Mango crashing playing music - HD7 General

So I have Mango on HD7 running very well nearly all the music is from the Zune subscription service (in fact I think all) - today while listening to music the phone crashed twice and had to remove battery - anyone else had this?

similar issue
I had this problem on mango beta 1 but for me it was fixed in beta 2

I have uninstalled some apps - including sound enhancer which seems to have done the trick - interestingly enough never crashes when plugged into my car only when using headphones - this morning seemed fine.

I have this problem even on Mango RTM, i will try remove the sound enhancer, and yes only with headphones.

Same here, Mango RTM, and sound enhancer installed, my music is not from Zune, I have ripped all my CDs. I was hearing music and the player crashed when going from one song to the other, I was using headphones.
I'm going to uninstall sound enhancer to see if it fixed and will report later.

No issues with beta2 and RTM,with and without headphones and using sound enhancer

Same here sound enhancer removal did the trick..... Weird thing is it was only with 2 songs and with headphone use.....

Has crashed once more when listening to music with headphones after removing sound enhancer - I'm using the supplied HTC headphones not sure if that makes any difference. I have been using Windows for years so I'm use to occasionally doing a hard reset - but I have an otterbox case on the phone so its a pain in the arse to remove that to remove the battery. I'm sure people look at the phone and think "umm a Windows Phone that lookds good" but then they see me f**king around with removing the battery. Once O2 release mango officially I will revert back to NoDo then upgrade and see if that makes any difference - good to know its not just me.

For now it seems my problem was solved removing sound enhancer.

Crashed again twice coming into work today - the first time I clicked on the Next button for the next song and then had to remove the battery - the second when I felt it had crashed as no more songs were playing the phone would allow me to turn off ok. This only happens at the end of a song and start of a new one.

Had thought this was related to DRM as others having seen this also use Zune Pass. But if some of you don't have Zune Pass and still seeing the problem, then it must be something else. For what it's worth, it has been reported on devices other than HTC -- Samsung Focus for example. Other HTC devices reporting include HTC Surround.
Since pre-NoDo up to current pre-released version of Mango 7720, I continue to see the problem -- but only when Zune player is running by itself. If another task is running simultaneously (like the GPS recorder, Marathon, during my 30 minute morning run) then it never happens. Haven't had it happen while connected in my car (wire connection) but have had it happen while wire connected to a Sonos box. And it's always a zune pass song, never any of my MP3's.
So maybe MS's DRM service is causing the problem.
As enthusiastic as I am about WP7, if left unaddressed, this would damage the platform's credibility -- or at least I won't be renewing my Zune Pass when it expires next March.

Thinking about all the songs that it crashes on are from Zune Pass.

It happens to me on my regular mp3/wma's. I do have a Zune pass, but I don't think it's ever happened on a Zune pass song. I also tried uninstalling sound enhancer, but that didn't help...
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

In another thread regarding the same (yep I should link it in but about to go to bed). Someone mentioned about removing the show artist when playing music in Settings>lock + wallpaper - the phone did not crash on the way home?

I tried turning off the artist on lock screen, and it didn't seem to help me. I've noticed though that it seems to only happen with a select few bands/artists. I'm going to remove and then reload the ones I've been able to identify, and I'll report back if it seems to make a difference.
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

So I removed and reloaded all of music last night, but I'm still getting crashes. In fact, I had a crash on a Zune pass song for the first time. This is really frustrating because I like to listen to music on my headphones at work, and I'm getting crashes every 5-10 songs. This sucks big time, Zune is one of the main reasons I got this phone. Hopefully this issue gets resolved on the mango RTM.
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

I had to remove my battery today twice. For the 1st time my Hd7 frozen =\ Both times I was using headphones.
The songs are from Zune, but not with DRM anymore (it's in mp3 format since I got the songs with my credits).
I have the artist wallpaper disabled, but have the sound enhancer... will try to remove it.
Sometimes the song stops while streaming through bluetooth, but never freezes!
Anyone tryied the new leaked roms? Checked if this problems persists?

So after flashing to the latest O2 rom I needed to readd all the music not one crash since maybe 4 days of no crashes? so maybe its the ROM but I think it might be remove all songs and then re-add them.

9/16 HTC installed the finished mango rom for Taiwan on my HD7 (hardware v.0002). After reloading apps and syncing music collection, went out for a drive and if froze after the 4th song. Requires removal of battery to restart. This happened previously many times with 7004, NoDo, and the leaked mango.
I concur it seems to have nothing to do with Sound Enhancer or Artist on lock screen. It also seems to have occured on devices other than HD7 (e.g., Samsung Focus)
Has there been any acknowledgement from the MS Zune team about this problem? It kind of ruins the whole experience.
I've found that even with new Mango ROM, if plugged in to A/C, it will play zune pass, shuffle, mp3s and does not crash.
But, if running on battery, it will definitely crash after 10-15 minutes of play. Anyone else see differently?

SOOOOOO SAAAAAAADDDDD - Crashed today. I really really like WP7 - but it does make you look like a tit when you have to take the battery out to restart it.


Music Player Crashed After the Screen Turned Off?

My HTC pure crashes everytime I listen to music after the screen turns off. The same thing happened on both WMP and S2P. After the screen turned off, the music will keep playing for sometime and then stop. When I turn the screen on again, the program would crash and the whole phone would just freeze, not thing can be done but soft reset using the tylus. Did this happen to anyone? Anyone knows how to fix this?
This happens to me with some Kitchen ROMS, and i didn't find how to fix. The only way fix this (for me) was change the ROM.
BigwaveMx said:
This happens to me with some Kitchen ROMS, and i didn't find how to fix. The only way fix this (for me) was change the ROM.
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That's the problem. My Rom is the original rom. It shouldn't have problems like this and yet it does.
same problem for me.
I've tried several different roms (also original ones) & always the same crash when I play mp3 from storage card (not from the main memory).
I've also tried several different players with no chance.
I've browsed the forum and tried the proposed solutions (pb with naming/library -> tested with only one simple song on the card).
help needed
Dont turn off the screen when playing music
leave it to turn off by it self
if it still not working
Try this one
delete everything in: My device \ Application Data \ HTC \ Audiomanager
Now it works fine.
tried out but still not working, any other ideas ?
a little more detail, it's not working neither with htc player or nitrogen or pocket music player... always the same issue, the music stop when I let the phone playing, it goes to sleep after a while & stop playing after let say 2 min. when power up again to check what happen, the player try to restart & crash
it seems not to happen with core player, but there is not screen off option so it drains the battery
Delete all the photo albums and any pictures in your music folder
and make sure to delete everything in: My device \ Application Data \ HTC \ Audiomanager
make a soft reset try again
to get a photo album in HTC music player press update photo albums
if it's still not working remove the read only from all of your music files
make sure of them
zwitterion007 said:
tried out but still not working, any other ideas ?
a little more detail, it's not working neither with htc player or nitrogen or pocket music player... always the same issue, the music stop when I let the phone playing, it goes to sleep after a while & stop playing after let say 2 min. when power up again to check what happen, the player try to restart & crash
it seems not to happen with core player, but there is not screen off option so it drains the battery
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I think the reason for this is because of the windows mobile 6.5 power option. Unlike in the WM 6.1, I think when you check the option turn off the phone after x minutes, it will actually going into sleep mode and turn off other programs temporally, thats why the music player crashed. That's why my Tilt only last a day even if I didn't use it all day while my Pure can go for 2,3 or even more days. So what I did is I installed the xdaShutdown into my phone and for the sleep mode, instead of checking turn off power, I checked light out. And everytime I listen to music I uncheck the turn off power after x minutes in the power option. This may seem annoyed but it will help you until the problem is solved. Also, try using S2P, there's a option that keep the music playing even when the power is off, so you can just let the screen turn off by itself and the music will keep playing and you dont have to go to power option to uncheck the turn of power after x minutes everytime you want to listen to music. Just as long as you dont press the power button, the music will play. But it doesn't work smoothly on the Pure though since its still a beta version.
It is now working, but I don't really known why 'cos I've changed all...
FYI, I've flashed with the latest official rom, put a new µSD & copied only some of mine mp3's... but it works with all player (HTC one & 3d parties as well)
I will try with other ROMs, the old µSD and other mp3's with an experimental design to find what has blocked me for so long...
I have album pictures and I have never experienced this problem. There is an option in PocketMusic where you choose to ignore the sleep blablab thing. My device locks itself first and then screen turns off and music is still playing
zwitterion007 said:
It is now working, but I don't really known why 'cos I've changed all...
FYI, I've flashed with the latest official rom, put a new µSD & copied only some of mine mp3's... but it works with all player (HTC one & 3d parties as well)
I will try with other ROMs, the old µSD and other mp3's with an experimental design to find what has blocked me for so long...
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tested with new energyROM still OK, no crash -> it seems to be on the µSD or on the mp3 lib.
seems to be finaly the µsd card, still working after several rom tests & when re-using the old µsd crash
zwitterion007 said:
seems to be finaly the µsd card, still working after several rom tests & when re-using the old µsd crash
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Thx. Please keep me posted. I changed all of my music from .mp3 to .wma. It still crashes from time to time, but most of the time it'll work just fine. Maybe it is the microsd card. My brother uses the same phone and the same music file, but he doesn't seem to have this problem.

Not playing audio/video files

So since Rogers updated us to froyo (yes this is the canadian i896 model) I've been having the problem lately where it just won't play media files anymore.
I'll notice this when I go to watch a youtube video and it'll say "problem playing touch to retry", then I'll go try to play an mp3 and it'll say "cannot support this file type", so I'll check a video and get the same. The pisser is that it won't play notification sounds or ringtones either as it seems to be all connected.
Now these are files that played fine only some time ago, so I dont' know what caused it to stop being able to play.
If I power down / power up the phone things are back to being copacetic. Just a pain as it takes about a minute to power down, and then at least a minute to boot back up.
Samsung suggested i just reset the whole phone - which I'm not enthused to lose a lot of data (some of my programs just don't allow backups).
I've taken the scientific approach and run each of my programs one at a time with after running it, checking it with with a media player to see if it'd stop working. nothing.
I've deleted/uninstalled a lot of programs to ensure it was running on only what i truly wanted. nothing
I just don't want to reset my phone - that would suck.
It just seems to happen at random. Literally I watched a video, put the phone down, went to bed, woke up the next morning and it didn't play. Now who know s what background apps were going on... but how can I control that..
any help/suggestions?
I have the same phone with the same issue
I have a new theory-
I noticed that it happens after I get a notification that my battery is full.
It sounds silly but it's the only thing I noticed that affects it.
I'll keep on testing..
heard the official twitter app causes some issues - uninstall it to fix
i uninstalled - so we'll see if it fixes

Galaxy Tab freezes with bluetooth accessories [SOLUTION]

Just wanted to throw this out here in case anybody else runs into this problem. I just purchased a bt keyboard, worked fine for a few days, then suddenly my tab started to freeze, even after rebooting. System panel would show full cpu usage, and it took minutes to simply scroll, but the time and charging indicator worked in real time. After some searching I found some troubles the tab had with bluetooth devices. To the point, I found that after opening pandora for the first time since I had the keyboard that the bt media setting was enabled, turned that off, rebooted, and its been at least 5 hours and haven't had a problem since, usually only took a few minutes to freeze after powering up. As a side note, I'm sure other apps/settings may cause the same problem.
Sent from the Tab
I use(d) bluetooth headset and my freezing problem was with any and all music players. I have Pandora installed, but is it only the setting in pandora that's the problem or all music players?
It could be any apps really. For me it was pandora, I'm using poweramp for my music and I know that has bt disabled. I would just check any media apps for bt settings.
From the Captivate
I noticed that the 'Bluetooth' was the cause of my GT-P1000 freezing issues.
But I didn't know that some apss could also cause this!
I will try to uninstall Pandora and see if the BT issues has been resolved.
It's annoying coz I often turn the BT ON coz I used it as my primary phone number
So since you changed the BT setting in Pandora, have you had any freezing issue at all? My device started freezing like mad and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was. I first deleted unnecessary apps, no effect. Then I formatted the memory, followed by a factory reset when the format didn't work. The problem persisted! Two constants in the equation are the presence of Pandora (which I did not realize uad a BT setting) and my Apple Bluetooth keyboard. I finally put two and two together that it had to do with my keyboard, so now I'm a bit wary of even pairing it again lest I smash my Tab against the desk in a fit of freeze induced anger.
So I am interested to know if yoir correction of the Pandora setting seems to be a permanemt resolution.
Notice the typos above? That's because I'm not using my Bluetooth keyboard. Haha
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Helps alot, thanks.
Yep. Pandora. As soon as got my new Jawbone ICON Hero bt earpiece I decided to try it with my media players. with XiaaLive it was fine. Audio was nice and clear. Starting and stopping the app was smooth. However, when I tried Pandora, audio was fine and starting the app was fine. But every time I tried quieting the app my US T-Mo Galaxy Tab would get super slow. Everything was going in slow motion. Folders would take 20 to 30 seconds to open. Even pressing the Power button took about 15 seconds to show the "Shut Down" screen.
After a reboot, everything was fine again. And I left it alone until the next day when I tried it again. And sure enough. Upon quitting the Pandora app everything got really really slow again.
So, using Pandora and a BT device seems to be the issue.

[Q] Google Music Issues

Anyone else having issues with Google Music lately??
I've noticed songs pause themselves, and upon pressing play they rewind some.
Specifically, I've found Pearl Jam's free album "Toronto Live" the 1st song, "Long Road" @ 5:27s it pauses itself everytime I've played it. And upon hitting play it rewinds to about the 5min mark and pauses again @5:27.
This may be very specific to this track, but I've noticed all sorts of weirdness that last month or so, with tracks not playing at all, shuffle not working properly (ie: not progressing to the next song), and even songs skipping mid-track.
I'd like to think this is an isolated incident, but it also has been happening on my Atrix, and I've even tried reverting back to prior and as of last night, the new versions, with the same issues popping up. I've been using the beta version since release and its only been the last month or so, and I've noticed it on a variety of Roms (however I have not tried full stock on either device)
Perhaps this is due to being in "Beta" and maybe the surge of new users, but just throwing it out there to see if anyone else has had issues similar to these.

Music cast plays intermittently

Hello good people,
I hope someone finds time to read this and help me to find a solution.
I was using "throw" function on the default Music player app to play on my Denon AVR since my Z3c was on KitKat, later it upgraded to Lollipop (I think then it became "cast" instead of "throw") and later it upgraded to Marshmallow - all was good, one touch and I had music playing through my audio system. I recently replaced my phone with another Z3c and was happy until tried to cast my music - it plays intermittently (2 seconds of sound followed by 2 seconds of silence and this repeats non stop). I've tried installing 3rd party apps (AirAudio) but the issue remains. Today I had a chance to hold my old Z3c and to my big surprise - it also developed the same intermittent play issue when casting! The only thing which changed on my old Z3c since I owned it was that it was reset to factory default settings.
Any ideas would be very welcome, second day googling and still no music
Thank you!
Tadas GPS said:
Hello good people,
I hope someone finds time to read this and help me to find a solution.
I was using "throw" function on the default Music player app to play on my Denon AVR since my Z3c was on KitKat, later it upgraded to Lollipop (I think then it became "cast" instead of "throw") and later it upgraded to Marshmallow - all was good, one touch and I had music playing through my audio system. I recently replaced my phone with another Z3c and was happy until tried to cast my music - it plays intermittently (2 seconds of sound followed by 2 seconds of silence and this repeats non stop). I've tried installing 3rd party apps (AirAudio) but the issue remains. Today I had a chance to hold my old Z3c and to my big surprise - it also developed the same intermittent play issue when casting! The only thing which changed on my old Z3c since I owned it was that it was reset to factory default settings.
Any ideas would be very welcome, second day googling and still no music
Thank you!
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was the version of firmware on your replacement phone the same as your old phone?
The early versions of Marshmallow had a problem with Bluetooth, specifically throw and stuttering audio.
Have you tried to update your phone with PC Companion.
How far are you willing to go to fix your problem?
I am using the latest version of MM from a developer called Wajik that has no Bletooth issues. But obviously you'd need to root your phone and add recovery to get there. I know it sonds complicated, but there are several great guides and lots of friendly folk here to help you if you get stuck.
Edit: There is a music player called Poweramp, that has the ability to change the priority of the player, it also has a buffer that you can change yourself. With both of these features tuened up you might be able to defeat the stuttering without any major regime change. It also comes as a trial as well.

