I have tried both 64 and 34 bit drivers from Designgears odin one click stock ROM.
and cant get it to work!!! I am on Vista 64 Bit system
I need help!!
b-eock said:
I have tried both 64 and 34 bit drivers from Designgears odin one click stock ROM.
and cant get it to work!!! I am on Vista 64 Bit system
I need help!!
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Try these:
Drivers straight from samsung.
Edit: if you are trying to mount your phone as USB drive and are on miui or cm7 you need to install the nexus s drivers then. Samsung drivers will still work for download mode. A computer restart sometime does wonders too.
Sent from my SGH-I896 running MIUI.
I forgot I used those already too.
Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G using XDA App
When you installed the drivers, did you right click and run as administrator?
It would be helpful to know what mode you are trying to connect in, download mode, usb mass media, usb drive or tethering. Did you install heimdall by any chance? On your phone switch to a different option under usb settings and see if your computer will detect your phone then. Sometimes if you install a new rom, usb drive wont work until you switch it to mass media then back to usb drive.
Sent from my SGH-I896 running MIUI.
I had to grant administrator permission when I ran the installation, but I didn't right click and give it permissions from the start.
And I'm trying to connect in download mode.
Its only on eclair that it doesn't wanna see the phone, idk why. It saw it on MIUI(on I897 GB BL) but not on eclair/froyo BL
Sent from my I897 using xda premium
Have you tried downloading Kies (the full version, not mini) and reinstalling the drivers that come with it (they are under tools)?
I will try that, would you link me to it, cuz the last full kies I put on was in Chinese
I'm on my mobile. Go to Samsung home page. At the very bottom, you will see a tiny US flag. Click that, and you can change your location to the UK. Then just go to support
Thanks!!, I spanked your thank key!
Kies Mini is the only one that shows up for the Captivate specifically.
I dont see a full kies.
Didnt work..
Have you tried different cables? Different USB Ports? I'm beginning to think it may be a hardware problem, not software.
Had same problem before. It was the crappy USB cable u get with the phone. Switched it with a better cable and had no problems after that.
Sent from captivate running fasty 1.3
fastlude said:
Had same problem before. It was the crappy USB cable u get with the phone. Switched it with a better cable and had no problems after that.
Sent from captivate running fasty 1.3
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The cable isnt crappy it like everything else gets worn out with regular use. Kinda like my knees.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
I haven't tried a different cable, I will now., but it has never(not once) given me issues on my old computer(win XP)
I've had the same issue before. Get pdanet. That fixed it. and now I never have recognition issues (just don't forget to make sure usb debugging is enabled).
Crazy thing happened. I deleted all traces of Samsung from my computer and then restarted and left alone for awhile, then Viola it worked(WTF!!!!) I dont even have the drivers installed( after uninstalling them I deleted all Samsung Folders in Program files and Program Files(x86).
Its weird but im happy now thanks all of you for helping !!!!!!!!!
I also used my little Bro's HTC Inspire Cable instead of the OEM cable.
Did u try it with the other cable when u did this? Or with the stock cable?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I would buy a new cable on Amazon. Stock cable is literally less than$2
Alright, so before I get flamed, I have searched for over an hour today, and I have not been able to figure this out. I am not new to android, rooting, custom roms, and editing files, so I have tried a multitude of different things.
To the point, my Droid 3 will not connect to my computer. It did a couple weeks ago when I flashed the Liberty Rom onto it, but now it'll just charge and not go into the USB mode. The only reason I know it is charging is when I disconnect the cord it says the disconnected message.
I have tried a couple different cables, and I usually use my stock cable that came with my D3. I have also tried restarting my phone and computer. I even flashed the newest Liberty Rom the hard way and still no luck.
If someone could please help me out I would be VERY grateful as this is a PITA!!!
Thanks in advance!
My two cents would be, try different usb port and make sure you have the most current moto drivers.
Have had luck with uninstalling driver pack and reinstalling.
Hope that helps.
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App
I appreciate the help, unfortunately uninstalling the drivers didn't work, unless I didn't get the correct drivers? I went into uninstall programs. In the device manager nothing came up for my phone or drivers. And I have also tried different ports but to no luck. Thanks again for the reply.
Have you tried a different computer? A different device? Let's just rule out that this isn't a computer issue first...
My Zune works in all of my ports, and my other computer. My Phone however does not. It does the same thing as my other computer, although I guess I don't have the drivers on the other computer, but it would still come up as usb connection right? All this does is charge, sometimes.
Have you tried Linux? No drivers are needed. download a live CD and see if it helps.
eww245 said:
Have you tried Linux? No drivers are needed. download a live CD and see if it helps.
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Can you explain?
("Very Important"!) PLEASE POST!!!
Sent From My Droid 3 using TapaTalk
xFreak-a-Zoidx said:
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Thanks for clearing that up for me, I haven't competed the fourth grade.
Dude could've just said use the USB cord that came with the phone, to each his own. I have 6 micro usb cables and only the moto official will allow me to do anything other than charge the phone via cpu.
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App
The only problem is that I ONLY use the cord that came with my D3... Any way to flash the stock rom onto my phone from my phone and unroot? Then I can take my phone into verizon and get a new one... and a new cord..
ajgates92 said:
The only problem is that I ONLY use the cord that came with my D3... Any way to flash the stock rom onto my phone from my phone and unroot? Then I can take my phone into verizon and get a new one... and a new cord..
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That sucks. You can find the .890 sbf floating around in android development and flash it, I believe it takes everything to stock including unroot.
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App
I looked in the thread posted, but the link to the flashable zip is down. So i'm stuck at a standstill right now.
This link works fine:
blmetzger said:
This link works fine:
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Can I flash that wit cwm or the stock recovery though? I can't use RSD or fastboot because nothing happens when I plug my usb into it.
I've hit the dreaded phone /!\ screen. This is not the problem. Been here before and Odin recognized my phone, so I flashed to stock and all was well. What's the problem you ask? This time, neither Odin nor Heimdall respond when my phone is connected to my OEM USB cable. Here's the scenario - I was on MaxQkj3 rom, flashed to stock JF6 w/ Odin1Click without incident. Did a factory reset on the phone, then started to Odin1Click to stock GB with BL. Odin started fine, then hung up shortly after starting. At this point, I disconnected my phone from the USB cable, closed Odin1Click, opened up Odinv1.85 to flash KF1 GB w/ pit/pda/phone/csc files (have done this several times b/4 without incident). Now comes the "Oh $h!!" moment - I plug the phone back in to USB and there is no response from Odin. I pull the battery, wait, place batter back in, try to get into download mode and BAM - phone /!\ computer screen. This was two days ago. Since then, I've tried Outler's Heimdall unbrick, I've tried a homemade jig, and every other recommendation in XDA and any other site I could Google. I've watched vid's on youtube. Nothing, nada, zip. All I can get to is the same screen. I've ordered a jig, should be here next week. If you read through the One-Click Unbrick thread, my problem is similar to Rhiannon224 & one other person. (And yes, I've contacted Outler who has generously provided his input). I'm trying all the options I can before I have to ship out for repair. In the meantime, I'm open to any suggestions or recommendations.
Different cable
Sent from my I897 using xda premium
b-eock said:
Different cable
Sent from my I897 using xda premium
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worth a try. do you know if it can be any microUSB or does it need to be Samsung?
befreewv said:
worth a try. do you know if it can be any microUSB or does it need to be Samsung?
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Just needs to be Micro USB!
Sent from my I897 using xda premium
b-eock said:
Just needs to be Micro USB!
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ok, will give it a try this weekend. by the way, how do you like your unbrickable? Right about now it sounds priceless.
Yahh if I ever screw up something , hook it up to the computer and two clicks fixes it!
Sent from my I897 using xda premium
befreewv said:
worth a try. do you know if it can be any microUSB or does it need to be Samsung?
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update: used the same cable to connect wifey's blackberry to my pc, connected just fine, no problems. leading me to believe its my phone, not the pc or cable. Ugh.
Try a different cable still, Cuz the cable of mine works in others but not mine. I had to use my little brothers cable to flash...
Sent from my I897 using xda premium
befreewv said:
update: used the same cable to connect wifey's blackberry to my pc, connected just fine, no problems. leading me to believe its my phone, not the pc or cable. Ugh.
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UPDATE 11/21: jig arrived today and....saints be praised it worked!!!! thought for sure I was a goner, but the jig got me to download mode. Had to go mess around a bit to get the right drivers going, but Odin finally recognized and I flashed used the "safe" JF6 One-Click to get to Eclair. I wish I had at least 2.2, but I'll take what I've got because I'm scared crapless to flash.
My laptop (and other computers I've tried) stopped seeing the note.
When I plug it in it only says charging but I don't see a new device added on Windows.
ADB says waiting for device. If i disable usb debugging a message about MTP comes up upon connection but I don't see any drives mapped in windows at all. Device manager doesn't show any android or untecognized devices.
I tried uninstalling samsung usb drivers and reinstalling them. Nothing helps. I am starting to think I have a hw issue. Anything else you can think of friends?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Do nand backup. Flash GB then try.
Forgot to mention. I am back on Rocket ROM v22.
The plan is to full wipe and install ROCKET V23 today and see if it helps.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
#$%^@! Samsung USB drivers will be the death of us all.
I experienced something similar the other day: had the standalone drivers installed which worked well, then suddenly stopped for reasons known only to CIA and KGB, I suppose.
This is what helped:
1. uninstalled drivers
2. installed fresh Kies *yecch*
Will give it a try mate. Thanks!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
update : things aren't looking good.
I did a full wipe, tried a different kernel and installed KIES.
Nothing helps, the comp doesn't even make that sound when a new usb is plugged in so it doesn't even try to look for drivers or mount it.
Is it really HW issue or can i still try anything ?
mfractal said:
update : things aren't looking good.
I did a full wipe, tried a different kernel and installed KIES.
Nothing helps, the comp doesn't even make that sound when a new usb is plugged in so it doesn't even try to look for drivers or mount it.
Is it really HW issue or can i still try anything ?
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Im pretty sure you already tried it but...
I had such a problem once. Turned out that my USB cable was broken, it could only charge but data-lines were inactive. I have no idea if Note uses the same line for both charging and data sync, but maybe it's not the phone - but the cable ?
Akiainavas said:
Im pretty sure you already tried it but...
I had such a problem once. Turned out that my USB cable was broken, it could only charge but data-lines were inactive. I have no idea if Note uses the same line for both charging and data sync, but maybe it's not the phone - but the cable ?
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thanks mate, tried two different cables.
Went to another comp now, which didn't have any samsung **** installed on it, upon first connection it tried installing the drivers and failed (obviously). I then installed samsung usb drivers, and ever since - same problem - comp doesn't see the phone.
mfractal said:
update : things aren't looking good.
I did a full wipe, tried a different kernel and installed KIES.
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You will agree, wipe can't restore if any corrupt system file isn't ?
N this can't be solved by any measure you.took, change pc/change cable/wipe device
How is the idea to reflash?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
dr.ketan said:
You will agree, wipe can't restore if any corrupt system file isn't ?
N this can't be solved by any measure you.took, change pc/change cable/wipe device
How is the idea to reflash?
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Hello Dr!
So... i tried flashing ICS via mobile ODIN to try and see if it works - nothing. I tried a full wipe on stock GB - same.
I tried 3 different usb cables, and three comps - same same.
What i did notice now, is that if i keep trying to connect it for 20-30 times, it might work once out of those 30 and next time it won't work again.
hardware right ?
It seems to be hardware only.
But as you have to move to service centre, once make last try to flash using pc odin. N i think, which is requires for warranty purpose too.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Defective/dirty USB socket perhaps?
Could be. I really don't know what to think other than a faulty hardware. I tried blowing compressed air into the usb port. Other than changing the usb port assembly I don't see another way. I am with no warranty as well as I bought it from HK when they just came out and it is my understanding that Samsung only respects the warranty within the country the device is bought.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Compressed air usually unable to remove tar from pin
If you want to clean it, better use cotton soacked with spirit/petrol (after removing battery), as it evaporates rapidly. N let it dry completely.
Any update on your situation, mfractal?
Unfortunately no. I've tried cleaning the contacts but that also didn't help.
Thinking about trying to replace the usb charging port assembly but can't seem to find a dealer that sells it. Also not sure it'll help....
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
mfractal said:
Unfortunately no. I've tried cleaning the contacts but that also didn't help.
Thinking about trying to replace the usb charging port assembly but can't seem to find a dealer that sells it. Also not sure it'll help....
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That's a bummer.
My commiserations, mate.
I still hope you'll sort it out in the end.
Thanks bud. Once I locate that usb port assembly ill try to replace it.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Dude, I too had such an issue earlier, but what I did was, I tried installing an application @ the market named "USB Mass Storage Watcher" and as soon as I installed and configured so, I got my drive identified immediately. May seem pretty noob, but no harm in giving a try....
didn't work.... same as before, only charging.
Long story short...after bootlooping my phone trying to flash it, I was able to get it into download mode after A LOT of trying button/time/etc...combos. Used Odin one click, reset phone, it booted up and all looked well. Powered down phone, tried to power back on and I get the "connecting" screen. I've literally looked these (and other) forums up and down for HOURS AND HOURS.
Tried all the possible 3 button combos I've read dice, continues to go into "connecting", so after MANY attempts, I broke down and made a home made jig. Didn't work either. Thought I may have did it wrong, so I ordered one...nope, still no luck. Thought maybe it was bad...ordered a 2nd one from different person...and wham...NOTHING. Returning it or anything is completely out of the question, (another long story), so I'm stuck with a phone that doesn't work and am out of options.
Is there ANY known ways to fix this considering all I've tried? Ready to explode from trying so long lol.
Samsung Galaxy S Captivate, SGH-1897
Have u tried using that screen as a Download Mode screen ?? Odin or Heimdall may acknowledge recognition of your phone from that screen. If so, then try the Stock GB 2.3.5 i897ucKK4 here...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
Icehouse00100 said:
Long story short...after bootlooping my phone trying to flash it, I was able to get it into download mode after A LOT of trying button/time/etc...combos. Used Odin one click, reset phone, it booted up and all looked well.
Is there ANY known ways to fix this considering all I've tried? Ready to explode from trying so long lol.
Samsung Galaxy S Captivate, SGH-1897
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You can contact Josh at They fix these at a reasonable price. I have heard that your phone is always salvageable if it displays something on the screen.
Did you only try one odin one click? What OS are you running? Don't despair!
4-2ndtwin said:
Have u tried using that screen as a Download Mode screen ?? Odin or Heimdall may acknowledge recognition of your phone from that screen. If so, then try the Stock GB 2.3.5 i897ucKK4 here...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Neither will recognize it. Windows doesn't even recognize it...although Odin and Windows did before this happened.
[email protected] said:
You can contact Josh at They fix these at a reasonable price. I have heard that your phone is always salvageable if it displays something on the screen.
Did you only try one odin one click? What OS are you running? Don't despair!
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I've tried Odin and Heimdall...neither even recognize the phone is there. I'm using Windows Vista.
Icehouse00100 said:
Neither will recognize it. Windows doesn't even recognize it...although Odin and Windows did before this happened.
Not very knowledgeable just started getting into this myself a while back.....was reading your post did you try pull battery wait a minute or so then replace battery leave phone off and hold down the volumes while Inserting USB cord attached to PC? Also i had an issue with my antivirus software messing with the one clicks had to disable it for a while just thought would mention it.
I've tried Odin and Heimdall...neither even recognize the phone is there. I'm using Windows Vista.
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Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda app-developers app
Icehouse00100 said:
Neither will recognize it. Windows doesn't even recognize it...although Odin and Windows did before this happened.
I've tried Odin and Heimdall...neither even recognize the phone is there. I'm using Windows Vista.
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What rom were you trying to flash? If it was an ics build you might need the nexus USB drivers for odin to recognize your device. Also to use hemdall you have to use a different USB port than what you normally use for Odin. Both Odin and hemdall kinda claim that port once its used by that particular program..
robm1911 said:
What rom were you trying to flash? If it was an ics build you might need the nexus USB drivers for odin to recognize your device. Also to use hemdall you have to use a different USB port than what you normally use for Odin. Both Odin and hemdall kinda claim that port once its used by that particular program..
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CM10. Tried different ports, still nothing.
Icehouse00100 said:
CM10. Tried different ports, still nothing.
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Bit of an update...
Left phone sitting overnight with USB connected to it and computer with the phone/computer screen showing. Stuck jig in, did a weird combo with another jig (2 jigs combined with both on 4/5 and 1 resistor)...did nothing. Plugged back into computer and for the FIRST time, I got a message from windows saying that it didn't recognize the finally atleast recognized the phone. Tried opening Odin and Hemdal just to see if they would pick it up...neither did. So after trying to install the drivers again (did sucessfully, but didn't recognize phone), I unplugged phone and repeated the entire process down to the letter...and nothing again. 2nd time, computer didn't recognize phone being plugged in.
Thought maybe this would give some more info...sooooooo wanting to get this fixed.
Did u try it with the nexus usb drivers as robm1911 suggested above ??
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
4-2ndtwin said:
Did u try it with the nexus usb drivers as robm1911 suggested above ??
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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I've tried the Nexus drivers from Samsung site if that's what you mean...same result.
I had the same problem with my captivate, the heimdall drivers conflict with the Samsung ones. download the generic Samsung drivers, run the program and install it, then open up Odin, plug the phone in while it's on the triangle-!-computer screen. Should recognize it.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
spitfire2425 said:
I had the same problem with my captivate, the heimdall drivers conflict with the Samsung ones. download the generic Samsung drivers, run the program and install it, then open up Odin, plug the phone in while it's on the triangle-!-computer screen. Should recognize it.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
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Re-downloaded Samsung change. Tried 5 different cords on 2 computers...just won't register the device being there.
U may have tried this about uninstalling all drivers--i897, nexus, heimdall(libsusb), etc. then start from there. Install, etc. Idk, may be worth a try.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using xda premium
spitfire2425 said:
I had the same problem with my captivate, the heimdall drivers conflict with the Samsung ones. download the generic Samsung drivers, run the program and install it, then open up Odin, plug the phone in while it's on the triangle-!-computer screen. Should recognize it.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
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4-2ndtwin said:
U may have tried this about uninstalling all drivers--i897, nexus, heimdall(libsusb), etc. then start from there. Install, etc. Idk, may be worth a try.
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Well, haven't removed ALL of the drivers, but I have tried 2 other computers that have never had any of the drivers on them and windows doesn't pick up the phone to ask for drivers so I manually put Samsung ones on...still nothing.
BTW, thanks for the quick replies and all the suggestions...keep 'em coming! I'm determined to figure this out LOL
Almost forgot about this thread might be helpful.
robm1911 said:
Almost forgot about this thread might be helpful.
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Tried ALL of those multiple times dice. Shame I'm not getting paid by the hour for this...WAAAAAYYYYYY too much time spent on this to have gotten no where!!!!!
...Wonder if something is wrong with the micro usb of ur phone ???
4-2ndtwin said:
...Wonder if something is wrong with the micro usb of ur phone ???
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I wouldn't worked fine until the bootloop. But hey, I've tried everything else would you test it?
Would the Unbrickable mod work ya think?
Contact for info on fix or repair of ur problem.
Very good and reputable...
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