[Q] cos-ds on G1 - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have been using the latest cos-ds rom 2.3.4 on my G1 (rooted) it was working good then I was messing in rom manager and it installed (after backing up my old system) a rom from ROM MANAGER (free version) i think it was ginger yoshi. it never booted the D/l rom just a G1 loop at startup. now i have my phone restored and i keep getting the error com.android.phone and the force close button and i have no cell service. here is what i can manage to get info wise.
under about phone:
model # cos-ds
android version 2.3.4
Baseband version: Unknown
Kernel Version:
Mod Version: cos-ds-07182011
Build #: grj22
The phone wont let me enter Mobile Networks button under wireless ands network. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Same answer as the other post:

lol ^^ same problem twice in a row??

ldrifta said:
lol ^^ same problem twice in a row??
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Yea! At least to my understanding from their post. At first I thought it was a double post. But the poster was different. LOL!

haha i just had a problem yesterday just like it too... well kinda.. lol flashed cwm for a second to see if my rom showed up on rom manager, than my dog knocked my phone off table and knocked the sd card loose so my phone freaked out on me..
i couldn't figure out how to repair ext on cwm so i stupidly flashed amonra.zip (via recovery) on top of it without wiping... so now i couldn't use recovery lol had to flash orange.nbh in order to flash new recovery via fastboot, than upgraded back to 28.25 so easily lol so i live fastboot now
sorry for the long story but who knows it might help this guy out lol

congrats that you finally could find out the advantages of fastboot ...
Sent from my Gingerbread on Dream using XDA App

well i got it fixed. i used 3 different nandroid backups i had 1 on sd and 2 others on pc, they would restore the phone but still no radio. i found out when i upgraded to green rom it killed the radio for cell service. what i ended up doing was flashing back to RC29 via fastboot and then just rerooted and installed cos-ds again. kinda sucked being on android 1.0 again forgot how stripped it was of features. thanks for the help guys


Need Rom Help Please

ok so its been a long time sense I upgraded ROM's and Firmware (Nov 22,2009). here is what i'm running on a HTC Dream (G1)
Firmware Version: 1.6
Baseband Version: 62.50s.20.17u_2.22.19.26I
Kernel version: shade (at) toxygene <----(at) = at sign but the forum wont let me post it as i am a new member
Mod Version: CyanogenMod-
build number: DRC83
and a fancier boot loader, but don't know which one it is
8Gb SD Card (1GB ext2/512Mb swap/ rest fat32)
I keep getting a.core process force close but just live with it
I no longer see ROMs by Cyangon or Jesus Freak so what ROM should i jump to next? i would still like 5 screen and the power control widget. once I upgraded to what I have I lost the multi touch zoom
please try to keep the flaming to a min.
thanks in advance
you evidently haven't looked on the second page of dev forum... Cyan's up to Eclair 2.1 already...
Just search.... then read.... I like to start at the top of the page somewhere around a sticky
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Trial&error said:
ok so its been a long time sense I upgraded ROM's and Firmware (Nov 22,2009). here is what i'm running on a HTC Dream (G1)
Firmware Version: 1.6
Baseband Version: 62.50s.20.17u_2.22.19.26I
Kernel version: shade (at) toxygene <----(at) = at sign but the forum wont let me post it as i am a new member
Mod Version: CyanogenMod-
build number: DRC83
and a fancier boot loader, but don't know which one it is
8Gb SD Card (1GB ext2/512Mb swap/ rest fat32)
I keep getting a.core process force close but just live with it
I no longer see ROMs by Cyangon or Jesus Freak so what ROM should i jump to next? i would still like 5 screen and the power control widget. once I upgraded to what I have I lost the multi touch zoom
please try to keep the flaming to a min.
thanks in advance
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Try this out but read the op first.
In Christ
Trial&error said:
ok so its been a long time sense I upgraded ROM's and Firmware (Nov 22,2009). here is what i'm running on a HTC Dream (G1)
Firmware Version: 1.6
Baseband Version: 62.50s.20.17u_2.22.19.26I
Kernel version: shade (at) toxygene <----(at) = at sign but the forum wont let me post it as i am a new member
Mod Version: CyanogenMod-
build number: DRC83
and a fancier boot loader, but don't know which one it is
8Gb SD Card (1GB ext2/512Mb swap/ rest fat32)
I keep getting a.core process force close but just live with it
I no longer see ROMs by Cyangon or Jesus Freak so what ROM should i jump to next? i would still like 5 screen and the power control widget. once I upgraded to what I have I lost the multi touch zoom
please try to keep the flaming to a min.
thanks in advance
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Also, The latest recovery and info on updating it.
Does anyone else find it deliciously ironic that a guy called "Trial&error" is asking what to do next, instead of finding the best thing for him by a process of trial and error?
Super Jamie said:
Does anyone else find it deliciously ironic that a guy called "Trial&error" is asking what to do next, instead of finding the best thing for him by a process of trial and error?
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well i dont want another bricked G1
i have the cyanogenMOD v1.4 + JF boot recovery image
my G1 is rooted if i didn't mention that earlier
so if i understand everything correctly i need to:
1) radio update [G1-radio-2_22_23_02.zip]
Fair enough about the brick. Most of the newer ROM specify what has come to be known as the "death SPL" which if the proper steps are not taken and the proper hardware is not owned, can produce such a paper weight.
Anyway, SuperE hands down IMO if you want Eclair (2.1) or SuperD (if ya wanna stick to Donut/1.6). Also, there are several posts detailing how to shrink a ROM to try and avoid the possible brick from SPL updates. Just look around in the development section; its ALL there...
Good luck!
Trial&error said:
well i dont want another bricked G1
i have the cyanogenMOD v1.4 + JF boot recovery image
my G1 is rooted if i didn't mention that earlier
so if i understand everything correctly i need to:
1) radio update [G1-radio-2_22_23_02.zip]
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I followed the instructions here :
This is what I did :
My radio was already OK so I
copied the SPL, ROM, Gapps to the root of my card,
did a Nandroid backup,
wiped my card,
flashed the SPL, rebooted, finished the SPL install,
Installed ROM and Gapps, rebooted
I then booted into recovery and restored the Nandroid and then flashed the new ROM again as the Nandroid restores it to CM 4.whatever it was.
Seems a lot of farting about but it worked. I had to reinstall a few of my apps but most of them worked straight off. One thing - I had to enable Apps2SD again but everythings fine after I did that.
Hope this works....
1) radio update G1-radio-2_22_23_02.zip
i didnt do a reboot between the SPL and CM5.7....no its just stuck at the G! screen
so i rebooted into recovery reflashed the slp
flashed CM5.0.7-SD
then Gapp
now its at a fancy animation screen.....
who long should this take?
nevermind its booted
now if i can only remember my google login and password

How to remove kernel?

Short story:
I'm bringing in my device (a Samsung Captivate i896) to get replaced at a Rogers store. However, I had installed a kernel (I think, I'm still new to this and I'm not sure which one it was) that flashes (i9000 Samsung Galaxy S) on the startup splash screen. How do I remove this from my startup screen so my device isn't voided?
Long story:
My phone dialler has, literally, just stopped working on me. When I dial out I hear no connecting tone, the other person's voice nor can they hear mine. I also can't receive calls. The only way my phone works is if I put it on speaker function (then I can hear everything) but the second I uncheck the speaker function, BAM the device dies on me. I'm trying to get it replaced.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Go back to a stock rom.
vbetts said:
Go back to a stock rom.
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Can you give me instructions how to do that? I'm still really new to Android so I am quite lost. Thanks!
NewbDroid said:
Short story:
I'm bringing in my device (a Samsung Captivate i896) to get replaced at a Rogers store. However, I had installed a kernel (I think, I'm still new to this and I'm not sure which one it was) that flashes (i9000 Samsung Galaxy S) on the startup splash screen. How do I remove this from my startup screen so my device isn't voided?
Long story:
My phone dialler has, literally, just stopped working on me. When I dial out I hear no connecting tone, the other person's voice nor can they hear mine. I also can't receive calls. The only way my phone works is if I put it on speaker function (then I can hear everything) but the second I uncheck the speaker function, BAM the device dies on me. I'm trying to get it replaced.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
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HAHAHAHA!!! DUDE i did this last night!!!! flashed a cw comatible kernel and my phone no longer recoginzed a sim was installed anymore! i lied my ass off and got it replaced because i forgot to backup first and NEEDED my phone that night. couldnt play forever...
So... any idea where we screwed up? besides not backing up? is the usa att kernels not compatible with canadian sims?
Nope, not compatible at all. Once it says AT&T on the startup screen you're totally screwed since the phone will not recognize your SIM anymore (it thinks you're in the States).
How did you manage to get it replaced? What did you tell them? I'm pretty stuck...
I told them that my phone was eracing my music files on the internal sim card. then it locked up well I was transferring files and wasn't able to make calls anymore...
with my new phone I flashed the phoenix 4.1 rom which has a new kernel, and everything is great. Pm me for advice and back up files
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
SGH i896 Captivate Rogers Canada Stock Flash Resources 2.1 2.2 froyo odin cwrecovery
heres the help you need:
some starter info:
Rogers 2.1 stock rom
Rogers 2.2 stock roms
alternate download
some info if you have installed 2.2 and now have e3 recovery and are having trouble installing update.zip's, where it "fails verification check" everytime
teach a man to fish...
Moved to Captivate Q&A
also, after my first experience, ive done everything possible WITHOUT odin. it took me forever to realize there is an Odin3 and an Odin 1step. have trouble finding info on how to use odin3.
so i use rom manager with clockwork mod (read the e3 link) or custom roms that have clockwork recovery in their kernel. Steam recovery kernels look good too.
Firebird 2.04 Kernel + Phoenix 4.1
Anyone know if the Firebird 2.04 Kernel works well with Phoenix 4.1? Can I use Clockwork to flash Firebird 2.04 Kernel to Phoenix 4.1? Thanks.
Ashyford said:
Anyone know if the Firebird 2.04 Kernel works well with Phoenix 4.1? Can I use Clockwork to flash Firebird 2.04 Kernel to Phoenix 4.1? Thanks.
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wrong thread dude.. try the phoenix thread or the firebird thread.. are you a canadian captivate too? i896 not i897 ?? something tells me that you shouldnt be flashing your phone....
Trusselo said:
HAHAHAHA!!! DUDE i did this last night!!!! flashed a cw comatible kernel and my phone no longer recoginzed a sim was installed anymore! i lied my ass off and got it replaced because i forgot to backup first and NEEDED my phone that night. couldnt play forever...
So... any idea where we screwed up? besides not backing up? is the usa att kernels not compatible with canadian sims?
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What did you guys do? I have been flashing ROMS like crazy and my Rogers sim is recognized.
I have changed kernels, roms and modems with no issue.
well im good now but with my first captivate i flashed a "cwcompatible" kernel with ODIN 3 into the *Phone* box. after that, couldnt make calls, and couldnt get into APN settings because it was telling me there was no SIM installed. i was too new and didnt backup properly.
Now i dont use ODIN and dont have problems. still not sure what i did wrong.
been extra careful ever since tho.
Trusselo said:
well im good now but with my first captivate i flashed a "cwcompatible" kernel with ODIN 3 into the *Phone* box. after that, couldnt make calls, and couldnt get into APN settings because it was telling me there was no SIM installed. i was too new and didnt backup properly.
Now i dont use ODIN and dont have problems. still not sure what i did wrong.
been extra careful ever since tho.
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What you did wrong was use a CWcompatible kernal in ODIN.
The flash files go into the PDA section.
ah just figured out what i did.. and you helped. the kernel i had was for odin, from what i remember but it was going to flash a kernel that had cw in it. i was having trouble doing update.zip method because of e3 recovery.
I just opened oden for the first time since that day, and realized i confused PDA with PIT which i knew took a differnt type of file, and went with the next box that took tar... PHONE... my dumb mistake.
Trusselo said:
ah just figured out what i did.. and you helped. the kernel i had was for odin, from what i remember but it was going to flash a kernel that had cw in it. i was having trouble doing update.zip method because of e3 recovery.
I just opened oden for the first time since that day, and realized i confused PDA with PIT which i knew took a differnt type of file, and went with the next box that took tar... PHONE... my dumb mistake.
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Glad I could help
The problem when I had AT&T running on my phone (instead of Rogers) is that there's no sideloading, hence, I was unable to enter download mode at all to put the Rogers ROM back on it. Therefore = screwed.
past tense? did you fix it? replace it? and you can always clockwork recovery flash anything.
shawn122 said:
What did you guys do? I have been flashing ROMS like crazy and my Rogers sim is recognized.
I have changed kernels, roms and modems with no issue.
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Same been flashing a few roms, even base on ATT..
Using a Fido sim card..
And it works fine

Really need help please. From 2.3.4 to Slim ICS

Thought I wasnt such a noob but appearantly I am.
Went from stock 2.1 on Captivate to Serendipity 5.x then later to 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 No hickups, havn't messed with it since. Finally decided to upgrade to slim ICS.
after a ton of hickups, finally got CM7 on the phone just to get stuck in a bootloop. Tried wipes (Dalvik, system, cache) as recommended on forums and got stuck on splashscreen. After trying tons of stuff ended up with stock 2.3.4. , which is now rooted. and after scouring the forums have no idea where to go from here.
I tried Rom Manager & RM Premium (I selected i9000 as I am guessing that is the corrrect one for captivate) to get CWM but the CWM flash install failed, so I just refunded it
Where am I now?
Rooted stock 2.3.4.
Kernel ver.-
Build Number- Gingerbread.UCKH3
Odin won't see my phone
I have no CWM Recovery (looks like stock samsung recovery)
Where should I go from here?
bimbim18 said:
Thought I wasnt such a noob but appearantly I am.
Went from stock 2.1 on Captivate to Serendipity 5.x then later to 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 No hickups, havn't messed with it since. Finally decided to upgrade to slim ICS.
after a ton of hickups, finally got CM7 on the phone just to get stuck in a bootloop. Tried wipes (Dalvik, system, cache) as recommended on forums and got stuck on splashscreen. After trying tons of stuff ended up with stock 2.3.4. , which is now rooted. and after scouring the forums have no idea where to go from here.
I tried Rom Manager & RM Premium (I selected i9000 as I am guessing that is the corrrect one for captivate) to get CWM but the CWM flash install failed, so I just refunded it
Where am I now?
Rooted stock 2.3.4.
Kernel ver.-
Build Number- Gingerbread.UCKH3
Odin won't see my phone
I have no CWM Recovery (looks like stock samsung recovery)
Where should I go from here?
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try to install drivers again and first open odin after that connect device then odin will recognize the device
Im about to try ICS on my cappy. Im on GB 2.3.5. I will try slim or Turk's V5. However, if I dont like it, would a simple one click ODIN bring me back to GB easily? or is there more to it (because of kernals, or do a double flashing, etc etc)
dhlalit11 said:
try to install drivers again and first open odin after that connect device then odin will recognize the device
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I'll try that, to get CWM , just a flash of Boog's KH3 should work correct?
bimbim18 said:
Odin won't see my phone
I have no CWM Recovery (looks like stock samsung recovery)
Where should I go from here?
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Depending on how you ended up at 2.3.4, you may need different drivers in order for Odin to see your phone.
I used Heimdall after an unsuccessful update from Slim 2.7 to 2.8 and had to use Heimdall to get out of a similar bootloop. It left me without CWM and a computer that cannot detect my phone.
Since Heimdall worked but I knew I needed CWM, I found a Heimdall package from Apex that contained CWM (post #3, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1300843).
Not sure this address your needs but hopefully it will help
captican said:
Depending on how you ended up at 2.3.4, you may need different drivers in order for Odin to see your phone.
I used Heimdall after an unsuccessful update from Slim 2.7 to 2.8 and had to use Heimdall to get out of a similar bootloop. It left me without CWM and a computer that cannot detect my phone.
Since Heimdall worked but I knew I needed CWM, I found a Heimdall package from Apex that contained CWM (post #3, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1300843).
Not sure this address your needs but hopefully it will help
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actually I think Heimdall was what actually got my phone working again, I'll go with that. thanks. what driver did you end up using if you remember? I probably need the same one
bimbim18 said:
actually I think Heimdall was what actually got my phone working again, I'll go with that. thanks. what driver did you end up using if you remember? I probably need the same one
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This is where I found it:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=18370912&postcount=3
Once you open the package, it flashes the ROM the first time through and then gives you the option of flashing gingerbread bootloaders on a second flash. I did not flash bootloaders since I was already on gb. The ROM itself, Apex 12.4, is actually pretty good.
Based on my experiences recently, ending the bootloop, solving a softbrick, and upgrading to CWM (thanks AdamOutler!, I actually am less nervous about using Heimdall than I am Odin but it just does not seem to be as popular as Odin. The major drawback of Heimdall is the different drivers.
Good luck.
OMG i got the biggest scare, after attempting to flash the kernel it got stuck in the 'establishing connection' stage. After 30 mins I pulled the plug to make another attempt. I got a screen I have never seen before:
had a computer and a phone pic with big yellow letters:
"Upgrade attempt Failed. Try recovery mode"
no problem. Hold volume buttons, power on.... same screen. 3 times same thing. OK no problem lets try download mode, same thing. After some googling I finally found a similar poster that basically said the screen actually serves AS a download mode, and that he tried 6 times before the flash took. I got mine after 3 more attempts.
Tried to flash slimICS from there, failed and aborted..
So, from here I guess it is mandatory to flash CM7? or do i have to go to 2.3.5 first?
bimbim18 said:
OMG i got the biggest scare, after attempting to flash the kernel it got stuck in the 'establishing connection' stage. After 30 mins I pulled the plug to make another attempt. I got a screen I have never seen before:
had a computer and a phone pic with big yellow letters:
"Upgrade attempt Failed. Try recovery mode"
no problem. Hold volume buttons, power on.... same screen. 3 times same thing. OK no problem lets try download mode, same thing. After some googling I finally found a similar poster that basically said the screen actually serves AS a download mode, and that he tried 6 times before the flash took. I got mine after 3 more attempts.
Tried to flash slimICS from there, failed and aborted..
So, from here I guess it is mandatory to flash CM7? or do i have to go to 2.3.5 first?
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I cannot answer that question about needing CM7 or 2.3.5.
I know that I went to Slim ICS from Fusion ICS without any problems. The procedure for Fusion seemed tailored to their ROM (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1233979). I remember being a little nervous about "pull battery at android and triangle screen..." but it worked out fine.
I have to decide whether or not to go the Fusion route or this way (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=22335637&postcount=10).
OK, I finally got it installed, OMG it's amazing ^^
To answer my own questions for anyone else it may help.
No, you don't need to go to 2.3.5. I just went to CM7 (build 16) and that gave me the rest of the updates I needed to jump to slim ICS 2.8
Thank you for all your help !
..now to spend the next week going through settings lol
bimbim18 said:
OK, I finally got it installed, OMG it's amazing ^^
To answer my own questions for anyone else it may help.
No, you don't need to go to 2.3.5. I just went to CM7 (build 16) and that gave me the rest of the updates I needed to jump to slim ICS 2.8
Thank you for all your help !
..now to spend the next week going through settings lol
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Just wait until you discover the addiction of trying a new ROM. Because it "might"be better, or faster, or have cool options or themes... ...... ..... aaaaahhhhh I needed help!!
Sent from my GT-I897 using xda premium
shaker2k said:
Just wait until you discover the addiction of trying a new ROM. Because it "might"be better, or faster, or have cool options or themes... ...... ..... aaaaahhhhh I needed help!!
Sent from my GT-I897 using xda premium
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I am not the one who has a problem with this. My wife, on the other hand...
bimbim18 said:
OK, I finally got it installed, OMG it's amazing ^^
To answer my own questions for anyone else it may help.
No, you don't need to go to 2.3.5. I just went to CM7 (build 16) and that gave me the rest of the updates I needed to jump to slim ICS 2.8
Thank you for all your help !
..now to spend the next week going through settings lol
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If you had read my instructions, would hav e been simpler. It said, coming from GB rom, flash TeamHacksung build 16, then mine. done.

Help! Just a bit confused !!???s

Hey folks new to this house and it seems like you folks know what you are doing. Big thanks to the developers of the Paranoid (2) devs. and all of the support peeps out there through the post. Read through themes and roms section but I not seeing answers to my confusion. Looking for some help understanding the features described above and how to get the most out of it..very cool though..just would like to know how to really put it to the test! I was able to get this far from the original FW to gingerbreak, to ICS to Paranoid based on the threads her and I appreciate it much folks..now I seem to be at a brick wall..need help trying to figure this out. I appreciate that the phone isn;t the latest thing on the market but it what I have right now. Would appreciate any and all help just trying to get a grip on this puppy! Thanks Smitty
Oh, every time I see something that looks like it should work on my phone besides not knowing how to install..LOL why does it come up Nexus! Are they similar phones or something!! Thanks again
What's on the phone as of now!
Samsung captivate SGH I897
Android Ver. 4.11
Baseband 19000XXJVU
Kernal: 3.0-.31-01749-gf84bc96
Cyanogen Mod: 10.0.0-RCO-capitvatemid
Paranoid Ver. 2.16
Build# pa-capativate-userdebug 4.1.1 JR003R eng.
Now my question is I want to load on different roms to the phone and be able to go back and forth between these ROMS as I like. I have attempted to use Goo Manager ..that was loaded when I installed Pananooid Ver. 2.16. When I boot into recovery it states that mt recovery ver. is : CWM-based Recovery v.
I was trying to load some of the roms that are a part of the Paranoid install and I when I choose from one of these options:
Browse compatiable rom
Browse all files
check for updates..(says there are no updates)
Download gapps packages
Root recovery
flash roms
Copatiable roms:
If I choose any of them you get another list and then another list..it says:
EX: aokp_captivatemid_jb_build-4.zip..just one example ..there are many listed below that as well for each of the roms listed above.
Then I see the file name as above and below that : Begin download and then below that Download Gapps..how do I know which one to download?
Under browse all files :
stock/stock..choose the first one and get a list of all these different names ..such as adhvanit/devs/advanit..in these cases are these all the groups who produce ROMS?
I also attempted to use ROM Manager( no clue) and it kept saying that I must have clockwork-recovery installed in order to flash a rom..I choose yes and it say I don't have it..but on my phone it says I have as listed above for the phone and what is on it: CWM-based Recovery v. ..is this not what they are asking for..or is it that it is looking for one that is not CWM "based" but the really official ver. of CWM Recovery.
What I am looking for is an explanation of what I can now do with this phone the way it is and also how to load ROMS of different kinds that stay on my phone and how I go back and forth from one to another with ease. Additionally, how to put different themes on the phone and any other tricks that can trick the phone out. My bro and sister all went out and purchased new Galaxy S3 phones..I am keeping mine and want to "trick" it out as much as possible to" one up them"
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated folks..thanks in adv.!! Smitty
Thanks for the hlp bobbylx and TRusselo
Thanks bobbylx and TRusselo.....wanted folks to know that these bros. helped without hesitation and didn't give me a lot of BS when I had this emergency! I didn't get it fixed yet but they lent a hand and gave me some incentive and FYI..has a noob that means a lot to me! Thanks guys!!!! Smitty!!:laugh::victory: almost!!!
I no longer have the captivate so I'm not current on everything that's going on. If you can get into download mode I would find one of the stock roms that can be flashed via Odin and start over.
You'll have better luck post this in the QA section for captivate. Good luck,
Originally Posted by thinkpolitics
Read your post and before I did anything I was able to get my AT&T Samsung captivate to show the little lime green guy digging says downloading ..do not turn off target..what do I do know though. I was running Panranoid 2 which was running fine and cym 10..attempted to switch to Lanight 6.55 datadata and that installed well too..decided I liked the other better and had a backup and went to restore seemed all to work well..but I didn't go and wipe everyhting before I went to restore..perhaps that is why I am having this problem. If you can tell me what to know that I have the download mode up would greatly appreciate it..thanks! Smitty
ROM: Who knows?
Re: Re: Captivate with download icon visible
Originally Posted by thinkpolitics
Hey mate..went through the post and especially yours but all of them assume that I can get a zip file onto the phone. I was running this:
Samsung captivate SGH I897
Android Ver. 4.11
Baseband 19000XXJVU
Kernal: 3.0-.31-01749-gf84bc96
Cyanogen Mod: 10.0.0-RCO-capitvatemid
Paranoid Ver. 2.16
Build# pa-capativate-userdebug 4.1.1 JR003R eng.
Then I attempted successively to try Lanight 6.55 datadata and that went well too. I didn't like it and I thought I would go back to what I first had. I just went to restore and I didn't wipe anything clean from the Lanight and devil kernel that was apart of that installation. When I rebooted the phone has been stuck at the AT&T Logo and that's all I have. I can able to get to the icon with the lime green android digging a whole..however mate I have no clue what to do next because all of what I read says I need to get a file onto the phone ( the file from the forum you suggested) in the first or second state. I hate to bother you mate but I have know clue as what to do know. This is the first time I have even done this to a phone and felt pretty confident..but stuck now mate. Any help would be greatly appreciated..thank you Smitty. I need that phone just for my kids in order to get them..thank you and I would appreciate you getting back to me as soon as you can ..Smitty!
Boot into recovery, go to mounts and storage, then select usb storage, plug in phone, copy files. If that option isn't there, Odin flash back to stock.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda premium
Re: Re: Re: Captivate with download icon visible
Originally Posted by thinkpolitics
Thanks for the quick reply mate....I got Odin Odin3. [Android + SLP] and Odin one click downloader and I don't see anything on either of the apps. I can't get to recovery mode..I attempted with the 3 buttons and would usually release and the pwr. and there I am..can only get to download with oe without it pulled into the USB..could you be more specific as to what to do if I am doing something wrong with Odin or if I haven't done something I should...thry say this phone is unbrickable..LOL ex...should the SIm card or external SD card be in the phone.just as an example..since I can get to download ....you think I should be able to get to recovery..correct ..so maybe I am not doing something that would help me get there..like the proper way but I been there before..no problems! Thanks again for the quick reply..Smitty
Originally Posted by TRusselo
Originally Posted by thinkpolitics
Hey mate..went through the post and especially yours but all of them assume that I can get a zip file onto the phone. I was running this:
Samsung captivate SGH I897
Android Ver. 4.11
Baseband 19000XXJVU
Kernal: 3.0-.31-01749-gf84bc96
Cyanogen Mod: 10.0.0-RCO-capitvatemid
Paranoid Ver. 2.16
Build# pa-capativate-userdebug 4.1.1 JR003R eng.
Then I attempted successively to try Lanight 6.55 datadata and that went well too. I didn't like it and I thought I would go back to what I first had. I just went to restore and I didn't wipe anything clean from the Lanight and devil kernel that was apart of that installation. When I rebooted the phone has been stuck at the AT&T Logo and that's all I have. I can able to get to the icon with the lime green android digging a whole..however mate I have no clue what to do next because all of what I read says I need to get a file onto the phone ( the file from the forum you suggested) in the first or second state. I hate to bother you mate but I have know clue as what to do know. This is the first time I have even done this to a phone and felt pretty confident..but stuck now mate. Any help would be greatly appreciated..thank you Smitty. I need that phone just for my kids in order to get them..thank you and I would appreciate you getting back to me as soon as you can ..Smitty!
Boot into recovery, go to mounts and storage, then select usb storage, plug in phone, copy files. If that option isn't there, Odin flash back to stock.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda premium

[Q] I messed up the RADIO on my i8190L and now stuck in bootloop

Let's start with a little background as to how I got into this mess
- I had a perfectly working i8190L running SlimBean 4.3 from Maclaw (and I should've left it alone since its the wife's phone)
- I wanted to try out the new SlimKat 4.4 (http://get.novafusion.pl/?id=955)
- After a clean flash of slimkat, the new ROM was running fine after I completed setup EXCEPT baseband was 'xxxx'
- I rebooted into recovery and flashed GT-I8190_modem.bin-XXAMJ3-update2.zip because it was in my sdcard. I thought flashing a new radio would change the baseband except now I'm stuck in a bootloop with NO ABILITY TO BOOT TO RECOVERY!!!!
- I can only boot into Download mode, so I can still ODIN flash the system
Can someone suggest how/if I can fix this? I'm just kicking myself for turning a fully working phone into a brick with my wife breathing down my shoulders
my working setup was TWRP 2.7, SlimBean 4.3 and I had no idea which radio the i8190L came with default
I created a nandroid before all this mess, but I just need a way to get back into Recovery
You downloaded the wrong modem file. You need the one for the I8190L, but you flashed one for the I8190.
Sent from Tapatalk on my GT-I8190 running Novafusion's Carbon 4.4.2
chan1628 said:
Let's start with a little background as to how I got into this mess
- I had a perfectly working i8190L running SlimBean 4.3 from Maclaw (and I should've left it alone since its the wife's phone)
- I wanted to try out the new SlimKat 4.4 (http://get.novafusion.pl/?id=955)
- After a clean flash of slimkat, the new ROM was running fine after I completed setup EXCEPT baseband was 'xxxx'
- I rebooted into recovery and flashed GT-I8190_modem.bin-XXAMJ3-update2.zip because it was in my sdcard. I thought flashing a new radio would change the baseband except now I'm stuck in a bootloop with NO ABILITY TO BOOT TO RECOVERY!!!!
- I can only boot into Download mode, so I can still ODIN flash the system
Can someone suggest how/if I can fix this? I'm just kicking myself for turning a fully working phone into a brick with my wife breathing down my shoulders
my working setup was TWRP 2.7, SlimBean 4.3 and I had no idea which radio the i8190L came with default
I created a nandroid before all this mess, but I just need a way to get back into Recovery
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Sorry but you are going to sleep on the couch tonight I suggest this:
You must download the original rom from SamMobile, install it through Odin and then install again through Odin the Recovery and through Recovery your "old" new Rom. When you are in the new Recovery check for the nandroid backup that you made . If it isnt there look for the couch because the phone is with the "old" new Rom without any of the past data.
Btw if you want you can upgrade your baseband from here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2526831
Good luck
No recovery at all or bootloop in recovery as well?
Sent through time and space from my s3mini/CM11
chan1628 said:
Let's start with a little background as to how I got into this mess
- I had a perfectly working i8190L running SlimBean 4.3 from Maclaw (and I should've left it alone since its the wife's phone)
- I wanted to try out the new SlimKat 4.4 (http://get.novafusion.pl/?id=955)
- After a clean flash of slimkat, the new ROM was running fine after I completed setup EXCEPT baseband was 'xxxx'
- I rebooted into recovery and flashed GT-I8190_modem.bin-XXAMJ3-update2.zip because it was in my sdcard. I thought flashing a new radio would change the baseband except now I'm stuck in a bootloop with NO ABILITY TO BOOT TO RECOVERY!!!!
- I can only boot into Download mode, so I can still ODIN flash the system
Can someone suggest how/if I can fix this? I'm just kicking myself for turning a fully working phone into a brick with my wife breathing down my shoulders
my working setup was TWRP 2.7, SlimBean 4.3 and I had no idea which radio the i8190L came with default
I created a nandroid before all this mess, but I just need a way to get back into Recovery
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Don't bother trying to flash it if nothing happens, drain the battery, return to seller and get replacement. I got free replacement from Amazon with my bricked rooted S3 mini.
jstath1972 said:
Sorry but you are going to sleep on the couch tonight I suggest this:
You must download the original rom from SamMobile, install it through Odin and then install again through Odin the Recovery and through Recovery your "old" new Rom. When you are in the new Recovery check for the nandroid backup that you made . If it isnt there look for the couch because the phone is with the "old" new Rom without any of the past data.
Btw if you want you can upgrade your baseband from here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2526831
Good luck
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just to clarify... what is consider "the original rom from SamMobile"? There are plenty of versions and country codes to choose from... I just wanted to make sure I'm downloading the correct one.... i've done enough of using the wrong files already
KoolKid98189 said:
Don't bother trying to flash it if nothing happens, drain the battery, return to seller and get replacement. I got free replacement from Amazon with my bricked rooted S3 mini.
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its not going to be that easy for me... i've had this phone for almost 2yrs already
tys0n said:
No recovery at all or bootloop in recovery as well?
Sent through time and space from my s3mini/CM11
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no recovery at all... it bootloops if i power on normally
chan1628 said:
just to clarify... what is consider "the original rom from SamMobile"? There are plenty of versions and country codes to choose from... I just wanted to make sure I'm downloading the correct one.... i've done enough of using the wrong files already
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It depends on what country you're in and if the phone is locked to any specific carrier.
If it's not locked then I believe any i8190L firmware will do, just to get the phone running again.
chan1628 said:
its not going to be that easy for me... i've had this phone for almost 2yrs already
no recovery at all... it bootloops if i power on normally
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It was a tough decision for me, it was either stick to a ****ty BlackBerry or get a free replacement and sacrifice the data. Some of it should be synced to your Google account
tys0n said:
It depends on what country you're in and if the phone is locked to any specific carrier.
If it's not locked then I believe any i8190L firmware will do, just to get the phone running again.
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ok, i will give all this a try and hope for the best
thanks everyone for the quick responses :good:
You could also try to reflash just recovery thru Odin and see if it works.
Sent through time and space from my s3mini/CM11
chan1628 said:
just to clarify... what is consider "the original rom from SamMobile"? There are plenty of versions and country codes to choose from... I just wanted to make sure I'm downloading the correct one.... i've done enough of using the wrong files already
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You are in Canada but the L version is for the Latin America countries. So the firmware must be from one of that countries. Which one i can't tell you. You should ask your seller.
[problem solved]
Ok, I was able to restore the phone with /u/jstath1972's suggestion
1. I went to http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/ and downloaded the latest 'L' firmware
2. I used ODIN to flash the firmware
3. the phone REBOOTED!!!
(once the phone rebooted, the rest was easy)
4. powered off and ODIN flashed the lastest TWRP
5. powered off and booted into recovery
6. RESTORED NANDROID so wife would stop giving me the look
7. updated baseband as suggested: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2526831
side note: i wish my work was this effective in resolving technical issues (just my 2 cents)
chan1628 said:
Ok, I was able to restore the phone with /u/jstath1972's suggestion
1. I went to http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/ and downloaded the latest 'L' firmware
2. I used ODIN to flash the firmware
3. the phone REBOOTED!!!
(once the phone rebooted, the rest was easy)
4. powered off and ODIN flashed the lastest TWRP
5. powered off and booted into recovery
6. RESTORED NANDROID so wife would stop giving me the look
7. updated baseband as suggested: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2526831
side note: i wish my work was this effective in resolving technical issues (just my 2 cents)
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Good sleep tonight, my friend ! :good:

