Helmi BA WM2k5 AKU3.2 Beta (v.1.3.2 Beta)
In this second minor update currently progress is:
- Mamaich Paging Pool patch 16mb/32mb
- Modem link added to ROM with bt set at COM6.
- Audiogateway Registry Fix
- Wifi & Bluetooth Coexistentcy.
- Ability to save everywhere with Pocket Excel
- Smart Dial v2.2 is added to ROM. (if u dont use it just disable it)
- Flight Mode, Task Manager, WM5 New Menu, WM5 Storage, & USB Mode Switch added to extras folder.
- StartUp Manager by baniaczek
- Use ace_ddi as video driver (Landscape & Portrait fully supported but gif file wont show in PIE, use D3D_Driver driver to support gif with PIE but Landscape mode will need to re-align after soft reset)
- .NET Fix included
- Transcriber included.
In this beta, hv all the feature from v1.2 plus new OS built (AKU3.2 OS part taken from Lt.Cmdr.Ivan AKU3.2 for UNI with help by indra9110) and speed improvement and also new ROM base (5.04.06 taken from logout template since its newer version display).
Known issues:
1. There no internal integration beetween Comm Manager and Wifi, cos Different Driver beetween Wizard & BA (I've succesfully combine them in the past but forgot now how to do it again...and i still cant remember it...hell!!! I think I'll love someone who help on this.
2. When BT On, IR On, WIFI On, ActiveSync On, the tray might flick.
3. Some help file and Some Picture/images has been strip out from the ROM to create space for more usefull app.
1. Disable Sound (Sound & Notification >> Events) might help system speed.
2. Disable Sound in phone (Phone Settings >> Keypad >> Off) might help phone speed.
3. Backup/Sync ur PIM with active sync first (Contact, email, etc) if u upgrade it from old rom (anything below AKU3.0 ROM) cos PIM management are different from the old rom ur old backup will not work, but ActiveSync will work Ok.
Please read the readme file, I dont hv time to update Wiki page, but I'll love if someone do the wiki page for me. btw I think the information in Readme file is enough to flash ur rom and since no 'real' extended rom so no further preparation is needed, but u might consider to make ur old Extended_ROM size to 128kb to make more storage space for ur device.
WIKI page is provided by Fraser (thanks man! it really help alot) here the wiki page:
Btw The EXTROM folder is included all operator curently supported for GPRS/MMS Setting, remember to delete the .CAB in ExtROM that u dont need.
Currently Supported Operator:
Most ASIA, O2 UK, US, Orange Israel:
ChungHwa Telecom
New World Mobility
Orange Thailand
StarHub Prepaid
Sun Cellular
Vodafone Australia
Eygept Vodaphone
Jawalnet (Some Modification is needed)
Maroc Telecom
Oman Mobile
Note on MMS configuration, since it was from the wm2003 u should set the MMS. to go into MMS config and select ur operator MMS on the Connect Via selection. Messaging >> MMS Configuration >> Server >> Connect Via >> your operator MMS account
If ur operator not in the list just delete all file in OPERATOR folder, cos the MMS_ENABLE.CAB already build a standar changeable MMS account.
With the Global Contacts Access plugin from Microsoft U can use the central/global exchangeserver address book. (Thanks to xdaradar for the info)
look here:
there's 2 Version of the ROM (MicMeo place)
1. 32mb Paging With 16mb Ramdisk
2. 16mb Paging with 32mb Ramdisk
Or at Xda-Dev Ftp:
1. 32mb Paging With 16mb Ramdisk
2. 16mb Paging with 32mb Ramdisk
both version available here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Blue Angel/
thanks Indra9110 and micmeo for the space and the help, thanks man, really appreciate it.
BIG Thanks to MAMAICH the guru of all is back!! Everything will be better if mamaich is around!!
and also Bepe, Lt.Cmdr.Ivan, indra9110, MicMeo, Fraser, Logout, baniaczek, Midget_1990, xplode, Black6spdZ, Xdaradar, thingonaspring, odie3, imatrix, spkr4thdd, Brazilian Joe, efjay, motisu... geez to much to mention, cos so many people involved with this rom...thanks guys...
Rommaker, U welcome to take apart this rom and use or built with ur own custom rom, cos u might thing this rom as a base/test built for AKU port (My way/Hardcode ways). or I'll post the AKU3.2 OS dir if someone needed it (bepe's way, isn't he brilliant??).
But please, gave credits to all hard worker guys here who fix the huge bug list If u use it and before u put ur name on it...specially if u're who want/usually completely copy paste the contain of the rom... btw post input or bugfix for os/rom bug is even more welcome, lets make it better guys...
best regard
Many thanks helmi!!! ... can't wait to flash the new rom
Thanks our Gods(helmi_c & Mamaich)
hi all
Sorry if this is a bit of a dumb question but i read all of the time about not restoring a full backup when upgrading a rom but above it says restoring if lower than AKU3.0 will cause problems.
I have 1.3 installed and would love to upgrade to this latest beta but the thought of reinstalling everything again is putting me off.
Is it possible to be able to upgrade the rom and use a backup from my 1.3 machine (either from spb Backup or the built in backup)
thanks in advance
I have succesfully restored all my programs using the rom-upgrade tool by Sprite, which can be used with sprite backup 5. Please note that you should exclude your PIM databases, as they will be different. But you can of course always sync these back from outlook via activesync. This will always work.
Thanks for the great roms. I'm currently using 1.3 with an 8MB page file...No real need for me to change, since i just spent a long time yesterday doing the whole install/reinstall/customize thing.
What I would switch for, and you talked about it before, is a new version of the AKU2.3 build. I much prefer MS Voice Command and there isn't too much need for 3.2 as of yet (not many applications for it...)
Are you still working on something like that?
THanks again!
32 pool + 16 ramdisk works fantastic. BT, WiFi, Media, Camera, iGo GPS flies, phone on first ring.
Thanks Guru Mamaich :idea:
Thanks Master Helmi 8)
AG registry fix
"Audiogateway Registry Fix"
What is this fix exactly?
Thanks Helmi.
32MB paging pool and 16 MB Ramdisk is my choice.
Hi Helmi
in 32 MB paging pool and RAMdisk 16 MB version.
The RAM should be 77 MB , but it is exactly only 61 MB.
I think 16 MB RAM is hidden somewhere.
But all works fine ,It's great.
incredible speed!
but I have a problem with SmartX, when i try to configure it show the error "SmartX service not activate". And I cannot activate it, because the check is disable and i cannot tap on it.
This one is really fast!
Even the IE is fast!
Great, thanks! Keep up the good work.
Nothing new, practically... Yes, except the mem.pool size, but thats a thing everyone can do
My personal benchmark
This is realy great :!: I think we now have the WM5 features on our BA with better then WM2003 speed.
Since Helmi'c 1.2 version i keep track of the tomtom startup time after initial flash, app's install and configuring.
on 1.2 : over 30 seconds
on 1.3 : about 18 seconds
on 1.3.2: about 9 seconds 8)
on 1.2 with PHM overclocking: 13 secs
on 1.3 with PHM overclocking: 13 secs
on 1.3.2 with PHM overclocking: 8 secs
Best speed ever!
I confirm that memory available for programs is only 61 MB, instead of 77MB.
back on the 1.3.1 thread, I posted my suggestions to map the Hardware buttons with the 'mail' icon to left softkey, and the one with the IE icon to right softkey. I think someone replied me, but looks like I have been misunderstood. I do NOT mean to change the functions associated to the softkeys, I want to MAP the HW keys to them.
I know how to do it, but it would be good if they were already set up like this out of the box.
And having the backlight NOT turn off while on external power.
Kudos to Helmi and Mamaich! I guess we will see 1.3.2a or 1.3.3 soon, because of these missing 16MB...
Some ideas, my opinions
Brazilian Joe said:
I do NOT mean to change the functions associated to the softkeys, I want to MAP the HW keys to them.
I know how to do it, but it would be good if they were already set up like this out of the box.
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Some people would like that - some wouldn't. Some will think the change would go too far, some people will be confused, asking about what happened etc.
But really, if someone got used to that setting he uses , regardless of out-of-the-box status, he uses his own setting.
I mapped the softkeys to HW buttons, becouse HW shortcuts to PIE and Messages are unuseful for me. With softkeys mapped like that, it is possible to use BA w/o stylus and using just one hand in most cases. I don't need to touch the screen with my fingers, to use softkey.
Good idea.
Brazilian Joe said:
And having the backlight NOT turn off while on external power.
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There are people charging their PDA's over night, Having light on could be disturbing and w/o any sence. I keep it off.
Bad idea.
Nice ideas overall.
Brazilian Joe said:
I confirm that memory available for programs is only 61 MB, instead of 77MB.
back on the 1.3.1 thread, I posted my suggestions to map the Hardware buttons with the 'mail' icon to left softkey, and the one with the IE icon to right softkey. I think someone replied me, but looks like I have been misunderstood. I do NOT mean to change the functions associated to the softkeys, I want to MAP the HW keys to them.
I know how to do it, but it would be good if they were already set up like this out of the box.
And having the backlight NOT turn off while on external power.
Kudos to Helmi and Mamaich! I guess we will see 1.3.2a or 1.3.3 soon, because of these missing 16MB...
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hmm... If we use 32mb Page pool version it should 61mb left, for 16mb page pool it will 77mb...
about hardkey, I think it whould be wiser to make it standar Joe, to avoid confusion among user, cos it so cuztomize..
and about backlight, maybe some AddOn/Patch? I'll try to learn about it.
currently I'm workin on AKU2.6 as a replacement for my old AKU2.3 as so many user complain about compability issues with some app (MS Voice Command for example) currently not workin is sms with this aku2.6 rom after that I'll go back to aku3.2 :wink:
Got hold of version 1.32 of Helmi's rom. Here's my boot time right after installing of rom, without any other software I normally install myself.
1. Paging 32MB and Ramdisk 16MB - 36 seconds
2. Paging 16MB and Ramdisk 32MB - 35 seconds
I decided to stick with 2.
Overall, what I can say is that it's very fast now. I use to need to wait for tmail.exe to open but now, it opens instantly.
I'm very happy with the speed now. I can basically leave with this now. Cheers to Helmi and to the guy who found out about the paging size.
currently I'm workin on AKU2.6 as a replacement for my old AKU2.3 as so many user complain about compability issues with some app (MS Voice Command for example) currently not workin is sms with this aku2.6 rom after that I'll go back to aku3.2 :wink:
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Hi Helmi,
I quite like 1.32 rom (AKU 3.2) with the paging size upgrade, except like others, is still missing MS Voice Command. You mentioned about AKU 2.6 rom, other than giving back MS Voice Command, what are the differences from 1.32 rom? Can the paging size be increased like the current 1.32 rom?
Hi folks,
It seems that many of us are notcing a huge lag on our GPS while navigating...
Others seem that they don't have any lag...
What do I mean by lag? Well, for example, if I'm passing under a bridge, my GPS software shows me still behind the bridge. Sometimes, the lag is more than 5 seconds...
The image bellow is a excelent example:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
(Credit to Cyphol for the image. Thanks m8 )
In order to sort out what could be the cause of this lag, I took the iniciative of opening this thread.
What I expect from you guys, is that you tell if you have a lag or not, by voting on the poll (to have a statistic overview) and also by telling in your post, if you have the lag or not, and specify:
1-What ROM you're using
2-Which Diamond you have: DIAM100, DIAM 140, etc... (visible in bootload mode)
3-Which Radio you're using
4-Where do you live, or use the device
5-Which GPS software you use
6-How much free memory before and after using the GPS navigation software
7-Which HardSPL do you have installed
8- Which software do you have installed on your device
9-The GPS software (the executables, not the maps!) are installed in the phone memory, or in the storage?
10-Other info you may feel useful
Let's see if we can find out what makes our GPS lazzy could happen that it's something solvable by our wise cookers
I'm counting with your participation!!!!
1-What ROM you're using
Currently TLR V3 but have used original stock UK, TLR V1 and V2
2-Which Diamond you have: DIAM100, DIAM 140, etc... (visible in bootload mode)
UK Diamond - DIAM100.
3-Which Radio you're using
Currently but have used my stock radio and, all have been excellent but have noticed gives me a little better GPS accuracy when pinpointing my position.
4-Where do you live, or use the device
I live in South Wales UK.
5-Which GPS software you use
Always use TomTom 7 for car navigation and use Google Maps now and again.
6-How much free memory before and after using the GPS navigation software
Mine varies a lot as I sometimes have many apps open, but usually I have 25-35mb free ram when using TomTom 7.
7-Other info you may feel useful
Nothing I can think of, but I never had any lag whatsoever on my phone using multiple radios and roms. GPS accuracy is extremely accurate, when viewing my my location in Google Maps using GPS it puts the dot directly on top of my house and in the right room to. about 2ft out
Radeon123 said:
7-Other info you may feel useful
[/B]Nothing I can think of, but I never had any lag whatsoever on my phone using multiple radios and roms. GPS accuracy is extremely accurate, when viewing my my location in Google Maps using GPS it puts the dot directly on top of my house and in the right room to. about 2ft out [/SIZE]
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Which HardSPL you have installed?
And when driving, don't you have any lag? I mean, like passing under the bridge with your car, but the GPS still indicates that you haven't reached the bridge yet...
s1rl4ncel0t said:
Which HardSPL you have installed?
And when driving, don't you have any lag? I mean, like passing under the bridge with your car, but the GPS still indicates that you haven't reached the bridge yet...
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It's in my sig, am using HardSPL OliNex 1.40 Developer Edition.
When driving I have never experienced that problem, as soon as I am about to go under a bridge TomTom 7 is spot on, same with round about, if I am halfway way around a round about TomTom 7 also says it's halfway around it.
Never had any lag with my old Tytn 2 or my Diamond.
And which software do you have installed on your device?....
1-What ROM you're using
Stock NLD 1.37.403.3
2-Which Diamond you have: DIAM100, DIAM 140, etc... (visible in bootload mode)
NLD Diamond - DIAM100.
3-Which Radio you're using
4-Where do you live, or use the device
East Netherlands. I use my Diamond mostly in west and in between and West Germany.
5-Which GPS software you use
Sygic and iGo (iGo has a better navigation in cities and Sygic outside of cities). TomTom also works fine, but i prefer Sygic/iGo.
6-How much free memory before and after using the GPS navigation software
About 52 MB available before and 49/50 MB after.
7-Other info you may feel useful
I have no lag with my Diamond GPS
TF3D is off!!
I constantly update GPS locations using QuickGPS
It's 9 questions now...not 7
s1rl4ncel0t said:
And which software do you have installed on your device?....
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Here is a current list of my installed apps and games.
Adobe Flash Lite
Adobe Reader LE
Schaps Advanced Config
Audio Booster
BT Audio
Call Firewall
Cradle Alarm
FM Radio
Google Maps
GPS Speed Sentry
GPS Test
PHM Registry Editor
Remote Desktop
Task Manager
TomTom 7
Advanced Brain Trainer v1
Advanced Brain Trainer v2
Astraware Casino
Bejewelled 2
Chess Genius
Pocket Mini Golf 2 and all map addons
Spb Arkaball 2
Tank Ace
Word Challenge don't have Schaps Advanced Tool installed...
Could it be that this application, since it detects if we are using A-GPS or not, may interfere in some way with the system?...
It's just an assumption, not an afirmation...
s1rl4ncel0t said: don't have Schaps Advanced Tool installed...
Could it be that this application, since it detects if we are using A-GPS or not, may interfere in some way with the system?...
It's just an assumption, not an afirmation...
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1-What ROM you're using
SwiftBL WWE Diamond Rom V3.2
2-Which Diamond you have: DIAM100, DIAM 140, etc... (visible in bootload mode)
3-Which Radio you're using
4-Where do you live, or use the device
Denmark, Soenderborg (Sønderborg), Odense.
5-Which GPS software you use
Google Maps
HTC Gps Tool
6-How much free memory before and after using the GPS navigation software
Right after Soft Reset - TF3D Enabled: 64.25mb
With TomTom7 running and having a Lock: 55mb
After TomTom7 is closed: 60mb
7-Which HardSPL do you have installed
1.40.Olinex - Devel Edition
8- Which software do you have installed on your device
All basic from the SwiftBL 3.2 + HTC GPS TOOLS
Which means that Advanced Config is installed and A-GPS is disabled.
9-Other info you may feel useful
No lag whatsoever, did have a problem after the flash where i could not get a lock, fixed that with the HTC GPS TOOLS and its "Nav. Init" buttion fuction whatever that does, and now it works great.
From i push the TomTom icon in program till i have a lock takes 22 seconds, when iam inside - actually on the toilet.
I don't think it has to do with the gps, I have the lag too on Igo8 and Tomtom 7, but if you do a preview of the trip both on tomtom and Igo its like its running on 3-4 fps, ndrive works perfectly! So the problema I think is just about optimization of the programs. On my Trinity both worked fine and with much more frames, not like this.
Could you please post the specs that were asked in the first post?
It would be useful
If I understand what you meant, is that you telling it could have to do with video aceleration...However, I tested with an external Bluetooth GPS receiver, and it worked perfectly...No lag whatsoever...
So, this means that VGA is out of the equation...unless, when using the external receiver, the load on the cpu is less (because the aceleration could be unexistant) and then the rendering is smoother...
But it wouldn't make sense, because not all of us has the lag...
At this point, I believe is has something to do with a certain aplication that some of us has installed...or some configuration external to GPS that may be interfering...
1-What ROM you're using
Stock- RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-ME_1.93.456.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.0 0.25.05
2-Which Diamond you have: DIAM100, DIAM 140, etc... (visible in bootload mode)
3-Which Radio you're using
4-Where do you live, or use the device
5-Which GPS software you use
TOMTOM 7.43, IG8, Ndrive
6-How much free memory before and after using the GPS navigation software
don't know
7-Which HardSPL do you have installed
1.37 olinex dev
8- Which software do you have installed on your device
advanced config
resco explorer
Thats all, but as I said, seems weird that without gps signal, tomtom demonstrating trip is still slow, nothing smooth.
s1rl4ncel0t said: don't have Schaps Advanced Tool installed...
Could it be that this application, since it detects if we are using A-GPS or not, may interfere in some way with the system?...
It's just an assumption, not an afirmation...
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It's already in my list, 3rd one down, forgot to put Schaps in front of it, will fix that now
I also leave A-GPS off as after a while it causes my GPS not not work properly, example, running TomTom 7 or any other GPS app with A-GPS on, the app will detect the sats, connect to 8 or 9 of them for a split second, disconnect and then attempt to connect to them again, does this over and over. Turning A-GPS off fixes this problem.
Have had that problem on all ROMS and radios I have tried, A-GPS used to work perfectly on the Tytn 2 though
Radeon123 said:
Have had that problem on all ROMS and radios I have tried, A-GPS used to work perfectly on the Tytn 2 though
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No need to use A-GPS as 'Quick GPS' does it for you. Leave it off.
1-What ROM you're using
Elite 3.0
2-Which Diamond you have: DIAM100, DIAM 140, etc... (visible in bootload mode)
3-Which Radio you're using
4-Where do you live, or use the device
5-Which GPS software you use
6-How much free memory before and after using the GPS navigation software
before: 53%
after: 53%
7-Which HardSPL do you have installed
1.40 olinex dev
8- Which software do you have installed on your device
advanced config
resco explorer
SPB GPRS Monitor
resco backup
Diamond Tweak
Diamond TF3D config
not ROM related I think
I can just give you my input found on testing a lot of ROM's and different GPS maps, incl. passive GoogleMaps (which is a good benchmarkingtool)
1. I had lag on TYTNII and have lag on Diamond ONLY when using the on-board - CPU combined SirfIII.
2. In all ROM's Assisted GPS is disabled.
3. tested 5 own manufactured + 4 competition Bluetooth receivers and found NO lag in Garmin XT, Mapking 2007, mapkingV7 and papago.
Lag was still identified , though less than with internal GPS, in Google Maps at oversized zoom. (3G used in same environment and same daily routing, so no impact here)
Should we not point the finger to the CPU?
When internal GPS used, I got a constant 95% CPU usage to 100%
With external GPS, CPU consumes 75% on average which migh secure correcte Map rendering maybe?
Hope I am correct (and that it is not ROM related) as I need to promote our external GPS solutions ;-)
No lag for me whatsoever.. Details are:
1-What ROM you're using
Dutty's Hybrid v2 - I have also used Bepe's 0.95, Walshieau's Elite 3.0 and none of them have had any GPS lag
2-Which Diamond you have: DIAM100, DIAM 140, etc... (visible in bootload mode)
3-Which Radio you're using and now - neither lag
4-Where do you live, or use the device
Australia - used in Melbourne and Brisbane (City and Suburban areas)
5-Which GPS software you use
Nav N Go iGo 8, TomTom 7
6-How much free memory before and after using the GPS navigation software
Varies.. ~54MB before starting iGo8... ~28MB with iGo8 running... ~52MB after closing iGo8
7-Which HardSPL do you have installed
1.40.Olinex Developer Edition Unsigned
8- Which software do you have installed on your device
Everything that came with Dutty's Hybrid, PocketCM, PCM Keyboard
9-Other info you may feel useful
No lag whatsoever - now and then it might be about 1meter off but rarely.. Even in the city, it takes barely 20 seconds for me to get satelit locks.
No lag
1-What ROM you're using
Stock RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-ME_1.93.456.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.00.25.05_Ship.exe.
2-Which Diamond you have: DIAM100, DIAM 140, etc... (visible in bootload mode)
3-Which Radio you're using
see 1
4-Where do you live, or use the device
5-Which GPS software you use
Latest Igo 8
6-How much free memory before and after using the GPS navigation software
Before loading Igo: 70 MB free Ram 46 (and less) when using Igo.
7-Which HardSPL do you have installed
None @ this moment.
8- Which software do you have installed on your device
INstalled: TotalCmd and taskmgr
UNinstalled (or stopped services): TF3D, EnargeStartMenu, LargeTitleBar, HTCvolume, SqmUpload..
9-Other info you may feel useful
There is a huge difference with all services on.
With HTC EnlargeStartMenu and LargeTitleBar both off icon's are showing OK again (sometimes they where a bit strange).
With TF3D off my sync-software (for iMac) Eltima Syncmate also works perfect.
With TF3D on, it doesn't work.
Everything stock 1.93 WWE installed.
About 1 second lag, I find that very acceptable.
What software have used to determine CPU usage on handset? Thank you!
ceevee369 said:
Should we not point the finger to the CPU?
When internal GPS used, I got a constant 95% CPU usage to 100%
With external GPS, CPU consumes 75% on average which migh secure correcte Map rendering maybe?
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Hy well i started this thread becouse i recently upgraded from an elf to a diamond... and now i'm not so sure i did a good thing... besides the fact that tf3d its better looking its running worse than the old manila 2d, wich was way way smoother on my elf. thing is i had so few ram on the elf i always runed out of memory when using opera mobile...but on diamond with so much ram and cpu speed available i can tell the difference in opera mobile but thats all... becouse the tf3d it's crap (in my opinion)
So i ask here is there any other rom wich i can use who might not have tf3d or maybe some cube like old elf, or maybe some other gui wich looks preaty nice? or maybe a clean rom and use another gui wich works on vga? i did a lot of search and i only found out SPB wich aint free.
ps i have read people saying that they have theyir diamonds at 30-35% memory afther soft reset, well mine its always around 50% and afther one day of using it (normal usage dialing, calling, a bit of teeter and some web browsing) i reach 90% still i did the tweak with opera preload in registry... but its crap i have to reset it all day at least once... how is this posible ? i mean elf had 64 ram and i still could play with 15 ram from the 64, diamond has 192 and i can play with only of them ? so where are the rest? what is using those 160mb of ram ? was elf using other version of windows mobile (as i remember it was 6.1 same like the one on diamond) is tf3d so much memory hungry ?
thanks hope u understand my english and hope someone can enlight me a bit, or direct me to some links where i can read about this (problem) besides the search, cose (i might be dumb) i canot find anithing relevant...
I'm going to take a stab, and say it might be related to your rom (carrier loaded rom especially).
I bought the US 3g unlocked Diamond (no carrier)..and I was happy with it (faster then my old hermes).
I'm now using Dutty's latest rom..and it is very smooth.
Have you tried turning off touchflo, and sticking with the manila 2d UI?
I have the CT's v 6.4 HD Lite ROM which includes TouchFLO 3D and the speed is good. Highly recommended.
As for soft reset, I normally switch off the phone at the end of the day. That is same as soft reset and I switch it back on next morning, I think.
well as far as i know manila 2d ui aint for VGA... or at least i couldn't find anything to work on 600x480...
TF2D for VGA:
I agree with you, TF3D is absolute crap. The speed doesn't bother me so much, it's just the memory that is used up for no good purpose, given that TF3D has no genuine benefit whatsoever. I can't think of a single feature that works properly or usefully, compared to ordinary WM apps and today plugins.
I think the Diamond's a great little phone - attractive and good pocket size - and the battery life isn't too much of a problem. However, given how slow the Diamond is at graphics and file system operations, it doesn't need to be burdened by a white elephant like TF3D.
SPB Mobile Shell is very popular but I went the tradional route of using SPB Pocket Plus with Phone Suite and some other plugins. DevState 1.5 works great as a Today screen task manager.
Ok here is the deal. I am no complete noob. I googled. I searched the entire forum. What I found was Memmaid and SK Tools. Both do not seem to work properly on my device. I have M-Diamond 1.4.
My problem is, that program memory is filled quite quickly. After a soft reset I have about 45 megs. Device works good. After a day, it is only 40 megs. After 2 days 35. When I reach 32 megs, the device is not usable anymore. Messaging is ultraslow. My homescreen gets messed up. HS++ disappears and the skin gets changed.
After a soft-reset everything is ok again. But I do not want to do a soft-reset again and again after 3 days.
Here are the current services sorted by usage of memory:
filesys.exe 9.42M
device.exe 6.90M
gwes.exe 3.40M
shell32.exe 2.46M
cprog.exe 1.92M
services.exe 1.23M
tmail.exe 1.14M
s2u2.exe 1.09M
+ 11 other services with lower that 1meg of usage
Currently free memory is exactly 35 Megs.
Please spare me with comments like "use forum search" or stuff like that. I did that already.
To anyone who gives me useful advices and perhaps helps me solve this:
Thanks in advance!!!
Hi there. It is important to know what all the other 11 processes are in order to see what is eating up your ram. I use FreeupRam which comes with SK Tools quite effectively. I also use TaskMgr to check what apps and processes are running and close unnecessary ones. You can close tmail for example.
I am not sure what device you are running etc what rom, WM6 or 6.1, you need to give us a bit more info. I am not sure what you mean by M-Diamond 1.4?
What other apps do you have installed? Eg. HTC Home Customiser and PhoneAlalrm were playing havoc on my today screen after resets etc and certain plugins would not display properly or not at all. After uninstalling these and replacing everything with Spb Mobile Shell, I now have a device that works as it should and it suits my requirements 99%.
It seems like it is something else causing the slowdown. I am running Task Facade, S2U2 v1.52, Spb Moble Shell, a couple of Mortscripts, etc and have between 39mb and 45mb free ram and my device is pretty snappy, even when using hardware keyboard and switching to landscape and back.
I suspect it is a plugin or similar app slowing your device down.
Ok here is the full list:
The M-Diamond Rom is WM6.1
I have a lot of stuff installed, though I do not use it regularly. Regular use is:
File Explorer
Opera (not very regularly, but sometimes)
Mobile Navigator 7
As home screen I have a combination of HS++ and UltimateLaunch.
Balrog82 said:
Ok here is the full list:
The M-Diamond Rom is WM6.1
I have a lot of stuff installed, though I do not use it regularly. Regular use is:
File Explorer
Opera (not very regularly, but sometimes)
Mobile Navigator 7
As home screen I have a combination of HS++ and UltimateLaunch.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok, now I can guess which the culprit is... and the winner is........*drum roll*...
ULTIMATE LAUNCH!!!! and HS++ do not good bedfellows make.
I use HS++, b ut only as a one-liner to see battery temp, battery drain etc etc.
Just try running your device without UltimateLaunch and you will see the difference. I tried it out for a very short while and that was my experience.
Hm ok, I will try without UL. Is there a better launcher you can reccomend?
I had UL deactivated for a while. And I had no real measurable loss in memory. Just a little bit. I believe that if you have multiple tabs in UL and they get loaded they take memory (for icons and such). I have no today plugins integrated into UL, so this is not the reason for huge memory loss.
But now comes the clue. I reactivated UL and just some minutes later I suddenly had 50megs of free memory instead of the 44 megs I had before.
Have to monitor this for a while...
I use Spb Mobile Shell which is commercial, but I am very happy in general and I can highly recommend it. I hardly ever use my today screen anymore. It is fast, snappy, reasonably low on resources, there are many themes available and I like my current setup.
Does anyone have a clean WM 6.1 ROM for the Rhodium? Something that has no HTC enhancements.
Like this 6.5.1 :
What I actually looking for is a completely clean ROM with only QuickGPS, USB connection popup & HTC Keyboard. No other extras. Anything like that out there?
I did a lot of searching but found nothing. Ill even cook if Im forced to. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!
There are some "LITE" roms out. But I do not think they are that stripped out (only Quickgps, USB Connection & keyboard).
Try contacting At0mang. He might be able to customize a ROM for you.
Or you can try one of his LITE roms (Fusion V5.5 Lite CHome HTC Dialer)
clean rom with Touchflo is what im looking for, either wm6.1 or 6.5.
if anyone has a link, plz be nice post them..
May not be exactly what you're looking for, but it is a very clean, lightweight, reliable 6.1 ROM. Here's the link:
senglish said:
May not be exactly what you're looking for, but it is a very clean, lightweight, reliable 6.1 ROM. Here's the link:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This rom does not support anything else but the stock hardware keyboard layout, also its based on a Raphael ROM.
Yes thing is the best alternative for WM6.1 a.t.m and its what I am using. But it has lots for things which I dont use and they just take up space. Like : RSS, Worldcard, Streaming media, Touch Off etc, and it doesnt have HTC Keyboard. On a clean start the ROM has 350MB storage space. But the WM 6.5.1 one that I linked above has 385MB (and it already has HTC Keyboard and USB popup).
Ive pmed At0mang, lets see what he says.
Please update the thread with your findings. I'm in the same boat as you. Looking for the Cleanest, Latest and most Stable build with just enough programs and cabs installed to make all the TP2 features functional with Manila 2.1.
I don't get it. I used to have a Hermes (64MB TOTAL RAM) with duttythroy's SUPA DUPA LITE (WM6.1) and after boot it would ahve 30MB Free RAM. I can't find beyond 145MB free RAM on the cleanest of the cleanest and the lightest of the lightest Rhodium ROMS, a device with 288 MB RAM (This is ofcourse with no Manila)
Do the drivers really take up that much space?
leepriestenator said:
Please update the thread with your findings. I'm in the same boat as you. Looking for the Cleanest, Latest and most Stable build with just enough programs and cabs installed to make all the TP2 features functional with Manila 2.1.
I don't get it. I used to have a Hermes (64MB TOTAL RAM) with duttythroy's SUPA DUPA LITE (WM6.1) and after boot it would ahve 30MB Free RAM. I can't find beyond 145MB free RAM on the cleanest of the cleanest and the lightest of the lightest Rhodium ROMS, a device with 288 MB RAM (This is ofcourse with no Manila)
Do the drivers really take up that much space?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
From what I know is that 288MB is not the total amount of usable RAM either. Some of it is video RAM, but how much I dont know. On the Diamond for example the RAM was 192MB. 64MB Video memory and 128MB RAM.
As for the ROM (512MB) most of it gets wasted on things I dont use. The max Ive found free in a ROM was 385MB. That was the link I posted above. Its a WM 6.5.1 ROM but as such not very stable.
I am making a list of things I want removed and others that I want kept, I will post them here as soon as Im done.
So far thanks for everyone's support.
Edit : Here is what I would like the ROM to be like
Based on WM 6.1
All HTC things removed (even thier 3G icons & Commanager, I will install my own) execpt for USB connection popup, G-sensor calibrator, Kinetic scrolling, The new bluetooth stack, HTC End key, HTC Large start menu & Camera.
Some Microsoft things that should be removed : Calculator (if nothing depends on it), Office Mobile, Windows Live & Messenger, Games, extra themes (leave only one, the default one), Ringtones (leave only one, the default one), All the non essential stuff in "My Documents" folder, like Pictures, Wallpapers, Templates for camera & MMS.
Things in the settings folder that I want removed : Encryption, Clear Storage & Connection Setup (the thing that sets-up carrier setting. These I can do myself).
Based on WM 6.5
All the above plus remove IE6 (not PIE) because most of the web plugins dont work with it and I use Opera anyway. Only reason to keep PIE is because I need it for LogMeIn. Also remove honey-comb start menu and use the default WM one.
One thing to keep in mind is that I have a Swedish Touch Pro 2. So I would like to keep the files require to do swedish input via the hardware keyboard.
I dont really think anything else could be removed without causing harm to the basic functions. Although Im open for suggestions.
So any ROM developer up for it ?
Edit 2 : Some other things that can be removed : Error Reporting, Help, Remote Desktop & Search.
WM6.1_21048_M2.1 Jackos Oldschool ROM v1.1
it's good
Hm, the last recommended thread just says 'nothing here' in all posts
Did you ever get one?
I really want a blank WM 6.1 with just the enablers for the various hardware features (GSM, UMTS/HSPA, GPS, aGPS, WLAN, camera, hardware keyboard, etc). No HTC keyboard, thank you very much