Kaiser turns back on again in belt-pocket without a reason. - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Hi @ all !
There´s a thing very annoying in the new Kaiser... You cannot use any belt-pocket with magnetic closers !
After setting the phone to standby via one short press on power button, I found it back turned on again, everytime I took it out of the belt-pocket.
First I thought, that this must be the keyboard slide mechanism, cause the phone also comes back, when you slide out the keyboard, but I kept an eye on it, not the move the slider while putting it into the pocket and back out again. Then I thought, that it was the light sensor, but some tests made me sure, that it must be something else.
Finally I found out, that it turns back on again, cause I´m still using the belt-pocket of my old TyTN I with the 2 magnets as closing mechanism... If you try and hold a magnet over the keyboard in the area of S,D,E,X,F or even on the back side in the same area and move it around just a little bit, the phone turns on... Crazy, but true !
Now I know, why they gave that awful new belt-pocket with the tape-closer to the Kaiser...
Hope that helps

It is partly related to keyboard... it has a magnetic sensor that it is activated when keyboard is released, so the magnet from your holster tricks the sensor into believing keyboard is out, so it activates screen.

I guess thats why they have the velcro closer on the one that is shipped with the phone. This is somthing to consider when buying a nice Piel Frama one.

Absolutely it's the keyboard magnet operated switch that does it. But, I know you can run a magnet (let's say the case magnet ) over the d-pad area (seems to do it on mine) and the Kaiser will turn on. - However, I have been using the TyTn case also and I have not noticed it turning on just by sliding the Kaiser in and out. In fact I have just sat here and put it in and out every which way (for the last ten minutes) and it has not come on.
Maybe your magnets are stronger than mine or your keyboard switch more sensitive? I am also not keen on that "tape" closing on the new case.

lol i wish i would have read that some place, i thought it was the keyboard some switch but didnt think they would use a magnet, it was pissing me off a lot while i was driving, now i know i found on my own, but the magnet that i have is shielded a bit, but still just the right position and it will trigger the switch
I sure hope this was posted some place in a FAQ or wiki, if not it should be and if it was, then shame on me for not reading that part or noticing it

Magnetic sensor via magnet in holster.
Just found out this "feature" with a BB holster...
Has anyone found a way to exploit/use this feature to turn-on the device when removed from the holster?
That is something I always envied with my wifes Blackberry.

I've noticed this too
I have the same problem, but since mine is set not to wakeup when the keyboard slides open I can't see how the magnet could be the culprit.

I had the same problem with my Nokia and Kaiser.....Never thought it was because of the magnet sensor in the device....To tell the truth...I didnt know that it had one inside.....Thanks for the info....
Would it affect the sensor in anyways....if it doesnt, I can actually use this "feature" so my phone is awake each time I pull it out of the belt case......


Tilt turns on by it self

hi guys
I have Att tilt and since 3 days a go my phone keep turning on by it self. any ideas how to fix this? Thanks.
i'm defnitely sure u need to call in an exorcist. for the time being, pls place the phone within a ring of garlic cloves
It's probably the instant messenger receiving an SMS message with someone signing on/off or you getting a message.
if you are using a case with a magnet in it it will cause it to turn on like if you were sliding it open to fix this download kaiser tweaks and turn off the option to turn on when slide open or keep away from magnet cases
steve960 said:
if you are using a case with a magnet in it it will cause it to turn on like if you were sliding it open to fix this download kaiser tweaks and turn off the option to turn on when slide open or keep away from magnet cases
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This is indeed the only thing i can imagine is happening. Strong radiowaves can turn on/off devices and even uses them..... Just to give a exemple, I work on a warship and we had a 250KW powercable with some leaks in the isolation. This causes some of the other equipment to power on and even use it while all safeties were still on!
thanks guys for your help. i will try to disable the sliding thing. i hope it works.
My brother wanted to give me his old Wizard holster which closes with a magnet. I told him the magnet might cause my screen to turn on. Sure enough, as soon as the phone got near the holster the screen came on and switched to landscape just as it would if I had flipped out the keyboard.
Guess that's why my Kaiser came with a holster that uses velcro.
This has been driving me nuts since I got my Tilt! The slightest sliding movement of my screen would wake the phone up.
Thanks for the easy fix with the Kaiser Tweak setting!
Hi guys,
I did the Kaiser Tweak setting but still same issue from before. every like 5 to 10 min my phone comes on by itself.
any other sugestions?
now im having the same problem. wtf is going on. no magnets near my phone. it sucks lol

ATT Tilt turning on by itself?

Anyone experience their Tilt turning on by itself just when you turn it off (stand by-button on the side)?
I would turn the unit on standby and put it back into the case and it would turn on by itself and a 3 beeping sound would activate. I thought that the Tilt has some kind of motion sensor thing.
Is this an issue and how can it be solved?
If the screen slides out slightly the phone will come out of standby. The 3 tones could be the piano slide out sound.
good catch DaneMaximus
the keyboard uses a magnetic switch, by any chance......does you case have a magnet in it?
thats what i thought too but i would try moving it a slight and it doesnt go on.
Dont know about the magnetic...where is it on the case?
Ok, when i force the open keyboard it is playing the closing piano chime. But why is it doing this? I dont think its opening since the phone is new.
I know why this is happening. It turns out the the opening slide from the Tilt is a magnetic trigger and when I put it into my leather case, it has a magnetic closer lid where it is activating the trigger on the Tilt.
Just have to be careful when inserting the tilt into the case. At least theres nothing wrong with the tilt.
You could disable slide wake.
ahhh... good suggestion. How do you disable slide awake?-
Never mind found it in kaiserTweak.
Thanks for the suggestion!

Kaiser problems

I have came across 2 annoying problems - maybe somebody can help with them.
1) Pressing IE key + action (dpad center key) invokes screen alignment application. I'm using S2U2 and can't find a way to prevent this shortcut from working when phone is locked by S2U2. Because of that screen alignment is accidentally launched often enough to become major annoyance.
Is there any way to fix it? Like disabling screen alignment shortcut, configuring S2U2 to lock hardware keys or in the worst case fully disabling IE key ?
2) The second problem - sometimes i find my kaiser switched to landscape mode. It has happened only when i'm reaching for phone in pocket to answer a call - so it's possible i've accidentally pressed some keys or something. It happened also after i disabled autoswitching to landscape mode after sliding it open.
Of course after it has switched to landscape mode it switches back to portrait, and during this time (which can take few secs and is annoying) i cannot answer the call.
For #1 - stop pressing the IE and Action key at the same time. Pretty simple fix.
For #2 - I don't really have a good answer for you. I would have suspected you were opening the keyboard slightly when pulling it from your pocket, but that wouldn't matter if you disabled the function. So, can't say for sure... are you running 3rd party apps, different ROM, etc.?
raywiper said:
I have came across 2 annoying problems - maybe somebody can help with them.
1) Pressing IE key + action (dpad center key) invokes screen alignment application. I'm using S2U2 and can't find a way to prevent this shortcut from working when phone is locked by S2U2. Because of that screen alignment is accidentally launched often enough to become major annoyance.
Is there any way to fix it? Like disabling screen alignment shortcut, configuring S2U2 to lock hardware keys or in the worst case fully disabling IE key ?
2) The second problem - sometimes i find my kaiser switched to landscape mode. It has happened only when i'm reaching for phone in pocket to answer a call - so it's possible i've accidentally pressed some keys or something. It happened also after i disabled autoswitching to landscape mode after sliding it open.
Of course after it has switched to landscape mode it switches back to portrait, and during this time (which can take few secs and is annoying) i cannot answer the call.
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What you are describing as annoying are conveniences to those of us who don't carry our phones in our pockets. No, HTC does not make double commands for every function, one to make the phone easier to use and one to disable all the " easy " functions for those who insist on carrying around a $500 phone like it was a pack of 25 cent gum.
A little preachy? Good!
Ask the other members here if this sounds familiar: "Cheap f**king phone, screen cracked first week I had it, I took it out of my pocket one day.........." My touch screen no longer works, I took it out of my pocket one day............"
50% of all the bad things that happen to people's phones around here start with. "When I took the phone out of my pocket........"
Want your phone to continue to work great? Make believe it is an expensive piece of electronics. Take f**king care of it
P.S. Ooh big step down off the soap box
denco7 said:
What you are describing as annoying are conveniences to those of us who don't carry our phones in our pockets. No, HTC does not make double commands for every function, one to make the phone easier to use and one to disable all the " easy " functions for those who insist on carrying around a $500 phone like it was a pack of 25 cent gum.
A little preachy? Good!
Ask the other members here if this sounds familiar: "Cheap f**king phone, screen cracked first week I had it, I took it out of my pocket one day.........." My touch screen no longer works, I took it out of my pocket one day............"
50% of all the bad things that happen to people's phones around here start with. "When I took the phone out of my pocket........"
Want your phone to continue to work great? Make believe it is an expensive piece of electronics. Take f**king care of it
P.S. Ooh big step down off the soap box
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*sniffs* hmm whats that smell, its the buring of you being flamed BIG TIME
denco7 said:
Ask the other members here if this sounds familiar: "Cheap f**king phone, screen cracked first week I had it, I took it out of my pocket one day.........." My touch screen no longer works, I took it out of my pocket one day............"
50% of all the bad things that happen to people's phones around here start with. "When I took the phone out of my pocket........"
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I'm not so sure, maybe some people are just careless fools.
I've had my Kaiser for a few months and a Wizard before than for 18 months. Both have been kept in my pocket pretty much constantly and have never had anything more than the slightest of scratches on the casings.
Then again, i'm not stupid enough to keep my phone in the same pocket as coins, keys or other myriad sharp things...
MrHorus said:
I'm not so sure, maybe some people are just careless fools.
I've had my Kaiser for a few months and a Wizard before than for 18 months. Both have been kept in my pocket pretty much constantly and have never had anything more than the slightest of scratches on the casings.
Then again, i'm not stupid enough to keep my phone in the same pocket as coins, keys or other myriad sharp things...
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Where as a lot of other people unfortunately are
Well, to give you a tip about question #2 if you are going to carry it in the beltcase that came with the phone. If you are not careful pusing the phone up of the case you might just push the keyboard part and it doesn´t take much to trigger landscape mode. By now I get the phone up without this happening but it took some getting used to.
And I would not advise carrying the phone in your pants front pocket. A friend of mine cracked the screen of his brand new N95 this way, tight designer jeans pocket in this case = dead expensive phone.
denco7 said:
Want your phone to continue to work great? Make believe it is an expensive piece of electronics. Take f**king care of it
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And what should i do ? Keep it home on the shelf ? A phone is meant to use it. I've found that the screen is hard to clean because of the higher edges. What would be your solution - don't touch it ? The phone is slow when switching to landscape and back - don't use landscape mode ? If something is wrong - it's my fault for trying to use it ?
*rant off*
Actually i was not correct (blame my english) - i'm carrying it in a waist case, not pocket. And from what i've gathered - the magnetic lock could be the reason of switching to landscape mode. I've read something about magnetic locks triggering the slideout sensor.
But my collegue said he disabled autoswitching to landscape mode and was still experiencing this problem (have to doublecheck it though).
As for first case (screen align shortcut) - can't help. I often accidentally press them when taking out of case. Tried to install AEBPlus and remap some buttons, but that didn't help. It actually suprises me why HTC choosed so easily pressed button combination.
A solution would be to stop using S2U2, as the default device lock correctly locks the keypad and this shortcut dosesn't work. It would be pity though, as i came to like S2U2.
Don't flame each other
If you have a solution post it, otherwise keep quiet
The OP posted a legitimate question, if you don't have an answer, or think the questing is silly, then don't post and leave the thread alone

Tilt screen not rotating and keyboard lighting up.

I just got a 2nd hand htc tytn2 today and for some reason when I slide the keyboard out it does nothing. When on the basic today screen the screen doesnt even light up! Any ideas how to fix this guys? I even went as far as flashing a cooked rom to see if its software related but hasn't made a diff. PLEASE HELP as I love my new tytn2 but whats the use if the keyboard doesn't work!
Hopefully all it is is that the cable connecting the keyboard is loose -- you'd have to search these forums for some instructions on how to take it apart and check the cable.
EDIT: or perhaps more likely is that the magnetic sensor is broken.
Man this stinks. Was really looking foward to this tytn as well. Not looking foward to taking it apart and somehow finding a replacement sensor .
Oh, by the way, the keyboard works fine, the phone just doesnt react to the slide at all
OK -- if that's the case then the most likely culprit is the magnetic sensor.
Unfortunately, I seem to recall reading on these forums that it's not easy to change. There could be a missing magnet on one side -- if you take a magnet and wave it around the phone, see if you can get it to switch to landscape mode. If it does, then that's better news -- you just have to replace the magnet to get it to work.
If not, then the sensor is broken...
Can you send it back because it's not in complete working order?

[Q] What controls the screen rotate on keyboard slide?

How does the phone 'know' when the keyboard is slid out (and therefore to change automatically from portrait to landscape)?
The reason I am asking:
I just replaced a broken digitizer, and upon reassembly, the screen is stuck sideways. If I run a program that is portrait only, it switches to portrait just fine. I can also download an app to change it to any orientation I want, and that works as well. I thought it might be the orientation sensor, but that is functioning just fine according to the sensor readouts. After more troubleshooting, I ended up at the conclusion that the phone thinks the keyboard is open, even when it is not. Before I take it apart a fourth time to poke around, I was wondering if anyone knew exactly what I need to look at and how it works.
After a good bit more searching, I found someone who had the same problem, and the solution. In case anyone wants to know, the phone 'knows' that the phone is closed due to a very small magnet in the front faceplate frame (if you have the frame off the phone and lying face down, its towards the top and to the right) lining up with a sensor in the main part of the phone frame. The new faceplate did not include that magnet (This makes me angry ). I pulled the one off the old frame, opened 'er back up, stuck the magnet in, buttoned it back up again, and bingo. We're good to go.

