[Q] Guide to go from Custom 4.1.2 to 4.3? - Sprint HTC One (M7)

I have Revone, S-OFF, Unlocked, Rooted, and Teamd3rp's Milestone 2 ROM. It is a 1.29 base ROM. I potential want to update to this ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2477522 but I'm confused about the update process especially due to the whole thing about the file system change. Help would be appreciated!

I'm interested in knowing this as well.

You don't have to do this but if I were you just back up all of your data to your computer incase you run into problems.
Also nandroid and back up to pc. Titanium backup, and wipe like normal then flash your new Rom.
Where people ruin into problems is going back from 4.3 because the data pin the phone gets moved to sdcard/0
Sent from my HTCONE using xda app-developers app


[Q] How to backup and restore HTC One

Hi am relatively new to this. Planning to root my HTC one and install a custom rom. Is there a way to fully backup the phone(including contacts,messages,apps,pictures,music,settings,preferences etc) essentially make a clone of the phone so i can restore between custom rom updates? I mean since custom roms are updated so often i dont want each time i upgrade to setup the phone from scratch. I want the Android Revolutuion HD rom and i dont think its upgradeable over the air. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Yes once you install recovery there is an option to do a full nandroid backup. You can than restore said backup - but before you restore your backup, you must wipe system/data/cache
Edit: I think I misunderstood first. You want titanium backup probably to restore data. You shouldnt backup settings and system data only app data
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium

[Q] Going back to stock

I just wondered if I could ask a question. I'd like to flash to a different ROM to take advantage of the updates but am concerned that if something goes wrong with the phone later on I won't be able to put the stock EE ROM back on later.
If something should go wrong how can I revert back to its stock EE ROM?
Thanks a lot
Unlock the phone,boot cwm recovery something NOT flashing it. And do a nandroid backup. Then flash what u want.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app

Rooting but keeping stock?

Finally upgraded to a One after having a Desire with cfw for a good few years.
I would like to root my One to run titanium but after having already setup everything on my phone I firstly want to keep the stock firmware I'm running, and more importantly don't want to resetup everything after rooting .
The HTC site says running root wipes your phone.
Is it possible to keep the setup and run the stock firmware. Basically I want to keep the phone as is, just have it rooted.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
kl1k said:
Finally upgraded to a One after having a Desire with cfw for a good few years.
I would like to root my One to run titanium but after having already setup everything on my phone I firstly want to keep the stock firmware I'm running, and more importantly don't want to resetup everything after rooting .
The HTC site says running root wipes your phone.
Is it possible to keep the setup and run the stock firmware. Basically I want to keep the phone as is, just have it rooted.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
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To be honest I don't get it...
Why u wanna root and not flash any custom Rom...
You can backup all your files...
And really...setting up your phone after flashing Roms is not that hard...right?
Custom Roms give you better battery better performance better everything...
Think about that...

[SOLVED] updating unlocked\rooted\s-off htc one to 4.3

Hi everyone,
im a newbie android user, have my device for barely 2 weeks.
i have a couple of questions on my mind, questions i tried googeling answers to for days now,
as i didnt find clear cut answers, im asking for your help.
i know i can flash a the stock 4.3 rom using custom recovery (i use TWRP) but that will result in wiping my data.
im interested in updating my AT&T HTC One to 4.3 without losing my data.
note that i currently have an unlocked bootloader, root (supersu) and im S-OFF (used Revone)
i already figured that i need to unroot my device and re-lock the bootloader in order to receive the OTA update properly.
my questions are as follows:
1) do i need to flash back to stock recovery in order to update or is unrooting and relocking bootloader good enough?
2) since im S-OFF, updating to 4.3 will update my hboot but will keep me S-OFF? or will it turn it on? or maybe it wont even update and stay on 1.44?
3) after i update to 4.3, re-unlocking my bootloader will once again wipe all data?
4) after updating to 4.3, in order to re-root my device i follow the same procedure i did on 4.1.2?
5) since im not using an AT&T sim card, i had to flash some wifi files in order to bypass carrier check and turn on wifi tethering, i imagine im gonna have to do that again on 4.3, will the same files work or will i need to wait for a new hack\workaround to come out? (i used: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2285047)
i have a few more questions that i cant recall right now, too much google digging for info got me confused.
will add them if\when i remember.
Thanks in Advance.
You don't need to relock bootloader or remove root, you do need stock recovery and stock ROM. Hboot will be updated, S-Off will remain. Your data will not be lost. Follow same procedure for root.
BenPope said:
You don't need to relock bootloader or remove root, you do need stock recovery and stock ROM. Hboot will be updated, S-Off will remain. Your data will not be lost. Follow same procedure for root.
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Thank you for the quick reply.
a few followup questions if u dont mind.
1) where do i get the stock recovery files?
2) how can i identify the correct ROM associated with htc one 4.3? i know i need to use Cingular as my HTC is an AT&T one, but the roms versions are listed by AT&T firmware.
3) do i flash stock recovery and then do a regular OTA update?
Nexaddo88 said:
Hi everyone,
im a newbie android user, have my device for barely 2 weeks.
i have a couple of questions on my mind, questions i tried googeling answers to for days now,
as i didnt find clear cut answers, im asking for your help.
i know i can flash a the stock 4.3 rom using custom recovery (i use TWRP) but that will result in wiping my data.
im interested in updating my AT&T HTC One to 4.3 without losing my data.
note that i currently have an unlocked bootloader, root (supersu) and im S-OFF (used Revone)
i already figured that i need to unroot my device and re-lock the bootloader in order to receive the OTA update properly.
my questions are as follows:
1) do i need to flash back to stock recovery in order to update or is unrooting and relocking bootloader good enough?
2) since im S-OFF, updating to 4.3 will update my hboot but will keep me S-OFF? or will it turn it on? or maybe it wont even update and stay on 1.44?
3) after i update to 4.3, re-unlocking my bootloader will once again wipe all data?
4) after updating to 4.3, in order to re-root my device i follow the same procedure i did on 4.1.2?
5) since im not using an AT&T sim card, i had to flash some wifi files in order to bypass carrier check and turn on wifi tethering, i imagine im gonna have to do that again on 4.3, will the same files work or will i need to wait for a new hack\workaround to come out? (i used: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2285047)
i have a few more questions that i cant recall right now, too much google digging for info got me confused.
will add them if\when i remember.
Thanks in Advance.
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Just a quick question: why do you want to go through all that hassle to receive the OTA? Since you're S-Off you're able to flash unsigned firmware. The only reason I can think of using OTA, is if someone is S-On and therefore cannot update firmware; an unlocked bootloader allows you to flash ROM, kernel, and radio, but not firmware. with S-Off you CAN do that.
One piece of advice, in either case, DO NOT GO S-ON EVER!
Or did I misunderstand you?
nkk71 said:
Just a quick question: why do you want to go through all that hassle to receive the OTA? Since you're S-Off you're able to flash unsigned firmware. The only reason I can think of using OTA, is if someone is S-On and therefore cannot update firmware; an unlocked bootloader allows you to flash ROM, kernel, and radio, but not firmware. with S-Off you CAN do that.
One piece of advice, in either case, DO NOT GO S-ON EVER!
Or did I misunderstand you?
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i thought that flashing the new ROM will wipe my data, where an OTA update wont, or did i misunderstood?
also got an answer to the question about the wifi tether?
Nexaddo88 said:
i thought that flashing the new ROM will wipe my data, or did i misunderstood?
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There are files in the firmware.zip that wipe the phone, removing those files means it won't wipe. Often boot.img and recovery.img are also removed from the firmware you download from here.
Nexaddo88 said:
i thought that flashing the new ROM will wipe my data, or did i misunderstood?
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What do you mean by data? your internal storage/sdcard with pictures, music, etc. or your apps?
When flashing a new ROM with different base (eg 4.2.2 to 4.3) a wipe is recommended (that would wipe your apps and their data, not sdcard), but you could use Titanium Backup, Helium, etc. to back those up and restore.
You can do a dirty flash, which would not wipe your apps, but could lead to some potential problems with some apps; in which case you would need to reflash with wipe.
Anyhow, be careful with going back to stock first, because when you flash the stock recovery, it will/could wipe your phone completely including sdcard. Happened to me while I was testing a few things, and just flashing stock recovery and accessing it, wiped my apps and sdcard.
Hit us with some more details, what ROM (etc.) are you on now, and where do you want to go.
This is where I am now (attached pics)
I would simply like to upgrade my HTC to 4.3
I would like to do that without the hassle of wiping my phone and restoring apps data.
But if it's necessary I'm willing to backup and restore the apps data.
As u said, my SD CARD contents will no be deleted? ie photos, music etc.
From what u guys told me, I gather that doing an OTA is not as simple as I thought.
Can u please tell me the easiest way to upgrade?
or even better, what my options are?
2nd pic attached, for some reason it let me attach only 1 pic.
Thanks in Advance!
Nexaddo88 said:
2nd pic attached, for some reason it let me attach only 1 pic.
Thanks in Advance!
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In my humble opinion, you should do a full back up of everything (nandroid, apps+data AND sdcard) and copy all that to your PC.
Whichever way you proceed, you're going to be moving from Android 4.1.2 to 4.2.2+, that will change the file structure on your phone: in 4.1.2 sdcard points to /data/media/ but as of 4.2.2+ it now points to /data/media/0/ (this is due to multiuser support in 4.2.2+).
For some, whether OTA or flashing a custom ROM, three things have happened:
1- the sdcard (pictures, music, etc) files were moved correctly to /data/media/0
2- the files were duplicated in /data/media AND /data/media/0, so they had to manually delete the duplicates (root enabled file explorer needed)
3- the files were not moved at all, and had to be manually moved from /data/media/ to /data/media/0/ (root enabled file explorer needed)
Note: that once you're on 4.2.2+ /data/media/ will no longer show up when you connect to your PC, only /data/media/0, hence why you need a root enabled file explorer to access /data/media/
If it was me (and I like a clean phone ), I would flash the new custom ROM in recovery, then while still in recovery format the /data/media/ (/sdcard/), boot up and let the ROM setup the sdcard as brand new.
And then setup the device from scratch. Copying all pictures, music, etc. back using your PC.
For backup/restore of USER apps & data, I would take a look at these:
* Titanium Backup
* Helium
* SMS Backup & Restore
* Call Log Backup & Restore
and possibly the built in HTC Backup.
Titanium can back up the data of system apps, but it's not recommended to restore these especially between the large gap from 4.1.2 to 4.3; usually you could restore WiFi, Bluetooth and a few more settings, but there have been reports that due to the changes in all of these, the restore of system data could/was causing problems.
Finally, if you want to upgrade your firmware, use vomer's guide here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2365506. The firmwares there have boot.img (so no need to reflash RIM), recovery.img (so no need to reflash custom recovery) removed as well as the files that would wipe the sdcard. So you can flash the firmware without any negative effects.
Of course you could just do all the backups, and try dirty flashing (without wipe), and see how that works out for you. In case you run into problems (eg apps force closing, missing widgets, bad Wifi, bluetooth, or mobile data), you can then reflash with full wipe.
This is all my personal opinion, so don't know if anybody disagrees with my thoughts.
EDIT: if you use CWM recovery, you should also take a look at this after upgrading: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1991657
Hit the thanks button if I helped
Sounds good. Tyvm!!!
I'd like a clean phone as well.
So lets me know if I get it straight:
1) flash Rom in recovery (after backing up media and/or non-system apps)
2) wiping SD CARD clean
3) flash firmware in recovery
4) flash radio in recovery
Did I get it right?
Again thanks on advance
Nexaddo88 said:
Sounds good. Tyvm!!!
I'd like a clean phone as well.
So lets me know if I get it straight:
1) flash Rom in recovery (after backing up media and/or non-system apps)
2) wiping SD CARD clean
3) flash firmware in recovery
4) flash radio in recovery
Did I get it right?
Again thanks on advance
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Yes pretty much, the most important part is the backup, I would do:
1- a nandroid backup in recovery (just in case you want to come back to that)
2- perform a Titanium Backup/Helium of everything (you don't need to restore system apps/data, but it's good to have them anyway)
3- perform HTC Backup (I do it, but have never restored from it yet)
4- copy everything from the sdcard (which would include above) to PC
firmware (modified versions by vomer) and/or radio can be flashed at any time without any risk of loosing apps or sdcard.
You should be good to go.
PS: In case you format sdcard and /system/ and find yourself without an OS (by accident), you will have to use 1 of 3 methods to get the ROM you want to flash on the phone:
1- adb sideload
2- adb push
3- OTG cable
Which firmware and radio version I need?
Whats the modification done in vomer's firmwares? Just removed files to prevent data wipe?
Nexaddo88 said:
Which firmware and radio version I need?
Whats the modification done in vomer's firmwares? Just removed files to prevent data wipe?
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Firmware and radio are pretty much up to you; especially radio, where newer doesn't always mean better, it's very user specific, but you can flash them so easily in recovery back and forth. (I have them on my phone all the time and experiment depending on my location)
Also, just remember once you go to 2.x firmware or above the touchscreen drivers will no longer work with a 4.1.2 ROM, but then again why would you want to go back
The files in vomer's firmware that are removed are:
1- stock kernel (boot.img), otherwise you'd have to reflash ROM.zip after updating firmware
2- stock recovery (recovery.img), otherwise you'd have to reflash custom recovery after updating firmware
3- I don't recall, but some firmware package had a files in them that would wipe the sdcard (but haven't seen those for a while)
Firmware and radios are all available in vomer's guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2365506
about wiping the /data/media/ folder after flashing the ROM,
will i be prompted to do it or i'll do it manually?
sorry for all the questions, i know i can see for myself when i actually do it, but im scared since its my first android device ever
Nexaddo88 said:
about wiping the /data/media/ folder after flashing the ROM,
will i be prompted to do it or i'll do it manually?
sorry for all the questions, i know i can see for myself when i actually do it, but im scared since its my first android device ever
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you'll have to do it manually, I'm using CWM, so I have to go to "mounts and storage" and then "format /data and /data/media (/sdcard)"
hmm, on that thought after formatting and booting up your ROM, check if all the apps are there, some get installed to /data/app, and I wonder if the above would delete those.
Wouldn't be a big deal, you would just copy the ROM back to your sdcard using your PC and reflash it. (Maybe do that anyway)
At least you know you'll have a clean sdcard without any possibility of duplicates or other files you no longer need (eg temporary files from some apps)
Alright, I've done it!!!
Upgraded to 4.3 stock Rom, which came with 3.17 firmware.
(used: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2476204)
Flashed AT&T OTA radio.
Even found a new tether hack for 4.3 that will allow me to activate tethering while not on AT&T network
Thanks a lot for all the help,
Much appreciated.
One more question tho if that's ok,
Are there any downsides to upgrading my firmware from 3.17 to the latest 3.62?
Nexaddo88 said:
Alright, I've done it!!!
Upgraded to 4.3 stock Rom, which came with 3.17 firmware.
(used: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2476204)
Flashed AT&T OTA radio.
Even found a new tether hack for 4.3 that will allow me to activate tethering while not on AT&T network
Thanks a lot for all the help,
Much appreciated.
One more question tho if that's ok,
Are there any downsides to upgrading my firmware from 3.17 to the latest 3.62?
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As for firmware, I can't think of any downsides to upgrading it. Since you're S-Off you can always downgrade it back to 3.17 if you find any incompatibilities, though I dont think there will be any.
Alright ty.
The current firmware I have is 3.17.502...
Which came with the Rom.zip I flashed
I only found 3.17.402... on xda
Would u happen to know where I could get 3.17.502... ??
As I wouldn't want any problems or incompatibilities with the 402 one.
Also should I bother updating my hboot (if it's even possible)??
Thanks again.
Nexaddo88 said:
Alright ty.
The current firmware I have is 3.17.502...
Which came with the Rom.zip I flashed
I only found 3.17.402... on xda
Would u happen to know where I could get 3.17.502... ??
As I wouldn't want any problems or incompatibilities with the 402 one.
Also should I bother updating my hboot (if it's even possible)??
Thanks again.
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Are you sure the ROM.ZIP contained firmware?? Usually, ROM.ZIP only contains the ROM and firmware is separate; also because the two have different flashing methods:
1- custom ROM is flashed using custom recovery
2- firmware is flashed in fastboot RUU mode
can you post a "fastboot getvar all" (remove IMEI and s/n before posting) to see the details.

New, need help

Hello all, i am by no means technologically illiterate but i need help. I have an htc vivid (at&t) updated to 4.0.3 from 4.0.1 and rooted. As far as i know everything else is stock. I did not perform the update or root myself. I want to squeeze a few more years out of this (and get away from that infamous android is upgrading bug in that at&t release) by updating to kit kat, is there a rom/kernel combo that doesn't require s-off? (don't really care about keeping Sense) Yes i read the superguide, still nervous about attempting it myself. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I haven't seen any rom that requires s-off - it simply makes life simpler. Kernels are compiled with the rom and things break if you don't properly flash the included kernel.
With an s-on phone you must extract the kernel (boot.img) from the (rom).zip file and flash it seperately via USB from a PC using Fastboot. If that doesn't make sense, you need to read a lot more. If it does.....
This has been my daily driver since it was posted. Everything I normally use works fine. No random reboots at all. I did a full wipe, including internal SD.
Look for the PacMan thread in the Vivid Android Developement section. Please understand that I can not tell you if your phone is properly prepped for this install.

