[Q] Captivate replacement - Captivate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, I've bought a Captivate that at the moment is under warranty, I've applied the "unbrickable mod" successfuly and overclocked under a custom rom. My phone was affected by a manufacturing problem, so I would ask if you think that samsung will give me a replacement or not.

Most likely not. What is the hardware problem?

Even if I flash the stock UCKK4 rom?
Hardware problems are: random reboots and apps crash (and I can assure that it isn't a software problem, but a RAM problem probably...)

R u restoring apps And Data through Titanium Backup after u flash a Rom ?? If yes, then that will cause problems sometimes.
How many apps are u running ?
Or the "overclocking" could be the problem.
Doesn't sound like a hardware problem at all. Flash to Stock KK4 and don't overclock, don't restore data and see how it goes. The least i would recommend is flashing the KK4 Corn Kernel version 7.0A (.tar version through Odin) and then get Root through the CWM Recovery and then remove the Bloat u don't want and then stop there and see how it goes.
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4-2ndtwin said:
R u restoring apps And Data through Titanium Backup after u flash a Rom ?? If yes, then that will cause problems sometimes.
How many apps are u running ?
Or the "overclocking" could be the problem.
Doesn't sound like a hardware problem at all. Flash to Stock KK4 and don't overclock, don't restore data and see how it goes. The least i would recommend is flashing the KK4 Corn Kernel version 7.0A (.tar version through Odin) and then get Root through the CWM Recovery and then remove the Bloat u don't want and then stop there and see how it goes.
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No, I haven't restored the applications Tibu, I just flashed the Stock Rom KK4 and it has problems I described before also without installing anything..

Then that leaves possible probs that may have occured during the applying of the unbrickable mod.
Were these problems there before the mod ?
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4-2ndtwin said:
Then that leaves possible probs that may have occured during the applying of the unbrickable mod.
Were these problems there before the mod ?
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Yes, these problems were also BEFORE applying the Unbrickable Mod.

Well...back to ur original question about a replacement then...the mod technically voids the warranty, but u could always try. Worst they can say is no. :/
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I have brick my phone more then three time while rooting and install custom rom, send it to samsung and they fixed it each time under warranty. You should try it.
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paranoidandroid question

Hi all, i was wondering why i can't just use mobile odin to flash PA on my gnote.
I actually have CM9 RC installed.In the official Thread the guide says "DO NOT
WIPE WITH STOCK SAMSUNG ROM OR CUSTOM ROMS LIKE CM9"...so here is my question, whats the need of Mobile odin? i thought i was a fastest way to flash roms without do the same process all the times...
Im' new to this world, please be kind guys:silly:
w10sneijder said:
Hi all, i was wondering why i can't just use mobile odin to flash PA on my gnote.
I actually have CM9 RC installed.In the official Thread the guide says "DO NOT
WIPE WITH STOCK SAMSUNG ROM OR CUSTOM ROMS LIKE CM9"...so here is my question, whats the need of Mobile odin? i thought i was a fastest way to flash roms without do the same process all the times...
Im' new to this world, please be kind guys:silly:
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You can't flash another ROM from any ICS-based ROM. Some Samsung ICS kernels cause a so called brick bug, which causes your device to brick (read: it won't boot anymore) because Samsung ****ed something up with the internal memory. If you do a full wipe while on a stock or aosp ROM, you risk bricking your device.
The fastest way (it's not really fast tho) to flash other ROM's at this moment is to revert back to a gingerbread rom, root it, get CWM (clockworkmod recovery) and flash your ROM from recovery or odin, whatever you like.
You're now on a ICS based rom (CM9), which means if you attemt to flash another rom now and you need to do a full wipe, chances are you'll end up with a bricked phone.
Try the "revert back to Gingerbread" method to be sure you will not brick your device. There are plenty of tutorials around here to help you along with this method.
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So if i understood the issue at the moment its just caused by samsung right? I mean if they are going TO fix this software bug we Will have the chance TO flash directly from mobile odin?
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w10sneijder said:
So if i understood the issue at the moment its just caused by samsung right? I mean if they are going TO fix this software bug we Will have the chance TO flash directly from mobile odin?
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No, it needs to be flashed with cwm. You'll get an unsigned zip error if you try with mobile odin and flash will fail. Follow instructions on all roms and you won't have any problems.
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I thought with abyss kernel you can flash with ics?
Woah im a lucky guy that i havent bricked my note.

nandriod question

Just want to know is it safe to do nandriod back up and restore when I am at ICS 4.0.3 stock ZSLPF, kernel GL_Notecore v3.2, or do I need to flash AbyssNote first to do a nandriod backup or nandriod recovery?
with GL Notecore kernel you will be fine !! Ive used it since its beta days and never had an issue
aezv said:
Just want to know is it safe to do nandriod back up and restore when I am at ICS 4.0.3 stock ZSLPF, kernel GL_Notecore v3.2, or do I need to flash AbyssNote first to do a nandriod backup or nandriod recovery?
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Strongly not recommended until brick bug issue solve.
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azzledazzle said:
with GL Notecore kernel you will be fine !! Ive used it since its beta days and never had an issue
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Beware, at the moment no single of ics based custom kernel dev officially announces their kernel are safe to do nandrod restore.
Your info might guide some member to somewhere.
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Well any modifications are done at the users own risk !! even rooting.
All i can say is ive made 100's of nandroids on lots of kernels and never suffered any issues.
azzledazzle said:
Well any modifications are done at the users own risk !! even rooting.
All i can say is ive made 100's of nandroids on lots of kernels and never suffered any issues.
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Yup totally agreed with u, anything related rooting and modifications are done at the user own risk.
About the nandroid restore....good luck and all the best.:thumbup:
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GB stock ROM.

I find here this emmc bug is killing everyone.
I bought this GN just 2 weeks ago.at begining it came with GB installed.i recieved ota update in the same day for ics.so i did it.
After updating i did factory reset the device without knowing that there is a danger to damage the device.
Then i tried to root and installed some other kernels with cwr, which was another mistake.and finally flash it again with stock rom.but this time no wipe!
So the phone is not in clean state.
I read that one way to avoide damaging the device is to flash it with GB rom and then wipe then flash it again with ics one.all by pc odin.
But my problem is i cant find the original GB Rom to do it.
Is it important to flash with original or i can do it with any stock GB rom?
And is there any kernel based on stock kernel which has no mod no tweak and stuff but safe to wipe?i mean with mmc earase disabled.
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Here's the link where you can find stock GB (Courtesy of doc Ketan) ->http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1424997 Find your Stock ROM (based on your region)
Let me clear out some wrong notions spreading before.... you can safely WIPE your phone even on ICS as long as you have installed a safe kernel on to your device. You don't necessarily need to go to STOCK GB and do the wipe from there. It is already safe WIPING your phone on ICS just as long as you have the safe kernel installed on your phone.
Safe kernels to mentioned are SpeedMod, HardCore (that is if your in ICS), AbyssNote (if your still on stock GB)
Again no stock GB rom from my country.funny i went to samfirmware before and nothing there also.but for other region there are many!
Current ROM is N7000XXLRI
Which is the only FW from my region.
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Sadra.imam said:
Again no stock GB rom from my country.funny i went to samfirmware before and nothing there also.but for other region there are many!
Current ROM is N7000XXLRI
Which is the only FW from my region.
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Try samsung-updates.com i downloaded mine from here. (Site is currently down)
Sadra.imam said:
Again no stock GB rom from my country.funny i went to samfirmware before and nothing there also.but for other region there are many!
Current ROM is N7000XXLRI
Which is the only FW from my region.
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If you can't find any stock GB from your region then don't fret , Download a direct rootable ROM closest to your region and flash it from there. Remember, your goal is not to say long in GB right? so after you've downloaded a direct rootable GB ROM.. Download back your stock ICS ROM thru PC Odin, ROOT it thru Doc Ketan's thread still and then do a FACTORY wipe after.
P.S. Don't worry about the triangle mark on your boot up screen. You can safely remove that thru ChainFire's TriangleAway app (when your rooted already)
I'll try this.
After all, what do you suggest as a daily driver rom or kernel on GN which is safe and stable to flashing wiping and stuff?
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I'm using stock LRQ (for now), but I've cooked it and made some big modifications to the ROM itself and now everything's working and my phone ''flies'
For the kernel.. SpeedMod is my truly one option... Stability and battery performance... It never fails on me still.... Any cooked ROMs I'm making or flashing one from our good ROM cookers here on this forum.. This kernel is still my best bet... but hey... this just me okay... if you want other safe kernels out there, feel free to try them out... it's your choice anyway...
Sadra.imam said:
I'll try this.
After all, what do you suggest as a daily driver rom or kernel on GN which is safe and stable to flashing wiping and stuff?
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Hydracore can be used on all ICS and JB roms (TW, CM and AOKP) another is Speedmod for TW ICS roms, these two are safe and can be used as per your rom. Most of the roms are stable now, it totally depends on you, which one suits your requirements
Edit- letters_to_cleo your invisible status always confuse me, lol.
Thanks everyone for replys and help.
Very useful for me. Ofcource boring for you guys.....
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Sadra.imam said:
Thanks everyone for replys and help.
Very useful for me. Ofcource boring for you guys.....
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dont say it's boring because it never is... REWARDING is the appropriate word to use... it's rewarding to know that I can give some help to some fellow whose in need...

Galaxy note won't turn on.

Hi, I am having an issue with my galaxy note, I was running a custom rom checkrom v5. However, I wanted to unroot it due to some reasons. So I uprooted it by flashing a stock rom via Odin and after that, Odin stated "Pass". But my phone won't boot at all after that! I tried to access the download mode and recovery mode but nothing happens! The phone is as if it's dead. May I know why does this happen? Thanks!
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Name of file you set in pda please?
Sent from my GT-N7000
N7000DXKL1 ------ 2.3.5 2011 December--------N7000OLBKJ6
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Thread Moved​
Please post questions in the Q&A​
try to remove the battery and wait for few seconds and try again
remove the battery and then put it back. Hold the power button for about a minute or until the GALAXY NOTE logo shows up.
original_ganjaman said:
Thread Moved​
Please post questions in the Q&A​
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ok sry....
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Tks for ur answer, but I tried those solutions just now but it didnt work.....
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Make sure u have enof charge in the battery or try a different battery.
If that doesn't work try a jig to force the phone to download mode
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bryanqjx said:
Hi, I am having an issue with my galaxy note, I was running a custom rom checkrom v5. However, I wanted to unroot it due to some reasons. So I uprooted it by flashing a stock rom via Odin and after that, Odin stated "Pass". But my phone won't boot at all after that! I tried to access the download mode and recovery mode but nothing happens! The phone is as if it's dead. May I know why does this happen? Thanks!
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either way, I could come one possible scenario why your phone would not boot up after... it might be entirely the kernel your using or your trying to flash...either way, it's like this.... I'm thinking you did not flash a ROM itself but the kernel only... when you tried flashing your stock running GB Note, you flash a custom ICS kernel...that's the only conclusion I can derive why your phone would not boot up anymore. What was the name of that custom ICS kernel your using? If you tried HydraCore..I guess NoteCore or Hydra supports GB (i'm not totally sure on this though), All other custom ICS kernels (SpeedMod and etc) will not work... you'll just bork your phone,making it a dead one. There is a guide from Doc Ketan on how to safely and correctly try to unroot your phone.. have you tried that process before??
now, your phone, might be in a deep sleep mode process right now,,, you need to try charging for a longer time and while charging, just attempt to power it on again....
if you can't still can't turn your phone on... then yeah right, the JIG is the only recourse you have to wake your phone up from it's deep slumber.
Does the phone charge? Let it charge for a while.
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letters_to_cleo said:
either way, I could come one possible scenario why your phone would not boot up after... it might be entirely the kernel your using or your trying to flash...either way, it's like this.... I'm thinking you did not flash a ROM itself but the kernel only... when you tried flashing your stock running GB Note, you flash a custom ICS kernel...that's the only conclusion I can derive why your phone would not boot up anymore. What was the name of that custom ICS kernel your using? If you tried HydraCore..I guess NoteCore or Hydra supports GB (i'm not totally sure on this though), All other custom ICS kernels (SpeedMod and etc) will not work... you'll just bork your phone,making it a dead one. There is a guide from Doc Ketan on how to safely and correctly try to unroot your phone.. have you tried that process before??
now, your phone, might be in a deep sleep mode process right now,,, you need to try charging for a longer time and while charging, just attempt to power it on again....
if you can't still can't turn your phone on... then yeah right, the JIG is the only recourse you have to wake your phone up from it's deep slumber.
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Actually I did flash an ICS kernel when i installed cyanogenmod 9. But however, I restored back to my first rom, checkrom v5 running gingerbread to retrieve some data before I installed a stock version of the rom. When I restored back, I followed a tutorial from this guy in YouTube called cursed4eva. I believe that he also got the tutorial from Dr Ketan's thread and did a video tutorial on it.
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Noob questions

I have some noob questions, please someone answer them.
I rooted my note by flashing from recovery a supersu zip file i dint install any CWM.
Now my question is 1) Should i install a CWM to flash a safe kernal, cant i do from stock recovery.
2) Will i get the OTA update when i am on custom kernal and can i install it directly without causing any problems.
3) In many threads i read dont wipe on stock kernals, why actually should we wipe ours caches. No where it is mentioned, when someone explains tell me when has it to be done like while flashing custom kernals or custom roms?
4) If i use setcpu to over clock will it cause any problems longterm or shorterm.
5) And in many threads many say i bricked my note so is there a guarantee that it can be brought back to normal state.
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One more question wht is DPI why should it be varied, how is it done
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1) Should i install a CWM to flash a safe kernal, cant i do from stock recovery. ?
u cannot install CWM just like that.. when u install a kernel u get CWM with it.
some methods of rooting doesnt install a safekernel or CWM... just root. then u can use mobile odin on the phone to install a safe kernel.
2) Will i get the OTA update when i am on custom kernal and can i install it directly without causing any problems.
u will be notfied of OTA but will not get installed.. it need stock recovery, stock kernel and non root
3) In many threads i read dont wipe on stock kernals, why actually should we wipe ours caches. No where it is mentioned, when someone explains tell me when has it to be done like while flashing custom kernals or custom roms?
sometimes the apps wont work correcly due to a corrupt cache. wiping it fixes them.. when flashing ROMs its a must for the ROM to build its on cache for the new apps. flashing a kernel doesnt require cache wiping
4) If i use setcpu to over clock will it cause any problems longterm or shorterm.
i havent heard of any issues with OC.. but yes one thing that is very prominent is when playing games the phone gets a lot more warm when OC.
5) And in many threads many say i bricked my note so is there a guarantee that it can be brought back to normal state.
it depends. if its a soft brick like when u have access to the download mode.. then 80% of the time yes but if it becomes totally dead aka hardbrick.. it needs a mothernpard replacement.
How to come back to stock recovery from CWM?
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Suresh_k said:
I have some noob questions, please someone answer them.
I rooted my note by flashing from recovery a supersu zip file i dint install any CWM.
Now my question is 1) Should i install a CWM to flash a safe kernal, cant i do from stock recovery.
2) Will i get the OTA update when i am on custom kernal and can i install it directly without causing any problems.
3) In many threads i read dont wipe on stock kernals, why actually should we wipe ours caches. No where it is mentioned, when someone explains tell me when has it to be done like while flashing custom kernals or custom roms?
4) If i use setcpu to over clock will it cause any problems longterm or shorterm.
5) And in many threads many say i bricked my note so is there a guarantee that it can be brought back to normal state.
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All ur questions can be found if u use search actually.
But let me try to answer.
1. If u use stock recovery and u want to flash custom safe kernel, go and download philz kernel. But choose properly the kernel for ur baseband. Read his thread carefully.
2. When u r on custom kernel or root, most probably u wont get ota, or u want be able to flash it properly. U can keep the latest update by flashing through odin.
3. Dont wipe on stock kernel, especially wipe data. It will trigger the mmc bugs. Why u need to wipe? U will need it when u like to jump from rom to rom it is needed for a clean installation. So u wont get any serious problem when flashing custom rom.
4.might be yes might be no. If u follow instructions from developer of course not. So far the best OC is from hydracore. Unless u know how to do it urself. Try to avoid 3rd party apps from market.
5. Dont be afraid of bricking ur note if u like to learn. I bricked mine on the 5th weeks i had this note. U can revive it using hg42 pit revival methods.
Hope i help u.
Sent from N7000 at the corner of this rounded earth.
---------- Post added at 08:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ----------
Suresh_k said:
How to come back to stock recovery from CWM?
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U just flash back the original firmware. All will be gone.
Sent from N7000 at the corner of this rounded earth.
Suresh_k said:
How to come back to stock recovery from CWM?
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put back the stock kernel
Don't worry about Overclock. Just flash PhilZ kernel (even flashable fro Stock) and you will get Root + Safe Stock Kernel + Safe Awesome recovery! NO BRICKING! Just do it:good:
Suresh_k said:
One more question wht is DPI why should it be varied, how is it done
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Dpi is a unit measuremen for ur display.
Originally it comes with 320 dpi.
But our devs here are manage to change it to smaller dpi.
Lets say 290dpi and 240 dpi. It will be depends on how comfort is ur eyes to see.
U can change manually in build.prop with a root access.
But, easily, there are some custom roms provide u with smaller dpi, but u will need root access also to flash custom rom.
Good luck in anything u plan to do, mate!
Sent from N7000 at the corner of this rounded earth.
No one answered regarding DPI
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Suresh_k said:
No one answered regarding DPI
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Only possible on custom ROMS eg Paranoid Android
Suresh_k said:
No one answered regarding DPI
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actually antique_sonic did answer about DPI.
DPI is dots per inch.
note has a dpi of 320.. lower the dpi.. smaller becomes the text and icons.
so i u have lots of icons in ur home screen.. lowering DPI to 280 or 240 will make them smaller and thus more spacious.
be careful cuz putting incompatible values will cause the phone not to boot.
I want custom boot animations, i have copied a bootanimation.zip file to system/media but there is no boot animation when i restart
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Suresh_k said:
I want custom boot animations, i have copied a bootanimation.zip file to system/media but there is no boot animation when i restart
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u need to be in a kernel that supports it.. what kernel r u on?
did u fix permissions for the zip file it should be rw-r--r--
Have u installed Philz kernel yet? Read the OP there - MULTI Bootanimation support!
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Im on stock kernal and i have root explorer
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i dont think it supports custom boot animations... its recommended u flash Philz kernel
Ok now i want to flash a kernal, why are there many kernals like hydracore and phizl, what is the difference between them
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probably if u read all their Original Post, you will come to know all about them and then u will be able to write a thesis about kernels and decide which one is suitable for u dude
Suresh_k said:
Ok now i want to flash a kernal, why are there many kernals like hydracore and phizl, what is the difference between them
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Philz is pure stock minus brickbug plus advanced recovery. Others are custom builds, some of which can be overclocked.
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i have rooted my galaxy note,,im on stork ROM and kernel..is it safe if i now directly re flash stock ROM via PC Odin?without raising binary flash counter?i want my note clean so that i can install OTA.

