So, I shorted my vogue's internal antenna while trying an experiment to create an external antenna (I know, VERY dumb), and now it refuses to pick up any type of signal (on WinMo or Android). I am on a backup Titan/Mogul for now to hold me off for the Droid X. But enough about me. I would just like to take this opportunity to extend a HUGE thanks to all the amazing devs here in the Vogue-Android scene. DZO, myn, mssmison, incubus26jc, kallt_kaffe, the fellow who fixed eclair camera (even though my vogue broke literally within HOURS of the camera being fixed!), jnadke, and any others I have missed. I truly appreciate the hard work that you guys put into making Android essentially native for such an aged device. Everyone would always ask "What phone is that?!" because of how awesome the vogue really is with flawless Android running on it. You guys are great. I am having android withdrawals with my titan running winmo 6.5, unfortunately. I keep expecting things to work like android (like hitting the end key to turn off the screen) and I can't believe how inefficient winmo's ui really is compared to android. So, with that said, once again I want to thank you awesome devs and I loved creating some themes here and there for people to enjoy your awesome builds. I will visit frequently just because I love how exciting the progress of Android on Vogue is. THANK YOU!
P.S. If anyone can provide me with the files necessary to get myn's warm donut or dzo's odex'd donut running on my sd card on my titan/mogul that would be GREAT. As of yet, I've only got a 1.5 Ion build to run and I hated it and it also locked up on me. Anyways, thanks guys and keep up the amazing work.
Bump. I just want to make sure the awesome devs see this because their work really does mean a lot to me!
good luck man, its sad to see another face go
thoughtlesskyle said:
good luck man, its sad to see another face go
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Thank you. I agree it is sad, it's actually bittersweet...on one hand I get the droid x...on the other I lose arguably the best online community for a phone that any user could really have. Not to be all emotional or anything
Exactly. The hero community is great but I really miss being apart of this community.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
good luck I just myself on tuesday but I missed the vogue android forums because the touch pro2 android forums aren't really showing any major movement but I can't complain I got the phone for free and long time no cp0020 hows the hero
I love it. Rooted with a custom Rom and Oc to 710, this thing is blazing fast! They got froyo working on the hero but gps and camera don't work till they release a .32 kernel. I haven't tried it yet but everyone keeps talking about how fast it is. How are you?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
I am sorry to hear your vogue has died. You have been a huge contributor to the vogue-android scene.
You really will be missed.
Regarding your mogul I have a custom but older warm donut build that works on the Diamond. This will hopefully work on your mogul.
You can download it here.
If that doesn't work, try taking a newer sqsh build from the warm donut thread and use the latest and greatest rootfs/zImage etc made for the Mogul and give it a shot.
drewden123 said:
So, I shorted my vogue's internal antenna while trying an experiment to create an external antenna (I know, VERY dumb), and now it refuses to pick up any type of signal (on WinMo or Android). I am on a backup Titan/Mogul for now to hold me off for the Droid X. But enough about me. I would just like to take this opportunity to extend a HUGE thanks to all the amazing devs here in the Vogue-Android scene. DZO, myn, mssmison, incubus26jc, kallt_kaffe, the fellow who fixed eclair camera (even though my vogue broke literally within HOURS of the camera being fixed!), jnadke, and any others I have missed. I truly appreciate the hard work that you guys put into making Android essentially native for such an aged device. Everyone would always ask "What phone is that?!" because of how awesome the vogue really is with flawless Android running on it. You guys are great. I am having android withdrawals with my titan running winmo 6.5, unfortunately. I keep expecting things to work like android (like hitting the end key to turn off the screen) and I can't believe how inefficient winmo's ui really is compared to android. So, with that said, once again I want to thank you awesome devs and I loved creating some themes here and there for people to enjoy your awesome builds. I will visit frequently just because I love how exciting the progress of Android on Vogue is. THANK YOU!
P.S. If anyone can provide me with the files necessary to get myn's warm donut or dzo's odex'd donut running on my sd card on my titan/mogul that would be GREAT. As of yet, I've only got a 1.5 Ion build to run and I hated it and it also locked up on me. Anyways, thanks guys and keep up the amazing work.
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It will be sad to see you go, and im jelous of your new phone. But you have had many contributions that we cannot thank you enough for. Good luck in the future and I hope to see you in those forums in the future.
the one thing i can say about our scene that i love is that even though i am not a dev. i still feel like a contributing member
I think I will be moving on from the vogue to the X myself too... I shall be sticking around however being that my lady still has the vogue...
Can't wait for the 15th!
cbaty08 said:
I think I will be moving on from the vogue to the X myself too... I shall be sticking around however being that my lady still has the vogue...
Can't wait for the 15th!
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+1 to that! Incubus, thank you very much and myn thank you as well. Where could I perhaps find the latest zimage for the mogul? The mogul forum seemed pretty dead and dzo's vogue kernels didn't work. Thank you so much for your help
cp0020 said:
I love it. Rooted with a custom Rom and Oc to 710, this thing is blazing fast! They got froyo working on the hero but gps and camera don't work till they release a .32 kernel. I haven't tried it yet but everyone keeps talking about how fast it is. How are you?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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cool i love the touch pro 2 its fast and has a keyboard but sense 2. 5 makes windows 6.5 better
Hi there, I'm running the RADIO on my 32B Donut Dream.
I see there are alot of new roms out these days, and I'm greatly interested in 2.0 and up as i'm starting to find apps that I'm restricted from using.
I am looking for something fast and stable. Are the new roms faster now w/ jit? is the switch worth it? what do you run?
Cyanogen Mod 6.0 which is FroYo
TyIsOwned said:
Cyanogen Mod 6.0 which is FroYo
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Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Fun phone = 2.0 and above
Fast phone = 1.6
Sorry, but the G1 just isn't designed to run anything above 1.6. The developers here have done an amazing job to make the 2.0 experience as great as possible on the G1's limited hardware, but speed and loadings time, though not apparent at first, will definitely become an issue.
I have used everything from JesusFreke 1.41 through SuperE and FroYo, and I have to say that so far that the best ROM is SuperD, a 1.6 Rom by Ben Buchacher.
However, with the nice recovery images around lately, it is pretty easy to try out different ROMs, so I say just give 1.6 and 2.2 both a try, and see what you like and see if the speed trade off is worth the many more features presented in 2.2.
Thanks for the advice peeps, i've installed FroyoRedux Mod v1.2 and so far so good. Much faster than i'd expect... and dear i say faster than donut??
I am using WM nfsfan's for years and i'm happy to see your community developping android for my old vogue!
I wanted to install the incubus26jc's froyo built on it but i see there is other releases of android os that have been made.
If I want an android OS that is working great with usb tethering, google market, mms, email, camera and gps which built should I choose?
Have you tried those ?
My Super FroYo Build
My Tattoo Donut Build
My Super Eclair 2.1 Build
My Super Hero Build
Thanks, hope you will be able to give me some hints
at this point i think everyone is running incubus 2.2 froyo rom, or at least most are recommending it....
had some others suggest this cyanogen mod here:
but it doesn't appear to be as up to date as the incubus rom
well what network are you on, sprint is the only one that has MMS working for Sending and Receiving
personally i always liked the cyanogen mod builds, but for a build with everything working, Hawk-SOAD/ zenulators ION Donut build is a good one
I am on bell mobility
this cyanogen is not for the kayser? I am on a vogue
im still going to reccomend the Hawks-SOAD/ Zenulator build
it might only be a donut build but it has a few advantages,
1. its camera and video camera are both working, in eclair and froyo only the camera is working.
2. its a very clean build, your not going to find too many extra apps
3. it has the Android APN instead of the T-mobile APN so if your on a CDMA network you can easily set up MMS for your carrier
Warm donut is a themed version of that build.
if your looking for the Bleeding Edge for vogue Dev
incubus' Super Froyo releases are awesome, there are a few issues they are attempting to sort out like the device freezing on system resume. Fresh Froyo is built off the same tree but there are no google apps.
cyanogen mod 6 ports are still froyo, and have a few of the same issues
both of these are stable for Daily use though
Vanjilla eclair is my Eclair build of choice,
its clean and fast but again no camcorder.
sense/ hero builds are nice but the have to be put on a EXT2 partition of your card for 2.1 builds, the tattoo sense has been known to have a short battery life and none of the hero/sense builds have Bluetooth. They also are very heavy on the system so they might not always be the snappiest
I also vote for VaniljEclair RLS11. I think the current FROYO build still has too many features not working or not working properly. See a list of issues in this forum. Eclair is also faster (I am using polaris)
thoughtlesskyle said:
im still going to reccomend the Hawks-SOAD/ Zenulator build
it might only be a donut build but it has a few advantages,
1. its camera and video camera are both working, in eclair and froyo only the camera is working.
2. its a very clean build, your not going to find too many extra apps
3. it has the Android APN instead of the T-mobile APN so if your on a CDMA network you can easily set up MMS for your carrier
Warm donut is a themed version of that build.
if your looking for the Bleeding Edge for vogue Dev
incubus' Super Froyo releases are awesome, there are a few issues they are attempting to sort out like the device freezing on system resume. Fresh Froyo is built off the same tree but there are no google apps.
cyanogen mod 6 ports are still froyo, and have a few of the same issues
both of these are stable for Daily use though
Vanjilla eclair is my Eclair build of choice,
its clean and fast but again no camcorder.
sense/ hero builds are nice but the have to be put on a EXT2 partition of your card for 2.1 builds, the tattoo sense has been known to have a short battery life and none of the hero/sense builds have Bluetooth. They also are very heavy on the system so they might not always be the snappiest
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I'll also vote for the Soad/Zenulator build. It's the only build here that would give you the kind of speed and stability that the original WinMo build had. The only downside to this build is the unavailability of some apps.
My second pick is also Vanjilla Eclair (Although I prefer version 9). Very stable, but a step slower in speed. Has most/all of the apps, though.
The Froyo build are just not there, yet. Too many lockups.
thoughtlesskyle said:
im still going to reccomend the Hawks-SOAD/ Zenulator build
it might only be a donut build but it has a few advantages,
1. its camera and video camera are both working, in eclair and froyo only the camera is working.
2. its a very clean build, your not going to find too many extra apps
3. it has the Android APN instead of the T-mobile APN so if your on a CDMA network you can easily set up MMS for your carrier
Warm donut is a themed version of that build.
if your looking for the Bleeding Edge for vogue Dev
incubus' Super Froyo releases are awesome, there are a few issues they are attempting to sort out like the device freezing on system resume. Fresh Froyo is built off the same tree but there are no google apps.
cyanogen mod 6 ports are still froyo, and have a few of the same issues
both of these are stable for Daily use though
Vanjilla eclair is my Eclair build of choice,
its clean and fast but again no camcorder.
sense/ hero builds are nice but the have to be put on a EXT2 partition of your card for 2.1 builds, the tattoo sense has been known to have a short battery life and none of the hero/sense builds have Bluetooth. They also are very heavy on the system so they might not always be the snappiest
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Thanks for the excellent recap of different builds and releases. I know all the cooks and developers work their butts off giving us new life for our Vogues etc.
I am almost ready to flash to Nand, still trying to decide which build.
Ive tried em all and VaniljEclair RLS11 is the most stable "recent" build by far.
Incubus26Jc's Super FroYo 2.2 is awesome if looking for a FroYo build.
I've tried just about everything. You didn't mention phone in your list of requirements. If you need reliable calls (incoming, outgoing, sms), then I would recommend Myn's Warm Donut. Every other Eclair and Froyo build has led to daily freezes and lock-ups for me.
If you don't use your phone that much, then inc's SuperFroyo is a very nice build. (RLS 10.5 was great...RLS 12 worked pretty well too).
I had various problems with SuperEclair and WarmEclair. Never really tried VanilljEclair...I know that others like it. I never really had the time to build it up with the various apps and features (like calibration, etc.) Not hard to do, just takes time.
Myn's Warm Donut is incredibly fast and stable. I miss some of the newer features and elements of Froyo, but for daily use I feel like Warm Donut works best with these older devices. (Froyo and Eclair are pushing the envelope, IMHO.)
I'd also suggest running in NoMoRootFS...using Haret off of the SD (with 2x ext2 partitions) before flashing to NAND. It would give you time to play around with the various builds. They all have their own's pretty cool, and fun to try out. There's no one size fits all. That's the beauty of an open development forum like this.
Have fun...well worth it. No matter which Android build you pick, you'll never go back to WM.
thoughtlesskyle said:
im still going to reccomend the Hawks-SOAD/ Zenulator build
it might only be a donut build but it has a few advantages,
1. its camera and video camera are both working, in eclair and froyo only the camera is working.
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Note, on the Vogue, as far as I can tell, both RLS2 and RLS3 of the Hawks-SOAD / Zenulator build do not have working video recording, I tested both this weekend. However, it does not force close on the camcorder, just doesn't do anything other than frustrate.
f_hugh said:
Note, on the Vogue, as far as I can tell, both RLS2 and RLS3 of the Hawks-SOAD / Zenulator build do not have working video recording, I tested both this weekend. However, it does not force close on the camcorder, just doesn't do anything other than frustrate.
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i thought that at first too but you have to use the 2-07-2010 .nbh and then they work fine
I am almost ready to Flash Android to Nand, but I can not make up my mind which build/version? I am leaning towards Cyanogen, SOAD Ion?, or Vanillaeclair.
Any suggestions at all?
One is which almost all functions are stable and working.
Just a note phantom4ever2, I am not sure if these builds have Stealth tethering like nfsfans in the wm roms. So you might want to find out first. i believe there was someone in calgary on bell that was charged something like $60,000 for using it for bittorrent or something. Nfsfan did have good touch roms though.
dsmturbo said:
I am almost ready to Flash Android to Nand, but I can not make up my mind which build/version? I am leaning towards Cyanogen, SOAD Ion?, or Vanillaeclair.
Any suggestions at all?
One is which almost all functions are stable and working.
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i started w/ incubus froyo - lots of lag was my experience
then tried soad ion and it was damn fast, but i wanted "at least a 2.1" version of android (so i thought) and i installed vanillaeclair - faster, but still some lag.
think i'm going to bite bullet and just go back to either warm donut or soad ion for this phone. just seems like 1.6 is where its at for our device.
btw, it took me -forever- of reading threads, refreshing threads waiting for updates to roms, etc before i finally installed android via nand.
once you do it you'll see it actually is nothing at all and actually quite easy!
as i have used all the previous builds, i believe the guys working on froyo have the finest product thus far. despite other user issues, i have never had a problem with messages and issues i have run into have been dealt with and resolved in a very timely manor.
good luck
spuzzum said:
Just a note phantom4ever2, I am not sure if these builds have Stealth tethering like nfsfans in the wm roms. So you might want to find out first. i believe there was someone in calgary on bell that was charged something like $60,000 for using it for bittorrent or something. Nfsfan did have good touch roms though.
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Oh, oh, is there a way to tell which release/builds have stealth tethering?
cyburke said:
btw, it took me -forever- of reading threads, refreshing threads waiting for updates to roms, etc before i finally installed android via nand.
once you do it you'll see it actually is nothing at all and actually quite easy!
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Thank you for your input cyburke.
Yes, I have been trying everything via Haret, although I think that some of the issues using haret may disappear if I flash to nand (camera, etc)
I haven't played with Fresh Froyo at all though. Or Ion release
I am concerned though, as someone posted that perhaps these do not have 'Stealth' tethering, I would hate for Bell to come and take my house LOL
I'm using Froyo 2.2 on my G1 for 2 days, but seems a little problem there. Responses are a little bit slower than before (when used 1.6). The rotating home screen is a little bit slower to response.
1. What should I do except downgrade it to Eclair 2.1?
2. Is there any complete guide to do it?
Thank you very much for any suggestions
Try Sparksco's v1.5 Froyo Rom. Its extremely fast! Works great for me.
I'm curious too as i'm not too fond of the battery usage i'm getting from froyo at the moment.
ricowix said:
I'm using Froyo 2.2 on my G1 for 2 days, but seems a little problem there. Responses are a little bit slower than before (when used 1.6). The rotating home screen is a little bit slower to response.
1. What should I do except downgrade it to Eclair 2.1?
2. Is there any complete guide to do it?
Thank you very much for any suggestions
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What Froyo rom did you try? Some are faster than others. 1.6 was specifically designed for the G1, it's unreasonable to expect any rom to run as fast as that. 2.2.1 is a Froyo update designed for the MyTouch, it's still a little slower than 1.6, but it's faster than the other Froyo's.
Bigt2003 said:
What Froyo rom did you try? Some are faster than others. 1.6 was specifically designed for the G1, it's unreasonable to expect any rom to run as fast as that. 2.2.1 is a Froyo update designed for the MyTouch, it's still a little slower than 1.6, but it's faster than the other Froyo's.
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Yeah, you can't expect newer versions of android to run as well on old hardware. The g1 wasn't designed for anything above donut. It can barely handle froyo, its almost too big for the g1. 1.6 is going to be way more responsive, but the issue there is that you are running old software, and in turn some apps won't work, among other downsides, such as not as much support. So its a choice, slightly less responsive but more features and more up to date software that all apps work on and is supported and such, or an out of date rom, not as supported, with less newer apps, but way more responsive and smooth.
Personally I got used to the less response in favor of auto updated market apps and newer gapps, etc.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide
well...thanks to every comments here, but now...I can not open sms and market (they were normal). I havent done anything yet, suddently it just happend.
What should I do know? I'm very noob with this...sorry to bothering you guys
ricowix said:
well...thanks to every comments here, but now...I can not open sms and market (they were normal). I havent done anything yet, suddently it just happend.
What should I do know? I'm very noob with this...sorry to bothering you guys
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Are you running a cyanogenmod-6 based ROM? Something probably just got corrupted. I would back up your apps, do a nandroid backup, and reflash the ROM you're using. Titanium is an amazing tool for seamless backing up and restoring of user apps with their data and market links. If that doesn't work, post back, but I doubt that it won't work.
Its written on my G1...mod version: CyanogenMod-6.0.0-DS-RC1 , build number: FRF91
ricowix said:
Its written on my G1...mod version: CyanogenMod-6.0.0-DS-RC1 , build number: FRF91
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Download the top link, it's 6.1.0 stable. It's the latest cm6, flash it and see if it fixes your issue
You ARE on a release candidate, there's been two stable roms since, a stable ROM will probably fix it.
Bigt2003 said:
2.2.1 is a Froyo update designed for the MyTouch, it's still a little slower than 1.6, but it's faster than the other Froyo's.
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32B Magic and Dream use identical RAM and I believe the same CPU (slightly different variant AFAIK, but same ARM version and clock speed). Either way it makes no difference.
Also I accidentally gave you thanks because I'm used to having 'Quote' on the far left :-S
AdrianK said:
32B Magic and Dream use identical RAM and I believe the same CPU (slightly different variant AFAIK, but same ARM version and clock speed). Either way it makes no difference.
Also I accidentally gave you thanks because I'm used to having 'Quote' on the far left :-S
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I'm doing the same thing, it's annoying the crap outta me, especially because there isn't any "unthanks" button, you know? Putting it in a different place would've been nice
Scoot CyanogenMod 7.1.0 RLS3
This is a build I have compiled from the official CyanogenMod source files and adapted for Kaiser/Vogue. Feel free to give it a go at your own risk!
Well, it still isn't quite as snappy as Froyo and the camera still doesn't work properly but it's probably about as fast as Gingerbread will get on our devices. I'm bound to have messed a few things up but i'll continue to work on it when I get time
All the usual things are working as far as i know, GPS works fine for me but the camera is as always not fully functional.
All of this is thanks to the guys working on the CyanogenMod roms and of course, none of this would work without all the hard work on the kernel so big thanks to dzo, vilord, l1q1d etc...
RLS 1:
Initial Release
Includes most of the Google Apps including Maps, Gmail etc..
Latest Market is included
Built from the latest 7.0.2 source
Optimised EGL for our devices
Updated Market
LDPI and PNG optimisations to save space & increase speed
ADW Launcher updated
Loads of tweaks and status bar changes
Updated RIL lib
Loads of fixes and optimisations
**I recommend leaving the phone for 5 minutes after installing to sort itself out and cache apps etc...**
I can't really be bothered to list all of the changes, there are quite a few but I just compile the thing, the changes are in the CyanogenMod repository. I have included the updated RIL and all of the Google Apps are up to date. The camera is still ****e but that's a driver issue. This release hasn't been heavily tested as I don't use my Kaiser as a main phone anymore So i'm sure you will find issues in which case we can sort them out as and when. Enjoy!
All Languages:
All Languages:
All Languages: Coming soon!
Google Apps
28.04.11 :
07.08.11 :
Vogue SD Fix :
Vogue Updates
Wow, thanks for all your hard work scooter. Will try right now and see how it runs.
Vogues users have to install the SD Fix from you other thread for the SD card to work correctly.
just to be clear, is this gingerbread? im just amazed at how awesome the vogue still is. i have an evo these days with cm7 but i use to have this phone. i wish i never lost it cause it would be cool to fool around with.
out of curiosity what kind of linpack scores do you get? what can you guys overclock up to?
damaph said:
Vogues users have to install the SD Fix from you other thread for the SD card to work correctly.
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This is true, i forgot to add it, i have edited the first post with the update
hockey4life0099 said:
just to be clear, is this gingerbread?
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It is Gingerbread indeed
I can usually overclock up to 520mhz before it starts crashing and randomly shutting down.
Though on a kaiser someone says he has gotten 576 mhz.
On a over clocked build we can get approximately 2.1 mflops.
jholtom said:
I can usually overclock up to 520mhz before it starts crashing and randomly shutting down.
Though on a kaiser someone says he has gotten 576 mhz.
On a over clocked build we can get approximately 2.1 mflops.
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oo, is it relatively snappy? when i lost my vogue, the android development was in its baby stages so i never really got around to putting it on my device. i put it on my brothers and he loved having it. i would assume it runs froyo and gingerbread even better than it did donut. It seams like googles goal up to this point wast to streamline the os to make it quicker all around.
anyway, its hard to imagine 2 mflops when my evo is doing 36 non overclocked. im sure my phone isnt actually 18x faster than your in real use though.
yeah! I waiting for the first build to hit the shelves here. Will try soon, maybe this weekend.
hockey4life0099 said:
its hard to imagine 2 mflops when my evo is doing 36 non overclocked. im sure my phone isnt actually 18x faster than your in real use though.
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Don't brag You'll make me want to change phones, hehe
hockey4life0099 said:
anyway, its hard to imagine 2 mflops when my evo is doing 36 non overclocked. im sure my phone isnt actually 18x faster than your in real use though.
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its probably more than 18x faster lol
leoleotheiii said:
its probably more than 18x faster lol
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well not in real world use. easily in raw computing power though. I used donut on my brothers vogue for a little bit and it was definitely faster than winmo.
Of course
Anything would be better than WinMo 6.1
CM 6.1 is insanely fast compared to donut when I tried them out
nice build!
enabling wifi crashes the device (polaris 100) /:
EDIT: After applying update it works!
By things like these is that I loved my HTC Vogue, hurts I had to sell it to complete the money and buy another device that placed in my signature is much more complete that our Vogue in hardware but even so the Vogue deal a place in my heart
any news if there will be an update in the near future?
Omegavirus said:
any news if there will be an update in the near future?
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Your keen I'm running a slightly updated build at the minute, mainly experimental stuff but it's running ok for now. I'll see how things go and maybe upload a new build in a few days when i think there are enough changes to make a difference
scooter1556 said:
Your keen I'm running a slightly updated build at the minute, mainly experimental stuff but it's running ok for now. I'll see how things go and maybe upload a new build in a few days when i think there are enough changes to make a difference
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oh, sounds good
whats improved?
What do I do with the vogue SD fix? I tried to search for it, but came up short.
Is the Vogue SD Fix specific to CM or is it for 0.32 kernels?
I thought that Scoots builds would only work with .32 kernels, and that .32 kernels didn't have USB mount for SD. Is the SD Fix fixing something else? I would really like USB mounting (with Win XP). I copy a lot of files over to my Vogue from an XP machine, but would like to use this build, but haven't moved over because I'm on .25 kernel.
WnG88 said:
Is the Vogue SD Fix specific to CM or is it for 0.32 kernels?
I thought that Scoots builds would only work with .32 kernels, and that .32 kernels didn't have USB mount for SD. Is the SD Fix fixing something else? I would really like USB mounting (with Win XP). I copy a lot of files over to my Vogue from an XP machine, but would like to use this build, but haven't moved over because I'm on .25 kernel.
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I wouldn't recommend using this with the .25 kernel, it's too old. The Vogue SD Fix allows the SD card to mount and enables apps to SD for Vogue. It's because the Kaiser and Vogue differ in this area. As always with the .32 kernel, i have not had success mounting in windows from the phone, linux is fine though.
wow ginger on the vogue. now that's amazing. htc should make another version of this phone but with android on it.