Let me try to make this more clear
Im at the part where u need to reboot into SYstem Recovery
I have all the neccesary files on the sd card and i have rooted
But when i try to reboot into S.R. it just rereboots and turns on like normal
can i just update by using the back+power button instead of recovery mode
or is there a more specific way of booting into recovery mode
please help me i just want to get this over with so i can get app2sd
watchyaself said:
or is there a more specific way of booting into recovery mode
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Home + Send
uberingram said:
Home + Send
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when exactly do i press them immediatley after pressing power or what
thanxs in advanced
watchyaself said:
when exactly do i press them immediatley after pressing power or what
thanxs in advanced
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While the phone is off, hold the home button. Press the End button to turn on the phone while continuing to hold down home.
Edit: I meant to say End and not Send in my first reply.
i keep on trying this but its not working it turns on stays at g1 screen then turns black then back to g1 screen then turns on as normal
watchyaself said:
i keep on trying this but its not working it turns on stays at g1 screen then turns black then back to g1 screen then turns on as normal
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Sounds like the recovery image you flashed got borked. Start over, IMHO.
uberingram said:
Sounds like the recovery image you flashed got borked. Start over, IMHO.
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Can you please give me a link to one of the instructions that you used please
watchyaself said:
Can you please give me a link to one of the instructions that you used please
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is there a way to enter boot loader and gets the 3 color screen without using the volume key, by using the keyboard instead???
my x1 has no rom so it cant be turned on and the volume key is dead.
how can i flash a Rom??????????
darkylight said:
is there a way to enter boot loader and gets the 3 color screen without using the volume key, by using the keyboard instead???
my x1 has no rom so it cant be turned on and the volume key is dead.
how can i flash a Rom??????????
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Having no ROM installed (i.e. via Task29) does not mean the vol key method won't work. It should work - remove battery, replace battery, hold power and vol key together for a few seconds. The only reason it wouldn't is if there was something physically wrong with the key.
Jezza0 said:
Having no ROM installed (i.e. via Task29) does not mean the vol key method won't work. It should work - remove battery, replace battery, hold power and vol key together for a few seconds. The only reason it wouldn't is if there was something physically wrong with the key.
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yup via task 29, mtty. i think there is a wrong in the volume key coz its not working any more.
is there a way to boot via keyboard or my x1 is dead?
are you sure
all you have to do is hold the vol DOWN and power until screen comes up
darkylight said:
is there a way to enter boot loader and gets the 3 color screen without using the volume key, by using the keyboard instead???
my x1 has no rom so it cant be turned on and the volume key is dead.
how can i flash a Rom??????????
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had the same issue mate....and now my x1 is bricked!...couldn't do anything to get it back into tri-colour screen and sent it back to repair...tried to use the usb, mitty and nothing....good luck if you find another method....i hate task29 now i wouldn't try that thing again on my new phone...i did everything correctly and it just completely died on me...
has your volume key always been dead
yea, me 2, my volume key dead
so i cant do task29 before flash a new rom
i search a long time
but cant find solutions
had to send it back to repair the hardware problem
Try this this i tried might be work for you too...
Put image file in root now run Task29 and as soon as the tri colour screen comes remove the usb cable and wait for 2 minutes it will search for serial and will automatically boot from SD image..
darkylight said:
is there a way to enter boot loader and gets the 3 color screen without using the volume key, by using the keyboard instead???
my x1 has no rom so it cant be turned on and the volume key is dead.
how can i flash a Rom??????????
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What do you get when you just turn on your phone? You can always turn on your phone, if you have a ROM flashed it will boot the ROM. If not or not properly flashed then it will take you to the bootloader....
Lokatho said:
What do you get when you just turn on your phone? You can always turn on your phone, if you have a ROM flashed it will boot the ROM. If not or not properly flashed then it will take you to the bootloader....
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how could your phone auto loading bootloader without a rom and volume down key press?
is your phone made from E.T ? he can do it auto intelligently
dont bull**** before u r clear the problem and situation
my words is rude ,but ur words totally leading the guy into wrong direction ,and waste our time
o0k00l said:
Try this this i tried might be work for you too...
Put image file in root now run Task29 and as soon as the tri colour screen comes remove the usb cable and wait for 2 minutes it will search for serial and will automatically boot from SD image..
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bull**** 2
how could he do task29 with volume key and a flashed rom ?
dont wast our time
o0k00l said:
Try this this i tried might be work for you too...
Put image file in root now run Task29 and as soon as the tri colour screen comes remove the usb cable and wait for 2 minutes it will search for serial and will automatically boot from SD image..
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lol.. your barking at the wrong tree man.. read & understand
don't know if this is related but i thought i'd post it still.
i had an issue with task29 once i tried it.
usually, i flash roms using activesync since i'm kinda lazy putting back and fort the x1 cover, battery and all that.
after flashing task29, my x1 went dead. what i did, i removed the sd card,
plugged it to my pc and put the kovsimg file of the rom i like best,
plugged back in the sd card with the kovsimg file and re-flash via sd card method (using soft keys & volume button).
viola! it worked! but then again, i guess that's the way it's suppose to be done anyways.
simpleguy said:
how could your phone auto loading bootloader without a rom and volume down key press?
is your phone made from E.T ? he can do it auto intelligently
dont bull**** before u r clear the problem and situation
my words is rude ,but ur words totally leading the guy into wrong direction ,and waste our time
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Ever did a bad flash???? Try it....flash from your pc and pull the USB cable. If you reset your phone where does it take you? Certainly not to boot the ROM, because the flash went wrong.
As the OP doesn't tell us specific details about why or how his X1 has no ROM, I'm trying to get some more info on his problem.
So keep your rude words in your mouth before you speak...!
Since when does trying to help someone wastes your time???! Dude you really need to utter your frustrations somewhere else.
simpleguy said:
bull**** 2
how could he do task29 with volume key and a flashed rom ?
dont wast our time
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Click to collapse're really sour aren't you?
Lokatho said:
Ever did a bad flash???? Try it....flash from your pc and pull the USB cable. If you reset your phone where does it take you? Certainly not to boot the ROM, because the flash went wrong.
As the OP doesn't tell us specific details about why or how his X1 has no ROM, I'm trying to get some more info on his problem.
So keep your rude words in your mouth before you speak...!
Since when does trying to help someone wastes your time???! Dude you really need to utter your frustrations somewhere else.'re really sour aren't you?
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laugh out loudly, bull**** again
his volume key is dead, and his phone dont have rom in it
and u, smart u , tell him flash a rom ? and pull cable blah blah
is it ridiculous?
how could he into bootloader in this situation?, perhpas u r god could let it done
once again, plz clear the situation, before you answer it(read op`s post again and again , ok ?)
u guys hand-up is appreciate ,but non-sense
u just waste our time
i wont relpy anymore untill u can provide a doable solution
simpleguy said:
laugh out loudly, bull**** again
his volume key is dead, and his phone dont have rom in it
and u, smart u , tell him flash a rom ? and pull cable blah blah
is it ridiculous?
how could he into bootloader in this situation?, perhpas u r god could let it done
once again, plz clear the situation, before you answer it(read op`s post again and again , ok ?)
u guys hand-up is appreciate ,but non-sense
u just waste our time
i wont relpy anymore untill u can provide a doable solution
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Really sad.....I pity you.
As I want to help the OP, but as helping the OP wasted you're time I'm not. As I don't want to waste your time....
djromeo said:
had the same issue mate....and now my x1 is bricked!...couldn't do anything to get it back into tri-colour screen and sent it back to repair...tried to use the usb, mitty and nothing....good luck if you find another method....i hate task29 now i wouldn't try that thing again on my new phone...i did everything correctly and it just completely died on me...
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thanks for helping mate, i will send my phone to sonyericsson shop wish they could help me
o0k00l said:
Try this this i tried might be work for you too...
Put image file in root now run Task29 and as soon as the tri colour screen comes remove the usb cable and wait for 2 minutes it will search for serial and will automatically boot from SD image..
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can u send me some details and steps how to do this, i will try it
simpleguy said:
laugh out loudly, bull**** again
his volume key is dead, and his phone dont have rom in it
and u, smart u , tell him flash a rom ? and pull cable blah blah
is it ridiculous?
how could he into bootloader in this situation?, perhpas u r god could let it done
once again, plz clear the situation, before you answer it(read op`s post again and again , ok ?)
u guys hand-up is appreciate ,but non-sense
u just waste our time
i wont relpy anymore untill u can provide a doable solution
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guys come om plz i appreciate all your kind help really am desperate and wish i could get my phone back.
yup my phone has no rom so i couldnt flash any rom coz my volume key is died. NO NEW ROM AND NO BOOTLOADER.
i guess that there is no solution other than i should sent it back to the shop to be repaired but if there is a solution i wont regret to try it on my phone.
thanks all for your help.
Hello! I had this problem a minute ago. Try this:
1 -Turn on the phone. The screen will freeze in Sony Ericsson logo.
2 - After this, hold the two silver front buttons and press the softreset button behind the battery cover (to do a Hard Reset).
3 - Follow the instructions to perform the Hard Reset.
4 - When finished, remove the battery. Wait for 3 seconds and put the battery back.
5 - Now try to hold Vol Down key and turn the phone on.
It worked for me. But OMG, this thing scared me...
Was going to load-up a fresh round of roms for testing I updated firmware using 4.19.401.11-Combined_TWRP2700 everything went accordingly. Also wanted to update to latest twrp installed this file openrecovery-twrp- .zip through twrp install after reboot nothing Blank screen no led lights unresponsive to power and volume button being held in. Any suggestions Please thank you!! :crying:
spliffstar69 said:
Was going to load-up a fresh round of roms for testing I updated firmware using 4.19.401.11-Combined_TWRP2700 everything went accordingly. Also wanted to update to latest twrp installed this file openrecovery-twrp- .zip through twrp install after reboot nothing Blank screen no led lights unresponsive to power and volume button being held in. Any suggestions Please thank you!! :crying:
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what happens when you plug the phone into the charger?
Try holding the power button while flashing a light into the light sensor on the front top left of the phone, see if the capacitive buttons start blinking when you do that.
Bhavpreet said:
what happens when you plug the phone into the charger?
Try holding the power button while flashing a light into the light sensor on the front top left of the phone, see if the capacitive buttons start blinking when you do that.
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nothing when i try that... when i hold both volume up ,down and power buttons all at the same time while pluged into the usb on my laptop the usb plugged in sound from windows comes on and off every 10 seconds or so strange
spliffstar69 said:
ill try that... when i hold both volume up ,down and power buttons all at the same time while pluged into the usb on my laptop the usb plugged in sound from windows comes on and off every 10 seconds or so strange
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yup give the light a try
spliffstar69 said:
ill try that... when i hold both volume up ,down and power buttons all at the same time while pluged into the usb on my laptop the usb plugged in sound from windows comes on and off every 10 seconds or so strange
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how did you come across such a file, and why on earth would you flash it ?
I guess your s-off if it flashed without error.
I guess i know what file to use if i want a warranty replacement now
Bhavpreet said:
yup give the light a try
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no go on the light
clsA said:
how did you come across such a file, and why on earth would you flash it ?
I guess your s-off if it flashed without error.
I guess i know what file to use if i want a warranty replacement now
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he's asking for help..not criticism. Yea he flashed but but thats not the issue now, fixing it is.
spliffstar69 said:
no go on the light
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when you hold the power button, do the capacitive buttons flash?
Bhavpreet said:
he's asking for help..not criticism. Yea he flashed but but thats not the issue now, fixing it is.
when you hold the power button, do the capacitive buttons flash?
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the capacitive buttons do nothing aswell
spliffstar69 said:
Also wanted to update to latest twrp installed this file openrecovery-twrp-
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You flashed a twrp version for the galaxy note 2 (t03g) on your htc one (m7). Always make sure files you flash on your phone are compatible. If you can't make it boot, its probably hard bricked...
Bhavpreet said:
he's asking for help..not criticism. Yea he flashed but but thats not the issue now, fixing it is.
when you hold the power button, do the capacitive buttons flash?
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I know it sounded harsh, but I'm pretty sure theirs not much you can do to help.
I'm real sorry for you @spliffstar69 ...i would be sick if anything happened to my One.
alray said:
You flashed a twrp version for the galaxy note 2 (t03g) on your htc one (m7). Always make sure files you flash on your phone are compatible. If you can't make it boot, its probably hard bricked...
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wow seriously !!
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
spliffstar69 said:
wow seriously !!
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Recovery partition in note3 is p15 or p16, so the flash trashed one your Ones internal partitions. That's one of the risks of being s-off, you can write any partition, both a blessing and a curse.
Today I was playing with my phone , after a while the screen turns off and shows no image, while you hise forced off and the cell did not give a picture but vibrated , I installed the original firmware and shows no image , only gives the sound of boot animation , please help me I have it off now:crying:
Adriantech said:
Today I was playing with my phone , after a while the screen turns off and shows no image, while you hise forced off and the cell did not give a picture but vibrated , I installed the original firmware and shows no image , only gives the sound of boot animation , please help me I have it off now:crying:
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What were you doing when you were "playing with your phone?"
TheSt33v said:
What were you doing when you were "playing with your phone?"
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nothing , cell simply turn off the screen and try Powering and not work
What happens when you plug it into a charger?
TheSt33v said:
What happens when you plug it into a charger?
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vibrates and does not show the battery icon
Adriantech said:
vibrates and does not show the battery icon
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Uh oh. Can you boot into bootloader mode (power off, power on while holding volume down)?
TheSt33v said:
Uh oh. Can you boot into bootloader mode (power off, power on while holding volume down)?
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if , but when I install the SBF does not work as usual
Adriantech said:
if , but when I install the SBF does not work as usual
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Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by that.
TheSt33v said:
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by that.
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Sorry For my bad english well , I enter to the bootloader and i installed the stock rom but dosen't work
Adriantech said:
Sorry For my bad english well , I enter to the bootloader and i installed the stock rom but dosen't work
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What method did you use to install the stock rom?
TheSt33v said:
What method did you use to install the stock rom?
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open ur phone and check LCD Port.
Clean it. reconnect it.
TheSt33v said:
What method did you use to install the stock rom?
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with Script
jalal-jap said:
open ur phone and check LCD Port.
Clean it. reconnect it.
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already turned uncover and reconnect but still the same , I think it's software
Hi all,
I've used this thread to unbrick a Leeco Le 2 (x520).
The flash itself went like a charm, however, after disconnecting the cable and pressing the power button to reboot, the screen remains black.
When I short press the power button I can hear a sound and vibration, but that's it.
I'm stuck, even more so than before.
Is there anyone who can help me with this issue please?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I've also posted this question Thursday in the thread itself.
hello, did you solve the problem? I have the same situation. If you solve the problem, please write to the mail [email protected]
I've also same issue, please tell me if you get rid of this.
Volvo_be said:
Hi all,
I've used this thread to unbrick a Leeco Le 2 (x520).
The flash itself went like a charm, however, after disconnecting the cable and pressing the power button to reboot, the screen remains black.
When I short press the power button I can hear a sound and vibration, but that's it.
I'm stuck, even more so than before.
Is there anyone who can help me with this issue please?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I've also posted this question Thursday in the thread itself.
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PandaDex48 said:
hello, did you solve the problem? I have the same situation. If you solve the problem, please write to the mail [email protected]
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Masood_alam said:
I've also same issue, please tell me if you get rid of this.
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10. Once completed, disconnect the phone and power it up by long pressing power button.
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I can't see/read, one of you did a long Power-Button pressing???
JamBax said:
I can't see/read, one of you did a long Power-Button pressing???
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my leeco le2 is stuck on boot logo. i cant even unlock my bootloader. what to do?
sree94 said:
my leeco le2 is stuck on boot logo. i cant even unlock my bootloader. what to do?
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Down load this older version of twrp-3.0.2-0-s2.img from
do a wipe->data format-> yes
then reboot.
I have same issue. Its looks like phone is turned on but my screen is black. I cant connect with adb cos i flashed fresh stock rom and with black screen i cant turn on debuging usb or unlock.(i can\t flash twrp so i cant flash new custom rom) Is there a way to flash custom rom with stock flasing tools like flashone or qfil, or is there a way to control my phone from computer without needing android screen(i can\t give any permission to new apps cos it new stock rom and my screen is black )
Solved - No Display after Flash
I know this is a old thread, but still i am posting this because u never know who might need it...
Guys i was having similar issue. After flashing Le2 with QFIL, I was getting no display. However my phone was somewhat on and making bleep sound when power key was pressed. Do this if you have similar problem:
1. Download this firmware:
2. Flash it with QFIL/Miracle box/UMT whatever u feel like.
3. Hold Vol+ and Power button and goto Recovery. TWRP recovery will boot.
4. Now put any rom (i used latest LOS nightly) in it by using MTP from PC and flash it.
(Optional step: if u want to use official firmware It may happen that u get stuck at LeEco boot screen, only if u get stuck, then flash the kernel inside the zip and it will boot normally.)
5. ENJOY ^_^
If this helped, you know what u have to do :angel: