More evidence arises for sprint iPhone - Off-topic
More evidence...I take this as a good thing not bc ok getting one, which im not, but bc it will increase sprints customer database and slightly decrease the other twos...what's your guys take...oh yeah and Honda Cop approves this message
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Personally, I don't think it matters. If people want and iphone, they'll get one. It can only bring people in, and if its a flop, then they'll drop it.

Who cares? This is an Android forum.

1. Do not compare the iPhone4 to any Android device in a positive light (even if you prefer Android).
2. Do not say anything positive about the iPhone4 at all.
If you break those rules, you want to be called an Apple fanboy or an Android hater.

Oh my god...its about not going to argue with you anymore. I have already talked to mods and admins via pm about this issue of people that always comment like you do. Sorry pm
indagroove said:
Who cares? This is an Android forum.
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Ryjabo said:
1. Do not compare the iPhone4 to any Android device in a positive light (even if you prefer Android).
2. Do not say anything positive about the iPhone4 at all.
If you break those rules, you want to be called an Apple fanboy or an Android hater.
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No kidding, people are so touchy these days, seriously grow a pair and man up its a fracking phone for christs sake...
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App

See thays the problem with people with iphones...they can't see the other side. They simply just say there device is better. See me along with many others can recognize the good and the bad and explain why the android device is better...there are two sides. No need to be 100 percent ignorant about one
Ryjabo said:
1. Do not compare the iPhone4 to any Android device in a positive light (even if you prefer Android).
2. Do not say anything positive about the iPhone4 at all.
If you break those rules, you want to be called an Apple fanboy or an Android hater.
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Beat me to it, im 20 years old and act more mature than most of the people on this forum
Blitzpwnage said:
No kidding, people are so touchy these days, seriously grow a pair and man up its a fracking phone for christs sake...
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iitreatedii said:
Oh my god...its about not going to argue with you anymore. I have already talked to mods and admins via pm about this issue of people that always comment like you do.
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Congratulations. And I know for a fact that the mods have talked to you about your poor posting habits. They have not told me that I am in error however.

indagroove said:
Congratulations. And I know for a fact that the mode have talked to you about your poor posting habits. They have not told me that I am in error however.
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Well that's not my problem...
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I love when more evidence arisiles.

Im using kings rom and I Don't like this doesn't have a good auto correct system
m4rk0358 said:
I love when more evidence arisiles.
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The (insert competitor phone) is so much better than the (insert the phone you care least about) so much so that I ask why it should be discussed in Evo forums

Sprint's network where I live is overloaded enough...I don't need more data intensive people hopping on, but at least it would shut my wife up...

Samwell thinks you guys need to stop acting like the "golden girls"
What what in the butt?

dirkyd3rk said:
Samwell thinks you guys need to stop acting like the "golden girls"
What what in the butt?
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Darn, there goes that sweet 30kbps "3G" download speed I have been enjoying lately.

My wife switched over to AT&T-mobile the other day and bought an iPhone. The OS runs very smoothly and sort of just 'works' like other Apple products. It's also a lot less clunky than the Evo.
Definitely a good phone for the masses.
I doubt many people accustomed to android would enjoy it though. I hate having to click on the settings icon and then search through all the sections of different settings options just to adjust my brightness.
With MIUI I just pull down my notifications bar and change all of that in an instant.
Also, widgets.
The operating systems are both absolutely fantastic after trying both of them in my opinion. It comes down to personal preference completely.

People don't give the iPhone enough credit... It's made so you know how to use it out of the box, which is what most people who have cell phones want.
We all, at xda, know about rooting and modifying our phones to make them do things they weren't originally intended to do... But you all have to realize... The majority of people with cell phones don't know how to do all of this modifying, and they probably don't care to...
Would I get an iPhone... Probably, if it had/gets a bigger screen. Am I dying to rush out and buy one... No. I like Android.

Agreed, I never thought about getting an eyephone because I don't like Fruitco. , but if I did it would need a much bigger screen, and 4g


Steve Jobs wanted to destroy Android

What do you guys think about this?
I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple's $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong. I'm going to destroy Android, because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go thermonuclear war on this.Steve JobsApple
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Here's the link to read more.
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ephraim033 said:
What do you guys think about this?
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I think it's off topic for the general section of the Samsung Galaxy S II forum.
Just to think of it.. He also copied the mouse (i think) and so called innovated it.. Psss
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oinkylicious said:
I think it's off topic for the general section of the Samsung Galaxy S II forum.
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I think it relates because it is between iOS and Android w/c is the OS of SGS2 and i want the opinions of my fellow SGS2 users.. But if the mods want to move this they can freely do so..
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ephraim033 said:
What do you guys think about this?
Here's the link to read more.
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I thank god I'm not an Apple sheep . I hear Apple's iOS 5 has a brand new pull down notification bar.. And Android's supposedly copying Apple? Lol it's just a good laugh in my opinion
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kyleforge said:
I thank god I'm not an Apple sheep . I hear Apple's iOS 5 has a brand new pull down notification bar.. And Android's supposedly copying Apple? Lol it's just a good laugh in my opinion
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Yeah, now it's time for android to sue apple.. No words can explain how angry i was when i read about this article..
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that is pathetic -.-
Its just simple business, destroy the competition before they grow even stronger. This extends itself beyond phones to ipads, tablets and anything that competes with Apple.
After all Google acquired the developer of Android in 2005 and it was listed as distributed in 2007. Only until recently have Apple became very agressive in terms of suing and other lawsuits etc. Why? Because he realised just how much of a threat Android has become.
Windows could copy him, he woudnt have cared less but after all, last quarter of 2010 Android was listed as the best selling platform with over 190million Android devices to date.
Only makes sense for Apple to want to curb this growth although the reality is those who loves Apple products will never learn. They could release an iphone 5 with next to no new features and people will still go crazy and line up for days to buy it. They cant do any wrong but those Apple fans should be thanking the healthy competition Android provides because its due this competition that both platforms have lifted their game to out do eachother. SG2 is only as good as it is so it can sell agressively, its the only way potential Iphone owners will consider swapping and due to Android phones like this, Iphone have to provide more features to continue growing instead of crap like Iphone 4s which really is a pathetic upgrade (well not for Apple given how limited the Iphone 4 was) but in reality the features it offers is what many Android phones (LG, Motorolla, HTC, Samsung) have offered for a while.
Either way i dont mind Apple being popular, it forces Android phones to be even better so consumers win either way
I love android but He was good man
I think it's actually quite sad and pathetic the obsession he buiilt up about destroying Android, never mind fairytales about stealing it was all in his mind, he thought he was the main man and Apple were THE most advanced when it came to technology but couldn't hack it when Android came in and pulled the carpet from under him and Apple so decided to cry foul and accuse them of all sorts and issue patent after patent, that doesn't sound to me like a "technology genius" rather a bitter man who simply couldn't accept Apple were being brushed aside by Android.
Anyway this is probably for the general forum.
Just my two cents anyway.
I think he won't succeed.
Who cares what Steve MOD EDIT Jobs said, he was just a glorified marketing man. Apple is rotten to its core - a bit like Jobs now.
I think Larry Ellison will destroy Android for him.
I think that, without Steve Jobs, we wouldn't have these fancy android phones. There wouldn't be a dual-core 1.2ghz phone running an extremely customizable O.S without Apple creating the iPhone. But now there is.
Its called innovation. Company 1 makes a product that sells well. Company 2 "copies" them and creates a different and/or better product. Company 1 then releases an upgrade and tries to beat. Company 2's product. Its never ending and allows for products to improve at an extremely fast rate. That is, until company 1 sues everyone who improved upon their product and is now outselling them!
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How? Unless he has an ipad and a router in his box...
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Was surprise in Steve's book about the bit on Gorilla glass. Was invented in the 60s but Corning couldn't find a use for it. The original iphone was suppose to have a plastic screen but Steve wanted it with glass instead. So his friend suggested he talk to Corning about it.
Corning haven't been making this stuff and Apple wanted this stuff in 6 months for the launch. They converted an lcd plant and got their best people to make the glass.
Apple should have taken out an exclusive license on it. Who knows maybe Steve thinks Andriod stole the glass too.
Android Central posted a good article on this subject:
And regarding slide to unlock, it's like ford getting a patent on car doors.
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Is this news to you?
Apple does not like competition. That's nothing new.
He was only afraid because Android got so extremely popular by being the direct opposite of iOS. Open-source and not restrictive.
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ephraim033 said:
What do you guys think about this?
Here's the link to read more.
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I think that thread name is wrong... It should say "Steve Jobs WANTED to destroy Android"
jangomango said:
How? Unless he has an ipad and a router in his box...
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That is no use to him, as he always thinks out of the box.

Apple owns the slide gesture!
Go to hell Apple. Apple now owns the patent to any "predefined gesture used to unlock". If your doing anything with a left to right gesture. Expect the Apple Gestapo to sue your sawks off.
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via EVO.
They just keep trying to take hits on android. It's getting old
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Obviously this has been a 'patent' in the making otherwise I'd assume some other company woulda taken it?
Sent from my EVO
mbaseball3 said:
Obviously this has been a 'patent' in the making otherwise I'd assume some other company woulda taken it?
Sent from my EVO
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The original patent was submitted back in 2005. And Apple was just now granted it.
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LMAO they are pathetic.
Apple is becoming a dictatorship.
I think they should patent the strategy of suing the crap out of people to try and get what they want instead of innovation.
-Hercules composed this post and threw it at your face to be read-
MrWhite1127 said:
The original patent was submitted back in 2005. And Apple was just now granted it.
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Ah. Well at least they produced a working product using it unlike various patent trolls. If they submitted. It that far back I have no issue with it. It's also a major factor in their lock screen notification system.
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N8ter said:
Ah. Well at least they produced a working product using it unlike various patent trolls. If they submitted. It that far back I have no issue with it. It's also a major factor in their lock screen notification system.
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Kinda like the same notification they ripped off of android right?
patent this:
The letter S, A, M, U, N, G
(Samsung, another S not included because there's already an S)
and this:
patent the English, Spanish, and Mandarin language.
f*ck off, Apple
Well in one of the many many Steve job biographys out there he was quoted as saying " I dispise android. I really do. Having them run out of the mobile market is just not enough. I want them destroyed. I want them to have no existance on this planet. I (Steve Jobs) will spend every penny in Apples bank, and every resource in my power to make sure it happens.".
I'm at work I will find the proper links and citations later .
Later on he was also quoted as saying " Why should some one (Android) be getting fame and money off of a stolen OS, with stolen features? It makes no sense to me as to why so many people love and adore such a dishonest company."
When I read that I was left speechless. Talk about Hippocrates.
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What if we have a lock just like S2U that goes the opposite way or upward..
Fuc*ing apple
MrWhite1127 said:
Well in one of the many many Steve job biographys out there he was quoted as saying " I dispise android. I really do. Having them run out of the mobile market is just not enough. I want them destroyed. I want them to have no existance on this planet. I (Steve Jobs) will spend every penny in Apples bank, and every resource in my power to make sure it happens.".
I'm at work I will find the proper links and citations later .
Later on he was also quoted as saying " Why should some one (Android) be getting fame and money off of a stolen OS, with stolen features? It makes no sense to me as to why so many people love and adore such a dishonest company."
When I read that I was left speechless. Talk about Hippocrates.
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Stolen OS?! Aren't Macs just linux computers with apple branding all over?
if New then

What android Fans Think of Apple Fans??

Quoted:"iPhone fanboys are status-seeking, ignorant sheep brainwashed by Apple marketing, according to some Android users. Is that view accurate"? Is some sense hit the source link to get the full article before you comment its pretty good. One of the best I've read in awhile unbiased and etc.
LG O1 Running Cm7 Mik_OS 2.37
Each to there own I honesty don't care unless there being a bit*h
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To me there is nothing wrong with being an apple fan. The issues I have see with the ones that don't know why they support apple, the ones that tell me an iPod is better simply because its an iPod. As long as somebody can logically explain to me why they support the products they use I won't complain. Unfortunately there are ignorant blind fanboys in every group.
Sent from my Cyanogen Thunderbolt.
I'm actually thinking of getting an iPhone 4S. Its so pretty.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
IRL, I have no problem with iPhone users (although I laugh in disdain whenever they dare whip out their phones near me), nor do I have any particular fondness of Android users (although 99% of them treat me as a cyber-freak when it comes to Android).
What I have problem with are haters and fanboys alike. Your insecurity is showing, and it is showing very strongly.
I don't hate apple or there fans unless like max said there being bitc*hes.
But i do prefer android as its more windows mobile like as being able to customize every little aspect of it.
I do have a 64gb ipod touch 4g as it has tons of space just for my music plus has apps that android doesnt.
I think u need best of both worlds.
Just i prefer android as my one that i take everywhere whereas i don't want an iphone cause its an ipod touch with a phone.
I've actually recommended Apple products to some people. They serve a purpsoe. Some people do better with things that are simple and corralled. There's nothing wrong with that.
I generally don't mind Apple fans unless they start telling me I should buy an iPhone just because its an iPhone.
Yeah, i think apple fans are those who are mad.
My aunt has an iPhone and tried it, overrated phone. period. . Honestly, I love my Dell Venue!
muerteman said:
The issues I have see with the ones that don't know why they support apple, the ones that tell me an iPod is better simply because its an iPod. As long as somebody can logically explain to me why they support the products they use I won't complain.
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QFT. almost no apple user can do this though, which is why i have such a low opinion of them.
EDIT: lemme amend that. almost no apple user can do that WITH VALID REASONS.
The thing that bugs me about most iPhone users and iPhone fans that I know, is that they are so oblivious to everything else and don't know anything about technology. For example: I'm in school and people start talking about iPhone 4s. Then people are like there's nothing different about it! And someone else is all yes its faster! And they don't even know the difference between dual core and single core. They think that because it is a product of apple that automatically its the latest and greatest advancements in technology when it is clear to users like us that they are simply playing catch-up. It just irritates me that people hype it up so much when they are so uneducated in the technology field. I will give them that it is very aesthetically appealing and that the UI does give it a very polished high quality speedy feeling device. I also wish that we had the dev support in our market that the app store does.
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VeryCoolAlan said:
I'm actually thinking of getting an iPhone 4S. Its so pretty.
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Sent from my SilverBullet 'HTCDesire Z running CM7'
Lol!!! Seriously I laughed my ass off when I saw this. Though, I know that not all iPhone owners are like this.
I have a buddy that had the 3g, hated it for a couple reasons. Then decided to get a Samsung Android phone through ATT. That drove him back to Apple. The primary reason was that the phone it self was horrible. And I agreed with him. I have a bit of a disdain for Samsung products. I have owned some my self, and was more than dissatisfied with there performances.
He also claimed that ios was easier to use. I disagreed with that. But, who am I to say what anybody's comprehension level is of anything. Personally, I find both Android and ios very easy to navigate and use. But hey, if the iPhone was easier for him to use. Then by golly I hope he is happy with it. To each there own.
I simply like the fact that Android is open source and that there is a pretty decent community of there for us. But, just like ios users. There are people that are idiots in here also. Hell I can't ever claim to be 100% not an idiot. But, I am learning still. That what it comes down to. Always be willing to learn and be humble about what you think you know. Because therewith always be some one out there that will trump some of your knowledge.
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Well I have both. I love my Android... very much. But on the other hand I really enjoy my iPhone as well. Not just because of the apps but also because I am a huge fan of my MacBook and I couldn't do anything without it. It just looks good and that is a very important factor for me.
Jaytronics said:
Lol!!! Seriously I laughed my ass off when I saw this. Though, I know that not all iPhone owners are like this.
I have a buddy that had the 3g, hated it for a couple reasons. Then decided to get a Samsung Android phone through ATT. That drove him back to Apple. The primary reason was that the phone it self was horrible. And I agreed with him. I have a bit of a disdain for Samsung products. I have owned some my self, and was more than dissatisfied with there performances.
He also claimed that ios was easier to use. I disagreed with that. But, who am I to say what anybody's comprehension level is of anything. Personally, I find both Android and ios very easy to navigate and use. But hey, if the iPhone was easier for him to use. Then by golly I hope he is happy with it. To each there own.
I simply like the fact that Android is open source and that there is a pretty decent community of there for us. But, just like ios users. There are people that are idiots in here also. Hell I can't ever claim to be 100% not an idiot. But, I am learning still. That what it comes down to. Always be willing to learn and be humble about what you think you know. Because therewith always be some one out there that will trump some of your knowledge.
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xD that video captures the attitude and tech knowledge of 98% of iPhone users PERFECTLY
hence my disdain for any iOS device.
BlackRose 22 said:
Quoted:"iPhone fanboys are status-seeking, ignorant sheep brainwashed by Apple marketing, according to some Android users. Is that view accurate"? Is some sense hit the source link to get the full article before you comment its pretty good. One of the best I've read in awhile unbiased and etc.
LG O1 Running Cm7 Mik_OS 2.37
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It is a pretty accurate description for sure, im not a fanboy nor will i ever be one but id definitely always choose Android every time over anything especially IOS.
BlackRose 22 said:
Quoted:"iPhone fanboys are status-seeking, ignorant sheep brainwashed by Apple marketing, according to some Android users. Is that view accurate"? Is some sense hit the source link to get the full article before you comment its pretty good. One of the best I've read in awhile unbiased and etc.
LG O1 Running Cm7 Mik_OS 2.37
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Agreed. They are very brainwashed by technology from Apple even if it existed years ago.
Oh, and can I borrow that quote to make my signature?
iPhones and iPads make non-tech people feel techie. Real techies know the difference.
The end.
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Archer said:
iPhones and iPads make non-tech people feel techie. Real techies know the difference.
The end.
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Agreed, I think most Apple people are sheeple, simply following the crowd. Or should I say following Apple marketing...
That's not to say that an iPhone is a bad device, I think it does have its good points, I just think there are better phones out there.

Girl trouble?

Idk if this is the right place to go, but I'm at a pretty bad place. My gf of 2.5 years just broke up with me about a week and a half ago. She keeps telling me to move on and stuff, but we had a history of coming back to each other. This time she says its real. Now, I tried took her advice and tried moving on. I went to this small party last night and her one, pretty babish friend was there. We talked a lot and later told me that she wouldn't hurt my ex like that but told me I'm a pretty good guy. I think I like the new one, but I'm worried that what if my ex comes back? I don't want to hurt this chick cause I kinda care about her. My friends who are pretty close to her told me I should wait a month then go after her. I just need some help, you guys seem pretty smart.
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I think you shouldn't jump from one relationship to another. Take sometime for yourself. How old are you? (should of been my first question)
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dankieperez said:
I think you shouldn't jump from one relationship to another. Take sometime for yourself. How old are you? (should of been my first question)
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18. I'm a senior in high school. Y a I know its hs BS to most. But they said to take like a month off then try with the new girl. And to not talk to my ex or hangout with her unlees she texts me first. My ex is 18 too and is off at college 5 hours away.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
Your ex sounds pretty determined that it's off for good. You shouldn't put your life on hold hoping she might change her mind but you shouldn't rush headlong into something else either. The new babe has potential? Tell her you like her and that you hope that something happens in future, but that you don't want to make a rebound mistake.
Go out with some friends and keep yourself busy with stuff you enjoy. Try to put your ex out of your mind and take advantage of the free time you have now. Don't be tempted to make a fool of yourself with your ex when you're feeling low. Months from now when you're looking back on this time, you will want to be able to hold your head up and say that you kept your dignity through the hard times.
If its meant to be, you'll get back together sometime. The question is when. When I was in high school I dated someone for a year. I broke up with her and some how 3 years later we found each other. That was 2001. We are now married and have 3 kids.
But to be honest, since you said she's in college 5 hours away, it sounds as if she found someone else or doesn't want to be that committed to any guy. Between the college atmosphere and 100' s of new people and new friends, they are more, I've seen so many relationships end when one of them goes onto college or both go to different colleges. You want someone who is there everyday.
Either way I would pursue the new girl. You don't need to sit around and continue to be sad.
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unCoRrUpTeD said:
If its meant to be, you'll get back together sometime. The question is when. When I was in high school I dated someone for a year. I broke up with her and some how 3 years later we found each other. That was 2001. We are now married and have 3 kids.
But to be honest, since you said she's in college 5 hours away, it sounds as if she found someone else or doesn't want to be that committed to any guy. Between the college atmosphere and 100' s of new people and new friends, they are more, I've seen so many relationships end when one of them goes onto college or both go to different colleges. You want someone who is there everyday.
Either way I would pursue the new girl. You don't need to sit around and continue to be sad.
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Thank you. That's what I was thinking about doing. What worries me though is what happens if we reconnect over her Xmas break? I don't want to ruin this new girl, she had guy problems in the past. Also I have the problem of these two girls being friends. Good idea or bad idea? My friends said wait and then see. I have to prove it to the new girl that I'm worth it and that she isn't just some rebound, which she isn't.
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Go drink, and without knowing, you have been friendzoned by the new girl.
jaszek said:
Go drink, and without knowing, you have been friendzoned by the new girl.
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Yeup. That's what happened.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
If the new girl isn't worried about what it could do to her relationship with your ex, why should you. You need to do what will make you happy. If your ex wants to get back with you later in, but you have found someone that makes you happier, that is her loss. She made the decision to leave you. If you're waiting to see if its meant to be, you could be waiting years, months, or even a lifetime. Move on and let life take its course. The lowest points in your life will only make you.stronger.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
I wish I could help, but my avatar is the way it is for a reason lol... I've taken to the idea of "don't try and wait for something to just happen." Terrible technique, but whatever. The other ways didn't work either lol.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
At your age you should be slaying hoes......that's all. Once you've dine enough slaying then start to look for that relationship
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dankieperez said:
At your age you should be slaying hoes......that's all. Once you've dine enough slaying then start to look for that relationship
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dankieperez said:
At your age you should be slaying hoes......that's all. Once you've dine enough slaying then start to look for that relationship
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That's what I'm saying! But I get too attached, ya its kinda ***** like, but idk
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goob1284 said:
That's what I'm saying! But I get too attached, ya its kinda ***** like, but idk
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Who cares if you're like that? Chicks don't like the super macho douche man. If you're looking for the kind of girl that does then stop looking for relationships and start looking for an easy score. Living up to the standards of sleeping with as many people as you can is actually kinda gross to me personally. Just do what you want, not what you feel as if everyone else will approve of.
-We do what we must because we can; for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead-
I_am_Error said:
Who cares if you're like that? Chicks don't like the super macho douche man. If you're looking for the kind of girl that does then stop looking for relationships and start looking for an easy score. Living up to the standards of sleeping with as many people as you can is actually kinda gross to me personally. Just do what you want, not what you feel as if everyone else will approve of.
-We do what we must because we can; for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead-
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You make valid points my good friend. And with both of us bring in the same position with women at one point or another, I can not help but agree with you.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
I'm trying to do what I want. But I'm supposed to hang with the ex Friday. But she doesn't want to but she will allow it. Does that mean anything? And like I really want this new girl, but she thinks its too sketchy since its so close to the break up.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
goob1284 said:
I'm trying to do what I want. But I'm supposed to hang with the ex Friday. But she doesn't want to but she will allow it. Does that mean anything? And like I really want this new girl, but she thinks its too sketchy since its so close to the break up.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
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take a break and learn android development (or try to) it helped me through some tough times (the attempting to learn)
watt9493 said:
take a break and learn android development (or try to) it helped me through some tough times (the attempting to learn)
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I really want to learn, but I tried so many times and always came up short. Also, I annoyed the living crap out of the girl I was gonna go to, what do I do?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
goob1284 said:
I really want to learn, but I tried so many times and always came up short. Also, I annoyed the living crap out of the girl I was gonna go to, what do I do?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
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Take it easy, just sit back for a while. Its best to not rush into things
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
watt9493 said:
Take it easy, just sit back for a while. Its best to not rush into things
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
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Ya. I think that's really what I'll do. Thanks all you guys!
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk

This forum

I have been on xda since my hero days so its been a few years. Didn't join til too long ago. Made some good pals along the way and learned tons.
So far this forum for me is a breath of fresh air. The phone forums are so full of hate, trolls, attacks, name calling, disrespecting developer's work and the usual douche stuff.
Of course its here too, just no where near as bad yet. Yet. I hope it stays that way because its so much nicer to thank people than report them.
This may be a gay post but some mods fell the same way. Anyway, glad I got the n7 and glad I'm here.
From the Note to Nexus 7
sprintuser1977 said:
I have been on xda since my hero days so its been a few years. Didn't join til too long ago. Made some good pals along the way and learned tons.
So far this forum for me is a breath of fresh air. The phone forums are so full of hate, trolls, attacks, name calling, disrespecting developer's work and the usual douche stuff.
Of course its here too, just no where near as bad yet. Yet. I hope it stays that way because its so much nicer to thank people than report them.
This may be a gay post but some mods fell the same way. Anyway, glad I got the n7 and glad I'm here.
From the Note to Nexus 7
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Gay ?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Saw that coming a mile away...
Yeah this has been awesome, reminds me of the HD2 forums, at least back when nand android became available, the vivid forums are crazy, these ones are nice.
This forum and the AT&T One X forums have been the best. The OG EVO 4G forums were good in the beginning but it got worse and worse over time. Same thing goes for the Epic 4G Touch. I know I'm guilty of some warranted snarky responses from time to time (Search first!) but I never actually attack anybody on a personal level like I've seen in some other subforums. We are all here for the same purpose so why can't we all just get along?
sprintuser1977 said:
I have been on xda since my hero days so its been a few years. Didn't join til too long ago. Made some good pals along the way and learned tons.
So far this forum for me is a breath of fresh air. The phone forums are so full of hate, trolls, attacks, name calling, disrespecting developer's work and the usual douche stuff.
Of course its here too, just no where near as bad yet. Yet. I hope it stays that way because its so much nicer to thank people than report them.
This may be a gay post but some mods fell the same way. Anyway, glad I got the n7 and glad I'm here.
From the Note to Nexus 7
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Hey I remember you from the Evo 4G forums! =D
Just be glad this isn't like the prime forum was in its earlier nexus 7 forum is cool. Since I'm unlocked and running custom kernel, I'm more into developement scene now. Never any issues in there. Only everyone working together to put out the best/most stable stuff. NEXUS 7 is an aAzimg little 7in. Tablet. I would've never thought the experience on it would be this good.
Give it time. This forum will degrade just like every single other forum on here.
Not trying to trash XDA, but it just isn't the same community it used to be.
nickmv said:
Give it time. This forum will degrade just like every single other forum on here.
Not trying to trash XDA, but it just isn't the same community it used to be.
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Yep, the more popular a device gets, the more trolling and flaming becomes a problem. It's inevitable.
XDA is legit in general, probably one of the nicest put together forums on the web. The new layout really sets it off.
sprintuser1977 said:
I have been on xda since my hero days so its been a few years. Didn't join til too long ago. Made some good pals along the way and learned tons.
So far this forum for me is a breath of fresh air. The phone forums are so full of hate, trolls, attacks, name calling, disrespecting developer's work and the usual douche stuff.
Of course its here too, just no where near as bad yet. Yet. I hope it stays that way because its so much nicer to thank people than report them.
This may be a gay post but some mods fell the same way. Anyway, glad I got the n7 and glad I'm here.
From the Note to Nexus 7
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uberNoobZA said:
Gay ?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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LOL. We know you're not gay dude, it's cool. :good:
When your getting the latest updates and everything is flowing as promise there's nothing to ***** about ... besides to Google ...
Its when you go on the older threads where people are angry because they can't get a working ICS build or even a jelly bean .. or too many noobs bricking their devices
It will turn in to that ... after time
The Epic 4G touch forums got real nasty after ICS n the brick montage
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
_MetalHead_ said:
Yep, the more popular a device gets, the more trolling and flaming becomes a problem. It's inevitable.
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Shoulda been here 6 years ago.
It was all fields and everyone used to be on first name terms with each other.
Then the devices came, then they got popular then the neighbourhood went to pot.
>Then the devices came, then they got popular then the neighbourhood went to pot.
Why, when I was your age...
Pining for the golden yesteryear is a popular pasttime, but it's usually distorted by people's selective memory. Reminescing is futile anyway. What matters is how XDA manages the additional influx while still retaining some semblance of its core identity, and not let itself lapsed into another generic techie hang-out.
The dev sub-forum restrictions have been the main instrument in that. But it would be nice to see more care in other areas. The site's UI and layout was never good--check out the classic vs 2010 vs 2013 beta layouts--and now has turned for the worse.
We're not just talking about personal preference for aesthetics, but dirt-basic design concepts like text reflows vs fixed-width. The basic web UI now has orange-on-white. Who thinks up this stuff?
It would also be nice to see more creative solutions to navigate the huge traffic volume and decreasing sig2noise ratio. The most-recent-on-top scheme and the encouragement of long threads effectively bury most valuable info, as informative threads tend to have few inputs, and are pushed off by argumentative or more inane material. I suppose XDA is shackled by its forum software here, but one can hope for better.
Then again, maybe not.
I was a regular over at the SGT7 forums for a few months, didn't see too much name calling and stuff like that.
e.mote said:
>Then the devices came, then they got popular then the neighbourhood went to pot.
Why, when I was your age...
Pining for the golden yesteryear is a popular pasttime, but it's usually distorted by people's selective memory
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Don't take this the wrong way but when the US market opened up the s/n ratio plummeted.
Kids will be kids, wherever, but the US teen speaks a dialect of English and this is a predominantly English forum.
There are many native French & German / Nordic fora although many non native English speakers from Europe speak and type better English than many English teenagers and have better manners.
Sign o the times
Sent from my Nexus 7
hullbay said:
XDA is legit in general, probably one of the nicest put together forums on the web. The new layout really sets it off.
LOL. We know you're not gay dude, it's cool. :good:
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I'm not? Would it matter ?
Yeah the vivid forums make me me cry
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
>Don't take this the wrong way but when the US market opened up the s/n ratio plummeted.
I live in the US, although I'm not a native, so I empathize both sides of the coin.
That said, attributing the deterioration of online communication to any nationality or ethnic group isn't a grounded argument. English is still the lingua franca of the Internet at this point, and the US user population is still the largest group. Failings from them tend to be magnified by their numbers.
I agree that there is a marked decline in social/communicative exchanges online. It's a little sad to see people don't even bother to correct obvious spelling mistakes, let alone correct grammar. Any attempt to better such is derided as grammar nazis.
But it is what it is, and it reflects the population at large, who also exhibited a marked decline in analytic thinking and social discourse. No amount of handwringing or reminescing will change that. And it is an equal-opportunity malaise in that it affects every online population, not just the US population.
It's kind of sad...
It's a bit like saying the Nexus 7 forums only murders 10 innocent children a week so it's not as bad as other forums who murders at least 100 innocent children and their mothers on a weekly basis.
It's unfortunate but unless the moderators are extremely active (and well-staffed) chances are the trolls will ruin it for everyone sooner or later.
Especially now it's the summer and there is nothing pimply-faced 13-year-olds like to do more than to troll forums in between playing the latest shooter on their MicroSony PlayBox, stuffing themselves with greasy pizza and masturbate.
e.mote said:
it is an equal-opportunity malaise in that it affects every online population, not just the US population.
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Amen and pass the ammunition!
Sent from my Nexus 7

