I know many of you have said that the Nexus 5's auto brightness is a bit whack. Quite honestly, compared to my Nexus 4 and iPhone 5, I feel it is on the bright side. I took the recommendation of getting Lux, and am wondering what are good settings?
I have my links setup the following (01/24/2014 setting):
Lux Brightness
0 1%
1 6%
2 8%
4 10%
10 12%
20 17%
40 17%
150 22%
350 30%
600 45%
1000 80%
1600 94%
10000 100%
Would appreciate any feedback and am searching for what works the best for a good combination of readability yet battery savings.
My frustration seems to be it's very easy to have a phone register 0 lux even in an office setting, and as soon as you tilt it the right way it will pick up anywhere 1-10 and cause a huge jump. I walked from my bathroom which was completely dark into the hallway which had a light, and my phone was still picking 0 lux. If I happen to angle a little better it reads the light and bam the screen lights up. Quite annoying because my iPhone will pick up the hallway lighting even if it isn't direct and that bright and the screen already starts to get a bit brighter...
I swear I've always been fighting the issue of dynamic range with autobrightness in Android. It's quite frustrating.
01/24/2014: Played a lot with the 10 - 40 lux range because I felt that it was too bright.
01/07/2014: Turned brightness down a bit here in this post
11/23/2013: Some updates to my setup as shown here:
Lux Brightness
0 4%
1 8%
2 10%
5 14%
10 15%
40 25%
100 35%
350 40%
600 65%
10000 100%
11/22/2013: Initial release!
Lux Brightness
0 5%
1 13%
40 20%
100 28%
350 40%
600 60%
10000 100%
0 0%
1 5%
40 10%
100 20%
350 30%
600 40%
10000 80%
Very good app,I didnt knew it.
dmo580 said:
I know many of you have said that the Nexus 5's auto brightness is a bit whack. Quite honestly, compared to my Nexus 4 and iPhone 5, I feel it is on the bright side. I took the recommendation of getting Lux, and am wondering what are good settings?
I have my links setup the following:
Lux Brightness
0 5%
1 13%
40 20%
100 28%
350 40%
600 60%
10000 100%
Would appreciate any feedback and am searching for what works the best for a good combination of readability yet battery savings.
My frustration seems to be it's very easy to have a phone register 0 lux even in an office setting, and as soon as you tilt it the right way it will pick up anywhere 1-10 and cause a huge jump. I walked from my bathroom which was completely dark into the hallway which had a light, and my phone was still picking 0 lux. If I happen to angle a little better it reads the light and bam the screen lights up. Quite annoying because my iPhone will pick up the hallway lighting even if it isn't direct and that bright and the screen already starts to get a bit brighter...
I swear I've always been fighting the issue of dynamic range with autobrightness in Android. It's quite frustrating.
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I just applied those settings (mine were a bit of a mess) let's see how it pans out! I'll let you know what I think.
Mine are probably pretty random and messy. but i feel theyre ideal. And i get great battery life, without needing to squint at the screen at all. Its still plenty bright
0 4%
2 8%
3 11%
19 12%
59 12%
123 17%
182 20%
Do you guys notice very little dynamic range between 0 and 1 lux in the light sensor?
Wow, I've never tried this app, thanks for the info!!!!
Are you guys using settings for night mode? or just using day mode for all times?
hazwheel said:
Are you guys using settings for night mode? or just using day mode for all times?
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I just use Auto and typically lower the brightness by 20% during the day.
Give Velis Auto Brightness app a try. I've been using for a while and much prefer this over Lux.
A lot easier to configure as it shows you a graph. Also it reacts a lot more faster to light change. Again this can also be configured easily.
I think there is something wrong with the hardware of the N5 or the software in KitKat. I occasionally get a reading of 30000 lux in a dimly lit room. A few other reviewers of the Lux app also reported this problem. I still get a brightness spike sometimes with built-in auto brightness and with lux turned off so it's not related to Lux. Anyone experienced something similar?
bitbitbit said:
I think there is something wrong with the hardware of the N5 or the software in KitKat. I occasionally get a reading of 30000 lux in a dimly lit room. A few other reviewers of the Lux app also reported this problem. I still get a brightness spike sometimes with built-in auto brightness and with lux turned off so it's not related to Lux. Anyone experienced something similar?
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I have occasionally seen this as well. I have never used Lux but one time my auto brightness went all funny so I downloaded an app to see the sensor output and there were spikes like you describe. Rebooted and haven't seen them since. Maybe a driver issue?
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dpvu said:
I have occasionally seen this as well. I have never used Lux but one time my auto brightness went all funny so I downloaded an app to see the sensor output and there were spikes like you describe. Rebooted and haven't seen them since. Maybe a driver issue?
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Reboot doesn't help in my case but it happens only in a very specific lighting condition. Anyway, hopes it get fixed in the next OTA. It's kind of annoying.
Lux works well for me but it doesn't appear to recognize any natural light reading is less than 0 lux. Is that a limitation or a setting issue? I can get a reading of 0 lux in my living room at night but I also get a reading of 0 lux in a dark movie theater. I'd like the movie theater to be even more dim than my living room but it all appears to register as 0 lux in the Lux app. Any way around this?
jalanjkcarp said:
Lux works well for me but it doesn't appear to recognize any natural light reading is less than 0 lux. Is that a limitation or a setting issue? I can get a reading of 0 lux in my living room at night but I also get a reading of 0 lux in a dark movie theater. I'd like the movie theater to be even more dim than my living room but it all appears to register as 0 lux in the Lux app. Any way around this?
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The sensor has very poor resolution in darker areas I find. Hopefully it's a software issue that can be fixed in an OTA update along with the spikes to 30000 but hard to say if it's software or just a crappy sensor.
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dpvu said:
The sensor has very poor resolution in darker areas I find. Hopefully it's a software issue that can be fixed in an OTA update along with the spikes to 30000 but hard to say if it's software or just a crappy sensor.
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Looks like the spike is still there in 4.4.1
Just want to say thank you for the profile! Giving your values a try and so far I'm liking it after half a day of use.
Been using Lux for a while now, but I've always only had 1-2 values and settled. I'm very lazy so having setups posted is perfect for someone like me.
Also, this thread has good information on the issues with the censor/collector. I had no idea these issues were present. Hopefully it's software and can be fixed.
Here is mine. I feel ideal in all conditions
0 - 1%
2 - 2%
20 - 10%
100 - 20%
500 - 35%
2500 - 60%
30000 - 100%
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l3s said:
Here is mine. I feel ideal in all conditions
0 - 1%
2 - 2%
20 - 10%
100 - 20%
500 - 35%
2500 - 60%
30000 - 100%
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And how du you select 1%? For me it starts with 4%.
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viruz82 said:
And how du you select 1%? For me it starts with 4%.
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk
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Settings/Brightness/Backlight zero point
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l3s said:
Settings/Brightness/Backlight zero point
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Ah, many thanks.
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk
So I'm debating RMA's the N7 I have with Google Play. I have a slight screen raise (this doesn't bother me too much) as well as screen flicker that I notice in low lighting situations (mostly in chrome and maps).
Does anyone NOT have screen flicker? Or is this a software issue?
Does anyone NOT have the slight screen raise?
Foxman2k said:
So I'm debating RMA's the N7 I have with Google Play. I have a slight screen raise (this doesn't bother me too much) as well as screen flicker that I notice in low lighting situations (mostly in chrome and maps).
Does anyone NOT have screen flicker? Or is this a software issue?
Does anyone NOT have the slight screen raise?
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Hey, I believe the screen flicker is due to the auto brightness function of the device.
I personally don't like auto brightness at all, try turning it off in the brightness menu and see if you still get that.
I see the flicker quite often with devices having that function turned on.
andyxover said:
Hey, I believe the screen flicker is due to the auto brightness function of the device.
I personally don't like auto brightness at all, try turning it off in the brightness menu and see if you still get that.
I see the flicker quite often with devices having that function turned on.
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Hmmmm well I guess the only thing I have to compare it to is my iPhone 4 which doesn't do this.
My eyes are usually sensitive enough to be annoyed by screen flicker in any respect. Certainly with overhead CFL lighting.
My 16GB Nexus 7 (2 days in my posession now) doe snot exhibit any sort of screen flicker whatsoever. This is in comparison side by side with my HTC Desire HD which also does not flicker.
The display actually has a very high quality feeling which I like.
EvilDeadFan said:
My eyes are usually sensitive enough to be annoyed by screen flicker in any respect. Certainly with overhead CFL lighting.
My 16GB Nexus 7 (2 days in my posession now) doe snot exhibit any sort of screen flicker whatsoever. This is in comparison side by side with my HTC Desire HD which also does not flicker.
The display actually has a very high quality feeling which I like.
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Thanks for the feedback. So even in low lighting conditions, with auto brightness set to on, and scrolling around in chrome / maps, you screen never flickers or sort of rapidly dims?
I've noticed it. Only on white web pages or books. Very slight. I had two HTC One Xs that both had it. Its a Tegra issue and doubt we will see a fix. Gutted.
Its not the whole screen. Noticeable around text especially. Some weird refresh prob. Left side of my screen is also slightly raised. Not happy.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Arthur Hucksake said:
I've noticed it. Only on white web pages or books. Very slight. I had two HTC One Xs that both had it. Its a Tegra issue and doubt we will see a fix. Gutted.
Its not the whole screen. Noticeable around text especially. Some weird refresh prob. Left side of my screen is also slightly raised. Not happy.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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I definitely get it on the whole screen, maybe for a second or 2. Might do it 2-3 times per day at most.
double post - deleted
Happened to me, I just turned the auto brightness off and t was fine. Try it, it works.
I keep auto brightness disabled and I haven't noticed the flicker that I can remember but tonight I'll try to reproduce and check it both ways.
I disable auto brightness and use this app which is actually a widget. It allows you to UAW any edge on the screen as an invisible or barely visible slider for brightness. It allows for incremental 1% changes on a slider instead of the typical button/toggle widget and its always enabled if you set it that way which allows on the go ease of use no matter what app or screen is open.
Its helped me attain amazing battery life and always have quick access for setting it just right.
Play store - Display Brightness by RubberBigPepper
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Neither issue here.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
No flicker......no raised screen.
No flicker here. Although I agree with disabling auto brightness, not a fan of the effect that can sometime have.
just recieved 2 nexus 7's today, so far my one (16gb) is PERFTCY *touches wood* this thing is so awsome!! not a thing wrong with it and was shipped from USA to south africa... My dads one on (8gb) the other hand had a raised screen on the left which he has absolutely no worries with its not that bad, but so far we loving this devices ))
Why a separate thread? There's already a long one on it that'll answer most of your questions...
kenyee said:
Why a separate thread? There's already a long one on it that'll answer most of your questions...
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I understand that - I'm trying to gauge whether or not it affects ALL N7's, or is a defect.
Google Play is shipping me a replacement N7 to address the screen raise on my current one, and I want to make sure the replacement is 100% A-OK.
Foxman2k said:
I understand that - I'm trying to gauge whether or not it affects ALL N7's, or is a defect.
Google Play is shipping me a replacement N7 to address the screen raise on my current one, and I want to make sure the replacement is 100% A-OK.
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Make a poll if you're trying to do that.... But yes, I see flicker too, but only at very low backlight levels and seems to be when wifi is active. I haven't tested to see if it's just wifi, or wifi causing other things (disk activity, etc), but this is the general consensus so far in the other thread.
Hello everyone!!
I recently bought an Xperia Z, but the problem is that the battery depletes after 3hours of onscreen time?, i went to the store and they too found it strange since it should have around 6 or 7 hours of onscreen time.
They exchanged the phone and gave me a new one, and sadly that phone had the exact same problem( REALLY!!?!?!!), and to top that, it's with screenlight at 25% and every battery heavy options turned off.
So i went to the store to get a refund. In the store another guy had exchanged his Xperia Z 4 times till He got a Z with a battery that worked as intended....
I will never buy a sony product again after this letdown..
And i would definitely not exchange my phone 4 times to hit the "Working-Battery lottery!"
It seems there is some sort of failure in the release of many of the Z's released, i found this guy with same problem
AnnaQQ said:
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I also have bad battery life, but yet I don't see your point of making this topic at all.
6/7h on screen time really yo? On a 1080p screen... maybe next year. There are plenty of people that reached 5h+
If you want 7h on screen time, get an iPhone LOL! That way we would get rid of you and you would be with the other sheeple.
Topic is useless, can't believe you made an account just to say that.
LOL How old are you?
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gm007 said:
LOL How old are you?
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gm007 said:
LOL How old are you?
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I don't get it, my battery lasts all day, I charge through the night and take it out at 7 roughly. Then I use it through the day playing games like shadowgun and using social networking sites like Facebook. I also use gmail quite often and I also watch YouTube videos aswell. If I have brightness automatic and battery stamina mode it can last me throughout the day. I haven't charged my phone sine 7 and I still have 13% charge left.
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Dsteppa said:
If you want 7h on screen time, get an iPhone LOL! That way we would get rid of you and you would be with the other sheeple.
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Pretty sure that wouldn't even work. One of the girls I work with just got an iphone 5 and the battery drains like crazy on that thing. She starts at 3am, and by ~8 she is below 15% and has to charge pretty soon after. Then she has to charge when she gets home, and again when she goes to sleep.
Meanwhile, I am one of the heaviest power users I know of, I use my phone for work (flashlight, camera, calendar, calculator, barcode scanner), frequently check facebook, ragecomics reader app, general web browsing and play store browsing, small downloads eg mp3, apps, flashable .zip tweaks from here, frequently check simpsons tapped out, play some dead trigger, watch about 30 -60 mins of movies, receive a few calls and texts, maybe 10-20 mins of music playback. Out of habit I normally pull my phone out every 10-15 minutes and unlock it, flick around absent mindedlu, then lock it again after not actually opening anything :\ not sure how I picked up that habit.
To top all that off, I have my screen brightness set to 100% with adjust to lighting conditions ticked, I have location services and sattelites on, auto sync on, 4g data always on, wifi on but location based activated, NFC on, and finally, also have better battery stats installed and allways doing it's thing as I am also experiencing some rougue wakelocks I am slowly dealing with (still stumped on what is causing audio_out2 and deleted_wake_lock)
Despite all this, my phone comes off charge around 330am, and doesn't charge till 8pmish when it finally runs out of juice. That is one hell of a solid effort as I have done pretty much nothing to help out my battery, and doing everything to make it struggle.
I have only undervolted slightly, and am using doomkernel on KA04 rom. I am not using stamina mode either. Infact, when I was using it on stock rom, I couldn't see any difference between using it and not using it. I can't really see how it would do much IF you had NO wakelocks (or very little). Besides knocking out LED all it really does it disable background processes, if you have your phone set up right you shouldn't really have any anyway:good:.
This phone leaves my previous galaxy S2 in it's dust for battery life under the same usage in anycase (I used to charge that thing about 3 times a day most days).
gm007 said:
LOL How old are you?
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+3 or whatever that is up to now.
All phones take time and a number of charges before the battery stabilises, and start running at optimum.
danw_oz said:
+3 or whatever that is up to now.
All phones take time and a number of charges before the battery stabilises, and start running at optimum.
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My battery was pretty bad when I just got the phone, now it's better
Can we just put all of these meaningless threads into 1 meaningless thread?
gm007 said:
LOL How old are you?
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Sent from my Sony Xperia Z
AnnaQQ said:
I will never buy a sony product again after this letdown..
And i would definitely not exchange my phone 4 times to hit the "Working-Battery lottery!"
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That's nice , tell me more about bad battery life :laugh: . All battery's need at least 10 charges to unlock their full potential !
beni8978 said:
Sent from my Sony Xperia Z
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No no, we're @ 5 now.
DreadPirateDan said:
Pretty sure that wouldn't even work. One of the girls I work with just got an iphone 5 and the battery drains like crazy on that thing. She starts at 3am, and by ~8 she is below 15% and has to charge pretty soon after. Then she has to charge when she gets home, and again when she goes to sleep.
Meanwhile, I am one of the heaviest power users I know of, I use my phone for work (flashlight, camera, calendar, calculator, barcode scanner), frequently check facebook, ragecomics reader app, general web browsing and play store browsing, small downloads eg mp3, apps, flashable .zip tweaks from here, frequently check simpsons tapped out, play some dead trigger, watch about 30 -60 mins of movies, receive a few calls and texts, maybe 10-20 mins of music playback. Out of habit I normally pull my phone out every 10-15 minutes and unlock it, flick around absent mindedlu, then lock it again after not actually opening anything :\ not sure how I picked up that habit.
To top all that off, I have my screen brightness set to 100% with adjust to lighting conditions ticked, I have location services and sattelites on, auto sync on, 4g data always on, wifi on but location based activated, NFC on, and finally, also have better battery stats installed and allways doing it's thing as I am also experiencing some rougue wakelocks I am slowly dealing with (still stumped on what is causing audio_out2 and deleted_wake_lock)
Despite all this, my phone comes off charge around 330am, and doesn't charge till 8pmish when it finally runs out of juice. That is one hell of a solid effort as I have done pretty much nothing to help out my battery, and doing everything to make it struggle.
I have only undervolted slightly, and am using doomkernel on KA04 rom. I am not using stamina mode either. Infact, when I was using it on stock rom, I couldn't see any difference between using it and not using it. I can't really see how it would do much IF you had NO wakelocks (or very little). Besides knocking out LED all it really does it disable background processes, if you have your phone set up right you shouldn't really have any anyway:good:.
This phone leaves my previous galaxy S2 in it's dust for battery life under the same usage in anycase (I used to charge that thing about 3 times a day most days).
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actually on my iPhone 5 I get more like 9 hours of screen time, sometimes 10. Not saying that your friends account is false, but that sure is hell doesn't seem consistent with any battery rundown test I've ever seen.I can go 2 days without charging it roughly, I'm sure the incoming hate and vitriol for my use of an iPhone as a daily driver is about to pour in from the less intelligent Android users, but this is one of the reasons my iPhone is still my daily driver. That and a consistently good camera.
P.S. I have owned many many many Android flagships and am an experienced power user.
Since when did iPhones ship with battery stats?
Or is there an app for that?
Batteries need a few charging cycles before doing their job properly. It's like having sex for the first time. The first time you might be disappointing but as you do it more often, you supposedly become better at it. Batteries work the same way.
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RoChinu said:
Batteries need a few charging cycles before doing their job properly. It's like having sex for the first time. The first time you might be disappointing but as you do it more often, you supposedly become better at it. Batteries work the same way.
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You took the best example outta everything lmao.
But I'm so happy with this phone's battery life.
RoChinu said:
Batteries need a few charging cycles before doing their job properly. It's like having sex for the first time. The first time you might be disappointing but as you do it more often, you supposedly become better at it. Batteries work the same way.
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Can't believe you just compared batteries on a phone to sex.
My battery life is acceptable. Getting up to 4hours screen time or a little more from 09 - 22. At this time, I then have about 14% more or less. And this is by alot of whatsapp, messaging, maybe a call or two. This is not using LTE. I find it very battery draining so I stick with 3G. Besided i am on WiFi most of the time.
So as long the phone can do a whole day without charging in most normal days for some people that don't travel alot, I ffind the battery acceptable
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app
I noticed, as other people did too, that the display gets periodically dimmer during use.
What I've discovered is that the display suffers from some "major" brightness throttling, as soon as the CPU reaches around 50°C, the brightness of the display will start to drop from around 410 cd/m² while idle to around 350 cd/m², and will go as low as 300 cd/m² if temperatures remain high. You get to that kind of temperature in about 5 mins of browsing heavy sites (The Verge for example), so you almost never get to actually enjoy the full brightness of the display doing anything heavy.
Personally, 300 cd/m² is way too low for a smartphone, 400 cd/m² is really the minimum for comfortable viewing in sunlight, so this is a total dealbreaker for me.
They really should have gone with a lower ppi screen, 445 ppi is completely overkill compared to 300ish, would have improved performance, battery life, and they wouldn't have needed to throttle the brightness so bad. More isn't always better I guess
If they didn't go with 445ppi screen then people would moan that the phone was last year's tech. Can't please everybody in this world. Plus, they wanted a 5" screen which needs a higher resolution otherwise the ppi would fall below the Nexus 4 - imagine the negative criticism that would create if this years phone had a worse display than last years!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
Yeah that wouldn't have been good at all. They have to go with the trend, and also yes I believe that the nexus is a consumer device but because its heavily used by developers like it should be, it will push them more to support XXHDPI displays. There are still many apps that aren't built with XXHDPI in mind and its ridiculous. Resources meant for 720p look awful on 1080p screens. Also I can see a huge difference between such PPI. Anyone who says they can't see the difference between 300ish PPI and 450ish must have terrible vision. I myself have pretty bad vision and can tell. I look at my old iPhone 4 sometimes (yes I was an iPhone owner how terrible) and my god that 320 some PPI looks really really bad compared to my One. Now we are getting to 1440p devices and that sounds crazy. Maybe. I will have to see for myself if 520+ PPI makes a difference to my One and soon to be nexus 5's 440+ PPI.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
shoco said:
I noticed, as other people did too, that the display gets periodically dimmer during use.
What I've discovered is that the display suffers from some "major" brightness throttling, as soon as the CPU reaches around 50°C, the brightness of the display will start to drop from around 410 cd/m² while idle to around 350 cd/m², and will go as low as 300 cd/m² if temperatures remain high. You get to that kind of temperature in about 5 mins of browing heavy sites (The Verge for example), so you almost never get to actually enjoy the full brightness of the display doing anything heavy.
Personally, 300 cd/m² is way too low for a smartphone, 400 cd/m² is really the minimum for comfortable viewing in sunlight in my opinion, so this is a total dealbreaker for me.
They really should have gone with a lower ppi screen, 445 ppi is completely overkill compared to 300ish, would have improved performance, battery life, and they wouldn't have needed to throttle the brightness so bad. More isn't always better I guess
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How else do you cool a phone that is over heating? There is no active cooling in these devices (i.e. no fan) so the only way to cool the device down is to dial in lower numbers. LG have gone for turning down the LED back-light, which means the CPU can run faster than it might otherwise if it was being baked by the display.
LEDs also hate being hot as they start to age very quickly, so this may also be protecting the backlights. Also the panel uses a high voltage, something like 30 volts to drive the LEDs using a DC-DC convertor, these are not 100% efficient so produce heat as well, another reason it might need to turn the LEDs down. You can't have a slim sexy looking mobile device with 2GHz quad core processor running 100% flat out without it overheating, so passive cooling is used.
This isn't unique to this phone, and many devices uses passive cooling in this way, even my Ivy Bridge desktop computer with a fan has the ability to turn down the CPU clock to help prevent heating issues.
shoco said:
I noticed, as other people did too, that the display gets periodically dimmer during use.
What I've discovered is that the display suffers from some "major" brightness throttling, as soon as the CPU reaches around 50°C, the brightness of the display will start to drop from around 410 cd/m² while idle to around 350 cd/m², and will go as low as 300 cd/m² if temperatures remain high. You get to that kind of temperature in about 5 mins of browing heavy sites (The Verge for example), so you almost never get to actually enjoy the full brightness of the display doing anything heavy.
Personally, 300 cd/m² is way too low for a smartphone, 400 cd/m² is really the minimum for comfortable viewing in sunlight in my opinion, so this is a total dealbreaker for me.
They really should have gone with a lower ppi screen, 445 ppi is completely overkill compared to 300ish, would have improved performance, battery life, and they wouldn't have needed to throttle the brightness so bad. More isn't always better I guess
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Galaxy S4's Chrome would enable auto-brightness when you open it even though the phone has full-brightness enabled.
Not trying to tell anyone how to use their phone, but I see all these complaints about auto brightness and I can't help but wonder, am I the only person that doesn't use it? For years now I've disabled auto brightness on all my phones. I just use a widget that let's me quickly bring it up or down and to be honest its very easy and convenient. I've always felt that it was superior and less awkward than letting autobrightness adjust it for me. The battery savings are great too.
I dont understand why these people cannot make models that are 3 millimeter thicker so they can have all the things in them that we need. larger battery, heatsinks, stereo speaker, and so on. Will be returning it.
I've had no doctor tell me that 3mm extra on my phone will kill me.
Some day this "thin" fad will disappear and companies will start using their heads more when designing their products.
kaywalker23 said:
Not trying to tell anyone how to use their phone, but I see all these complaints about auto brightness and I can't help but wonder, am I the only person that doesn't use it? For years now I've disabled auto brightness on all my phones. I just use a widget that let's me quickly bring it up or down and to be honest its very easy and convenient. I've always felt that it was superior and less awkward than letting autobrightness adjust it for me. The battery savings are great too.
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I never use auto brightness. It always makes the screen too bright. Also, never noticed any dimming, even after 2+ hrs surfing and gaming. Can't wait to see the status bar brightness slider make it back into a rom.
---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------
alan-31 said:
I dont understand why these people cannot make models that are 3 millimeter thicker so they can have all the things in them that we need. larger battery, heatsinks, stereo speaker, and so on. Will be returning it.
I've had no doctor tell me that 3mm extra on my phone will kill me.
Some day this "thin" fad will disappear and companies will start using their heads more when designing their products.
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You can have all that, and for only about $300 more. You have several options, but this is THE best bang for your buck.
kaywalker23 said:
Not trying to tell anyone how to use their phone, but I see all these complaints about auto brightness and I can't help but wonder, am I the only person that doesn't use it? For years now I've disabled auto brightness on all my phones. I just use a widget that let's me quickly bring it up or down and to be honest its very easy and convenient. I've always felt that it was superior and less awkward than letting autobrightness adjust it for me. The battery savings are great too.
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auto brightness kicks in even if you have it disabled.
It's normal for the Snapdragon 800. I had the Note 3 and it did the same thing and lowered the brightness more noticeably and during simple tasks such as web browsing. The HTC One does this to some extent, but the N5 handles it better than the Note 3. It's because the phone is thin with no fan to cool down the CPU.. it's normal, unfortunately- all 800s do it.
I love how a lot of people say that they want a lower PPI, but I can almost guarantee you that those same people would complain about this phone having "last year's specs" if it had a 720p screen.
jodvova said:
auto brightness kicks in even if you have it disabled.
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Wheres your proof on that. I've not seen it or seen my screen get dim
On S4 just run Chrome it will automatically adjust brightness upon start.
On nexus 5 (I noticed this only today myself), use the phone for 5-10 mins non stop, like browsing, Facebook, flickr, 500px and etc., once the CPU heats up it will start adjusting brightness itself.
In both cases, auto brightness is off in settings and the screen is set to full brightness.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
jodvova said:
auto brightness kicks in even if you have it disabled.
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Lol , I just had to!
---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------
aooga said:
I love how a lot of people say that they want a lower PPI, but I can almost guarantee you that those same people would complain about this phone having "last year's specs" if it had a 720p screen.
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They should just stick with the n4. Hell, I'll sell my gnex for $100 if someone wants 720p.
I've never noticed this... In fact my problem is that I don't use auto brightness because this screen is so freaking bright. I have it pegged at 20% and I have no problem even during the day seeing the screen.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Hi again guys, for those of you who may be interested I found that it is possible to reduce the brightness throttling to some extent by using the app "faux kernel" and setting the mpdecision to "conservative" (using the Qualcomm MPdecision).
The good thing is that it doesn't negatively impact performance, the CPU will still run at max speed if need be but will more aggressively return to lower frequencies when not needed, reducing heating and improving battery life as well. Overall it allows you to browse and staying at around 350 cd/m² instead of dropping all the way to 300 cd/m², which is an improvement.
The problem here in my opinion is that the thermal throttling on the Snapdragon 800 is way too aggressive, 50°c is fine, they should let it go to 60°C before starting to throttle the brightness that hard, there's still plenty of leeway.
aooga said:
I love how a lot of people say that they want a lower PPI, but I can almost guarantee you that those same people would complain about this phone having "last year's specs" if it had a 720p screen.
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I got an iPhone 5S yesterday as a replacement for the N5 that I'll be returning, there's litterally zero difference is clarity except for text when you're completely zoomed out that you couldn't read it anyway. In any normal use there's absolutely no benefit at all beyond 330ish ppi, I much prefer the screen of the iPhone 5/5S at 330 ppi with a consistent brightness of 550 cd/m². To me it's a much smarter compromise than 445 ppi throttled to death.
shoco said:
I got an iPhone 5S yesterday as a replacement for the N5 that I'll be returning, there's litterally zero difference is clarity except for text when you're completely zoomed out that you couldn't read it anyway. In any normal use there's absolutely no benefit at all beyond 330ish ppi, I much prefer the screen of the iPhone 5/5S at 330 ppi with a consistent brightness of 550 cd/m². To me it's a much smarter compromise than 445 ppi throttled to death.
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How about selling it for your fellow xda member?
I can't order it at all.. need it in the next 7 days
shoco said:
I got an iPhone 5S yesterday as a replacement for the N5 that I'll be returning, there's litterally zero difference is clarity except for text when you're completely zoomed out that you couldn't read it anyway. In any normal use there's absolutely no benefit at all beyond 330ish ppi, I much prefer the screen of the iPhone 5/5S at 330 ppi with a consistent brightness of 550 cd/m². To me it's a much smarter compromise than 445 ppi throttled to death.
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I love the completely lame excuses people give here saying they're going back to the 5s as if we're all supposed to bow down to their infinite wisdom. So really, the only thing that tipped you over was the brightness throttling? My theory is some people just buy the nexus 5, knowing they can return it for a full refund thinking it gives them a chance to come and bash it on the forum, if youre even telling the truth and you actually bought it.
Good riddance.
kaywalker23 said:
I love the completely lame excuses people give here saying they're going back to the 5s as if we're all supposed to bow down to their infinite wisdom. So really, the only thing that tipped you over was the brightness throttling? My theory is some people just buy the nexus 5, knowing they can return it for a full refund thinking it gives them a chance to come and bash it on the forum, if youre even telling the truth and you actually bought it.
Good riddance.
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It's much harder to return the N5 than returning a product you would buy at retail, so no I wouldn't buy it just for the lolz, I genuinely thought, and still think, it's an amazing product. The thing is I can put up with mediocre battery life, dodgy viewing angles, but not with a dim display on top of that.
so how many disappointing threads are we gonna have?
I saw a few articles so I did the process. It's been a day but maybe it will take a few days maybe to see. I downloaded a terminal emulator app, ran some commands and it seemed to change the resolution.
1. Scaling looks bad
2. There are issues with recents view
3. Didn't see any difference in battery life.
IMO not worth it.
Lawstorant said:
1. Scaling looks bad
2. There are issues with recents view
3. Didn't see any difference in battery life.
IMO not worth it.
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So far I don't see any difference in battery life either. If the screen brightness is the same then it's using the same amount of energy for lighting. I suppose processing is less but unless you're running an app that wants to control greater than 1080p there probably is no difference in processing either. I'll change it back in a few days unless something wonderful happens
Thanks for the input
I tried an app that doesn't lower the resolution but it does let you control disabling how many pixels on the display are active. I dropped it to 50% and saw improved battery life without too much of a loss on the display.
Google play link
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
ozzmanj1 said:
I tried an app that doesn't lower the resolution but it does let you control disabling how many pixels on the display are active. I dropped it to 50% and saw improved battery life without too much of a loss on the display.
Google play link
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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Oh wow that's interesting. I wonder if it just looks like it's a little dimmer
jeffrimerman said:
Oh wow that's interesting. I wonder if it just looks like it's a little dimmer
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Reason I went with the app is even though the resolution is at 1080p all pixels are still hiring. So it doesn't do any good. I never saw any improvement in battery improvement at 1080
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
I tried everything, but I never saw any change in battery life. Neither brightness, resolution, kernels, custom roms, underclocking nor disabling apps.....none of it has any influence, once the device is in use battery drops just as fast no matter what I do.
If it wasnt for the cheap price I payed and the rest of the device still being competitive Id already gotten rid of the N6 just for that fact.
From new I barely managed a day with normal use.
terry_mccann said:
I tried everything, but I never saw any change in battery life. Neither brightness, resolution, kernels, custom roms, underclocking nor disabling apps.....none of it has any influence, once the device is in use battery drops just as fast no matter what I do.
If it wasnt for the cheap price I payed and the rest of the device still being competitive Id already gotten rid of the N6 just for that fact.
From new I barely managed a day with normal use.
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Yeah, I got mine 2 years ago for $190 so I've gotten my use out of it. I'm thinking of the Mate 9. I see some used ones under $300. So far the N6 goes a full day and still runs fine for now.
I've heard people damaged their screens after using the high refresh rate mods. Comment below what refresh rate you have been using and for how long. Is there any noticable improvement going from 60 to 72 and how much does screen on time reduce
I'm using it since atleast 1 month..
gwenmillett said:
I've heard people damaged their screens after using the high refresh rate mods. Comment below what refresh rate you have been using and for how long. Is there any noticable improvement going from 60 to 72 and how much does screen on time reduce
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Im using 72Hz atleast from 1 month. And I'm enjoying a lot.. now i dont like that 60hz refresh rate. And no major battery drain. Now I'm using since 2 weeks with Pixel experience and I'm addicted. This is the first time I'm using same custom rom for 2 week.. beacuse of performance and addiction of 72hz.. No screen issue i faced till date.
I've been using 75hz since February and now I can say that green tilt surrounded all my screen even more. Just to see original colors I switched to stock 60hz. It seems like my screen damaged a bit. Whites are more yellowish now. Also, dark areas don't look like OLED blacks. But I can also say our screen panel is not a high-quality one. My 5 years old Galaxy Note 5 has a much better panel overall, better colors and resolution.
not recomended , it has only tiny noticable improve.
dont use this will break your screen. mine now is black screen