Is Turbo root (WP-On) worth it? - Verizon Motorola Droid Turbo Q&A, Help & Troublesh

I saw the root thread is getting clogged down with arguments over the cost to benefit ratio involved with the Turbo root.
So is it worth it? What works and what doesn't? Post your thoughts.

I know several people that root for the sole purpose of having WiFi tether, for those I would think that it is worth it!

But has the wifi tether been achieved yet? I've heard that many are having difficulties.
I think it's also worth nothing that Sunshine has full root and unlocked bootloader for 25$. Now, a small $5 is the difference between full root and unlocked bootloader and write protected half-root system. Admittedly, I am not familiar with having root on a write protected system since I have never owned a system that has this. What I do know is that I have no idea how to edit a system image, nor do I feel any obligation to pay $20 to read a tutorial on how to download a linux VM and waste hours of my life failing at editing system files in hopes that I can achieve what I want to achieve. Perhaps to those more experienced with editing major files like that, the $20 is worth it, but I think for the average android user who appreciates root it may not be.

Basketballhero75 said:
I think it's also worth nothing that Sunshine has full root and unlocked bootloader for 25$. Now, a small $5 is the difference between full root and unlocked bootloader and write protected half-root system.
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Sounds to me like Sunshine is underpriced then, lol! Hey @jcase, looks like you should charge more.

JulesJam said:
Sounds to me like Sunshine is underpriced then, lol! Hey @jcase, looks like you should charge more.
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I support what they are doing and the price they charge.
It's not comparable to sunshine, as they are entirely different products. SunShine's goal is just unlock, the included TempRoot is only there to make it work on phones without root.

I will repost my thoughts that I put in the initial release thread for mofo, and thanks to the OP here for creating a discussion thread, I hate being "that guy" who posts off topic. I rarely see anything on the internet that inspires me to bother writing an opinion, but this topic really struck a chord with me.
Personally, I don't fundamentally think it's wrong to charge for root, despite it being historically developed and distributed for free. That being said, one of the things that has made the android dev community amazing is its dedication to opening the abilities of software and hardware for everyone. This core concept of community development and participation is what has helped shape sites like XDA. Once we start the trend of putting a price tag on it, it starts to get a bit apple smelling in here.
For myself, root by itself, not an unlocked bootloader, on a device that’s about to get an OS upgrade is not worth 20$.That price tag is very broken and again sets a bad example. I REALLY DO empathize and sympathize with hard working devs wanting to get some funds back for their time, but the only 0 day exploit being used here is the price tag for this.

I imagine most of us spend $20 over the course of a month on little extras.. a candy bar, fast food lunch, or bar night with friends... etc
So if you sacrifice those little extras for one month to have root on a device that is basically on your body 24/7, to me, is an easy justification to make.
Coming from rooted phones I had no idea how borked an ad-filled android experience is. Being able to use my phone without any visual intrusions is well worth it.
Also coming from 5.0 on an M8, I really don't mind staying with 4.4.4 if the 5.1 update kills the mofo process. Worse case, Im stuck with root on 4.4.4 until my edge up next March and start this process all over again

YES. You can flash an edited image I don't get why people are complaining about this so much it opens a door that allows for mostly anything you could ask for. Edit Image and reflash with what they want.

I have no problem in principle with charging for root. There's nothing at all wrong with a developer expecting compensation for something that (1) requires a specialized skill set that that developer has and (2) clearly required a great deal of that developer's time. Why should I expect them to give me that for free? It would certainly be nice if they did, but it's not something that's owed to me.
That said, I somewhat regret having paid for this. It's fundamentally different from what most users mean when they refer to "root." Apps that advertise themselves as "root apps" almost uniformly contemplate being able to write to /system on the fly, and the lack of an ability to do so means that my phone—while technically rooted—lacks some pretty basic root functionality.

I would have no problem paying $20 or more for what I'll call "true-root". I'm not a technical guy, so doing all the stuff that's required to basically flash a new image is not something I'm willing to do. In addition, you still have write-protection that's not possible or not easily possible to currently circumvent. When I rooted my Droid Razr Maxx (the 1st and only phone I ever rooted), I basically connected to the phone to my laptop, ran a . bat file and sat back and waited. The end result was a fully rooted phone. There was no questions or concerns about what could or could not run. If the app in question required root, then you knew it would safely work.
Don't get me wrong. I believe this will open the door for more possibilities with the Turbo. I can certainly appreciate the time and effort from all involved to get this to where it is. That being said, for me and me only, I will not be implementing this, as it stands today. That would be my stance even if it was being offered at no cost.
The only reasons I ever rooted my Razr Maxx was to get WiFi Hotspot and Titanium Backup working, so the lack of root for me is an inconvenience, not the end of the world.

The issue is that most members here are used to a certain experience, and then when that experience is different they will complain. When they have to pay for that different experience, they complain more. I personally feel like this is 100% worth $20, especially since it is a license for the program. I'm sure that this will open up a lot of doors for this device soon.

If you read this post and on, it looks like we kind of already do have WP off
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

this_is_nascar said:
I can appreciate that view on the subject. It's still not going to be for everyone.
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I totally agree with you, it's not for everyone. Everyone is welcome to try (at their own risk), but it's not a "push the magic button" method. Some like the fact that with a little elbow (and finger) grease they can finally get root on a device that was believed so locked down as to never allow root. Some are intimidated by the process of having to do some modding/coding/whatever and would rather wait for an easier (push a magic button) method. Both choices are A-ok in my book.
My problem is with the people who think paying a dev is outrageous, no matter what they are paying for or how much work it is going to be on their end once they get hold of the software after forking over their cash. Someone doesn't want to pay, fine. No need to go out on a soapbox and proclaim your holy testament to the world that so-and-so dev is ridiculous for charging for their work.
Like was said a few posts back, devs that release their sh!+ for free, it's greatly appreciated. Devs that charge for their hard work, I commend you all for being capitalistic in this society.

LifeAsADroid said:
I totally agree with you, it's not for everyone. Everyone is welcome to try (at their own risk), but it's not a "push the magic button" method. Some like the fact that with a little elbow (and finger) grease they can finally get root on a device that was believed so locked down as to never allow root. Some are intimidated by the process of having to do some modding/coding/whatever and would rather wait for an easier (push a magic button) method. Both choices are A-ok in my book.
My problem is with the people who think paying a dev is outrageous, no matter what they are paying for or how much work it is going to be on their end once they get hold of the software after forking over their cash. Someone doesn't want to pay, fine. No need to go out on a soapbox and proclaim your holy testament to the world that so-and-so dev is ridiculous for charging for their work.
Like was said a few posts back, devs that release their sh!+ for free, it's greatly appreciated. Devs that charge for their hard work, I commend you all for being capitalistic in this society.
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I understand your points.

I had no problem paying for it. I have used free root exploits many times in the past. I tried to donate for most of them (but haven't always) so I see no problem with kicking some money to the dev for his work.
As for those complaining about not getting free root or "half-root". You've gone 5+ months without ANY root. You are free to go along your merry way and ignore this root. At this point it shouldn't make a difference in your life. You should have done some research when you bought your phone. Historically, Moto phones have been difficult to root/unlock. I'm sure you had other choices at your time of purchase. If root meant that much to you, you should have got the M8 or some other phone with "full root".
As far as "half-root", I understand where people are coming from, but it still gives us root functionality, even if we dont have system write ability. For instance, I am now able to run ARU-R and Greenify in root mode. This alone was worth the price for me. Others have had success w/ Ti backup which is also great. My next step is to start testing some of the advanced Tasker functions, but I dont see why they shouldnt work with this "half-root". So far it does most of everything I needed it for so you'll see no complaints from me.
People need to understand that this is a huge step forward from where we were just a week or 2 ago. And appreciate that maiko1 didnt have to spend his time finding and developing an exploit for us, let alone release it in a nicely packaged tool. Whether you thing WP root is worth $20 is going to vary based on individual needs. Why not instead just be greatful we've come this far and if you want to save your $20 then just keep holding out for whatever else this may open down the road.

LifeAsADroid said:
I totally agree with you, it's not for everyone. Everyone is welcome to try (at their own risk), but it's not a "push the magic button" method. Some like the fact that with a little elbow (and finger) grease they can finally get root on a device that was believed so locked down as to never allow root. Some are intimidated by the process of having to do some modding/coding/whatever and would rather wait for an easier (push a magic button) method. Both choices are A-ok in my book.
My problem is with the people who think paying a dev is outrageous, no matter what they are paying for or how much work it is going to be on their end once they get hold of the software after forking over their cash. Someone doesn't want to pay, fine. No need to go out on a soapbox and proclaim your holy testament to the world that so-and-so dev is ridiculous for charging for their work.
Like was said a few posts back, devs that release their sh!+ for free, it's greatly appreciated. Devs that charge for their hard work, I commend you all for being capitalistic in this society.
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I agree with this approach but your earlier comments were attacking people who didn't object to paying for root out of principal but basically object to paying for what's available right now, as it doesn't give them what they're looking for.
I haven't paid for MOFO yet because it doesn't give me what I'm looking for, which is the ability to install, update and change xposed packages, adaway, etc without having to build and flash a new image every time. I don't have the skills OR the time to do that. I'll be more than happy to pay the $25 I pledged in the root bounty thread if I can get a solution that works for ME.
Like I said, I'm all for devs getting paid to do this, and to be honest, when I read the post about MOFO (before I knew exactly how it worked and what the limitations were), I was relieved that they built the payment mechanism into the solution instead of having to PM hundreds of users and ask for their bounty pledge or for donations on the forum. Moreover, I have a lot of appreciation and respect to people who do these things, whether they charge for it or not. I get all sweaty every time I flash a new ROM, I can't even imagine how much work it is to find these exploits and explore using them for our advantage. It's just that this solution isn't for everyone, at least the way it is now.

Here is how I see it. Maiko1 made a product. This product does exactly what it is designed and advertised to do. Unfortunately, it’s not quite what I’m looking for. If I’m looking for a new car, and I want a car with a sun roof, and someone offers to sell me a car without a sun roof, well, I can decide whether I want to forego that feature and buy that car, or hold off in the hopes that a car with a sunroof will become available. No offense to the dude who made the car without a sunroof at all. I appreciate all the work he put in. It’s just not what I’m looking for. Now, if someone comes along and figures out a way to add a sunroof to the car (adaway, greenify, etc.), I may reconsider and purchase it. But as of now, I don’t really see how those root apps will function without WP off. Don’t they need to be able to write things to the system partition to function properly? I could be wrong on that and if so someone please explain how these root apps will work with the current root option. Just my 2 cents.

Munkee915 said:
I had no problem paying for it. I have used free root exploits many times in the past. I tried to donate for most of them (but haven't always) so I see no problem with kicking some money to the dev for his work.
As for those complaining about not getting free root or "half-root". You've gone 5+ months without ANY root. You are free to go along your merry way and ignore this root. At this point it shouldn't make a difference in your life. You should have done some research when you bought your phone. Historically, Moto phones have been difficult to root/unlock. I'm sure you had other choices at your time of purchase. If root meant that much to you, you should have got the M8 or some other phone with "full root".
As far as "half-root", I understand where people are coming from, but it still gives us root functionality, even if we dont have system write ability. For instance, I am now able to run ARU-R and Greenify in root mode. This alone was worth the price for me. Others have had success w/ Ti backup which is also great. My next step is to start testing some of the advanced Tasker functions, but I dont see why they shouldnt work with this "half-root". So far it does most of everything I needed it for so you'll see no complaints from me.
People need to understand that this is a huge step forward from where we were just a week or 2 ago. And appreciate that maiko1 didnt have to spend his time finding and developing an exploit for us, let alone release it in a nicely packaged tool. Whether you thing WP root is worth $20 is going to vary based on individual needs. Why not instead just be greatful we've come this far and if you want to save your $20 then just keep holding out for whatever else this may open down the road.
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Perhaps my situation is a little different than most:
I purchased my first droid turbo the morning it came out at my local Verizon store from a friend who had an extra upgrade. I paid a little over $300 for it after taxes. The phone was great, the processor was powerful, and the battery was superb (although not quite 48 hours with my use). As an unlimited data user on Verizon, the lack of tethering for free got to me, and I decided to sell the 64GB beauty for a sound 550$ to pull in a nice little profit.
Fast forward a couple months:
Scanning the droid forums every now and then, I found a post that stated that root was being explored on the turbo. Many android news websites started reporting it and I was beginning to hate my M7 because of it's consistently inconsistent battery life. So what did I do? On March 22nd, I purchased another Turbo for $450; only because I knew it was getting root. And wouldn't luck have it, that the phone arrived in my mailbox yesterday afternoon just hours before the root method was released.
So I am technically INCLINED, but I would not consider myself technically knowledgeable or resilient in regards to system images. With that being said, I don't really trust myself to futz around with my brand spanking new droid turbo since I have no idea what I would do if something goes wrong. (Murphy's Law) I purchased a phone under the notion of "Root is coming to the Turbo!"; which it did! This is 100% undoubtedly a sufficient method of obtaining root. It just wasn't all that I was expecting; and I do have a bad taste left in my mouth only because I purchased this phone thinking I would be getting what I consider to be "full root".
Am I blaming the developer in ANY way? Absolutely not. His work is fully appreciated on my end.
Do I think this is a huge step for the Turbo development community? Of course!
Will this root method and usage be worth $20 for some people, but not for others? Yes.
Would I recommend this specific root method to any of my friends here at home? Unfortunately, no.
Look, if a dev wants to collect on their work, then by god let them do it! If I poured my time into an exploit such as this, you can be damn sure that I would ask for some capital in return. But would I charge $20? I honestly don't think I would.

LifeAsADroid said:
Correction: my feeling is "here is the best method available as of now. Meet the dev half way and do some very basic, very minor work if you want this function so bad. Dev brought you 90% of the way there, you do the rest because the dev doesn't have your phone in his hands."
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Here's the thing - why go 90% there, and not 100%? There's a technical reason for that, obviously, and if a talented developer like the one that created Mofo can't do it (or doesn't think it's worth the time), a hack, weekend-warrior tinkerer like myself certainly can't. Not without putting in many hours to educate myself on all the inner workings of Android, and most guys who want to root probably can't really devote that kind of time and/or resources to it.
Are you saying that you're not the slightest bit disappointed that this isn't an easy, plug-n-chug solution?
---------- Post added at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------
evastonian said:
If you read this post and on, it looks like we kind of already do have WP off
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
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Unfortunately, if you read on, you'll see it was only temporary, makes everything unstable, and doesn't survive reboot.
If WP off was as simple as downloading an app from the Play store, I'm thinking the developer could have figured out how to do it and integrate it into Mofo.

spinach.chin said:
Here's the thing - why go 90% there, and not 100%? There's a technical reason for that, obviously, and if a talented developer like the one that created Mofo can't do it (or doesn't think it's worth the time), a hack, weekend-warrior tinkerer like myself certainly can't. Not without putting in many hours to educate myself on all the inner workings of Android, and most guys who want to root probably can't really devote that kind of time and/or resources to it.
Are you saying that you're not the slightest bit disappointed that this isn't an easy, plug-n-chug solution?
---------- Post added at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------
Unfortunately, if you read on, you'll see it was only temporary, makes everything unstable, and doesn't survive reboot.
If WP off was as simple as downloading an app from the Play store, I'm thinking the developer could have figured out how to do it and integrate it into Mofo.
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It does survive soft reboot. So we can install xposed, and update SU binaries. It automates mounting as R/W after the kernel. So this looks like a solution.
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk


Root Security

I work in computer security in my day job, and while I am interested in all the extra features one can get with rooting your nook color, I can't help but cringe when I see people installing unsigned, unvetted software, closed source which performs modifications to their devices. At least with Cyanogen's roms, you've got a fighting chance to look at their code in git.
How do we handle security when you don't know what you're sticking on to your tablet? How do we know that someone hasn't modified the keyboard app with a keylogger, for example?
Well, it's pretty much like everything else. You can trust the mechanic who works on your car or the electrician who rewires your house or you can fix it yourself. You probably pick those guys based on reputation or credentials. Do that here. Don't install software from somebody you don't feel you can trust unless you have the ability to check the code yourself.
That's just one of the reasons I'm happy to see the CM Team getting on board.
I guess what I'm getting at, is I'd love to be able to see exactly how they 'rooted' the system, and each step that takes place during the process. The first root that came out, I got about 50% there, but hit a minor roadblock and lost interest. I do appreciate all the work that goes into this, and I was surprised at how many people would install the root without thinking first what they're putting on their device. I know 99% of the time, people are honest and trustworthy. However, all you need is one person to compromise a server, change a zipfile, etc, and you're in a world of pain.

Donations for root.

I just wanted to start a thread for donation pledges for root access.
That way developers can gauge the communities willingness to support their work. I'm willing to donate 25$ for root.
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App
I second that and will put up $25 for Root on the D3. I just got it today and I love this thing so far but miss my saved data on all my games from my X
Count me in for 25$
Root is worth at least $25 to me.
I will be receiving my D3 tomorrow, count me in for 25$
Anxiously awaiting root and happy to donate $25 to the cause!
I'm down for at least $50.
I don't really think a show of wallets is what is going to gain root for us , but rather a more targeted effort to get devices into the right folks hands is perhaps more likely to succeed IMO.
Maybe, but I rather think even the most gifted developers can't do anything if there is nothing exploitable. Motorola and Google appearently did do a quite good job. My main hope now is an update or a SBF, which could lead to new ideas ...
cellzealot said:
I don't really think a show of wallets is what is going to gain root for us , but rather a more targeted effort to get devices into the right folks hands is perhaps more likely to succeed IMO.
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I agree. Unless I misunderstood, this is basically a theoretical root 'purse' to whoever roots? This may increase some devs interest in putting their time into it, but IMO moeny is better spent helping the right people get the right tools.
I just have a problem giving someone a device who already has one to work with....when there are developers who don't have a D3 at all.
Personally if I had the knowledge to root a device I would just charge $20 each for the root app/program/directions and then truly get paid for my work. 50 root purchases could make a quick $1000 and assuming this device sells anything like the DX then 800+ could bring in a cool $16,000(there are at least 800 DX's currently using CM7 nightlies).
so give the device to someone who DOESN'T have it?!
I say give it to krazy. He obviously has the will and knowledge.
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My intent was not to have myself promoted. I am simply saying how money would be put to a better use.
I have been working with several others, and all of our skills lie in different places, but they all are important. I do currently have a phone, and am not desperately in need of another. It woudl be nice to get a device in the hands of some of the others I have been working with- for example.
slow88lx said:
I just have a problem giving someone a device who already has one to work with....when there are developers who don't have a D3 at all.
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A developer working on his own phone isn't going to take any "major" chances since they have to use it as There is no .sbf file to recover it if bricked, so it's either buying a new one at full retail or seeing if a warranty replacement is possible (though technically it shouldn't be since the user broke the device).
I'd feel more comfortable giving a developer who already has a Droid 3 one to "dev" on, as they are more interested in obtaining root for the device themselves since they want root on their own device (the one they use for calls, txts, etc..).
I have to agree here, the prospect of some cash for doing it is always nice, but we could in theory get it faster if the right people could have the device, but it is all a lot easier said then done..
krazykrivda said:
I agree. Unless I misunderstood, this is basically a theoretical root 'purse' to whoever roots? This may increase some devs interest in putting their time into it, but IMO moeny is better spent helping the right people get the right tools.
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I work at a corporate store, when I see the sbf file come along I will be sure to get it on here. But so far nothing has come across my desk
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
I'm in for $25 towards root or a dev device. Thanks
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App
20$ here
$35 here.

Booting ARM Ubuntu on Droid Bionic (BAD IDEA)

So to give a little history I have a Droid 1 rooted with CM6, that boots my custom made Ubuntu 10.04 ARM image from it's SD Micro. Well, I upgraded to a Droid Bionic this last week and decided to jump into root right away, which went very smoothly using petes root tools one click method. Then the hack came out for using the wifi hotspot, and that worked just fine, then I removed the bloatware, no issues... but then when trying to run the script to create a "chroot" environment for Ubuntu (, I found that the device does not support loopback devices out of the box, rooted or not. And when the device rebooted... it just hung on to the Moto Dual Core splash screen and refused to boot. No matter what I did I could not get the thing to boot back up, eventually after 2 hours of pulling the battery and trying to recover through the built in "recovery" with no luck... I sped down to my local verizon HQ and had them take a look... they were also unable to get the phone to boot and ultimately replaced my 6 day old Bionic.... Just a warning to those of you who may be looking to go this route, probably should wait for a full on custom recovery and rooted rom before trying to boot any ARM images.
My my old Bionic RIP....
edw00rd said:
So to give a little history I have a Droid 1 rooted with CM6, that boots my custom made Ubuntu 10.04 ARM image from it's SD Micro. Well, I upgraded to a Droid Bionic this last week and decided to jump into root right away, which went very smoothly using petes root tools one click method. Then the hack came out for using the wifi hotspot, and that worked just fine, then I removed the bloatware, no issues... but then when trying to run the script to create a "chroot" environment for Ubuntu (, I found that the device does not support loopback devices out of the box, rooted or not. And when the device rebooted... it just hung on to the Moto Dual Core splash screen and refused to boot. No matter what I did I could not get the thing to boot back up, eventually after 2 hours of pulling the battery and trying to recover through the built in "recovery" with no luck... I sped down to my local verizon HQ and had them take a look... they were also unable to get the phone to boot and ultimately replaced my 6 day old Bionic.... Just a warning to those of you who may be looking to go this route, probably should wait for a full on custom recovery and rooted rom before trying to boot any ARM images.
My my old Bionic RIP....
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Pretty dickheaded move in my opinion. I see that you mad no effort here to get support on getting your device to boot. Another fine example of how people suck. IMHO
I agree. You should have sought help here before returning to Verizon. You could have recovered your device. Its people like you that are driving up the price smart phones and making carriers and manufacturers lock down the phone. You get into doing stuff you don't know about and then when you screw up you make someone else eat the cost of your mistake. Thanks for bringing this to our attention but, most people know not to try and load custom software to a locked bootloader and stock recovery. Genius.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium
Brutal.... but funny.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium
This kind of **** gets tee squar's panties in a fraudulent bunch.
what is this asshattery?
Hmm well.... you must be one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling... sorry friends but im a free citizen in this B30tch and i have the right to do whatever the F i feel like with MY phone that i pay for insurance on, and ridiculous fees for other BS the ITU deems necesary that we pay for... I absolutely love the fact that u think i drove up the price of this smart phone by tinkering with it.... ya take a statistics class then go take a look at verizons market cap and while ur at it take a look at google and motorola. These companies are, no kidding arround, ruining america. So u guys do what u like and join that good ol trendy movement. I on the other hand believe in my rights and privacy.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
You knowingly voided your warranty and then fraudulently used said warranty. You're a rationalizing ****. End of story. It's not even about cost or running a good thing, you just have no dignity.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
edw00rd said:
Hmm well.... you must be one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling... sorry friends but im a free citizen in this B30tch and i have the right to do whatever the F i feel like with MY phone that i pay for insurance on, and ridiculous fees for other BS the ITU deems necesary that we pay for... I absolutely love the fact that u think i drove up the price of this smart phone by tinkering with it.... ya take a statistics class then go take a look at verizons market cap and while ur at it take a look at google and motorola. These companies are, no kidding arround, ruining america. So u guys do what u like and join that good ol trendy movement. I on the other hand believe in my rights and privacy.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
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You still are an idiot for screwing up your phone and not knowing how to fix it. Regardless if we are google sheep, you are part of the reason why you are ruining it for the rest of us.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
edw00rd said:
Hmm well.... you must be one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling... sorry friends but im a free citizen in this B30tch and i have the right to do whatever the F i feel like with MY phone that i pay for insurance on, and ridiculous fees for other BS the ITU deems necesary that we pay for... I absolutely love the fact that u think i drove up the price of this smart phone by tinkering with it.... ya take a statistics class then go take a look at verizons market cap and while ur at it take a look at google and motorola. These companies are, no kidding arround, ruining america. So u guys do what u like and join that good ol trendy movement. I on the other hand believe in my rights and privacy.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
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I hope they end up charging you retail price for the replacement phone they gave you. By purchasing that phone and doing what you did, you voided your warranty. It was repairable by other means, but you acted without thinking and returned a bricked phone (your own fault) to Verizon for a working phone, so you could attempt to **** it up like the last one. Stay away from XDA, you make us look bad.
edw00rd said:
Hmm well.... you must be one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling... sorry friends but im a free citizen in this B30tch and i have the right to do whatever the F i feel like with MY phone that i pay for insurance on, and ridiculous fees for other BS the ITU deems necesary that we pay for... I absolutely love the fact that u think i drove up the price of this smart phone by tinkering with it.... ya take a statistics class then go take a look at verizons market cap and while ur at it take a look at google and motorola. These companies are, no kidding arround, ruining america. So u guys do what u like and join that good ol trendy movement. I on the other hand believe in my rights and privacy.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
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So, did you pay a deductible or was the exchange free?
I'm not going to resort to name calling, nor will I wish any bad luck upon you, OP.
I will, however, ask you this: If you knew enough to come here to post, then why didn't you know enough to look in the subforum two below this one titled Droid Bionic Android Development, and specifically at this post which is hovering in the top 5 or so responded to posts -
I mean, reading the first post provides you with a link to which tells you in no terms that this is a good potential fix for
This Fastboot XML zip package could potentially assist bricked users with recovery back to the stock state. Motorola’s created a new file format for recovery that allows Bionic users to recover from a case of messed up software.
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The reason everyone here is attacking you is that you, who want to call us
one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling...
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- when you yourself explicitly stated that
So to give a little history I have a Droid 1 rooted with CM6
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- Well, last I checked, the Moto DROID original (I bought one on drop day back in Nov 2009, so I do have a little history with this device of my own) is also a Google Android device.
The reason everyone is getting angry with you is that you basically committed insurance fraud this way, and on top of that, you posted back as if you are entitled to commit said fraud. Those are the facts, and thus everyone is calling you names.
IMO, what you did was wrong, and lawfully, you should be prosecuted. But that is neither here nor there. If the VZW analysts . Moto analysts find enough evidence they may decide to do something - they may not. Who knows?
Next time, look around - this is a developer community, after all, and chances are you really haven't bricked your phone. These guys and gals eat, sleep, and breathe Android.
And they do it well.
"rationalised ****" lol OMG am i ever!!! I will own that!
Some of you actually make sense with the link between me and my "asshattery" and returning my droid. But most of you want to call names and well friends i was just honestly trying to help a community out with what i had suffered through. Ignorantly i have offended you... which was never intended. I assumed that most people are curious cats like myself. And for all of your info so i can put an end to this insurance fraud bs i bought the phone full price and got my second phone at an upgrade cost (had to use my wifes upgrade).... Not free. Hence the sad face in my first post. So all this prosecution crap... no. Voided warranty... yep! And knowingly so... Now some of you are going to retaliate "youre stupid for screwing up your phone and not check online to fix it" well short answer to that is i did check and was unable to find a cure and given some time i probably would have... but well the easy way to say this is hacking is an expensive hobby if it wasnt my phone itd be my comps processor for overclocking it too much (which ive done a number of times)... oh and someone posted about most people know not to try this on an encrypted bootloader... honest to god i didnt think it would effect it at all due to the fact that all i was doing was trying to boot an ARM image off an sd card... and have yet to find why that had any effect on the boot... Oh and another thing this was my very first post here... telling me to leave you guys alone cuz i make you look bad... that hurt :-(
Lol no not really... I love all of you xo...
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
This post has now officially made the transition from comedy to farce. I'm not complaining. I enjoy low entertainment as well as high.
Immolate said:
This post has now officially made the transition from comedy to farce. I'm not complaining. I enjoy low entertainment as well as high.
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Lol i thank you for ur ability to have a sense of humor... i would laugh at this as well...
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
The level of hypocracy and irony in this thread is astounding
This post started out about putting Ubuntu on a device. An operating system founded on community and sharing with open arms and friendliness. And the person who was attempting it was met with NOTHING but hate and persecution for how he went about resolving a very stressful and worry some situation.
Just cause someone does not handle a situation the way you see that they should, does not give you the right to throw insult after insult at them. Even if there is already a "hate filled band wagon" rolling by. In this community of developers who are presumably good hearted people, why is it not one person stepped up to make this into a real development thread???
I am not a developer and can barely write one line of code in Python. So I wouldn't be able to lend a hand. But as I am on the look out for a completely open device on the Verizon network, I am very interested in being able to put other operating systems on a phone. Especially as Ubuntu will be developing a dedicated phone OS in the next 2 years to go along with their computer and (soon to come) Smart TV OS line up.
Does anyone know of a thread that is honestly trying to get a Verizon phone unlocked to run other OS's?? This one is clearly resided to nothing but childish batter and remarks.
Good on the original poster for trying to keep his cool for the most part though.
**Edit: He did not commit insurance fraud, as I have paid fro the same insurance before and it specifically states that you will be guaranteed a new phone no matter what the issue. Even if it was your fault. It is justified by having to pay for it when you buy the phone, as well and needing to pay a deductible to receive a new phone. I actually put my D1 under the wheel of a car just to get a new phone. Cause I waited too long to learn about rooting and Verizon did an update that blocked root access. And the phone was getting to be sooo slow no matter how few processes I had running or few apps I had installed, that I couldn't take it anymore. Sometimes it would take 3 to 4 seconds just to move left or right on the home screen. I paid 50 dollars and got a Droid 2 Global as a replacement and rooted it with Z4 within 1 hour of getting the phone. Overclocked and tethered it within the first day. The only gripe I have with it is you can't put real custom Roms with custom kernels on this "Global" version cause the boot loader is still locked. Hence why I will not buy another phone that can not have the bootloader unlocked at all.
im pretty sure he didnt use the insurance but the warranty rather, insurance you pay for and pay when you get a replacement. I dont think he paid a dime after bricking his phone. that is where everyone is like wtf?
I did this as well.
I also tried to install ARM Ubuntu on my Bionic. It failed to install. I have not rebooted yet, do you have any suggestions that will save my device? I usually would have backed up the device, but I was so excited about Ubuntu that I forgot fo do so. I'm running .893, rooted (obviously). The only backup I have is from becore I rooted. Thanks.
This Fixes most soft Bricks and Makes your Phone the way it was out of the box. Stock and no root. its a fresh start. please read instructions carefully.
Woah.. no way!!!

Hacker Ethics

In regards to the what seems to be a disturbing trend in forcing people to "Buy" their hacks. (If You Wish To Use Them)
I was going to write a big long rambling post about it but i think the link below sums it up pretty good.
I think we have lost our way somewhere along the path.
no one is forcing any one to buy anything. this root product didn't cost $0 on the developers end, especially in terms of time. if i put that much time and effort into a product, i would like to be compensated as well. if you don't want to pay the fee, then you don't get root. you were the one that knowingly bought a phone that didn't have an unlockable bootloader and didn't have root. having root and/or bootloader unlock on locked phones is not a right.
koftheworld said:
no one is forcing any one to buy anything. this root product didn't cost $0 on the developers end, especially in terms of time. if i put that much time and effort into a product, i would like to be compensated as well. if you don't want to pay the fee, then you don't get root. you were the one that knowingly bought a phone that didn't have an unlockable bootloader and didn't have root. having root and/or bootloader unlock on locked phones is not a right.
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I think your missing the point ... you even read the wiki article or just the first line of the post and go OMGMYYOUSOUNGRATEFUL lol
I didn't even read the article that you linked, however, I'd like to remind you that no one is forcing you to purchase anything? This is true with anything and everything. That's the problem with today's society, instant gratification and on the flip-side, a person's perceived right of entitlement. I say this all the time, if you don't like something, vote with your wallet. That goes for anything. I can't stand the fact that athletes and team owners make the amount of money they do, so I no longer pay to go to an event. I no longer pay to purchase swag, etc. I vote with my wallet.
Same here. If people have an issue with being charged for (I can't even call it root access), then don't buy it. It's really that simple.
You are correct... poor choice of words in the first line ... They are not Forcing me to do anything. But please try to see past my poor wording and realize the point.... Hacker Ethic ... hack the planet the world ... not OMG i can make money of this! lol
Akrifay said:
I think your missing the point ... you even read the wiki article or just the first line of the post and go OMGMYYOUSOUNGRATEFUL lol
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Of course I read the post. This is not the golden age of android hacking anymore. Everyone is looking to monetize due to the complexity of actually getting root/bootloader unlock as compared to how the OS was in the beginning. The community, the phones, and the OS were much different in the beginning. At this point in time, I think people who don't have these skills and willingly purchased locked down devices should have their wallets open if they want anything. Maybe with the next big OS we'll see a return to "hacker ethics", but now it's about getting paid for you think your work is worth.
Why is it disturbing that you pay for their time and effort working on this? The Sunshine team spent countless ours and bricked countless devices to develop Sunshine. Should they bear the burden just so you can freely use the fruits of their labor?
What I think is disturbing is that people expect hackers and developers to do things for free. They don't have to do what they do. They don't have to put up with rude users (not referring to you). They don't have to release their work to the public. They don't have to reply to countless posts, PMs, and emails. It is a bunch of time they pit into this.
But, but,'s their hobby, they like doing it. I like working on cars as a hobby, but it doesn't mean I should change everyone's oil for free.
But, but but...releasing their methods benefits the android community as a whole. Making me give away my time and effort for the good of the community sounds like socialism.
Your reference to the hacking ethics forgets the assumption that other hackers are sharing their work too. Where is your share of the code that you're working on to benefit the hackers? Since there is no code of yours to share you can contribute monetarily, if they require it.
Akrifay said:
You are correct... poor choice of words in the first line ... They are not Forcing me to do anything. But please try to see past my poor wording and realize the point.... Hacker Ethic ... hack the planet the world ... not OMG i can make money of this! lol
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I understand where you are coming from. There are still those that do imbibe those ideals, but most of them have disappeared into nexus land or have taken jobs outside of XDA (like Hash).
Akrifay said:
I think your missing the point ... you even read the wiki article or just the first line of the post and go OMGMYYOUSOUNGRATEFUL lol
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Ethics are not rules. You can follow them or not, its up to the individual. That being said, it does say "Information should be free", not that they should work for free. If maiko1 decides to publish information on the exploit he found, i guess that would be following ethics. He doesnt have to create a tool that does the work and release it for free. Hackers still have jobs. they have to buy food and pay rent. Many times hackers will find exploits and leverage them against companies for larger payouts or even a full time gig. In that light, I'm glad he released it, even if it is at a cost, because there's a real chance we might have never seen the exploit.
Munkee915 said:
Ethics are not rules. You can follow them or not, its up to the individual. That being said, it does say "Information should be free", not that they should work for free. If maiko1 decides to publish information on the exploit he found, i guess that would be following ethics. He doesnt have to create a tool that does the work and release it for free. Hackers still have jobs. they have to buy food and pay rent. Many times hackers will find exploits and leverage them against companies for larger payouts or even a full time gig. In that light, I'm glad he released it, even if it is at a cost, because there's a real chance we might have never seen the exploit.
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I had never thought/considered that, but it makes sense.
orangechoochoo said:
Why is it disturbing that you pay for their time and effort working on this? The Sunshine team spent countless ours and bricked countless devices to develop Sunshine. Should they bear the burden just so you can freely use the fruits of their labor?
What I think is disturbing is that people expect hackers and developers to do things for free. They don't have to do what they do. They don't have to put up with rude users (not referring to you). They don't have to release their work to the public. They don't have to reply to countless posts, PMs, and emails. It is a bunch of time they pit into this.
But, but,'s their hobby, they like doing it. I like working on cars as a hobby, but it doesn't mean I should change everyone's oil for free.
But, but but...releasing their methods benefits the android community as a whole. Making me give away my time and effort for the good of the community sounds like socialism.
Your reference to the hacking ethics forgets the assumption that other hackers are sharing their work too. Where is your share of the code that you're working on to benefit the hackers? Since there is no code of yours to share you can contribute monetarily, if they require it.
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I have contributed to many a Dev over the years... I am not a Dev per say ... But i believe i am a Hacker by the true definition ... just happens not to be Android Software that i hack. It is amazing work that they do and i am very appreciative for it. But leave it up to the individual to "donate" ... I dont know guess im just an old schooler in a new schooler world lol
Munkee915 said:
Ethics are not rules. You can follow them or not, its up to the individual. That being said, it does say "Information should be free", not that they should work for free. If maiko1 decides to publish information on the exploit he found, i guess that would be following ethics. He doesnt have to create a tool that does the work and release it for free. Hackers still have jobs. they have to buy food and pay rent. Many times hackers will find exploits and leverage them against companies for larger payouts or even a full time gig. In that light, I'm glad he released it, even if it is at a cost, because there's a real chance we might have never seen the exploit.
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Oh I know! This is great! ABSOLUTELY Ethics are Subjective 100% I agree with you totally ... i guess it just boils down to your definition of right and wrong... Hey i hope he makes a ton of money off it i really do ... Just by my definition i have in MY head i consider it ethically wrong ... IMO hehe
I'm all for supporting the devs for their hard work and time. However, I think whats trying to be communicated here is the change in mindset that we have moved to a format of people willing to donate for a project vs. making it mandatory. Again while I do feel those who do the work should get compensated, I am kinda of disappointed in the idea of an X amount of $$. The bounty was set up so people can donate what they can to the project. There will be many people who are willing to pay money but not $20, others may be willing to pay more. With a mandatory set amount you tend to alienate some of the community. Things have changed and it is getting harder to root devices. I know it takes more work. I acknowledge this. However, it does feel that overall sense of community is suffering as a result. I respect the Dev's decision in how to release the root method. However, I am one who will not be rooting my device because my needs just don't require it and therefor I don't feel it would be worth $20 for me to have root. That's just me though.
Symbiontsoul said:
I'm all for supporting the devs for their hard work and time. However, I think whats trying to be communicated here is the change in mindset that we have moved to a format of people willing to donate for a project vs. making it mandatory. Again while I do feel those who do the work should get compensated, I am kinda of disappointed in the idea of an X amount of $$. The bounty was set up so people can donate what they can to the project. There will be many people who are willing to pay money but not $20, others may be willing to pay more. With a mandatory set amount you tend to alienate some of the community. Things have changed and it is getting harder to root devices. I know it takes more work. I acknowledge this. However, it does feel that overall sense of community is suffering as a result. I respect the Dev's decision in how to release the root method. However, I am one who will not be rooting my device because my needs just don't require it and therefor I don't feel it would be worth $20 for me to have root. That's just me though.
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Yay im getting through! lol
I forgot about the bounty. Did the guy get it? If so, then I it's odd that he is asking for additional payment too.
Edit- I see that the root bounty thread was closed be cause the rooter is requiring $20 payment t instead.
wow, XDA sure has changed over the years.
Akrifay said:
In regards to the what seems to be a disturbing trend in forcing people to "Buy" their hacks. (If You Wish To Use Them)
I was going to write a big long rambling post about it but i think the link below sums it up pretty good.
I think we have lost our way somewhere along the path.
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If I am to agree with you, I would like to see your free hack/exploit contribution to the community.
You aren't paying for a root method. The root method is explained. You're paying for the product that does it for you.
Akrifay said:
Oh I know! This is great! ABSOLUTELY Ethics are Subjective 100% I agree with you totally ... i guess it just boils down to your definition of right and wrong... Hey i hope he makes a ton of money off it i really do ... Just by my definition i have in MY head i consider it ethically wrong ... IMO hehe
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Well, look at it this way. By the definition you posted, in that information should be free, maiko1 had no further responsibility to the community than to make a post and say "Hey, i found XYZ exploit. Do with it what you will." He did not have to say how that exploit specifically would allow us to gain root access, let alone make a tool that did it for us. All he had to do was publish the information. Then he would have been an "ethical hacker" according to your definition. Now, seeing as how in the post above the one i quoted, you stated you are not an Android developer, even if you had this information available for free, what would you do with it? By your own admittance you wouldnt be able to achieve root with just the information, you still needed a tool to do it for you. Someone has to develop this tool. There are no ethics for "ethical development" and certainly no expectation that it should be free. Developers work for money. Don't confuse hacking with developing. Hacking is finding exploits. Developing tools to take advantage of them is a whole other story.
Also, just to kill the whole "the hack should be free" argument :
As Stallman notes, "free" refers to unrestricted access; it does not refer to price.
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From the article you linked. You have access to the method and tool, he didnt root his own phone and keep it from the rest of us. Doesnt mean you shouldnt pay for it.
I can't speak for those behind the root "hack", but I know I don't work for free.
Your time isn't worthless, so why should mine?
adrynalyne said:
Your time isn't worthless, so why should mine?
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Furthermore, your skills aren't worthless either, so why should they be free?


I'm 40 year's old and was incarcerated throughout my 20s and 30s I came home to a different world one that I enjoy most at home on my laptop learning. I enjoy learning commands and exploits for any and all systems especially the ones pertaining to my devices. I currently am working on rooting a wingtech revvl+ and a few other devices. Any one who has successfully installed a custom recovery on the tmrvl4g_0.05.27 or any variant of tmrvl4g 5g let me know. Thanks
I need to stock firmware
harveyjesse821 said:
I'm 40 year's old and was incarcerated throughout my 20s and 30s I came home to a different world one that I enjoy most at home on my laptop learning. I enjoy learning commands and exploits for any and all systems especially the ones pertaining to my devices. I currently am working on rooting a wingtech revvl+ and a few other devices. Any one who has successfully installed a custom recovery on the tmrvl4g_0.05.27 or any variant of tmrvl4g 5g let me know. Thanks
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adelk700 said:
I need to stock firmware
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Welcome both to XDA,
Try using our powerful search engine and locate your devices forum for more deep customization.
orb_selektor said:
Welcome both to XDA,
Try using our powerful search engine and locate your devices forum for more deep customization.
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I didn't find anything can you help me find it stock firmware
Welcome, good sir, and glad to have you back in the world... <smile>
I got tired of Boost's nonsense (being forced to upgrade to a 5g phone, allegedly free, but actually about 250 bucks in all), and went to T-Mobile. Since they were cheap and I needed 3 of them, and, with all the upgrades to 5g, likely needed to offload a few traincars of them, we got 3 TMRVL4G devices...
Since it's Wingtech, which really isn't one of the biggies, but, as I've been on this venue all these years, through many devices, I'm always willing to be a guinea pig... My coding chops are decades old, and really revolve around Delphi, CodeTyphon, and old XBase stuff... Never learned C++ nor really much .java, so coding for Android is, while interesting to me, and I can generally read and follow others' work, just the syntax and symbology are difficult for me. (What can I say? Turned 65 this past Valentine's Day, and it shows at the damnedest times... <grin>)
But, should you happen across any recent information regarding any work on rooting this device, or, at the least, enabling the app-to-SD functionality which is available for every other device I've ever owned, I'd be most grateful. Add to that, I've got plenty of legit Play Store-approved apps for which I've paid real money, but can't use as they each require root access... It's not that I disapprove the companies' making admin access difficult (hey, I've boneheaded enough over the years, but give me a way to get back to default and I'm good... I also have a modest collection of paperweights where, "Sorry, dude... you're hosed..." LOL)...
It's that they each try to out-do each other in how impossible they can make it for even experienced users, but without access to their tech-support frame, to actually use these things as they're capable... I mean, ****... a quad-core device, fast as hell, and storage out the wazoo for most users. Not me, mind you, as, were some functionality enabled, this beastie would be a quick laptop replacement, with the Bluetooth keyboard which also seems to not talk to it.
Again, good sir, welcome, and welcome back!
pauljulian said:
Welcome, good sir, and glad to have you back in the world... <smile>
I got tired of Boost's nonsense (being forced to upgrade to a 5g phone, allegedly free, but actually about 250 bucks in all), and went to T-Mobile. Since they were cheap and I needed 3 of them, and, with all the upgrades to 5g, likely needed to offload a few traincars of them, we got 3 TMRVL4G devices...
Since it's Wingtech, which really isn't one of the biggies, but, as I've been on this venue all these years, through many devices, I'm always willing to be a guinea pig... My coding chops are decades old, and really revolve around Delphi, CodeTyphon, and old XBase stuff... Never learned C++ nor really much .java, so coding for Android is, while interesting to me, and I can generally read and follow others' work, just the syntax and symbology are difficult for me. (What can I say? Turned 65 this past Valentine's Day, and it shows at the damnedest times... <grin>)
But, should you happen across any recent information regarding any work on rooting this device, or, at the least, enabling the app-to-SD functionality which is available for every other device I've ever owned, I'd be most grateful. Add to that, I've got plenty of legit Play Store-approved apps for which I've paid real money, but can't use as they each require root access... It's not that I disapprove the companies' making admin access difficult (hey, I've boneheaded enough over the years, but give me a way to get back to default and I'm good... I also have a modest collection of paperweights where, "Sorry, dude... you're hosed..." LOL)...
It's that they each try to out-do each other in how impossible they can make it for even experienced users, but without access to their tech-support frame, to actually use these things as they're capable... I mean, ****... a quad-core device, fast as hell, and storage out the wazoo for most users. Not me, mind you, as, were some functionality enabled, this beastie would be a quick laptop replacement, with the Bluetooth keyboard which also seems to not talk to it.
Again, good sir, welcome, and welcome back!
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... and yes... I worked for a few months for Sprint on their helpdesk in El Paso... there is a way... there is always a way.

