Samsung winning battle. - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 5

I think this is their master plan. Their making it so hard to root that at&t and samsung are just making us get worn out waiting for root. Eventually people won't care anymore and just put up with all their bloat and tactics turning us into sheep like the apple people are. I am even getting wore out checking 7 times a day in these threads only to hear of all the ways that don't work to root. There is a 12K bounty to be paid. U think that someone would spend every second trying to root to get 12K. Something is up with this. Maybe they were contacted and paid more not to do this. If there is a way they can PM me it and I will post it and give them the bounty so they don't get in trouble.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Seriously kid? Don't you think people have lives? Don't you think everyone else here wants to see root for our phone? Seriously a bounty isn't set in stone. no one is dumb enough to rely on money that maybe (less than likely) be actually given. Calm down. Sit back. And relax. Go outside. Be with your friends. Check these forums at the end of the week, instead of every waking chance you get. We're all waiting as well
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Free mobile app

Megadoug13 said:
Seriously kid? Don't you think people have lives? Don't you think everyone else here wants to see root for our phone? Seriously a bounty isn't set in stone. no one is dumb enough to rely on money that maybe (less than likely) be actually given. Calm down. Sit back. And relax. Go outside. Be with your friends. Check these forums at the end of the week, instead of every waking chance you get. We're all waiting as well
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Kid?...Ok..explain why root on every other S5 was achieved before they even got released. I've been flashing since the old HTC 8125. I go out..I have a life..don't come in my thread acting like a jerk. I'm stating a point. Respect it or don't come in with rude comments. Jeez...your reply is why everyone around here starts flaming each other with rude condisending replies. Just offer respectable remarks without ripping people. If you don't like my post just don't comment and go away. Thanks for the kind words and I'll try to achieve the ideal lifestyle you lead. Have a great day.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Yeah.. If you could just go right a head and do that, that'd be greaaat. Thanks.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Free mobile app

Martinjv71 said:
I think this is their master plan. Their making it so hard to root that at&t and samsung are just making us get worn out waiting for root. Eventually people won't care anymore and just put up with all their bloat and tactics turning us into sheep like the apple people are. I am even getting wore out checking 7 times a day in these threads only to hear of all the ways that don't work to root. There is a 12K bounty to be paid. U think that someone would spend every second trying to root to get 12K. Something is up with this. Maybe they were contacted and paid more not to do this. If there is a way they can PM me it and I will post it and give them the bounty so they don't get in trouble.
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These threads that always ask why "someone else' hasn't done anything are very sad. You complain about reading threads 7 times a day about what can't be done and then you make one yourself? And I've seen your other posts... trolling. So I'm sure your reply will be no less to anyone that doesn't 100% agree with you.
So what exactly, do you want to achieve with this thread? And before telling me to move on, you might want to take your own advice because if you have nothing of value to add, you are worse than any of the people you complain about.

scott14719 said:
These threads that always ask why "someone else' hasn't done anything are very sad. You complain about reading threads 7 times a day about what can't be done and then you make one yourself? And I've seen your other posts... trolling. So I'm sure your reply will be no less to anyone that doesn't 100% agree with you.
So what exactly, do you want to achieve with this thread? And before telling me to move on, you might want to take your own advice because if you have nothing of value to add, you are worse than any of the people you complain about.
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Just stating an opinion in a forum...pretty common actually and what I achieved is to get this attention and for you it obviously worked. No hard feelings....just don't be so harsh on people's opinions. And as far as me making one that's not my gig. That's why there are so many different careers out makes the world go round. Some people work at Big Lots and some are Doctors or in marking. The more exposure to root complaints the better. Take care and have a good weekend.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

This is just not going anywhere and serves no purpose but what it has achieved already.
Thread closed
Have a great day!


More evidence arises for sprint iPhone
More evidence...I take this as a good thing not bc ok getting one, which im not, but bc it will increase sprints customer database and slightly decrease the other twos...what's your guys take...oh yeah and Honda Cop approves this message
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Personally, I don't think it matters. If people want and iphone, they'll get one. It can only bring people in, and if its a flop, then they'll drop it.
Who cares? This is an Android forum.
1. Do not compare the iPhone4 to any Android device in a positive light (even if you prefer Android).
2. Do not say anything positive about the iPhone4 at all.
If you break those rules, you want to be called an Apple fanboy or an Android hater.
Oh my god...its about not going to argue with you anymore. I have already talked to mods and admins via pm about this issue of people that always comment like you do. Sorry pm
indagroove said:
Who cares? This is an Android forum.
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Ryjabo said:
1. Do not compare the iPhone4 to any Android device in a positive light (even if you prefer Android).
2. Do not say anything positive about the iPhone4 at all.
If you break those rules, you want to be called an Apple fanboy or an Android hater.
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No kidding, people are so touchy these days, seriously grow a pair and man up its a fracking phone for christs sake...
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
See thays the problem with people with iphones...they can't see the other side. They simply just say there device is better. See me along with many others can recognize the good and the bad and explain why the android device is better...there are two sides. No need to be 100 percent ignorant about one
Ryjabo said:
1. Do not compare the iPhone4 to any Android device in a positive light (even if you prefer Android).
2. Do not say anything positive about the iPhone4 at all.
If you break those rules, you want to be called an Apple fanboy or an Android hater.
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Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Beat me to it, im 20 years old and act more mature than most of the people on this forum
Blitzpwnage said:
No kidding, people are so touchy these days, seriously grow a pair and man up its a fracking phone for christs sake...
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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iitreatedii said:
Oh my god...its about not going to argue with you anymore. I have already talked to mods and admins via pm about this issue of people that always comment like you do.
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Congratulations. And I know for a fact that the mods have talked to you about your poor posting habits. They have not told me that I am in error however.
indagroove said:
Congratulations. And I know for a fact that the mode have talked to you about your poor posting habits. They have not told me that I am in error however.
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Well that's not my problem...
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I love when more evidence arisiles.
Im using kings rom and I Don't like this doesn't have a good auto correct system
m4rk0358 said:
I love when more evidence arisiles.
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The (insert competitor phone) is so much better than the (insert the phone you care least about) so much so that I ask why it should be discussed in Evo forums
Sprint's network where I live is overloaded enough...I don't need more data intensive people hopping on, but at least it would shut my wife up...
Samwell thinks you guys need to stop acting like the "golden girls"
What what in the butt?
dirkyd3rk said:
Samwell thinks you guys need to stop acting like the "golden girls"
What what in the butt?
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Darn, there goes that sweet 30kbps "3G" download speed I have been enjoying lately.
My wife switched over to AT&T-mobile the other day and bought an iPhone. The OS runs very smoothly and sort of just 'works' like other Apple products. It's also a lot less clunky than the Evo.
Definitely a good phone for the masses.
I doubt many people accustomed to android would enjoy it though. I hate having to click on the settings icon and then search through all the sections of different settings options just to adjust my brightness.
With MIUI I just pull down my notifications bar and change all of that in an instant.
Also, widgets.
The operating systems are both absolutely fantastic after trying both of them in my opinion. It comes down to personal preference completely.
People don't give the iPhone enough credit... It's made so you know how to use it out of the box, which is what most people who have cell phones want.
We all, at xda, know about rooting and modifying our phones to make them do things they weren't originally intended to do... But you all have to realize... The majority of people with cell phones don't know how to do all of this modifying, and they probably don't care to...
Would I get an iPhone... Probably, if it had/gets a bigger screen. Am I dying to rush out and buy one... No. I like Android.
Agreed, I never thought about getting an eyephone because I don't like Fruitco. , but if I did it would need a much bigger screen, and 4g

Girl trouble?

Idk if this is the right place to go, but I'm at a pretty bad place. My gf of 2.5 years just broke up with me about a week and a half ago. She keeps telling me to move on and stuff, but we had a history of coming back to each other. This time she says its real. Now, I tried took her advice and tried moving on. I went to this small party last night and her one, pretty babish friend was there. We talked a lot and later told me that she wouldn't hurt my ex like that but told me I'm a pretty good guy. I think I like the new one, but I'm worried that what if my ex comes back? I don't want to hurt this chick cause I kinda care about her. My friends who are pretty close to her told me I should wait a month then go after her. I just need some help, you guys seem pretty smart.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
I think you shouldn't jump from one relationship to another. Take sometime for yourself. How old are you? (should of been my first question)
Sent from my HTC Droid Incredible using XDA App
dankieperez said:
I think you shouldn't jump from one relationship to another. Take sometime for yourself. How old are you? (should of been my first question)
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18. I'm a senior in high school. Y a I know its hs BS to most. But they said to take like a month off then try with the new girl. And to not talk to my ex or hangout with her unlees she texts me first. My ex is 18 too and is off at college 5 hours away.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
Your ex sounds pretty determined that it's off for good. You shouldn't put your life on hold hoping she might change her mind but you shouldn't rush headlong into something else either. The new babe has potential? Tell her you like her and that you hope that something happens in future, but that you don't want to make a rebound mistake.
Go out with some friends and keep yourself busy with stuff you enjoy. Try to put your ex out of your mind and take advantage of the free time you have now. Don't be tempted to make a fool of yourself with your ex when you're feeling low. Months from now when you're looking back on this time, you will want to be able to hold your head up and say that you kept your dignity through the hard times.
If its meant to be, you'll get back together sometime. The question is when. When I was in high school I dated someone for a year. I broke up with her and some how 3 years later we found each other. That was 2001. We are now married and have 3 kids.
But to be honest, since you said she's in college 5 hours away, it sounds as if she found someone else or doesn't want to be that committed to any guy. Between the college atmosphere and 100' s of new people and new friends, they are more, I've seen so many relationships end when one of them goes onto college or both go to different colleges. You want someone who is there everyday.
Either way I would pursue the new girl. You don't need to sit around and continue to be sad.
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unCoRrUpTeD said:
If its meant to be, you'll get back together sometime. The question is when. When I was in high school I dated someone for a year. I broke up with her and some how 3 years later we found each other. That was 2001. We are now married and have 3 kids.
But to be honest, since you said she's in college 5 hours away, it sounds as if she found someone else or doesn't want to be that committed to any guy. Between the college atmosphere and 100' s of new people and new friends, they are more, I've seen so many relationships end when one of them goes onto college or both go to different colleges. You want someone who is there everyday.
Either way I would pursue the new girl. You don't need to sit around and continue to be sad.
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Thank you. That's what I was thinking about doing. What worries me though is what happens if we reconnect over her Xmas break? I don't want to ruin this new girl, she had guy problems in the past. Also I have the problem of these two girls being friends. Good idea or bad idea? My friends said wait and then see. I have to prove it to the new girl that I'm worth it and that she isn't just some rebound, which she isn't.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
Go drink, and without knowing, you have been friendzoned by the new girl.
jaszek said:
Go drink, and without knowing, you have been friendzoned by the new girl.
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Yeup. That's what happened.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
If the new girl isn't worried about what it could do to her relationship with your ex, why should you. You need to do what will make you happy. If your ex wants to get back with you later in, but you have found someone that makes you happier, that is her loss. She made the decision to leave you. If you're waiting to see if its meant to be, you could be waiting years, months, or even a lifetime. Move on and let life take its course. The lowest points in your life will only make you.stronger.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
I wish I could help, but my avatar is the way it is for a reason lol... I've taken to the idea of "don't try and wait for something to just happen." Terrible technique, but whatever. The other ways didn't work either lol.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
At your age you should be slaying hoes......that's all. Once you've dine enough slaying then start to look for that relationship
Sent from my HTC Droid Incredible using XDA App
dankieperez said:
At your age you should be slaying hoes......that's all. Once you've dine enough slaying then start to look for that relationship
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dankieperez said:
At your age you should be slaying hoes......that's all. Once you've dine enough slaying then start to look for that relationship
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That's what I'm saying! But I get too attached, ya its kinda ***** like, but idk
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goob1284 said:
That's what I'm saying! But I get too attached, ya its kinda ***** like, but idk
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Who cares if you're like that? Chicks don't like the super macho douche man. If you're looking for the kind of girl that does then stop looking for relationships and start looking for an easy score. Living up to the standards of sleeping with as many people as you can is actually kinda gross to me personally. Just do what you want, not what you feel as if everyone else will approve of.
-We do what we must because we can; for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead-
I_am_Error said:
Who cares if you're like that? Chicks don't like the super macho douche man. If you're looking for the kind of girl that does then stop looking for relationships and start looking for an easy score. Living up to the standards of sleeping with as many people as you can is actually kinda gross to me personally. Just do what you want, not what you feel as if everyone else will approve of.
-We do what we must because we can; for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead-
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You make valid points my good friend. And with both of us bring in the same position with women at one point or another, I can not help but agree with you.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
I'm trying to do what I want. But I'm supposed to hang with the ex Friday. But she doesn't want to but she will allow it. Does that mean anything? And like I really want this new girl, but she thinks its too sketchy since its so close to the break up.
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goob1284 said:
I'm trying to do what I want. But I'm supposed to hang with the ex Friday. But she doesn't want to but she will allow it. Does that mean anything? And like I really want this new girl, but she thinks its too sketchy since its so close to the break up.
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take a break and learn android development (or try to) it helped me through some tough times (the attempting to learn)
watt9493 said:
take a break and learn android development (or try to) it helped me through some tough times (the attempting to learn)
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I really want to learn, but I tried so many times and always came up short. Also, I annoyed the living crap out of the girl I was gonna go to, what do I do?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
goob1284 said:
I really want to learn, but I tried so many times and always came up short. Also, I annoyed the living crap out of the girl I was gonna go to, what do I do?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
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Take it easy, just sit back for a while. Its best to not rush into things
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
watt9493 said:
Take it easy, just sit back for a while. Its best to not rush into things
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
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Ya. I think that's really what I'll do. Thanks all you guys!
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A new start

As of lately our beloved forum has seen some of the worst negativity and bashing I have ever seen. I am not completely innocent in this either. I have made a couple of comments I shouldnt have made too and I apologize to whoever I may have offended. But to be honest this type of behavior and just meanness has to stop. I love XDA and everything we do but we are losing members and developers daily because of all the hate here. If you dont like a rom or whatever work has been done just please keep all the negativity to yourselves. If you have a problem with someone keep it in pm and not in their thread. We have to turn this forum around or we are setting ourselves and our phones up for doom. We have lost alot of good people and maybe if the see the drama has stopped they will come back. I too am on the fence about getting a different phone and moving on but i love this phone. I am capable of building my own roms and themes but I love having a place to share ideas and our work. I am begging my fellow XDA brothers and sisters to help in the effort to make XDA what it once was. With that being said I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season!
Good stuff man and you are definitely right! Lets stop the bs and get along.....merry christmas xda
mongo41 said:
As of lately our beloved forum has seen some of the worst negativity and bashing I have ever seen. I am not completely innocent in this either. I have made a couple of comments I shouldnt have made too and I apologize to whoever I may have offended. But to be honest this type of behavior and just meanness has to stop. I love XDA and everything we do but we are losing members and developers daily because of all the hate here. If you dont like a rom or whatever work has been done just please keep all the negativity to yourselves. If you have a problem with someone keep it in pm and not in their thread. We have to turn this forum around or we are setting ourselves and our phones up for doom. We have lost alot of good people and maybe if the see the drama has stopped they will come back. I too am on the fence about getting a different phone and moving on but i love this phone. I am capable of building my own roms and themes but I love having a place to share ideas and our work. I am begging my fellow XDA brothers and sisters to help in the effort to make XDA what it once was. With that being said I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season!
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I agree, but it has to start with XDA being able to control this.
They need to start banning people for at least a week or something so they can learn. This is for XDA as a whole not just our community.
This is not the only place where things are getting out of hand.
People won't stop until something is done, until then there will always be someone trolling trying to get a rise out of people.
I am guilty myself of saying things I shouldn't of, but it just gets to me sometimes. Especially since I cant control it, but I at least base my opinion.
I guess we must all do our part as well and start reporting people.
I've also noticed that there is favoritism going around since some have been banned and not others that have done the same if not worse, not gonna name anyone to not start another flame war.
But that's not OK and if that's the case then there's no point on trying.
I hope everyone reads this and does their part. We have a great phone and we must stop if we want some great development to continue.
Powered by the SGSII....
Its gotta be a group effort or it won't change. If someone is being negative then you just ignore them and if it is offensive then report it to a mod and let them handle it. This should be said for Devs too, you dont have to respond to every negative post and get everyone riled up even more then people go to choosing sides , show a little more maturity and only answer questions pertaining to the Rom ive never seen a forum with Devs who get offended so easily .....just ignore and concentrate on the questions about development of your ROM. I hope this turns around and we have a sucessful forum once again cause this is a really great device we have
ThC23 said:
I agree, but it has to start with XDA being able to control this.
They need to start banning people for at least a week or something so they can learn. This is for XDA as a whole not just our community.
This is not the only place where things are getting out of hand.
People won't stop until something is done, until then there will always be someone trolling trying to get a rise out of people.
I am guilty myself of saying things I shouldn't of, but it just gets to me sometimes. Especially since I cant control it, but I at least base my opinion.
I guess we must all do our part as well and start reporting people.
I've also noticed that there is favoritism going around since some have been banned and not others that have done the same if not worse, not gonna name anyone to not start another flame war.
But that's not OK and if that's the case then there's no point on trying.
I hope everyone reads this and does their part. We have a great phone and we must stop if we want some great development to continue.
Powered by the SGSII....
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I agree with you there has to be some type of enforcement of the rules and it should be a zero tolerence. There has to be consequences for ones actions, without them members are running a muck. And they should be enforced equally no matter who it is or how popular they are. But we as members have to start this by being diligent about abiding to the rules and reporting those who dont follow them.
I agree ...
Although it is not actual "Negativity" or "bashing" that actually starts most of the trouble ...
It is the fact that , it has become the norm, for people to come here and expect to be spoon fed answers, and if they don't get them, they get upset.
XDA is first and foremost, or at least it was, a development community.
Now what does that mean to the end users, well, it means, you should come here to learn and if you have something to share, to participate.
If you are just coming here to "expect" everyone to feed you the answers just so you can pimp out your phone, that is not what it is about ..
READ READ READ, then you can ask better questions.
I am sure the DEVs and most experienced users here get annoyed, with every right, when people ask the same question , OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, when with a little reading they could have solved it themselves.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season!!!
tcboo said:
I agree ...
Although it is not actual "Negativity" or "bashing" that actually starts most of the trouble ...
It is the fact that , it has become the norm, for people to come here and expect to be spoon fed answers, and if they don't get them, they get upset.
XDA is first and foremost, or at least it was, a development community.
Now what does that mean to the end users, well, it means, you should come here to learn and if you have something to share, to participate.
If you are just coming here to "expect" everyone to feed you the answers just so you can pimp out your phone, that is not what it is about ..
READ READ READ, then you can ask better questions.
I am sure the DEVs and most experienced users here get annoyed, with every right, when people ask the same question , OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, when with a little reading they could have solved it themselves.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season!!!
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I too get annoyed when new members or even old members ask the same questions but there is a way to handle it. People are so quick to jump on someone for asking a question then everyone gets defensive and then the fun starts. With the way the threads have been lately you have to read thru 10 pages of pure and utter chaos and crap to find your answer. It does seem that those of us that have been here for awhile want to see a change. I have received alot of pm's in support. I know with some work and help from the mods we can make it the way it was. I am totally committed to this.
LONG time XDA'er here. You Mods these days are really something else. Personally this is the SECOND developer ( Dj_Steve and Mohgk ) I've seen you drive away on 2 of 2 devices in the last 3 months. Statistically you are hurting the forum more than moderating and using your common sense. That has to say something.
All you needed to do was read the threads, warn in threads, and clean up the spatter. I moderate on several other sites. This is just sad and seriously makes me think about alternatives. It been like this for the last 1.5 years here on XDA.
Had you properly moderated, you would have seen the initial posts which flamed the threads. If someone told me my work was unappreciated and garbage after I spent hours on something, I'd be a little miffed too.
In any case, great moderating. Good luck to the other upcoming Devs. Happy holidays everyone
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda
I think one of the main problems is that due to android's growing popularity, we're seeing a lot more ignorant douchebags in here who just want to take & not give, and who have zero knowledge of forum etiquette. I was a sidekick dev back in the day & xda is sadly starting to remind me a lot of the old Danger forums- a wild jungle of a place where you had to hack through post after post of word-vomit & ignorance before you can actually find any REAL knowledge. Yes, we need to take out the trash & start cracking down on the jackassery. Badly. I'm tired of seeing threads devolve into personal attacks & 8th grade bickering over stupid ****. Its gotten to the point where I hesitate to even post sometimes.
Sent from my PG41200 using xda premium
kabuk1 said:
I think one of the main problems is that due to android's growing popularity, we're seeing a lot more ignorant douchebags in here who just want to take & not give, and who have zero knowledge of forum etiquette. I was a sidekick dev back in the day & xda is sadly starting to remind me a lot of the old Danger forums- a wild jungle of a place where you had to hack through post after post of word-vomit & ignorance before you can actually find any REAL knowledge. Yes, we need to take out the trash & start cracking down on the jackassery. Badly. I'm tired of seeing threads devolve into personal attacks & 8th grade bickering over stupid ****. Its gotten to the point where I hesitate to even post sometimes.
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+1 I agree 100%
I also hesitate to post bc of all the dbags. I've been on xda for a good while now and I've never seen things this bad. Its really frustrating to see all this **** cuz no one behaves like this in real life. I wish ppl would just be chill and not try to be internet thugs. Any who I would really love to see this forum turn around and be more friendly and productive. Well that's my piece lol I'm down to do whatever I can to change this place.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
kabuk1 said:
I think one of the main problems is that due to android's growing popularity, we're seeing a lot more ignorant douchebags in here who just want to take & not give, and who have zero knowledge of forum etiquette. I was a sidekick dev back in the day & xda is sadly starting to remind me a lot of the old Danger forums- a wild jungle of a place where you had to hack through post after post of word-vomit & ignorance before you can actually find any REAL knowledge. Yes, we need to take out the trash & start cracking down on the jackassery. Badly. I'm tired of seeing threads devolve into personal attacks & 8th grade bickering over stupid ****. Its gotten to the point where I hesitate to even post sometimes.
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DITTO!!! Could not agree More ...
The mods just bann everyone its anoyying especialy when they dont know what happens its sad
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
Good chance if we all keep talking bad about the MODs in here we will all get banned ...
Problem is HOW they select their MODs, some are great, some just won the popularity contest ....
tcboo said:
I agree ...
Although it is not actual "Negativity" or "bashing" that actually starts most of the trouble ...
It is the fact that , it has become the norm, for people to come here and expect to be spoon fed answers, and if they don't get them, they get upset.
XDA is first and foremost, or at least it was, a development community.
Now what does that mean to the end users, well, it means, you should come here to learn and if you have something to share, to participate.
If you are just coming here to "expect" everyone to feed you the answers just so you can pimp out your phone, that is not what it is about ..
READ READ READ, then you can ask better questions.
I am sure the DEVs and most experienced users here get annoyed, with every right, when people ask the same question , OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, when with a little reading they could have solved it themselves.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season!!!
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+1 I know I don't know everything but I always try to use the search button to find my answers before starting a new thread or asking in the thread. I really find it annoying when someone asks a question that has been answered in the OP especially. When I do try to help I'll try to point them in the direction but not spoon feed them the link.
I remember when I used to have my Vibrant. Moderators would shut down a thread and clean up the whole thread and then re-open it later on after cleaning up all the bs. Threads still are getting cluttered up with Thank you's and downloading now posts. We have a thanks button for a reason.
Peace & love
" can't we all just get along? "
Sent from my SGH-T989
mongo41 said:
As of lately our beloved forum has seen some of the worst negativity and bashing I have ever seen. I am not completely innocent in this either. I have made a couple of comments I shouldnt have made too and I apologize to whoever I may have offended. But to be honest this type of behavior and just meanness has to stop. I love XDA and everything we do but we are losing members and developers daily because of all the hate here. If you dont like a rom or whatever work has been done just please keep all the negativity to yourselves. If you have a problem with someone keep it in pm and not in their thread. We have to turn this forum around or we are setting ourselves and our phones up for doom. We have lost alot of good people and maybe if the see the drama has stopped they will come back. I too am on the fence about getting a different phone and moving on but i love this phone. I am capable of building my own roms and themes but I love having a place to share ideas and our work. I am begging my fellow XDA brothers and sisters to help in the effort to make XDA what it once was. With that being said I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season!
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Well said my friend....hence my signature.
There is enough hate in the world. Why can't we all get along here ...?
mongo41 said:
As of lately our beloved forum has seen some of the worst negativity and bashing I have ever seen. I am not completely innocent in this either. I have made a couple of comments I shouldnt have made too and I apologize to whoever I may have offended. But to be honest this type of behavior and just meanness has to stop. I love XDA and everything we do but we are losing members and developers daily because of all the hate here. If you dont like a rom or whatever work has been done just please keep all the negativity to yourselves. If you have a problem with someone keep it in pm and not in their thread. We have to turn this forum around or we are setting ourselves and our phones up for doom. We have lost alot of good people and maybe if the see the drama has stopped they will come back. I too am on the fence about getting a different phone and moving on but i love this phone. I am capable of building my own roms and themes but I love having a place to share ideas and our work. I am begging my fellow XDA brothers and sisters to help in the effort to make XDA what it once was. With that being said I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season!
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I agree stop all the bs and grow up.
Agreed. It's like a Damn soap opera in this *****.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
+10000. How do we stop the idiotic few that are ruining it for the majority? Mods have a full time job.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
quest4fire said:
+10000. How do we stop the idiotic few that are ruining it for the majority? Mods have a full time job.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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Use the report button lol
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium

Where would we be without XDA

Unable to think logically yesterday...
so phone is now fixed...
XDA = Awesome you guys are the best.....
However if i had never of found you i doubt i would be trying out so much new stuff...hhmmmm interesting circle of events.
XDA helped break it ...(with showing me how to make my phone better)
Yet XDA helped fix it ...(with all the people who give up their time and resources to help and make your problem go away)
So without you XDA this would never of happened!!
In the words of +Azrienoch Jeff Smith
That's the moral of the news this week...
Without XDA you would be stuck with a great phone and little to no understanding of how it works or its full potential.
So learn to read and always start at the beginning when it goes wrong. Which it will. More than once.
So thank you.
I love my phone
(CM7 is better then my friends stock galaxy nexus)
Not here?
I don't know... Android Central, Rootzwiki? Whatever the next biggest forum is I suppose.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
This site is just awesome! I've learn so much about customization and learning how to do so many things! Thanks ya'll!
In line at an apple store trying to get an Iphone!
there would be alot me bricked phones thats for sure
Not just phones but tablets and other stuff! Kudos!
blong579 said:
there would be alot me bricked phones thats for sure
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Not really... because the reason they get bricked in the first place is because of XDA.
How do you become a Moderator you thing?
slapshot30 said:
Not really... because the reason they get bricked in the first place is because of XDA.
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Haha. But so very true.
For me, without XDA, I wouldn't own the phone I do. It has a locked bootloader. But not even that was an obstacle for the people here. So, seeing all the custom roms, I decided to buy the device despite the locked bootloader. And what I got was a very nice device for a very nice price. Thanks to XDA.
without XDA I wouldn't have all the great apps I have now.
<3 XDA.
without this forum and more importantly, all the great contributions by the amazing members here, I'd be totally lost.
I learned so much just in the past few months... just a wonderful place.
coughipmartcough lol
slapshot30 said:
Not really... because the reason they get bricked in the first place is because of XDA.
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Baa, XDA doesnt help brick phones, people brick phone, more specifically people who dont read what they are doing an jump in the deep end with both feet before bothering to check how deep it was and if it infact had any water in it to begin with..... its like cars, cars dont kill people, people kill people
actually, thinking about it, a better question would be, where would XDA be without android
My answer to that? there'd be a lot less flamed **** fighting fanboy oneup man ship, cant we all just get along!
Let's see... I would had gotten a kindle instead of a nook touch during black friday . I discover XDA and i instantly brought the nook touch! and next day I brought another!
Now I have a HD2 I'm trying figure out ><! So much fun
Android without XDA is like iOS. Haha.
Without XDA we would be kissing Apple behind right now.. Thanks XDA
Without XDA, I would be lost-in-space!
Without xda, i would have thrown my phone out the window
Sent from my X10a using xda premium
Without XDA , my device would be slow as hell
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
dazza9075 said:
Baa, XDA doesnt help brick phones, people brick phone, more specifically people who dont read what they are doing an jump in the deep end with both feet before bothering to check how deep it was and if it infact had any water in it to begin with..... its like cars, cars dont kill people, people kill people
actually, thinking about it, a better question would be, where would XDA be without android
My answer to that? there'd be a lot less flamed **** fighting fanboy oneup man ship, cant we all just get along!
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True. But still if there weren't even XDA then there'd be no issues with bricking.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium

Anyone knows of any good job openings in Miami, FL? I've got 4 years LP experience

Just got laid off a week ago and I already feel myself drowning in debt. Truth be told, I do not want to work loss prevention anymore, I'm actually looking into making a career out of selling phones (maybe district manager or something better in the future). Even though I have no experience, I think i know more than most of the people trying to sell you phones at any store because of my time spent on various forums but unfortunately it does not count and can't be put on my resume. So my point is, even if it isn't related to anything that I've mentioned and you live in my area and can help me, please let me know. I have 2 kids and many bills...
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
Also, if a mod could fix my thread title I'd appreciate it
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
Just click edit and advance and you be able to fix your tittle. Good luck man

