Systemless / System Universal Compatibility Xposed - Verizon Motorola Droid Turbo Themes and Apps

just found this:
can someone confirm if this works on our Turbo?

jco23 said:
just found this:
can someone confirm if this works on our Turbo?
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Systemless-anything only works on android 6.0+. The CM-based 6.0 roms available for the Droid Turbo all come with system-based root built in, and as far as I know there is no way to remove this (you can disable it in the developer options, but I don't think that's good enough in this case). So the only way I can see this working on a Droid Turbo is if you managed to get the Brazilian Moto Maxx official 6.0.1 update running on it via baybutcher's kernel, installed supersu in systemless mode and then followed this procedure. That's a lot of work for something that will likely still fail SafetyNet due to the unofficial kernel. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about any of this.
To summarize, yes, you could probably get it to install, but the things you would have to do to get it to install would cause it to fail SafetyNet, which defeats the purpose of a systemless install.


[Q] XT 1060 Native Tether on 4.4.4 (Unlocked/Rooted)

Ive only found a couple of topics on this, one was for dev/unlocked tether on 4.4 and the other was for locked/unrooted thether on 4.4.4. so both just missing what i need.
what is the method, or is there one, for using the native tether on an unlocked Verizon Moto X?
TheWhiteChallenger said:
Ive only found a couple of topics on this, one was for dev/unlocked tether on 4.4 and the other was for locked/unrooted thether on 4.4.4. so both just missing what i need.
what is the method, or is there one, for using the native tether on an unlocked Verizon Moto X?
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If you are unlocked and rooted the easiest way is to install Xposed framework and Moto Tether module.
no i dont want to do that. easy isnt my primary concern. my primary concern is cleanliness so i would perfer a real mod.
i just read this:
if im reading it correctly i can simply add "net.tethering.noprovisioning=true" to the build prop but im not yet sure if i read it right
FWIW, on the XT1049 (4.4.2) I tried it out by modifying these two properties in /system/build.prop under # ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES:
...and then I added the line:
This seemed to work in a quick test loading a webpage, but I haven't used it beyond that.
TheWhiteChallenger said:
no i dont want to do that. easy isnt my primary concern. my primary concern is cleanliness so i would perfer a real mod.
i just read this:
if im reading it correctly i can simply add "net.tethering.noprovisioning=true" to the build prop but im not yet sure if i read it right
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Correct. The Tool in that thread works for the XT1060 which is bootloader unlocked and rooted.
The other way is to use the wifi_tether_v3_4-experimental1.apk from
change device profile to galaxy nexus (cdma/lte)
check box: wifi-driver reload
check box: enabled routing fix
If you have troubles, its also suggested to...
check box: wifi-driver reload 2
I use the wifi-tether APK on my Dev Edtion XT1060 for Verizon (unlocked and rooted, running 4.4.4, it worked on 4.4.2 and 4.4 also)
k_t_b said:
FWIW, on the XT1049 (4.4.2) I tried it out by modifying these two properties in /system/build.prop under # ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES:
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I don't see those in the XT1060 build.prop.
TheWhiteChallenger said:
no i dont want to do that. easy isnt my primary concern. my primary concern is cleanliness so i would perfer a real mod.
i just read this:
if im reading it correctly i can simply add "net.tethering.noprovisioning=true" to the build prop but im not yet sure if i read it right
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I think the best method is to use Xposed Installer and the X Tether (Moto Tether) module. This allows you to use the stock Mobile Hotspot app without having to modify/replace it. As easy as this is to setup (install Xposed Installer, install the module, reboot and done) it's just as easy to revert it when the next update comes out (just disable the module and Xposed Installer). now have Xposed Installer so you can grab other modules if you like (ie...Root Cloak, Gravitybox, etc..).
tcrews said:
I think the best method is to use Xposed Installer and the X Tether (Moto Tether) module.
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I agree and it is a snap to uninstall it. But for some reason, the OP doesn't want to do that - I am guessing it is a work phone maybe and he wants it to be less obvious?
tcrews said:
I think the best method is to use Xposed Installer and the X Tether (Moto Tether) module. This allows you to use the stock Mobile Hotspot app without having to modify/replace it. As easy as this is to setup (install Xposed Installer, install the module, reboot and done) it's just as easy to revert it when the next update comes out (just disable the module and Xposed Installer). now have Xposed Installer so you can grab other modules if you like (ie...Root Cloak, Gravitybox, etc..).
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Xposed does make changes to system, and some modules can caused reduced battery life.
Not everyone wants that.
Some just want to be simply stock, rooted and have the ability to tether. Xposed and its modules is extra stuff installed.
There are two "easy" and "light weight" options already posted in this thread. The app in the other thread that modifies the build.prop on the fly, and the wifi tether for root apk.
Or you can install Xposed and the Tether Module like the other suggested.
KidJoe said:
Xposed does make changes to system, and some modules can caused reduced battery life.
Not everyone wants that.
Some just want to be simply stock, rooted and have the ability to tether. Xposed and its modules is extra stuff installed.
There are two "easy" and "light weight" options already posted in this thread. The app in the other thread that modifies the build.prop on the fly, and the wifi tether for root apk.
Or you can install Xposed and the Tether Module like the other suggested.
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Xposed itself is a very small modification and doing the Tether module is near the same as using the modified stock tether app. I've tried both methods and the Xposed method is cleaner and much simpler. Add in the bonus of an extremely simple method to revert without the hassle of removing/renaming/restoring the stock tether app and it's near perfect.
With that can be done. The added bonus is you do have the option of adding in additional modules if you like.
tcrews said:
Xposed itself is a very small modification and doing the Tether module is near the same as using the modified stock tether app. I've tried both methods and the Xposed method is cleaner and much simpler. Add in the bonus of an extremely simple method to revert without the hassle of removing/renaming/restoring the stock tether app and it's near perfect.
With that can be done. The added bonus is you do have the option of adding in additional modules if you like.
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we'll have to agree to disagree here.
WiFi tether apk I use is a stand alone app, doesn't need to be undone to update, only runs when i launch it. etc. The app from the other thread just changes/updates the build.prop. It does nothing else. Nothing needs to be undone to update. No extra apps running, etc.
There are many options because one-size doesn't fit all.
first, can we plz stop the exposed debate be for it goes any further, those kind of answers are exactly the answers this thread was started to avoid. i appreciate the attempt to help but ur just ignoring the intent of the original question and further complicating the issue.
second,i found the solution: use build prop editor (or whatever u want to use) to add net.tethering.noprovisioning=true , delete VzwEntitlementService.apk and its .odex, done
TheWhiteChallenger said:
second,i found the solution: use build prop editor (or whatever u want to use) to add net.tethering.noprovisioning=true , delete VzwEntitlementService.apk and its .odex, done
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I wouldn't delete them, just rename them. If you want to take a future OTA, you'll need to put them back.
TheWhiteChallenger said:
first, can we plz stop the exposed debate be for it goes any further, those kind of answers are exactly the answers this thread was started to avoid. i appreciate the attempt to help but ur just ignoring the intent of the original question and further complicating the issue.
second,i found the solution: use build prop editor (or whatever u want to use) to add net.tethering.noprovisioning=true , delete VzwEntitlementService.apk and its .odex, done
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Hello, I also have an unlocked (via sunshine) verizon moto x, currently running 4.4.2 and rooted with towelpie because I have never installed a custom rom and don't want to muck anything up. But if it's not too hard to install a custom rom I may try. Is this what you have done?
All I have done is ran sunshine and unlocked the bootloader, it's still on 4.4.2 and rooted with towelpie. Do I have write since I unlocked the boot or do I have to install a twrp to gain write? I am familiar with sqlite editer
is this something like what you used to write the command to tether?
Thank you
doitinthedirt said:
Hello, I also have an unlocked (via sunshine) verizon moto x, currently running 4.4.2 and rooted with towelpie because I have never installed a custom rom and don't want to muck anything up. But if it's not too hard to install a custom rom I may try. Is this what you have done?
All I have done is ran sunshine and unlocked the bootloader, it's still on 4.4.2 and rooted with towelpie. Do I have write since I unlocked the boot or do I have to install a twrp to gain write? I am familiar with sqlite editer
is this something like what you used to write the command to tether?
Thank you
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a text editor or notepad type app can be used to edit build.prop. SQLite or such wont work.
In theory, using Sunshine to gain unlocked bootloader should grant write protection disable, however I'm not familure enough with it to be sure. This post -> should still work to allow you to check write protection status.
If you can undo TowelPieRoot (usually just rebooting, or at worst flashing system.img using mfastboot will work), you can easily flash TWRP and get a proper root and write protection disabled.
A custom rom is not needed to tether.
If you have root, and write protection disabled, two EASY ways to tether on Verizon are in Post #5 above...
doitinthedirt said:
Hello, I also have an unlocked (via sunshine) verizon moto x, currently running 4.4.2 and rooted with towelpie because I have never installed a custom rom and don't want to muck anything up. But if it's not too hard to install a custom rom I may try. Is this what you have done?
All I have done is ran sunshine and unlocked the bootloader, it's still on 4.4.2 and rooted with towelpie. Do I have write since I unlocked the boot or do I have to install a twrp to gain write? I am familiar with sqlite editer
is this something like what you used to write the command to tether?
Thank you
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Not familiar with towelpie, but if there is a way to undo the root, possibly by going to supersu and doing a full unroot, then you can regain root (with proper r/w to system) by flashing a custom recovery like CWM or TWRP and flashing the ( )

Root in 6.0.1

Hey guys! So I read around about rooting Android 6.0.1 and I only see systemless root. I am rooted right now using systemless root and it works fine, but my question is, is there a way to root 6.0.1 with traditional system root? Or is systemless the only way? Just curious really. Will systemless most likely be the future of rooting and the way it's going to have to be done from now on to keep Android Pay working?
Sent from my Nexus 6
I don't know of anyone who's made the kernel mods required for traditional root. I'd say that systemless root is probably going to be the only way to root from now on at least on nexus devices. Chainfire outlines things that don't work with systemless root on the supersu forums.
StykerB said:
I don't know of anyone who's made the kernel mods required for traditional root. I'd say that systemless root is probably going to be the only way to root from now on at least on nexus devices. Chainfire outlines things that don't work with systemless root on the supersu forums.
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Thanks for the response! And I wonder if it will be what it is for now! It's the only way to keep Android Pay working while the device is rooted correct? Android Pay refuses to work with a traditionally rooted device?
Sent from my Nexus 6
StykerB said:
I don't know of anyone who's made the kernel mods required for traditional root. I'd say that systemless root is probably going to be the only way to root from now on at least on nexus devices. Chainfire outlines things that don't work with systemless root on the supersu forums.
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I did. I still use SU2.52. But only until this weekend. I'm switching to systemless too.
Actually building a permissive kernel is really straightforward, needs one line of code added. The build is about five minuters then with abootimg you can just replace the existing with the newly buil kernel in the boot.img, and flash it.
I can give you details if you're interested.
I have a serious problem with ES File Explorer. This app (and maybe other Apps) says device isn't root, since I cant use ES in root explorer mode.
I heard Titanium Backup has the same issue with this future root!
now I back to 6.0 and waiting for a solution.
kamkar said:
I have a serious problem with ES File Explorer. This app (and maybe other Apps) says device isn't root, since I cant use ES in root explorer mode.
I heard Titanium Backup has the same issue with this future root!
now I back to 6.0 and waiting for a solution.
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Mine works perfectly.
kamkar said:
I have a serious problem with ES File Explorer. This app (and maybe other Apps) says device isn't root, since I cant use ES in root explorer mode.
I heard Titanium Backup has the same issue with this future root!
now I back to 6.0 and waiting for a solution.
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The first systemless root did that, go back to that thread and get the newest version and flash that, fixed that issue.
Sent from my Nexus 6
Krzysiek_CK said:
Mine works perfectly.
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How? I pass this steps to install and root 6.0.1:
First of all, I have a clean install of 6.0.1
then flash TWRP
In TWRP, install SuperSU 2.61 that flash a custom boot.img automatically. after dalvik/cash wipe, reboot to OS
After that, reboot to recovery again and flash a custom kernel
but supersu doesn't work and ES file explorer says device doesn't have root permission.
however, I need read/write permission in /system folder to delete some useless apks
H4X0R46 said:
The first systemless root did that, go back to that thread and get the newest version and flash that, fixed that issue.
Sent from my Nexus 6
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I tested 2.61, is problem fixed in 2.62.3? because I must flash 6.0.1 and setup phone again!
i rooted the old fashioned way, there's no difference except you also have to flash a custom kernel when flashing supersu.
simms22 said:
i rooted the old fashioned way, there's no difference except you also have to flash a custom kernel when flashing supersu.
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Same way it was with 6.0 right? And Android Pay doesn't work with traditional root? Does it break anything else besides Android Pay?
Sent from my Nexus 6
H4X0R46 said:
Same way it was with 6.0 right? And Android Pay doesn't work with traditional root? Does it break anything else besides Android Pay?
Sent from my Nexus 6
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ive no use for pay, so never tried. i assume its broken..
I have a Nexus 6 with 6.0.
I am trying to find how to update to 6.0.1 with no-enforced-encryption and then do a systemless rooting but I cannot find the instructions to do this
Seems that just flashing stock, TWRP and the flashing supersu 2.61 from there is enough to have systemless root, right?
but what about no-force-encrypt?
Probably I am changing the discussion but have not found a good thread, apologies.
Thanks in advance.
carmatana said:
I have a Nexus 6 with 6.0.
I am trying to find how to update to 6.0.1 with no-enforced-encryption and then do a systemless rooting but I cannot find the instructions to do this
Seems that just flashing stock, TWRP and the flashing supersu 2.61 from there is enough to have systemless root, right?
but what about no-force-encrypt?
Probably I am changing the discussion but have not found a good thread, apologies.
Thanks in advance.
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What you probably wanna do is go for a custom kernel that doesn't force encryption. Most if not all don't force it! Elementalx is a good one, maybe elite kernel, and so many others! I use ElementalX on mine, my favorite kernel. if you wanna try that one! Others are found here on XDA!
EDIT: Looks like elementalx says to use SuperSU 2.61 or later, which is systemless, I would try another. Maybe elite or another one.
H4X0R46 said:
What you probably wanna do is go for a custom kernel that doesn't force encryption. Most if not all don't force it! Elementalx is a good one, maybe elite kernel, and so many others! I use ElementalX on mine, my favorite kernel. if you wanna try that one! Others are found here on XDA!
EDIT: Looks like elementalx says to use SuperSU 2.61 or later, which is systemless, I would try another. Maybe elite or another one.
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Thanks !!! I will check them, I always have tried to be as close to stock as possible but I think it is time to try something new.
One question: Do Custom Kernels interfere with OTA updates?, this is one of the advertised advantages of systemless rooting and is one of my favorites.
Thanks again
carmatana said:
Thanks !!! I will check them, I always have tried to be as close to stock as possible but I think it is time to try something new.
One question: Do Custom Kernels interfere with OTA updates?, this is one of the advertised advantages of systemless rooting and is one of my favorites.
Thanks again
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I would say yes, I'm 90% sure but could be wrong. I would flash the a new update with fastboot.
carmatana said:
Thanks !!! I will check them, I always have tried to be as close to stock as possible but I think it is time to try something new.
One question: Do Custom Kernels interfere with OTA updates?, this is one of the advertised advantages of systemless rooting and is one of my favorites.
Thanks again
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Any mod stops ota's. Root, kernels....You will have to flash full images to get updates. You can skip the userdata part and save your apps and data. But you will have to flash.
Not a big deal, it an extra couple of commands just like the kernel you want to flash.
kamkar said:
How? I pass this steps to install and root 6.0.1:
First of all, I have a clean install of 6.0.1
then flash TWRP
In TWRP, install SuperSU 2.61 that flash a custom boot.img automatically. after dalvik/cash wipe, reboot to OS
After that, reboot to recovery again and flash a custom kernel
but supersu doesn't work and ES file explorer says device doesn't have root permission.
however, I need read/write permission in /system folder to delete some useless apks
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Clean 6.0.1 followed by systemless root installation as expained in the Root done right thread.

Magisk vs SuperSU

I haven't seen a thead posted about this so I figured I'd get some input from people that have used both or either of the 2 root options.
What do you prefer and why? What are the pros and cons?
I know SuperSU is very well known and I'm familiar with it from the Galaxy S phones. Magisk is fairly new, but from what I heard it works well with Nougat and the other nice thing is that magisk can be toggled.
I'm not sure if there is any benefit to that or not, but I'd like to hear some feedback.
I'm interested to know more about this as well, but this is what I read about it.
Yes, Magisk can be toggled, so you can use Android Pay when you need it and then get back to being rooted.
However, for some reason, my AdAway adblocker just wouldn't work with Magisk+phhSU. No idea why. Everything else root worked well. When I had to clean flash the official Nougat, I decided to stick to good'ol SuperSU. I don't need the toggle function and everything worked great since.
So I've used both and can say this. Magisk works on both SuperSU and phhSU, although the later offers a different functionality. The toggle feature is an older feature of Magisk as they now have a hide feature baked in. This is the same as SUHide for SuperSU. I have yet to get SUHide working on the 3t, but I have it working on a few other phones. SuperSU+SUHide is great if you only want to run Root on your phone and hide systemless root from applications without having to really toggle Root. From my experience (YMMV), toggling root breaks things more than hiding. The only reason I have found to run Magisk is if you want to run Xposed as well. Xposed works with SuperSU, but Magisk does a pretty good job of UI integration with some of the pieces.
DarqAnshin said:
So I've used both and can say this. Magisk works on both SuperSU and phhSU, although the later offers a different functionality. The toggle feature is an older feature of Magisk as they now have a hide feature baked in. This is the same as SUHide for SuperSU. I have yet to get SUHide working on the 3t, but I have it working on a few other phones. SuperSU+SUHide is great if you only want to run Root on your phone and hide systemless root from applications without having to really toggle Root. From my experience (YMMV), toggling root breaks things more than hiding. The only reason I have found to run Magisk is if you want to run Xposed as well. Xposed works with SuperSU, but Magisk does a pretty good job of UI integration with some of the pieces.
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Awesome, thanks for the input! That's definitely helpful. So you would recommend going with magisk? Would you say magisk works equally as well on all versions of OOS? 3.5.* and the new 4.*+ (nougat) version?
m0d hipp¥ said:
Awesome, thanks for the input! That's definitely helpful. So you would recommend going with magisk? Would you say magisk works equally as well on all versions of OOS? 3.5.* and the new 4.*+ (nougat) version?
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Keep in mind, your mileage may very and these are only my opinions. With that said I will say this:
I've only had my OnePlus 3t for about 3 weeks, so I only really used it on the latest version of OOS 3.5. It seems to work fine on 4.*, however, it did take me a few extra steps and sideload.
I honestly would go with SuperSU / SUhide if I could get it to work on 3T correctly like it does on my other devices. Right now I have this weird forever and a day boot time with SUHide.
Magisk works almost as well in my experience and on the devices I do run xposed on runs even better in my opinion. The new Magisk doesn't turn root off but does mask root from certain apps such as android pay. The interface, in my opinion, has gotten better over the iterations. Magisk also does allow you to flash from the direct input, which depending on your skill can help out greatly.
I would say this. If you require
live updates of actual software similar to TWRP's new loader
ability to flash from app
Use Magisk
If you like simplicity and raw power go with SuperSU. I did try the SUHide Gui but found Magisk's version much easier and reliable.
Thanks again! That's super helpful!
Guys, Im running Tugapower and I cannot root the rom. Any of you know how to fix it? I run the zip file to root and I start to phone and looks that works but after couple of minuts is not rooted anymore. Anyone else?
Has anybody used the the latest version of superuser with oos 4.0?
That's the SR2 2.79 version. The one before turned off sims and a reflash of 4.0 sorted out.
And the info on Magisk has been informative. Thanks!
As someone who has used phhSu and SuperSU (I've also paid for SuperSU Pro) I find either do the job and that SuperSU is good for getting a ROM going while I prefer to then re-root with phhSU after I have my ROM set up for daily use, although the only annoying thing with phhSU is that TB detects the su binary as being a non-SuperSU one so it pops up an extra warning.
Either is fine, just pick the one you like better I guess.
How did you guys flash a systemless root without triggering DM-Verity?
From my understanding, we flash superSU after flashing TWRP and allowing modifications, because superSU disables/bypasses DM-Verity
Am I missing something here?
Freyelis said:
How did you guys flash a systemless root without triggering DM-Verity?
From my understanding, we flash superSU after flashing TWRP and allowing modifications, because superSU disables/bypasses DM-Verity
Am I missing something here?
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With SuperSU 2.79 you don't need no-verity patch.
m0d hipp¥ said:
I haven't seen a thead posted about this so I figured I'd get some input from people that have used both or either of the 2 root options.
What do you prefer and why? What are the pros and cons?
I know SuperSU is very well known and I'm familiar with it from the Galaxy S phones. Magisk is fairly new, but from what I heard it works well with Nougat and the other nice thing is that magisk can be toggled.
I'm not sure if there is any benefit to that or not, but I'd like to hear some feedback.
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Actually Magisk doesn't give root but the modded version of Phh's Superuser does.
One of the main difference is that Phh's Superuser (and Magisk) are open source. Once Chainfire will leave his SuperSU project you will have to fully trust CCMT.

Not able to Install Magisk Modules

I have successfully installed Magisk on my device Root works but when I try to install a magisk module I get an error about not being able to mount magisk.img. When I try to install through recovery the module is flashes without any errors but once you open the app It displays "no modules installed". Before the G5s plus that I have a had the Moto G5 Plus. It had the same problem I just had to install another kernel over stock one and Magisk would work as expected. Is there a kernel for stock room that would support Magisk. Anyone else had this problem or is it just me?
ive no issue installing modules through magisk. Theres a lot of factors here. You didnt mention but id presume you installed magisk through recovery. Also, I presume you installed xposed. Maybe the modules your using require xposed to work. I forgot the exact steps to install xposed through magisk, but its not hard, and Id assume anyways you tried all of that. Have to flask xposed through recovery if I remember, then you can install xposed app apk too through recovery, then open magisk and install the latest xposed there. Im not using a stock rom, however Im fully confident if you properly rooted, and unlocked your phone of course, (I assume you did, just saying) its not a kernel issue. Sorry if I wasnt any help, its all i can think of right now.
When I got the phone I unlocked the bootloader and installed TWRP. When I set up my device I went back to recovery to install Magisk 14.3. It installed correctly and I got root using Magisk but when I try to install any module through the Magisk app I get an error. If I got you right should I try to install Xposed too? I was planning to install Xposed, Magisk version. But when I try that I get an error. I have attached a screenshot of when I try to install Xposed by topjohnwu and Greenify for Magisk. I get the same error.
well, xposed may not be your issue if you cant install any module with magisk manager. The modules, majority of them, if not all of them, i dont know, do not require xposed. Some do, most do not. Now please keep in mind, i could be wrong. I would say this, no harm in installing xposed, its basically a must get anyways for many awesome apps/modules. How you install, first install the xposed manager, youll have to look around for it, its not on the play store. Then downkoad magisk xposed through magisk. Once you download that zip file boot into twrp and install xposed through twrp.
This is a youtube on it: Now thing is, this may not fix any of your problems. But theres a chance it may. Like i said either way you want xposed on rooted phones anyways.
Patched kernel for stock. I have no problem running modules on Magisk. Flash in recovery.
Sent by way of magic
if youre using stock rom, try this kernel. i just compiled it today from geneticengineers git. last updated hours ago.
Ae3NerdGod said:
if youre using stock rom, try this kernel. i just compiled it today from geneticengineers git. last updated hours ago.
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UPDATE, just found out wifi doesnt work, sorry, been traveling and didnt think to test. everything else seems to work tho.
heres an older version of the kernel not compiled by me until i figure this out
Ae3NerdGod said:
UPDATE, just found out wifi doesnt work, sorry, been traveling and didnt think to test. everything else seems to work tho.
heres an older version of the kernel not compiled by me until i figure this out
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Is there a thread for these kernels or any for G5S Plus?
THERAJ12 said:
Is there a thread for these kernels or any for G5S Plus?
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wifi fixed btw

SuperSU no more & FlashFire (potentially) no more. Moving on...

I'm sure you've read the google+ message or the post on the front page in regards to Chainfire stopping development on all current root-related apps. This includes thus SuperSU (which was sold to CCMT a long time ago and they did absolutely nothing with) and FlashFire (which i use to flash an OTA and keep root intact.
Now with that in mind, magisk is pretty much the only root solution now and i'm starting to look into it. I've already installed the manager and will flash the stock rom at a later point. First a question.
What would be the proper way to flash an OTA (on my 6P, for as long as it will get them) and keep magisk root intact? (i know my way around ADB a bit and twrp, usually i ADB BOOT the latter, not install it). Has anyone tried the latest magisk with flashfire on a 6?
I'll appreciate your input.
I'm also interested in getting OTAs installed while preserving root and magisk, on my Pixel XL. I can't get it working properly using the suggested method from @topjohnwu
May i suggest you make your own topic then? It will do neither of us any good of replies to our issue get lost in replies to the other
I did already.
I just showed that I am interested in a proper solution as well. I have not asked specifically about my issue, but wanted to tell you that the "official" way (which is well documented) doesn't work for some users (it's not only me).
yeah but you have a completely different device. So what's not working for you, isn't even relevant in case. Thanks for the interest though
and a quick bump.
Ch3vr0n said:
Has anyone tried the latest magisk with flashfire on a 6?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hopefully you're aware that you can no longer even purchase FlashFire on the Google Play Store, so it's not a solution going forward...
Who said that was a problem. I've been using pro since day 1. Pro users don't have the time issue and it works just fine.
Sent from my Nexus 6P with Tapatalk
OTA installation tips (from the official Magisk docs):
I know that A/B device users have been reporting negative results with the documented method, but fortunately it's not applicable in this case.
Have seen a bunch of reports of Flashfire not working properly with later release of Magisk, but can't confirm since I've never used it.
That leaves the last described method. Should always work, but by then I usually feel it's a lot easier to just use fastboot to flash the latest factory image...
I have some phones with Magisk, and are not A/B devices. Magisk gets lost after the OTA, I just reflash it, reinstall the 4 Magisk modules I use, and open each app that requires root so I can grant root access to them again. Of course, add to Hide the banking and other apps that need it. Not too much trouble for me, even if I usually receive weekly OTAs. Wish I could save the Superuser and module settings of Magisk before flashing, then I can just restore it.

