just wondering if there's any benefit to putting apps on your sd with froyo. I'm new to having a nexus. and i'm using a class 6 sdcard. thanks
I would recommend. Since N1 comes with "limited" storage internal. This also helps with large Roms if you decide to flash. It totally helped me out with evil's Desire HD Rom!
I just bought a nook color. I want to run either honeycomb or cyanogen. Can anyone recommend a microsd card? Is it possible to erase the nook os and just install a rom on it? I have heard that one can over clock it up to 1ghz is this worth it or not? If anyone could just enlighten me I would really appreciate it.
Thank you very much!!! And Have a Great Day!!
Suggest you do searches and read the more popular development threads.
If people continue to hand out silver spooned information to every newcomer it just waters down the information on these forums.
The info's there, its not hard to find. I was new to android and the nook just a month ago.
I'll tell you right now if you expect everything to work out of the box on CM7 or Honeycomb you'll be sorely disappointed. Your best bet to get your feet wet is root first and stick with 2.1 and then try nookie froyo on SD. Once you're versed in doing things with ADB and whatnot THEN look to erase your internal memory and use an eMMC ROM.
As for overclocking, it helps but it won't turn the nook into a xoom by a long shot.
First suggestion is try getting a 4gig microSD class 4, and installing nookie froyo SD image on there. Practice with that and then move on if you feel comfortable.
It is indeed possible to replace the NC's OS install. Running from emmc (internal memory) is unnecessary however. You don't have to root / void your warranty / risk bricking your new device. You can try out both Honeycomb and CM7 without endangering your device at all. I recommend Sandisk now and nothing else having tried others. If you decide that you don't like either HC or CM7, just removing the SD card will allow the device to run in it's factory stock state. You'll be able to benefit from and apply B&N updates as well. If you could care less about the OS / functionality that they've provided then I guess there's not much sense keeping it. Later, you can fool around with the internal memory if you dare. I see little performance difference between the sd card I have and the internal storage myself.
Thanks everyone!! I will buy a sandisk class4. What is the max class for a micro sd?
Thanks again!
I have a 2GB microSD card and I want a ROM that I can just burn with win32diskImager and boot up from my Nook.
Any help would be appreciated.
that's just the first two that i saw in dev section...
Sorry i'm not more helpful, i went the emmc route and am not as familiar with the SDcard threads
djlim4 said:
that's just the first two that i saw in dev section...
sorry, but i would've thought a 200 count poster would know to check out the devs section for something like this, there are a lot of threads on it i believe
Sorry i'm not more helpful, i went the emmc route and am not as familiar with the SDcard threads
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I've already done searches and read for the past 2 days. I'm not an idiot, that's why I asked a question.
yea, my bad, there was absolutely no need for any extra comments from me, should be just trying to help. Edited my post. (getting off the nicotine patches this week)
anyway, good luck. if you need any help if you decide emmc route, let me know
Here's a good one for CM7
If I were you I would go with CM7... Its easy, stable if you're SD is class 4, I havn't had one problem whatsoever. I'd say its the best SD Card only ROM for the NC.
I putting forward the Dual Phiremod and HC4 SD card rom.
- Phiremod has some nice customizations and based off CM7
- Also chance to try HC4 if you feel like it. Although in the end, I just ran with Phiremod.
FYI, was using an 8 Gig Class 6 transcend for these and was quite happy. Have moved to pure CM7 on emmc as of last night and Phiremod is very comparable.
Thank you guys a lot of good suggestions, I went ahead and bought an 8GB microsd but it's a class 10. I put the phiremod/HC dual boot on it and it seems pretty good, but every once in a while the nook will just pause like it's thinking. Is that the ROM or the sd card?
Higher class SD cards tend to suck as boot drives because they've been optimized for large, sequential writes (like taking rapid-fire, high-res photographs), whereas running an OS and apps involves lots of small, random writes. It really depends on the specific model, but Class 6 and above cards are often 50-100x slower than their cheaper brethren in the benchmark we need. This thread breaks it down fairly well, with some card recommendations (mostly Sandisk class 2 + 4):
CM7 on my 16GB Sandisk class 4 certainly seems to run faster than stock 1.2 on the emmc.
I just bought a NC off the marketplace and wanted to see if there is anything I should know. I've had a G1, HD2, G2, and Thunderbolt. I'm not new to android. Anything unique I should know about the NC before it gets delivered? I believe it comes with an otterbox. The only thing I see that I've never handled before is the whole booting off the sdcard or eMMC, besides on the HD2. Hows the battery life on the device? I also see that some people have had some problems with CM7 builds, and from the little I've read the dreadful "screen of death". The NC seems to have a nice developer community.
I've got an ipad for the heavier lifting that the NC can't do like play AVI movies and youtube.
ddgarcia05 said:
I just bought a NC off the marketplace and wanted to see if there is anything I should know. I've had a G1, HD2, G2, and Thunderbolt. I'm not new to android. Anything unique I should know about the NC before it gets delivered? I believe it comes with an otterbox. The only thing I see that I've never handled before is the whole booting off the sdcard or eMMC, besides on the HD2. Hows the battery life on the device? I also see that some people have had some problems with CM7 builds, and from the little I've read the dreadful "screen of death". The NC seems to have a nice developer community.
I've got an ipad for the heavier lifting that the NC can't do like play AVI movies and youtube.
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First off, Welcome to the Community. Second, where did you here the nook can't play Youtube or AVI? It can do both well. Also the Nook is pretty much Unbrickable.
Okay in order for you to get started you need to decide between EMMC or SDcard for your Root/ROM.
If you want the best possible performance you should go with EMMC but this will prevent you from Sending it to B&N for Repairs without completely Reflashing it to Virgin Stock(A pain to do if you got everything Setup just right).
If you go the SDCard route you sacrafice some performance for a few other benefits. One, running a ROM off your SD doesn't require you to Root your Stock ROM. Also since your running it off the SD you can remove the SDcard and get the Normal Stock OS, meaning you can just pull the card if you need to send it back to B&N, or if you get a new Nook you can pop the SDcard in and have everything still setup the way you like it. Also if you screw up your SDcard it's a whole lot easier to fix than a screwed up EMMC.
Either way you'll need a MicroSD card. People recommend at least a 4gb class 6 card but SanDisk cards seem to do well no matter what class they are.
Next choose your ROM.
If you're going the EMMC route you have 4 options Sdcards have 3:
-Rooted Stock (Auto-Rooters are avalable for v1.0-1.1 but 1.2[Froyo] is Manual Root only for now)
-Normal Froyo (Currently has best battery life but isn't the best expirience on the 4 button Nook)
-CM7 [Android 2.3] (Currently the best ROM expirence on the Nook(ROM customized for Nook), has many built in features, including Soft Buttons on the Statusbar and Statusbar on bottom(Optional) However it currently suffers from Sleep issues that effect battery life but these should be fixed soon. Also GApps are easiest to install on it)
-Honeycomb [Android 3.0] (Androids Tablet specific version. However, it lacks some features found on official Tablets because it's made by Hacking the Honeycomb Preview Image given to Devs.)
Personally I'm running CM7 off a 4gb class 6 MicroSD and it runs really well over my previous Froyo ROM.
Let me know which one you choose and I'll point you to a good thread for getting started.
Sent from NookColor CM7 uSD using Tapatalk
^ Wow... that's about as best a response to a question I've seen in quite a while. I couldn't have said anything better myself. I'm still very new as well but that's great advice.
Japzone, thank you for that response.
It seem like the original user has a rom on the eMMC but would be willing to return the item back to stock. Aftering reading your post I believe I'll ask them to return the item to stock. I'll then load up CM7 on a sdcard, and should I decide to return to eMMC access I'll root it myself. How does the NC know to boot off the sdcard or install the zips on the sdcard?
ddgarcia05 said:
How does the NC know to boot off the sdcard or install the zips on the sdcard?
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When booting, the NC looks FIRST at sdcard so there is nothing special you need to do for that.
ddgarcia05 said:
Japzone, thank you for that response.
It seem like the original user has a rom on the eMMC but would be willing to return the item back to stock. Aftering reading your post I believe I'll ask them to return the item to stock. I'll then load up CM7 on a sdcard, and should I decide to return to eMMC access I'll root it myself. How does the NC know to boot off the sdcard or install the zips on the sdcard?
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Or you could do it yourself:
[HOW-TO] : Restore Nook Color back to stock EASILY!
Also here's the best way to install CM7 to your SD card:
[ROM][CM7] Size-agnostic SD Card image and CM7 installer for SD Cards. with updater
Sent from NookColor CM7 uSD using Tapatalk
After some more thought in gonna leave it rooted. Still, CM7 is what I want. EMMC
Sent from The Republic of Texas
I'll be honest. The NC confuses me slightly when it comes to how to root, flash ROMs, etc. compared to my Incredible, it feels like day and night.
I made a thread about a month ago about wanting to learn the process but since then it has changed greatly with the 1.2 update.
I would really like if someone could detail out to me the steps I need to root and have CM7 on the NC.
I have questions that are probably answered right in front of me but they get lost in the vast amount of posts.
Since the eMMC is pretty much canceled out for the time being, I want to run CM7 off the SD card, I've already read a Sandisk Class 2 8 or 16GB is the right card for this, how the hell do I put CWM, CM7, etc on this one SD card or am I supposed to use 2-3 different cards for the process? Then what do I do from there?
What is the most stable, but feature packed release of CM7 at this point in time, like what build, which kernel, etc.? Market and GAPPS working?
Assuming the SD card is good, does running off the SD card impact performance or is it as slick as running off the internal?
Pretty much I'm starting from dead scratch when it comes to the NC and I feel the guide threads don't do enough justice to explain certain questions fully enough or at all?
If it helps at all, I just plan to download apps, internet browse, stream music from Mougg, little or no game playing, and overclock.
So someone please help me out? It's not like I know nothing, as I have a rooted and kept up to date phone but for some reason, the NC confuses me and I may be overthinking.
If I remember any more questions, I'll list them. Thanks.
Here you go...step by step.
The link above is for emmc installs; if you want to install to the sd card, and it's your first time, I highly recommend Verygreen's install here:
I was able to get my SD card up in running in under a half hour with Google apps market! Verygreen really does a great job explaining how to do this.
From my experience, a Sandisk Class 4 8 gig card works VERY well...very responsive, it will run as well or possibly better than stock 1.2. I know that CM7 is up to 7.0.3 stable, but I'm sticking with 7.0.2 until 7.1.0 comes out stable; everything is running fine, I have Netflix up and running with the boot.prop mod, and the only issue is battery life, which is a bit less than stock 1.2. Once 7.1.x is stable, I expect that to be fixed, and I'll be looking to flash to emmc, but for now this gives me all I need.
Plus one for the size agnostic method in Goferbroke's post. Simple and stable.
I'm running 7.0.3 stable without any major problems. For battery life, I installed Auto WiFi Toggle, free in the Android Market.
Still looking for answers.
Sent from my Incredible with the XDA Premium App.
I agree with Goferbroke and brucemcl and recommend Verygreen's method: I am fairly technical, but not at this level. I have never worked with a card reader, SD Card, Win32DiskImager, etc., and everything went fine.
A couple things I would recommend are: read through the entire thread - you will find some steps clarified and some issues others have run into, and; when rebooting to install the Market and Gapps, hold the 'n' button down, even after you release the power button.
The process just requires one SD card and a card reader. I personally chose the most recent Release Candidate for stability ( However, I believe that I am in the minority - I have read where most people use a recent 'stable' release, which is newer than the latest RC.
The research I did does not indicate that running off the SD Card is any faster or slower than running off the eMMC. But, I have not run CM7 on the eMMC, so I have no performance benchmarks to share.
I have since installed a number of applications, a boot menu (u-boot_v0.4.bin) and am currently looking at ways to disable the 'Phone idle' and 'Cell standby' applications, which I don't think can be used on the NC, but are two of the highest battery consumers.
Briaom said:
I have since installed a number of applications, a boot menu (u-boot_v0.4.bin) and am currently looking at ways to disable the 'Phone idle' and 'Cell standby' applications, which I don't think can be used on the NC, but are two of the highest battery consumers.
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To my understanding, the 'phone idle' & 'cell standby' are the equivalent of 'system idle' & 'system processes' on a PC. I don't think these can be disabled and still have a workable tablet.
I Am Marino said:
Still looking for answers.
Sent from my Incredible with the XDA Premium App.
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Be patient. I spent three weeks reading through all the posts and I'm still confused.
I just put CM7 on an SD card this morning. So far, so good.
First, I read the post < Barnes & Noble Nook Color - Nook Color Android Development - [Ref] Nook Color Links |Guides|How To|Utilities| Etc. 12/26 Read FIRST =) > (sorry, don't know how to put links in a quick reply yet). Read the 4th post, starting at the top of the post, pick the first link, then the second, then the third. This guide is really good. That is what you need to understand it. Then read the 3rd post and pick the link.
This is the generic image you will burn to your SDcard using WinImager (if you are using a Windows PC). After burning your SDcard, unmount it from the PC and then remount it, Then you will be able to see the boot partition. COPY the CM7 you wish to use to the card, DO NOT UNZIP it, just copy it to the SDcard. Then unmount the SDcard from your PC and put it into the NC and power the NC.
I used verygreen's method but I'm on 7.02. Having said that I think you mean Sandisk Class 4 8gb, not class 2. FYI.
For a more detailed look at Verygreen's method I found the below link helpful:
Hope that helps.
It's pretty easy and people will help you here if you have any problems.
noblerinthemind said:
I used verygreen's method but I'm on 7.02. Having said that I think you mean Sandisk Class 4 8gb, not class 2. FYI.
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The class only applies to the sequential speed. The random read/write speed seems to depend on.... I dunno, pixie dust? Differences in how clean the clean rooms are? Either way, some of the class 2 Sandisks have outperformed the class 4s in the random benchmark.
I'd go with either a class 2 or class 4 Sandisk, whichever one you find at a reasonable price. I've had good luck with both an 8GB class 2 and a 16GB class 4.