Questions For British People! - Off-topic

Hello, I have a few questions for the numerous people that live over in the UK.
1. What are common phrases you say every day?
2. What are some uncommon phrases you don't say every day?
3. Why do you drive on the left side of the road?
4. Do you all visit these..... places for phones?? This is a quote from Demon_Man, a british person
Demon_man said:
Just had a right laugh nice weather so walked to town, went in Carphone Whorehouse and said i need the Internet settings for android on virgin and he took my phone to check the settings and just looked at it didnt no what to do, the same in Virgin media lol, only use i have actually found for Android on my leo so far to confuse the shops LMFAO
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That's it. Thanks!

1. What are common phrases you say every day?
Bloody, ****e, Pint, One more Pint, Wanker, Give me one more pint B***, Hell
2. What are some uncommon phrases you don't say every day?
Elevator, Garbage
Lol, I'm not British.
EDIT: Sorry if my stereotypes offended any of you brits

Haha, I'm sincerely hope that our British forum users are not offended by this thread! As much as we poke fun at British English, I'm sure you guys find our American English just as funny!
One more question to be added for the brits!
Why do you guys add extra useless letters to your places names?
Eg. Leicester Square is pronounced "lester square" rather than like it's spelled (ie "le-sester square"). And Gloucester Road is pronounced "gloss-ter road" rather than "gl-ow-sester road".

Lol. For some reason this thread brought this quote to mind: "Austria! Well, then. G'day mate! Let's put another shrimp on the barbie!" Gotta love Dumb and Dumber.

No offense intended, just interested in the British peeps over here. Especially demon_man's phrase. What is that translated to american???

I find your questions offending. You have insulted Detroit. tsk. tsk. tsk. OMG! My Detroit home-bois! told me where I can go to get my line-up. Gonna look sexy again tomorrow!

1. What are common phrases you say every day?
I don't tend to say any phrases as such, I guess I am boring like that.
2. What are some uncommon phrases you don't say every day?
Garbage, Trash. (Its Rubbish....) I don't know. If I don't say them everyday, how am I going to remember them.
3. Why do you drive on the left side of the road?
Because this is the correct side to drive on, given a vast percentage of people are righties, it makes sense to always be able to have your strongest arm on the wheel? (My left arm dislocates at the shoulder quite often, so thats my excuse)
4. Do you all visit these..... places for phones?? This is a quote from Demon_Man, a british person
I find myself reguarly visiting Carphone Whorehouse to see what the latest stock is and avaliability. Sometimes you may have to pay a little more then other places, but I find it is often worth it.... I believe another term would be brothel?
Anymore questions?

Basically converted to US...
Went inta da carphone Pimphouse [email protected] yer, yo [email protected], shot up a few homers and da crew...bro...ho da look in at...

PurpleSmurfLlama said:
Hello, I have a few questions for the numerous people that live over in the UK.
3. Why do you drive on the left side of the road?
That's it. Thanks!
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I know this much: they (we) drive on the "wrong" side because of the Romans. They used to carry their weapons right hand while on horses and as they've gone past each other they could fight! The same principle applies today while going up and down stairs or on pavements.

PurpleSmurfLlama said:
Hello, I have a few questions for the numerous people that live over in the UK.
1. What are common phrases you say every day?
That's it. Thanks!
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People on radio interviews say "To be honest..." a lot, as if they never are the other times! They also say "I don't mean to be disrespectful but..." meaning exactly the opposite. Footballers also say "I have a calf..." or "I have an Achilles..." meaning they have something wrong with them. I then say "Really? when did you discover that? Mine were always there anyway." They also say "I mean..." a lot. The oldies say "Please!" and "Thank you" a lot. Footballers and other athletes always talk on the third person while talking about themselves. And they talk about the weather a lot.

wovens said:
I know this much: they (we) drive on the "wrong" side because of the Romans. They used to carry their weapons right hand while on horses and as they've gone past each other they could fight! The same principle applies today while going up and down stairs or on pavements.
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So if the same princple applies today.... then your saying when you drive up and down roads in your cars, you carry a weapon in your right hand so you can fight other cars that pass you? Very interesting indeed!

captainstu72 said:
1. What are common phrases you say every day?
I don't tend to say any phrases as such, I guess I am boring like that.
2. What are some uncommon phrases you don't say every day?
Garbage, Trash. (Its Rubbish....) I don't know. If I don't say them everyday, how am I going to remember them.
3. Why do you drive on the left side of the road?
Because this is the correct side to drive on, given a vast percentage of people are righties, it makes sense to always be able to have your strongest arm on the wheel? (My left arm dislocates at the shoulder quite often, so thats my excuse)
4. Do you all visit these..... places for phones?? This is a quote from Demon_Man, a british person
I find myself reguarly visiting Carphone Whorehouse to see what the latest stock is and avaliability. Sometimes you may have to pay a little more then other places, but I find it is often worth it.... I believe another term would be brothel?
Anymore questions?
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So, you guys dont talk in sentences? More like words with long pauses?
Another question for you
What are some common animals you see everyday?

They murmer. Have you seen those movies. You can't even tell what they're saying! Subtitles pwease?

They murmer. Have you seen those movies. You can't even tell what they're saying! Subtitles pwease?
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I've never watched a british movie!
I think i'm going to move to the UK to pick up their awesome accent

No man. Even in American movies they'll be like
"Bloody day chap. Look at the weather!"
And it'll be strait murmors.

PurpleSmurfLlama said:
I've never watched a british movie!
I think i'm going to move to the UK to pick up their awesome accent
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i probably think they would ban you from UK

Diamond_dawg said:
i probably think they would ban you from UK
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Why is that?

PurpleSmurfLlama said:
Why is that?
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Because they have more securities I think. You cannot take any of there things.

Because they have more securities I think. You cannot take any of there things.
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Are you saying that I am a.... "theifer"????

im from old blighty lol.
answers are (with tranlations)
Aye = Yes
Nah = No
wanker = Chronic masturbater
its carphone wharehouse, (wear - house)
we not add letters to words we just find easier ways to pronounce them.
glasgow is pronounced glas - go
and best till last we get phones free on contract
wooo hoooo proof ? just got a x10 from free and i pay 20 gbp a month


the word "LOL"?

i don't know why i have spurts of funny hatred when i see a use of the word 'lol'.
i am still comfortable with LMAO, OMG, WTF but its the 'lol' people use when it is least expected......rather it least fits.
LOL as i know is abbreviation of
"laugh out loud" (most common)
"lots of luck" or "lots of love" (less common--infact non-existant)
Now, if somebody cracks an awesome joke...and people use this word to express their hearty laugh,its still ok.
But these days its being plain overdone, i'll give you some good examples;
it was my first rollercoaster ride, it was awesome lol.. cousin kicked the sh*t outta me
it was my uncle's funeral
eeew .. i forgot...its your birthday lol
SORRY..LOL!! are funny!
omg , i gtg srry....catch'ya later lol..
if somebody is so amused by such crap that he/she feels like laughing so bad...i feel that person's got to be the biggest loser around.
and if 'lol' in itself was not enough for some people they invented similar words - 'lolz' or lolzz or lolzzz (add more z's to make it stronger)
wtf is lolzzzzz? -'lots of laughs and then suddenly dozing off?" Thank heavens keyboards don't have feelings!
just wanted to share this thing with you guys. how do you all feel?
sorry if i offended some 'lollers'!
yeah the
"lol it's jesus"
jokes really show how language can be turned into the enemy of all living things
but then guess older people have always felt that the younger crowd abuses the language
mariner_heart said:
and lastly i am sharing my views and i seriously don't mean to offend 'lollers'!
all views are welcome. correct me if i am wrong somewhere!
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Coming to the point, yeah, its annoying these days. People use the word 'LOL' just for no reason. I cannot figure out, if it makes them feel that they're cool.
Also, people also seem to use 'LMAO' for no reason! Do they really 'laugh their ass off'? *no*
and i am so proud that i've never used this damn word in my general english except for when i talk about it being a symbol of "wannabes"
and i won't use it until somebody points a gun at my head and tells me to type 'lol'
.......and i'll feel like such a loser afterwards!
and yes- i am don't contribute to younger crowd spoiling the language as i am myself 20 years of age!
lol to me has always meant and always will mean "lots of love."
so when i see it all over the place, i just think "what a lovely world it is that we live in, all this love around in the air"
flykthewiz said:
lol to me has always meant and always will mean "lots of love."
so when i see it all over the place, i just think "what a lovely world it is that we live in, all this love around in the air"
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Aye, I thought the same and thus used it at the end of some SMSs, etc. when it simply wasn't appropriate according to what the recipient understood it to mean.
A lass I was very much into some years back thought I was slightly making fun of her as I ended most of my SMS with lol and she eventually asked why I always thought that fairly innoccuous remarks warranted laughing out loud at the end.
Naturally, I felt a right Herbert. Since then I've only used it in the way everyone else does. Not that I use a lot of abbeviations anyway: I tend to punctuaute SMSs or any other messages in the normal way, not least because I used to be a grammar teacher.
wikipedia gives the bast answer
Penny for your thoughts
I think that there is so much shorthand that people place into what they write, that even this generation has forgotten to even spell the very words! "lol" is so misused, as well as things like "4, lmao, (and what ever else is out there!!)", (show how behind the times i am!!!) If there was not the bulk of the SMS (Short messaging Services) out there, maybe people might be able to write correct!!! Well, that is just my thought...
Vosberg said:
I think that there is so much shorthand that people place into what they write, that even this generation has forgotten to even spell the very words! "lol" is so misused, as well as things like "4, lmao, (and what ever else is out there!!)", (show how behind the times i am!!!) If there was not the bulk of the SMS (Short messaging Services) out there, maybe people might be able to write correct!!! Well, that is just my thought...
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is that "write correct" or "write correctly"
"lol is lol", is lol. (LOL!)
To freely use an acronym, a Dutch word and a Welsh word, in an English sentence.
Seriously though: I mind these words in certain situations. If you are chatting with someone over the computer, using IRC or instant messaging or whatever, words like LOL and such can be used. Now and then in a forum post is ok. Using it in spoken language is a definite no! What bothers me a lot more is the more random abbreviations of other words user by everybody all over the place. If it's not worth to spell out, it's quite likely not worth saying in the first place.
Yeah. People nowadays.
Saaduk said:
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ya! i see how satisfied you are now!
i guess you had a bad day when made this topic,
Saaduk said:
i guess you had a bad day when made this topic,
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i was pissed off at one of my friends for excessive lolling.
perfect definition (to me!)
It's original definition was "Laughing out loud" (also written occasionally as "Lots of Laughs"), used as a brief acronym to denote great amusement in chat conversations.
Now, it is overused to the point where nobody laughs out loud when they say it. In fact, they probably don't even give a **** about what you just wrote. More accurately, the acronym "lol" should be redefined as "Lack of laughter."
Depending on the chatter, its definition may vary. The list of its meanings includes, but is not limited to:
1) "I have nothing worthwhile to contribute to this conversation."
2) "I'm too lazy to read what you just wrote so I'm typing something useless in hopes that you'll think I'm still paying attention."
3) "Your statement lacks even the vaguest trace of humor but I'll pretend I'm amused."
4) "This is a pointless acronym I'm sticking in my sentence just because it's become so engraved into my mind that when chatting, I MUST use the meaningless sentence-filler 'lol.'"
See: lmao, lmfao, rofl, lawl, heh, haha, lolol, and 120 for similarities.
Statement: Sorry if I'm not too cheery, my best friend just died yesterday.
Worthless Reply: lol
Statement: The golden ratio is truely an intersting aspect of not only mathematics, but art as well.
Worthless Reply: lol
Statement: ... And then he says, "Your mom goes to college!"
Worthless Reply: lol
Statement: Hey, are you doing anything tonight? You could come over to my house and play some Unreal Tournie...
Worthless Reply: lol, ok
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ha ha ha ha (thats my version of lol)
great find. thanks buddy
how true!
Well this thread really made me smile, if not lol!!!
hmm... i got nothing against "lol" if it's used in chatrooms (IRC and stuff like that) but i think it really doesn't belong in a Forum... a place where you CAN take your time writing a reply, not unlike in IRC where you have to react instantaneously and are more inclined to just type "lol" than elaborate that you are laughing.
It's equally annoying when i see kids tranferring "lol" from the virtual to real word, using it instead of REALLY laughing... that is were proper usage line of "lol" drops instantly.
Now i've said "kids" use this frequently... having noticed that, i reminded myself that i'm just 26 years old... and yet, i feel like an oldtimer when i hear kids speak these days.

Who will be the next US president?

Please vote
I'm just guessing that this topic will be locked as it'll get way to heated and political.
If i were to start on Bush and McCain, i'm sure i'd get in some trouble So that's Obama for me (even though i'll miss this voting election by a few months).
Well, that McCain sure is [INSERT OPINION]. Whereas Obama without a doubt is [INSERT OPPOSITE OPINION].
But seriously, get registered today, or your opinion won't count either way.
Why is this in about XDA. XDA is on Servers in The Netherlands if I recall correctly.
Moved to Off-Topic.
I'm only going to say this once. Respectable exchange of opinions and ideas are allow. If it gets out of Hand, the thread will be closed and Bans will be given!
Well, I'm gonna throw up a bunch of videos, watch as many or as few as you want, and make your own judgments.
1B (related)
Black93300ZX said:
Well, I'm gonna throw up a bunch of videos, watch as many or as few as you want, and make your own judgments.
1B (related)
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What? Don't want to post the Anti-Obama Videos too? Sounding like CNN
JimmyMcGee said:
What? Don't want to post the Anti-Obama Videos too? Sounding like CNN
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Find me some, show me exactly how Obama lies about everything he does... Please.
Black93300ZX said:
Find me some, show me exactly how Obama lies about everything he does... Please.
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Heheh. If he does he does it well!
I saw the polls about a week ago and that's when I realized Obama isn't leading at ~70%. I didn't expect McCain to have so many supporters. I mean... 50 percent?!
Eh. McCain still might have a chance. I mean Palin completes him. She can do things he cant. While Obama.......had....*cough*....made.....a...*cough* pretty bad choice at picking a vice president. They basically share views. They'll agree to the same thing so they'll always follow each other >.> Just stating opinion. Even though I'm not a US Citizen or 18+ in age. Just a US Resisdent that will be paying the taxes of the debt later in my life that you people created today >.>
I think Joe Biden KILLED Palin in tonight's debate.
derekwilkinson said:
I think Joe Biden KILLED Palin in tonight's debate.
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I love how she beats around the bush on EVERY question. Simple question, the woman asked her "so is it safe to say that you two agree on gay marriage, you did say you didn't agree with it right?" And she goes on for 45 seconds talking about gay marriage! Haha hilarious. After she was done the woman asking questions was just like "ooookay... so you agree, now let's move on."
I see the education system of this country has been corrupted by CNN and MSNBC.
What next? Get your daily news from John Stewart. No wait I know....get real "independent" journalism from the NY Times.
Honestly, if you think that a debates makes somebody intelligent or qualified to run a county or be second in command they you need to re-evaluate your own knowledge. Would it not be better to have somebody deliberate on topic before spouting out something?
Black93300ZX said:
I love how she beats around the bush on EVERY question. Simple question, the woman asked her "so is it safe to say that you two agree on gay marriage, you did say you didn't agree with it right?" And she goes on for 45 seconds talking about gay marriage! Haha hilarious. After she was done the woman asking questions was just like "ooookay... so you agree, now let's move on."
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Doesn't beating around the bush also mean that, "Yes I agree, but for those of you who don't understand why let me just explain a bit?"
first off I agree with the above post 12!!
ok here comes an observation from me in South Africa observation is that every president of the USA for some time now is far worse than the previous (this is just my opinion) so regardless of who the next president it gonna interesting for me to see what's next? ...but I think Obama is gonna win..
(well I shouldn't talk too much, our political situation is currently in the dog house )
"long live long as you agree with me" - absorber786
AllTheWay said:
I see the education system of this country has been corrupted by CNN and MSNBC.
What next? Get your daily news from John Stewart. No wait I know....get real "independent" journalism from the NY Times.
Honestly, if you think that a debates makes somebody intelligent or qualified to run a county or be second in command they you need to re-evaluate your own knowledge. Would it not be better to have somebody deliberate on topic before spouting out something?
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I know Palin isn't qualified to run our country from far more than her debate tonight. It's nice to see you go ahead and criticize so quickly, I'm sure you'd love Palin to lead your country then? Hockey mom with 2 years of experience as governor of what? Oh yeah, the 2nd largest city in a state that has 683,000 people. New York City has roughly 8.5 million, and the man who was at the helm of that for a decade wasn't qualified to be president... But a woman who has 1/5th the experience and 1/100th the population under her is surely built for the job. If you think these candidates haven't carefully considered and weighed the options for every question and topic they spoke about tonight, tell me, why would they be running for president? They've prepared, they know what their stances are on every subject, and the debate is simply an opportunity to put them up against each other. I think you're the one who's misinformed or undereducated if you think this is a Jeopardy show-down for who can answer questions fastest, it's just a way for the people to see these two doctrines in direct comparison.
absorber786 said:
ok here comes an observation from me in South Africa observation is that every president of the USA for some time now is far worse than the previous (this is just my opinion)
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Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan... I'd say Reagan was slightly more successful than Nixon. ;-)
I see what you're saying, overall the presidents don't seem to stack up to what's been said about the past... But I think GWB is about to complete such a giant failure of a term that it skews our opinions on these things. Let's hope for a better future.
Black93300ZX said:
I think you're the one who's misinformed or undereducated if you think this is a Jeopardy show-down for who can answer questions fastest, it's just a way for the people to see these two doctrines in direct comparison.
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Actually I think Palin is a bad choice, but when I do vote I don't vote who I want to be vice president. Please share with us your infinite wisdom, in which an election was decided based soley on the vice presidential canidate. I do remember in 1992 when a man named Bill Clinton ran from a "small" state called Arkansas. I think he did pretty well as President. Just because somebody doesn't have vast experience in governing a large group of people doesn't make they disqualified from being a leader.
Do I think that picking Palin was a bad choice, yes. It was a political move by John McCain to gain votes. Will it pay off, I don't think so.
People are just so quick to judge somebody. I personally like the fact that she doesn't have vast experience in Washington politics and brings something new to the table. If you think policy and decisions by the president is made solely by themselves, then you sir are misinformed.
Black93300ZX said:
I know Palin isn't qualified to run our country from far more than her debate tonight. It's nice to see you go ahead and criticize so quickly, I'm sure you'd love Palin to lead your country then? Hockey mom with 2 years of experience as governor of what? Oh yeah, the 2nd largest city in a state that has 683,000 people. New York City has roughly 8.5 million, and the man who was at the helm of that for a decade wasn't qualified to be president... But a woman who has 1/5th the experience and 1/100th the population under her is surely built for the job. If you think these candidates haven't carefully considered and weighed the options for every question and topic they spoke about tonight, tell me, why would they be running for president? They've prepared, they know what their stances are on every subject, and the debate is simply an opportunity to put them up against each other. I think you're the one who's misinformed or undereducated if you think this is a Jeopardy show-down for who can answer questions fastest, it's just a way for the people to see these two doctrines in direct comparison.
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With all of the "Liberal Talking Point's" just spouted, tell me Obama's qualifications to be President.
Talk about "Drinking the Kool-Aid". If you are going to spout opinions at least spout your own.
AllTheWay said:
Actually I think Palin is a bad choice, but when I do vote I don't vote who I want to be vice president. Please share with us your infinite wisdom, in which an election was decided based soley on the vice presidential canidate. I do remember in 1992 when a man named Bill Clinton ran from a "small" state called Arkansas. I think he did pretty well as President. Just because somebody doesn't have vast experience in governing a large group of people doesn't make they disqualified from being a leader.
Do I think that picking Palin was a bad choice, yes. It was a political move by John McCain to gain votes. Will it pay off, I don't think so.
People are just so quick to judge somebody. I personally like the fact that she doesn't have vast experience in Washington politics and brings something new to the table. If you think policy and decisions by the president is made solely by themselves, then you sir are misinformed.
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So you're saying Palin isn't qualified to run the country, but that's not a reason to vote against McCain/Palin. McCain is 72 years old, did you know that'd make him the oldest president in history? There's a good chance, with the high stress level of the job, that a 72-76 year old won't live through his entire term. Here's a shocker, who's president then? Palin. The part that bothers me though, is that McCain is just as much of a liar as Palin is... And a few of his positions (the war mainly) are enough to turn me away from him, he said he plans to be in Iraq for another decade... That's ridiculous. HAHA I just read the last sentence of your post, and here's what you're saying... "They don't need to be capable of making the decisions themselves, because no decision is made solely by the president." WAKE UP to the real world, regardless of how many people are advising them, a bad president can still **** things up (see: President #43). Do you want to compare Palin to Clinton? Bill clinton was governor of Arkansas (an entire state, not a town) for 12 years. So here's what you're comparing to be the same. Clinton: 2,350,000 people under his governance for 12 years. Palin: Governor for 2 years, and get ready for this population, it's 10x less than even I thought... 9,780. Oh man, you're sooo right, there's no difference between 12 years and over 2 million people to 2 years and 10 thousand... Palin's just as qualified!
P1Tater said:
With all of the "Liberal Talking Point's" just spouted, tell me Obama's qualifications to be President.
Talk about "Drinking the Kool-Aid". If you are going to spout opinions at least spout your own.
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He was an Illinois state senator from 1997-2004 and on the US senate from 2005 until present. He didn't get captured in another country 50 years ago, but I'm sure that would've made him much more qualified to be president. I think some people like to forget when talking about McCain, the man has 12 houses and a wife with more money than god, he's not the person he was 5 decades ago. He'll be just as conservative as GWB, and I love how he says he'll "shake things up" in Washington and end corruption... 7 of his major supporters are lobbyists, but I'm sure he's going to be the one to take them down... Right. The simple fact that everyone has heard 500 times but still ignores, McCain has had the same stance as George W. Bush on 90% of the issues that have come to question. Are you guys happy with the last 8 years of presidency? I know I'm not.

iphone v diamond

I just posted on another forum (not a phone forum) about my diamond. I actually did it in a thread about the new iphone, not to hijack so much as to tease. Anyway, someone decided to reply "complete ****" about my new diamond, compared to the iphone. Obivously the guy is a moron, but out of interest, is the iphone superior and if so, by how much? Is it regarded as a pocket pc in the same way the diamond is, or a smartphone? Does the iphone have a stylus, and can you put as many apps on it as windows mobile phone?
Is it as versatile as the diamond?
WTF? You have 64 posts here and you make that kind of question????
Here's a gift for you can decide for yourself:
This guy said what i would like:
Originally Posted by mttcee:
Finally, the iPhone feels like a dinner in an high-class restaurant. You get four courses of finest french cuisine in a styled environment and pay 400 bucks for two persons. You are entirely impressed but still hungry because of small portions on big plates. So the next time you just get a Big Mac, french fries and a Coke when you are hungry, no style but you get what you asked for. Thats Windows.
*I wish people would read as much as they talk...
And someone, please, close this thread!
cel15 said:
WTF? You have 64 posts here and you make that kind of question????
Here's a gift for you can decide for yourself:
This guy said what i would like:
Originally Posted by mttcee:
Finally, the iPhone feels like a dinner in an high-class restaurant. You get four courses of finest french cuisine in a styled environment and pay 400 bucks for two persons. You are entirely impressed but still hungry because of small portions on big plates. So the next time you just get a Big Mac, french fries and a Coke when you are hungry, no style but you get what you asked for. Thats Windows.
*I wish people would read as much as they talk...
And someone, please, close this thread!
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Happy Meal you too.
Roman5 said:
**** you too.
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You don't seem to read english well. Especially because of the reaction to the reply that seemed too informative for your faulty brain. Or you just happen to be a gay-twink who thinks licking a cult thingie is neater than having a powertool. Sell your diamond, you will never understand how to use it. And quit being a fetishist perv
darfri said:
You don't seem to read english well. Especially because of the reaction to the reply that seemed too informative for your faulty brain. Or you just happen to be a gay-twink who thinks licking a cult thingie is neater than having a powertool. Sell your diamond, you will never understand how to use it. And quit being a fetishist perv
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Rofl, another moron. Hey mate, it's ok to be jealous of me picking up a free diamond yesterday, having a half price t mobile tariff for life, half price internet access and half price 3G. I understand your envy considering you're so poor you don't even have a pot to piss in, and christ knows what a pot costs in estonia, lol.
Roman5 said:
Rofl, another moron. Hey mate, it's ok to be jealous of me picking up a free diamond yesterday, having a half price t mobile tariff for life, half price internet access and half price 3G. I understand your envy considering you're so poor you don't even have a pot to piss in, and christ knows what a pot costs in estonia, lol.
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ok,i thought this post has started bad, but NOW is really getting ridiculous. We're not gonna argue here. Enjoy all your money and your paying 3g internet (mine is free, lol), i'm just signaling this to a moderator, wich is what i should have done from the start instead of helping you and directing to a search..
Please, close it.
cel15 said:
ok,i thought this post has started bad, but NOW is really getting ridiculous. We're not gonna argue here. Enjoy all your money and your paying 3g internet (mine is free, lol), i'm just signaling this to a moderator, wich is what i should have done from the start instead of helping you and directing to a search..
Please, close it.
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Mate, do what the **** you like. It's just a phone forum, lol. YOU started this ****, all I did was ask some simple questions and all YOU had to do was answer it politely or stay the **** away. I had already done the google iphone v diamond search BEFORE I posted here. All I wanted was a personal answer to my own personal questions. After all, it IS a forum for asking questions, is it not?
But you're obviously a complete prat.
I closed this thread, because it was going to be another flame war.

The What-if game!

Okay I just thought up a little game that can get amusing or funny depending on what the person in the next post says. All you have to do is answer the question above then ask your own "What-if" question. Just make your question in bold so everyone can see it quickly. Your reply to the question above you can be answered any way you'd like, if you seriously cant answer it(or the question is just plain stupid) then just say pass and post the question you wanted to ask.
MODS REMOVE ASAP IF: You don't approve, things get a little much, or this just turns into a cesspool of flames.
What if, the iPhone never came to the party?
What if, John F. Kennedy was never shot?
What if, Men never had nipples?
Choose this thread's destiny wisely
~~Tito~~ said:
Okay I just thought up a little game that can get amusing or funny depending on what the person in the next post says. All you have to do is answer the question above then ask your own "What-if" question. Just make your question in bold so everyone can see it quickly. Your reply to the question above you can be answered any way you'd like, if you seriously cant answer it(or the question is just plain stupid) then just say pass and post the question you wanted to ask.
MODS REMOVE ASAP IF: You don't approve, things get a little much, or this just turns into a cesspool of flames.
What if, the iPhone never came to the party?
What if, John F. Kennedy was never shot?
What if, Men never had nipples?
Choose this thread's destiny wisely
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What if this thread never happened?
I would have probably lurcked some more on here and just posted a bit.
What if, 2 girls 1 cup was never concieved?
I probably wouldn't have lost my lunch on that fatal day that someone sent me the link.
What if the UK decided to switch from Pounds Sterling to Euros?
We'd still get screwed on the exchange rate
What if dinosaurs had not become extinct?
We wouldn't have to worry about getting screwed on the exchange rate
What if, the internet stopped working
There would be a ridiculous moral panic.
What if more people decided to play this game?
We might laugh sooner or later.
What if, it was okay to marry a whore but not a good girl?
What if XDA-DEVS never existed.......
Probably I would be using Android....
orb3000 said:
What if XDA-DEVS never existed.......
Probably I would be using Android....
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and once again orb ruins it all by not following suit
p.s. ~~Tito~~...[lease keep it clean
So what if I never made this post??
If you never made this post I wouldnt have realized that I contradicted my own rules .
What if apple was HTC and HTC was apple?
Meaning they are the same but with different personalities.
What if
Then every one would love apple and trow htc away and make fun of it
What if there was a cheep career??
There is, its called being a McDonalds manager.
What if, the world was slowly ending right now?
[Some sort of meteor or disaster happens on the other side of the world and it will take time for death to reach us]
~~Tito~~ said:
There is, its called being a McDonalds manager.
What if, the world was slowly ending right now?
[Some sort of meteor or disaster happens on the other side of the world and it will take time for death to reach us]
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Then I'd blow all my money away and enjoy myself on the best holiday ever with my family
So what if you invented a time machine......where would you go & why?
I would go back to the date April 1, 1976 and destroyed apple from forming
What if time didn't exist?
It would look a lot more like RPGs.
What if Google suddenly went down forever?
I would loose my email, and loose hope as apple dominates everything. Then id settle and get an iPhone. . .Internet search would be forever ****ty and would never be as good and simple as Google. Yahoo would probably dominate again as thats what people used before Google became popular.
What if, we found intelligent life on another planet?
Then Apple would send a team out to see how marketable their latest product is in the far out universe!
What if Barack Obama wasn't the president of the United States?
I know I'm British and have no interest whatsoever, but I think it's fun to throw that question in the ring
Hilary would come out of the closet at the inauguration .
What if, we never had violins?
Then we wouldn't have guitars
What if, you wake up and find out that everyone has died of a disease and you are the only one left on this world?

Remember kids -

Know what? Do whatever.
it ain't that bad, you know?
i surely would like to have a family someday =)
Personally, I really am looking forward to my wedding next year
Whats up g1?
That was my thought for some time (that I will never married) but it happened. There is some time in your life where you get the "signs" (right girl, environment...been a little bit more mature -what happened to me LoL- and other factors...where you say...what the heck...let's do it .
At the end, it ain't that bad (as egz said) but it's not that good also since your life change from what it used to be in certain ways. The only fun that you will get is hangin around in xda (just kidding).
Enjoy your youth, I remember that when I had 14 those where my favorite years... Now I'm a grumpy old man..
Statement taking back, Go with your heart little one speak out of ignorance now
There will be one day where the right girl will show up and literaly destroy your whole world just to make it hers by then and before you know it you'll wake up with a ring on your left hand and at least two bundles of joy
PS: If I ever find out you got someone pregnant before getting married and before having a career.....I'll find you in Chicago or wherever you are and slap some sense in to you!! You've been warned
A kid´s comment for sure
Changed my last remark, Now don't be afraid of the unknown by unknown ( commitment)
M_T_M said: little one speak out of ignorance now
There will be one day where the right girl will show up and literaly destroy your whole world just to make it hers by then and before you know it you'll wake up with a ring on your left hand and at least two bundles of joy
PS: If I ever find out you got someone pregnant before getting married and before having a career.....I'll find you in Chicago or wherever you are and slap some sense in to you!! You've been warned
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They told you to get married before having sex. They never said who you have to do it with after you're married! xDxDxDxDxD!
Let´s see if you think same way when you get to 30 YO
Apperently this Thread has offended some people so if some one could close it for me that be cool?
What do you mean? I see no posts pointing this out....
PurpleSmurfLlama said:
What do you mean? I see no posts pointing this out....
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Most likely the fact that he pointed fingers at specific people in the first post ...
Nothing really wrong with this thread other than that, it is a childish notion, but to each their own ...
the future of America folks...
nrfitchett4 said:
the future of America folks...
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Isn't that true? Kids who can Root phones at the age of 14 and do more to it then most adults their age. America, congrats =]
Thank God this forum is not only America continent
We have ppl from all around the globe and that is what makes it so cool!
orb3000 said:
Thank God this forum is not only America continent
We have ppl from all around the globe and that is what makes it so cool!
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very true. If it wasn't for the global pop on here, I wouldn't have anybody to talk to at this hour. And congrats to all of y'all that english isn't your first language. Y'all do a great job of making it work on here.
Get out of my Thread. Go kiss up to someone not on here.

