Cubase or Fruity Loops in android? - XPERIA X8 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there any application of gender Cubase or Fruity Loops for android?

Too complicated dude. Nearly impossible.

You have some simple apps you can play with, they are very basic compared to a pc app.
Search the market for loop sequencers, drum machines and so..
Also, they work better with tablets because of the screen size.
Sent from the bathroom using the toilet.

I know there's PocketBand, but I can imagine that you want to - just like me - wait for the official FL Studio Android App.

FSadino said:
Is there any application of gender Cubase or Fruity Loops for android?
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Next you will be asking for 16 tracks mixers, samplers, digital out...... on X8 3" screen? You are kidding!

TimeWasterNL said:
I know there's PocketBand, but I can imagine that you want to - just like me - wait for the official FL Studio Android App.
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Wooaaahhh can't wait to have it working on my Xperia U


Nope, and it's difficult to implement --I'd say impossible-- on any currently shipping Android device except for --maybe-- the Nexus 7.
Android's audio latency is MONSTROUS in all versions up to and including 4.0.x, and even with the (admittedly massive) improvements in 4.1 it's still suboptimal for serious audio work. Apple has proved that some kind of audio work is possible on mobile hardware, as there is a simplified version of their home recording software GarageBand, that runs on iOS; but still, not even the desktop version of GarageBand is comparable in features to Cubase or FL Studio.
Regarding the X8 -- even if we got a stable 4.1 ROM for our X8, and someone developed such software, our phone wouldn't have enough muscle to run it: if I was the developer, seeing that I'd be forced to require 4.1 because of the latency issues, I'd surely optimize the thing for gigahertz-range multicore processors. And as someone said before, it would be unusable in a 3" display (going back to GarageBand's example -- the iOS version only runs on the iPad)


fruity loops release?
Is there an official release date for fruity loops on android? my nexus 7 is itch into start making tracks...


Gameboy and NES

Anybody working on gameboy advance emulator like the iphone has or working on NES emulator coz i would love to have them on phone. I want to have some good games on my phone like the iphone has bowling, basketball, accelerometer racing(all using 3d engine) coz as android is amusing me day by day it is also getting a bit boring. i would happily pay $10 fo such games. Please somebody develop or just give me a hint how to develop. Can work for them days and nights.
well it all comes down to developement... the only way this will happen is if someone develops it hehe.. i second your thoughts eventhough i don't have a android...
personally i think the phone should be utilized to it's potential, granted i like what the phone can do, but i would love to see it do more, i don't usually download games, but i have a few and would download an nes/gba emulator if it was made, i love playing excitebike on the nes, i will keep an eye on this thread and hopefully we can get one up and running.
There are a couple of nes/gameboy color emulators out there but they really don't work well. The framerate at highest was 10 fps and no sound. From what I understand, the java side of android (java layer) seems to slow down everything game/video related. My old HTC Wizard (aka tmobile mda) 200mhz processor, 128 MB memory runs NES at full speed and almost runs SNES. This is because java isn't used in the WM emulator and the g1 uses it all the time. Since most of us have root access now, may be java can be bypassed and we can run games/video at a faster speed but that would be extremely difficult. A version of Quake 1 was used in a demo before the g1 was released and ran quite well but it was never released and allegedly ran independently from the OS. BUT if they could do it... why can we? It would be tough but it is possible.
Agreed. And the issue isn't just that the SDK is reliant on Java, but the Android implementation of Java is interpreted - so it is far slower on comparable hardware than a typical Java implementation.
What would fix the issue would be if an organization formed to promote alternate Android SDKs with supporting firmware. It would need some standard libraries that developers could leverage, and ideally it would support installation via the Market (or another Market-like app). Hopefully Google would merge the resulting interaface into the main Android codebase, but even if they didn't people with rooted phones could use the non-Davalik applications.
Just do it.
I don't know how to develop anything. i can just give ideas. Someone in this world should be able to do it. So that person please do it. G1 is one of the best phones and it is a shame for it to not do it.
i would love gameboy or NES (or, even better, SNES..) on my G1.
rich0 said:
Agreed. And the issue isn't just that the SDK is reliant on Java, but the Android implementation of Java is interpreted - so it is far slower on comparable hardware than a typical Java implementation.
What would fix the issue would be if an organization formed to promote alternate Android SDKs with supporting firmware. It would need some standard libraries that developers could leverage, and ideally it would support installation via the Market (or another Market-like app). Hopefully Google would merge the resulting interaface into the main Android codebase, but even if they didn't people with rooted phones could use the non-Davalik applications.
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Superb idea.
rich0 said:
Agreed. And the issue isn't just that the SDK is reliant on Java, but the Android implementation of Java is interpreted - so it is far slower on comparable hardware than a typical Java implementation.
What would fix the issue would be if an organization formed to promote alternate Android SDKs with supporting firmware. It would need some standard libraries that developers could leverage, and ideally it would support installation via the Market (or another Market-like app). Hopefully Google would merge the resulting interaface into the main Android codebase, but even if they didn't people with rooted phones could use the non-Davalik applications.
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Is it possible to run apps with a decent UI from within Mono on Android?
Have you checked out Mystique on the market from Bendroid? Its a 3d game.
I am ready to give support of anykind if anyone agrees to develop.
wimbet said:
Have you checked out Mystique on the market from Bendroid? Its a 3d game.
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True, Mystique is 3d and I didn't realize they had it for android. It's been around for a while now and remeber playing it on my htc wizard. It's a rpg game and doesn't require a high framerate from what I remember. There are a few 3d games for android but they are pretty simple and don't use a ton of resources. I'm sure this can happen and some developers are working on emulators. Android is still pretty new and sure everything is more difficult when java is concerned (as far as performance goes, not actual development) but it will happen. Just takes more time when compared to an older, more widely used OS such as Windows Mobile.
Anybody Trying
Anybody trying to develop it.
There's a few 3D games on the Market, heck I wrote one of them(the first one in fact). The problem when it comes to GB and NES and SNES shouldn't be processing power so much, the G1 can clearly handle graphics that are closer to being on par with N64, the problem is that it has to run any games for those systems as emulations, so basically you have a software version of GB/NES/SNES processor running on a software version of a Java processor(virtual machine) running on the real hardware.
Forgot to say: This should be extremely possible if someone can write a program for android in an actual binary(written in C/C++) and deployed a normal app that just called an execute on that binary. That said, I've never delved into emulators so we'll have to wait until some enterprising person who knows about writing such things does so.
The Kid GBC app only plays gameboy color games but i have been able to get pokemon games to play at about 16 fps on parts so whoever developed it should be asked more questions about it and how he got it to do that.
Looks like its not impossible to run native C programs on the G1...
now if only we could figure out how to access the graphics APIs
wizern23 said:
The Kid GBC app only plays gameboy color games but i have been able to get pokemon games to play at about 16 fps on parts so whoever developed it should be asked more questions about it and how he got it to do that.
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His source is open.
What about BASEBALL SUPERSTARS 2009. Anybody going 3d
[email protected] said:
There's a few 3D games on the Market, heck I wrote one of them(the first one in fact). The problem when it comes to GB and NES and SNES shouldn't be processing power so much, the G1 can clearly handle graphics that are closer to being on par with N64, the problem is that it has to run any games for those systems as emulations, so basically you have a software version of GB/NES/SNES processor running on a software version of a Java processor(virtual machine) running on the real hardware.
Forgot to say: This should be extremely possible if someone can write a program for android in an actual binary(written in C/C++) and deployed a normal app that just called an execute on that binary. That said, I've never delved into emulators so we'll have to wait until some enterprising person who knows about writing such things does so.
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Well Nintendo DS's use ARM processors like the G1 I know, and IIRC many other systems do as well. I don't know if they have the exact same assembly languages, and the GPU would be tricky. If the assembly langauge is compatible they could use a VMware style emulation where instructions are executed natively as much as possible. The big gotcha would definitely be the GPU. So there's a chance for DS emulation atleast, maybe, possibly.
With it's touch screen a G1 would be ace at emulating a DS interface wise.
IANA assembly level programmer yet so I may be full of crap, and emulators are tricky business so who knows?
just a quick bump...
has anyone heard any new developments with gaming emulators in Android recently?/

Android/WP7/iOS strengths and weaknesses.

Ok, well I figured instead of a thread where everyone just comes in and posts their favorite OS it would be nice to put a little bit more thought into our posts. So, what are your opinion on these 3 OSes and what would you say their strengths and weaknesses are? My opinions are as follows;
Strengths- Completely open source and all APIs readily available, huge market of apps, best hardware selection.
Weaknesses- Ugly and laggy user interface due to no hardware accelerated UI, OEM's additions to the UI generally suck, able to get viruses, terrible fragmentation, worst update process ever.
General opinion- It was fun but flashing roms at least once a week was getting annoying and the fact that the update process is generally non-existent is an annoyance. It's terrible knowing that if I went out and bought the latest 2.2-2.3 phone today it's highly unlikely that it would ever see 2.4 or whatever the next iteration might be.
Strengths- Best supported OS and devices on the market to date, fluid UI, best market, always nice devices, best update process imaginable, Netflix.
Weaknesses- Hideous UI, severe hardware limitations, not as open as android.
General opinion- Apple is scared to change a tried and true formula and though the minuscule 3.5 inch screen may be fine for some for me and many others it's just dated. The UI is just as cluttered as your average android UI though to their credit it is smooth.
Windows Phone 7:
Strengths- The hardware selection paired with Xbox live and new titles like Ilomilo and Fable Coin Golf make it the best mobile gaming platform in my opinion (iOS would take the cake but I cant game on a screen that tiny), the UI is refreshingly new and intuitive and does not lag, great update process, Netflix, great hardware selection.
Weaknesses- very few APIs open to developers, limited app market by comparison to the other two, "very locked down" in most peoples opinions, not much room for customization.
A lot of people are scared of Windows Phone either because they had a terrible experience with Windows Mobile or they were one of the few who had a great experience with WinMo and didn't want it to change. If you want an OS that is great out of the box that you don't have to build on then in my opinion this is your guy. I've used about every mobile OS out there and this is the only one that has really stuck to me. The uniformity across the OS and the way everything is so well integrated could not have been done better. I admit it has a ways to go before it can keep up with some of the bigger fish in the sea but for the time being the overall user experience is so good that I don't mind at all. Not once on android did I find a game I enjoyed half as much as Ilomilo or Fable Coin Golf. It really is better than most give it credit for.
well, i wanna add something to the iOS section. After the last update, the iPhone 3g has become laggy. All i wanna say is that apple doesn't care much about how its old devices "act" with its new iOS.
I have an android phone (gs3) but i can't say much about that OS, because I have had it for 1 month.
I don't have any experience with win phone 7 OS. But I have heard good things.
Strengths: Open source which leads to several choices to software (ROMs) and hardware. Based on Linux. As an open system it's available for experimenting and learning.
Weaknesses: Market haven't reached it's potential yet. Google needs to control the fragmentation.
General Opinion: I prefer Android due to the strenghs I just mentioned.
Strengths: Best market in the phone industry, smoother interface than the rest.
Weaknesses: Apple is the worst company in terms of options. It want everything to be done by it's means. iPhone is the most expensive phone (not only terms of apps) as sometimes you must pay for an update.
General Opinion: iPhone -as a device- is a great device. But I realy dislike the policy of Apple in almost everything. Apple treats its customers as robots by not giving them option ands sometimes by -almost- comanding them what they should like. Famous Jobs phrase says it all: "People don't know what they want until you show it to them"
Windows Phone 7​
Strengths: Not a major one.
Weaknesses: To many to write down...
General Opinion: Indifferent.
z33dev33l well done for opening this post. It should be intresting.
z33dev33l said:
Strengths- Completely open source and all APIs readily available, huge market of apps, best hardware selection.
Weaknesses- Ugly and laggy user interface due to no hardware accelerated UI, OEM's additions to the UI generally suck, able to get viruses, terrible fragmentation, worst update process ever.
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Been using the Android OS since dec 08 and never had one virus. Hell on my evo I download torrents on it all the time and not once have I ever had a virus.
Android and iOS scale rather well from phone to tablet. WM really doesn't. Also WM doesn't even begin to have the ecosystem (users, developers, apps, etc.) that Android and iOS do.
Android's biggest issue right now is a lack of some of the kind of commercial apps that iOS does, like the iWork suite. I am seriously considering getting an iPad 2 depending on how much it's going to cost to get my MBP serviced.
Ultimately, it's about the tools you need. I love my EVO 4G which I wouldn't trade for the world. But I also need to be productive and "get stuff done" and so whether that's Mac OS X or Windows 7 on a laptop, or iOS on a tablet, I'm going to use the best tool(s) I can find.
I use an Android on my private phone (HTC Legend) and don't want to miss it again.
In comparison to that i have an company phone (HTC HD7) with Windows Phone7 and it is frustrating to see a good hardware phone with such a bad software -> to many things are not working.
Two examples:
Downloading some pictures from the windows phone only works with one software ... on an other operating system you really have a problem to get the pictures without syncing them over the cloud
Or synchronizing mails and calendar with an Exchange-Server without an official SSL certificate ...
I never had such problems on Android or Symbian ...
If I worked for a company which required me to wear a phone, then I would accept (not necessarily gladly, to be sure) whatever phone they issued, and I would ensure it was THEIR problem to resolve any difficulties, limitations, or whatever else regarding operational capabilities.
My attitude in such matters is a rather unsympathetic "Hey, you people made the bed, so now you can sleep in it".
well, i wanna add something to the iOS section. After the last update, the iPhone 3g has become laggy. All i wanna say is that apple doesn't care much about how its old devices "act" with its new iOS.
I have an android phone (gs3) but i can't say much about that OS, because I have had it for 1 month.
I don't have any experience with win phone 7 OS. But I have heard good things.
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Thanks for the addition, my first iphone was the iphone 4 so I don't know about all of the old stuff.
Strengths: Open source which leads to several choices to software (ROMs) and hardware. Based on Linux. As an open system it's available for experimenting and learning.
Weaknesses: Market haven't reached it's potential yet. Google needs to control the fragmentation.
General Opinion: I prefer Android due to the strenghs I just mentioned.
Strengths: Best market in the phone industry, smoother interface than the rest.
Weaknesses: Apple is the worst company in terms of options. It want everything to be done by it's means. iPhone is the most expensive phone (not only terms of apps) as sometimes you must pay for an update.
General Opinion: iPhone -as a device- is a great device. But I realy dislike the policy of Apple in almost everything. Apple treats its customers as robots by not giving them option ands sometimes by -almost- comanding them what they should like. Famous Jobs phrase says it all: "People don't know what they want until you show it to them"
Windows Phone 7
Strengths: Not a major one.
Weaknesses: To many to write down...
General Opinion: Indifferent.
z33dev33l well done for opening this post. It should be intresting.
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Might I ask, have you yet to partake in a WP7 device?
Been using the Android OS since dec 08 and never had one virus. Hell on my evo I download torrents on it all the time and not once have I ever had a virus.
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Just because you've yet to recieve one doesn't mean they're not out there.
Android and iOS scale rather well from phone to tablet. WM really doesn't. Also WM doesn't even begin to have the ecosystem (users, developers, apps, etc.) that Android and iOS do.
Android's biggest issue right now is a lack of some of the kind of commercial apps that iOS does, like the iWork suite. I am seriously considering getting an iPad 2 depending on how much it's going to cost to get my MBP serviced.
Ultimately, it's about the tools you need. I love my EVO 4G which I wouldn't trade for the world. But I also need to be productive and "get stuff done" and so whether that's Mac OS X or Windows 7 on a laptop, or iOS on a tablet, I'm going to use the best tool(s) I can find.
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Windows Phone 7 is growing faster in terms of apps than either android or iOS did when it started and both of those are much more open. It also holds the strongest percentile increase in developer interest month after month.
iOS destroys in battery life. But I'm still Android after switching back. Too much pros then cons with Android.

New Nokia N9 with Meego
Man this is sexy
I want Meego on my SGS II
Damn! This is what Android interface should have been. I don't want no stinking buttons on my device. I want a phone with a giant screen and nothing else. I don't want no soft buttons like Honeycomb either. I want a fully gesture driven interface.
Yup Android should be like this
its a bit " big" dont ya think?plus only 1gz processor cant see it being to swift!
nokia will make a hash of it like they do with every operating system and spend years sending out firmware updates to resolve it ....
vikas776 said:
Yup Android should be like this
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Was the market ready for a completely button free device 4 years ago? (Or whenever the first android device came out)
Well I came from an N900 and I must same Maemo/Meego is a complete OS. It just lacks apps.
That said, Nokia has killed Meego so I wonder how much support will they give this. Hence the reason why I jumped to Android.
The hardware design looks very impressive (imo). I like the look and "feel" of the phone. Even through the battery is just 1450mAh, we know Nokia handsets are good in actual battery performance. N8 has 1200mAh, if I recall correctly.
I am worried about the CPU/GPU. CPU seems to be rather dated Cortex A8. I am not sure how much heavy-duty apps can it sustain. But I guess for most folks that won't matter if the operation is fluid. Ironically I believe this is the 1st 1GHz phone from Nokia. GPU is my main concern. It's SGX530, which I guess is less powerful than iphone 3gs.
rd_nest said:
The hardware design looks very impressive (imo). I like the look and "feel" of the phone. Even through the battery is just 1450mAh, we know Nokia handsets are good in actual battery performance. N8 has 1200mAh, if I recall correctly.
I am worried about the CPU/GPU. CPU seems to be rather dated Cortex A8. I am not sure how much heavy-duty apps can it sustain. But I guess for most folks that won't matter if the operation is fluid. Ironically I believe this is the 1st 1GHz phone from Nokia. GPU is my main concern. It's SGX530, which I guess is less powerful than iphone 3gs.
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Both iPhone 4 and 3gs got the SGX530 as the GPU.. so it is not that slow..
and after all the specs are not all, because the iphone with the "old" 1GHZ and SGX530, can run games that android need tegra 2 to run smooth..
Android OS itself is a resource hog hence the reason for that. Meego is Linux so it has better resource management
amitmiz said:
Both iPhone 4 and 3gs got the SGX530 as the GPU.. so it is not that slow..
and after all the specs are not all, because the iphone with the "old" 1GHZ and SGX530, can run games that android need tegra 2 to run smooth..
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I thought they had SGX 535.
why is this posted in the SG2 section
Harvin Dhillon said:
Android OS itself is a resource hog hence the reason for that. Meego is Linux so it has better resource management
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Android is Linux too...
qwerty warrior said:
why is this posted in the SG2 section
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+1 it's getting out of hand. You know what? Let's start a new thread about what's the weather like in your hometown!
the UI seems marvin gaye smooth and really intuitive hopefully a fully working version can be ported to the s2
I think it's good that Nokia FINALLY released a phone with up-to-date specs...but they release it with a dying OS!!
IMO, I find MeeGo a bit too simple. App feed...multi tasking.
I'd just find that a bit boring, but that's probably just me. Of course on Android, we technically only have home screen and app drawer (and lock screen) but ON the home screen you can do so much. Apps, widgets, the layouts of them. The scrolling wallpapers etc.
But one thing I do like is the multi-tasking. That page is pretty damn good.
Although the frame rates look pretty slow (however that could just be the pre-release build)
Phone History:
N97 > SGS > SGS 2
I dont think that any attemps of nokia to get back the worlds best mobile manufacture will result in success. The N97 was quiet a good mobile, but after changing to my first android device (sgs) i have got just 2 words for nokia: never ever.
Great looking hardware, but if you watch one of the videos on youtube that shows a hands-on with it the interface is quite stuttery and slow. =(
I've also gotten used to using widgets instead of constantly jumping in and out of apps, so I don't think Meego is for me.
My own preference list (does not count app selection; interface only):
1) Android - I love customisation and widgets
2) WebOS - Love the 'cards' style and visual appeal
3) Windows Phone 7 - Minimalism done right, very smooth and attractive
4) iOS - Attractive and smooth, but starting to age a bit
5) Meego - Very simple and quick, but heavily app-reliant for everything
6) Windows Mobile 6.5 - Obviously not great, but customisable
7) Symbian - Tried a Nokia smartphone, but isn't intuitive and not fluid or 'pleasant'
Harvin Dhillon said:
Well I came from an N900 and I must same Maemo/Meego is a complete OS. It just lacks apps.
That said, Nokia has killed Meego so I wonder how much support will they give this. Hence the reason why I jumped to Android.
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Right there with you. I loved my N900 (still do really) but Nokia have systematically managed screw things up. Maemo has had features that android is still TRYING to achieve for a long time now. Getting used to a back button was a real challenge after coming from the intuitive GUI that was on the N900.
That being said the N9 looks amazing (if a little light in the camera spec department). The problem here will not be the hardware, nor the OS. It will be Nokia management and its seemingly constant quest to destroy what once was an innovative and great company
FPRobber said:
Android is Linux too...
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A mistake many make. Sure it is linux based but it is not a linux distribution. It is just a virtual machine running on a linux kernel.
Meego is an official Linux distribution
Bratag said:
Right there with you. I loved my N900 (still do really) but Nokia have systematically managed screw things up. Maemo has had features that android is still TRYING to achieve for a long time now. Getting used to a back button was a real challenge after coming from the intuitive GUI that was on the N900.
That being said the N9 looks amazing (if a little light in the camera spec department). The problem here will not be the hardware, nor the OS. It will be Nokia management and its seemingly constant quest to destroy what once was an innovative and great company
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Had the same issue coming from Maemo, didnt understand the back button cause it didnt make sense. Half the time I didnt know if the application was running or if it was closed. No such issues with Maemo, it was a desktop OS in your hands and perfect for the touch screen.
Nokia just made a epic blunder, if they kept pushing meego and put it on all their phones instead of that dumb-ed down Windows OS7, they might have a good chance.
Apps is a issue on Meego yes but it is a linux distro based on rpm so all it needs is a customised UI and the app can be ported, that is where QT was suppose to come in. Well let's see how it goes. I dont think it will work though considering everyone is jumping ship from Nokia, me included.

Car Computer: Android or Windows 8?

So this summer I was going to build a carputer with a kit that I already have, similar to this :
Seeing that the new windows 8 metro style UI looks to be very touch screen friendly. I just have to find a double DIN friendly touch screen. And the board that I got has 5 CH audio output that I would just run into a 4 channel amp for my speakers.
Then I started thinking that I like the android tablet idea because I am more familiar with it and I can BT from a tablet to my phone to use internet and GPS functions and that would be titties, only downfall was that I would only have 2CH of audio split into two to get my 4CH, that and every 7" tablet that fits a double DIN hole is pretty weak, but could work.
Then I found this effer:
Seems to be everything I wanted, just not sure on sound quality or how well the systems integrations work... that and I get to do no customization and building myself.
I already have a double DIN touch screen dvd car stereo but it lacks navigation and Bluetooth capability.
Dunno whats better.
Probably Windows 8.
Android is just not an OS meant for something beyond phones, if you want something touch friendly on a larger scale, the tiny icons of ICS on a tab aren't it while driving. Windows 8 is info at a glance, just like windows phone. Given the option, I'd take the OS that seems to be suited for the job, GPS/BT link to your phone would still work given the right programs on win8
i think android
If it runs google music in terms of music, it would be good. Android can also offer FM radio if the device supports it, and I don't think Windows 8 does that
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA Premium HD app
Android. Simply because it is much more flexible than W8. IMHO.
So although the stock Android might not be as touch friendly, you can always make it touch friendly.
v0nHippie said:
Android. Simply because it is much more flexible than W8. IMHO.
So although the stock Android might not be as touch friendly, you can always make it touch friendly.
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but you can't make it AS touch friendly, you can either get something, customize it, and still have a half-finished product, or get something that just works.
z33dev33l said:
but you can't make it AS touch friendly, you can either get something, customize it, and still have a half-finished product, or get something that just works.
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That's the thing. It won't. not with all the inevitable BSOD and license agreement prompts while you're trying to find your way through traffic.
Android it much more flexible, no matter what your marketing department has to say about it.
As long as its not the arm version of windows 8, which won't run older windows software, I think windows 8 is better choice. It will run lots of the very good pre existing windows software and be compatible with additional hardware you might want to add later such as wireless controls and screens etc.
Android is a good choice but for op's needs windows 8 is probably better.
( )
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
For the time being I would say android, mostly because Windows 8 is young and there aren't many (mature) apps you could use effectively for the purposes you want.
However, I believe a year (maybe a bit more) from now, Windows 8 tablets should be on par with android and when you think about all these Windows 8 non-tablet apps you could also run, Win8 will be the way to go.
TL;DR Android for a year, switch to Windows 8 later if you want comfort. Or just skip android and get Windows device.
v0nHippie said:
That's the thing. It won't. not with all the inevitable BSOD and license agreement prompts while you're trying to find your way through traffic.
Android it much more flexible, no matter what your marketing department has to say about it.
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I haven't had a bsod since vista, I don't think many have. Bringing up old issues to argue about a new OS is foolish. Here's some relevant android issues, lag, not touch friendly on a big screen, fragmentation, stability.
There will be more possibilities with Windows 8, but atm Windows 8 have to much bugs. For now better choice is android, for the future win8.
z33dev33l said:
but you can't make it AS touch friendly, you can either get something, customize it, and still have a half-finished product, or get something that just works.
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The guy wants to put a tablet in his think he is worried about customizing?? Please stop the madness. Even on the most beta of ROM's you have working GPS, music, games, and bluetooth. What more do you need? Also I don't know how much you follow Android, but there was just a HUGE breakthrough in per app DPI that would make customizing a tablet for a situation like this super easy.
Windows 8 would be more car friendly due to the massive buttons, but Android has less bugs, and Windows 8 isn't out yet. Android for now, Windows 8 when it's out for longer.
What makes you think android has less bugs? Really...
z33dev33l said:
What makes you think android has less bugs? Really...
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What makes you think android lags?
Sent from My Samsung Galaxy S2 running Paranoidandroid Rom.What else if not?=P
VOT Productions said:
Windows 8 would be more car friendly due to the massive buttons, but Android has less bugs, and Windows 8 isn't out yet. Android for now, Windows 8 when it's out for longer.
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How do you know Andriod has "less bugs" when Windows 8 isn't even out yet?
v0nHippie said:
not with all the inevitable BSOD and license agreement prompts while you're trying to find your way through traffic.
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BSOD and license agreement prompts?! Are you using a pirated copy of Windows 98? I have Windows 7 64 bit and the ONLY time I ever saw a BSOD was with a new third party piece of hardware that had buggy firmware. Pulled that out of my case and never saw anything like that again.
Android, car mode, Done.
Windows 8 on a small board? Probably will have to be the RT version and it'll have to be pirated. Even then you don't know what all will work.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
z33dev33l said:
I haven't had a bsod since vista, I don't think many have. Bringing up old issues to argue about a new OS is foolish. Here's some relevant android issues, lag, not touch friendly on a big screen, fragmentation, stability.
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You always get a bee in your bonnet about android lagging but ignoring that, as you never listen to anyone who says otherwise, even if it were not touch friendly on a big screen just how big a screen do you expect it to be using in a car? It wouldn't be a problem even if it were true, though I would like to see sources backing up that claim of not being touch friendly.
Stability? Seriously? You do realise android phones can be left on indefinitely without becoming unstable so how can stability be an issue?
I actually agree windows makes more sense but I do think your mistaken in your view of android.
( )
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
If the Car-PC you are getting is x86... go for Windows 8
if it's an ARM based computer... go Android
Best keep it native right?

Other than apps, what is better on ios or android

I know WP is missing a ton of apps. But I can't think of anything android or iPhones do better than WP.
I had the Lumia 900 and upgraded to 920. also my work phone is a Samsung galaxy android .
It seems that everything's slower and breaks on android.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
Most of the missing apps are rendered useless and pointless by the system. Having such a good OS makes apps not needed in some cases (for instance, WP does not need battery saver type of apps, whereas Android does, you do not need decent apps to view photos, check email, etc because system apps are good enough and examples could continue). SO the fuss over "omg WP has a lot of apps missing" is pure misinformation.
WP trumps over Android. Idk about iOS, but Android is leagues behind.
I completely agree. I just cannot think of a single instance where android or IOS trumps wp. Its a bit mind blowing that windows phones are better and cheaper but idiots are still buying android and apple
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
shield001 said:
I completely agree. I just cannot think of a single instance where android or IOS trumps wp. Its a bit mind blowing that windows phones are better and cheaper but idiots are still buying android and apple
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
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Because Android is a little more mature, as far as popularity is concerned (it is on the market for longer than WP has been), the same goes for apple.
Android also packs up more hardware power (because the hardware has to make up for poor software, and in most cases, the hardware is simply not capable of doing so) and for the average joe it means it is better. As far as Apple is concerned...well...people will blindly follow the brand anyway.
There's also the developer problem, most people go with Java because Java is thought in collage more than C++ or C# is. This is also a big advantage Android has.
on a side note...
I wonder how a quad core Windows Phone 8 will be like...
Really need Teamviewer or Logmein or VPN
Teamviewer, Logmein, or VPN really needs to be implemented in WP. As a early adopter and a happy 920 Owner I was really hoping to see this in WP8 hope it comes soon a lot of IT individuals can't make the switch because of this.
shield001 said:
I know WP is missing a ton of apps. But I can't think of anything android or iPhones do better than WP.
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The problem with wp and ios are not the apps per se, but rather that there are entire classes of apps that they cannot get by design.
The easiest examples are custom keyboards (swype) and custom launchers (i.e. if you don't like the default type of start screen, you're out of luck).
But there are much more advanced examples, programs that perform deep system changes in order to add massive functionality:
PGM Nexus
while, unfortunately, MSFT and Apple have generally been cracking down on anything resembling rooting. It would be better if they would let us do whatever we want, and buyer beware.
Ahh got one separate volume settings, I know android can do it. Lol had to reach for that one, especially now that WP supports micro sd
Sent from my RM-878_nam_usa_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Besides apps, ios and android are far more mature and so have many features not available on wp8. Examples
Do not disturb mode
Notification centre
Separate volume controls
Sms drafts on android
Send a configurable text response if you cant answer a call
Way better music players with features like gapless playback
Usb tethering
Notification light on android
Wp8 has a lot of catching up to do
shield001 said:
I completely agree. I just cannot think of a single instance where android or IOS trumps wp. Its a bit mind blowing that windows phones are better and cheaper but idiots are still buying android and apple
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
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It's mind blowing that you can't see that people buy what they want.
Windows Phone isn't for everyone. It's a locked down OS - even more locked down than Apple's iOS.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Lumia, but I'm concerned about how locked down it is.
Android does a lot more: browser choice, tv out, USB On-the-go (which allows you to connect devices to your android phone/tablet), custom firmwares, and more fully featured software.
However it's not as polished and smooth as Windows Phone and iOS.
You may tell me that a phone doesn't need all that, but it's your opinion. Many others use those features daily.
buffalosolja42 said:
Teamviewer, Logmein, or VPN really needs to be implemented in WP. As a early adopter and a happy 920 Owner I was really hoping to see this in WP8 hope it comes soon a lot of IT individuals can't make the switch because of this.
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LogMeIn is for us a very important tool to resposnd quickly to clients when not in the office. Hasa anyone already installed LogMeIn Ignition for WP8 ? We also search for an foldable keyboard which works with the Samsung Ativ WP8. Ay idea I love to see
IMHO, There's no point of having a phone with dual/quad core processor if it hangs or freezes quite often. I used Lumia 710 ( which is a low spec phone compared to my new S2), and I have never witnessed any OS sooo smooth. After switching to Samsung S2 (due to lack of apps), I now regret my decision.

