Cradle - Hero CDMA Accessories

I know there is the thread about making your own cradle with a Seagate, but I get free $ to amazon.
Anyone use this?

No, but that is friggin' sweet. I might have to consider that.

Definitely going to get that!

Advertising for personal profit I thought was prohibited on xda...
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App

Didn't realize you were the xda police. It's something I thought id include. Jerry you are annoying these days....
You need to relax a bit
Sent from my HERO200

Are you upset I posted another cradle option to your $3 thread? And what about you advertising your website which has Google ads that you profit from? Geez jerry tough from your glass house isn't it.....get an evo and move on already...
Sent from my HERO200

riggsandroid said:
Are you upset I posted another cradle option to your $3 thread? And what about you advertising your website which has Google ads that you profit from? Geez jerry tough from your glass house isn't it.....get an evo and move on already...
Sent from my HERO200
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Nope not upset at all... more power to you. You are asking people to send you private messages so you can give them your affiliate link to the amazon product for the 4% profit. I have google ads on the site I own for the people who come to it outside of xda. I haven't received more than 5 hits a day from xda for 2 weeks now.. Not any problem with me... i am well off without anything coming from here, xda only brings maybe 0.5% of what I get... so NO, the google ads have nothing to do with why I have my website in a few threads and in my signature, bud. All I said was that you're advertising blatantly for-profit and you don't like that I put it out there. And I don't care fi you think I am annoying. I am annoyed by you too. But do I be such a **** about it? Nope, not at all.
So, have a great Sunday and enjoy the rest of your weekend, sir.

The point of my thread wasnt the referral which isn't 4% or anything like that.
So.....whatever man. Just pointing out the irony in your problem with my post.
Sent from my HERO200

Purpose of thread communicated; closed.


How long is nebenezer banned?

I have bail money
I am not trying to start anything, I just want to know. He is the OP of a pretty significant theme aggregate thread I would like to know when we can expect him back to continue to update the catalog or if we are going to need to do it all over again.
I hope it is the former. I'm pleeding for his life, judge! Don't take my boy!
lol Why did he get banned?
Here comes the drama..
And OP, I'm not sure.
threadrape, though i believe its a political smear campaign. he knows NO means NO but some have convincing false evidence. if the sig don't fit you must acquit.
Hopefully not for too long. Even if you don't agree with how he's handled the whole fixxxer situation, he's funny and contributes a lot.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
what?!! Horrible news! WE LOVE YOU NEB!! The mods have been going gnarly lately. I'm not liking it. I kinda like our free-for-all method that we had before they organized our subforum. The grass is always greener....
alexthearmo said:
The mods have been going gnarly lately.
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Which why I would recommend taking it easy and make sure threads like this don't get out of control.
I think they let the power go to their heads....................
Yes, the miss have totally letter power get to their heads and they can't categorize worth a **** either so yeah... that's why I have decided to stop contributing ideas that everyone can take credit for and leave me in the dust. I'll still post, but bot with innovative ideas.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
I am not trying to start drama, not trying to criticize decisions. Just respectfully asking for one piece of information. Not that I am entitled. Just askin'
(did I cover all of my bases)
OH and I am not responsible if your phone is bricked.
grego442 said:
I am not trying to start drama, not trying to criticize decisions. Just respectfully asking for one piece of information. Not that I am entitled. Just askin'
(did I cover all of my bases)
OH and I am not responsible if your phone is bricked.
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My guess us 3 day. That's what tejas, kcarpenter and I were threatened with. And I followed the instructions you posted in the op about removing the battery and I think you caused my phone to be bricked. I deem you responsible
Edit got my phone working you had failed to provide instructions on reinserting the battery
my two cents on everything is simple.
before we got the first port of 2.1-dec 09, thanks to flipz. there was NO DRAMA. it was all development.
i know i joined in january but i watched everyone and everything. there were never any developers leaving because someone posted warez, or people pointing fingers at someone. or even someone degrading mods.
mods are mods for a reason. they use their power to keep pointless **** from starting up. this thread needs to close. XDA is for development/help of phones. not to degrade people. we are on the internet. we dont know eachother personally. which is how it needs to be.
so please keep these issues to a minimal. we finally get our own general and dev threads and its being shot to hell.
as for the op's questions. alot of the bans are a week to a month. there was obviously a reason. its no ones business except neb and the mods.
no offense to anyone. i just want issues to be DROPPED and lets continue to help and develop.
Its a real shame to see a great forum ruined by censorship. I belong to several dozen forums covering things from pc components, to video games, car forums to home improvement and on and on and never have I seen a forum so poorly handled. You let people openly admit to criminal activity and actually encourage it, while on the other hand, you ban people for standing up to them and calling them out. You play favorites by banning people you don't like and letting your "pals" do what they want. Worst of all, now you delete threads for no legitimate reason other than not liking it or not agreeing with it. This forum wasn't great before the "organization", but now its turning into something even worse. Maybe you guys are having a bad day, I don't know, but I hope you get your act together and go back to doing what your supposed to do, that is moderate, not police and censor.
Have a good night and thanks to the devs and their hard work................
its all good
Oh look, bans are worthless here too. Mods aren't even smart enough to find the forum plugin to block an ip address. This place is truly depressing, and I will take the time now to personally thank flips for ****ing the community that this place once was. All because he had a burr up his ass one day.
That's my five bucks worth. Screw two cents.
Also. How much you wanna bet that fixers new id doesn't get banned? Childish **** right there, make a new account after you lost your first one due to stupidity.
Sent from your mom!
And to re post what fixer wrote before he edited his post right above my previous one, he said his account got banned too so its all good, it was worth it in the end.
Sent from your mom!
EDIT: Nevermind, I don't think I want to know or be part of whatever this bs is....obviously i'm not up to speed and I think I would rather stay that way.
What Does flipz have to do with this?
jerry43812 said:
Oh look, bans are worthless here too. Mods aren't even smart enough to find the forum plugin to block an ip address. This place is truly depressing, and I will take the time now to personally thank flips for ****ing the community that this place once was. All because he had a burr up his ass one day.
That's my five bucks worth. Screw two cents.
Also. How much you wanna bet that fixers new id doesn't get banned? Childish **** right there, make a new account after you lost your first one due to stupidity.
Sent from your mom!
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The baby mama drama didn't get so extreme till his actions a month or so ago when he leaked a file that was supposed to be held private at the time. Do some research.
What Does flipz have to do with this?
Oh look, bans are worthless here too. Mods aren't even smart enough to find the forum plugin to block an ip address. This place is truly depressing, a
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Sent from your mom!
fixxxer2OO8 said:
its all good
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hahaha i like the "OO" instead of "00"
Didn't realize he was the one who leaked it.....Thanks for the harsh reply to a honest question.
jerry43812 said:
The baby mama drama didn't get so extreme till his actions a month or so ago when he leaked a file that was supposed to be held private at the time. Do some research.
Sent from your mom!
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Off topic as can be. But people need to see this PC game

Its a FPS online game which you gain XP and level up and stuff. It's free and SUPER addictive. It is the world's fastest shooter game. It may take a day for you to get the aiming down... But BOY this game rocks. It has been released now for about a week. Here is a link to join the game. If you join as my referral I will be sure to show you where to get some nice promo codes for weapons.
It's called Tribes:Ascend , many of you may know Tribes 1 or 2. I'll see in you the battle!
Worst spam attempt ever. You can even.see the blatant referral code in the url. I urge everyone who is going to play this to cut out the referral part.
Sent via carrier pigeon
Atomix86 said:
Worst spam attempt ever. You can even.see the blatant referral code in the url. I urge everyone who is going to play this to cut out the referral part.
Sent via carrier pigeon
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What's wrong with referring people to a game with a referral link?
That's what they're for.
SoraX64 said:
What's wrong with referring people to a game with a referral link?
That's what they're for.
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Because it seems like a ****ty attempt to get referral awards.
Sent from my Evo 3D using Tapatalk 2.0
yousefak said:
Because it seems like a ****ty attempt to get referral awards.
Sent from my Evo 3D using Tapatalk 2.0
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The point of their giving referral awards is to get more people to tell others about the game. He could have just given a link to the game, for what you get from clicking on it. But he also gets some sort of reward, for sharing it with other people.
By your attitudes, I would have to assume that you think that ALL postings of referral links are poor attempts to get awards.
Well.. the point of posting the link for the user is to get rewards, and the point of giving the rewards for the developer is to get more people to play the game so.. I don't see what's wrong here.
SoraX64 said:
The point of their giving referral awards is to get more people to tell others about the game. He could have just given a link to the game, for what you get from clicking on it. But he also gets some sort of reward, for sharing it with other people.
By your attitudes, I would have to assume that you think that ALL postings of referral links are poor attempts to get awards.
Well.. the point of posting the link for the user is to get rewards, and the point of giving the rewards for the developer is to get more people to play the game so.. I don't see what's wrong here.
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Cause he's using our phone board to push a product on us. It's essentially an ad.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
Mod edit: Abuse removed
SoraX64 said:
The point of their giving referral awards is to get more people to tell others about the game. He could have just given a link to the game, for what you get from clicking on it. But he also gets some sort of reward, for sharing it with other people.
By your attitudes, I would have to assume that you think that ALL postings of referral links are poor attempts to get awards.
Well.. the point of posting the link for the user is to get rewards, and the point of giving the rewards for the developer is to get more people to play the game so.. I don't see what's wrong here.
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Nothing is wrong, some people live by the refresh feed on this forum and get all bent when somethin doesn't belong.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
hockey4life0099 said:
Cause he's using our phone board to push a product on us. It's essentially an ad.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
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Maybe he just wants to share the game?
Sent from my htc_shooter using XDA Premium App
People he even said its a referral link. Its not deceiving or anything. And he also told the games name. If you don't want to click it... Google it...
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
SoraX64 said:
What's wrong with referring people to a game with a referral link?
That's what they're for.
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Agree, nothing is wrong here ...... OP clearly states what he posted , he might give you codes as he said.... There is nothing you will lose if you join with his link. You can Google or search YouTube about the game. It looks decent IMO.
Wait, no no no, this is all wrong, this thread isn't about Samsung products nor unreleased ics...this clearly doesn't belong here at all...
Atomix86 said:
Worst spam attempt ever. You can even.see the blatant referral code in the url. I urge everyone who is going to play this to cut out the referral part.
Sent via carrier pigeon
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BIGGEST troll attempt right here... sigh... theres always that guy. I STATED that its a referral for me. You join... YOu get to lev 6... I get 5k XP> OH NOES! PEOPLE PLAYING A FUN GAME AND HELPING ME AT THE SAME TIME????????????????

Devices on Google Play: Did we help answer your question?

Hey everyone. Just want to reach out and make a suggestion to the folks who pre-ordered their N7's through Google Play. This morning I received an email from Google Play asking me to complete a satisfaction survey concerning their customer support in returning my email inquiry regarding N7 shipment status and the Googly Play store in general. So, I told them exactly what I thought they did wrong and how they could attempt to make amends with their customers.
I would like everyone to use this opportunity to offer CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM to the Google Play team. Sure, they ****ed up, but getting angry at them will most certainly not help the cause. Use the comments section of the survey to politely inform them of their mistakes in your opinion and they will be much more obliged to right this wrong. If you didn't get a survey then send them an email. Personally, I get satisfaction in knowing that a large corporation is forced to read my opinions
TL;DR - Politely tell Google Play how they ****ed up.
Please explain how they f'd up.
I don't see how they did.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
If you don't think they did then this thread is not for you.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Yeah, I'm also wondering how the f'd up. Sure, I would have liked to receive my device before it hit stores, but they never said it would.
The one thing I'm disappointed with them about, is how they're not allowing for pre-orders of the N7 case. It seems like it comes on, sells out in under a minute, and it's back to out-of-stock. If you're lucky, very lucky, you can grab one. Why not do a first-come-first-serve pre-order?!
akarol said:
Yeah, I'm also wondering how the f'd up. Sure, I would have liked to receive my device before it hit stores, but they never said it would.
The one thing I'm disappointed with them about, is how they're not allowing for pre-orders of the N7 case. It seems like it comes on, sells out in under a minute, and it's back to out-of-stock. If you're lucky, very lucky, you can grab one. Why not do a first-come-first-serve pre-order?!
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You just answered your own question .
There is a thread on this forum with thousands of posts that reflect my OPINION. Those are the folks I'm reaching out to.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
If I get the survey, I'm going to complain about the Case situation for sure.
akarol said:
If I get the survey, I'm going to complain about the Case situation for sure.
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You'll probably have to email their customer service about it to get the survey

I will PAY for an Ingress invite

Anybody have an Ingress Invitation? I'll buy it...
No. However I am a Syrian prince with millions in gold bars that I would be willing to give to you at pennies on the dollar for 5000 USD in the next 72 hours. In return I will give you 35 monster cables worth of gold to sell at 1000% markup.
WTF is up with the ingress invites? Second thread today!!
85gallon said:
WTF is up with the ingress invites? Second thread today!!
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Because everyone wants to play it... and Google ain't handing out the codes too fast!
Seriously? I'll give mine away for free if people stop posting these threads!
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda premium
Josepho1997 said:
Seriously? I'll give mine away for free if people stop posting these threads!
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda premium
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$20 through Paypal right now for an invite, and I promise I'll stop posting
alex at saringer dot ca
asaring said:
$20 through Paypal right now for an invite, and I promise I'll stop posting
alex at saringer dot ca
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I'll have to think about it.
And if I do give it to you, it would be 100% free. I wouldn't make you pay for this.
Josepho1997 said:
I'll have to think about it.
And if I do give it to you, it would be 100% free. I wouldn't make you pay for this.
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I'll take the money. Have him pay me, and you give him the invite.
Josepho1997 said:
I'll have to think about it.
And if I do give it to you, it would be 100% free. I wouldn't make you pay for this.
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Well... It would be greatly appreciated! If you don't want the money, I'd be happy to return the favour somehow... I've been sending interesting Ingress artwork to Brandon Badger on Google+ who is giving out codes to people who impress him with something... but he has had about 4000 people add him to their "circles" in the last 3 days... so I'm guessing his inbox is a little flooded.
85gallon said:
I'll take the money. Have him pay me, and you give him the invite.
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Nah. Its mine to give away and i want to give it away for free (if i don't keep it for myself)
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
asaring said:
$20 through Paypal right now for an invite, and I promise I'll stop posting
alex at saringer dot ca
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Click to collapse many things went wrong with your thread so far:
Reason the first... making a financial transaction outside the MP
Reason the second...even if this was an allowed transaction in the MP, you've posted on the wrong forum.
Reason the third..there is a thread with this topic already.
Reason the fourth...I can eat a burrito from Chipotle's on a daily basis if I could
Reason the fifth...I can closed threads.
Reason the sixth...I just closed this thread but yet able to post in it... Sorcery some may say? more of these threads!
M_T_M said: many things went wrong with your thread so far:
Reason the first... making a financial transaction outside the MP
Reason the second...even if this was an allowed transaction in the MP, you've posted on the wrong forum.
Reason the third..there is a thread with this topic already.
Reason the fourth...I can eat a burrito from Chipotle's on a daily basis if I could
Reason the fifth...I can closed threads.
Reason the sixth...I just closed this thread but yet able to post in it... Sorcery some may say? more of these threads!
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What he said.

Samsung winning battle.

I think this is their master plan. Their making it so hard to root that at&t and samsung are just making us get worn out waiting for root. Eventually people won't care anymore and just put up with all their bloat and tactics turning us into sheep like the apple people are. I am even getting wore out checking 7 times a day in these threads only to hear of all the ways that don't work to root. There is a 12K bounty to be paid. U think that someone would spend every second trying to root to get 12K. Something is up with this. Maybe they were contacted and paid more not to do this. If there is a way they can PM me it and I will post it and give them the bounty so they don't get in trouble.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Seriously kid? Don't you think people have lives? Don't you think everyone else here wants to see root for our phone? Seriously a bounty isn't set in stone. no one is dumb enough to rely on money that maybe (less than likely) be actually given. Calm down. Sit back. And relax. Go outside. Be with your friends. Check these forums at the end of the week, instead of every waking chance you get. We're all waiting as well
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Free mobile app
Megadoug13 said:
Seriously kid? Don't you think people have lives? Don't you think everyone else here wants to see root for our phone? Seriously a bounty isn't set in stone. no one is dumb enough to rely on money that maybe (less than likely) be actually given. Calm down. Sit back. And relax. Go outside. Be with your friends. Check these forums at the end of the week, instead of every waking chance you get. We're all waiting as well
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Free mobile app
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Kid?...Ok..explain why root on every other S5 was achieved before they even got released. I've been flashing since the old HTC 8125. I go out..I have a life..don't come in my thread acting like a jerk. I'm stating a point. Respect it or don't come in with rude comments. Jeez...your reply is why everyone around here starts flaming each other with rude condisending replies. Just offer respectable remarks without ripping people. If you don't like my post just don't comment and go away. Thanks for the kind words and I'll try to achieve the ideal lifestyle you lead. Have a great day.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Yeah.. If you could just go right a head and do that, that'd be greaaat. Thanks.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Free mobile app
Martinjv71 said:
I think this is their master plan. Their making it so hard to root that at&t and samsung are just making us get worn out waiting for root. Eventually people won't care anymore and just put up with all their bloat and tactics turning us into sheep like the apple people are. I am even getting wore out checking 7 times a day in these threads only to hear of all the ways that don't work to root. There is a 12K bounty to be paid. U think that someone would spend every second trying to root to get 12K. Something is up with this. Maybe they were contacted and paid more not to do this. If there is a way they can PM me it and I will post it and give them the bounty so they don't get in trouble.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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These threads that always ask why "someone else' hasn't done anything are very sad. You complain about reading threads 7 times a day about what can't be done and then you make one yourself? And I've seen your other posts... trolling. So I'm sure your reply will be no less to anyone that doesn't 100% agree with you.
So what exactly, do you want to achieve with this thread? And before telling me to move on, you might want to take your own advice because if you have nothing of value to add, you are worse than any of the people you complain about.
scott14719 said:
These threads that always ask why "someone else' hasn't done anything are very sad. You complain about reading threads 7 times a day about what can't be done and then you make one yourself? And I've seen your other posts... trolling. So I'm sure your reply will be no less to anyone that doesn't 100% agree with you.
So what exactly, do you want to achieve with this thread? And before telling me to move on, you might want to take your own advice because if you have nothing of value to add, you are worse than any of the people you complain about.
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Just stating an opinion in a forum...pretty common actually and what I achieved is to get this attention and for you it obviously worked. No hard feelings....just don't be so harsh on people's opinions. And as far as me making one that's not my gig. That's why there are so many different careers out makes the world go round. Some people work at Big Lots and some are Doctors or in marking. The more exposure to root complaints the better. Take care and have a good weekend.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
This is just not going anywhere and serves no purpose but what it has achieved already.
Thread closed
Have a great day!

