regularly flash, reported battery problems that I'm aware of. Now I tend to believe that most of them charge so regularly and hardly ever discharge to the limit that this behaviour actually increases battery life.

I agree it must have something to do with the battery dying. Ive just set my device to stay on with bluetooth enabled and audio files playing. battery is at 28% right now. i hope it doesn't die at 20%.

nope it didnt keep on going. died at 20% so i guess no turning back for the battery now. will have to try and keep it fully charged all the time :S anyone know how much a new battery costs?

xPreSiDenT said:
nope it didnt keep on going. died at 20% so i guess no turning back for the battery now. will have to try and keep it fully charged all the time :S anyone know how much a new battery costs?
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it wouldn't hurt to try radio 1.17 and you still can see how long it lasts in its current condition. These batteries are widely available on Ebay, from very cheap up to very expensive triple sized with extra extended back cover. See for yourself if you trust an ebay seller or if you prefer to shop locally with ebay prices in the back of your mind.
Beware, original HTC batteries are relatively rare on Ebay, if the offer doesn't say "original" be sure it's a clone.
I once bought bad clone batteries for a camera, they came with "3 year guarantee" but the seller disappeared in less than a year.

ok can i upgrade the radio without changing or affecting the rom n all my saved files etc? would it change anything in the OS? i most probably wont be buying stuff off ebay coz might be too expensive.. wat with all the shipping costs etc amounting to almost the same as the batteries cost. you said once a guy bought a new battery with worse performance. is there any way to check battery performance at the time of buying(ie any softwares)?

I'm using Tofclock WM6 and radio 1.17 - works well and the PDA shuts down somewhere around 3 % !
So long

most of the regular people on this forum use radio 1.17 and none of them has so far reported battery problems.
It doesn't prove anything, I've never seen a red car with a flat tyre (true) but I still can't conclude that red cars for some mysterious reason never have flat tyres. There even might be some causal explanation:
-psychology of ppl buying red cars
-I see a lot less red cars than blue, black, white, metalic
-more women than men drive red cars, women are perhaps more careful about buying fresh tyres in time.
Conclusion, it never hurts to try

do i have to hard reset my device after flashing the radio?

From my experience its the battery.
With my previous battery, my hima was shutting down at 20-30% and i couldnt switch on the machine until i charge it.
I bought a new battery , I've experience using my himalaya to 1%, and it can still turn on.

xPreSiDenT said:
do i have to hard reset my device after flashing the radio?
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no you dont need to do a hard reset. A reset would suffice.

Maggy said:
most of the regular people on this forum use radio 1.17 and none of them has so far reported battery problems.
It doesn't prove anything, I've never seen a red car with a flat tyre (true) but I still can't conclude that red cars for some mysterious reason never have flat tyres. There even might be some causal explanation:
-psychology of ppl buying red cars
-I see a lot less red cars than blue, black, white, metalic
-more women than men drive red cars, women are perhaps more careful about buying fresh tyres in time.
Conclusion, it never hurts to try
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what you discovered is called in science:
Maybe, you're right - but we don't have enough statistics to prove if there is really no correlation between radio rom and the battery problem. So lets carry out a poll with users using WM6 and the different radio roms ... then we get exact values
so long

I'm not a noob in science but I intentionally try to avoid terms like illusory correlation.
A poll doesn't make much sense in this forum, look at n (=number of replies) in other polls.

It does not make sense that battery life in WM6 is much weaker than the 2003 since it is on Flash (persistant storage) and hence the ROM is not functioning most of the time which per my understanding is the cause of battery draining. Hence with the WM6 the battery life should be the same as 2003 if not better right?

dark_wing said:
It does not make sense that battery life in WM6 is much weaker than the 2003 since it is on Flash (persistant storage) and hence the ROM is not functioning most of the time which per my understanding is the cause of battery draining. Hence with the WM6 the battery life should be the same as 2003 if not better right?
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That sounds very logical. You should also expect that WM6 would be much smarter in power management than WM2003, based on the 3 years of extra development time. But it's just not what WM5 and WM6 users experience. Nobody so far reported in these forums to have experienced better battery life than with WM2003. Several people reported drain problems. It quacks like a duck, it walks, swims, flies like a duck, it looks like a duck but logic tells us that we should call it a dog?
No, there is a "logical" explanation, from MS developers point of view. You can read all about it on
So the main culprit seems to be the unattended mode. Fits like a glove to my personal experience:
-testing my device, navigation software on, all connections (BT, IR, GPRS, GSM) on, backlight 100%, constantly recalculating routes, it almost takes me 4 hours to go from 100% battery to totally flat.
-accidentally leaving some animated tasks open in the background, unattended mode while I thought it was suspended (asleep, standby, what's in a name) drained my battery once in about one hour!
But there somehow is another culprit as well. I have no idea what it is but even after a clean reboot my device stays alive almost 4 days on 2003 and "only" 3 days on WM6. I don't care, after draining in WM2003 I need to restore a backup while WM6 allows me to leave it on backup battery in a drawer for a couple of weeks without dropping a single bit.
I wish I knew a way to tell WM6 to use as much power while sustained on battery pack as it uses on backup battery.


HTC cannot be taken seriously

The Diamond is not up to the job. Again HTC have sacrificed robustness for design, it looks great but it is simply not up to the job.
I have had HTC phones for years, by far the most attractive phones on the market, but they always drop calls, need excessive resetting or are just slow.
After a year without an HTC phone I bought a Diamond but once again it cannot be used as my main phone.
Staying away on business last night I set my alarm for 6am, closed all apps, turned plane mode on and switched the device off. It had around 60% battery charge in it at that time.
Next thing I know the phone is ringing telling me my taxi is waiting to take me to the office...the PHONE IS DEAD...NO POWER.
There seems to be a huge memory leak that discharged the battery over a number of hours with apparently nothing running.
I'm so frustrated that HTC have lured me in again with their fancy design phone that simply cannot deliver the basics. Why do people keep buying their devices?
Can't wait for the Xperia to be released, in my experience Sony's build quality is exemplary. Anyone want a Diamond?!!
You know that the Sony Xperia X1 ist made by HTC as well?
Its a shame you are having these issues, my Diamond is fine, fair enough its not getting used for business so use is light to meduim on a day to day basis and it does need a soft reset every now and then but, I can leave mine on 1 battery bar and put to sleep for the night and it won't probably die till mid morning so as to why yours is draining so fast, especially from 60% I don't know. I am reasonably happy with mine to say how small the battery is.
Personally I don't think this phone is marketed for business users, thats what the touch pro is for, the diamonds battery just doesn't have the stamina for business use!
Personally I found my battery very poor at the start but then after each charge it seemed to get better and better. I always fully discharged before charging on the first 5 charges and do try to keep up to that, even though the lithium ion shouldn't really make any difference but its not always possible!
if it is for business I would wait for the Touch Pro, looks just as good and better battery!! etc!!!
Thanks for your reply. I do not use it as my business phone, I have a separate, infallible Nokia for that. It is my personal phone - I simply set the alarm clock on it - thought it would at least be able to wake me up!
Ok, 60% should be plenty to last 1 night in sleep mode, had you been using GPS / Google Maps, I believe their is a battery issue with google maps.
Well, let's not blame this on HTC now...I believe the problem lies with Bill Gates.
cojones said:
Thanks for your reply. I do not use it as my business phone, I have a separate, infallible Nokia for that. It is my personal phone - I simply set the alarm clock on it - thought it would at least be able to wake me up!
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I think you are doing something wrong. When I got my Diamond and it was still on the original charge it came with, I got the almost empty battery message when I went to bed. It went to standby and the next morning the alarm went off like it was supposed to. Sure, after it went of for about 10 secs the battery died but still it lasted a whole night while the battery was near empty so there must be something wrong if your battery dies so fast.
sjaak1234 said:
I think you are doing something wrong. When I got my Diamond and it was still on the original charge it came with, I got the almost empty battery message when I went to bed. It went to standby and the next morning the alarm went off like it was supposed to. Sure, after it went of for about 10 secs the battery died but still it lasted a whole night while the battery was near empty so there must be something wrong if your battery dies so fast.
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Thanks but this isn't really that helpful to me. Remember it was 60% at 11pm but didn't last the night.
cojones said:
Thanks but this isn't really that helpful to me. Remember it was 60% at 11pm but didn't last the night.
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Maybe you should have chosen another thread title if you wanted to have help. I thought YOU could not been taken seriosly. Anyway maybe you´ve used Google maps, there seems to be a bug. Google maps seems not to close the GPS so the battery is draining really quick. Or you even have a faulty cell.
Hamudi2000 said:
Maybe you should have chosen another thread title if you wanted to have help. I thought YOU could not been taken seriosly. Anyway maybe you´ve used Google maps, there seems to be a bug. Google maps seems not to close the GPS so the battery is draining really quick. Or you even have a faulty cell.
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I too think there is something wrong with your device or setting, mine was at 70% at 11:30pm, phone function is on, push mail is on, and another 2 POP3 mail are on for geting mail every 15 mins, this morning at 9:30am, it's at 50%, so you might want to look into this.
I fully agree with you. When it comes to ROM development, HTC is very slow and delivers a lot of buggy firmwares.
With the initial Diamond ROM my device came with, it was almost unusable, battery life was a joke too.
Now I'm using the latest TLR ROM which I can highly recommend. It makes out of a nice piece of hardware a usable piece of hardware. Not perfect, not even close to iPhone touch performance/usability but usable and probably close to perfection considering what is(technically) possible with Windows Mobile 6.1(which was never designed to be used with a finger but with a stylus).
The problem about flashing cooked ROMS is: you loose your warranty. I know this sucks, the OEM ROM is hardly usable and flashing even a different region ROM to your Diamond could void the warranty, this is something I don't understand.
If HTC wants to keep us happy, they need to release ROM updates MUCH FASTER than they do right now and please through OFFICIAL CHANNELS too.
I doesn't help customers too much if they need to come here to find the latest official ROMs to be able to make their expensive HTC toys work. The latest ROM versions need to be available on the local HTC support websites. What is the e-Club worth if they offer new ROMs once a year?!
The best approach is actually the way the TLR ROM handles updates. The AppToDate application is a treat and something HTC should seriously consider implementing into their ROMs. Unfortunately so much can go wrong, this is probably the reason why Nokia pulled the OTA Updates from most of their phones(where it was available), sad story.
So if you're willing to risk your warranty, you may be able to be happy with your Diamond after reflashing it with a cooked ROM from this forum.
If not, you better return it because honestly, without xda-developers and the fantastic cooked ROMs, HTC would probably sell only half of the devices they sell now. I would have NEVER EVER bought another HTC phone without the hope that some smart people over here would be able to deliver a decent and good working ROM.
HTC and Microsoft should kiss the feet of the makers/owners of xda-developers because without this site, I would have NEVER bought another HTC/WM device anymore. Honestly.
P996 said:
I would have NEVER EVER bought another HTC phone without the hope that some smart people over here would be able to deliver a decent and good working ROM.
HTC and Microsoft should kiss the feet of the makers/owners of xda-developers because without this site, I would have NEVER bought another HTC/WM device anymore. Honestly.
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I couldn't have put it better myself.
P996 said:
I fully agree with you. When it comes to ROM development, HTC is very slow and delivers a lot of buggy firmwares.
With the initial Diamond ROM my device came with, it was almost unusable, battery life was a joke too.
Now I'm using the latest TLR ROM which I can highly recommend. It makes out of a nice piece of hardware a usable piece of hardware. Not perfect, not even close to iPhone touch performance/usability but usable and probably close to perfection considering what is(technically) possible with Windows Mobile 6.1(which was never designed to be used with a finger but with a stylus).
The problem about flashing cooked ROMS is: you loose your warranty. I know this sucks, the OEM ROM is hardly usable and flashing even a different region ROM to your Diamond could void the warranty, this is something I don't understand.
If HTC wants to keep us happy, they need to release ROM updates MUCH FASTER than they do right now and please through OFFICIAL CHANNELS too.
I doesn't help customers too much if they need to come here to find the latest official ROMs to be able to make their expensive HTC toys work. The latest ROM versions need to be available on the local HTC support websites. What is the e-Club worth if they offer new ROMs once a year?!
The best approach is actually the way the TLR ROM handles updates. The AppToDate application is a treat and something HTC should seriously consider implementing into their ROMs. Unfortunately so much can go wrong, this is probably the reason why Nokia pulled the OTA Updates from most of their phones(where it was available), sad story.
So if you're willing to risk your warranty, you may be able to be happy with your Diamond after reflashing it with a cooked ROM from this forum.
If not, you better return it because honestly, without xda-developers and the fantastic cooked ROMs, HTC would probably sell only half of the devices they sell now. I would have NEVER EVER bought another HTC phone without the hope that some smart people over here would be able to deliver a decent and good working ROM.
HTC and Microsoft should kiss the feet of the makers/owners of xda-developers because without this site, I would have NEVER bought another HTC/WM device anymore. Honestly.
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Exactly my sentiments. Without XDA Forums, I would not ever have bought another WM phone. Thanks to all the guys who spend their time and energy for cooking ROM's for us whch make our devices so better.
Interesting to read this.
I have this exact problem intermittently with my Niki (Touch Dual) I complained to Orange UK & they sent me a replacement battery a couple of months ago.
Its happened three times since & now they are sending me a replacement phone. Hopefully this will sort the problem, I wonder if its something specific to flight mode as it only happens to me when I put it in flight mode.
If I were you I'd try & get a replacement from wherever you purchased the phone.
This is and always has been a common problem with WM phones. There is some program running somewhere which is draining the battery.
Along with the Pro's of anyone being able to make a WM app, comes the con that it doesnt need to be heavily tested on multiple devices.
If you tried the exact same thing after a soft reset, without launching any third party tools, i bet you won't have the problem. Your only solutions are to narrow down which program it is (probably google maps), or just not use third party tools untill others verify they work fine.
This isnt a HTC problem, its a WM problem.
To be honest, this is my first WM device and i have to say im quite impressed by it...i did have a WM device a few yrs back..think it was running WM5 and was from O2...big chunky looking pda/phone...cant remember the name of it. But having that for a few days just made me realise just how rubbish WM devices are...but that was before i discovered this gem of a forum.
As for the Diamond?...i love it absolutely love it...but my only major gripe is with the battery...if anything its going to put alot of people off...i really do not understand why HTC decided to go with such a low capacity battery...even with the tweaks applied its still not up to the job Diamond charged 100% this morning...made a few calls and received a few calls. Sent a few sms and received a few...checking my email every hr etc etc and my battery is now down to 2 bars :/....which just proves to me that HTC really screwed up in the battery dept...theres no way this device can handle all that power without a decent sized battery. But as usual HTC will put out an extended battery to rip us off some more. Thats the only thing that doesnt impress me about HTC and the Diamond. Other than that its a joy to use.
Up until Sunday i was seriously thinking of returning the phone but thanks to the guys here at XDA forums...i applied the tweaks that was mentioned and the phone is now much much like a few other posters...if it wasnt for this place...i wouldnt even bother with a WM device. So a big big thanks to this community...because of you guys im keeping my Diamond.
Now if they would only get a bloody higher capacity battery out soon!!!
someone1234 said:
If you tried the exact same thing after a soft reset, without launching any third party tools, i bet you won't have the problem. Your only solutions are to narrow down which program it is (probably google maps), or just not use third party tools untill others verify they work fine.
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Interesting idea & quite probably correct, however when my phone has discharged its after I've closed all apps via taskman & put it in plane mode.
Also sadly I'm still running vanilla flavour orange uk rom, locked with no additional apps... Which could very well be the source of my problems!
Must do more faffing when my replacement comes through
Spawn12 said:
i really do not understand why HTC decided to go with such a low capacity battery
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It is for the design, HTC wanted to make a smaller phone as Apple has.
The designers had no idea about the engineering, about WM, etc.
And here we are now charging the phone once a day as we done in years ago when we had Compaq iPAQ PocketPCs.
Spawn12 said:
But as usual HTC will put out an extended battery to rip us off some more.
Now if they would only get a bloody higher capacity battery out soon!!!
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no my friend...
ripping you off would be making the battery non-removable and removing a sim card with a paper clip.
wu5262 said:
I too think there is something wrong with your device or setting, mine was at 70% at 11:30pm, phone function is on, push mail is on, and another 2 POP3 mail are on for geting mail every 15 mins, this morning at 9:30am, it's at 50%, so you might want to look into this.
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Fot the pop3, where you trigering the wi-fi every 15 mins? if yes, no wonder you kill your battery so fast.

Is there a genuine fault with early HTC Diamonds and battery?

Im thinking this because many people who were early adopters with the UK/Euro HTC Diamonds are frustrated with a battery that lasts little more than 12 hours, some people (if they dont push email) a day. Others, particularly those who had the later Diamonds (inc the operator branded ones) are reporting 1.5 - 2 days of usage.
If this is a real problem the HTC should have a recall on their hands. Im hesitant to send mine back (First UK batch) though, even though mine lasts little more than 10-12 hours while pushing email.
What do people think the faults are, the hardware, the ROM or the battery itself?
My Touch Diamond lasts for barely a day, which is amazingly irritating, I've heard most people go on about them getting 2 days, which is what I would have expected considering my old HTC Wizard could get 3 days if you pushed it.
I have a strange battery- li-ion polymer - is there any issue with that? I had a Diamond from first generation , I bought another one , I sold the first but I kept first battery (li-ion polymer). The second one had li-ion battery.
i think it is down to how you use the phone.
i can get 3 days easy if i dont use it alot but i can
also kill it in a day sometimes if im busy.
I think it's all about a one-time calibration. Many notice an increase in lifetime of a battery charge after some use. I made the same observation.
Since I installed a new Hard-SPL, a new radio and a new ROM the battery meter falls rapidly with even the smallest use. I think (hope) that once I discharge the battery nearly to 0% the meter knows how much charge the battery really can hold.
I read somewhere that it's quite impossible to determine the exact charge level of a Li-Ion battery if it's constantly charged und discharged a bit as measurement gets off more and more with each incident.
murks_muell said:
I read somewhere that it's quite impossible to determine the exact charge level of a Li-Ion battery if it's constantly charged und discharged a bit as measurement gets off more and more with each incident.
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No doubt... Yesterday I ran down a portable PC battery from 100% (think it was about 1.5 hours of use). At 0% it kept going for 30 minutes (!!!) before starting to flicker and shut down.
darthbane2k said:
Im thinking this because many people who were early adopters with the UK/Euro HTC Diamonds are frustrated with a battery that lasts little more than 12 hours, some people (if they dont push email) a day. Others, particularly those who had the later Diamonds (inc the operator branded ones) are reporting 1.5 - 2 days of usage.
If this is a real problem the HTC should have a recall on their hands. Im hesitant to send mine back (First UK batch) though, even though mine lasts little more than 10-12 hours while pushing email.
What do people think the faults are, the hardware, the ROM or the battery itself?
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i sent my diamond to the repair center because my battery last only 10 hour without using the Idle mode, with only the phone on, bt,gps,wifi off.
I hope htc recognize some hardware fault....
the repair center is slow.....about 1 month of waiting..
I think the battery just generally sucks, mine isn't a first batch i don't think (purchased + recieved on T-mobile (MDA Compact IV) a week ago) and i still get poor battery life!
mine lasts about 2/3days
im a light user...don't really bash the phone
but im in hong kong in a couple of weeks
will treat myself to a beter battery while im there
got mine yesterday, and yeah, the battery is horrible
i hope it will improve with a bit of time... i'm still going to add tweaks, and probably flash it too
iceblade911 said:
got mine yesterday, and yeah, the battery is horrible
i hope it will improve with a bit of time... i'm still going to add tweaks, and probably flash it too
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well the newer ROM's are generally much better than the older ones, so if your diamond shipped with an old ROM you may see a considerable improvement.
kolbac Im waiting for your response considering you are the first one, who actually send the phone back. Im also considering this. Im havin 10-12 hours standby aswell. First EU batch. bought in june.
I did send my Diamond back, although for another matter but battery-live was poor too. The new one I recieved back is what I expected in the first place: stable operation and a battery-live of at least two days, most of the time even longer.
laser21 said:
kolbac Im waiting for your response considering you are the first one, who actually send the phone back. Im also considering this. Im havin 10-12 hours standby aswell. First EU batch. bought in june.
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Hi, don't know if in your country take the diamond to a repair center is fast and simple.
Here in italy is a pain in the a**.
There is only one authorized center in all the country and that is in milan, and you have 2 choices:
ship by yourself the phone to the "contact center in milan" or take the phone to a repair center near you and then they have to ship to milan.
So u spend alot of time in this chains and you don't have a direct contact with the technicians.
plus now there was the summer holidays so the workflow is slow.
For sure with only 10-12 hour of standby the diamond isn't usable for me so in my opinion you should take it to a repair center.

(new battery fixed it) battery life really starting to piss me off now...

My Tilt's battery life has always been bad.
I always have it plugged in, otherwise it'l be dead before I know it.
I was getting kind of annoyed when my battery life would go from 100% to 40% if I played doom for 20 - 30 minutes.
But just last week I couldn't take it. I got on a plane to San Deigo with 95% battery (from Seattle, a 2 hour flight). I started to watch a movie using tcpmp. about 14 minutes into it I noticed my battery was already below 50%, so I switched to coreplayer , but by the time I made it 25 minutes into the movie my battery was at 2%.
I had to stop my movie and turn it off so I could atleast make a call after I got off the plane.
I'm thinking the faster our Kaisers get with these video drivers the more our battery life suffers.
On the trip back to seattle, I decided to listen to music, and not do anything that used video (that includes games). My battery life started at 85%, and after the 2 hours of listening to music, it was at 40%, well, not bad.. but still annoying..
How are your guy's battery lives? Just as bad as mine? worse? I'd like to know..
hey there!
I had a simillar problem. My battery went dead after 4 hours, without even using the phone at all! so I was ready to throw my TyTn II out of the window.....
However, I installed another radio on it ( with the Hyperdragon IV Iolite ROM on it.
Now it works for about 30 hours before it's empty... so I think it has something to do with your radio. try another version, maybe it'll help!!
thanks! I'll try this. I'm thinking about flashing the newest PDAcorner wm6.5 rom. I'm still using a rom from... late 2008, I don't even remember. I'll post back when everything is up and configured again.
mikeeey said:
thanks! I'll try this. I'm thinking about flashing the newest PDAcorner wm6.5 rom. I'm still using a rom from... late 2008, I don't even remember. I'll post back when everything is up and configured again.
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Hi Mike,
I'm using PDA corners Ultimate-X V7 (I don't like the WM 6.5 yet) and doing more than 3 days (really!) with my battery. In my Kaiser, I have HardSPL 3.56 and RadioROM V1.71.09.01 installed.
I also use Herrero Daniels Comm Manager Pro, which switches on and off Wifi and Bluetooth automatically on the ID of the radiotowers.
Another nice feature (I have a bluetooth carkit installed in my car) in this software, that is able to switch bluetooth on and off by making/receiving a call.
You might also buy yourself a new battery. They can be easily found on ebay. Yours might be exhausted. I assume, you are not allowed to have the radio switched on inside a plane, that might be proof of an exhausted battery.
Rinoceros said:
Hi Mike,
I'm using PDA corners Ultimate-X V7 (I don't like the WM 6.5 yet) and doing more than 3 days (really!) with my battery. In my Kaiser, I have HardSPL 3.56 and RadioROM V1.71.09.01 installed.
I also use Herrero Daniels Comm Manager Pro, which switches on and off Wifi and Bluetooth automatically on the ID of the radiotowers.
Another nice feature (I have a bluetooth carkit installed in my car) in this software, that is able to switch bluetooth on and off by making/receiving a call.
You might also buy yourself a new battery. They can be easily found on ebay. Yours might be exhausted. I assume, you are not allowed to have the radio switched on inside a plane, that might be proof of an exhausted battery.
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Good advise, these batteries are really only good for about a year, then you will see them start losing their cool.
Same issue here
I also have these problems!
I love my Tilt! I have a second batter which started to loose its capacity aswell
Very very annoying
Same annoying issue here...but
I just bought and awaiting an extended battery for my Tilt..
My radio is a wierd one is 1.70.OliNex.......I probably should change it but...the whole idea of flashing concerns me, cause I am not that technical and I don't want to brick my phone.
hey if youre planning on flashing a rom, i dont think a 6.5 rom will make you happy. i am currently using abu's 6.5 v7 and it has poor battery life and so does josh and anryl's(could be just me) one 30 minute phone call from 100% and i drops to 60%. i would insist on using abu's 6.1 rom. i used it for months and it has ALOT MORE battery life. if you really want more battery life you could get the fatter battery pack or just buy another one and keep it charged with you
frank109 said:
if you really want more battery life you could get the fatter battery pack or just buy another one and keep it charged with you
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Only one.... I've got 2 spares as well as the one in the phone here. I've had my TyTN II using TomTom Navigator 6.032 all day on and off whilst working and then watching pre-recorded TV for a few hours on the train going home. I also have a 3-in-1 USB adapter that lets me use the headphones while the battery is being charged so sometimes I'll use this setup with the mains adapter on the train.
I do have to give the battery terminals a clean with contact cleaner applied from a cotton bud every month or two. I guess all that battery changing lets impurities in there and conductivity is affected. The slightest (invisible) film of grease on the contacts can cause big problems with battery life when you're only talking 3.7 volts to start with. I often watch video on TCPMP and have never seen such a rapid drop as mikeee's experienced so I also think the battery is on it's last legs (and possibly dirty terminals too).
½hour of a 3d software rendered game on batt would take it's toll on most devices
greywolf1965 said:
I just bought and awaiting an extended battery for my Tilt..
My radio is a wierd one is 1.70.OliNex.......I probably should change it but...the whole idea of flashing concerns me, cause I am not that technical and I don't want to brick my phone.
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I think that's the patched radio used to SIM unlock and you should indeed change it
I flashed PDAcorner X2 V8 wm6.5, battery life was worse I think.. lol.
I'm going to try V7, see if some of the problems in V8 are fixed.
If that doesn't work I'll try TPCElite.
and If that doesn't work I'll go back to the latest PDAcorner wm6.1 rom.
any other rom suggestions? I'm pretty much trying all the new ones now, don't know if I left out anything special.
There is no point in me buying a battery for my tilt, as soon as I get a job I'm buying a nokia n82 anyway.. o wait.. and I couldn't even afford the battery in the first place without a job.. lol
mikeeey said:
There is no point in me buying a battery for my tilt, as soon as I get a job I'm buying a nokia n82 anyway.. o wait.. and I couldn't even afford the battery in the first place without a job.. lol
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It's going to take a lot less time to save for a battery than for a whole new Nokia phone so why not get the battery first so you can be happy with using your existing phone whilst continuing to save for your ultimate goal... did I really say that about a Nokia brand phone
Flying Kiwi said:
It's going to take a lot less time to save for a battery than for a whole new Nokia phone so why not get the battery first so you can be happy with using your existing phone whilst continuing to save for your ultimate goal... did I really say that about a Nokia brand phone
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lol, yes, but my first paycheck would probably bring me half way there to getting the new phone, then one more I'd have the phone.
If I were to get the battery with my first paycheck, I would have to wait two more paychecks to get the Nokia N82.
EDIT: o wow! I just checked the price of the batteries on amazon and they are CHEAP!!! I guess phone batteries aren't $100 like the used to be.. maybe I'll get one after all!
EDIT 2: I can get a new battery, car charger, and 3.5mm adapter all for just $15 on amazon!! I'm going to get them now!!!
Just flashed V7, and now I loose 2% per minute if I'm using the device (I was just browsing/exploring my device...setting up S2U2...etc). The same issue happened in V8. I noticed V7 and V8 don't have direct draw drivers, this might have something to do with it? V9 will hopefully fix this issue, abusalza told me V9 will have some big changes
mikeeey said:
Just flashed V7, and now I loose 2% per minute if I'm using the device (I was just browsing/exploring my device...setting up S2U2...etc). The same issue happened in V8. I noticed V7 and V8 don't have direct draw drivers, this might have something to do with it? V9 will hopefully fix this issue, abusalza told me V9 will have some big changes
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I am using PDA corners Ultimate-X V7 which is a 6.1 ROM .
And it last for more than 3 days. If you will receive your new battery, first of all, charge it once and then use your phone, until it the battery is empty Do not charge your battery until your phone says it is empty! After that you will notice a significant increase of life.
Also flash your RadioROM to 1.70 or 1.71, for this PDA corner Rom.
Good luck !
Rinoceros said:
I am using PDA corners Ultimate-X V7 which is a 6.1 ROM .
And it last for more than 3 days. If you will receive your new battery, first of all, charge it once and then use your phone, until it the battery is empty Do not charge your battery until your phone says it is empty! After that you will notice a significant increase of life.
Also flash your RadioROM to 1.70 or 1.71, for this PDA corner Rom.
Good luck !
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thanks for the advise! I'll do all of this, including the battery draining. Do I let it completely die from running out? or let it reach critial battery state?
Ultimate-X V7 is wm6.1? is that the same as Ultimate-X2.V7.Premium? cause that's the one I'm using, and it's wm6.5..
mikeeey said:
thanks for the advise! I'll do all of this, including the battery draining. Do I let it completely die from running out? or let it reach critial battery state?
Ultimate-X V7 is wm6.1? is that the same as Ultimate-X2.V7.Premium? cause that's the one I'm using, and it's wm6.5..
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Let it go, until your phone shutdown (switches off) Then fully charge it, until the power led is green. Have fun with a long life battery.
I meant this ROM. It is on version 8, but I had some troubles with it (configuration and other ones) and feld back on the version 7. WM 6.5 is really a hot shot for your battery.
And check also this software, it let you switch on and off wifi, bluetooth and what else on the location of GSM-towers. More info here.
hello again everyone, this new battery is great. I played starcraft on my tilt for about 25 minutes and the battery only dropped to 90%. Before it would have most likely been below 50%, as that's what it would do with warcraft II.
To be honest I don't think I've seen it even go below 80% yet
I love how most of these type threads start and end the same..
At first they blame the phone and radio and then they are enlighted and buy a new batt.
Now if people would just start reading the previous battery thread everyone would be happy.
Changing the radio
kareem9nba said:
I think that's the patched radio used to SIM unlock and you should indeed change it
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Well, I took the plunge and I flashed a new radio.....a bit scary due to the process stopping cause of loss of communication, but in the end I was able to pull if off. Thank you.
Now, flashing a ROM is the same as flashing a radio, right?

Recommended replacement for Kaiser?

Hi all - my poor Kaiser has suffered the dreaded RLOD. Tried every possible fix short of a new battery... which I should get in the mail this week.
If the phone itself is bricked, what would people recommend in terms of a replacement/upgrade? I'm in Canada on Rogers so it has to be a GSM phone. Generally use it for business apps.
Thanks for any suggestions.
kingmatt said:
Hi all - my poor Kaiser has suffered the dreaded RLOD. Tried every possible fix short of a new battery... which I should get in the mail this week.
If the phone itself is bricked, what would people recommend in terms of a replacement/upgrade? I'm in Canada on Rogers so it has to be a GSM phone. Generally use it for business apps.
Thanks for any suggestions.
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Slider keyboard, Touch Pro II or AT$T Tilt 2: Screen keyboard, Touch HD. Or wait for HTC's rumored ( and I think just a rumor, complete with " leaked " photoshopped pics) superphone, the HTC Leo.
"Tilt II" or (cheap) Kaiser
I was in the same position a couple days ago.
I decided to replace mine with another Kaiser. And I got the part to fix my dying phone as well, for a bit more. Less than $200 spent for two.
In good condition a Kaiser can be had for well under $150.
A fixer-upper can be pieced together for well under $100. (you've torn a Kaiser apart a few times? New screen, etc?) Parts are cheap and a junker to fix (Broken screen or hinges...) is almost free.
But if I were willing to have a contract, the Tilt II or a variant with number keys across the top... sure looks good. I haven't compared the size and weight, but since I already carry a tiny brick, it would be fine, I'm sure. I understand it's better in a few ways. (Audio jack, Screen resolution) and with more horsepower, the screen updates may be quicker, accelerated drivers or not!
I went with the Kaiser, but I did not know about the Tilt II until after I had purchased. Saved me some money, and now I have a backup with identical (but not as pretty) hardware.
Seems like win-win with either platform!
kingmatt said:
Hi all - my poor Kaiser has suffered the dreaded RLOD. Tried every possible fix short of a new battery... which I should get in the mail this week.
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Not sure what to suggest re a replacement (and your budget will likely come into it as well) but how about detailing all the fixes you've tried - you may have missed one or two and there have been extensive posts on the topic here. It'd be much preferable, I'm sure you agree, to fix it at low or nil cost rather than having to buy a replacement.
Hey guys - first off, thanks for the suggestions above. The offerings from my carrier are weak (best right now is Touch Diamond) but I may look for an aftermarket Tilt 2.
Flying Kiwi, I would definitely be happy to get my Tilt working again - even just to squeeze a few more months out until the Hero is available here. I've read through every thread I could find about RLOD and haven't had any luck. Its actually the second time I've had the red light... the first time was about three months ago. I left the SIM and battery out overnight and the next day it came back to life... but my battery life was severely shortened after that. I could barely get 8 hours out of it before it was at 0%.
On Friday of last week it ran out of juice completely and RLOD was waiting for me in the morning. I tried leaving the battery and SIM out as before and I actually did get the amber light back at one point. I immediately plugged the charger in and hoped it would be fine like last time. Unfortunately the red light was back about 2 minutes later.
Based on the various posts on the subject, I've tried pressing buttons in a specific order, tried "jump starting" the battery, cleaned the contacts, etc... not even a hint of life. That's why I'm thinking that a new battery might be the only chance I have left. But if you know of any other methods I'd love to try!
Man, I miss my phone.....
Sounds familiar
kingmatt said:
On Friday of last week it ran out of juice completely and RLOD was waiting for me in the morning. I tried leaving the battery and SIM out as before and I actually did get the amber light back at one point. I immediately plugged the charger in and hoped it would be fine like last time. Unfortunately the red light was back about 2 minutes later.
Based on the various posts on the subject, I've tried pressing buttons in a specific order, tried "jump starting" the battery, cleaned the contacts, etc... not even a hint of life. That's why I'm thinking that a new battery might be the only chance I have left. But if you know of any other methods I'd love to try!
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If you do have a known fully charged battery (perhaps borrowing a friends one) it'd be worth performing a hard reset. It does sound like a spot of the same trouble I briefly had a year or so ago though and I rectified it very quickly with a careful, thorough contact clean (both the spring contacts and battery terminals). I realise you've said you performed a contact clean but what did you use and how did you do it? I don't know if you're aware but it's possible for invisible film to ruin the connection and what looks like a clean connection could still be to blame... If you have a cradle charger, you could also try charging the battery in that before fitting it and perfoming a hard reset. They're cheap enough to buy and enable you to charge 2 batteries at a time (1 in the phone and 1 in the cradle bay).
No luck.... just tried to clean it again with acetone and still the red light. Twas a good thought though!!
And I've searched around for a replacement battery but no one around here has this particular phone... its not generally available up here so I bought one from eBay.
Contact cleaner is cheap enough
kingmatt said:
No luck.... just tried to clean it again with acetone and still the red light. Twas a good thought though!!
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I wouldn't give up on that being a cause, especially given the 2 mins on charge scenario. I suggest you use the product specifically designed for such cleaning jobs, contact cleaner (and apply it with the end of a cotton bud soaked in the stuff). A few gentle rubs with this will ensure it's electrically connecting fine.
And I've searched around for a replacement battery but no one around here has this particular phone... its not generally available up here so I bought one from eBay.
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I bought a battery (and cradle charger bundle) from eBay for my Kaiser and although it works, the quality certainly wasn't up to the original one that came with the phone. It doesn't fit as well either and causes the back cover to protrude a little rather than sitting flush. Twas very cheap though
Flying Kiwi said:
I wouldn't give up on that being a cause, especially given the 2 mins on charge scenario.
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hehe, ok I'm not particularly patient
I will definitely leave it charging overnight and hope that it decides to spring to life. My biggest concern is that the red light stays on even if the battery out - while plugged in of course. Just makes me think the phone itself is pooched.
Flying Kiwi said:
I bought a battery (and cradle charger bundle) from eBay for my Kaiser and although it works, the quality certainly wasn't up to the original one that came with the phone. It doesn't fit as well either and causes the back cover to protrude a little rather than sitting flush. Twas very cheap though
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I wish I'd thought of that before ordering this new battery... although if it works I'll likely order another battery and cradle as a back up right away.
Although now that I'm looking at these Touch Pro 2s on eBay they're looking very tempting.
kingmatt said:
hehe, ok I'm not particularly patient
I will definitely leave it charging overnight and hope that it decides to spring to life. My biggest concern is that the red light stays on even if the battery out - while plugged in of course. Just makes me think the phone itself is pooched.
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You needn't think that because the battery has to be installed (and working) for the phone to run - I'd definitely suggest you don't try charging without a battery installed again. This is because some electronic circuits which are designed to be run under load can sometimes be damaged if powed up while not loaded (PSUs inside PCs are a good example). It's worth buying a small can of specialist contact cleaner. It's cheap enough and will do the best job possible in the situation if used with some cotton buds/Q-Tips.
Although now that I'm looking at these Touch Pro 2s on eBay they're looking very tempting.
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You mustn't have got to the bit with the price in it then (nor checked whether they have full Qualcomm accelerated graphics driver support to perform optimally for an MSM72xx chipset device) Still, they do appear to be an improvement over the Kaiser if only a limited one.
I'd definitely suggest you don't try charging without a battery installed again.
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Um how do you charge a battery without it being in the phone? Seriously you have the strangest advice ever..
? get another battery and hard reset to the phone to fix the red light? Wouldn't the friends battery just show you that he needs another battery?
Dear person with broken phone. Try your new battery, Good luck..
Seems like the original battery is worn out and the phone has drained every drop. Most likely there are some capacitors or something that aren't getting charged because of the charger board not having power.. I've seen devices that work like this, there isn't enough juice to start it up and charge the battery or even power the phone properly. I'm sure there is some sort of small bios type battery on there that is drained as well.
Giving it my best shot
ChumleyEX said:
Um how do you charge a battery without it being in the phone?
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I give up, how do you charge a battery without it being in the phone? It is possible to plug in the charger and power it without a battery installed however (although the phone wont boot in this state) and this may cause damage.
? get another battery and hard reset to the phone to fix the red light? Wouldn't the friends battery just show you that he needs another battery?
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It may but a hard reset may also show that some corruption in the ROM may be to blame or contributing to the problem and of course a hard reset isn't possible with a flat battery. I'm not willing to rule either out as a potential cause of the problem at this stage.
Dear person with broken phone. Try your new battery, Good luck..
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Something we agree on again ChumleyEX, see we do have alot in common you know. I even like cats too
Well damn, I can't say anything negative to someone that likes cats.
Hey guys - I appreciate all of the advice, really do.
Good to know that the red light should be on while charging with the battery out... not something I was doing for a long period, just happened while I was trying the various fixes. Hopefully the new battery comes in and works because I wouldn't be rushing to drop $700+ on a Touch Pro 2.
Oh and I like cats too.
Wanted to provide a (late) update. My Kaiser's problem was purely battery-related. I finally got a new battery today and the RLOD cleared up right away.
Not sure if it will come back or whether my battery life will be compromised, though...

Sourcing a new battery

Hello everyone,
I've enjoyed this watch even if the battery life sucks since the beginning!! especially coming from the Samsung Gear S3, which has never ever lasted less than a day (24 hours).
Since the last Android Wear 2.0 update, the battery life is even worse, although I doubt it's actually linked, probably just a coincidence, but my watch hasn't make it through the afternoon for few weeks now. Barely 6 hours (with EVERYTHING disable, even bluetooth, in Airplane mode).
As of today, the watch will turn on and turn off few seconds later regardless the battery %.
Lg answered nicely that they would take a look at it, and ask $20 for the diagnostic if I don't want them to process the fix!!! And I read online that the battery replacement is $60. I would rather throw it away...
Anyway, I have 2 questions :
Does someone knows where to source this damn battery (BL-S7)?? Out of stock on ebay
Did someone try to fit a Watch Urbane battery (BL-S6) which is 570mAh instead of 430mAh? Or anyone knows this battery size? (I know the connector is different but at this point it's not the biggest issue )
That could help many people meeting issues with this watch... (I'm done with LG!!)
Ok, I found the answer to my second question, and obviously bigger capacity = battery battery
the BL-S6 (Urban 2nd G) is about 31x27
the BL-S7 (Sport Watch) is about 28x27
So I'm still interested to know where to buy the BL-S7.
Assuming I can find a BL-S7 battery, how easy is it to strip the watch down to change?
My watch is so random with shutdowns and % battery left remaining I am thinking it is all down to the battery after over 18 months daily usage/charging.
Also interested in this.
stag74 said:
Assuming I can find a BL-S7 battery, how easy is it to strip the watch down to change?
My watch is so random with shutdowns and % battery left remaining I am thinking it is all down to the battery after over 18 months daily usage/charging.
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Disassembly is fairly easy if you take your time and disconnect the connection points. Nothing is really glued in place aside from the bottom cover and the battery to the rest of the chassis. I was able to get to the battery within 20 minutes.
I was also able to find a battery on ebay. We'll see how assembly goes when it's delivered.
That is great, do you have the link to the battery on ebay?
Did you also have the same issues with random shutdowns, not being able to restart unless on the charger etc?
Keep us posted!
I confirm that disassembling the watch is pretty easy and quick, the only thing is you can say goodbye to the waterproof!
@sirdizzle415, does it come with the sealing? Please keep us updated if it does fix the reboot issue and if can even share the link :angel:
I only found 1 used....
booster33 said:
I confirm that disassembling the watch is pretty easy and quick, the only thing is you can say goodbye to the waterproof!
@sirdizzle415, does it come with the sealing? Please keep us updated if it does fix the reboot issue and if can even share the link :angel:
I only found 1 used....
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I wouldn't trust it to be waterproof anymore, but I'm mostly ok with that. If this watch survives a little while longer with a used $25 battery, I'd call that a win over buying another $300+ watch.
I should be getting the new battery tomorrow, should be pretty quick to put it back together. We'll see what happens.
FYI, My new battery is still in route, so haven't had a chance to test it. It is available brand new on ebay though... If anyone wants to give it a try, the link is here:
Make sure to select the LG-S7 battery for the Watch Sport.
Successful install of the battery! Watch no longer shuts off, and doesn't need to be on the charger to turn on.
I did try to carefully take my old battery apart. Multiple sources mentioned that it can be repaired by soldering a zero ohm link/resistor between two points. I could not identify them on the BL-S7 battery, so I probably won't be doing that.
All in all, it was a $25 dollar battery for me, so not a bad price to pay to extend the life.
I just ordered the one from ebay! That's great it's back in stock!! @sirdizzle415 Yours was a used one?? how did you glue back the back cover?
I know the watch won't be waterproof anymore, but I'm ok with that too.
booster33 said:
I just ordered the one from ebay! That's great it's back in stock!! @sirdizzle415 Yours was a used one?? how did you glue back the back cover?
I know the watch won't be waterproof anymore, but I'm ok with that too.
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My existing seal was mostly intact. The back cover also has tabs that snap it back in place.
Placed my order for a new battery.
There is simply nothing else to replace the Sport with LTE currently...unless you like apples.
I just received the new battery!
Results are not so great so far, the watch does stay alive and do not reboot/ shut down randomly anymore.
But after an hour using it to update app, hard reset it, I lost 40%... I didn't charge the battery yet, so I don't want to be pessimistic (yet) but I think my main issue wasn't the battery.
The watch seems too warm to me, probably something wrong with the hardware, other than the battery.
Plus, damn the watch is so slow with the new version of Android wear, so laggy!!
But true there is no better android watch anyway, which is a shame...
It seems that replacing the battery actually fixed the issue! I'm getting now a day and half of battery with only the bluetooth and NFC activated...
The watch is still slow from time to time, I have to tap the screen several time before it actually wakes up.
But for 20 bucks I guess it was the right move.
booster33 said:
I just received the new battery!
Results are not so great so far, the watch does stay alive and do not reboot/ shut down randomly anymore.
But after an hour using it to update app, hard reset it, I lost 40%... I didn't charge the battery yet, so I don't want to be pessimistic (yet) but I think my main issue wasn't the battery.
The watch seems too warm to me, probably something wrong with the hardware, other than the battery.
Plus, damn the watch is so slow with the new version of Android wear, so laggy!!
But true there is no better android watch anyway, which is a shame...
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I think right around this day, I received a Wear OS update that really hurt the battery life... it's been better since, but I definitely remember a day recently when I got an update and battery life was terrible for me.
Just replaced my battery.
Straight forward job, managed to keep the seal in place too.
Watch started up with what little charge was in the new battery, 16%, which is promising, it wouldn't before, and also all the apps /configuration haven't been lost either.
The only disappointment is that the new battery is not actually new.
Okay it may not be used, but it was dated late 2016, actually slightly older than the battery it replaced, early 2017.
See how I get on with it now....
A new battery is a must!
I'm getting a constant 7am until 11pm, 16 hours off cradle, with 50% still remaining, and that is with LTE on all day, including everything else too!
The combination of new battery, and latest firmware updates has just transformed the usage and battery life.
It is a must upgrade!
Hello, I'm from EU, is there any possibility to get new battery now? I looked on eBay and it looks like all are sold out.. :/
Odesláno z mého MIX 2S pomocí Tapatalk
Just after keep watching.
Ebay seller when this thread first started sold out, but got more stock later.
Worth pursueing still very happy after changing my battery.

