Waste of money? - Off-topic

What do you feel money is being wasted on? I'll start it off by saying "outer space exploration" is a waste of money. Please spare me the Tang crap. The minute this thread goes sour, I grant the Mods the power to close it.

Pretty much anything having to do with politics. The government would rather let Obama build stuff like basketball courts at the White House rather than supply our military with proper supplies and equipment. And I know this first hand. Former US Army 13 Bravo here. HOOAH!!!
from my incredibly MIUI'd Incredible

TomH54 said:
What do you feel money is being wasted on? I'll start it off by saying "outer space exploration" is a waste of money. Please spare me the Tang crap. The minute this thread goes sour, I grant the Mods the power to close it.
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Can i ask why?

War (Though I don't think this will be stopped because humans have been fighting since our existence)

I think far too much is spent on our military and not enough is directed towards national public school funds
Sent from my MB870 using Tapatalk 2

thelowend said:
I think far too much is spent on our military and not enough is directed towards national public school funds
Sent from my MB870 using Tapatalk 2
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Not as much is really spent as you think. We spend more money fixing things we destroyed than it cost to destroy it. But I do agree with you, not near enough is spent on education for children. That should be the biggest priority!
from my incredibly MIUI'd Incredible

Waste of money??!
well you buy all types of PC's Laptops,notebooks and all!
upgrade it to the highest systems can apps it can be
alienware if all!!
use the most expensive gadgets for its

We already spend an insane amount per pupil and we are cranking out idiots. You want to spend more on education? Get Washington out of the picture. That is the answer.

Big Government spending: advertizing, oversea's donations, security, brainwashing, etc.

And this thread has instantaneously become a political thread, so...
Thread closed.


to legalize or not to legalize?

I hope this is okay mods/admins, if not, please trash.
I was going to add it to apost in a thread, but thought it would make people post just to share their remarks.
and i figured since this is the off-topic area that it'd be ok.
but I got the number sent to me in a text
that's in the quote i'm about to paste in here,
you can call to vote,
or go to the website to learn more about it.
i know some smokers on this site,
so i thought i'd post for all the other US smokers.
this is kinda my point of view in the quote
as i just posted it as a bulletin on my myspace.
so please don't get offended,
it's my oppinnion,
and we're all entitled to our opinnions,
and feel free to state yours,
but please do not fight over this topic,
as i know it can be controversial at times.
thanks, and here's the quote:
to vote for the step towards legalization,
or call to vote: 9734093274
its a new jersey number.
It's bound tohappen sooner or later.
I'm for the industrial kind's legalization more so then the kind you smoke.
The industrial kind is what they used for the original constitution, rope, etc.
its usuable for like over 260,000 different genre's of products.
not 260,000 products, but genre's of products,
What I mean is, for example a sidekick is a product, a cell phone is the genre.
catch my drift, it's extremely useful.
and that's not the so called health stuff associated with it.
the industrial kind can be grown on 98% of the earth's surface.
the 2% that it cannot is at the north and south poles, but if you found dirt there,
it could grow.
it's estimated that one year cultivation/sale of the industrial kind can bring the United States completely out of debt and pay for almost all of the government bailouts. thats hundreds of trillions of dollars for out debt, and add hundred billions more for the bail outs.
that's a **** ton of money.
and that's not even the drug aspect of marijuana.
which would prolly make enough money for the rest of the government bailouts that the industrial kind couldn't pay off.
now should we american's be spending hundred of billions of dollars trying to fight marijuana each year, or should we embrace it and make money off of it?
also, fun fact, marijuana is illegal because of thc, but then why is Marinol legal even though it's synthetic THC? Gee, I wonder if it's because they can't control the growing of a natural plant....
Besides, isn't this america? here it's all about capitalism. so why shouldn't we capitalize on this product and make our country ****in ridiculously rich and then we can afford to help the nations in poverty and afford to keep everyone in america fed as well.
doesn't this just sound like such a better thing then spending billions of dollars on fighting this every year?
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American people made too much money raping Africans and forcing them to pick cotton.
Hemp could have stopped that industry before it even started and lots of Rich people would potentially not be rich now......
I wonder how many household brand companies still exist that actually rose to positions of power during those times through the use of slavery. The mind boggles.!.
History is the biggest teacher and I think it will be a long time before people can look back and unravel (without any form of biased prejudice or some sort of adjenda) the reasons behind the criminalisation of Hemp and the pushing of tobbaco - alcohol and other taxable substances that cannot be grown perfectly and easily in your garden with a minimum of fuss. In the right environment, most people could grow a banging plant with polenty of smoke potential in their own gardens.
Life is hard, but could be so much better and easier if we all grew veggies and hemp.
The lure of the city and capitalism is starting to fade now, hopefully with more education and time people will understand that its better to grow natural food and weed than get on a commute everyday and take Ritalin.
No one else makes money if you stay in your community and become self sufficient though!!
If all people wanted was - Healthy food, excercise, good sex and a bit of chiung smoke for treat. The world would be a much better place.
Sadly, its much more socially acceptable to drink 5 pints of lager and start a fight that to smoke a big one and mong out. Sadly its more acceptable to go to war with another country than to back down and make a peaceful approach to every situation.
I dont think that big industry is the answer CodyBear. In fact, money is not the answer. Money is a representation of non critical resources. What do you need to live? Food, water and shelter. What is money? Oil and stones/gold etc........? I dont actually know what resources money represents now days.....How can my £10 note represent anything when our government is in so much debt to the Fund?
(same for USA -except its in much more debt)
I seriously dont share a vision of the future where every one works in a big factory. I desperately search for a vision of the future where communities are self contained and completely self suffiecient, clean and green
Ho-hum I am not holding my breath - not until I win the euro lottery and buy my own island!!
This is waayy off-topic, This is a still a phone forum.
Legal & political discussions just stir up bad feelings. If you want to discuss this I think you'd be better in a another forum
Thread Closed

Need some opinions on this Drama im going through

About 3 months ago a friend of mine asked me to join a biggest loser group on Facebook. I needed to lose about 30lbs so I joined up.
The entry fee was due during the middle of October, a couple weeks after the contest started. The due day came I didn't pay and I figured they dropped me. So I stopped giving my weekly updates.
Well this week the contest ended, and I got a nasty message that I still owed the entry fee and 2 months worth of fees for not reporting my weight. They wanted to pay the winner and they were short my entry fee.
I sent a message back that ill pay my part, but since its a week before Christmas im short on cash and it will have to wait till Friday. Well that wasn't good enough, they needed it that day. I told them sorry I couldn't.
So instead of just dropping me and taking me out of the equation. They just dug into their own pockets to pay the winner my part. And they are still continuing to hound me about the money.
Was it too much for me to ask to pay that Friday. It wasn't my choice they paid the winner my part.
If I was running this thing, and I had someone who didn't pay by the due date. I would have removed him from the equation and ended it right there. Not try to collect a bunch of money a couple months later.
Tooleman694 said:
About 3 months ago a friend of mine asked me to join a biggest loser group on Facebook. I needed to lose about 30lbs so I joined up.
The entry fee was due during the middle of October, a couple weeks after the contest started. The due day came I didn't pay and I figured they dropped me. So I stopped giving my weekly updates.
Well this week the contest ended, and I got a nasty message that I still owed the entry fee and 2 months worth of fees for not reporting my weight. They wanted to pay the winner and they were short my entry fee.
I sent a message back that ill pay my part, but since its a week before Christmas im short on cash and it will have to wait till Friday. Well that wasn't good enough, they needed it that day. I told them sorry I couldn't.
So instead of just dropping me and taking me out of the equation. They just dug into their own pockets to pay the winner my part. And they are still continuing to hound me about the money.
Was it too much for me to ask to pay that Friday. It wasn't my choice they paid the winner my part.
If I was running this thing, and I had someone who didn't pay by the due date. I would have removed him from the equation and ended it right there. Not try to collect a bunch of money a couple months later.
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Okay, I am the Drama Llama and all so this is my thing .
I'm going through something similar, except its eBay fees and its a lot more money lol... But anyway, If you weren't paying anymore, why didn't you just tell them you were gonna drop out
Figured they had a brain and would figure it out..
Guy didnt pay fee and isnt reporting weight.. obviously he is not in the contest..
Actually with corporations it's much different.
He stopped paying us, but lets keep him in so at the end we can slam him with a huge fee and send our friends at the collection agency to his house.
jaszek said:
Actually with corporations it's much different.
He stopped paying us, but lets keep him in so at the end we can slam him with a huge fee and send our friends at the collection agency to his house.
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Yea, what he said!
Tooleman694 said:
Figured they had a brain and would figure it out..
Guy didnt pay fee and isnt reporting weight.. obviously he is not in the contest..
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Nobody on the intarwebs has a brain or knows how to use one correctly while online.
But the dood should have posted on the FB stating he was dropping out of the contest to go back to eating Ho-ho's and have been done with it.
Yea, I'm going to have to agree with the general consensus. When it comes to money, more specifically, being paid money, it is advantageous to just assume that you are still in the program that way the "organization" can still get paid and claim ignorance.
Sent from my shoe, I mean....Epic shoe... I mean Samsung Epic! http://mobilehighway.blogspot.com/
wow is all i can say. as an attorney, thats absolute bull****!!!!!!
some people really become so embroiled in facebook, it takes over their whole life. has anyone seen Idiocracy?
if you didnt sign anything -- and a facebook post will never hold up in court -- then my friend, you just walk away. no harm. i hope you learned your lesson for getting involved in such a soapy facebookish thing in the first place. I mean --I could very well be 1000 pounds and lie and post weekly updates about "feeling so good, so thin so sexy my pants fit me now!" and collect the winners money all while hiding behind facebook and drinking bacon grease and sucking crisco through a coffee stirrer straw all the while.
i wouldnt worry about those douchebags but i understand they are probably your friends... so thats where facebook really gets irritating.
now... ask yourself this question -- are these your true friends? Would your true friends betray you like this? I mean facebook?! because this is in facebook you did not betray anyone... you betrayed yourself by agreeing to be part of such a joke, but thats OK, i betray myself everyday lol. Its one thing to go to an eating disorder group and get involved in a group effort, but facebook... come on!
friends dont do that to friends. Besides... guess what the fat ass "loser" is doing with his/her winnings? 80% sure its going right into cheese, chips, bacon grease and crisco.
androidcues said:
wow is all i can say. as an attorney, thats absolute bull****!!!!!!
some people really become so embroiled in facebook, it takes over their whole life. has anyone seen Idiocracy?
if you didnt sign anything -- and a facebook post will never hold up in court -- then my friend, you just walk away. no harm. i hope you learned your lesson for getting involved in such a soapy facebookish thing in the first place. I mean --I could very well be 1000 pounds and lie and post weekly updates about "feeling so good, so thin so sexy my pants fit me now!" and collect the winners money all while hiding behind facebook and drinking bacon grease and sucking crisco through a coffee stirrer straw all the while.
i wouldnt worry about those douchebags but i understand they are probably your friends... so thats where facebook really gets irritating.
now... ask yourself this question -- are these your true friends? Would your true friends betray you like this? I mean facebook?! because this is in facebook you did not betray anyone... you betrayed yourself by agreeing to be part of such a joke, but thats OK, i betray myself everyday lol. Its one thing to go to an eating disorder group and get involved in a group effort, but facebook... come on!
friends dont do that to friends. Besides... guess what the fat ass "loser" is doing with his/her winnings? 80% sure its going right into cheese, chips, bacon grease and crisco.
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Thank God we have an expert!
Lesson to be learned here; delete your Facebook accounts.
Oh I'm no expert here but the best thing I've ever done other than root my phone is..delete facebook...I hate it with gusto!
Tooleman694, I am so sorry to hear about what happened. That is totally unfair and I feel your pain man. You get into a group to try to drop some weight and some guys try to rob you after you drop out? That hurts. Short on some cash near Christmas? That hurts.
Actually, I don't feel your pain at all, because what actually happened was you signed up and then decided not to pay any fee because you were getting your ass kicked in the competition and didn't want to cough up any more money. Sounds to me like you're a gigantic TOOL. Oh wait, your name already makes that very clear.
The best part about all of this? If I hadn't taken your money while you were too busy trash talking (and losing), maybe you would have some money to pay that fee. Or buy some better gifts. Or both.
JccFOR3 said:
Tooleman694, I am so sorry to hear about what happened. That is totally unfair and I feel your pain man. You get into a group to try to drop some weight and some guys try to rob you after you drop out? That hurts. Short on some cash near Christmas? That hurts.
Actually, I don't feel your pain at all, because what actually happened was you signed up and then decided not to pay any fee because you were getting your ass kicked in the competition and didn't want to cough up any more money. Sounds to me like you're a gigantic TOOL. Oh wait, your name already makes that very clear.
The best part about all of this? If I hadn't taken your money while you were too busy trash talking (and losing), maybe you would have some money to pay that fee. Or buy some better gifts. Or both.
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At the OP... This is why some things are best kept of the interwebs
The people their about will alwys find them.....
But tbf Jccfor seems like an arse (No offence )
money ? competition ? facebook ? man u best be joking , let the suckers hang dry , if they cocky (and stupid) like that they dont deserve a penny
Events and causes on facebook are like bowel movements full of crap.
Keep your money and never join crappy facebook crap again. Defriend and unlike if neccessary, and try to block the fools who are harrassing you. Also NEVER put personal information on facebook that would allow someone to ID or find you in real life. My facebook profile is made up completely.
Also as the lawyer said you dont owe them anything. If it getys worse or you get sick of it to the police and say you are being harrassed online. Save all emails and posts.
hungry81 said:
Events and causes on facebook are like bowel movements full of crap.
Keep your money and never join crappy facebook crap again. Defriend and unlike if neccessary, and try to block the fools who are harrassing you. Also NEVER put personal information on facebook that would allow someone to ID or find you in real life. My facebook profile is made up completely.
Also as the lawyer said you dont owe them anything. If it getys worse or you get sick of it to the police and say you are being harrassed online. Save all emails and posts.
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so how do ur friends find ya , if its made up
tell them they did a great thing by paying the winner out of there pocket and congratulate them. thats what id do haha.
souljaboy said:
so how do ur friends find ya , if its made up
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I only tell the ones I want to find me how to find me
Why would you pay for help to lose weight?! If you really wanted to lose weight, you'd use your common sense and think to yourself that you need to burn more calories then you intake. Simples. Anyway, there are more helpful, free sources of help. Well xda is one for mobile phones. Vommon sense again, you'd think that searching a body building forum would be another.
Wow epic failure at common sense
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
!PANDA said:
Why would you pay for help to lose weight?! If you really wanted to lose weight, you'd use your common sense and think to yourself that you need to burn more calories then you intake. Simples. Anyway, there are more helpful, free sources of help. Well xda is one for mobile phones. Vommon sense again, you'd think that searching a body building forum would be another.
Wow epic failure at common sense
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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:sizzle: Panda BURN!!!!
If you didn't sign a legally binding contract, you don't owe them anything.
!PANDA said:
Why would you pay for help to lose weight?! If you really wanted to lose weight, you'd use your common sense and think to yourself that you need to burn more calories then you intake. Simples. Anyway, there are more helpful, free sources of help. Well xda is one for mobile phones. Vommon sense again, you'd think that searching a body building forum would be another.
Wow epic failure at common sense
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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I believe the idea is that whoever loses the most wins or something like that, the point is winning the loot is an incentive to lose weight... unless I'm missing something.

Researchers breakthrough in full duplex technology

Researchers at rice university in Houston have just made a breakthrough in wireless data speed technology. Meaning they could now make data speeds faster than 4g without building new towers. Here is more info on this site http://theunlockr.com/2011/09/07/re...ex-technology-could-double-wireless-capacity/
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ameedi600 said:
Researchers at rice university in Houston have just made a breakthrough in wireless data speed technology. Meaning they could now make data speeds faster than 4g without building new towers. Here is more info on this site http://theunlockr.com/2011/09/07/re...ex-technology-could-double-wireless-capacity/
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
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And those researchers and all their data will swiftly be removed from existence...
This is nice for consumers but sadly it will make the public happy. That can't be allowed in America. A happy public is a less subdued public.
MartyLK said:
And those researchers and all their data will swiftly be removed from existence...
This is nice for consumers but sadly it will make the public happy. That can't be allowed in America. A happy public is a less subdued public.
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Let me correct you here.It's not America,it's the whole world.4G,by the sound of it,sounds cooler.4G is more expensive.So everyone tries to sell 4G enabled devices for some more money.Sure,it is good to have such a fast connection,but what the hell?I don't even need 42mbps downlink on my PC.
Anyway,we are all money sources for those companies.They might find the cure for cancer or AIDS.If it's cheap,they won't even bother.
But anyway,apart from that,nice point raised there Marty.
tolis626 said:
Let me correct you here.It's not America,it's the whole world.4G,by the sound of it,sounds cooler.4G is more expensive.So everyone tries to sell 4G enabled devices for some more money.Sure,it is good to have such a fast connection,but what the hell?I don't even need 42mbps downlink on my PC.
Anyway,we are all money sources for those companies.They might find the cure for cancer or AIDS.If it's cheap,they won't even bother.
But anyway,apart from that,nice point raised there Marty.
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Think about that just a little bit. If they cure cancer and other deadly diseases, what happens to the world population? There are elitists who would rather those deadly diseases not be cured. Sure, they do want just enough of a population to fill their coffers full of money. But they truly do not want to be beyond filthy rich. There's a point where the increase in population begins to be a burden on them. And any kind of existence where life is any more painful than having to raise their pinky finger is out of the question.
Ahaha woow, that thread went off topic crazy quick
I do believe cancer and aids will have a cure eventually, but not before they figure out a way to support the population increase it would bring. Heck, they probably already have the cures
Sent from my SilverBullet 'HTCDesireZ running CM7'
MartyLK said:
Think about that just a little bit. If they cure cancer and other deadly diseases, what happens to the world population? There are elitists who would rather those deadly diseases not be cured. Sure, they do want just enough of a population to fill their coffers full of money. But they truly do not want to be beyond filthy rich. There's a point where the increase in population begins to be a burden on them. And any kind of existence where life is any more painful than having to raise their pinky finger is out of the question.
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Well,mankind will cater to that.We already are driving like mad men.
What I can tell you my friend is that,as one of my favourite bands,In Flames,say in "Sounds of a playground fading":
We are ghosts of a concrete world
Genetic codes of a dying breed
Yes,they are right.We're all [email protected]
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Lol everyone here is so random lol
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
MartyLK said:
Think about that just a little bit. If they cure cancer and other deadly diseases, what happens to the world population? There are elitists who would rather those deadly diseases not be cured. Sure, they do want just enough of a population to fill their coffers full of money. But they truly do not want to be beyond filthy rich. There's a point where the increase in population begins to be a burden on them. And any kind of existence where life is any more painful than having to raise their pinky finger is out of the question.
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Is someone watching Torchwood?
johncmolyneux said:
Is someone watching Torchwood?
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I suppose one person might, if you count people flicking through channels
I even had to endure 5 minutes of New Moon last night while the gf searched for something to watch on sky. I thought "bloke with crap mullet haircut, girl with face like a slapped arse, nooooooo!" before grabbing the remote and flicking to anything else. I felt so unclean.
xaccers said:
I suppose one person might, if you count people flicking through channels
I even had to endure 5 minutes of New Moon last night while the gf searched for something to watch on sky. I thought "bloke with crap mullet haircut, girl with face like a slapped arse, nooooooo!" before grabbing the remote and flicking to anything else. I felt so unclean.
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Hmmm I know that feeling....
I'm currently being subjected to americas next top model.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.......
conantroutman said:
Hmmm I know that feeling....
I'm currently being subjected to americas next top model.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.......
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I know two women who think Tyra is god, one of them has practically no eyebrows left through over plucking while the other has spent too much time on a sunbed
The really sad part is had they not done so much to themselves believing they were living like models they would be absolutely stunning.
Sounds like my evening. Then I get the cold shoulder how I'm spending too much time on my PC or phone when she watches a load of rubbish like "Snog, Marry, Avoid". Yeah those programmes can be funny to laugh at, but, like Jeremy Kyle Show, the people on it are attention-seeking, camel-face asshats.

Anyone else hate the holidays?

I appreciate the idea behind the holidays, but since those ideas are mostly lost on sales and media hype plus the fact I'm a miserable pos, add in personal problems, I f***** hate holidays. I know I'm not alone. Or am I? I say f*** fake smiles and lies. Everyone just stay home and order Chinese food.
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using xda premium
I like the Holidays. My birthday is on December 25th...
Sorry, I don't share your POV
Pipsqueak approved this message
I'd go mental without the holidays. Working in a place you don't overly enjoy means you cherish any day you get away from the place.
I love the holidays. Lots of classic movies being shown on the TV.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Nothing is better for me than spending the time with my family and getting away from lifes problems for a bit.
Jay Rock said:
Nothing is better for me than spending the time with my family and getting away from lifes problems for a bit.
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This is my same thinking and feeling
agazza said:
I love the holidays, you can be drunk for days!
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Also this
I don't hate the holidays, but I do hate what they have become. It's just another excuse to guilt-trip people with little or no money into parting with what they do have, just to line the pockets of some fat git who owns a shop or two. I've tried asking people that normally get me gifts not to get me anything, but they just ignored that and bought me stuff anyway. This year I've asked that they donate to a charity of my choice instead. Let's see how that goes down.
To me, it should be about a time of celebrating and enjoying the company of family and friends - people who you care about. It's not about giving gifts. That's just commercial crap that's been drummed into us since birth.
But yes. Drunk for days
Archer said:
I don't hate the holidays, but I do hate what they have become. It's just another excuse to guilt-trip people with little or no money into parting with what they do have, just to line the pockets of some fat git who owns a shop or two. I've tried asking people that normally get me gifts not to get me anything, but they just ignored that and bought me stuff anyway. This year I've asked that they donate to a charity of my choice instead. Let's see how that goes down.
To me, it should be about a time of celebrating and enjoying the company of family and friends - people who you care about. It's not about giving gifts. That's just commercial crap that's been drummed into us since birth.
But yes. Drunk for days
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Well said!
Of course, they won't want to give to charity because charity doesn't give back. People need to get away from this 'give-to-receive' culture. As you said, everybody's spending money they don't have and lining the pockets of those who do already have it.
Give love, give kindness, give hugs... but if i need socks i'll go buy them myself thank you very much!
DirkGently said:
Well said!
Of course, they won't want to give to charity because charity doesn't give back. People need to get away from this 'give-to-receive' culture. As you said, everybody's spending money they don't have and lining the pockets of those who do already have it.
Give love, give kindness, give hugs... but if i need socks i'll go buy them myself thank you very much!
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That's the thing - I'm still gonna buy gifts for people as I don't want to upset anyone that expects it. I find it quite ironic that I'm the one that decides to go against the "make the rich richer" idea, but I'm still the one that ends up buying gifts for people.
So anyway, are we talking about all holidays here, or is it just the international codeword for Christmas?
Archer said:
So anyway, are we talking about all holidays here, or is it just the international codeword for Christmas?
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All holidays. I'll even go one step further, and include any family/social events where people who don't like each other fake it and act all cheery.
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using xda premium
erasable said:
All holidays. I'll even go one step further, and include any family/social events where people who don't like each other fake it and act all cheery.
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using xda premium
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I used to hate holidays, but then i realised that as long as you stay far away from everyone else in the world, holidays are actually awesome! My advice, if it looks like you're going to be surrounded by people and unable to get a minute to yourself, go book into a nice hotel room and stay there until it's all over!
Thankfully i have sanctuary at home and don't get disturbed. Holidays are just bonus time off work!
I don't care for holidays either. It's like a mandatory hang-out. If I wanted to be around someone, then I'd be around them. Why would I want to pretend and force it?
I don't want people buying me stuff that I didn't want in the first place, and then I can't even return it to the store because 1. it's not customary to give the receipt with a gift and 2. they'll be upset if I get rid of it.
I don't want to have to try and guess what item each person would like me to buy them, only to have them interpret my choice of gift as if there's some hidden meaning behind why I chose that particular gift.
Holidays/celebrations just seem full of forced feelings, unnecessary traditions, and reluctance to go against what everybody else is doing because of the fear of being that one person everybody's talking about. 'He said he doesn't want anybody to buy him any gifts for Christmas, and he doesn't even celebrate his birthday or New Year's. Weeeeird!'
When I accomplish a long sought-after goal, or one of my friends/family get some sort of really good news or something, I don't mind celebrating it. But I would celebrate because I genuinely see a reason for it. How is the fact that it is the date that you were born on X number of years ago equate to candles, cake, ice cream, and gifts? It seems a little OCD to me to keep track of dates like b-days, anniversaries, holidays, and the like. But it is overlooked in the name of celebration.
It's a mixed emotions for me. Like what the other poster said it's like forcing yourself to be with someone you don't really want to be with. But there are times where I get to meet a mutual friend of a family, which most of the time are really nice people.
well, I personally love the holidays. I love having a whole week off to get away from school and spending time with family. I also love the snow (which doesn't apply to people who live in hot areas lol.)
I don't mind gifts but it does make me feel kind of guilty that people spend so much money on them when that money could go to places like charity.
I hate holidays, and the fact that I work in a store that already had christmas decorations and sweets in goddamn september doesn't help.
On the other hand, holiday food FTW.
Krasus said:
I hate holidays, and the fact that I work in a store that already had christmas decorations and sweets in goddamn september doesn't help.
On the other hand, holiday food FTW.
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Well put. Every cloud has a silver lining, and a decent Christmas meal makes up for at least some of the crap that comes with the holiday season!
I abhor the holidays most of them have lost traditional meaning and became a corporate gimmick
Such a G, posting on the fly from my epically epic
I feel the same way as you, on top of me not really having much of a family anymore to celebrate it with Sucks
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[Q] For profit schools

I enrolled in the University of Phoenix, into thier BS Computer Software engineering program. My question, is it worth it? How do employers look at for profit schools like U of P or ITT? Anybody working in the IT field who have recieved a degree at a for profit school? Any hiring managers out there? What is your opinion on schools like this?
Thank you for your time.
My thread got moved to OT. And that's all good. I'll understand if a we bit of trolling happens.
Bump! No opinions?
Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1!
I don't think most places care if it's a for profit school.
Take a look at the 'Career into Android' series on XDA TV. Pretty much, if you know your code, you are good to go. Yes, good universities do make a good impression but that's not the only thing that people look at.
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veeman said:
I don't think most places care if it's a for profit school.
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ak700 said:
Take a look at the 'Career into Android' series on XDA TV. Pretty much, if you know your code, you are good to go. Yes, good universities do make a good impression but that's not the only thing that people look at.
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Thanks guys. Will check out that link to ak700!
LoopDoGG79 said:
I enrolled in the University of Phoenix, into thier BS Computer Software engineering program. My question, is it worth it? How do employers look at for profit schools like U of P or ITT? Anybody working in the IT field who have recieved a degree at a for profit school? Any hiring managers out there? What is your opinion on schools like this?
Thank you for your time.
My thread got moved to OT. And that's all good. I'll understand if a we bit of trolling happens.
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I live here in Phoenix, but I think there are way better schools as long you have enough funds because I’ve seen some schools where its way expensive but offer better opportunities.
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I have harsh words. Go to a real school. Its mainly because of people looking to get a degree quick, that real University loans are so high. An overwhelming majority of college loan debt is from these for profit schools. For profit schools aren't recognized by major corporations, hospitals, etc. Mostly private or local (to the school) businesses that are familiar with the accreditation process of for profit schools will hire those with a degree from a for profit college. Even then with the accelerated degree, one would never make as much money as a person with a degree from a regionally accredited University.
Short story. While I was in school, a friend of mine was bragging about his girlfriend getting her degree in nursing from a for profit college. He kept bragging that she was going to make a lot of money. Then when she applied at the local Mayo Clinic (ranked the top hospital in the world) they denied her outright because they didn't recognize her degree. She then had to go back to working at a nursing home which recognized her degree.
All in all, take the extra time to go to a traditional school. It will pay off much more in the long run and you'll actually gain knowledge and skill and retain it versus some online degree.
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ErebusRaze said:
I have harsh words. Go to a real school. Its mainly because of people looking to get a degree quick, that real University loans are so high. An overwhelming majority of college loan debt is from these for profit schools. For profit schools aren't recognized by major corporations, hospitals, etc. Mostly private or local (to the school) businesses that are familiar with the accreditation process of for profit schools will hire those with a degree from a for profit college. Even then with the accelerated degree, one would never make as much money as a person with a degree from a regionally accredited University.
Short story. While I was in school, a friend of mine was bragging about his girlfriend getting her degree in nursing from a for profit college. He kept bragging that she was going to make a lot of money. Then when she applied at the local Mayo Clinic (ranked the top hospital in the world) they denied her outright because they didn't recognize her degree. She then had to go back to working at a nursing home which recognized her degree.
All in all, take the extra time to go to a traditional school. It will pay off much more in the long run and you'll actually gain knowledge and skill and retain it versus some online degree.
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Thanks for the response. I do go to class once a week. It's not accelerated, a 4 year degree, will take 4 years. I created a thread in the university of Phoenix forum. The responses of people's experiences was encouraging. Not all were positive, but there was plenty of examples of those successfully using their degree. I wish I did go to a traditional school when I was young, but I didn't. I have kids and a wife and work full time. A traditional school will just not work for me.
I know of multiple people that rather than pursuing a degree in programming they taught themselves through online resources (articles/tutorials). Granted this path is only suited for a person that is a self starter, but you will probably learn more. With this path you would probably not be able to apply for a job a large company immediately. You would first have build up your experience by doing side projects and working for smaller companies.
The best example I know is a friend of mine that doesn't have a degree, but learned on his own. He started out building a couple blog sites using Wordpress. He then sold his blog site for a couple thousand dollars. From there he got a job with a local website design firm and moved up to their head project manager and partner. He was in talks with buying out one partner, when he got a job with FireEngineRed as there lead mobile app designer.
I personally wouldn't spend money on a degree from a for profit school, but everyone has a unique situation. Good luck man.

