I have found a couple threads on this topic, but none of them provide a clear cut solution mostly because they have workarounds related to disabling notifications on the computer side.
The issue is I have a Mac, so instead of a notification, every time I connect the phone, the phone turns on "development mode" and then I see an emulated CD on my desktop and the application pops up.
I want to disable or delete this emulated CD. I would like a way to do this on the phone side, perhaps just disabling a service or application. I am not rooted and don't plan on it.
alphaod said:
I have found a couple threads on this topic, but none of them provide a clear cut solution mostly because they have workarounds related to disabling notifications on the computer side.
The issue is I have a Mac, so instead of a notification, every time I connect the phone, the phone turns on "development mode" and then I see an emulated CD on my desktop and the application pops up.
I want to disable or delete this emulated CD. I would like a way to do this on the phone side, perhaps just disabling a service or application. I am not rooted and don't plan on it.
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Have you ever found a way to disable this annoying Finder window from opening?
delete the iso from the phone
it's in /etc/PCTOOL.iso
use a root capable file explorer.
You'll need to be rooted.
gunnyman said:
delete the iso from the phone
it's in /etc/PCTOOL.iso
use a root capable file explorer.
You'll need to be rooted.
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Holy Crap! That was easy! Do you realize how many times that question has been asked - both inside and outside XDA and NOBODY had a solution? You're the MAN (assuming you are a male)!!!
ShermCraig said:
Holy Crap! That was easy! Do you realize how many times that question has been asked - both inside and outside XDA and NOBODY had a solution? You're the MAN (assuming you are a male)!!!
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I do what I can
disable HTC Sync Manager
I tried deleting the PCTOOL.ISO from /etc and upon rebooting my phone and connecting it to my mac, the HTC Sync Manager comes up again. I hate it sooo much! Help? :crying:
paulidin said:
I tried deleting the PCTOOL.ISO from /etc and upon rebooting my phone and connecting it to my mac, the HTC Sync Manager comes up again. I hate it sooo much! Help? :crying:
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FWIW (and I don't think this will help you necessarily), I didn't delete the file. I renamed it using a Root Explorer from PCTOOL.ISO to BackupPCTOOL.ISO and rebooted. I figured I'd leave it just in case.... Good luck.
I've also:
1) disabled HTC Sync Manager from All Apps
2) deleted PC Synchronization.apk
3) deleted HTC Sync Manager.apk
4) deleted AndroidHTCSync.apk
I want to be able to launch HTC Sync Manager manually when I DO want to sync stuff (mostly my music), but not every time I connect my phone just to charge it. Sigh.
You also have to disable kernel write protection. If you don't, it comes back. Minor details....
I don't even se that file in my etc folder.. :/
Its seems Active Sync is, more times than not, running on my tilt. Is this normal? If not how do I get it to stop?
I do not sync anything so I have no use for this app with the exception of ROM updates.
its not normal for active sync to always run in your pda
but once u plug ur device to ur PC/notebook active sync will autostart
so i assume u use ur cable frequently this why u could not tell how it starts!
Nylo said:
Its seems Active Sync is, more times than not, running on my tilt. Is this normal? If not how do I get it to stop?
I do not sync anything so I have no use for this app with the exception of ROM updates.
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jahrami said:
its not normal for active sync to always run in your pda but once u plug ur device to ur PC/notebook active sync will autostart
so i assume u use ur cable frequently this why u could not tell how it starts!
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I know, but once you unplug Active Sync it shuts down. I cant figure why it pop-up from time to time.
I have the same problem. I can close it and a little while later it will be open again.
mine dose the same thing, I just ignore it, it dosent seem to be hurting anything.
I have the same problem as well...
mech_supernova said:
mine dose the same thing, I just ignore it, it dosent seem to be hurting anything.
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No it does not hurt anything but it does slow down certain functions like web surfing, email, etc.... Thats how I became aware of it.
If anyone knows how to disable Active Sync temporary please let us know.
Yep I get the problem too and I get it on many different ROM's and I also used to get it on my M3100 (Tytn 1) with WM6.0...
I think it may be an OS thing rather than a phone thing.
Any chefs got an idea about this?
Hmmm, I thought I messed it up somehow. Evidently I'm not the only one having the same problem.
Nylo said:
No it does not hurt anything but it does slow down certain functions like web surfing, email, etc.... Thats how I became aware of it.
If anyone knows how to disable Active Sync temporary please let us know.
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there's a regedit for it i believe, i'm almost certain i saw it when cruising my old forum (wizard)
That's how I got rid of Activesync:
Open Activesync --> Menu --> Configure Server
- enter a fake email --> Uncheck "Attempt to detect..." --> Next
- enter a fake server address --> Next
- enter a fake user & domain --> Next
- choose to syncronize no data --> Next
- "Finish"
When it's done, go back to Activesync main screen and choose:
Menu --> Schedule, and set both values to "Manually"
Now the problem should be solved.
Try set this value to zero.
Will that get rid of it completely as it is required for flashing new ROM's and I do sync my phone fairly regularly, but i dont want activesync running until i tell it to.
Besides the "create fake exchange server" fix that is mentioned previously, you also have to check in the phone options, and uncheck the "automatic change time zone" box in the "time zone" tab. It seems that every time the time is adjusted, the pda will launch Activesync as well. This problem with activesync always running and draining the battery has been around since Mobile 5.
Oh, and after you create this fake exchange server, and set the sync schedule to manual, you can go ahead and delete it. The schedule setting will remain.
Some folks have reported that if you "uncheck" the automatic time zone in the phone settings, that you will obviate the problem.
Task Manager notifications check
Hi all,
If you use dotfred's task manager to look at the notifications you will see some associated with "repllog.exe" which is the application behind ActiveSync. If there is a notification for this app entitled "AppRunAfterTimeChange" then disable it. This avoids having to unselect the the auto time change box in the Clock and Alarms applet.
Hope this helps. I've managed to stop AS launching, thanks to exs.fake.com
NetSkipper said:
Try set this value to zero.
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I tried this, I will update how it is working later.
Note, the original value was 5 incase you want to change it back.
prubin said:
Some folks have reported that if you "uncheck" the automatic time zone in the phone settings, that you will obviate the problem.
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This works for me.
prubin said:
Some folks have reported that if you "uncheck" the automatic time zone in the phone settings, that you will obviate the problem.
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This seems too easy not to try. Ill let everyone know what happens.
Recieved my P990 yesterday. But I cannot seem to find the right application to remove to ditch the music bar and power settings from the notification panel.
Already removed the music application etc. (trough titanium backup with root)
Does anyone know what the application is called that shows this. Or is it in the rom and can't it be removed. (which mean I have to put the music app back to make it work and ditch winamp)
Open the musicapp and open the settings, there you van disable the player in the notification bar.
That only works if you didn't remove of freezed the music app. Unfreeze, deselect the option, the musicbar is gone. Freeze or remove the app, the musicbar is there again. I've tried it many times...
lovigui said:
That only works if you didn't remove of freezed the music app. Unfreeze, deselect the option, the musicbar is gone. Freeze or remove the app, the musicbar is there again. I've tried it many times...
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Music bar is managed by the framework.
It is on by default at boot but can be turned off by the Music app. If you remove the Music app it never gets told to "turn off".
Actually, in the framework it appears really easy to totally remove this functionality but will require a patch that I've not worked on yet, and it may require to remove the actual Music app to prevent force closes.
I might have a play with that this weekend.
Anything on the second question of topic?
The powersettings
drrogern said:
Anything on the second question of topic?
The powersettings
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There's no option to turn them off as far as I can tell but I think I can also remove that permanently... I'll look at that too.
Okay, so don't try and do this.
I just bricked my phone.
I'll need to wait for a mod/update or return it. Back to my Nexus One for the weekend it seems.
djmcnz said:
Okay, so don't try and do this.
I just bricked my phone.
I'll need to wait for a mod/update or return it. Back to my Nexus One for the weekend it seems.
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Oh man, really sorry to hear that. Short story, what happened? Was there progress & then...?
fen_nyc said:
Oh man, really sorry to hear that. Short story, what happened? Was there progress & then...?
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No problems, have a Nexus One to go back to which is sweet.
Don't (try to) replace framework-res.apk, that's what I learned...
How the hell do you brick a phone by replacing an apk? A brick is what the word suggests; A brick, paperweight etc. Surely you could replace the apk with ADB?
maedox said:
How the hell do you brick a phone by replacing an apk? A brick is what the word suggests; A brick, paperweight etc. Surely you could replace the apk with ADB?
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It's a paperweight.
I need a nv flash to replace the system.img.
The framework fails to load and a reset command is issued by the system as soon as it boots. I have adb access for less than 3 seconds before the phone restarts and can not issue a stop command before the reset command.
It's not that uncommon really.
djmcnz said:
It's a paperweight.
I need a nv flash to replace the system.img.
The framework fails to load and a reset command is issued by the system as soon as it boots. I have adb access for less than 3 seconds before the phone restarts and can not issue a stop command before the reset command.
It's not that uncommon really.
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Can't you issue the adb command and it will wait for the device to boot fully and then stop before the reset? Unless you probably already tried it. Best of luck man!
Robokill said:
Recieved my P990 yesterday. But I cannot seem to find the right application to remove to ditch the music bar and power settings from the notification panel.
Already removed the music application etc. (trough titanium backup with root)
Does anyone know what the application is called that shows this. Or is it in the rom and can't it be removed. (which mean I have to put the music app back to make it work and ditch winamp)
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I want to know the exact same. Looked around in secret menu but there was no fix for it. Anybody else have any idea? The music app is annoying since it always seems to start up and sit in memory for no reason
wapz said:
I want to know the exact same. Looked around in secret menu but there was no fix for it. Anybody else have any idea? The music app is annoying since it always seems to start up and sit in memory for no reason
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Read the thread dude...
Hey djmcnz, were you able to get a solution to this ?
johnoscott said:
Hey djmcnz, were you able to get a solution to this ?
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Err, solution to what?
I'm not sure if this question belongs hear, but I am having a frickin' hard time trying to get my zio to connect to the "future dial suite" software disk thing that came with my zio. Its worked before, but now, no matter how I've tried, it won't connect anymore. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or of something Im not aware of?
Sent from my Zio using XDA App
"Now I'm so broke I can't even pay attention!!"
I like your quote
itrustno1 said:
I'm not sure if this question belongs hear, but I am having a frickin' hard time trying to get my zio to connect to the "future dial suite" software disk thing that came with my zio. Its worked before, but now, no matter how I've tried, it won't connect anymore. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or of something Im not aware of?
Sent from my Zio using XDA App
"Now I'm so broke I can't even pay attention!!"
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Wanted to ask you when did you start having this problem? Did you upgrade your OS from 1.6 to 2.2.1? If you did, did you notice if that was when you started having your trouble? Did you update any of the drivers for you pc to reconize your phone to the newest 1s?
"I'm so broke I can't even buy time!!!"
Yes I did update it. And I know for sure I've used the Future Dial since. Usually I always gota uninstall the software and drivers then reinstall and it'd work. Its not "rooted" or whatever its called. Any help would be appreciated.
Sent from my Zio using XDA App
"Now I'm so broke I can't even pay attention!!"
Are you using windows 7? Also, did you check to see if any firewalls or antivirus progams you may be running are blocking the driver? Check them to see. Also you might want to try uninstalling future dial again but this time completely clean it from you pc. Registry included if you know how to do so without wiping the wrong data out.
When installing it again, right click on the instal file, goto properties, then click the compatibility tab and check the box at the bottom to run the instal as an Administrator. When in the properties of the instal make sure its unblocked. Windows 7 has a tendacy to block certain instal files. If it is blocked you will see it at the bottom of the general tab once properties is open for the file.
Also, once you've done that, then right click the instal file again and click the "run as adminastrator" option in the drop down window. Hope this helped m8. Another thing you can try is plugging your phone into your pc through another usb port so your pc will try and reinstal the drivers for the phone.
Wow! I lost u at ARE U RUNNING WINDOWS 7. I have no idea, I bought my pc bran-new in the box and at that time it said windows vista on the box and on that tower thing where u plug everything into and put disc's in. Iv had future dial working before and every 2-3months id export my contacts and print em incase I lost my phone, and every time tried using it id have to uninstall and reinstall and did the same process every time with no problem. This time, trying the same process, nothin. Feel like just pouring water in that tower and putting this zio in a vise as tight as I can. I appreciate any and all help, but it ain't a big enough deal to waist anybody's time. I just thought it'd be a quick fix or a simple step I wasn't doing.
Sent from my Zio using XDA App
"Now I'm so broke I can't even pay attention!!"
You can always set up your google account to sync your contacts online. That way you'll never lose them.
I was just about to suggest that to him Spz0. I just got this message noticed you beat me to the chase. lol
Ok itrustno1, Like Spz0 said, you can use your phones google account to sync all your contacts. If you goto your gmail account online you can find your contacts list on the left side pane in Internet Explorer window towards the top. Once you click on "Contacts" Internet Explorer will load the page with all your synced contacts. From there you can click on the "More Actions" button at the top of your contacts list, you will see in the drop down list "Import", "Export" ect. Click on the Export to Export your contacts to you computer. Should pop a box up asking where do you want them saved to. Pick a easy location as to where you may want to save them. Desktop is a good choice then you can find them easy enough and move the folder wherever you need or want.
As for you Operating System, your most likely running Windows Vista if thats what your pc came with. Not much different then running windows 7 the next OS up from Vista. Vista is a resorce hog though.
So you know, I have future dial on my pc and i'm running windows 7, I personally don't like using Future Dial cause it was too much a pain to do. I had simular problems as yourself.
Hope Spz0 and I were able to help. If not you can contact me using [email protected] and during this weekend maybe I can walk you through a few things you can try to get future dial working again for you. I won't make any promises as to whether or not I can fix the problem. Its usually easier for me to be infront of the pc i'm working on so i can see exactly whats going on to try and fix the problem.
tlc08071 said:
I was just about to suggest that to him Spz0. I just got this message noticed you beat me to the chase. lol
Ok itrustno1, Like Spz0 said, you can use your phones google account to sync all your contacts. If you goto your gmail account online you can find your contacts list on the left side pane in Internet Explorer window towards the top. Once you click on "Contacts" Internet Explorer will load the page with all your synced contacts. From there you can click on the "More Actions" button at the top of your contacts list, you will see in the drop down list "Import", "Export" ect. Click on the Export to Export your contacts to you computer. Should pop a box up asking where do you want them saved to. Pick a easy location as to where you may want to save them. Desktop is a good choice then you can find them easy enough and move the folder wherever you need or want.
As for you Operating System, your most likely running Windows Vista if thats what your pc came with. Not much different then running windows 7 the next OS up from Vista. Vista is a resorce hog though.
So you know, I have future dial on my pc and i'm running windows 7, I personally don't like using Future Dial cause it was too much a pain to do. I had simular problems as yourself.
Hope Spz0 and I were able to help. If not you can contact me using [email protected] and during this weekend maybe I can walk you through a few things you can try to get future dial working again for you. I won't make any promises as to whether or not I can fix the problem. Its usually easier for me to be infront of the pc i'm working on so i can see exactly whats going on to try and fix the problem.
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HO*Y SH*T!! I COULDN'T THANK U ENOUGH FOR ALL THE HELP WITH THIS ISSUE IM HAVING! TO BOTH OF U, THANKS A MILLION! Yes I got vista, so let me try the steps above to see if my dumb a** can figure it out. And if I got any problems ill be sure to mail u this weekend. GOOD PEOPLE, THANKS!
Sent from my Zio using XDA App
"Now I'm so broke I can't even pay attention!!"
"Have u seen Ray Charles house? Neither has he!!"
Very good then hope it works out better for you the way I mentioned. Keeps the headaches down from having to instal and uninstal software evertime you want to use it.
I know this is probably the wrong place to post this but I am not sure where else to turn. I have been working with Google customer support for 2 days and still have not been able to resolve my issue. I recently purchased a Chromecast. I set everything up and went to install the Cast extension in my Chrome browser but it would not download. I tried using the chromecast app on my phone and worked perfectly. I have tried restarting my computer multiple times. I have tried connecting to both bands of my wireless router as well as hard wiring my laptop to my router. I have uninstalled chrome and reinstalled it. I have tried installing the extension from the link provided by the chromecast application as well as going directly to the chrome web store. Both ways pop up the same issue. "Oops, adding the extension failed. Download interrupted."
I am on a samsung laptop with a core i7 processor running windows 7 home premium with service pack 1. I have installed all current windows updates as of this morning. I am running microsoft security essentials which was also updated this morning. I also have windows firewall with advanced security(I tried disabling the firewall and that did not fix the issue.) My router is a netgear brand r6300 ac1750.
Any ideas on what could be causing this issue? I feel as though I have exhausted all avenues that could be causing it so I am reaching out for help. Everyone at XDA has always been very friendly and helpful to me in the past and I greatly appreciate it. Please let me know if there is any other information you need from me.
icepik1234 said:
I know this is probably the wrong place to post this but I am not sure where else to turn. I have been working with Google customer support for 2 days and still have not been able to resolve my issue. I recently purchased a Chromecast. I set everything up and went to install the Cast extension in my Chrome browser but it would not download. I tried using the chromecast app on my phone and worked perfectly. I have tried restarting my computer multiple times. I have tried connecting to both bands of my wireless router as well as hard wiring my laptop to my router. I have uninstalled chrome and reinstalled it. I have tried installing the extension from the link provided by the chromecast application as well as going directly to the chrome web store. Both ways pop up the same issue. "Oops, adding the extension failed. Download interrupted."
I am on a samsung laptop with a core i7 processor running windows 7 home premium with service pack 1. I have installed all current windows updates as of this morning. I am running microsoft security essentials which was also updated this morning. I also have windows firewall with advanced security(I tried disabling the firewall and that did not fix the issue.) My router is a netgear brand r6300 ac1750.
Any ideas on what could be causing this issue? I feel as though I have exhausted all avenues that could be causing it so I am reaching out for help. Everyone at XDA has always been very friendly and helpful to me in the past and I greatly appreciate it. Please let me know if there is any other information you need from me.
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Hi icepik,
Please try the below instructions:
Open windows explorer and type %USERPROFILE% in the Address bar.
Make sure you have a folder called 'Downloads' If not create one.
If you do already have a 'Downloads' folder, rename it to something like 'Downloads-Old' and make a new 'Downloads' folder
Open Google Chrome and Click on the 3 horizontal lines.
Choose Settings
Scroll down and click advanced settings
Find a section labeled downloads
Go back to windows explorer
Double click on your new 'Downloads' folder
Click in the address bar (DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING OUT OF IT)
Right click and choose copy or press CTRL+C
Go back to Chrome
Where it says downloads and then download location;
Click the text entry box
Delete everything out of it
Right click and choose paste or press CTRL+V
Close Chrome, and re-open.
Install Extension.
Sorry, I'm a helpdesk rep so I've come to typing things out like I'm typing an email reply to someone requesting help...just be happy I didn't give you a ticket number
Also, from a helpdesk rep POV, THANK YOU, for providing all the information you did. For that you get a 'Thanks'
Anyway, Hope that works out for you!
death2all110 said:
Hi icepik,
Please try the below instructions:
Open windows explorer and type %USERPROFILE% in the Address bar.
Make sure you have a folder called 'Downloads' If not create one.
If you do already have a 'Downloads' folder, rename it to something like 'Downloads-Old' and make a new 'Downloads' folder
Open Google Chrome and Click on the 3 horizontal lines.
Choose Settings
Scroll down and click advanced settings
Find a section labeled downloads
Go back to windows explorer
Double click on your new 'Downloads' folder
Click in the address bar (DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING OUT OF IT)
Right click and choose copy or press CTRL+C
Go back to Chrome
Where it says downloads and then download location;
Click the text entry box
Delete everything out of it
Right click and choose paste or press CTRL+V
Close Chrome, and re-open.
Install Extension.
Sorry, I'm a helpdesk rep so I've come to typing things out like I'm typing an email reply to someone requesting help...just be happy I didn't give you a ticket number
Also, from a helpdesk rep POV, THANK YOU, for providing all the information you did. For that you get a 'Thanks'
Anyway, Hope that works out for you!
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That seemed to do it. Thank you sir. I appreciate it.
icepik1234 said:
That seemed to do it. Thank you sir. I appreciate it.
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No problem! Glad I could help!
and for OSX?
death2all110 said:
No problem! Glad I could help!
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By any chance does anyone know a fix for OSX?
Had my S10e (T-Mobile) for 5 days now and really like it! But, right away I noticed that (1) I could not install my own mp3 or ogg notifications. Posted on another forum and got some great suggestions, but nothing worked so I did a chat with a Samsung technician, even gave him permission to log into my phone, but after 40 minutes of work he could not get this to work properly either. He promised to send the problem up the line as a known bug and said he hoped they would get it corrected on the next update. A side issue to this is that sometimes when I tried to add ringtones the software worked but other times it said the same files were the wrong type and to try again. The second issue I'm having is that (2) when I initiate a soft reset I lose a lot of my permission and notification settings for individual apps and have to do resets. Very frustrating. If anyone has workarounds for either of these issues I would be happy to try your suggestions!
fredlpage said:
Had my S10e (T-Mobile) for 5 days now and really like it! But, right away I noticed that (1) I could not install my own mp3 or ogg notifications. Posted on another forum and got some great suggestions, but nothing worked so I did a chat with a Samsung technician, even gave him permission to log into my phone, but after 40 minutes of work he could not get this to work properly either. He promised to send the problem up the line as a known bug and said he hoped they would get it corrected on the next update. A side issue to this is that sometimes when I tried to add ringtones the software worked but other times it said the same files were the wrong type and to try again. The second issue I'm having is that (2) when I initiate a soft reset I lose a lot of my permission and notification settings for individual apps and have to do resets. Very frustrating. If anyone has workarounds for either of these issues I would be happy to try your suggestions!
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For the .ogg files try putting them in a folder named Media. Within that folder make Ringtones and Notifications and place your sound files in those. I have it set up that way on my s10+ on the external SD card and it works fine.
View attachment 4724930 View attachment 4724932
Misterxtc said:
For the .ogg files try putting them in a folder named Media. Within that folder make Ringtones and Notifications and place your sound files in those. I have it set up that way on my s10+ on the external SD card and it works fine.
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Thanks. I tried your suggestion, but couldn't make it work.
fredlpage said:
Thanks. I tried your suggestion, but couldn't make it work.
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That's a bummer sorry I couldn't help. I had the same problem with a previous Samsung device and that worked for me. The only other thing I can think of is a factory reset and set the phone up from scratch without restoring any data from a previous backup but even that isn't a guarantee. I hope you get things worked out.
Thats odd, notifications work for me, have you tried placing the file in the interal drive in the notifications folder?
Try putting those files in a folder and add a new file and name it ".nomedia", I've had the issue before and that should help.
Work for me too on my s10e
Shuthefrontdoor said:
Thats odd, notifications work for me, have you tried placing the file in the interal drive in the notifications folder?
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I've tried placing them everywhere I could think of and putting them in folders with all the names I could think of. When I try to make a change it offers the option of Media Storage (which doesn't show any except for the pre-installed tones) or ES File Explorer (which won't open except to a handful of music folders). When I try putting the files in one of those recognized folders and click on one of them, I get a pop-up message saying it doesn't work with that file, please choose another OR when I choose a file, nothing happens at all. What file explorer are you using?
fredlpage said:
I've tried placing them everywhere I could think of and putting them in folders with all the names I could think of. When I try to make a change it offers the option of Media Storage (which doesn't show any except for the pre-installed tones) or ES File Explorer (which won't open except to a handful of music folders). When I try putting the files in one of those recognized folders and click on one of them, I get a pop-up message saying it doesn't work with that file, please choose another OR when I choose a file, nothing happens at all. What file explorer are you using?
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I'm using "my files " the Samsung one
Works for me too. Just put it straight into the notifications folder.
It's in my list twice because I originally used Zedge to download it. I copied it into the notifications folder to test purposes.View attachment 4725676View attachment 4725677
Sent from my SM-G973U1 using Tapatalk
fredlpage said:
Had my S10e (T-Mobile) for 5 days now and really like it! But, right away I noticed that (1) I could not install my own mp3 or ogg notifications. Posted on another forum and got some great suggestions, but nothing worked so I did a chat with a Samsung technician, even gave him permission to log into my phone, but after 40 minutes of work he could not get this to work properly either. He promised to send the problem up the line as a known bug and said he hoped they would get it corrected on the next update. A side issue to this is that sometimes when I tried to add ringtones the software worked but other times it said the same files were the wrong type and to try again. The second issue I'm having is that (2) when I initiate a soft reset I lose a lot of my permission and notification settings for individual apps and have to do resets. Very frustrating. If anyone has workarounds for either of these issues I would be happy to try your suggestions!
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Thank you all for your support and suggestions. Since nothing seemed to help, I bit the bullet and did a factory reset. Now everything seems to be working normally!