I have a GT-P1000 that I am trying to connect to the Fido network's 3G/H 850/1900 without much success.
I am currently running the Overcome Stock Safe firmware and have gone through a number of modems trying to achieve the networks full potential.
So far all I can get is G/Edge.... would be KILLER to get it running on 3G/H!!!
I am curious if there any other Fido customers out there that have tried to get the Galaxy tab up and running on the Fido network.
Someone else was complaining about the same problem. I sent him through everything I could think of and it's a no-go. The euro tab doesn't like the North America 1900mhz 3g band.
Is it a firmware issue or modem issue? Or are you saying I have a TAB that is pretty much neutered in North America when it comes to 3G?
Thanks for the reply.
He flashed every modem - so it's the chip.
need help with my p1000 on at&t
sikstiks said:
I have a GT-P1000 that I am trying to connect to the Fido network's 3G/H 850/1900 without much success.
I am currently running the Overcome Stock Safe firmware and have gone through a number of modems trying to achieve the networks full potential.
So far all I can get is G/Edge.... would be KILLER to get it running on 3G/H!!!
I am curious if there any other Fido customers out there that have tried to get the Galaxy tab up and running on the Fido network.
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What are your APN values?
ecb5 said:
What are your APN values?
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I have tried both of these settings:
NAME: Fido Internet
APN: Internet.fido.ca
PORT: 8080
SERVER: (not set)
MMSC: http://mms.fido.ca
MMS PORT: (not set)
MCC: 302
MNC: 370
APN Type: Internet + mms
NAME: Fido Internet
APN: Internet.fido.ca
PROXY: (not set)
PORT: (not set)
SERVER: (not set)
MMSC: (not set)
MMS PROXY: (not set)
MMS PORT: (not set)
MCC: 302
MNC: 370
APN Type: Internet
Sorry i had forgotten about your problem.
I will look into my tab tonight and will let you know of my settings.
WHAT i remember is that i have 2 or 3 different apns
sikstiks said:
I have tried both of these settings:
NAME: Fido Internet
APN: Internet.fido.ca
PORT: 8080
SERVER: (not set)
MMSC: http://mms.fido.ca
MMS PORT: (not set)
MCC: 302
MNC: 370
APN Type: Internet + mms
NAME: Fido Internet
APN: Internet.fido.ca
PROXY: (not set)
PORT: (not set)
SERVER: (not set)
MMSC: (not set)
MMS PROXY: (not set)
MMS PORT: (not set)
MCC: 302
MNC: 370
APN Type: Internet
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i have one for general, one for internet and one for tethering.
NAME: Fido Default
APN: fido-core-appl1.apn
MMSC: http://mms.fido.ca
MCC: 302
MNC: 370
AUTHENTICATION TYPE: default,supl,mms
APN Type: Internet + mms
apn protocol: IPv4
NAME: Fido Internet
APN: Internet.fido.ca
PROXY: (not set)
PORT: (not set)
SERVER: (not set)
MMSC: (not set)
MMS PROXY: (not set)
MMS PORT: (not set)
MCC: 302
MNC: 370
APN Type: default,supl
apn protocol: IPv4
its the first one that is choosed between the three.
Hope this helps
Thank you very much,
It has not made a difference unfortunately... but still digging for a solution.
Much appreciated.
ecb5 said:
Sorry i had forgotten about your problem.
I will look into my tab tonight and will let you know of my settings.
WHAT i remember is that i have 2 or 3 different apns
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May I ask which modem you are using?
sikstiks said:
May I ask which modem you are using?
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i can't remember how to check that info... the dial pad?
Thank you
I am very happy to post that I have resolved my issue regarding the lack of connectivity in my region.
It was in fact a modem issue.
I found the solution on this page
I followed the instructions on that thread to test the modem under the ROM prescribed there... it worked on all available bands in my region, and proceeded to use just the modem along with the overcome ROM, and again success.
I am attaching the modem for any other Canadian Fido users encountering this problem. Hope it I can pay it forward.
Thank you again for all you help.
Great support structure here at XDA!!
That's the recommended modem for North America, included in the Team Overcome download. Your baseband will say i9000JK3.
How did you miss that modem when you flashed all the modems in the stickie?
That is the kicker,
I did in fact try the JK3 modem that came with the Overcome download, and it did not function. At all.
I am/was left wondering this myself.
This modem specifically, this time... after going through the process of reverting back to 2.2 from the url in my post...
I, in no way claim to understand why. LOL!!
Just thanking for all the great help.
rangercaptain said:
Your baseband will say i9000JK3.
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The baseband reads:
That's funny. Now if I could remember where I left the car keys . . .
sikstiks said:
I am very happy to post that I have resolved my issue regarding the lack of connectivity in my region.
It was in fact a modem issue.
I found the solution on this page
I followed the instructions on that thread to test the modem under the ROM prescribed there... it worked on all available bands in my region, and proceeded to use just the modem along with the overcome ROM, and again success.
I am attaching the modem for any other Canadian Fido users encountering this problem. Hope it I can pay it forward.
Thank you again for all you help.
Great support structure here at XDA!!
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Sorry i couldn't help you more...but glad it is resolved.
Hey guys (and girls), since my first question was answered so well here I am back for more of your knowledge
Ok, so I have the Call, Text, and Click plan from Rogers that allows me to have unlimited mobile internet access. The only problem is I can not access it. I have tried every Rogers APN I can find on the internet and all of them make the E logo appear and even make the arrows flash every once in a while as if it is trying to access but it fails every time. Here is a list of the APNs I have tried in case there is one I have missed:
Name: Rogers
APN: rogers-core-appl1.apn
MMSC: http://mms.gprs.rogers.com
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port: 80
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
Name: Rogers
APN: rogers-core-appl1.apn
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
Name: Rogers
APN: internet.com
Username: wapuser1
Password: wap
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
Name: Rogers
APN: internet.com
Username: guest
Password: guest
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
Name: Rogers
APN: internet.com
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
By the way I have an unlocked T-Mobile G1 and I have tried turning data roaming on and off with no luck.
Can anyone help me? Is anyone else at least having the same problem?
Well there's the problem..
Crysanna of IntoMobile said:
Unlimited on device browsing is not compatible with the iPhone. It is only available for WAP browsing on specific websites (websites specifically designed for mobile phones and available through the Rogers (NYSE: RCI) portal). Since the iPhone uses regular HTTP Internet (like you see whenever you use a computer) and not WAP, the unlimited browsing will not work...
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So I know it says iPhone but it also tells how the unlimited browsing is WAP which the G1 does not use.. So I basically wasted $20 this month on something I can't even use. That's nice.. Damn Rogers should have said something..
So I am confused now. I used these settings I just screwing around on google cause I have nothing better to do at 11pm on a thursday night:
Name: Rogers
APN: internet.com
Username: wapuser1
Password: wap
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
Port: 9201
APN Type: Wap
And now I get internet.. What?
After about 15 minutes of excitement and the ability to finally browse the internet on my G1 sans-wifi, it has stopped working..
So I am slowly realizing that I am the only person with this problem and it seems like I am gonna have to fix this myself. Well I will keep posting just in case I get a fix and someone else wants to know how its done.
My Captivate can read the SIM Card, but I can't connect to the AT&T service.
I go to Settings > Wireless & Network > Mobile Netoworks > Network Operators > And select AT&T, but it says "Your SIM card does not allow a connection to this network."
On Perception 9.5, When I do the same thing, It says "Unable to connect. Try again later."
I flashed other ROMs and they all do the same thing.
Are you using an AT&T sim that has a data plan enabled?
ua549 said:
Are you using an AT&T sim that has a data plan enabled?
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Yep. 3G, Calling and SMS was all working before.
Have you manually checked the apn settings?
newter55 said:
Have you manually checked the apn settings?
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APN: wap.cingular
Proxy: wireless.cingular.com
Port: 80
User name: Not set
Password: Not set
Server: Not set
MMSC: http://mmsc.cingular.com
MMS proxy: wireless.cingular.com
MMS port: 80
MCC: 310
MNC 410
Authentication type: None
APN type: Internet + SMS
Rikusaki said:
APN: wap.cingular
Proxy: wireless.cingular.com
Port: 80
User name: Not set
Password: Not set
Server: Not set
MMSC: http://mmsc.cingular.com
MMS proxy: wireless.cingular.com
MMS port: 80
MCC: 310
MNC 410
Authentication type: None
APN type: Internet + SMS
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Did you flash a new rom recently? Maybe the modem isn't playing nice.
If nothing else, go get a new sim from the local store and see if that fixes it.
DarrellRaines said:
Did you flash a new rom recently? Maybe the modem isn't playing nice.
If nothing else, go get a new sim from the local store and see if that fixes it.
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Yeah, I flashed multiple roms (Perception, Doc's, Darky, GingerClone...). They all do the same thing.
I guess I will just head over to AT&T and get a new SIM.
While traveling overseas in Malaysia I bought a pay-as-you-go SIM card and got phone and 3G service for a week. Worked great!
Now that I'm back in the states I have no 3G service with AT&T.
What do I have to do to get my phone back to 3G service? I can call and text just fine. Wifi is fine too.
I've looked for a FAQ please point me to one if it exists.
I'm running Cognition 3.02. Probably more info is needed. If so please let me know.
Did some reading on the site and found: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=943937
My WAP info had been cleared. Added:
APN: wap.cingular
Proxy: wireless.cingular.com
Port: 80
User name: Not Set
Password: Not Set
Server: Not Set
MMSC: http://mmsc.cingular.com
MMS proxy: wireless.cingular.com
MMS port 80
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Authentication type: None
APN type: internet + mms
May not be optimum settings but it does work.
I just flashed Overcome 3.1 on the my ATT Galaxy Tab 7. The rom is super smooth. Everything appeared to go flawlessly however once completed I was unable to establish a proper data connection.
Its shows 4 bars and says connected to ATT as the "Network" under the Status menu. However the "Mobile Network State" is listed as disconnected.
If I go into the Mobile Network Settings. Under Network Operators ATT is listed under Auto Connect and if I rescan it accepts the choice and then says Registered on Network.
I cannot browse the internet. I called ATT and they were able to send me a SMS so there is some sort of connection. We could not troubleshoot any further as there systems are down.
I did a vanilla Overcome Install. Is there a post install step that I need to do? I seem to remember a similar issue with my Dell Streak that involved modifying my APN settings. Here are the APN settings for the device. (these are the Overcome defaults i believe)
Name: ATT
APN: wap.cingular
Proxy: leave blank
Port: leave blank
User name: [email protected]
Password: blank
Sever: leave blank (Will read: <not set>)
MMSC: http://mmsc.cingular.com
MMS proxy: wireless.cingular.com
MMS port: 80
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Authentication type: none
APN type: internet+mms
I read this on this forum somewhere, and has always worked for me when reflashing. This is ONLY for the Pay as You Go data service to my knowledge. Your mileage may vary.
I changed my APN to the following EXACTLY:
Name: Broadband
APN: Broadband
Proxy: leave blank
Port: leave blank
User name: blank
Password: blank
Sever: leave blank (Will read: <not set>)
MMSC: not set (delete whats in here)
MMS proxy: not set (delete whats in here)
MMS port: not set (delete whats in here)
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Authentication type: none
APN type: internet
I always get a connection this way. No MMS, but I don't use it anyway, that's what my phone is for.
The "broadband" apn is only for the sim card that came with a stock at&t tab, and not for the sim cards we all took from other phones.
For the former phone sim cards, wap.cingular or isp.cingular apn's.
The setting should be to "auto".
You didn't mention your modem - baseband.
rangercaptain said:
You didn't mention your modem - baseband.
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Baseband: I9000UGJK3
Modem: I am not sure how to verify this on the device (Im an n00b). I did follow the wonderful guide on Team Overcome and it recommended using "JK3 Modem" During the install. I would assume this is what I am using. How can I verify this?
PS. I wapped in my phone SIM card and everything works just fine. I can even make phone calls!
Droid2Froyo said:
I read this on this forum somewhere, and has always worked for me when reflashing. This is ONLY for the Pay as You Go data service to my knowledge. Your mileage may vary.
I changed my APN to the following EXACTLY:
Name: Broadband
APN: Broadband
Proxy: leave blank
Port: leave blank
User name: blank
Password: blank
Sever: leave blank (Will read: <not set>)
MMSC: not set (delete whats in here)
MMS proxy: not set (delete whats in here)
MMS port: not set (delete whats in here)
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Authentication type: none
APN type: internet
I always get a connection this way. No MMS, but I don't use it anyway, that's what my phone is for.
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This did the trick! I used these settings with the replacement SIM card they gave me at the ATT store...
Good job. The baseband is the modem, so you are using JK3 - that's the best choice for you.
Downloading the AT&T Widget seemed to of helped: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=898688
My 4G LTE data connection wont work and if its a problem with my APN Settings I want to find out the correct settings. I have AT&T and I'm in a LTE area.
tapout1382 said:
My 4G LTE data connection wont work and if its a problem with my APN Settings I want to find out the correct settings. I have AT&T and I'm in a LTE area.
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Surely at&t has the settings written on there website some where. Search there. Otherwise call them or the store witch you got it from.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Premium HD app
tapout1382 said:
My 4G LTE data connection wont work and if its a problem with my APN Settings I want to find out the correct settings. I have AT&T and I'm in a LTE area.
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it tryed If you have 3G Code:
Name: Cingular 410
APN: wap.cingular
Proxy: Blank
Port: Blank
Username: [email protected]
Password: CINGULAR1
Server: cingulargprs.com
MMSC: http://mms.cingular.com
MMS Proxy: wireless.cingular.com
MMS Port: Blank
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Authentication type: Blank
APN Type: default,supl,mms
APN protocol: leave as is
Bearer: leave as is
If you have 4G Code:
Name: AT&T HSPA+
APN: phone
Proxy: Blank
Port: Blank
Username: blank
Password: blank
Server: blank
MMSC: http://mmsc.mobile.att.net
MMS Proxy: proxy.mobile.att.net
MMS Port: 80
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Authentication type: Blank
APN Type: default,supl,mms,hipri
APN protocol: leave as is
Bearer: leave as is
I have similar problems using Telstra in Australia. The phone just don't want to go into LTE mode. I am using Wanam ROM if that has anything to do with it.