When I installed custom froyo rom I accidentally deleted the original fw but with so many fw available to download I am not sure which one to get as offical eclair...i want to do this to be prepared for next week official asia froyo release...tkd
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you dont remember which fw version you had on the phone?
If you didnt backup and dont know i dont think there is a way to find out which was the original firmware.
I had on mine JM6 if i remember correctly but its from germany.
It depends on your region etc. I would just keep using custom roms now or just downgrade to some kind of eclair version and then update officially from there - should not be a problem I think.
But I'm still a noob so dont take what I say for granted.
I have a UK T-Mobile unlocked unbranded Galaxy S (Froyo) which reports the following details:
Does this mean that I need to find/use a "I9000XXJP0 version" gingerbread ROM file in order to flash gingerbread? Or could I flash some other Europe version e.g. I9000XWJVB gingerbread ROM?
I was surprised that this question is not covered in the various gingerbread flashing threads that I have read. No doubt I have missed something that will be staring me in the face once someone points it out..
Anyway, thanks in advance for any advice.
If you don't want to wait for the official update for your phone you can absolutely flash any of the gingerbread roms on this website. Just be sure to read the instructions carefully.
Btw, the gingerbread rom for your phone won't be JP0, that is a froyo rom. They change with every update.
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You can flash any firmware buddy no problems, it doesn't have to be country specific. However flashing a country specific modem will most likely have an effect on signal, call.quality etc. Check out doc's thread as I think there is a good guide there.
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Thanks guys. Erm so, if you were me, what do you think my best bet is? I'm thinking of flashing what I have found as being the latest offical build of 2.3.3 from here:
Modem on that is XX same as my current firmware. Do I need to care about the CSC or anything else? (FYI I've updated my original post above to give the full CSC)
Cook up a rom in doc's kitchen. You can have a very good stock rom or a really good custom one.
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Wow, romkitchen.org looks very interesting. However, it says "Install from a 2.3 ROM" so I guess I would need to upgrade to 2.3 before being able to use it, which is a bit strange as upgrading to 2.3 is all I'm trying to do anyway. And it says it beta, so I think I'm better of using the ROM in my post above?
Yes, you have to flash a stock 2.3 rom first to get the bootloader update. They are all beta version of gingerbread. Even the ones that got pushed out recently aren't as stable as the 2.2.1 roms.
When I go to 2.3 it will be from the kitchen for sure.
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OK. Well, this story has a happy ending. I've upgraded to 2.3.3 (XEE version) using a guide that someone in the romkitchen irc channel linked me to.
As it says in the guide, all I needed to do afterwards was reselect my provider via the APN settings (easy peasy, just selected "T Mobile" from a short list of UK providers).
Cheers for this post to all who replied - just got a Galaxy S too and wasn't sure if there were any caveats about flashing to a ROM with a different ID than your current one aside from normal GSM radio band for picking america vs rest of world etc.
Hi guys put my phone on kies today and a new firmware version is ready to download came up..
i thought yes i have somehow got gingerbread..
when it completed it says froyo 2.2.1 firmware version what the hell is this??
My phone is in the UK on Three network i900nejs2
there are many versions of 2.2.1 maybe you just got a newer version.
there is a way to spoof kies into making you get the very latest release. or you could just flash gingerbread yourself through Odin.
or try one of the many many custom GB ROMs
how do i spoof?
and does it matter that my phone is network locked to three?
can i debrand it or watever?
Simple answer its 3 Uk latest update to 2.2 .1 comes after Froyo 2.2 .
Some put it out others have been very late .
We will be seeing parallel versions of 2.2.1 and 2.3 for quite a while....get used to it. Not all carriers will be so anxious to send out gb to the masses, and many are still on 2.2.
Remember we may be champing at the bit for gingerbread, but likely the reaction of John and Judy Averageuser will be "Dammit....ANOTHER update!!!???"
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Hi Friends,
I see that the ICS Update will arrive sometime between may/june. i have a rooted Galaxy note using this link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1329360
i just wonder when the time comes do i have to unroot to update or can i just update.. im new at this android world so i would appreciate any help i can get, thanks
Dont worry, sure you will get update to ICS
But how you have to update this can mentioned only after release of ICS, And yes it take few hrs to know just after release of ICS, you need is to just stay tuned here.
Just remember i said above in term of keeping your root intact. If you dont want to keep root, just you can flash Stock ROM of your country anytime, N just update ICS over Kies whenever it release over Kies.
I have similar question. Previously I had a KK5 rom before I gave my note to Samsung in warranty for screen replacement. They flashed XLA4 rom and CSC is also changed now to JPLA1. Now KIES says it cannot upgrade my ROM. My question is: is it still possible to receive OTA updates (including ICS when it is available). Please note that my phone is not rooted. Thanks in advance.
To get update with Kies/OTA
your device should have installed ROM from your region, as well CSC should also be same as your region
Check CSC with *#272*IMEI#
Remember, changing CSC will wipe off data.
Sorry to bother you again. using *#272*IMEI# shows JED (which is correct for Saudi Arabia). There are other options to choose from e.g. KSA (which I think is also for Saudi Arabia but I don't know). Do you think changing will solve the problem? And is there any other danger (other than wiping the data) with changing the CSC? Thanks again.
Nothing more thn data wipe happen after changing csc.
Your installed rom shud b same for your region as csc.
If your rom is older for region, kies will show msg, you have update. If your rom is latest for this region, kies will msg you have latest firmware.
In other condition kies won't recognise your rom n won't allow to update.
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saidros said:
Hi Friends,
I see that the ICS Update will arrive sometime between may/june. i have a rooted Galaxy note using this link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1329360
i just wonder when the time comes do i have to unroot to update or can i just update.. im new at this android world so i would appreciate any help i can get, thanks
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I have this same question where and i dont understand the post... could you help me out here? thanks
Zbc said:
I have this same question where and i dont understand the post... could you help me out here? thanks
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Sure, when updating to stock you will lose the root, so you dont need to worry about that...You can look around and there are ways to flashing to next version if you want to mantain the root, tools like mobile odin can help you with that..... but i do recommend you to take a look arround the forum, you like me probably end up using custom roms
saidros said:
Sure, when updating to stock you will lose the root, so you dont need to worry about that...You can look around and there are ways to flashing to next version if you want to mantain the root, tools like mobile odin can help you with that..... but i do recommend you to take a look arround the forum, you like me probably end up using custom roms
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Thanks alot!
First of all here are my specs...
Android: 2.3.3
Baseband: S5830XWKPA
[email protected]#1
I want to flash this rom from sammobile which I beleive should work with my phone
Model Country/Carrier Date Version PDA CSC
GT-S5830 United Kingdom / Ireland 2011 September Android 2.3.6 S5830XWKPY S5830XEUKP1
but before I do I would like to backup my existing rom in the same format as this rom so I can flash through odin.
I found this page on the wiki for backing up your rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/How_to_backup_Original_ROM but its not in the same format as the downloadable roms. Can I flash this through odin? or how can I backup my rom like the downloads from sammobile?
I just want a backup so I have something to fall back on should I need to.
First of all. The rom you are trying flash is very old. New firmwares are more stable. Try a rom which was released this year. I wonder why you want to backup the original rom, its old. Anyway, just backup stuff using cwm, search for your current firmware of sammobile and download it. If you want to return back to original firmware, flash the firmware via odin and restorethe cwm backup.
Hi, thanks for the reply.
There is no official rom higher than 2.3.6 for this phone, I'm guna flash cyanogenmod at some point when I get a bit more time but for the time being I just wanted to flash official 2.3.6. Am I wrong in thinking the CWM needs a rooted phone to work? or will this feature run on unrooted phones?
Try the Spanish Rom XWKTQ.. And i'm sure you'll love it.. Almost Bug free and really fast..
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aaronmarsh632 said:
Hi, thanks for the reply.
There is no official rom higher than 2.3.6 for this phone, I'm guna flash cyanogenmod at some point when I get a bit more time but for the time being I just wanted to flash official 2.3.6. Am I wrong in thinking the CWM needs a rooted phone to work? or will this feature run on unrooted phones?
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CWM needs a rooted phone.
About the firmware. Yes the highest android version is 2.3.6, but new firmwares have more features and more stable. Flash XWKTQ.
thanks for that
Just 1 quick question, just want to double check, aslong as its XW*** or another uk rom can I just flash it, because i was under the impression you cant flash roms from other countries unless its rooted?
aaronmarsh632 said:
Just 1 quick question, just want to double check, aslong as its XW*** or another uk rom can I just flash it, because i was under the impression you cant flash roms from other countries unless its rooted?
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If your phone is operator specific then flashing rom from different countries might cause problems. If your phone is unlocked and you can use it with any operator then no problem. You can flash any rom.
ah ok, mine is on o2 uk but it was bought from phones4u so it should already be unlocked, so thats good to know. There doesnt seem to be any o2 branding on the phone so i'll have a play when I get sum spare.
But still, just try using a sim from some other operator and see if it works. If it doesnt, your phone is operator specific.
yeah, will do,
Hey developers,
I allways used to have HTC's, but now I have a SGS I9000. With HTC I know my way with flashing and stuff but now I got an issue. I don't know if this will brick my phone and I can't find too much information about with the search function.
So here goes, I got a hungarian I9000 from a friend, though I'm dutch. Now I want to update the phone to android 2.3 but there are no PAN (hungarian) updates available from Samsung, I tried the registry key hack with KIES but then my phone would disconnect as soon as I would start the update. Then I realised I could flash firmware with 2.3 from another compatible phone version, like the Dutch one. So I downloaded KIES and the dutch firmware but then I realised that if the firmware is not compatible with my version of the I9000 I would probably (hard/soft)brick my phone.
Also, when I put in *#272*IMEI# there is no option to choose between countries for me, which I read all over the internet there should be.
So please advice me in flashing a new stock 2.3 ROM, I really want it to be stock android
Thanks in advance :angel:
Somewhere in here is a guide for flashing stock jvu 2.3.6 with Odin it only takes 5 minutes once you have downloaded everything
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