I know all you have heard about the milestone lockedbootloader issue stopping us from getting a swap space. But I don't understand what is it stopping people from unlocking the bootloader. Is it as simple as getting a key? And would a motorola employee have access to it?
Sent from my Milestone using XDA App
Please just google this. There is a lot of information on this already. I suggest this topic be closed.
But will a Motorola employee have the key to unlocking the bootloader??? That's my question and I've Googled this topic plenty. I'm not stupid
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There is a huge chance mate!
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choudu1, join Andoinc
Cos I know a few people who work at moto but they are hardware engineers. I'm gonna check to see if they know any of this
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choudu1 said:
But I don't understand what is it stopping people from unlocking the bootloader. Is it as simple as getting a key? And would a motorola employee have access to it?
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For our freedom...
- replace the bootloader itself with an unlocked version suitable for milestone (no one knows if this piece of code even exists)
- the private key for signing custom images which would allow to work in harmony with existing bootcode (this key for sure exists)
Perhaps you might join an internship at motorola
Good luck!!!
choudu1 said:
Cos I know a few people who work at moto but they are hardware engineers. I'm gonna check to see if they know any of this
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Usually, decent companies have the keys stored in a safe place and those can't be accessed by employees, they only have means to access it remotely to request something to be signed by that key. In that safe place, that could either be owned by the owner of the key or leased in some specific digital security company (like Verisign), security measures are taken that only few people have access and those are properly identified, so, any leak would be easily spotted and that person would be charged.
But, is Motorola a decent company? There is always some hope that they have the signing application lying around in a network share that is not logged, but, I would imagine if that was true, that piece of software/keys would already be released by someone.
Hmm. Maybe ill tie a moto employee to a chair and beat the bootloader keys out of him :L
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Read the post at the url below. It describes how to get updates from Motorola cloud servers. It might be useful in getting unlocks for other phones. Please spread the word to anyone interested in an unlock for Motorola Android phones with Blur.
Link doesn't work
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Here is the link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1164582
Once we get root this will be huge. Until then we need to remember this trick
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you can see all the Motorola cloud stuff by going to testing and Motorola services. *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer gets you to testing. Don't know if this has any usefulness to it just thought id share.
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Not much on the dialer trick
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I hope root comes for the phone soon, the amount of VZW crap ware is crazy.
Has anyone tried z4 to see what happens?
I'm sure it doesn't work cause if its that simple we would be rooted
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all of the available root options have been tried by various members of this forum and others as well. its probably going to be a while before we get root.
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Time is what it takes, and it has to be made worthwhile for devs to spend their time on it. ICS is coming and lets face it many will be looking to that as the next great frontier.
I know from various forums that with the confirmed members who will put up enough coin a ambitious dev would get enough to easily pay for a D3.
Can the Droid 3 be used on T-Mobile if unlocked or rooted? I ask because I noticed a SIM card slot. Thanks..
So I called the number off this link below and they claim they can unlock the Droid 3 for AT&T and it would work on 3g. Also, they can do the same for T-Mobile but it would only work on Edge. Can anyone confirm this? Has anyone dealt with this site before? Thanks.
so i dont know but ive been derpin around and noticed a couple things....first off apparently there is a sdk that has been updated for the droid 3 over at MOTODEV site....i was looking through some settings and enabled data encryption which required a boot into some sort of recovery where the internal disk obviously allowed -rw access inwhich i was wondering if it would be possible to dump this process through ADB (maybe find handshake)....and a simple ls command thru term reveals bloatware galore
Have we looked at te exploit that the nexus users are using? They can root 2.3.3, 2.3.4, and now 2.3.5. Seems we should use their exploit if possible
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nerdslogic said:
Have we looked at te exploit that the nexus users are using? They can root 2.3.3, 2.3.4, and now 2.3.5. Seems we should use their exploit if possible
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Unlocked bootloader makes rooting easier. What works for them (unlocked) will not work for the Droid 3 (locked bootloader).
androidowns said:
So I called the number off this link below and they claim they can unlock the Droid 3 for AT&T and it would work on 3g. Also, they can do the same for T-Mobile but it would only work on Edge. Can anyone confirm this? Has anyone dealt with this site before? Thanks.
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They say it's the XT860 which is technically not the droid 3 but the non CDMA version of it being deployed by Bell Canada (which should be easy enough to unlock for AT&T and T-Mobile)
dilwaala said:
They say it's the XT860 which is technically not the droid 3 but the non CDMA version of it being deployed by Bell Canada (which should be easy enough to unlock for AT&T and T-Mobile)
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Unless it's like the D2G, in which case it's locked from AT&T-Mobile.
Protip: call VZW Global Services and tell them you're going to India (no global plans over there - you have to either not use your phone or rack up a giant bill) and ask for the SIM unlock code. Account has to be in good standing and the device has to be on your line.
If you have 6 months of good standing you can just ask for an unlock with no reason given.
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If our bootloader is the same as atrix why has no one tried to use that same file to unlock it. It was just a bootloader file
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do we know for sure that the bootloader is the same? Cause if not that would be one fast way to a brick
I believe they are.
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You cant believe, you gotta know.
Well I see is it says ap fastboot in our bootloader mode. Can't we unlock it that way
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Dont flash I got ahold of a close friend who says it will brick
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papi92 said:
Dont flash I got ahold of a close friend who says it will brick
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Confirmed that flashing the sbf from the test units with the unlocked bootloaders leads to a brick
Wonder if it'd be possible to just flash a part of the test unit allowing an unlock? I haven't seen a public sbf for test or stock though and I have just a few days till the bar exam so I'm not realllly in the game right now. Hope to see root when I walk out of that rxam, be a great gift!
The bootloader is signed. If the key doesn't match what the phone looks for, you probably soft brick. Requring Fastboot or RSD to load the normal bootloader. It may also hard brick. We have had a number of users hard brick when fussing with the unlock.
The Droid 3 key and the Atrix AT&T signing keys are VERY likely different. I already looked at the Droid X2's signing keys, and they are different from the Atrix.
So how long before Motorola has to release the files, Android is opensource and they are required to release something, each OEM of course claims they have a different window and Moto seems to be the ones who drag their feet longest.
It usually takes Motorola 3-4 weeks to post their source in their dev section.
Good to know, then we are about half way there, that is IF moto holds true to releasing it around that time frame.
So i thought MOTO decided to unlock their new phones? Why is the 3 so F'N locked up???
Sorry MODS...i thought i was in general forum...could you please move?
I've got a dinc2 on the way for my wife and I'm really considering giving her my d3 and taking the dinc2. The really liking how sense 3.0 looks and the dinc2 just got unlocked and rooted.!
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suzook said:
Sorry MODS...i thought i was in general forum...could you please move?
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Haha, my heart skipped a few beats there when I read the title. Damn it
Moto shipped the D3 with a locked bootloader, but they will unlock later this year (supposedly).
Plus, per their quote from another Engadget article
We completely understand the operator requirement for security to the end user, and as well, want to support the developer communities desire to use these products as a development platform. It is our intention to enable the unlockable/relockable bootloader currently found on Motorola XOOM across our portfolio of devices starting in late 2011, where carriers and operators will allow it
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...starting in late 2011, where carriers and operators will allow it.
Motorola will make the first move with the bootloaders, then Verizon (or whoever else) will make theirs. Dunno how long between Motorola and us getting the unlock, but they can delay the process
Lol you got me there
Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk
For the love of God, change the OP title.
I feel a little left out in the dark. Droid 3 has been out longer and it seems there has been literally zero movement on it. Sucks living in an area with the only available carriers being Verizon and AT&T.
haproot said:
I feel a little left out in the dark. Droid 3 has been out longer and it seems there has been literally zero movement on it. Sucks living in an area with the only available carriers being Verizon and AT&T.
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It's a locked bootloader running 2.3.4 which is extremely tough to crack. Plus you add in the fact that every single known exploit is blocked, that's the development delay.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Moderators, please rename this thread, the subject is very misleading. OP doesn't seem to care.
Sent from my XT860 using Tapatalk
I doubt we'll see the bootloader unlocked. Look at HTC even. They've released their list of devices they'll be allowing the web-based unlock to happen with and it's over a dozen deep with not a single Verizon device on the list. It's Verizon that doesn't want us to have the unlock, not Motorola.
If Motorola really wanted us to have an unlock they would leak it. Maybe Googlorola will instead?
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Androidsims said:
If Motorola really wanted us to have an unlock they would leak it. Maybe Googlorola will instead?
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I prefer motoogle
elkay said:
I doubt we'll see the bootloader unlocked. Look at HTC even. They've released their list of devices they'll be allowing the web-based unlock to happen with and it's over a dozen deep with not a single Verizon device on the list. It's Verizon that doesn't want us to have the unlock, not Motorola.
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That sucks. I was worried that was the case and it most likely is. Anybody know if AT&T has anything that is unlockable? Its my only other choice for a carrier.
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Androidsims said:
If Motorola really wanted us to have an unlock they would leak it. Maybe Googlorola will instead?
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Motorola probably has a contract with Verizon that they will not unlock the phones without their permission first, which they would be breaching and surely be sued for if they simply just went ahead and did it.
haproot said:
That sucks. I was worried that was the case and it most likely is. Anybody know if AT&T has anything that is unlockable? Its my only other choice for a carrier.
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The Atrix bootloader can be unlocked. It might void some or all of your warranty, but it can be unlocked.
Please! Just got me for the second time.
leobg said:
Moderators, please rename this thread, the subject is very misleading. OP doesn't seem to care.
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dtdlurch said:
Please! Just got me for the second time.
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Try reading.. Only thing that needs to be changed is the exclamation point to a question mark and it couldn't get any clearer.
Now that our beloved overlords own our beloved hardware...what changes do you think may be in store?
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I hope unlocked bootloaders but somehow my feeling says nothing will happen at all
They keep insisting that they will run Motorola hands-off - but they did put a Google person in charge.
I suspect that they will try to get things running well and then try to either sell it off or roll it out as its own company. I think that all that they really wanted was the patents and perhaps Motorola's TV set-top box expertise for Google TV. I guess we'll see when we'll see.
My guess is that they have a contract with Verizon to keep the bootloaders locked for any device sold by Verizon. Again, I guess we'll see.
Maybe Google can show Motorola how to port ICS to a device with 512MB of RAM like they did with the Nexus S.
spunker88 said:
Maybe Google can show Motorola how to port ICS to a device with 512MB of RAM like they did with the Nexus S.
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jediman said:
Now that our beloved overlords own our beloved hardware...what changes do you think may be in store?
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You mean besides them rolling on the floor laughing at us?
Probably not much
Well sitting around today I figured I would e-mail samsung about the locked bootloader and how that would eventually kill off sales for those in the know on Modding, development and wanting ultimate control of there device. So I would suggest anyone who cares to should do the same. I think if we show them the love we have for Samsung devices as a community maybe they will rethink their strategy and start giving their fans what they want, and that is options, unlimited options to flash and mod the way we want. I mean heck isn't that what google released android for was to be open sourced. So please take time to send samsung an e-mail and voice your support to stop locking bootloaders and unlock our locked ones, cause we all know it's easier for them to do it and just pass it on to us than for a dev to do it and get nothing but thanks when I reality samsung should send him a check, but we know that won't happen.
UPDATE: Link to online petition below please sign and tell your friends. Also petition is linked to c.e.o. Randall Stephenson @ [email protected] so he will know of every signature we gain. So come on and let's try to get our device the freedom it and we deserve.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Samsung does not insist on locking the bootloaders. The carriers do. That's why both AT&T and Verizon bootloaders are lock, while Sprint and Tmobile and not. AT&T and Verizon's locked bootloaders have not dropped Samsung sales below that rival company, who leaves their bootloaders to be unlocked by the customer on that special webstite, whose sales of their top selling phone are fading based on what I am reading.
Did not know that. you would think samsung would be like "hey att don't do that people want access not restrictions" but like you said if the device is a top seller I guess on their end there is no reason to conform to what smaller groups of people like us think the state of the phone upon release should be. Well I'll send att an e-mail to might not do any good but I would like to try. Again if you support this send them(samsung, att, verizon, etc.) an e-mail and voice your response. Tell them we want freedom not a locked down p.o.s.
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GDofWR420 said:
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You must be new to this forum. They already have a petition for this, but maybe not to the CEO. It has not accomplished anything.
It received less than 500 signatures before there was any root, then once we finally got root, pretty much all support just stopped.
shortydoggg said:
You must be new to this forum. They already have a petition for this, but maybe not to the CEO. It's been going nowhere.
It received less than 500 signatures before there was any root, then once we finally got root, pretty much all support just stopped.
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Thanks for swift kick in the nuts pal. Lol. New to s5 forum not xda. Well I'm trying spent all day on this so please at least take five minutes to sign it. In the time it takes to post here that's another signature we could have. Even if nothing happens at least pledge to switch to a less b.s. carrier. If anything declining profit margins should have some effect, at least you'd think.
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I personally received a cease and desist letter for harassing the ceo's secretary about the locked bootloader on my LG g2. The bottom line is 5% or less modify their phones.1% will actually complain about it and I would bet less than 20% of that 1 percent would actually write a letter. Att doesn't care about the opinions of .20% of its customer base. The only way to get this to work is to unite across all devices with locked bootloader's on at&t.
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Intub8 said:
I personally received a cease and desist letter for harassing the ceo's secretary about the locked bootloader on my LG g2. The bottom line is 5% or less modify their phones.1% will actually complain about it and I would bet less than 20% of that 1 percent would actually write a letter. Att doesn't care about the opinions of .20% of its customer base. The only way to get this to work is to unite across all devices with locked bootloader's on at&t.
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So fight back. Sim unlock, switch carriers and stick it to the man. That's the only way I can think of getting our point across, falling short of waiting out your contract or paying ETF's(if u have good credit, I dont.lol). If I have to starting tomorrow I will reach out to other att customers with other models with Locked bootloaders. This needs to happen regardless what majority we are, we spent damn hard earned money for open source OS not a closed one and why should it be left up to someone here on xda or another dev site to unlock this mess.
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I do stick it to the man, the man keeps giving me free stuff. The last phone I bought was the LG g2. After a few weeks I had a bad pixel so they gave me a brand new note 3. A month after that I talked them into a free galaxy gear. When the boredom kicked in I got "the man" to take the note 3 back and send me a good flex. I sold the watch. In June I once again told them I wasn't happy with the flex so they told me to pick any phone I wanted, I chose this phone. Now it is aggravating and I probably wasted hours of my time harassing them but it pays off.
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Intub8 said:
I do stick it to the man, the man keeps giving me free stuff. The last phone I bought was the LG g2. After a few weeks I had a bad pixel so they gave me a brand new note 3. A month after that I talked them into a free galaxy gear. When the boredom kicked in I got "the man" to take the note 3 back and send me a good flex. I sold the watch. In June I once again told them I wasn't happy with the flex so they told me to pick any phone I wanted, I chose this phone. Now it is aggravating and I probably wasted hours of my time harassing them but it pays off.
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Love it. Take them for all you can cause they sure love to do it to us. Toss your John Hancock on it if you don't mind, I'm not going to admit defeat yet. Tomorrow I will look up att models with Locked bootloaders and try to reach out to their community for signatures.
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Who cares at this point. We have root
nbrent1007 said:
Who cares at this point. We have root
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OK smart ass. Get us a custom kernel.
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I signed it. Putting in my 2 cents worth; I was the 6th person to sign. And I don't even have an S5 yet, planning on getting one soon.
nbrent1007 said:
Who cares at this point. We have root
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Hey, that was mean, but not enough people are going to care. A lot of people are satisfied just being able to run rooted apps.
cmerlyn said:
I signed it. Putting in my 2 cents worth; I was the 6th person to sign. And I don't even have an S5 yet, planning on getting one soon.
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Thank you for your support
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shortydoggg said:
Hey, that was mean, but not enough people are going to care. A lot of people are satisfied just being able to run rooted apps.
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Gonna try. I want locked bootloaders gone for good if you can get one carrier to do it maybe it will be the norm, which I believe is what google intended.
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How you feel toward att? Me.........
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E-mail I just got from samsung tech support
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This is all on the AT&T end of things. If they could come to an agreement to have something similar to what HTC has where you go to their website and agree to void your warranty then the site unlocks it that would be great. We need to put pressure on AT&T for something like that as it would not cause them to lose money or their government contracts. But like someone stated earlier our demographic is so small that they don't care. Normal people just care that their phones work and can take good pictures. I can tell you that back when the Motorola atrix came out there was a petition to also unlock the bootloader it got tons of signatures and even the attention of Motorola and AT&T enough so that they issued a statement that they would provide a solution to the locked bootloader and guess what, the solution never came but we did get their attention so it is possible.
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drock212 said:
This is all on the AT&T end of things. If they could come to an agreement to have something similar to what HTC has where you go to their website and agree to void your warranty then the site unlocks it that would be great. We need to put pressure on AT&T for something like that as it would not cause them to lose money or their government contracts. But like someone stated earlier our demographic is so small that they don't care. Normal people just care that their phones work and can take good pictures. I can tell you that back when the Motorola atrix came out there was a petition to also unlock the bootloader it got tons of signatures and even the attention of Motorola and AT&T enough so that they issued a statement that they would provide a solution to the locked bootloader and guess what, the solution never came but we did get their attention so it is possible.
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Yea I'm kinda feeling the blues I come from a galaxy S4G from t-mobile they jacked up my bill so I jacked there phone. I quit paying for it ( the contract that is, bad credit here. can't wait for that financial system to crash) and did a network unlock and threw it on sprint prepaid. After that I learned what little I know about root, roms, and flashing. I've made a few themes for the S4G with u.o.t. but that's neither here nor there.
Now I move on and wouldn't you know the second smart phone I have ever had is locked down like a terrorist in Gitmo (I mean sheesh even they get light 1 hour a day).
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