I did ask a question about this before but didnt really get any response from anybody so I'll ask again. I have this Motorola Droid and I got this for free and would like to get it working again so I can use it as a mp3 player/web browser. When I got it, it wouldn't charge, but when I plug it in to the AC adapter it boots into bootloader showing the screen in the attachment. Before I plug it in I can get it to boot in to Clockwork Mod, but when I do a factory reset it doesn't do anything. In the last post that I posted someone told me about SBF'ing it. I would do that but I can't get it to charge and I don't know anybody that has a Droid so I can charge the battery. If anybody can point me in the right direction that would be awesome.
I would try to charge the phone for a while inside of clockwork rec. because I don't think the phone can charge while in the bootloader. (try to charge in recovery for a while ...
OR............. if you are not plugging it into a wall charger that could be the issue also.
(and of course you would have to get something besides the BL which I am getting is the issue)
completely dead phones sometimes will only charge again with wall chargers.
other wise this is a quote i found on another site..
Check the connection battery pins on the phone there are 3 of them and sometimes they get bent up with taking the battery out and putting it back in mostly the center pin if any are bent up gently push down with light force until they all aligned and pointing strait towards the top of the phone.
hope something works.. if not post here again or at [email protected] ill try to help you further.
Ill will try what you said and see what happens. Thanks.
Sent from my finger tips using the XDA App
I had this problem a while back with my Milestone,it would not charge ,and it would only show the M , I could get it into boot loader
but it kept telling me the battery was to low to flash ,I end up letting it set a couple of days ,then on a last ditch effort ,I hooked it up to the charger ,started it in the bootloader and was able to flash the sbf file and get it working,but not before I ordered 2 new batterys and a battery only charger off e-bay,only I got the phone working before they arrived, you can pick them fairly cheap from Hong Kong.
Sent from my Milestone using XDA App
I looked into that as well. Next month I'm going to buy a battery and a battery only charger. Ill be happy when I get it working.
Sent from my finger tips using the XDA App
found this while looking through some older threads,and thought it would help you
Power off phone. Remove battery. Plugin phone to charger without battery. Phone should start and show a battery with ?. Plug in your battery and it will charge.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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My phone is refusing to charge, I have no clue what got into it. I had to fiddle and press extremely tightly and I figured I'd take it to AT&T today as this happened last night.
Well I woke up this morning and it was dead, it does not want to receive any charge at all. I did back up my contacts and texts, but I don't see the folders I had Dropboxed last night.
I have a rooted and ROMed phone, will this matter to AT&T? I just need them fix the port. I want to go back to stock but it's completely dead now.
I'd suggest to just give them a call so they send you a new one. If you manage to power it on or boost it on, then do so but bringing it to AT&T could be a problem. The custom ROM itself isn't so bad but rooting voids your waranty.
If you call their technician, they'll tell you to try a couple things and if it doesn't work, they usually send you a new one as long as you are under waranty.
Two things to try:
1. Plug it in to a rear USB port on your pc.
2. Try another micro usb cable.
You probably already tried these 2 steps and if you have I apoligize for not offering much assistance.
I have yes, I have 3 different cables and it's the same. I've tried other ports, I tried the wall charger. I had some luck last night in my car as I kept it tight inside the middle console, but nothing this morning.
I guess I'll call instead then. If they send me one I can at least charge the battery and fix it, ship it back? Thank you!
The AT&T Chat support woman directed me to a specific location where they will check if it's my battery or the phone. If I could just get one charge on it I could fix it!
Why not buy a battery and charger. Or use a buds phone battery?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
I'm not sure I know anyone else with a Captivate...but I'll have to look into the battery charger. Thanks for the suggestion.
This happened to me with a replacement captivate. I got it rooted and rom'd and then the port went dead. So I had to charge with my first one, and then wirelessly transfer the files to flash back. I had taken it to the warranty center, and it was running a custom stock rom, with super user and all that but they didn't notice
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
Fyi. If you didn't know. The batterbattery n a vibrant would work too.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
Did you try and pull the battery out and re-seat it after about 10 minutes of not being in the phone?
Also if you call them you will want to make sure when you send the phone back, that you un root it. A friend just got a bill for his referbed captivate and it wasn't cheap!
I had this same thing happen to me (useing a rooted stock rom). Thankfully I had a second battery to use for a while. After a while I decided to try the dead battery, it took a few hours for the battery symbol to show and another 16 hours to get to a full charge. Try that... it might just be that the battery is just so dead it takes a while. Also if that is the case make sure get rid of the batterystats.bin file and you should be good to go. Worse comes to worse if you go to the at&t mobile device center just have them give you a new battery and it should be fine... good luck
Let me know how it goes
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
Rooted/Nandroid with Bootstrapped Recovery..
I was in the car today,device charged about 40%, noticed the Bionic (for the first time) spontaneously booted. Got the boot screen icon, then black.
Went home, pulled the battery, put in the dock, nothing. Battery back in, nothing.
I think I've eliminated the battery as the cause.
Called Verizon, level 2 tech, offered to send a replacement; I opted to go the the brick and mortar store in the AM so as not to wait for 2 days.
Three questions:
Any chance that this is software related? Rooting app or Bootstrap app related? I think not, as in the dock without a battery it should at least start to light up, no?
If I'm correct, am I in jeopardy of voiding my warranty as the phone's rooted? (Not that they could tell).. ?
Anything else to try b4 swapping the phone?
arcopress said:
Any chance that this is software related? Rooting app or Bootstrap app related? I think not, as in the dock without a battery it should at least start to light up, no?
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No, MOST* smart phones cannot run on AC power alone. They require some charge on the battery in order to boot.
*added the emphasis before someone comes running in because their OG Droid/Nexus One/RAZR/POS flip phone/whatever could run off AC power alone.
arcopress said:
If I'm correct, am I in jeopardy of voiding my warranty as the phone's rooted? (Not that they could tell).. ?
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Rooting your device may void your warranty. Most of the time if it's a physical problem and not related to software, the warranty will still be honored. However, it'll probably be an uphill fight.
arcopress said:
Anything else to try b4 swapping the phone?
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I'd try to get ahold of another battery. I'm willing to bet that yours is defective.
I thought that the Bionic would light up in the dock with the battery removed?
arcopress said:
I thought that the Bionic would light up in the dock with the battery removed?
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Why would it?
The dock is just an AC charger with a stand.
Try fastboot. Rsd lite. Fxz file
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
With my Droid X and a dead battery the phone would have to sit about 5 minutes and charge before it would come on at all. Wall charger, not USB via computer.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
its true that the bionic will have to charge for at least a couple minuets to turn back on. i have run mine totally dead and it will not power up untill it has charged for at least three to five plus minuets. although it will light up about three seconds after the charger is pluged in and even show the battery pic and charging. first thing you need to do is with battery back in the phone and a regular charging cable pluged in the phone other end, usb, pluged into your computer run adb or what ever you use and find out if it showes any devices at all being connected. you should be able to see this in the rds also. run rds app, then plug in phone using a rear usb port
jess086 said:
its true that the bionic will have to charge for at least a couple minuets to turn back on. i have run mine totally dead and it will not power up untill it has charged for at least three to five plus minuets. although it will light up about three seconds after the charger is pluged in and even show the battery pic and charging. first thing you need to do is with battery back in the phone and a regular charging cable pluged in the phone other end, usb, pluged into your computer run adb or what ever you use and find out if it showes any devices at all being connected. you should be able to see this in the rds also. run rds app, then plug in phone using a rear usb port
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yep, it's true.
I ran my bionic's battery dry the first day I had it. I was trippin out thinking it was broken or something.
After about 5-10 min of charging, I noticed it had a charging Icon.
I realized that I was upset over nothing.
I put it in the wall charger for the 10th time and noticed after about 10 minutes that it lit up with the boot screen, then the battery icon, which showed 0 percent... then it died. So it does look to be the battery. That's good news, I guess. Should I try to get a replacement from VZW, or spare the cross-exam about rooting and fork out the cash for a new battery?
If you want to spare yourself of the cross exam about root, get a new extended battery. Or if you firmly believe that the battery was defective to begin with, then stand your ground and ask that you be given a new one.
You should be fine taking it in. I would do what has been stated and just get a new battery because if it isn't that then it is a hardware issue and that isn't the roots fault anyways.
Also as a kind of FYI thing, Verizon does not do in store warranty replacements anymore(an exception being if you're within the 14day WFG period and the phone is ruled DOA). VZW, in store, does 5 day(overnight if you have insurance) shipping for free. If you want it sooner, you pay the shipping cost. Further, warranty replacement phones do not come with a new battery. They use the old phone's battery.
Where I'm going with this is always start with the battery in situations like this. That can be warrantied in store on the spot. Also make sure you're going to a corporate location.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Like most cell phone batteries, they aren't designed to be completely drained.
I recommend charging it full, waiting tell it gets to about 10%, then charge it fully one more time.
After that charge, your battery should last you all day.
No need to waste money on an extend battery.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium
Don't worry, you're not the first to have a dead phone. I had to go get a new one after three days.
Couldn't get booted past Motorola splash through any method, and an unlocked bootloader may have helped. But, in the past, and Verizon was happy to hand over a new one.
Wish I had more useful information, but I don't. So, good luck on getting your beast tamed.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium
Went to the VZW store at 9... tech swapped out the battery for a new one. NO GOOD. Nothing.
Probably a good thing, as this way they couldn't void the warranty when they discovered it was rooted
Replaced the phone (17 days after purchase; had to get the mgr to approve a swap)..
Restoring apps as we speak..
Makes one wonder what's up with Motorola's QC dept.
Ok so i "had" a fully functional Droid bionic. It was running on eclipse 3.0 everything was fine. So i decided to change roms to Cm9 just to try it for fun. i must have done it wrong because now it is bricked... All it will do is show the boot logo of go into fastboot so i know there is still something there but my battery must be dead because it says battery low cannot program so i can't flash anything to it... So my question is how do i get it charged enough to flash ????? Please help
lance2ecnal said:
Ok so i "had" a fully functional Droid bionic. It was running on eclipse 3.0 everything was fine. So i decided to change roms to Cm9 just to try it for fun. i must have done it wrong because now it is bricked... All it will do is show the boot logo of go into fastboot so i know there is still something there but my battery must be dead because it says battery low cannot program so i can't flash anything to it... So my question is how do i get it charged enough to flash ????? Please help
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You either need another battery, an external battery charger, or a factory cable. Maybe you have a friend with a Bionic who can either lend you their battery for a while or can charge yours. Otherwise, you probably have to buy something. A new battery at the nearest Verizon store would probably be the quickest solution, but getting something online would be the most cost effective.
I do have a factory cable what good does that do me ? And i have no friends with bionics
A factory cable isn't the one that came with your phone, it's a cable like they use at the factory to fix and program phones. Basically it has one of the power wires in the USB spliced to a wire that goes to a normally unused pin in the usb connector which allows charging while the phone cannot start.
Oh i see well ok then guess i am screwed
There are tutorials online about how to make a factory cable from a standard one, but they can be risky.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Well.. i just went to a battery store and this this little clip thing that charges it via usb. it worked
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
I've had this phone for about two weeks now (I bought it used). When I got the phone the battery lasted pretty much all day for about 4-5 days. Then I pretty much started having charging issues. When the phone would fully die it would lock up. Sometimes when the phone had 80% battery it would lock up and stay that way for about 30-60 seconds. It would then reboot possibly lock up on boot for another 30-60 seconds, then if it did come on the battery would have an explanation mark telling you it needed to be charged. Now sometimes when you go to charge the phone it would turn on but have a question mark inside of the battery instead of where the colors are while it's charging and off.
I tried to purchase a battery locally and replace it. This battery does the same thing. The phone will boot for a bit, charge, then shut off. When I go into fastboot mode it says 'battery low'. When I got the phone and started having problems it was still stock everything, no root. Now I am running Youngunn's HoloBlur performance edition and the battery I tried to replace it with is an EB40.
The questions I really have are this.
1- When a battery is bad does it cause the '?' mark
2- Does the EB40 have to be calibrated some how, or does the ROM just pretty much know what's up
I don't really want to drop another $50 into a battery if that doesn't the issue. However in my past experience and knowledge of electronics and phones it seems to be the battery.
Thanks in advance!
have you tried a battery calibration app
frog1982 said:
have you tried a battery calibration app
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I can't really get that far into the phone. After I get the phone booted it says low batt then goes through the power down process
Update: After reading a few threads on this site and others I've heard them all talking about using the OEM charger. I was using the USB brick I use for my Samsung tablet 5v 2a. I've just found a moto charger at my house which is 5v 550ma and the charging meter is now going up.
Thank you for searching guy.
You're welcome man!
I took the battery that I purchased back and ordered a new one off Amazon. I put my old battery back in the phone and left it alone. After the phone charged for two hours it said it was at 25%. I booted the phone up got about five mins of use out of it and it locked again and wouldn't turn back on. When the phone isnt on and just charging, does it use the ROM to display the battery charging meter?
Here's another update.. I got the new battery in and put it in the phone. I tried to power it up just to see if it had a charge and it displayed the unlocked bootloader logo and shut back off. I then tried to plug it into, still nothing. I eventually got the green light on the top to show up. At first it was blinking, then it went solid with a very small blink. After that, still nothing.
I have tried using a 5v 500ma, 5v 1a, and 5v 2a charger and still nothing. Does anyone have any ideas?
You used the stock moto charger?
deeje00 said:
You used the stock moto charger?
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I went to ATT and tried to get the OEM charger from them but they said they didn't have one. They were trying to use a 5v 1a usb cord with a block on the end. The only actual Motorola charger I have is what I got when I had my Atrix 4G. It's a 5v 500ma...
What is the voltage / amperage on the OEM charger?
Cued4 said:
I went to ATT and tried to get the OEM charger from them but they said they didn't have one. They were trying to use a 5v 1a usb cord with a block on the end. The only actual Motorola charger I have is what I got when I had my Atrix 4G. It's a 5v 500ma...
What is the voltage / amperage on the OEM charger?
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The charger I got with mine is a 5.1v .750mA unit. Mine has two usb ports on it.
audit13 said:
The charger I got with mine is a 5.1v .750mA unit. Mine has two usb ports on it.
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Thanks man. I guess I'll head back up there in the AM and see if that helps. Although now I'm feeling like something else is wrong with the phone.
Sent from my GT-P6210 using xda app-developers app
Cued4 said:
Thanks man. I guess I'll head back up there in the AM and see if that helps. Although now I'm feeling like something else is wrong with the phone.
Sent from my GT-P6210 using xda app-developers app
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I have never used the original Moto USB charger. I usually use anything that was convenient and that includes my, laptop, desktop, HTC, LG, and Samsung USB chargers.
Same here. With any of my devices for that matter. Usually the phone can dumb it down or just not charge.
Sent from my GT-P6210 using xda app-developers app
And sometimes that's fine but If it won't charge first thing to try is the factory charger to rule that out.
After going up to the ATT store and getting them to try multiple adapters it still isn't working. I have noticed that when you plug it into the computer it recognizes the phone.. To what extent I have no idea (since I only plugged it in for a minute at the store). There are also times when you plug it in and the green light will be flashing, and other times the light will be solid.
Like I said this is straight puzzling. The phone worked fine for a few days with no issues. It seems like it got wet but there's no way it could have.
frog1982 said:
have you tried a battery calibration app
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This is a hoax. Battery calibration is not real (Words from a google/android employee). All these apps do is maybe clean up the battery statistics so android builds new ones (which it does by itself in the long run anyways). This process has nothing to do with the actual battery/hardware.
That's all they're meant to do. Wipe the stats so it will get a correct reading.
Did you solved it?
I had the same issue ..couldnt fine a workaround uptill now
1.Take out your battery.
2.See those contacts between the terminals? Yes, they're the battery sensors. If they're not in contact with the base plates on the phone board, do something about it. I don't know what, you decide.
3.get some naked wire and create your own screw washers, for the terminals. Screw them under the screw, between the battery board and base screw holes.
4.Tighten properly.
Now, try again till the charger accepts that your battery is existent.
You are welcome.
hi, I'm having difficulties doing the battery trick with a particular nexus one phone. I have a second one, and it's not as hard to do with that second one. but my 'daily driver' is really driving me nuts, it can sometimes take over an hour to get the damn thing going, and it gets exponantially frustrating when flashing roms and having to do battery pulls because adb reboot won't work. Using different charges don't really help, but sometimes I get more lucky with a wall charger instead of a usb wire in a usb to wall charger
So, what triggers the battery bootup? is it a voltage boost? could I trigger it by sticking a second charger's stripped wires in the battery pins? I even have 2 extra batteries with the same voltage, if that can help anything!
What is a battery trick
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
battery trick is to plug the charger in the usb port, then remove and reinsert the battery a few times because the power button is defective - a common problem with nexus ones
my profile is too new to post a youtube link
Not sure why its not working for you but you can get a replacement button for less then $15 and it takes less then 10 min to fix
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
When I fixed mine about a year ago I just searched on eBay, it comes as the whole flex cable. I have fixed a lot of electronics over the years so I just took it apart and replaced it but I'm sure if you search there will be a disassembly guide somewhere. If you get stuck feel free to ask though
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Battery trick not working except in a certain house
I know this is an old thread but since I'm currently forced to use my nexus one (broken power button, repaired once under warranty, broke agai) as a temporary replacement, I've had to deal with the battery trick issue again.
I DON'T GET IT. Back when it was my main phone, the BATTERY TRICK worked fine, took a few times max. Now I have collated all the info I can find on how to do it (some of which is actually conflicting) and it WILL NOT WORK, except if I do it at my girlfriends house which MAKES NO SENSE.
1.) The charger (various brands/both USB and wall socket)
2.) THe battery (authentic HTC battery)
3.) It doesn't work whether its fully charged (GREEN LIGHT) or charging up (ORANGE LIGHT)
4.) It doesnt work when I do it 20 times in a row with the "correct" timing (battery back in JUST as the light turns off), and not when I do it 20 times in the way which this video does it (waits for one orange flash before reinsertion)
5.) Have tried removing sim and sd card, charging it for days, just EVERYTHING.
Sorry just venting as this just boggles my mind.
Anyone have any input on this age old issue? What's weirdest is that it used to work fine for me around 2012. And no, not buying the goddamn flex for 30 dollars, I have enough issues getting my One X+ diagnosed (been waiting 3-4 weeks on some incompetent repair shop).